Entropy based Biometric Template Clustering
Michele Nappi
, Daniel Riccio
and Maria De Marsico
Biometric and Image Processing Laboratory, University of Salerno, Via Ponte don Melillo, Fisciano, Italy
Department of Computer Science, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
Keywords: Biometrics, Clustering, Entropy.
Abstract: Though speed and accuracy are two competing requirements for large scale biometric recognition, they both
suffer from large database size. Clustering seems promising to reduce the search space. This can improve
accuracy, but may even contrarily affect it by a poor selection of the candidate cluster for the search. We
present a novel technique that exploits gallery entropy for clustering. The comparison with K-Means
demonstrates that we achieve a better clustering result, yet without fixing the number of clusters a-priori.
Most research results on biometric identification rely
on relatively small datasets. However, in massive
applications not only accuracy but also scalability
and response time are important. Low response
times and high accuracy seldom agree. Moreover,
researches have shown that false positives increase
geometrically with database size (Maltoni et al.,
2003). False Acceptance Rate (FAR) depends on
algorithms, and on a trade-off with False Rejection
Rate (FRR), so it is impossible to reduce it
indefinitely. Different possibilities of performance
improvement are rather related to the database, and
to the size of the search space. Feature space
reduction aims at faster matching operations (e.g.
see (Singh, 2009)). On the other hand, clustering (or
binning) aims at reducing the search space.
Unfortunately, biometric databases do not lend
themselves to a natural grouping/ordering of
templates, so that the latter is a challenging problem.
Some recent works (Bhatnagar and Kumar, 2009)
demonstrate that biometrics can exploit models from
Information Theory. Capture and feature extraction
modules can be modeled as signal noisy sources,
while a matcher /classifier can be considered as a
decoder on a noisy channel. In the specific case of a
biometric system, Shannon entropy can measure the
difference of a subject from a population using
features extracted by a Feature Extraction Technique
(FET). The easiest way to integrate entropy into a
biometric systems, is to use it as an estimate of the
degree of randomness of pixels in the image I of a
single sample. However, a more profitable entropy-
based analysis can allow relating the discriminant
power of the templates of a subject with those of
other subjects (De Marsico et al., 2012), or to find
subsets with low informative variation, which in our
approach correspond to clusters of similar templates.
We consider a gallery G of templates, a feature
extraction technique F, a template similarity
measure d. F takes a sample image I as input, and
produces a template v as output, i.e. v=F(I). The
similarity measure d associates a real scalar value to
a pair of templates. We first compare a probe
template v with a gallery template g
. We get d(v, g
and denote it as s
. After a possible score
normalization, s
is a real value in the interval [0,1].
We assume that an oracle (e.g. a matching
algorithm) has already decided that the template v
belongs to a specific subject k. Therefore, we can
assume a probability distribution over the sub-
gallery G
such that the score s
can be interpreted
as the probability that template v conforms to g
In order to represent such a probability, s
range in [0,1], and is normalized with respect to
) so that the sum over G
is 1.
The entropy definition can be now applied to the
gallery G
with respect to probe v as follows:
Nappi M., Riccio D. and De Marsico M..
Entropy based Biometric Template Clustering.
DOI: 10.5220/0004266205600563
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (ICPRAM-2013), pages 560-563
ISBN: 978-989-8565-41-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
We can next compute a measure of entropy for the
whole gallery G, by considering each gallery
template g
in turn as a probe. Given Q the set of
pairs q
, g
) of elements in G such that s
The proposed formulation provides values in the
range [0,1] irrespective of the size of the gallery.
H(G) represents a measure of heterogeneity for
G that can be used to order the gallery according to
the informative power of the samples. The proposed
procedure takes a gallery G as input; it computes an
all-against-all similarity matrix M, where
, g
), g
and g
G, and the value for
H(G). For each g
G, M is used to compute H(G
}) that would be obtained by considering g
as a
new sample v, not already in G. The g
achieving the
minimum f(G, g
)=H(G) -H(G
\ {g
}) is selected; M
is updated by deleting the i-th row and column, and
the process is repeated, until all elements of G have
been selected. In practice, we select the templates in
descending order of representativeness. The
inhomogeneity of the set progressively reduces, and
we use this to identify clusters of templates with
similar information content. An example of the
ordering of a set of templates is given in Figure 1.
