Combining Depth Information for Image Retargeting
Huei-Yung Lin
, Chin-Chen Chang
and Jhih-Yong Huang
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, Chiayi 621, Taiwan
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National United University, Miaoli 360, Taiwan
Image Resizing, Image Retargeting, Feature Map, Seam Carving, Ranging Camera.
This paper presents a novel image retargeting approach for ranging cameras. The proposed approach first
extracts three feature maps: depth map, saliency map, and gradient map. Then, the depth map and the saliency
map are used to separate the main contents and the background and thus compute a map of saliency objects.
After that, the proposed approach constructs an importance map which combines the four feature maps by
the weighted sum. Finally, the proposed approach constructs the target image using the seam carving method
based on the importance map. Unlike previous approaches, the proposed approach preserves the salient ob-
ject well and maintains the gradient and visual effects in the background. Moreover, it protects the salient
object from being destroyed by the seam carving algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed
approach performs well in terms of the resized quality.
Numerous and varied devices for displaying multi-
media contents exist, from CRTs to LCDs, and from
plasma to LEDs. Display device has moved from the
two-dimensional plane toward 3D TV. To meet var-
ious demands, changing display content has facili-
tated the development of a highly dynamic range of
display devices. Regarding display screen size, two
commonly used display specifications (aspect ratios)
are 4:3 and 16:9. These display specifications are ap-
plied to displays as large as billboards and as small
as mobile phone screens. Display devices, however,
have only one screen aspect ratio. This aspect ratio
causes upper and lower black bands to appear when
multimedia contents are displayed on screens.
Apart from the two screen aspect ratios described
above, nonstandard screen aspect ratios will be ap-
plied more extensively because of cellular phones,
portable multimedia players and so on. In such cases,
different image sizes are required to adapt to the dis-
play devices. Scaling and cropping are two standard
methods for resizing images. Scaling resizes the im-
age uniformly over an entire image. However, when
the display screen is too small, the image loses some
of its detail in adjusting to the limitations of the dis-
play screen. Cropping resizes the image by discarding
boundary regions and preserving important regions.
This method provides a close up of a particular image
section, but prevents users from viewing the rest of
the image.
Recently, several retargeting techniques (Avidan
and Shamir, 2007; Hwang and Chien, 2008; Kim
et al., 2009a; Kim et al., 2009b; Wang et al., 2008b;
Lin et al., 2012) for resizing image based on image
contents has been proposed. These methods require
a certain understanding of image content and do not
adjust the size of the image as a whole. Retargeting
preserves important regions and discards less impor-
tant regions, to achieve a target image size.
In this paper, a novel image retargeting approach
for ranging cameras is proposed. The proposed ap-
proach first extracts three feature maps: depth map,
saliency map, and gradient map. Then, the depth map
and the saliency map are used to compute a map of
saliency objects. After that, the proposed approach
constructs an importance map which combines the
four feature maps by the weighted sum. Based on the
importance map, the important regions are preserved
and less important regions are discarded. Finally, the
proposed approach constructs the target image using
the seam carving method (Avidan and Shamir, 2007)
based on the importance map. The experimental re-
sults show that the proposed approach resizes image
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 reviews related works. In Section
3, the proposed approach is introduced. Section 4
describes the experimental results. Lastly, Section 5
briefly describes conclusions.
Lin H., Chang C. and Huang J..
Combining Depth Information for Image Retargeting.
DOI: 10.5220/0004232601720179
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 172-179
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Avidan and Shamir (Avidan and Shamir, 2007) pro-
posed a method for adjusting image size based on im-
age content. They analyzed the relationships of en-
ergy distribution in the image and compared methods
of image resizing. The proportion of residual energy
after image resizing indicated the quality of the re-
sizing. Moreover, they proposed a simple method for
image processing using seams, which are 8-connected
lines that vertically or horizontally cross images. By
iteratively adding or removing seams, their approach
can alter the size of images. However, because the
content of images is often complex, how to determine
the correct subject position according to image fea-
tures is a goal for future research.
