Combining Syntactic and Semantic Vector Space Models
in the Health Domain by using a Clustering Ensemble
Flora Amato, Francesco Gargiulo, Antonino Mazzeo, Sara Romano and Carlo Sansone
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell’Informazione, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy
Semantic Processing, Clustering Ensemble.
The adoption of services for automatic information management is one of the most interesting open problems
in various professional and social fields. We focus on the health domain characterized by the production of
huge amount of documents, in which the adoption of innovative systems for information management can
significantly improve the tasks performed by the actors involved and the quality of the health services offered.
In this work we propose a methodology for automatic documents categorization based on the adoption of
unsupervised learning techniques. We extracted both semantic and syntactic features in order to define the
vector space models and proposed the use of a clustering ensemble in order to increase the discriminative
power of our approach. Results on real medical records, digitalized by means of a state-of-the-art OCR
technique, demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Nowadays the adoption of services for automatic in-
formation management is one of the most interest-
ing open problems in various professional and so-
cial fields. In the medical domain, the adoption of
computers and web technologies lead to the so-called
e-Health. The e-Health aim is to enhance the way
of interaction between healthcare actors (as doctors,
nurses and patient) by means of the use of innovative
data management technologies and exploiting infor-
mation and communication technologies.
In the health domain, the information availability
coming from different sources can improve the health
services quality. For this purpose, the medical data
should be conveniently organized. In this work we
propose a methodology for automatic document cat-
egorization based on a clustering ensemble. Cluster-
ing ensemble (or clustering aggregation) is an alter-
native approach that combines different clustering re-
sults in order to improve the quality of the clustering
solution. In general, a clustering ensemble method
is composed by two steps: generation and consen-
sus. The generation step consists on the production
of the set of clusterings obtained with different clus-
tering algorithms or the same algorithm with differ-
ent parameter initialization. The consensus step rep-
resents the main challenge in the clustering ensem-
ble algorithm. In literature there are several works
that address the problem of document categorization
by means of clustering ensemble techniques (Fodeh
et al., 2009) (Gonz
alez and Turmo, 2008) (Domeni-
coni and Al-Razgan, 2009). In (Vega-Pons and Ruiz-
Shulcloper, 2011) is presented a good analysis of the
existing techniques of clustering ensemble method.
Our approach combines results coming from the X-
means clustering algorithm executed on three differ-
ent vector space models which include both a syntac-
tic and a semantic content representation of a docu-
ment. The corpus on which we based our work is
composed by real medical records belonging to Ital-
ian hospitals (Boccignone et al., 2008), digitalized by
means of a state-of-the-art- OCR. We address the doc-
ument categorization problem dealing with many as-
pects as the use of noisy data and the Italian language
for which natural language processing tools and the-
saurus are not available as the for the English lan-
guage. Our experimental results suggest that the pro-
posed methodology improves the clustering quality
when applied to a dataset affected by noise. A quite
similar approach has been proposed in (Fodeh et al.,
2009), where the authors propose an ensemble clus-
tering algorithm combining the statistic information
of the data with the sense information from Word-
Net. Their method, however, is not directly applica-
ble in our case since we have no available semantic
resources (WordNet) of the medical domain in Ital-
ian. Moreover, while they use two type of features
Amato F., Gargiulo F., Mazzeo A., Romano S. and Sansone C..
Combining Syntactic and Semantic Vector Space Models in the Health Domain by using a Clustering Ensemble.
DOI: 10.5220/0004250403820385
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF-2013), pages 382-385
ISBN: 978-989-8565-37-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
extracted from the documents, we propose to exploit
three different vector spaces.
The reminder of the paper is structured as follows:
in Section 2 we explain how we built the syntactic
and semantic vector space models; in Section 3 we
report the proposed clustering ensemble methodology
reporting some experimental results in Section 4. Fi-
nally in Section 5 some conclusion and future work
are drawn.
In this work we adopt three vector space models that
include syntactic and semantic aspects based respec-
tively on frequencies of terms, lemmas and concepts.
