Combining Holistic Descriptors for Scene Classification
Kelly Assis de Souza Gazolli and Evandro Ottoni Teatini Salles
Universidade Federal do Esp´ırito, Vit´oria, ES, Brazil
Visual Descriptor, Scene Classification, Gist Descriptor, Contextual Information, Census Transform, Holistic
Scene classification is an important issue in the field of computer vision. To face this problem we explore in
this paper a combination of Holistic Descriptors to scene categorization task. Therefore, we first describe the
Contextual Mean Census Transform (CMCT), an image descriptor that combines distribution of local struc-
tures with contextual information. CMCT is a holistic descriptor based on CENTRIST and, as CENTRIST,
encodes the structural properties within an image and suppresses detailed textural information. Second, we
present the GistCMTC, a combination of Contextual Mean Census Transform descriptor with Gist in or-
der to generate a new holistic descriptor representing scenes more accurately. Experimental results on four
used datasets demonstrate that the proposed methods could achieve competitive performance against previous
Scenes classification is widely applied in many do-
mains, such as, image retrieval and travel navigation.
However, this task is quite challenging because there
are a great number of possible classes. Also, some
scenes are ambiguous and indeed, even human beings
can be unsure about these classifications. In addition,
the variation in illumination and scale could be daun-
In the literature, several methods have been pro-
posed to perform scene classification tasks. Oliva
and Torralba (Oliva and Torralba, 2001) proposed a
formal approach to build the ”gist” of the scene and
provided a statistical summary of the spatial layout
properties (naturalness, openness, expansion, depth,
roughness, complexity, ruggedness, symmetry) of the
Another popular approach is the local features
(Grauman and Darrell, 2005) (Fei-Fei and Perona,
2005). In this method the image is divided into
patches or regions on which individual features are
computed. The collection of these local descriptors
shapes the final representation. In this sense, Scalar
Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) (Lowe, 1999) be-
came a very popular local descriptor. This approach
transforms an image into a large collection of local
feature vectors, each of which is invariant to trans-
lation, scaling and rotation and partially invariant to
illumination changes.
The bag-of-features approach represents an image
as an orderless collection of local features. This
method models an image as an occurrence histogram
of visual words that are local descriptors of regions or
patches in the image (Wei Liu and Gabbouj, 2012).
Many variants of this model have been proposed.
Lazebnik et al. (Lazebnik et al., 2006) proposed a
spatial pyramid, a technique which works by parti-
tioning the image into increasingly fine sub-regions.
Qin and Yung (Qin and Yung, 2010) proposed a
method based on contextual visual words, in which
the contextual information from neighbor region and
the regions from coarser scales are included. Despite
good results, this approach has some disadvantages.
The codebook, i.e., the set of visual words, should
be large enough so that each image could be properly
represented by the histogram, thus, the codebook size
depends on the dataset. Furthermore, the codebook-
building process is often computationally intensive,
which limits efficiency of its application (Wei Liu and
Gabbouj, 2012).
Recently, Wu and Rehg (Wu and Rehg, 2011) pro-
posed CENTRIST (Census Transform Histogram), a
holistic representation that captures structural proper-
ties, rough geometry and generalizability by mode-
ling distribution of local structures. CENTRIST is
easy to implement, has nearly no parameter to tune,
and is invariant to illumination.
In this paper, first, using The Contextual Mean
Census Transform (CMCT), we show that combining
Gazolli K. and Salles E..
Combining Holistic Descriptors for Scene Classification.
DOI: 10.5220/0004286103150320
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 315-320
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
contextual features and local structures can help dif-
ferentiate local structures that are similar but have
considerable difference in its neighborhood. The
Contextual Mean Census Transform is a holistic vi-
sual descriptor that captures structural properties, by
modeling distribution of local structures, and adds
contextual information, by modeling the distribu-
tion of structures formed by neighbor local struc-
tures. Then, we propose GistCMTC, a combination
of CMTC contextual descriptor with Gist holistic ap-
proach. Therefore, by combining these two tech-
niques we intend enhancing the descriptor quality by
providing different types of information.
