Gradient Color Tensor based Approach for Spectral Matting
Adam Ghorbel, Marwen Nouri and Emmanuel Marilly
Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France, Multimedia Technologies Domain, Centre de Villarceaux,
Route de Villejust, 91620, Nozay, France
Keywords: Image Matting, Spectral Matting, Gradient Color Tensor, Matting Laplacian, Affinity Matrix, Alpha Matte.
Abstract: Image matting aims to extract foreground objects from a given image in a fuzzy mode. One of the major
state-of-the-art methods in this field is spectral matting. It automatically computes fuzzy matting
components by using the smallest eigenvectors of a defined Laplacian matrix that is generated from
affinities computation between adjacent pixels in an image. Results obtained by such approach are coarsely
related to the ability of defining an affinity matrix that it should be able to well separate between different
pixels’ clusters. To accomplish better matting and get better results, we propose a new spectral matting
approach. We use a color tensor gradient of color images in order to enhance the affinity computation
Since it was first mathematically established by
Porter and Duff (Porter, 1984), image matting has
been a high-value key in image editing, film
production and interactive entertainment
applications. This technique is used to extract the
foreground defined by a specific object from an
arbitrary scene which is essential for image
composition tasks.
Starting from the assumption that an image is a
combination of two distinct layers which are called
Foreground (F) and background (B), image matting
allows the extraction of the foreground layer out of
the background layer of an input image. This process
is done by estimating the opacity value at each pixel,
typically referred as alpha value, in order to generate
a matting image, typically known as alpha matte,
with alpha is a real value varying between 0 and 1.
Hence, image matting can be seen as a
generalization of binary segmentation.
The image matting problem is an ill posed
problem. In the case of a color image, we have to
estimate seven unknowns from the three color
component measures. Frequently, much additional
information can be provided by the user whether in
the form of Trimap which divide the image into
three regions (a define foreground, a define
background and unknown region that is considered
as a mixture of foreground and background colors)
or in the form of Scribbles such brush strokes to
solve the image matting process.
In this paper, we propose an enhancement of
spectral algorithm (Levin, 2008) based on color
tensor gradient constraints to compute pixels
Usually, image matting can be classified into 2
types: Semi-Automatic approaches and Automatic
2.1 Semi-automatic Image Matting
Many semi-automatic image matting approaches
have been reviewed in (Wang, 2007). These
approaches can be classified into two major
categories which are: sampling based methods and
affinity based methods.
2.1.1 Sampling based Image Matting
Sampling based methods are based on two
assumptions. First, adjacent pixels which have
similar colors in a given image have often local
correlation. Second, the foreground and background
color of the unknown pixel are estimated by taking
into account the foreground and background samples
Ghorbel A., Nouri M. and Marilly E..
Gradient Color Tensor based Approach for Spectral Matting.
DOI: 10.5220/0004215404260430
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 426-430
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
which are the nearby known pixels specified by the
user. In 2000, Ruzon and Tomasi (Ruzon, 2000)
have modelled the foreground and background as a
mixture of un-oriented Gaussians. Furthermore, a
Bayesian matting method has been proposed by Y
Chang et al. (Chuang, 2001). In this framework, the
foreground and background distributions are
modelled using a mixture of oriented Gaussians and
a maximum-likelihood criterion is used to estimate
the final matte.
2.1.2 Affinity based Image Matting
In contrast of sampling-based methods, affinity
based matting methods solve alpha values by
defining various affinities between nearby pixels.