Kim et al. (Kim et al., 2009a) used the adap-
tive scaling function, utilizing the importance map of
the image to calculate the adaptive scaling function,
which indicated the reduction levelfor each row of the
original image. Kim et al. (Kim et al., 2009b) used
Fourier analysis for image resizing. After construct-
ing the gradient map, they divided the image into
strips of various lengths, and then used Fourier trans-
form to determine the spectrum of each strip. The
spectrums were then used as a low-pass filter to ob-
tain an effect similar to smoothing. The level of hor-
izontal reduction for each strip was then determined
according to the influence of the filter.
Detecting visually salient areas is a part of object
detection. The traditional method for determining the
most conspicuous objects in an image is to set nu-
merous parameters and then use the training approach
to determine image regions that may correspond to
the correct objects (Fergus et al., 2003; Itti et al.,
1998; Gao and Vasconcelos, 2005; Liu et al., 2007).
However, the human eye is capable of quickly locat-
ing common objects. Various approaches have pro-
posed for simulating the functions of the human eye;
for instance, Saliency ToolBox (Walther and Koch,
2006) and Saliency Residual (SR) (Hou and Zhang,
2007). The Saliency ToolBox requires a large amount
of computation. By comparison, SR is the fastest al-
gorithm. SR transforms the image into Fourier space
and determines the difference between the log spec-
trum and averaged spectrum of the image. The area,
which shows the difference, is the potential area of
visual saliency.
Hwang and Chien (Hwang and Chien, 2008) used
a neural network method to determine the subject of
images. They also used face recognition techniques
to ensure the human faces within images. For ratios
that could not be compressed using the seam carving
method, they used proportional ratio methods to com-
Figure 1: The flowchart of the proposed approach.
press the subject of images. Rubinstein et al. (Ru-
binstein et al., 2008) proposed a method of improve-
ment for the procedure of seam carving. This method
utilized techniques of forward energy and backward
energy to reduce discontinuity in images.
Wang et al. (Wang et al., 2008a) proposed a
method that simultaneously utilized techniques of
stereo imaging and inpainting. This method had the
capacity to remove image objects that caused occlu-
sion, restoring original background image and depth
information. They also presented a warping approach
for resizing images and preserving visually features.
The deformation of the image is based on an impor-
tance map that is computed using a combination of
gradient and salience features.
Achanta et al. (Achanta et al., 2009) proposed an
approach for detecting salient regions by using only
color and luminance features. Their approach is sim-
ple to implement and computationally efficient. It
can clearly identify the main silhouettes. Also, this
approach outputs saliency maps with well-defined
boundaries of salient objects. Goferman et al. (Gofer-
man et al., 2010) proposed an approach which aims at
detecting the salient regions that represent the scene.
The goal is to either identify fixation points or detect
the dominant object. They presented a detection al-
gorithm which is based on four principles observed in
the psychological literature. In image retargeting, us-
ing their saliency prevents distortions in the important
The flowchart of the proposed approach is shown in
Figure 1. First, the proposed approach extracts three
feature maps, namely, a depth map, a saliency map,
and a gradient map from an input color image and a
depth image. Then, the depth map and the saliency
map are used to compute a map of saliency objects.
After that, the proposed approach integrates all the
feature maps to an importance map by the weighted
sum. Finally, the proposed approach constructs the
target image using the seam carving method (Avidan
and Shamir, 2007).
3.1 Important Map
The importance map E
is defined as
1 if E
= 1
+ α
+ α
if E
= 0
where α
, α
, and α
are the weights for the depth
map E
, the saliency map E
, and the gradient map
, respectively; E
is the saliency object map.
3.1.1 Depth Map
The Kinect camera is used to extract depth informa-
tion from an input color image. The camera uses a
3D scanner system called Light Coding using near-
infrared light to illuminate the objects and determine
the depth of the image. Figure 2(a) shows a color im-
age and the corresponding depth image captured by
the Kinect.