In this section, we first present the Modified Census
Transform in which the proposed technique is based.
Then we extend the concept to the Contextual Mean
Census Transform (CMCT) descriptor.
2.1 Modified Census Transform
The Modified Census Transform (MCT) (Fr¨oba and
Ernst, 2004) is a nonparametric local transform based
on Census Transform (Zabih and Woodfill, 1994).
This technique was proposed with the aim of over-
come some weakness of Census Transform. The
Modified Census Transform, Γ(x) is computed in the
following manner. A 3 x 3 window of pixels is con-
sidered and the mean I(x) of the pixels is computed.
Every pixel in the 3 x 3 windowis then compared with
I(x). If the pixel is bigger than or equal to I(x), a bit 1
is set in the corresponding location. Otherwise, a bit
0 is set, as follows
Γ(x) =
ζ(I(y), I(x)), ζ(m, n) =
1, m n
0, otherwise
represents concatenation operation, I(x) is
the mean of the intensity values in the 3 x 3 window
of pixels centered at x, I(y) is the gray value of the
pixel at y position and N
(x) is a local spatial neigh-
borhood of the pixel at x. In the Modified Census
Transform technique, 9 bits are generated and con-
verted to a decimal number in [0, 511], namely, here,
In this work, we adopt Modified Census Trans-
form. However, we do not compare the mean I(x)
with the center pixel. Thus, we generate 8 bits, in-
stead of 9, which are converted to a decimal num-
ber in [0, 255], i.e., we generate a smaller descriptor.
Moreover, we adopt ζ(m, n) = 1, if m > n. In order to
differentiate Modified Census Transform with 9 bits
from Modified Census Transform with 8 bits and with
ζ(m, n) = 1, if m > n, we refer to this last as MCT(8
bits). Finally, a 256 bins histogram of MCT(8 bits)
values for an image is used as a visual descriptor.
2.2 CMCT - Contextual Mean Census
The Contextual Mean Census Transform (CMCT) in-
tegrates contextual information with local structures
information for differentiating regions that have simi-
lar structures, but have significant difference in their
neighborhood. For accomplishing this task, this ap-
proach takes into consideration information of neigh-
borhood windows in the MCT(8 bits) computation,
by creating a new local structure from the local struc-
ture of the window and from the local structures of its
neighboring windows. We believe these additional in-
formation can improve the image representation. We
call these informations coming from outside windows
by context.
The steps for the Contextual Mean Census Trans-
form (CMCT) generation are as follow. First, MCT(8
bits) is computed for all pixels. Then, a histogram of
MCT(8 bits) is obtained. A new image is created in
which the original image pixels are replaced by the
correspondent MCT(8 bits) values. In the sequel, the
MCT(8 bits) is computed on the new images pixels
and a new histogram is generated. Then, the CMCT(8
bits) histogram for the original image histogram and
the the CMCT(8 bits) histogram for the new image are
concatenated, generating a new descriptor. The whole
process is schematized in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Contextual descriptor extraction process.
The MCT(8 bits) maps a 3 x 3 image window to
one of 256 possible values. Therefore, the MCT(8
Figure 2: An example of an image from 15-category dataset
with the gray values replaced by MCT(8 bits).
Figure 3: Two different windows with the same structure in
the center (left). The pixelsreplaced by the values generated
by MCT(8 bits) for each 3x3 window (center). The value of
MCT(8 bits) to the new window (right).
bits) value acts as an index to different local struc-
tures. When pixel value is replaced by the MCT(8
bits) value, as illustrated in Figure 2, the information
type changes from intensity to local structure index.
