Guiding Techniques for Collaborative Exploration in Multi-scale Shared
Virtual Environments
Thi Thuong Huyen Nguyen
, Thierry Duval
and C
edric Fleury
INRIA Rennes Bretagne-Atlantique, IRISA, UMR CNRS 6074, 35042 Rennes, France
e de Rennes 1, UEB, IRISA, UMR CNRS 6074, 35042 Rennes, France
INSA de Rennes, UEB, IRISA, UMR CNRS 6074, 35042 Rennes, France
Virtual Reality, 3D Navigation, Collaborative Virtual Environments.
Exploration of large-scale 3D Virtual Environments (VEs) is often difficult because of lack of familiarity with
complex virtual worlds, lack of spatial information that can be offered to users and lack of sensory (visual,
auditory, locomotive) details compared to the exploration of real environments. To address this problem, we
present a set of metaphors for assisting users in collaborative navigation to perform common exploration tasks
in shared collaborative virtual environments. Our propositions consist in three guiding techniques in the form
of navigation aids to enable one or several users (called helping user(s)) to help one main user (called exploring
user) to explore the VE efficiently. These three techniques consist in drawing directional arrows, lighting up
path to follow, and orienting a compass to show a direction to the exploring user. All the three techniques are
generic so they can be used for any kind of 3D VE, and they do not affect the main structure of the VE so
its integrity is guaranteed. To compare the efficiency of these three guiding techniques, we have conducted
an experimental study of a collaborative task whose aim was to find hidden target objects in a complex and
multi-scale shared 3D VE. Our results show that although the directional arrows and compass surpassed the
light source for the navigation task, these three techniques are completely appropriate for guiding a user in 3D
complex VEs.
Navigation is a fundamental and important task for all
VE applications as it is in the real world, even if it is
not the main objective of a user in a VE (Burigat and
Chittaro, 2007). Navigation includes two main tasks:
travel and wayfinding. Travel tasks enable the user
to control the position and orientation of his view-
point (Darken and Peterson, 2001; Bowman et al.,
2004). Wayfinding tasks enable the user to build a
cognitive map in which he can determine where he is,
where everything else is and how to get to particular
objects or places (Jul and Furnas, 1997; Darken and
Peterson, 2001).
In the literature, many different techniques have
been proposed for travel in VEs (Zanbaka et al., 2004;
Suma et al., 2010). By evaluating their effect on
cognition, they suggest that for applications where
problem solving is important, or where opportunity
to train is minimal, then having a large tracked space,
in which the user can physically walk around the vir-
tual environment, provides benefits over common vir-
tual travel techniques (Zanbaka et al., 2004). Indeed,
physical walking is the most natural technique that
supports intuitive travel and it can help the user to
have more spare cognitive capacity to process and
encode stimuli (Suma et al., 2010). However, the
size of a virtual environment is usually larger than
the amount of available walking space, even with big
CAVE-like systems. As a result, alternative travel
techniques have been developed to overcome this lim-
itation such as walking-in-place, devices simulating
walking, gaze-directed steering, pointing, or torso-
directed steering. In the context of this paper, to get
an efficient and simple way of traveling and to im-
prove sense of presence in VE, we combine the physi-
cal walking technique to give exploring user (as much
as possible) an intuitive travel by using a big CAVE-
like system with head tracking for position and ori-
entation, and a virtual travel to control the exploring
user’s position in the VE by using a flystick device.
Wayfinding tasks rely on the exploring user’s cog-
nitive map because he must find his way to move us-
ing this map. So if he lacks an accurate spatial knowl-
Nguyen T., Duval T. and Fleury C..
Guiding Techniques for Collaborative Exploration in Multi-scale Shared Virtual Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0004290403270336
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information
Visualization Theory and Applications (GRAPP-2013), pages 327-336
ISBN: 978-989-8565-46-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
edge about the environment, the performance of nav-
igation will be reduced (Elmqvist et al., 2007). In
such large-scale VEs, this problem becomes more se-
rious. In addition, as with navigation in real environ-
ment, the exploring user has to navigate the VE many
times before he can build a complete cognitive map
about this environment, and he may not always want
to spend so much effort and time on this task (Buri-
gat and Chittaro, 2007). To deal with these problems,
many solutions have been proposed such as naviga-
tion aids, guidelines that support the user to explore
and gain spatial knowledge about VE, e.g., (Vinson,
1999; Chittaro and Burigat, 2004). Nevertheless, in
3D immersive environments, it is also difficult to give
additional navigation aids without interfering with the
immersion of the exploring user.