From Figure 2(a), pixel positions of the color im-
age and the corresponding pixel positions of the depth
image are not consistent. This problem can be ad-
justed by an official Kinect SDK, as shown in Figure
2(b). Hence, the pixel positions of the color image
and the correspondingpixel positions of the depth im-
age are consistent. However, the range covered by the
depth image becomes smaller. Therefore, the original
depth image of size 640× 480 is cropped into a new
depth image of size 585× 430 by removing the sur-
rounding area of the original depth image without the
depth information and leaving the area with the usable
depth, as shown in Figure 2(c). Also, as shown in Fig-
ure 2(c), black blocks in the cropped depth image are
determined and the depth values of these blocks are
set as 0. They cannot be measured by the Kinect due
to strong lighting, reflected light, outdoor scenes, oc-
clusions, and so on. Therefore, the depths of these
regions are negligible since these areas in the whole
depth image are very small.
3.1.2 Saliency Map
Visual saliency is an important factor for human vi-
sual system. Therefore, the proposed approach ex-
tracts a saliency map from the input color image. The
computer vision (Avidan and Shamir, 2007; Rubin-
stein et al., 2008) tries to imitate the possible visual
perception of the human eye, from object detection,
object classification to object recognition. Recently,
Achanta et al. (Achanta et al., 2009) proposed an
Figure 2: (a) Original color image and corresponding depth
image captured by the Kinect; (b) Original color image
and adjusted depth image by an official Kinect SDK; (c)
Cropped color image and cropped depth image.
Figure 3: Original image (left), saliency map by (Achanta
et al., 2009) (middle), and saliency map by (Goferman et al.,
2010) (right).
approach for detecting salient regions by using only
color and luminance features. Goferman et al. (Gofer-
man et al., 2010) proposed an approach which aims at
detecting the salient regions that represent the scene.
Figure 3 shows the comparison of the two previous
approaches (Achanta et al., 2009; Goferman et al.,
2010). When a scene is complex, the approach of
Achanta et al. cannot identify salient areas effectively
and the method of Goferman et al. can obtain bet-
ter results. Therefore, in the proposed approach, the
technique of Goferman et al. is applied to complex
environments for extracting a saliency map. The main
concepts of the approach of Goferman et al. are de-
scribed as the following.
For each pixel i, let p
be a single patch of scale
r centered at pixel i. Also, let d
, p
) be the
distance between patches p
and p
in CIE Lab color
space, normalized to the range [0, 1]. If d
, p
is high for each pixel j, pixel i is salient. In the ex-
periment, r is set as 7. Moreover, let d
, p
be the distance between the positions of patches p
and p
, which is normalized by the larger image di-
mension. A dissimilarity measure between a pair of
patches is defined as
, p
) =
, p
1+ c · d
, p
where c is a parameter, In the experiment, c is set as
3. If d(p
, p
) is high for each j, pixel i is salient.
In practice, for each patch p
, there is no need to
evaluate its dissimilarity to all other image patches.
It only needs to consider the K most similar patches
in the image. If d(p
, p
) is high for each
k [1, K], pixel i is salient. For a patch p
of scale r,
candidate neighbors are defined as the patches in the
image whose scales are R
= {r,
The saliency value of pixel i at scale r is defined
= 1 exp{−
, q
where r
and K is set as 64 in the experiment.
Furthermore, each pixel is represented by the set of
multi-scale patches centered at it. Thus, for pixel i,
let R = {r
, r
, . . . , r
} be the set of patch sizes. The
saliency of pixel i is defined as the mean of its saliency
at different scales
If the saliency value of a pixel exceeds a certain
threshold, the pixel is attended. In the experiment, the
threshold is set as 0.8. Then, each pixel outside the at-
tended areas is weighted according to its distance to
the closest attended pixel. Let d
(i) be the posi-
tional distance between pixel i and the closest focus
of attention pixel, normalized to the range [0, 1]. The
saliency of a pixel i is redefined as
(1 d
3.1.3 Gradient Map
The human visual system is sensitive to edge informa-
tion in an image. Therefore, the proposed approach
extracts a gradient map from the input color image to
represent edge information.
