Secure Image Retrieval Scheme in the Encrypted Domain
Pei Zhang
, Li Zhuo
, Yingdi Zhao
, Bo Cheng
, Jing Zhang
and Xiaoqin Song
Signal & Information Processing Laboratory, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
Keywords: Secure Image Retrieval, Feature Encryption, Encrypted Domain, Content-based Image Retrieval.
Abstract: Currently, the image retrieval methods focus on improving the retrieval performance, but ignoring preserving
the problem of preserving privacy. Images contain a great deal of personal privacy information, and leakage
of information will result in seriously negative effect. Ensuring the image retrieval performance while
preserving the confidentiality of data has become the key issue in the field of image retrieval. Based on the
Content-based Image Retrieval (CBIR), we propose a secure image retrieval scheme in the encrypted domain,
where the encrypted features can be used in similarity comparison directly. This paper compares the
ciphertext retrieval with plaintext retrieval to illustrate that the proposed scheme could achieve the
comparable retrieval performance, while ensuring the image information security at the same time.
Image retrieval is an effective technique to find the
images that the users need from the vast mass image
database accurately and quickly. In the past decade,
most works of image retrieval focus on how to
improve the retrieval performance (Wang et al.,
2010); (Gao et al., 2012,). But less work takes into
account the security of the image content. Malicious
intruders and tampers will result in serious problems
on many aspects, such as personal privacy, political
and military events, as well as business transactions.
Therefore, how to efficiently ensure the security of
the image content information has become a key
issue in the field of image retrieval.
The key problem of image information
protection is the processing of secure signal To
ensure the security of the image content, many
encryption methods can be used, such as AES
(Zeghid et al., 2007) and cryptographic primitives
(Erkin et al., 2007). When these encryption methods
are applied to the CBIR (Content-based Image
Retrieval), the features extracted from the encrypted
image may not be used directly. The reason is that
the essence of the CBIR is to compare the similarity
among high dimensional image features (Eakins, and
Graham, 1999), but the similarity cannot be
preserved after the images are encrypted by the
encryption method above. In this way, features used
in CBIR should be extracted from the decrypted
image. However, the features of the decrypted image
may leak image information. Moreover, when the
image database is very large, decrypting each image
will cost great computation and time for search.
Recent work by Lu et al. (Lu et al., 2009)
proposed two secure indexing schemes built upon
visual words representation of images by using
signal processing and cryptographic techniques
jointly. Both indexing schemes realize image
retrieval efficiently while preserving the
confidentiality of data. The work by Lu et al. (Lu et
al., 2009) built three secure CBIR schemes,
including bitplane randomization, random projection
and randomized unary encoding, where protection of
image features allowed the similarity comparison
among encrypted features. And these works by Lu et
al. are the first endeavors on the CBIR in the
encrypted domain.
This paper presents an secure image retrieval
scheme in the encrypted domain based on the CBIR
framework. The proposed scheme can not only
ensure the security of image information, but also
achieve comparable retrieval performance with
plaintext retrieval. Compared with the work of Lu et
al. (Lu et al., 2009), this paper makes an
improvement on the feature extraction methods to
obtain better image retrieval performance in the
encryption domain. Specific steps of the feature
extraction and encryption are provided.
Zhang P., Zhuo L., Zhao Y., Cheng B., Zhang J. and Song X..
Secure Image Retrieval Scheme in the Encrypted Domain.
DOI: 10.5220/0004289707830787
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 783-787
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
The framework of the secure image retrieval in the
encrypted domain is shown in Figure 1 (Lu et al.,
2009). Firstly, image features are extracted to
represent the image content. Then, both the image
content and image features are encrypted and stored
in the database. When images are retrieved,
encrypted features can be compared directly without
decryption. Finally, the images which have the
similar encrypted features with the query image will
be the outputs. Next, we will introduce the
implementation details in the following parts.
Figure 1: The framework of the image retrieval in the
encrypted domain.
2.1 Image Feature Extraction
Image feature extraction is the key part of CBIR. In
this paper, three kinds of low-level image features
are extracted from images, including color feature,
texture feature and shape feature.
2.1.1 Color Feature
In this paper, color histogram is extracted in HSV
color space as the color feature.
Firstly, the RGB color space is converted into the
HSV color space. Then, we quantize the color space
into non-equidistant according to the color
perception of human visual system. The hue H, the
saturation S and the value V are divided into 8, 3 and
3 bins, noted as
, respectively. Then, these
three components are integrated. The formula is
3 and
3, the range of L is [0,71],
representing 72 levels. Finally, we calculate the
color histogram. Thus, we obtain a 72-dimensional
color feature vector. (He, 2008)
2.1.2 Texture Feature
This paper applies the gray level co-occurrence
matrix (Partio et al., 2002) to extract the texture
Firstly, the gray level co-occurrence matrix,
noted as
,, is obtained from the gray
level image. Each element value of
, is
.We constitutes co-occurrence matrixes in four
, 
and 
. Then,
four parameters (Angular Second Moment, Contrast,
Entropy and Correlation) are calculated in the four
co-occurrence matrixes. They are defined as follows:
Finally, calculate the means and standard deviations
of these four parameters by combining with the four
and 
. Moreover, taking into account the
difference of each part of image texture, we divide
each image into four equal parts before extracting
the gray level co-occurrence matrix. Thus, we obtain
a 32-dimensional texture feature vector.