In order to represent our document collection in the
vector space models, we extracted a set of terms
from the documents corpus, and therefore, the set of
synonyms corresponding to them. For this aim we
adopted a semantic methodology proposed in (Amato
et al., 2011) for the automatic extraction of concepts
of interest.
The implemented set of procedures aiming at ex-
tracting terms, the corresponding lemmas and the as-
sociated concepts from the input documents are de-
scribed in the following.
Extracting Terms (I Criterium). Starting from the
input documents, by using Text Tokenization proce-
dures, text is arranged into tokens, sequences of char-
acters delimited by separators. Applying Text Nor-
malization procedures,variations of the same lexical
expression are reported in a unique way.
Tokenization and Normalization procedures per-
form a first grouping of the extracted text, introduc-
ing a partitioning scheme that establishes an equiva-
lence class on terms. At this point we built the doc-
features matrix, having a column for each term in
the terms list, which contains the evaluation, for each
document, of the TF-IDF value for every terms in the
list. The TF-IDF values are computed taking into ac-
count both the number of occurrences of each term
for every documents and the terms distribution in the
whole document corpus. This matrix is considered as
input for the clustering algorithm according to the I
Extracting Lemmas (II Criterium). In order to
obtain the lemmas starting from the list of relevant
text, we applied the procedures of Part-Of-Speech
(POS) Tagging and Lemmatization. These procedures
aim at enriching the text with syntactical aspects, aim-
ing at performing a second type of grouping of the
words, on the basis of reduction of terms in a basic
form, independently from the conjugations or decli-
nations in which they appear. Part-Of-Speech (POS)
Tagging consists in the assignment of a grammatical
category to each lexical unit, in order to distinguish
the content words representing noun, verb, adjective
and adverb from the functional words, made of arti-
cles, prepositions and conjunctions, denoting not use-
ful information.
Text Lemmatization is performed in order to re-
duce all the inflected forms to the respective lemma,
or citation form. Lemmatization introduces a second
partitioning scheme on the set of extracted terms, es-
tablishing a new equivalence class on it.
We built a doc-features matrix, having a column
for each lemma in the list, which contains, for each
document, the TF-IDF value of each lemma compar-
ing in it. This value is computed considering the sum
of the number of occurrences of each term that can be
taken back to the same lemma appearing in the doc-
ument. The lemma based doc-features matrix is con-
sidered as input for the clustering algorithm according
to the II Criterium.
Extracting Concepts (III Criterium). In order to
identify concepts, not all words are equally useful:
some of them are semantically more relevant than oth-
ers, and among these words there are lexical items
weighting more than others. In order to “weight” the
importance of a term in a document, we recurred to
TF-IDF index.
Having the list of relevant terms, concepts are
detected by relevant token sets that are semanti-
cally equivalent (synonyms, arranged in sets named
synset). In order to determine the synonym relation
among terms, we exploit external resources (Moscato
et al., 2009) like thesaurus, codifying the relationship
of synonymy among terms.
The number of occurrence of a concept in a doc-
ument is given by the sum of the number of occur-
rences of all terms in its synonyms list that appear
in the document. We built the concept based doc-
features matrix, containing, for each document, the
TF-IDF of every concepts comparing in it. The TF-
IDF values of such matrix is then evaluated on the
basis of the sum of the number of occurrences of each
terms that is synonymous of the input terms, i.e. that
is included in the synonyms list. The concept based
doc-features matrix is considered as input for the clus-
tering algorithm according to the III Criterium.
Once we have prepared the vector space models,
we used these data for the clustering algorithms.
In this work we propose to combine a set of clus-
ters for exploiting the different information levels pro-
vided by both syntactic and semantic features. As
base cluster, we chose the X-means algorithm (Pel-
leg and Moore, 2000) that can be considered as an
evolution of the standard K-means approach.
The proposed general methodology is depicted in
Fig. 1.