Although collaborative exploration of complex
and large-scale VEs is not usually considered the
main task to achieve in a collaborative VE, the
wayfinding time of the exploring user can be consid-
erably reduced by having the assistance from helping
users who can have a global and complete view of the
VE such as a bird’s eye view. By proposing and eval-
uating new metaphors dedicated to 3D collaborative
interactions, including collaborative exploration, the
collaboration between distant users who are sharing a
virtual environment can be improved.
In order to facilitate the collaboration between the
exploring user and the helping users, even when they
are on distant sites, we propose a set of three guiding
techniques in the form of navigation aids (drawing di-
rectional arrows, lighting up the path to follow, and
orienting a compass to show the direction) used by
the helping users to guide the exploring user to target
places. We want to provide some guiding techniques
that should be simple, intuitive, efficient and easy to
use. In addition, we do not use verbal or textual com-
munication between users because the difference of
languages often happens when users work together
remotely, and it may cause misunderstanding or de-
lay in collaboration. We also want to build general
guiding techniques that do not require developers to
create specific maps for each new 3D VE, to modify
system or interface for the new VE model, or to add
many objects such as guidelines into it. By satisfying
these conditions, these techniques can be integrated
in many kinds of 3D complex, large-scale VEs while
the integrity of these environments is ensured.
Therefore, collaborative exploration can be used
in different applications: in exploring visualization
of scientific data to find points of interest; in explor-
ing complex large-scale environments that it takes too
much time to build a map or to define landmarks; or
in exploring unstable environments with so many dy-
Figure 1: The 3D virtual building from the bird’s eye view
of the helping user.
namic elements that it is difficult to build a representa-
tive map at every moment such as training simulators
for firefighters or soldiers (Backlund et al., 2009).
To evaluate our propositions, we conducted a
study to compare the three guiding techniques in a
collaborative application that aimed at finding hidden
target objects in a large and complex virtual building
(see Figure 1). Without help from another user, the
exploring user could not easily find these target ob-
jects in a short time.
This paper is structured as follows: section 2
presents a state of the art about navigation aids and
collaborative navigation for VEs. Section 3 presents
the three considered guiding techniques used to help
users to explore VEs. Section 4 describes the context
of our experimental study and its results while sec-
tion 5 discusses these results. Finally, section 6 con-
cludes and section 7 discusses possible future work.
2.1 Navigation Aids in Virtual
The development of different forms of navigation aids
aims to enable the exploring user of a virtual environ-
ment to find his way to target objects or places with-
out previous training. In order to overcome wayfind-
ing difficulties in VEs, two principal approaches have
been considered: designing VEs to facilitate wayfind-
ing behavior, and proposing wayfinding aids.
Designing VEs is often extracted from environ-
mental design principles of urban architects in real-
world. Darken et al. (Darken and Sibert, 1996) sug-
gest three organizational principles to provide a struc-
ture by which an observer can organize a VE into
a spatial hierarchy capable of supporting wayfinding
tasks: dividing a large world into distinct small parts,
organizing the small parts under logical spatial order-
ing, and providing frequent directional cues for orien-
tation. When these principles are applied to structured
and architectural environments (e.g., urban landscape,
buildings), they make it easier for users to construct
cognitive maps efficiently (Vinson, 1999; Darken and
Peterson, 2001). However, in other applications, such
as scientific visualization applications (Yang and Ol-
son, 2002), or in other kinds of environment, such as
open ocean environments or forests, it is difficult but
still necessary to organize objects in the environment
in an understandable way and to build semantic con-
nections between them.