Our clustering problem is nontrivial. Representation
used in face recognition algorithms such as
eigenfaces (Turk and Pentland, 1991) or graph-based
approaches (Wiskott et al., 1996) do not explicitly
encode suitable information. Moreover, the
templates in each cluster (bin) have to be
significantly less than the total number. This
involves a trade-off between search space reduction
and bin-miss errors.
Among clustering techniques, K-Means
Clustering is very popular. However, among its
drawbacks, it needs to fix k a priori, which is a
problem in itself. We propose a method based on the
entropy of a set of templates, which does not require
to fix the number of classes. The dataset is
partitioned according to the information content of
the single template with respect to the gallery, so
that templates with similar information are grouped
together. The proposed technique performs better
than K-Mean, when compared with a gold standard,
as we will show through experimental results.
The robustness of the characteristics that a
Feature Extraction Technique (FET) extracts from a
biometric sample, can significantly influence the
performance of a biometric classifier. A Distance
Matrix (or symmetrically, a Similarity Matrix)
contains the distance between each pair of templates
in a set. A classifier puts two templates in the same
class if their distance is below a given threshold.
We call the algorithm for biometric clustering
Entropy based Aggregative Clustering (E-AC). It
applies to the input biometric templates the entropy-
based function f in Section 2, to sort them in a list L
according to representativeness. The templates in the
terminal part of the list (the last selected ones) are
very similar to each other, and they can possibly fit
into a single cluster. The procedure creates a new
cluster and the last m elements of L are moved into
it. The remaining elements of L are then considered
backwards. The last one is compared with those
already in the new cluster, using the Pearson's
correlation index (-1 = maximum negative
correlation; 0 = no correlation; 1 = maximum direct
correlation). If at least 30% of the comparisons
provide a correlation greater than 0.8, the element is
moved into the cluster too, and the new last one is
considered. The insertion stops, when an item does
not meet the condition to be inserted.
The procedure is repeated, after that residual
templates are reordered, since template removal
generally changes the entropy of the set. Neither the
number of clusters nor the number of items in each
cluster are fixed a priori. The problem of templates
of the same class which are placed in different
clusters is solved by a further aggregation phase.
Figure 1: An example E-AC clustering. We here create a
cluster of size m=3. The immediately preceding template
satisfies the insertion criterion, while the further preceding
one does not and therefore causes a stop, the creation of a
new ordered list L’ and the initialization of a new cluster.
The aggregation process computes a (Pearson)
correlation matrix for each pair of clusters C
and C
from the previous phase. The Correlation Matrix
CM, size | C
| | C
|, is such that CM (i, j) = corr (t
), t
and t
. Given a positive threshold
(here 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 have been used), fixed in
advance, E-AC evaluates the percentage of entries in
CM with a correlation coefficient of at least 0.8. If
this percentage exceeds the threshold
, the two
clusters are merged. The process stops when no pair
of clusters can be further merged.
Figure 1 shows the starting phase of the
described process on an ordered list of templates.
Clustering algorithms were tested with a subset of
faces from FERET (Phillips et al., 1998). We
selected 35 subjects with at least 6 frontal images
labeled fa or fb, according to the FERET protocol.
The subset contains 366 images with 256 384
resolution and 8 bits depth.
The samples were segmented and normalized
through an automated process, which cuts and scales
it with respect to the interocular distance.
We considered Principal Component Analysis
(Kirby and Sirovich, 1990), Linear Discriminant
Analysis ( Zhao and Yuen, 2008), and Face Analysis
for Commercial Entities (FACE) (De Marsico et al.,
2012). These three FETs were chosen for their
different robustness to pose, illumination and
expression (PIE) distortions. For feature vectors
produced by PCA and LDA, d measure was the city
block distance (norm 1), and was also used in the
calculation of clusters with the K-Means technique.
For FACE biometric templates, d was a localized
version of the index of correlation (more details
about this in (De Marsico et al., 2012)).