The Poisson matting method proposed by (Sun,
2004) solves the matte from its relative gradient
field estimated from a given image. This work is
based on the fact that an image can be modified by
treating the gradient interactively or automatically
and that the intensity changes in both the foreground
and background are locally smooth. In 2005, Gragy
(Grady, 2005) proposes the Random walks method
which computes the alpha values based on the
affinity between neighboring pixels. This affinity is
calculated with the measurement of the color
distances in the RGB channels by using a Local
preserving projection (LPP). In 2007, Bai and Sapiro
(Bai, 2007) have used weighted geodesic distances
to estimate alpha values with a random walker
technique. A recent affinity based method which
offers both trimap and scribble based matting is
Closed-Form matting has been proposed by Levin
(Levin, 2006). To overcome the over smoothing
problem in the closed form matting, Zhu (Zhu,
2010) has introduced a new matting cost function by
including a gradient constraint into the cost function
and incorporating pixels from some special
However, semi-automatic matting methods are a
time and memory consuming, so it is interesting to
solve the alpha matte automatically without any user
2.2 Automatic Image Matting
The first automatic image matting method, known as
Spectral Matting, has been proposed by Levin
(Levin, 2008). This approach combines both spectral
segmentation methods (Yu, 2003) with soft image
matting. Based on analyzing the smallest
eigenvectors of a defined Matting Laplacian matrix
(Levin, 2006), a set of fuzzy matting components are
automatically extracted. These components which
are obtained by a linear transformation of the
eigenvectors are then combined to form the final
alpha matte based on minimizing a matte cost
function. In this framework, a new mode of user
control over the generated matte is proposed. The
user can directly control the final result by
presenting to him a various matting components to
choose from.
However, the spectral matting has some
limitations and does not generate a high quality final
alpha matte. Recently, modified spectral matting
methods have been proposed to overcome some
limitations and to obtain automatic and accurate
alpha matte. Hu et al. (Hu, 2010) have introduced a
spectral matting method based on the palette-based
component classification. This type of classification
allows classifying components as foreground
regions, background regions or unknown regions.
In 2012, Hu et al. (Hu, 2012) have proposed a
spectral matting based on components-Hue-
Difference. Moreover, an improved spectral matting
method by iterative K-means clustering and the
modularity measure is proposed recently by Yu (Yu,
Spectral matting (Levin, 2008) is based on some
hypothesis which are sometimes not true in the case
of natural images. Below, we identify some of these
violations that lead to distort the quality of the final
alpha matte:
Violation of the color-line model: in the case of
complex intensity variation, the image data does not
satisfy the color line model which is defined in next
In real images, the affinity matrix that is used to
define the matting Laplacian is rarely able to
perfectly separate different pixel clusters or
The proposed enhanced spectral matting solution
based on the improvement of the matting Laplacian
computation will be described below.
3.1 Improved Spectral Matting
Spectral matting relies on the evaluation of an
affinity function between each pair of adjacent
image pixels within small windows. Hence, pixels
are implicitly described by their similarity to every
other pixel in the input image. This similarity
measurement is done by considering the covariance
of the data and their intensities. Indeed, the affinity
matrix in spectral matting is the following:
 
(, ) ,(, )
ij i q j q
q q
Aij ij w
Accordingly, the affinity between two pixels of the
same color increases while the affinity between
pixels of different color is zero. In other way, nearby
pixels with similar colors have high affinity while
nearby pixels with different colors have small
affinity. In consequence, this affinity measurement
captures the fact that an image is composed by
connected components or different clusters.
However, in the case of natural image with
complex intensity variations, the affinity matrix fails
sometimes to separate between different clusters of
the image data.
To overcome this limitation, we have
incorporated gradient color tensor information in the
affinity computation process. Based on the color
tensor, we estimate the gradient which is a measure
of the rate of change of the image intensity between
neighbouring pixels.
The flowchart of the proposed solution is
presented in Figure1:
Figure 1: The flowchart of the proposed method.