So, when the Modified Census Transform is applied
on the new image, it performs comparisons between
local structures in the neighborhood, obtaining a dif-
ferent information type, i.e., the relationship between
local structures. Figure 3 shows two examples of
different 5 x 5 windows which has the same 3 x 3
window in the center. Although the windows have a
similar center structure, they generate a different set
of MCT(8 bits) values and, therefore, calculating the
MCT(8 bits) in the new images generate different va-
lues for each example.
This technique does not represent all the possible
local structures in a 5 x 5 window, which would re-
quire a 2
size descriptor , but since the MCT(8 bits)
for the original image and for the new image are com-
puted, it is possible representing 65,536 (256 x 256)
different structures using a 512 size descriptor. In this
way, it is possible identifying a greater number of lo-
cal structures and more accurately define their distri-
bution in each class, improving scene classification
In this section we propose GistCMCT. This new des-
criptor is a combination of two holistic approaches:
Gist (Oliva and Torralba, 2001) and CMCT.
3.1 Gist
Under the assumption that is not necessary iden-
tify the objects that make up a scene to identify the
scene, Oliva and Torralba (Oliva and Torralba, 2001)
proposed a holistic approach to build the ”gist” of
the scene using low-dimensional representation of a
set of global image properties such as naturalness,
openness, roughness, expansion, and ruggedness. In
this approach stable spatial structures within images
that reflect functionality of the location are captured
(Oliva and Torralba, 2001) rather than detailed infor-
mation about objects. As Gist is a holistic and low-
dimensional representation of the structure of a scene,
it does not require explicit segmentation of image and
objects. Therefore, this method requires very low
computational resources (Oliva and Torralba, 2006).
In (Zabih and Woodfill, 1994) it was showed that
Gist has a good performance when classifying out-
door scenes, however, when indoor scenes are added
the Gist accuracy becomes worse.
3.2 GistCMCT
Although the techniques presented in section 2 are
holistic, they differ from Gist. While Gist represents
the shape of the scene by computing stable spatial
structures within images that reflect functionality of
the location, CMCT summarizes local shape informa-
Gist has a certain weakness in recognizing in-
door scenes, but is quite efficient in the recognition
of outdoor scenes. CMCT, as the CENTRIST, repre-
sents structural properties through the distribution of
local structures (for example, the percentages of lo-
cal structures that are local horizontal edge) (Wu and
Rehg, 2011) which helps in the classification of man-
made environments, including, indoor environments.
A vector composed of Gist and CMCT descriptors
will gather their qualities, and will get, therefore, a
better performance in classifying scenes.
In this section, we investigate the effectiveness of
our representations and compare them with existing
4.1 Datasets and Setup
Our descriptors has been tested on four data sets:
8-category scenes provided by Oliva and Torralba
(Oliva and Torralba, 2001), 15-category dataset
(Lazebnik et al., 2006), 8-class sports event (Li and
Fei-Fei, 2007) and 67-class indoor scene recognition
(Quattoni and Torralba, 2009).
In the experiment, each category in a data set is
split randomly into a training set and a test set. The
random splitting is repeated 5 times, and the ave-
rage accuracy is reported, as adopted by (Wu and
Rehg, 2011). All color images were converted to
gray scale. For training and classification, we adopted
SVM (Support Vector Machine), a pattern classifier
introduced by (Vapnik, 1998). We used the libSVM
(Chang and Lin, 2011) package modified by (Wu and
Rehg, 2009).
The log frequency weighting was applied in the
histogram values. The log frequency weighting is a
technique used in Information Retrieval (Salton and
McGill, 1983) whereas relevance does not increase
proportionally with term frequency. The log fre-
quency weight of term t in a document d (W
) is
1+ log(t f
), t f
> 0,
0, otherwise
where t f
is number of occurrences of term t in a
document d.
4.2 Experiments with CMCT
We first present the results from CMCT. For all expe-
riments performed in this section, we employed li-
near kernel SVM to accomplish scene classification.