Each subject in FERET database is identified by
a label. Therefore, the benchmark set can be
considered as a sort of gold standard. This allows
implementing standard procedures for external
evaluation in testing the considered clustering
algorithms. Notice that, given the nature of the
clustering used for comparison, achieving a good
similarity with it also implies to be less affected by
the bin miss problem. We compared the
performance of our clustering algorithm with that of
K-Means (adopting its MATLAB implementation)
on the considered FETs. Besides the number of
clusters, we based the comparison on Rand Measure
(RM) (Rand, 1971), and on Fowlkes–Mallows Index
(FMI) (Fowlkes and Mallows, 1983) defined as the
geometric average of Precision and Recall:
Precision and recall concentrate the evaluation on
the true positives, asking what percentage of the
relevant elements have been correctly classified and
how many false positives have also been returned.
When comparing two clusterings C
and C
, we can
consider as true positives the points that are present
in the same cluster in both clusterings, false
positives as the points that are present in the same
cluster in C
but not in C
, false negatives as the
points that are present in the same cluster in C
not in C
, and as true negatives the points that are in
different clusters in both C
and C
The first experiment evaluates the performance
of K-Means, when the face samples are points in the
space generated by PCA or LDA. This experiment
was not carried out with FACE, due to the different
distance function and of the particular comparison
algorithm. K-Means requires the number of clusters,
which has been set to the number of subjects from
FERET, i.e. 35. The comparison was performed with
the clustering induced by the database labeling,
which is the true correct one (our gold standard).
Table 1 shows that the robustness of the FET heavily
influences the performance of the K-Means
algorithm. This phenomenon is confirmed by the
different values of Precision / Recall with PCA and
LDA, which reach 0.3846 and 0.3796 in the first
case, against 0.4822 and 0.4309 in the second.
Table 1: Comparison of K-Means, with different FETs,
and the database clustering induced by included labels.
PCA 0.9667 0.3821
LDA 0.9717 0.4558
The second experiment evaluated the algorithm
E-AC. Also for this experiment, the three FETs have
been considered as a starting point for the generation
of the initial set of clusters, which were then input to
the merging procedure. Even in this case, the
comparison is with the database labelling. Results of
this experiment are summarized in Table 2.
Table 2: Comparison of E-AC clustering using different
FETs with the database labeling.
0.9729 0.4121
0.9736 0.4087
0.9777 0.5227
We can observe how a more robust FET allows
entropy to provide a better ordering of templates in
the input set. As a consequence, it is possible to
detach from the tail of the ordered list a series of
template sequences which actually belong to the
same class. This increases the uniformity and
consistency of initial clusters, allowing a better
result after the merging procedure. In fact, there is
no implementation of a process of cluster split or
deletion of an item from a cluster: when a template
is added to a cluster, it is never removed from it. If
the initial clusters, produced by E-AC are very
heterogeneous (i.e. contain templates belonging to
different classes), the final result, will be hopelessly
affected by this. In a final experiment, the merging
step was reapplied to the final clustering with
increasing thresholds, in an iterative way. With
LDA, the procedure initially generated 104 clusters,
to which merging was applied with threshold 0.2 to
obtain the first final clustering (the procedure used
for Table 2). The merging procedure was applied
again to the set of clusters obtained so far, with a
higher threshold 0.3, and again to the set of clusters
obtained with a threshold 0.4. Table 3 shows the
performance in terms of number of clusters and
performance indices for the various iterations. The
same procedure was applied with FACE obtaining
the results in Table 4.
Table 3: Performance indices for the sequence of iterations
of the merging step when E-AC is applied with LDA FET.
104 0.9736 0.4087 0.84 0.20
84 0.9729 0.3927 0.79 0.19
60 0.9771 0.5077 0.78 0.33
45 0.9806 0.5856 0.71 0.48
Table 4: Performance indices for the sequence of iterations
of the merging step when E-AC is applied with FACE
62 0.9777 0.5227 0.81 0.34
50 0.9813 0.6237 0.79 0.49
39 0.9833 0.6790 0.71 0.65
Table 3 and Table 4 show that the different
applications of the merging procedure consistently
fuse together the clusters with similar templates, as
indicated by the growth of the value of Recall.
However, the reduction of Precision shows that
merging may put elements of different classes within
the same cluster.
E-AC is slightly slower than K-Means, but this
can be fixed by suitable computation optimizations.
Clustering is a promising solution to address the
problem of biometric recognition with a large scale
database. K-means Clustering is a very popular
technique to address the problem, but needs the
parameter k a-priori. Our technique achieves better
results even without this information.
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