The clustering ensemble method we used (Bagui,
2005) is shown in Fig. 2. It is composed by the fol-
lowing steps:
1. We considered the initial document matrix A for
each criteria Terms, Lemmas and Concepts. A is
a n × m matrix where n is the number of docu-
ments and m depends on the criteria selected and
it could represent the number of terms, lemmas or
2. We generated C
,k = 1,2,...,L partitions of A by
using the X-means algorithm. Each partition have
a random number of clusters depending on the ini-
tial seed chosen.
3. We defined a co-association matrix for each par-
tition: M
= m
i, j
, of dimension n × n, where n is
the number of documents and k = 1, 2 . . . , L. The
elements of the matrices M
are calculated as:
i, j
1 a
= a
(i.e. in the same cluster),
0 otherwise.
4. We defined a co-association final matrix obtained
as M = 1/L
5. We selected a threshold σ that maximizes the
adopted performance indexes (Kuncheva, 2004),
and then we used an inverse function, denoted as
Clustering Evaluation in the Fig. 2, in order to
obtain the final documents partition C from M and
6. We compared all the obtained results by using
the Rand Index, the Normal Mutual Information
(NMI) index (Kuncheva, 2004) and the number of
generated clusters.
For the experimental campaign we used a corpus
composed by real medical records belonging to four
Table 1: Evaluation of the quality of the cluster solutions;
the best case is highlighted in bold.
NMI Number of
Average values and standard deviations
over the 12 partitions
I Criterium (Terms) 0.5523±
2.83 ± 0.88
II Criterium (Lem-
2.58 ± 0.45
III Criterium (Con-
2.50 ± 0.45
Combined Criteria
Terms + Lemmas 0.7164 0.3234 5
Lemmas + Con-
0.7313 0.3674 7
Terms + Concepts 0.7324 0.3787 7
Terms + Lemmas +
0.7286 0.3491 7
different hospital departments that was digitalized by
means of a state-of-the-art OCR. As described in sec-
tion 2 we built three different classes of vector space
models considering respectively terms, lemmas and
concepts, that are the doc-matrices (A). We used
these vector space models to generate, for each one
of them, L = 12 different instances of the X-means
clustering algorithm. The dataset used to validate the
adopted strategy is made up of 143 documents, which
are scans of medical records, obtained from different
Italian hospitals.
Since the dataset used is composed by digital-
ized medical records, the data used for testing present
some noise. The noisy terms are discarded by means
of the preprocessing phase of the semantic method-
ology and so the documents are represented by the
terms correctly recognized by the OCR procedure. It
implies that the document representation in the vec-
tor space considers a subset of the original terms that
occurs in the medical records.
These records were previously organized on the
basis of department membership as follows: Cardiol-
ogy: 41 documents; Intensive Case: 40 documents;
General Surgery: 40 documents; Oncology: 22 doc-
uments. On the three doc-feature matrix A we have
evaluated the proposed approach, obtaining the re-
sults reported in the Table 1.
Although the use of the III Criterium allows us
to make documents’ partition by topic, it introduces
noise, making the partitions generated worse than the
ones obtained by using only the I or II Criterium. On
the other hand, the usage of this information com-
bined with the I or the II Criterium allow us to always
obtain a better partition. In particular, the best results
are obtained by combining features coming from the
Figure 1: Document classification model.
Figure 2: Generation and evaluation of the proposed clustering solution.
I Criterium and the III Criterium.
In this work we proposed a methodology for auto-
matic document categorization based on a clustering
ensemble technique. We combined results of different
clustering algorithms executed on three different vec-
tors space models which include both syntactic (Lem-
mas and Terms) and semantic (Concepts) content rep-
resentation. Experiments were performed on a corpus
of real medical records written in Italian. The results
showed that although the use of concepts allows us
to make documents’ partition by topic, it introduces
noise, making the generated partitions worse than the
ones obtained by using only Lemmas or Terms. On
the other hand, the usage of semantic information
combined with the syntactical ones allowed us to im-
prove the obtained results.
Future work will address the investigation of in-
tegrating results of different clustering algorithms as
well as different document representations.
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