A Better Understanding of Esophageal Speech Excitation Source
Radhouane Bouazizi and Sofia Ben Jebara
Lab. COSIM, Ecole Sup
erieure des Communications de Tunis, Carthage University,
Route de Raoued 3.5 Km, Cit
e El Ghazala, Ariana 2083, Tunisia
Esophageal Speech, Excitation Source, Esophagus Extremity Vibration, Opening/Closing Cycle.
Understanding the excitation source of the esophageal speech is a key approach for understanding the
esophageal speech. In this paper, we extract the excitation source using an inverse filtering approach and
we analyze it. We, for example, show some similarities with an artificial EGG signal. We also detect the clos-
ing instants in order to define cycles of opening/closing of esophagus extremity and to recognize the equivalent
of glottal cycles. These cycles are classified into different types according to their characteristics. A physical
explanation of the esophagus extremity behavior is systematically given at the different steps of the analysis.
For several reasons that range from innate, pathologi-
cal (cancer for example) to accidental reasons, a per-
son, namely called laryngectomee, may lose his voice
after a laryngectomy operation (vocal cords eradica-
tion) (Brown et al., 2003). Therefore, the person be-
comes unable to produce speech in a normal manner.
This is explained by the need of the vocal cords in
the process of speech production. Esophageal voice
consists in producing speech by bringing air and re-
leasing it through the end of the esophagus which re-
places the vocal cords when speaking in normal man-
ner. One kind of esophageal speech production mech-
anism begins by injecting the air through the mouth in
order to reach the extremity of the esophagus. While
leaving, this trapped air causes the vibration of the
tissue at the entrance of the esophagus. Then, as in
the case of normal speech, where the role of the vocal
cords is to vibrate under the action of the pressurized
air ejected from the lungs, the esophagus extremity
does the same thing with the incoming pressured air.
The signal created at this level of speech production
mechanism is called the excitation source and have a
crucial role in producing substitution voice of good
quality. In fact, all the remaining of the mechanism is
the same as the one of normal speech (modulation in
the vocal tract and radiation through the lips).
This paper aims to study in depth the excitation
source of esophageal voice and the behavior of the
end of the esophagus. In fact, contrary to vocal cords
whose behavior is well studied and understood, the
esophagus extremity behavior, as excitation source, is
still not well mastered.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2,
we will show the complexity of signals (esophageal
speech and its excitation source) in the temporal and
frequency domains. Section 3 is devoted to establish
an equivalence between an artificial ElectroGlottoG-
raphy signal and the source of the esophageal speech.
In section 4, we define and localize the closure in-
stants of the esophagus extremity. In section 5, differ-
ent types of opening/closing cycles are identified and
characterized. Finally, a conclusion is given.
In this section, we will first, describe the speech
model that is appropriate for esophageal speech.
Then, a comparison between natural and esophageal
voices and their excitation sources, in time and fre-
quency domains, is made.
2.1 Source/Filter Model of the Speech
Fig. 1 illustrates an example of the signals and the fil-
ters appearing in the source/filter model of esophageal
voice. The excitation source g(n) is shown in the
temporal and frequency domains. It is then filtered
Bouazizi R. and Ben Jebara S..
A Better Understanding of Esophageal Speech Excitation Source Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0004228301630168
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2013), pages 163-168
ISBN: 978-989-8565-36-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Illustration of source/filter model of esophageal speech.
by the oral and nasal cavities filter V ( f ) whose fre-
quency response is shown. Finally, the voice is pro-
duced via lips radiation whose transfer function is a
simple derivative operation (L(z) = 1 z
It is important to note that, given the linearity of
the model and for simplicity reasons, one may con-
sider that the role of the vocal tract and the lips can
be inverted so that the derivative is applied immedi-
ately to the excitation source. This kind of model is
illustrated in the bottom part of Fig. 1.
2.2 Time and Frequency Domains
Representations of Speech
In Fig. 2.a (resp. 2.c) , an example of time domain
representation of natural (resp. esophageal) speech of
the phoneme /a/ is presented. As the periodicity and
regularity are visually observed for natural voice, it is
not the case for esophageal voice where many fluctu-
ations that are difficult to characterize with the naked
eye are observed. Globally, the signal is unstructured
and the periodicity of the signal is not clear.
Fig. 2.b and 2.d show the frequency domain rep-
resentation of the same signals. The natural voice
is characterized by power peaks at frequencies mul-
tiples of the fundamental frequency F
whereas the
esophageal voice does not have such structure. It is
characterized by very marked peaks in the frequency
region around 1 KHz.
2.3 Time and Frequency Domains
Representations of the Excitation
To go further in the comparison between natural and
esophageal speech, we propose to study the excitation
source. It is estimated using the iterative adaptive in-
verse filtering IAIF method described in (Alku et al.,
2004). It works basically as follows: the vocal tract
transfer function model is iteratively estimated. Then
its contribution is cancelled from the speech signal
via the so-called Inverse Filtering to obtain the glottal
flow of a speech signal.