Many kinds of wayfinding aids have been pro-
posed. Map is the most useful and “classic” wayfind-
ing aid. By using two kinds of map (i.e. egocen-
tric map with “forward-up” orientation and geocen-
tric map with “north-up” orientation (Darken and Pe-
terson, 2001)), users can access a large amount of in-
formation about the environment. However, the map
scaling problem of a very large VE and the align-
ment with this environment can cause high cogni-
tive load for users (Bowman et al., 2004). Environ-
ment maps can be found as 2D or 3D maps (Chittaro
and Venkataraman, 2001). The Worlds-In-Miniature
(WIM) metaphor is a technique that augments an im-
mersive display with a hand-held miniature copy of
the virtual environment just like a 3D map (Stoakley
et al., 1995). It is possible to navigate directly on this
WIM map by using it to determine where to go in
the VR. Nevertheless, because the environment can-
not be seen during this interaction, it limits the spatial
knowledge that users can gain for navigation.
Landmarks are also a very powerful cue to rec-
ognize a position in the environment and to acquire
spatial knowledge. Landmarks are usually statically
implemented a priori in the environment but they can
also be used as tools. For example, Kim et al. (Kim
et al., 2005) propose a topic map that contains a se-
mantic link map between landmarks, which are fa-
mous regional points in the VE. This topic map can
be applied to the navigation of the VE as an ontol-
ogy of subject knowledge, which represents subjects
of the environment (e.g., buildings, its metadata, land-
marks), and spatial knowledge, which represents the
environment structure. However, it is also limited by
the subject and spatial knowledge that designers can
describe about the environment in the ontology. The
more complex and abstract the environment is, the
more difficult the description of the ontology is.
Additionally, there is another way for users to dis-
cover the environment progressively by retracing their
steps (Ruddle, 2005). It is called trail technique and it
describes the path that users had previously followed.
Ruddle notes that trails are useful for first time navi-
gation in a VE, but that trail pollution impedes their
utility during subsequent navigation. Accordingly,
this approach is only appropriate for a repeated ex-
ploration and search task for a given set of locations.
Furthermore, a set of direction indications as
wayfinding aids has also been developed in the litera-
ture for VEs: compass (Darken and Peterson, 2001),
directional arrows (Bacim et al., 2012; Nguyen et al.,
2012), virtual sun (Darken and Peterson, 2001). They
are familiar tools for orientation-pointing in VE be-
cause of their intuitiveness and efficiency.
2.2 Collaborative Navigation
As mentioned above, collaboration can provide a
powerful technique to support the exploring user to
deal with lack of spatial knowledge in complex and
large-scale VEs. Although Collaborative Virtual En-
vironments (CVEs) have been developed to provide
a framework of information sharing and communi-
cation (Macedonia et al., 1994; Dumas et al., 1999;
Churchill et al., 2001), collaborative navigation task
in such environments has not been largely explored
and only limited attention has been devoted to evalu-
ate its efficiency in navigation in VEs.
It is essential for navigation in a CVE to support
the way of communication between users because it
is vital to understand what the others are referring to.
Many developers used verbal conversation as means
of communication to accomplish a given common
task (Hindmarsh et al., 1998; Yang and Olson, 2002).
However, if the users are located in distinct physical
domains, even in different countries, language diffi-
culty becomes an obstacle for collaboration to a com-
mon goal. So the communication technique for col-
laboration, especially for navigation in CVEs, should
be simple, intuitive, efficient and non-verbal. Based
upon these points, our primary motive is to develop
and to evaluate guiding techniques enabling helping
users to guide an exploring user toward target places
in complex large-scale CVEs.
We share this objective with the organizers of the
3DUI Contest 2012
and its participants. As naviga-
tion aids, some techniques have been proposed such
as “anchors” and a string of blue arrows that con-
nects them or directional arrows (Bacim et al., 2012;
Nguyen et al., 2012), point light sources (Cabral et al.,
2012) or beacons (Notelaers et al., 2012; Nguyen
et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2012). Although they are
powerful navigation aids, it is usually difficult to ap-
ply them for navigation in many kinds of environ-
ment. The environment of (Bacim et al., 2012) is not
flexible. It is difficult to modify the helping user’s
interface because his view and navigation aids are
definitively specified. If the VE changes, the interface
of the helping user can not be used any more and we
Figure 2: Directional arrows in the exploring user’s and the
helping user’s views.
