Small Vocabulary with Saliency Matching for Video Copy Detection
Huamin Ren
, Thomas B. Moeslund
, Sheng Tang
and Heri Ramampiaro
Visual Analysis of People Lab, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Visual Codebook, Bag of Words, Saliency Matching, Copy Detection.
The importance of copy detection has led to a substantial amount of research in recent years, among which
Bag of visual Words (BoW) plays an important role due to its ability to effectively handling occlusion and
some minor transformations. One crucial issue in BoW approaches is the size of vocabulary. BoW descriptors
under a small vocabulary can be both robust and efficient, while keeping high recall rate compared with
large vocabulary. However, the high false positives exists in small vocabulary also limits its application. To
address this problem in small vocabulary, we propose a novel matching algorithm based on salient visual words
selection. More specifically, the variation of visual words across a given video are represented as trajectories
and those containing locally asymptotically stable points are selected as salient visual words. Then we attempt
to measure the similarity of two videos through saliency matching merely based on the selected salient visual
words to remove false positives. Our experiments show that a small codebook with saliency matching is quite
competitive in video copy detection. With the incorporation of the proposed saliency matching, the precision
can be improved by 30% on average compared with the state-of-the-art technique. Moreover, our proposed
method is capable of detecting severe transformations, e.g. picture in picture and post production.
The rapid development of the Internet technology and
the dramatic increase of the available network band-
width have led to large quantity of videos and images
being uploaded to websites. Despite of the conve-
nience, it also brings a new challenge to detect unau-
thorized copies and further employ control policy to
protect legal copyright. Copy detection has been seen
as a key technique to solve this problem.
Various approaches based on different features
have been proposed for video copy detection (Law-
To et al., 2007) (Kim and Vasudev, 2005) (Gengembre
and Berrani, 2008) (Poullot et al., 2010) (Douze et al.,
2010). One of the most promising features is based
BoW feature, which is effective in handling occlusion
and some minor transformations, and can easily be
scaled to large datasets. The key idea behind BoW
representation is to quantize the high dimensional im-
age features to a manageable vocabulary size of vi-
sual words, which is also called codebook. This is
typically achieved by grouping the low-level features
collected from frames into a specified number of clus-
ters using an unsupervised algorithm such as k-means
clustering. By treating the center of each cluster as
a visual word in the codebook, each extracted feature
can be mapped into its closest visual word. Thus a
histogram over the codebook is generated as a rep-
resentation of a frame and a further retrieval scheme
based on bin-to-bin matching of their histograms are
used for finding similar or copy images.
Despite of the promising progress, there are still
many critical problems in Bow -based approaches that
need to be addressed, one of which is the size of the
vocabulary (or the size of the codebook). The size of
the vocabulary applied in BoW approaches has an im-
portant impact on the retrieval performance. A gen-
eral observation is that more visual words will result
in better performance (Liu et al., 2008) (Nist
er and
enius, 2006) owing to a better partitioned fea-
ture space. However, large vocabulary also has two
other negative effects: large storage and computation
resource requirement as well as low recall risk (Nist
and Stew
enius, 2006). In contrast, a small vocabulary
has many significant merits, e.g. efficient in feature
assignment, more compact storage requirement for
BoW descriptors and easier to scale up. Even though
a small vocabulary has many advantages, it also con-
tains other negative aspects: lacking discrimination
due to the tendency of more conflicts among differ-
Ren H., Moeslund T., Tang S. and Ramampiaro H..
Small Vocabulary with Saliency Matching for Video Copy Detection.
DOI: 10.5220/0004280207680773
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 768-773
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
ent features into the same cluster, which will bring
high false positive rates and degrade its performance
in video copy detection.
To obtain robust, yet discriminative features, and
degrade high false positives in retrieval results, we
propose a salient BoW feature representation and fur-
ther a matching scheme to trackle the problems ex-
ists in small vocabulary. To be specific, we adopt In-
cremental Clustering algorithm in (Ren et al., 2012)
for codebook construction because of its robustness
in partitioning original features and transformed fea-
tures. Further, we propose a visual words selection
algorithm, during which only salient visual words are
selected and kept for later descriptors. Finally, we
provide a matching scheme to measure BoW features,
by only calculating the similarity among salient visual
The performance of BoW feature for copy detection
is highly dependent on codebook being built and the
process of quantization. Thus, we give a briefly intro-
duction of the related work in these two topics.