Since the goal is to compare the efficiency of the des-
criptors, only the results of the experiments in which
the images were not partitioned into increasingly fine
subregions are considered. In such a case, it is used
images without spatial representation and, therefore,
with levels number equal to zero. CMCT was imple-
mented using C++ and OpenCV.
4.2.1 15-Category Dataset
In this dataset an amount of 100 images in each ca-
tegory are used for training and the remaining images
constitute the testing set, as in previous researches.
When using CMCT, we achieve 76.87 ± 0.58% ac-
curacy in this dataset. Figure 4 presents the confu-
sion matrix from one run on 15-class scene dataset.
We observe that the biggest confusion happens be-
tween bedroom and livingroom, which have similar
elements. Humans may confuse them due to the small
inter-class variation.
Figure 4: Confusion matrix from one run for 15-class scene
recognition experiment using CMCT descriptor.
Table 1: Experimental results for 15-categories dataset.
Method Accuracy(%)
CENTRIST without PCA 73.29 ± 0.96
SPM (16 channel weak features) 66.80 ± 0.6
SPM (SIFT 400 clusters) 74.80 ± 0.3
Gist 73.28 ± 0.67
RCVW 74.5
MCT(8 bits) Histogram 73.71 ± 0.30
CMCT 76.87 ± 0.58
Table 1 compares the classification performance
of the proposed method on 15-category dataset to
the following methods existing in literature: CEN-
TRIST(Wu and Rehg, 2011), SPM (Lazebnik et al.,
2006) with 0 levels, Gist (Oliva and Torralba, 2001),
Region Contextual Visual Words (RCVW) (Liu et al.,
2011) and Modified Centrist Transform (MCT) his-
togram with 8 bits (Fr¨oba and Ernst, 2004), with
In (Lazebnik et al., 2006), low level features were
divided into weak features, computed from local 3 x
3 neighborhoods, and strong features, SIFT features
computed from 16 x 16 image patches. CMCT out-
performs the weak features and the strong features
(SIFT 400 cluster centers). CMCT also outperforms
CENTRIST, since the CMCT provides more informa-
tion about the local image structures than CENTRIST.
In (Liu et al., 2011), a method for scene categoriza-
tion by integrating region contextual information into
the bag-of-words approach is used. CMCT also over-
comes this method. By comparing MCT(8 bits) his-
togram and CMCT, one can see that the addition of
contextual information improves performance, since
using only MCT(8 bits) histogram we achieve 73.71
± 0.30%.
4.2.2 8-Category Dataset
In this dataset an amount of 100 images in each ca-
tegory are used for training and the remaining images
constitute the testing set. In the 8-categoryscene class
CMCT achieves 79.91 ± 0.99% accuracy.
Table 2 shows experimental results for 8-category
dataset. Using Gist descriptor the recognition accu-
racy is 82.60 ± 0.86%, which is greater than the re-
sults achieved by the CMCT. However, on the 15-
category dataset which adds several indoor categories,
the accuracy using Gist dropped to 73.28 ± 0.67%,
which is lower than CMCT accuracy. As in 15-
category dataset, CMCT outperforms MCT(8 bits)
histogram and CENTRIST.
Table 2: Experimental results for 8 scene categories dataset.
Method Accuracy (%)
Gist 82.60 ± 0.86
CENTRIST (0 levels) 76.49 ± 0.84
MCT(8 bits) histogram 77.07 ± 0.68
CMCT 79.91 ± 0.99
4.2.3 8-Class Sports Event
Following (Li and Fei-Fei, 2007), in this dataset, we
use 70 images per class for training and 60 for tes-
ting. CMCT achieves, in this dataset, 67.41 ± 1.10%,
while CENTRIST (0 levels) achieves 63.91 ± 2.44%.