The Sobel calculation on original image I results
in the gradient map. The operators of X direction and
Y direction of Sobel are defined by
1 0 1
2 0 2
1 0 1
1 2 1
0 0 0
1 2 1
The horizontal operators, which are shown as a
vertical line on the image, are used to find the hori-
zontal gradient of the image, while the vertical opera-
tors, which are shown as a horizontal line, are used to
find the vertical gradient of the image. The gradient
map is defined as
+ (Sobel
Using the Sobel operator can easily detect gradi-
ents of an image. However, the detected gradients
do not fit the gradients perceived by the human eye.
Therefore, a bilateral filter (Kim et al., 2009b) is used
to reduce borders that are not visually obvious and
keep borders that vary largely. The bilateral filter is
a nonlinear filter and smoothes noises effectively and
keeps important edges. A Gaussian smoothing is ap-
plied to an image in both spatial domain and intensity
domain at the same time. The definition of the Gaus-
sian smoothing is as follows:
f(p s) · g(I
) ·I
where J
is the result after processing pixel s by the
bilateral filter. I
and I
are intensities of pixels p and
s, respectively. is the whole image. f and g are
Gaussian smoothing functions for the spatial and in-
tensity domains, respectively. k(s) is a function for
normalization and its definition is given by
k(s) =
f(p s) · g(I
Therefore, in the proposed approach, the input
color image is filtered by the bilateral filter. Then, the
resulting image is filtered by Sobel filter to compute
the final gradient map. The proposed approach can
effectively remove gradients with small changes and
reserve gradients with large variations in an image.
The gradients are close to human visual perception.
In the experiments, the spatial domain parameters are
set as 10 and the intensity domain parameters are set
as 100.
Gradient information can keep the consistency of
a line in the image. However, when the gradient in
the image has a certain percentage of length, the use
of seam carving can pass through the gradients. The
gradients will be broken or distorted. Therefore, it is
necessary to improve gradients for a certain length of
gradients. The improved approach first uses Canny
edge detection to detect edges in an image and then
Figure 4: (a) Periodic weights of (1,0); (b) Periodic weights
of (1,0,1).
Figure 5: (a) Original gradient map; (b) Improved gradient
uses Hough transform to find a certain length of a
line. After finding straight lines by Hough transform,
weights are assigned to the straight lines. When the
input image is reduced to less than half of the origi-
nal image, the periodic weights (1, 0) are used for the
weighting. When an input image is reduced to more
than half of the original image, the periodic weights
(1, 0, 1) are used for the weighting. See Figure 4 as an
After improving gradients, seam carving can cut
gradients uniformly. Removing gradients with weight
0 can retain the gradients with weight 1. It can main-
tain the existing continuity and is less likely to remove
the same area resulting in clear discontinuities. Figure
5 shows the original gradient map and the improved
gradient map.
3.1.4 Salient Object
In an image, the human visual eye may have one
or more attentions that have the greatest saliencies.
Therefore, the most salient objects in the image are
identified for retargeting. The salient objects are de-
fined as the visually indistinguishable components.
Since each pixel of a salient object is not necessar-
ily a high value, image segmentation is used to find
main partitions to obtain salient objects.
The depth image is segmented into depth regions.
The depths are classified based on depth similarity of
the scene. The image pyramids are used to split depth
regions. The image pyramids down-sample the image
into different scales. If pixels of i-th layer and farther
pixels of the adjacent layer have similar colors, the fa-
ther pixels and the pixels of i-th layer are merged into
a connected component. In the same layer, if the adja-
cent components are too similar, they are merged into
a larger connected component. After processing layer
Figure 6: (a) Original image; (b) Depth map; (c) Depth re-
gions; (d) Saliency map; (e) Saliency object.
by layer, the depth image (Figure 6(b)) of an input
image (Figure 6(a)) is segmented into depth regions
(Figure 6(c)).