Usually the codebook is built through vector quan-
tization based on k-means clustering. However, as
discussed in (Nist
er and Stew
enius, 2006) the size
of visual codebook should normally be very large to
attain a reasonable retrieval performance Some re-
searchers have started to improve the quality of code-
book by visual words selection, e.g. (Mallapragada
et al., 2010) (Wang, 2007) (Zhang et al., 2010). In
(Mallapragada et al., 2010), the author select a sub-
set of visual words, using a set of images, which is
defined with related or unrelated link constraints. In
(Wang, 2007) the authors present a boosting feature
selection approach to select the most discriminative
visual words from a multi-resolution codebook. How-
ever, these algorithms are supervised methods, which
largely limit their scalability in a variety of applica-
tions. Thus in (Mallapragada et al., 2010), the authors
propose a DCS algorithm, which model the relation-
ship between the data matrix and the indicator matrix
using a linear function and select visual words that led
to minimal fitting error as discriminative ones. Other
researchers have tried to introduce auxiliary informa-
tion to reduce the effect of quantization. In (Philbin
et al., 2007), the authors exploit spatial information
by using the feature layout to verify the consistency of
the retrieved images with the query region; In (Philbin
et al., 2008) (Jiang et al., 2010), the authors adopt soft
assignment, which assign a feature into several nearby
visual words, to bring more possible similar features
into consideration.
Feature assignment is quite time-consuming espe-
cially when a large vocabulary is adopted. Therefore,
some tree structures have been proposed to speed up
the assignment process. The vocabulary tree (Nist
and Stew
enius, 2006) proposes a hierarchical quan-
tization, by decomposing the large-scale clustering
problem into smaller-scale clustering. Nonetheless,
vocabulary tree suers from performance degradation.
Approximate k-means (AKM) (Philbin et al., 2007)
is proposed to replace the exact search of the clos-
est cluster centers by approximate search to speed up
the assignment. However, it is not guaranteed to con-
verge. Robust Approximate k-means (RAKM) (Li
et al., 2010) is proposed to guarantee convergence
through incorporation of the closest cluster centers in
the previous iterations.
Although the tree structures can speed-up fea-
ture assignment, they also need a large vocabulary to
achieve a good performance. Therefore these struc-
tures still require large storage, which, in turn, lim-
its their scalability. To address these problems, we
adopt the codebook construction algorithm in (Ren
et al., 2012) to build a small vocabulary, and propose a
saliency matching to attain a competitive performance
comparable to large vocabulary.
Observed by many researchers, different visual words
have distinct impacts on retrieval performance. Un-
like many approaches which use weighting scheme
to reinforce the effect of visual words extracted from
foreground, we advocate a matching scheme only
considering the coordinate of salient visual words,
which could measure the similarity between BoW de-
scriptors better. Since salient visual words are only
a subset of codebook, the computation cost can be
greatly saved. At the same time, frames which do
not contain any salient visual words are considered
as noisy frames and are filtered out to improve the
retrieval performance. Salient visual words selection
from the codebook and saliency matching between
two videos are introduced respectively in the follow-
ing sections.
3.1 Salient Visual Words Selection
Video Q is denoted as a series of frames:
Q[1], Q[2], ..., Q[M], each of which is represented as
a BoW descriptor b
, M is the number of frames in
Q. Let b
[w] be the w
coordinate of the BoW de-
scriptor in the i
From observation, we could find out there are
some regular patterns exist in the variation of b
We first select a reference video and its copy video
(with the same duration), then trace the variation of
BoW coordinates of different visual words across the
video. Six representative visual words are selected,
their variations in reference video and copy video are
marked as point and cross marks in Figure 1. X axis
represents the frame order, y axis represents the BoW
coordinates of current visual word in the video. As
can be found, the two variation curves tend to have a
similar trend: When BoW coordinate of the reference
video approaches a peak, the corresponding BoW co-
ordinate in the copy video is also very high, proba-
bly also achieves a peak. However, this consistency
pattern doesn’t exist between two different videos, as
seen in Figure 2. Based on this observation, the key
issue is to detect these representative visual words and
then find out a proper measurement to calculate the
similarity between two videos by tracing their curves.
Figure 1: Comparison of BoW coordinate between copy
video and its reference video.
To obtain this goal, we denote the curve in a tra-
jectory form and then formulate the problem by trac-
ing saliency points in the curve. By tracing b
across time, the variation of the w
visual word in the
video Q can be represented as a trajectory: tra j
[w]}. Hence a video could have at most
K trajectories, where K is the size of the codebook.