2.1.3 Shape Feature
In this paper, the Hu invariant moments (Hu, 1962)
are extracted to represent the shape feature.
Suppose f(i,j) is the function of digital image. Its
order moment is
The central moment is
.The 
normalized central moment is
Hu proposed seven moments as follow:
 
 
These moments have invariance of transform,
rotation and scaling. Thus, we can obtain a 7-
dimensional shape feature vector.
In this paper, the gaussian normalization is
applied before similarity comparison. After the
gaussian normalization, the values of feature vector
are ranged within 1,1 . Therefore, we can
effectively eliminate the difference which generates
due to the different range of the values in similarity
comparison, and make the weight coefficients of the
different components of the same feature roughly the
Finally, integrating the three kinds of feature
vectors together, we can get a 111-dimensional
feature vector to represent the image content.
2.2 Image Feature Encryption
In this paper, AES and other encryption algorithms
are used to encrypt the image content, and will not
be described here due to the limited paper space.
Next, we will describe the image feature encryption
method, which is the key component in our proposed
secure image retrieval scheme.
The CBIR is based on the distance between the
image features. In order to achieve the goal of
comparing the encrypted image features without
decryption, this paper applies an algorithm called
bit-plane randomization (Lu et al., 2009) which can
preserve the distance between the encrypted image
features. In this paper, we preserve the highest bit-
planes and encrypt the subsequent two bit-planes.
The so-called bit-plane is the bits which have the
same weight. Clearly, different bit-planes have
different significance. The most significant bits
(MSB) have the most importance of value.
The specific process of encryption is as follow:
First of all, the values of the feature vector have
been normalized into [-1,1] after gaussian
normalization. In order to extract bit-planes, we use
the following equation to process all the values:
where e’ and e represents the processed and original
values, respectively. Then, the range of all the values
of the feature vector is [0,200]. Due to200
, we can get 8 bit-planes. Next, a
random binary string is generated as the
cryptographic key. After that, the first five MSBs are
extracted. The fourth and the third bit-planes are
XORed with the cryptographic key respectively,
while the highest three bit-planes (7-5) are preserved.
Finally, the binary values should be transformed
back into decimal notation. Thus, the values of the
image feature vector can be protected efficiently.
2.3 Similarity Comparison
In this paper, both L1 and L2 distance are used to
perform similarity comparison. L1 and L2 distance
between N-dimensional vectors can be defined as
To validate the effectiveness of the proposed secure
image retrieval, we conduct an experiment on an
image database which contains two image datasets:
The Corel image database: this database contains
1000 color images which are classified into 10
categories (100 images in each category) images,
i.e. African, Beach, Architecture, Buses, Dinosaurs,
Elephants, Flowers, Horses, Mountain and Food.
Image sizes are either 256*384 or 384*256. This
database has been widely used in evaluating color
image retrieval;
The existing public datasets: we select 1232
images from the existing public datasets, such as
MSRC and Flickr. In this database, images are
classified into 8 categories, i.e. Bicycles, Buses,
Cars, Cats, Cows, Motorbikes, People and Sheep.
Image sizes are not fixed. Most of the images are
social images and are generally used for image
segmentation or recognition.
In this database, the total number of images is 2232.
After merging the similar classifications, we get 16
categories, i.e. Bicycles, Cars, Cats, Cows,
Motorbikes, People, Sheep, Beach, Architecture,
Buses, Dinosaurs, Elephants, Flowers, Horses,
Mountain and Food.
In this experiment, we evaluate the performances
of the cipertext retrieval and the plaintext retrieval
by precision-recall curve. Moreover, the
performances of retrieval based on L1 distance and
L2 distance are also evaluated. The precision-recall
curves are shown in Figure 2, and the results of
plaintext and ciphertext retrieval are shown in Figure 3
and Figure 4, respectively.
Figure 2: Retrieval performance: ciphertext and plaintext
retrieval on the mixed image database.
Figure 3: The results of plaintext retrieval.
Figure 4: The results of ciphertext retrieval.
It can be seen from Figure 2 that, the proposed
secure image retrieval scheme can achieve the
comparable retrieval performance with plaintext
retrieval. When we compare the performance of
retrieval based on L1 distance with that based on L2
distance, both of the methods can achieve a good
performance in the encrypted domain while L1
distance performs slightly better than L2. Obviously,
the scheme proposed in this paper can achieve good
performance while preserving the image formation
security at the same time.
This paper proposes a secure image retrieval scheme
in the encrypted domain. When images are retrieved,
encrypted features can be compared directly without
decryption. The experimental results show that this
secure image retrieval scheme could achieve the
comparable retrieval performance, while preserving
the image formation security at the same time.
Future work will extract better features, like SIFT
and other local invariant features, to further improve
the retrieval performance.
The work in this paper is supported by Program for
New Century Excellent Talents in University
(No.NCET-11-0892), Doctoral Fund of the Ministry
of Education, the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No.61003289,No.61100212) ,
the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (No.
4102008), the Excellent Science Program for the
Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars of Ministry of
Human Resources and Social Security of China,
Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned
Overseas Chinese Scholars of MOE, Youth Top-
notch Talent Training Program of Beijing Municipal
University, the Fundamental Research Funds for the
Central Universities (No.NS2012045).
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