The advantage of using the image pyramids to de-
termine depth regions is that thresholds can be easily
used for adjustment. Each component representing
pixels in this region has similar depths. The depth
regions segmented by the image pyramids and the
saliency map (Figure 6(d)) are combined to obtain
salient objects. If the salient value of a region is above
a certain threshold, this region is defined as an indis-
tinguishable object, as shown in Figure 6(e). In the
experiment, if the salient object is too small, it is ig-
3.2 Image Retargeting
The proposed approach applied the method of Avidan
and Shamir (Avidan and Shamir, 2007) for image re-
targeting. Let I be an n × m image and the vertical
seam is defined as
= {s
= {(x(i), i)}
, s.t.i, |x(i) x(i 1)| 1,
where x is a mapping x : [1, ··· , n] [1, ··· , m].
A vertical seam is an 8-connected line. Every row
only contains a single pixel. Carving the seam in-
teractively is considered an advantage because it can
prevent horizontal displacement during the deleting
process. Horizontal displacement appears if the num-
ber of deleted pixels in each row is different, result-
ing in changes in the shape of the object. There-
fore, the route of the vertical seam is indicated as
= {I(S
= {I(x(i), i)}
. All pixels will move
leftward or upward to fill the gaps of deleted pixels.
Horizontal reduction can be equated with delet-
ing the vertical seam; the energy map is used to se-
lect seams. Given an energy function e, the energy
E(s) = E(I
) =
)) of a seam is determined
by the energy occupied by the positions of each pixel.
When cutting a particular image horizontally, delet-
ing the seam with the lowest energy s
= min
E(s) =
)) first is essential.
Dynamic programming can be employed to calcu-
late s
. The smallest accumulated energy M is calcu-
lated with every possible point on the seam (i, j) from
the second to the last row of the image as
M(i, j) = e(i, j)
+ min{M(i 1, j 1), M(i, j 1), M(i+ 1, j 1)}
Then, the backtracking method was adopted to iter-
atively delete the seams with relatively weak energy
by gradually searching upward for the seams with a
minimum energy sum from the point with the weak-
est energy in the last row.
Several experiments were conducted to evaluate the
effectiveness of the proposed approach. The proposed
algorithm was running on a laptop with a 2.40 GHz
Core2 Quad CPU and 3.0 GB of memory. The cam-
era used in this experiment was a Microsoft Kinect.
If E
is 0, a
, a
, and a
are set as 0.1, 0.5, 0.4,
respectively. If the Kinect cannot detect depths, a
and a
are both set as 0.5. The size of the origi-
nal image is 585 × 430. Without loss of generality,
a source image is resized in the horizontal direction
only to make a target image. The extension for resiz-
ing in the vertical direction is straightforward. There-
fore, the sizes of the resized images are 500 × 430,
400 × 430, 300× 430, and 200 × 430. Moreover, the
proposed approach was compared to the two previous
approaches (Avidan and Shamir, 2007; Wang et al.,
The first image is an indoor environment. There is
no salient object and the depths are similar. The im-
portance map is mainly dominated by saliency map
and gradient map. Figure 7 shows the original im-
age, the depth map, the saliency map, the gradient
map, the salient object and the importance map, re-
spectively, from left to right and top to bottom. Figure
Figure 7: Original image, depth map, saliency map, gradi-
ent map, saliency object, and importance map from left to
right and top to bottom, respectively.
Figure 8: Resized images by (Avidan and Shamir, 2007)
(top); resized images by (Wang et al., 2008b) (middle); re-
sized images by the proposed approach (bottom).
8 shows the resized results of Avidan and Shamir (the
top row), of Wang et al. (the middle row), and of the
proposed approach (the bottom row). For the resized
images of 500× 430 and 400× 430, the results of the
proposed approach are similar to those of the two pre-
vious approaches. However, for the resized images of
300 × 430 and 200 × 430, the results show that the
proposed approach performs better than the two pre-
vious approaches. There is a serious distortion in the
results of Avidan and Shamir. The size of the white-
board in the results of Wang et al. is over reduced.