Unlike general trajectories, which trace matched key
points among adjacent frames, our trajectory is built
to find out Salient Visual Words in which certain
”salient” visual content appear locally and continu-
Considering the variation of one visual word in the
Figure 2: Comparison of BoW coordinate between two dif-
ferent videos.
video, its trajectory has a locally asymptotic tendency
.This phenomenon is due to the fact that the same vi-
sual word representing a specific kind of visual con-
tent which appeared in former frames, will contin-
uously appear in the later frames. The coordinate
may change under some transformations such as crop
or shift. However, within a local time window, the
neighborhood should have an asymptotic tendency to-
wards one critical point. Normally this could not be
a global tendency because through time some visual
content may appear or disappear. Considering this lo-
cal tendency, we could make an analogy of the varia-
tion of the coordinates as a dynamic system in which
each point (the coordinate) changes similarly to the
state in the dynamic system.
According to the manifestation of the trajectory,
we define salient visual words as those whose trajec-
tory across the video can be represented by a serie
of locally asymptotically stable points, which are de-
fined in definition 1.
Definition 1. Suppose a trajectory is represented
as {x(t
), x(t
)...}. A point x
is locally asymptoti-
cally stable at t = t
if it satisfies:
is stable and;
is locally attractive, e.g. there exists δ such that:
kt t
k < δ lim
x(t) = x(t
) (1)
In other words, the point x
is locally asymptoti-
cally stable if x
is locally stable and, furthermore, all
solutions starting near x
tend towards x
as t t
Then, we provide a practical method to find out
these possible locally asymptotically stable points in
trajectories. A stable point must be a maximum or
minimum point, so the main problem is how to find
stable points that all the nearby points tend to enclose.
According to the second method of Lyapunov and
Lyapunovs stability theory, the original system is lo-
cally asymptotically stable if we can find a Lyapunov-
candidate-function, which satisfies: 1) that the func-
tion is locally positive define and 2) time derivation
of the function is locally negative semidefinite. Dif-
ferent from the goals in dynamic system, we aim to
find out such locally asymptotically stable points as-
suming that the trajectory is locally asymptotically
stable. Thus, we construct a candidate function and
in reverse to find the points which is positive in first
derivation and negative in second derivation. Actu-
ally this assumption is reasonable, because the points
in the trajectory may have a fluctuation due to noise or
transformations, but from a local view all the points in
the neighborhood should have a tendency to a specific
point. Naturally, we propose to use gradient func-
tion as a candidate function, which is approximated
by first differential of BoW coordinate, due to that
it can reflect the major fluctuations existing in visual
content. After finding the extreme points of the gra-
dient function, we approximate the time derivation of
the gradient function by calculating, δ
, by using sec-
ond differential of BoW descriptors:
= |b
[w] +b
[w] 2 b
[w]| (2)
Finally, we draw trajectories of salient and non-
salient visual word individually in Figure 3 and 4.
We select 5 videos including original video, two copy
videos (by reencoding and quality degrade) and two
non-reference videos. The curves for salient visual
word in copy videos tend to have a high consistency
with the original video, and are distinguishable from
non-reference videos, while this tendency doesn’t ex-
ist in non-salient trajectories. This implies that the
matching of BoW descriptors on salient coordinates
can provide a better solution for measuring the simi-
larity between video and its copies.
3.2 Matching Scheme
Noisy frames are filtered out after salient visual words
selection. For each left frame in the query video, we
search for L nearest neighbors in the database to get
matched pairs of frames, by computing the cosine dis-
tance of BoW descriptors. Note that only the coordi-
nate of salient visual words are taken into calculation.
This is because salient visual words tend to represent
particular and discriminative visual content that ap-
pears or disappears through time, while non-salient
visual words possibly represent background informa-
tion or noise. Therefore, incorporating non-salient vi-
sual words will degrade the discriminative power and
affect the reliability of similarity. A division of ac-
Figure 3: Salient visual word trajectories.
Figure 4: Non-salient visual word trajectories.
cumulated scores of matched frames by the number
of matched frames, is used to measure the similarity
between two videos.
To verify the effectiveness of our saliency matching in
copy detection, we compare our approach with state-
of-the-art technique using a subset of TRECVID 2009
Copy Detection Dataset. There are 7 types of trans-
formations in the dataset, including picture in picture,
insertion of patterns, strong reencoding, change of
Gamma, decrease in quality, post production and etc.
Some of the representative transformations are shown
in Figure 5, orignial images are on the left, their copy
images under different transformations are shown on
the right. To validate the performance under different
transformations, we select two representative queries
from each type. Accordingly, their reference videos
are selected to form a video dataset - consisting 12
reference videos, each of which is about 30 minutes
long on average.
We compare our saliency matching with the ap-
proaches proposed in (Jegou et al., 2008): HE +WGC,
which is one of the state-of-the-art techniques in copy
detection. We use HE + WGC to get matched pairs
of frames by searching L nearest frames, accumulate
the scores explained in Section 3.2 and calculate pre-
cision and recall to evaluate the performance of copy
We first conduct experiments on our saliency
Table 1: Comparison experiments between TF-IDF based BoW matching and saliency matching.