Figure 3: Light source in the exploring user’s and the help-
ing user’s views.
have to design a new one. The proposition of point-to-
point guide by remotely controlling the position of the
exploring user in (Nguyen et al., 2012) is not very ap-
propriate for the purpose of navigation aids because
it can cause him to become disoriented and to learn
nothing for his spatial knowledge about the environ-
ment. In addition, there is little feedback from the ex-
ploring user to allow the helping user to know about
the current situation of the exploring user.
So according to our best knowledge, there is no
complete and evaluated solution to improve the per-
formance, the flexibility, and the ease of use of collab-
orative navigation in such complex, large-scale CVEs.
In this paper, we propose to evaluate and compare
three guiding techniques in the form of navigation
aids (arrows, light source and compass) that would
enable one or several helping user(s) to guide an ex-
ploring user who is traveling in an unfamiliar 3D VE
efficiently. The task of the exploring user would be
to find targets objects or places without the spatial
knowledge of this 3D VE.
3.1 Arrows
The first guiding technique is based on directional
arrows (see Figure 2) that are drawn by the helping
users to indicate the direction or the path that the ex-
ploring user has to follow. The helping users can draw
as many directional arrows of different sizes as they
want. However, so many directional arrows added
within the environment or too big arrows may af-
fect the immersion of the exploring user. As a result,
the helping users have to determine when, how and
where to put directional arrows to guide efficiently
the exploring user. These arrows will disappear af-
ter a while. So the helping users are recommended to
draw directional arrows within easy reach of the ex-
ploring user’s visibility zone. By using a dedicated
3D cursor to draw in the view of the helping users,
it improves the ease of use for the helping users and
it makes possible to draw arrows at any height and in
any 3D direction, so it can facilitate the exploration of
multi-floor virtual buildings.
To draw these arrows, a helping user simply has
to make a kind of 3D drag’n drop gesture. First he
must place the 3D cursor at a position that will be the
origin of the arrow, then he has to activate the cursor
to create the arrow, and the next moves of the 3D cur-
sor will change the length of the arrow, stretching the
arrow between the origin of the arrow and the current
position of the 3D cursor. When he estimates that the
arrow has a good shape, he can signify to the 3D cur-
sor that the stretching of the arrow is finished. This
kind of gesture can be driven by any device that can
provide a 3D position and can send events to the 3D
cursor, for example an ART Flystick or simply a 2D
mouse (with the wheel providing depth values).
From a technical point of view, this 3D cursor able
to draw arrows can be brought to a CVE by a helping
user when he joins the CVE, so there is nothing to
change in the main structure of this CVE and its in-
tegrity is guaranteed.
3.2 Light Source
The second guiding technique is based on a light
source used to light up a path to each target object
(see Figure 3). The exploring user cannot see the light
source itself but only its effect on objects within the
environment. This technique thus depends a lot on the
rendering and illumination quality of the exploring
user’s immersive view. The light source is attached
to a support object that can only be seen by a helping
user. This helping user controls the light source by
moving its support with a 3D cursor and shows up to
the exploring user the path he must follow.
It is important to note that when the helping user
is using the light source to guide, the available light
sources of the building are turned off, the exploring
user has himself a virtual lamp attached to his head to
light up the environment around him. Then there are
just two light sources, one associated to the exploring
user’s head and one used to guide him.
Here again, from a technical point of view, this
Figure 4: Compass in the exploring user’s and the helping
user’s views.
3D cursor, the light source attached to the head of the
exploring user, the light source used to guide him can
be brought to the CVE by a helping user when he joins
the CVE, so there are very few things to change in the
main structure of the CVE: we just need to be able to
put the lights of the CVE off.
3.3 Compass
The third guiding technique is based on a compass
attached to the position of the exploring user (with
an offset), a typical tool to navigate in VEs (see Fig-
ure 4). The compass does not point directly to the
target object location, but points to the location of an-
other virtual object that plays the role of the “north”
of this compass, and this object cannot be seen by
the exploring user. A helping user can control this
“north” by moving it with a 3D cursor, to show up
to the exploring user the path he must follow. So by
moving the “north” of the compass, a helping user
can guide the exploring user to pass across hallways,
rooms, doors, etc. before reaching the target position.
It is thus a simple and powerful tool to guide the ex-
ploring user in any VE.