Based on the assumption that a RGB image is a
vector valued function defined over a manifold of
the x and y plane, hence, mathematically, its
gradient can be presented by a tensor (Di Zenzo,
The gradient vector for the space coordinate x
(respectively for y) can be defined as following:
Then, the gradient is evaluated as the vector sum of
the square gradient of the individual components or
separate bands of the input RGB image. Regardless
that an RGB image is naturally represented by a 3-
order tensor, typically the 1-mode is the height, the
2-mode is the width and the 3-mode is the color
space, hence, we can define the color tensor
coefficients as:
And the color tensor may be defined as:
Once defined the structure of the color tensor, we
calculate tensor coefficients sequentially for each
small window
. For a scalar image, the tensor T
has a unique egeinvalue
, different from zero and
which is equal to the maximum value of the
quadratic form. This value is the square of the
modulus of the gradient, denoted:
This data gives more knowledge about the
discontinuity between pixel clusters and allows to
adapt or improve the estimation of the affinity
between neighboring pixels. In a windows
, the
more the value of
is high, the more its pixels
will tend to be separated. In our proposed solution,
we empirically set a threshold , which provides the
best possible results based on images used in (Levin,
2008). We defined that if the amplitude of the tensor
is greater than 0.09, the pixels of the
corresponding window does not come from the same
cluster. We have translated as follows:
In order to evaluate our improved spectral matting
approach, we carried out our study on a set of
natural images referred in image matting researches.
The algorithm is implemented in Matlab R2011b on
a 2.40 GHZ CPU and its running time was nearby
the same as (Levin, 2008). The number of clusters
using K-means algorithm is set as 10 which gives us
better results. The number of the smallest
eigenvectors in finding matting components is set as
To quantitatively evaluate and compare our
proposed approach with (Levin, 2008), we use the
following three metrics: Sum of Absolute
Differences, Mean Absolute Error and Root Mean
Squared Error.
Figure 2: Image matting results with the two spectral
matting algorithms.
Figure2 shows the image matting results of
tested images with our proposed method and the
original one (Levin, 2008). Figure 2(a) is a wolf
image, a tower image, a wind image and Amira
image, respectively. Figure 2(B) is the alpha matte
results using the spectral matting algorithm (Levin,
2008). Figure 2(C) is the alpha matte results using
our proposed approach that are framed in red. Figure
2(D) is the ground truth images.
Table 1: SAD errors for the estimation of alpha mattes.
Spectral Matting (Levin 2008) Proposed method
Wolf 518089 93001
Tower 6016516 54189
Wind 2005183 1324222
Amira 30548255 19202333
Table 2: MAE errors for the estimation of alpha mattes.
Spectral Matting (Levin 2008) Proposed method
Wolf 4,7444 0,8517
Tower 91,8047 0,8269
Wind 31,0804 20,5255
Amira 107,8681 67,8048
Table 3: RMSE errors for the estimation of alpha mattes.
Spectral Matting (Levin 2008) Proposed method
Wolf 2,8823 2,3506
Tower 9,9809 1,4805
Wind 6,6760 5,4085
Amira 10,7515 8,5210
Furthermore, Table1, Table2 and Table3 show
the errors results of the relative metrics for those two
spectral matting algorithms.
It can be seen from those three tables that our
proposed method outperforms the spectral matting
method using SAD, MAE and RMSE.
Moreover, in order to highlight the performance
of the proposed method, we infer the visual quality
for image matting from human observers. This is
due the fact that the three metrics mentioned above
may not be representative of errors noticed by a
human. Thus, the figure 3 shows some results of
generated final alpha mattes. Figure 3(a) is the real
images. Figure 3(b) is alpha mattes generated by
spectral matting (Levin, 2008). Figure 3(c) is alpha
mattes generated by our spectral matting.
Figure 3: Results of unsupervised image matting.
Both quantitative measurements and visual
results show that the proposed spectral matting
method can generate better alpha mattes for natural
images without user intervention compared to the
original spectral matting method.
In this paper, we presented an improved spectral
matting approach by using the gradient color tensor
of color images. Gradient information are integrated
into the affinity matrix computation process.
Experiments through both quantitative
measurements and visual results show that our
proposed method has better performance in the
foreground extraction process than the original
spectral matting. In future, we intend to incorporate
a GPU version of the spectral matting with gradient
color tensor information in order to speed up the
processing time. We also are looking for applying
our proposed method to a specific use case of
immersive communication that we call “Presentation
at Distance” in order to improve video matting and
human actions classification.
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