In Fig. 3.a and Fig. 3.c, the glottal waves of the
signals of Fig. 2 are given. The excitation source
of the natural voice has a periodic shape and a well-
ordered structure against a non-periodic and a miss-
ordered structure of the esophageal voice excitation
Fig. 3.b and 3.d shows the frequency domain
representations of the same signals. The one of
esophageal speech is characterized by an energy con-
centration at low frequencies (from 0 to 600 Hz) but
it is not structured in peaks placed at frequency multi-
ples of F
as it is the case of the glottal flow of natural
As a conclusion, since there is no clear similarity
between the speech signal of the natural voice and the
one of esophageal voice, the remainder of the paper
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2: Time (a) and frequency (b) domains representations of the natural speech and time (c) and frequency (d) domains
representations of the esophageal speech.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3: Time (a) and frequency (b) domains representations of the excitation source of natural speech and time (c) and
frequency (d) domains representations of the excitation source of esophageal speech.
will be devoted to a deeper analysis of the excitation
source. The purpose is to better understand the behav-
ior of the esophagus extremity, the organ responsible
of esophageal speech production.
The ElectroGlottoGraphy (EGG) is a non invasive ex-
perimental procedure used to measure the glottal flow
of natural speech. The acquired signal describes the
vocal folds vibration where period cycles of open-
ing/closing are observed. The top portion of the signal
reflects opening of the vocal folds, while the bottom
portion reflects closing. It can be inverted according
to the electrodes connection. The EGG signal fits well
the excitation source (see for example Fig.4 for the
example of the natural phoneme /a/).
The question that arises is: is it possible to de-
scribe the esophagus extremity in the same man-
ner? In other words, does the excitation source of
esophageal speech looks like an EGG signal?
But, of course, in case of esophageal speech, there
is no known invasive external device that helps acquir-
ing a signal describing the behavior of the esophagus
extremity in terms of opening/closing cycles.
To overcome this limitation, we propose an alter-
native solution, to create artificially, the equivalent of
an EGG signal. This procedure is described as fol-
Given that the main difference between these two
types of voice resides in the excitation source, we
propose to try to match an EGG signal generated
in an artificial manner to the excitation source of
the esophageal voice.
The glottal flow of natural speech follows the well
known LF model (Fant et al., 1985). So, by fixing
the fundamental frequency F
, one can generate
easily an artificial EGG signal.
The esophageal speech is not systematically pe-
riodic in all speech segments. So we try to
find manually a fundamental frequency value for
which the esophageal speech excitation signal fits
the artificial EGG.
The matching is done by locating areas where we
can fit the maxima (resp. minima) of the EGG to
the maxima (resp. minima) of the source.
Fig.5 shows the matching between the artificial
EGG of a natural voice and the excitation source of
the phoneme /a/ of an esophageal voice. We can see
that we can locate some areas where there is an impor-
tant similarity between the two signals (two examples
of areas are delimited by bold discontinuous vertical
lines). We can also match the position of the max-
ima (resp. minima) of the source to the maxima (resp.
minima) of the EGG. Furthermore, we can locate, be-
tween two successive minima, a kind of period, which
corresponds to a cycle of phonation duration (funda-
mental period). In the same figure, the two pointed
periods have close values (4.3 ms and 4.15 ms). This
local period allows finding a frequency that enables
us to generate an artificial EGG that can fit perfectly
(in a local manner) the excitation source.
Figure 4: A matching between the EGG signal and the ex-
citation source of a natural voice.
Figure 5: A matching between an artificial EGG signal
(bold dashed line) and the excitation source (dashed line)
of an esophageal voice.
Elsewhere, there are more difficulties to perform
such identification of previous similarities. In fact,
the fluctuations of the excitation source are so impor-
tant that we can not identify the maxima of the exci-
tation source (see for example circled areas in dashed
ellipses in Fig. 5). We may call these cycles ”deterio-
rated cycles”. For example, from the instant 0.325 ms
to the instant 0.33 ms, we can notice the absence of a
clear maximum.
After using an artificial EGG signal to identify the
cycles describing the behavior of the esophagus ex-
tremity, let’s look for the significant instant of closing
to better identify and characterize cycles within the
esophageal speech signal.
In natural speech, the physical phenomenon of
Figure 6: A cycle of glottal flow and its derivative.
voiced sounds pronunciation takes its origin in the
lungs. Air passes later through the glottis and ex-
erts a force on the vocal cords making them tick. The
moment when the cords begin to separate is called
Glottal Opening Instant (GOI). Similarly, after a max-
imum separation, the vocal cords tend to return to
their original positions and the moment when the vo-
cal cords re-stick is called Glottal Closure Instant
(GCI). It corresponds to a minimum in the glottal flow
derivative (see Fig. 6).
Is the same thing happens in esophagus extremity
when trying to produce esophageal speech? This is
the problem addressed now.