Here again, from a technical point of view, this
3D cursor, the compass attached to the position of the
exploring user, and the virtual object serving as the
“north” of the compass can be brought to the CVE
by a helping user when he joins the CVE, so, as for
the arrow-based guiding technique, there is nothing to
change in the main structure of the CVE.
To place the compass at the best possible position
relative to the exploring user, it is possible to allow
the exploring user to adjust its offset, simply by mov-
ing the compass through a 3D interaction. However,
this possibility was not offered to our exploring users
during the experiment that is presented in this paper.
3.4 The Guiding Viewpoints
To be able to use these three guiding techniques in an
efficient way, we built two principal kinds of views
for our helping user: a bird’s eye view (see Figure 1)
Figure 5: A “looking over the exploring user’s shoulder”
view of the helping user.
and a first-person perspective by “looking over the ex-
ploring user’s shoulder” (just like a camera attached
to the shoulder of the exploring user) (see Figure 5).
The bird’s eye view could be considered as a 3D
map or a World-In-Miniature (Stoakley et al., 1995).
These views were obtained by choosing some partic-
ular points of view: the “looking over the exploring
user’s shoulder” view was attached to the point of
view of the exploring user and the bird’s eye view
was obtained by increasing the helping user’s scale.
Both views were built without any changes to the
main structure of the VE, with the same concerns: to
guarantee the integrity of the VE, and to offer the pos-
sibility to be used for any kind of VE.
4.1 Context
The Virtual Environment
In order to test these three different navigation aids,
we have built a complex, large virtual building (about
2500 m
) with hallways and many rooms of different
sizes filled with furniture objects (e.g., tables, chairs,
shelves). These objects were repeatedly used to fill
these rooms. It means that each object itself could not
be taken as a landmark, and only the way that each
room was arranged made it distinct from the others
in the building. Besides, the position of objects did
not change during the experiment. We used this en-
vironment to conduct all the studies described in this
paper, with different views from several positions in
the VE for a helping user to observe all activities of
an exploring user in the immersive system.
The Exploring User
The exploring user was immersed in the VE with a
first-person perspective (see Figure 6). He was con-
trolling a flystick to travel in the virtual world and as
his head was tracked in a CAVE-like system, he was
Figure 6: First-person perspective of the exploring user in a
CAVE-like system.
able to move physically to observe objects more care-
fully in the environment. He was also able to move
forward or backward, and to turn right or left by us-
ing the joystick of the flystick. The direction of move-
ment by the joystick was where he was looking at. He
used some specific buttons of the flystick to pick up
target objects or to return to a starting position.
The Helping User
Our system would have made it possible for several
helping users to collaborate at the same time with the
exploring user. However, in order to simplify the eval-
uation, there was only one helping user during this ex-
periment. Moreover, this helping user was the same
for all the exploring users of the experiment: he had
a good knowledge of the apparition order and posi-
tions of targets, and he was in charge of providing
the navigation aids always in the same way for each
exploring user. He was the designer of the guiding
techniques and was strongly involved in their imple-
mentation, their deployment and their testing. So his
performance was stable when guiding each exploring
user, as he had already improved his skills during the
tuning of the experimental setup.
For interaction, the helping user had a 3D cursor
to manipulate objects within the VE, to add naviga-
tion aids such as directional arrows, or to control the
light source or the “north” of the compass. The help-
ing user was also able to control the position and ori-
entation of his own viewpoint as well as to change his
own scale in the view. It means that he was able to be-
come bigger to have an overall view of the building,
or smaller to take a look inside each room to locate
the target (but he was not allowed to pick up the tar-
get by himself). He was also able to see where was the
exploring user at every moment. The interface of the
helping users was pure in 3D, although in our experi-
ment he was using a desktop environment. Neverthe-
less, it would be possible and perfectly adequate for
the helping user to use an immersive display system.
In order to locate the next target that the explor-
ing user had to find, the helping user was allowed to
move a 3D clipping plane to make a 3D scan of the
VE. This scanning tool was also brought into the VE
by the helping user. It was generic and as the three
guiding techniques that are evaluated in this paper, it
guaranteed the integrity of the VE.