The second image is an indoor environment.
There is a salient object. Figure 9 shows the origi-
nal image, the depth map, the saliency map, the gra-
dient map, the salient object and the importance map,
respectively, from left to right and top to bottom. Fig-
ure 10 shows the resized results of Avidan and Shamir
(the top row), of Wang et al. (the middle row), and of
the proposed approach (the bottom row). For the re-
sized images of 500× 430 and 400× 430, the results
Figure 9: Original image, depth map, saliency map, gradi-
ent map, saliency object, and importance map from left to
right and top to bottom, respectively.
Figure 10: Resized images by (Avidan and Shamir, 2007)
(top); resized images by (Wang et al., 2008b) (middle); re-
sized images by the proposed approach (bottom).
of the proposed approach are similar to those of the
two previous approaches. However, for the resized
images of 300× 430 and 200× 430, the results of the
proposed approach are better than those of the pre-
vious approaches. The gradients are preserved well
such that gradient density is too high in the results of
Avidan and Shamir. There is distortion in the face of
the person. For the results of Wang et al., the dif-
ference between the salient objects and non-salient
background is too large. Conversely, the proposed ap-
proach preserves the salient object well and maintains
the gradient and visual effects in the background.
The final image is an outdoor environment. The
depth map is not complete. Since there are strong
lighting and reflected light, the Kinect cannot detect
the depths well and the detected salient object is not
complete. Figure 11 shows the original image, the
depth map, the saliency map, the gradient map, the
salient object and the importance map, respectively,
from left to right and top to bottom. Figure 12 shows
Figure 11: Original image, depth map, saliency map, gradi-
ent map, saliency object, and importance map from left to
right and top to bottom, respectively.
the resized results of Avidan and Shamir (the top
row), of Wang et al. (the middle row), and of the
proposed approach (the bottom row). For the resized
images of 500× 430 and 400× 430, the results of the
proposed approach are similar to those of the two pre-
vious approaches. However, for the resized images of
300× 430 and 200× 430, the proposed approach per-
forms better than the previous approaches. The gra-
dients are preserved well such that gradient density is
too high in the results of Avidan and Shamir. There
is distortion in the body of the person. The visual ef-
fects in the background are not consistent. For the re-
sults of Wang et al., the difference between the salient
objects and non-salient background is too large. The
legs of the salient object and the floor have similar
colors such that the energy is not enough and there
is distortion in the salient object. For the proposed
approach, although the salient object is not complete,
it can still maintain the integrity of the salient object.
However, since the environmentis more complex, it is
difficult to achieve good visual effects for the resized
results of 200× 430.
From the above results, the approach of Avidan
and Shamir puts more emphasis on gradient informa-
tion. For making large adjustments to an image, the
gradients can still be preserved well. However, gra-
dient density is too high and the visual effects are
not consistent. For the approach of Wang et al., it
has good continuity for image resizing. However, for
making large adjustments to an image, the salient ob-
ject is too small and non-salient areas are too large.
In the proposed approach, making large adjustments
to an image, it can preserve the salient object well.
Also, it can keep the surrounding area of the salient
object on the background and remove the gradients
of background far away the salient object to avoid
over-concentration of the gradients. It can protect the
salient object from being destroyed by the seam carv-
ing algorithm.
Figure 12: Resized images by (Avidan and Shamir, 2007)
(top); resized images by (Wang et al., 2008b) (middle); re-
sized images by the proposed approach (bottom).
This paper has proposed a novel image retargeting
method for ranging cameras. Several analyses were
conducted, including the energy of depth, gradient,
and visual saliency. Then, the depth map and the
saliency map are used to determine a map of saliency
objects. Moreover, different types of energy were in-
tegrated as importance maps for image retargeting.
Unlike previous approaches, the proposed approach
preserves the salient object well and maintains the
gradient and visual effects in the background. More-
over, it protects the salient object from being de-
stroyed by the seam carving algorithm. Therefore, a
perfect protection of the subject was achieved.
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