In order to identify the particular instant of clos-
ing GCI, we exploit the Dynamic Programming Pro-
jected Phase-Slope Algorithm (DYPSA) (Kounoudes
et al., 2007). It is an automatic algorithm which
operates using the speech signal alone without the
need for an EGG signal. It incorporates a technique
based on phase-slope function for estimating GCI
candidates which are the instants of positive-going
zero-crossings in the phase-slope function. Next,
DYPSA algorithm employs dynamic programming to
select the most likely candidates according to a de-
fined cost function. This latter is a combination of
five sub-functions considering pitch deviation, norm
amplitude Consistency, ideal phase slope function,
speech waveform similarity and projected candidate
(Kounoudes et al., 2007).
When DYPSA algorithm is applied on natural
speech, the GCI instants correspond perfectly to the
instants when the excitation source derivative reaches
the minima. In case of esophageal speech, we notice
that the majority of the detected instants with DYPSA
algorithm correspond to the minima of the excitation
source derivative extracted with IAIF algorithm. But
other candidates are badly placed in other positions
and some candidates are missed (see Fig. 7 for exam-
ple). This constatation can be explained by the fact
there is not systematically complete opening and clos-
ing of the esophagus extremity. Consequently, there
Figure 7: Superposition of GCI instants and the excitation
source derivative.
Table 1: Pseudo-fundamental frequency for different
phonemes of esophageal speech.
Phoneme 1 /a/ Phoneme 2 /a/ Phoneme 3 /o/
106 Hz 185 Hz 208 Hz
113 Hz 220 Hz 172 Hz
106 Hz 178 Hz 185 Hz
105 Hz 204 Hz 204 Hz
108 Hz 190 Hz 169 Hz
is no real cycles and real periods along the whole sig-
We’ll give more details in next section.
In the central part of the signal of Fig. 7, some glottal
cycles, defined as the period between two successive
GCI, are detected. Their duration vary from 8.4 ms
to 10.5 ms. They are called ”pseudo-periods” as they
change, even in a smooth way, from one cycle to an
In Tab. 1, we consider different phonemes, namely
/a/ and /o/ and we attribute to some consecutive cy-
cles a value of the fundamental frequency (inverse of
the duration). This table shows that the fundamental
frequency varies systematically from one cycle to its
neighbor. It confirms the fact that the esophagus ex-
tremity vibration is not regular and not perfectly peri-
odic, as it is the case of vocal folds.
In Fig. 8, we were able to match the identified cy-
cles between two successive GCI to the cycles of an
EGG generated at a frequency equivalent to the aver-
age of the pseudo-periods. The signal considered is
the central part of the one in Fig. 7, whose beginning
and ending are delimited by the the first and the last
vertical dashed lines. The average frequency of 108
Hz is considered in Fig. 8 which corresponds to a
pseudo-period of 9.2 ms. We recall that, according to
Figure 8: Classification of cycles according to esophagus
extremity opening/closing.
Fig. 7, the real pseudo-periods range from 8.4 ms to
10.5 ms.
Moreover, it is important to note that, by considering
this average fundamental frequency in Fig. 8, it is
obvious that CGI instants does not correspond to the
minimum of the excitation source derivative, since the
fundamental real period is replaced by the averaged
After a deep study of an important number of
esophageal speech sequences in terms of cycles struc-
ture and duration, one can go further in the analysis
of cycles by defining a kind of cycle’s classification.
The proposed classification is illustrated in the signal
of Fig.8.
The two first cycles are considered as regular cy-
cles or acceptable as they look more or less similar
to the derivative of the EGG. Moreover, the local
maximum of the cycle is identified as the maxi-
mum of the derivative of the EGG.
The third cycle is classified as non-regular or fa-
tigue cycle. This is a deteriorated cycle during
which we cannot identify its maximum to the
maximum of derivative of the EGG. It means that,
the esophagus extremity was not able to open
completely in easy manner and was trying to do
it more longer in time than during regular cycles.
The two following cycles behave more similar to
the derivative of the EGG. It means that there is a
return to regular cycles after a fatigue cycle.
In brief, we may explain getting a diversity of be-
havior by the fact that the esophageal voice, compared
to the natural voice, is more difficult to produce and
that the speaker is not fluent in producing this kind of
voice. This may also explain the occurring of the so-
called periods of fatigue during which the esophagus
does not perform a correct cycle of opening/closing.
This time interval of fatigue occurs after few proper
cycles of opening/closing. After this time interval of
fatigue which can be considered as a time interval of
relaxing, the esophagus extremity recovers and pro-
duces more correct cycles. So, it has a behavior that
could be a little recognizable or similar to the behav-
ior of the vocal cords.
Even the complexity of the esophageal speech, the ex-
traction of the excitation source permits to develop an
analysis and a better comprehension of the esophagus
extremity. We have, for example, shown some sim-
ilarities between the EGG and the excitation source.
Moreover, thanks to the localization of the CGI in-
stants, we identified the equivalent of the glottal cy-
cles in the esophageal speech. The classification of
those cycles allowed to describe the status of the
esophagus while producing the speech.
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