TF-IDF based BoW matching Saliency matching
Precision Recall F Score Precision Recall F Score
0.100 0.071 0.083 0.250 0.143 0.181
0.174 0.286 0.216 0.143 0.286 0.190
0.125 0.286 0.173 0.152 0.357 0.212
0.160 0.500 0.242 0.170 0.571 0.262
0.110 0.500 0.180 0.131 0.571 0.213
0.100 0.063 0.104 0.5 0.642 0.571
0.086 0.076 0.108 0.5 0.857 0.571
Table 2: Comparison experiments for copy detection.
Precision Recall
K=65 K=20k K=65 K=65 K=20k K=65
0.100 0.042 0.250 0.071 0.285 0.143
0.174 0.04 0.143 0.286 0.285 0.286
0.125 0.04 0.152 0.286 0.285 0.357
0.160 0.038 0.170 0.5 0.285 0.571
0.110 0.045 0.131 0.5 0.357 0.571
0.100 0.063 0.104 0.5 0.642 0.571
0.086 0.076 0.108 0.5 0.857 0.571
T2: Picture in picture T3: Insertions of pattern
T4: Reencoding T5: Change of Gamma
T6: Decrease in quality
Figure 5: Representative original images and copy images
in TRECVID2009.
matching to get a good parameter of L. L determines
the number of the matched frames. True positives
may be missed under a small L, thereafter the recall
is usually increased when enlarging the parameter L.
However, with the increasing of L, the number of false
negatives are also increased accordingly which leads
to a low precision and longer processing time because
of more nearest neighbours being searched. For ex-
ample, when L = 4 the precision and recall are 0.17
and 0.57, respectively. However, when L = 40, they
are 0.09, 0.643. With respect to execution time, after
running 14 queries we found out that a query process-
ing with L = 4 only needs 45.14s on average, while
the processing time for L = 40 is 74.64s i.e., 1.65
times longer. To get a balance between accuracy and
time cost, we compute the precision and recall values
by varying the values of L from 4 to 2000 and finally
choose L=4.
Then, we compare saliency matching with and
without frame filtering. During frame filtering, only
discriminative frames are used to find L nearest neigh-
bors to form matched pairs of frames. Discriminative
frames turn out to be more contributive in copy de-
tection, obtaining a precision and recall of 0.17 and
0.57 respectively, compared to 0.15 and 0.5 without
frame filtering. The main reason is that false matched
frames can be reduced and thus a higher precision is
Next, we compare our methods with TF-IDF
weighting, which is a commonly used weighting
scheme in BoW-based methods. To wipe off the im-
pact of other factors, we use TF-IDF and saliency
matching seperately to get matched frames, then we
adopt matching scheme to compute the similarity of
two videos. Determing whether a query video is a
copy or not depends on threshold filtering of similar-
ity score. By adjusting thresholds, comparative re-
sults can be seen in Table 1. As can be seen, our
methods outperform TF-IDF weighting.
At last, the comparative copy detection perfor-
mance between our methods and HE+WGC in terms
of precision and recall is summarized in Table 2. We
change the value of threshold that determines similar-
ity between two videos, and compare the performance
of the approach in (Jegou et al., 2008) using small
and large vocabulary with our saliency matching us-
ing the same small vocabulary. As can be seen, our
saliency matching using small vocabulary, not only
outperforms HE + WGC using the same small vocab-
ulary both in precision and recall, by 30% and 26% re-
spectively on average, but also surpasses HE + WGC
using large vocabulary by 240% and 13% respectively
on average.
Our proposed approach performs significantly
well in detecting some severe transformations, e.g.
picture in picture and text insertion, in which new vi-
sual content appears continuously in a local time win-
dow In such cases, salient visual words can capture
these discriminative visual information. However, it
is not so promising in gamma transformation. Our
conjecture is that saliency matching may not have ob-
vious advantage in videos with insufficient salient vi-
sual words.
In this paper, we propose a salient visual words selec-
tion algorithm and saliency matching to measure the
similarity between two videos. Due to the high con-
sistency in salient coordinate of BoW descriptors, the
number of mismatches will be reduced and the perfor-
mance of BoW - based approaches with small vocab-
ulary in copy detection can be improved by saliency
Our experiments have shown that our proposed
method performs well in copy detection, especially
in transformations that visual content has significant
changes along time. Despite the good performance in
some sever transformations, e.g. picture in picture,
post production and some combination of transfor-
mations, our methods do not perform well in gamma
transformation, even when enlarging the number of
matching frames. This is partly due to the insuffi-
cience of visual words, partly due to a loss of infor-
mation during quantization in BoW features, which
could be our future research directions.
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