In (Li and Fei-Fei, 2007), in which the event clas-
sification is a result of scene environment classifica-
tion and object categorization, the accuracy is 73.4%,
greater than CMCT. However, in scene and object ap-
proach (Li and Fei-Fei, 2007), manual segmentation
and object labels are used as additional inputs, a pro-
cedure that is not used in CMCT.
4.2.4 67-Class Indoor Scene Recognition
Following (Quattoni and Torralba, 2009), in this
dataset, we use 80 images in each category for trai-
ning and 20 images for testing. The experiments per-
formed by (Quattoni and Torralba, 2009) with Gist
achieved about 21% average recognition accuracy.
When it is used local and global information to re-
present the scenes, the accuracy was improved to
25%. By using CMCT we achieve 25.82 ± 0.72%.
The experiments performed using CENTRIST with
no levels achieved 22.46 ± 0.84%. As one can see, in
this challeging dataset, CMCT reaches better results
than all techniques presented.
4.3 Experiments with GistCMCT
In all experiments performed in this section, we em-
ployed Histogram Intersection kernel (HIK) (Wu and
Rehg, 2009) Support Vector Machine. For testing
Gist we used the Matlab code provided by (Oliva and
Torralba, 2001). The division of training and test is
the same adopted in the previous experiments.
In the 15-Category Dataset, GistCMCT results is
significantly greater than CMCT, since GistCMCT
achieves 82.37 ± 0.11% accuracy. GistCMCT also
outperforms Angular Radial Partitioning (ARP) Gist
(Wei Liu and Gabbouj, 2012), a technique that im-
proves Gist by modifying the grid division, which
achieve 75.25 ± 0.67% accuracy on this dataset. By
comparing confusion matrices presented in Figure 4
and Figure 5, the mean of diagonal matrix values in-
creased from 0.77 to 0.82 when GistCMCT is used.
Furthermore, it is possible to verify that the recogni-
tion rates in all outdoor classes are improved, as well
as most recognition rates in indoor classes.
Figure 5: Confusion matrix from one run for 15-class scene
recognition experiment using GistCMCT descriptor.
GistCMCT results is also significantly greater
than CMCT in the 8-category, since GistCMCT
achieves85.64 ± 0.88% accuracy. ARP Gist (Wei Liu
and Gabbouj, 2012), which achieves 84.77 ± 0.71%
accuracy is, again, overcomed by GistCMCT in this
In the 8-class sports event GistCMCT achieves
76.08 ± 1.58% accuracy and, therefore, it overcomes
CMCT and the results presented in (Li and Fei-Fei,
GistCMCT achieves 32.60 ± 0.81% in the out-
door scenes dataset showing better results than
CMCT. It is interesting to note that even without out-
door scenes, adding Gist descriptor improves perfor-
mance in this dataset.
The Contextual Mean Census Transform captures
structural properties by modeling distribution of local
structures and combines it with contextual informa-
tion. Those contextual information are obtained from
the distribution of local structures formed from lo-
cal structures in the original image, to perform scene
recognition task. CMCT combines a modification of
CENTRIST with contextual information. Comparing
the results of MCT(8 bits) histogram and CMCT, one
can see that the introduction of contextual informa-
tion improves the image representation. Furthermore,
CMCT preserves the advantages of CENTRIST (easy
to implement, almost no parameter to tune, low illu-
mination dependence) and shows better performance,
as one can see in the presented experiments. As CEN-
TRIST, CMCT is not invariant to rotation.
The GistCMCT, in its turn, is a combination of
two holistic approach: Gist and CMCT. In Tables 1
and 2 it is possible to see that CMCT is overcomed
by Gist when only outdoor scenes are presented and
outperforms Gist when indoor scenes are classified.
The combination of these two different global des-
criptors improves classification and outperforms as
much Gist as CMCT. Besides the good performance,
GistCMCT does not need creating codebooks, which
is often computationally intense.
In our future research, we intend to use some
form of associating spatial layout information, as
subregions of different resolution levels, and include
another type of information to improve the classifica-
tion performance.
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