Explicit Communications between Users
The helping user was able to send signals (in our ex-
periment, they were color signals) to the exploring
user to inform him about his situation. When the help-
ing user was searching the target object on the map
and the exploring user had to wait until the helping
user found it, the helping user could send an orange
signal. When the exploring user was entering the right
room or was following the right way, the helping user
could send a green signal. Last, when the exploring
user was taking the wrong way, the helping user could
send a red signal. These signals could become a com-
munication channel between the users performing a
collaborative task.
4.2 Task
Task to Achieve
As mentioned above, each exploring user of this ex-
periment had to find 12 different positions of target
objects represented by small glowing cubes. When
the exploring user was picking up the target object,
this target was disappearing and a color signal was
appearing to tell both users that the target had been
reached and that the system had stopped measuring
time. Then the exploring user was invited to go back
to the starting position for the search of the next tar-
get. By pressing a dedicated button of his flystick,
he was teleported back to this starting position. And
when both the exploring and the helping user were
ready, the target object was reappearing at another
position in the environment. During the experiment,
each guiding technique was used successively 4 times
to find 4 target positions. There was a total of 12 dif-
ferent positions for the three guiding techniques. The
12 targets were always appearing in the same order,
and the order of the techniques used for the guiding
(A: Arrows, L: Light, C: Compass) was changing af-
ter each user, to be one of these 6 configurations: A-
L-C, A-C-L, L-A-C, L-C-A, C-A-L, C-L-A. So we
were needing a number of participants that would be
multiple of 6 in order to encounter the same number
of these 6 configurations.
In order to evaluate how the three guiding techniques
have influenced the efficiency of navigation, we did
not count the time it took the helping user to find
where was the target position on the map. We just
considered the time it took the exploring user to com-
plete the target search task. It included two separate
but continuous tasks: a navigation task and a search
task. The navigation task was based on the naviga-
tion aids added in the environment to find a path from
the starting position to the target position. The start-
ing position was always the same for all the target ob-
jects and for all the participants of the experiment. So,
for each target, the exploring user moved always from
the same starting point and the system measured the
time taken to reach the target object. This time was
thus measured into the navigation time and the search
time. The navigation time was the time taken to nav-
igate from the starting position to the area of 2.5 me-
ters around the target and the search time was the time
to search and pick up the target in this area. We used
this approach to calculate the time because sometimes
the target object was well hidden in the environment,
so the exploring user was not able to find it at first
glance, and we wanted to make a clear difference be-
tween the time taken for the navigation (coming not
farther than 2.5 meters from the target) and the time
taken for the precise searching and finding of the tar-
get. Once the exploring user had entered this zone,
the search time was recorded. However, the naviga-
tion time was specifically taken into consideration be-
cause it was directly representing the performance of
navigation aids. The search time was also recorded
in order to obtain preliminary data for further stud-
ies about efficient and appropriate metaphors for the
searching task.
4.3 Experimental Setup
The hardware setup of the experiment consisted of a
big CAVE-like system in the shape of an “L” whose
size was 9.60 meters long, 3.10 meters high and 2.88
meters deep. This visual system immersed exploring
users in a high-quality visual world and they were us-
ing a pair of active shutter glasses. We also used a
tracking system to locate the position and the orienta-
tion of the exploring user’s head. To enable exploring
users to manipulate objects in such an environment,
we used a tracked flystick as an input device. The
helping user worked with a desktop workstation and
used a mouse to drive a 3D cursor.
The software setup used for the experiment in-
cluded Java to write the CVE, Java3D to develop the
helping user’s views on desktop, jReality to develop
the immersive view of the exploring user, and Blender
to model the virtual environment.
4.4 Participants
In this study, the designer of the virtual environment
played the role of the guiding user. Additionally, there
were 18 male and 6 female subjects who served as ex-
ploring users. Their age ranged from 21 to 61, averag-
ing at 30.5. Thirteen of them (8 males and 5 females)
had no experience at all in immersive navigation in
3D virtual environments.
4.5 Procedure
Before beginning the training phase of the experi-
ment, each participant was verbally instructed about
the experiment procedure, the virtual environment
and the control devices. He was explained the goal
of the experiment to search a target object at differ-
ent positions by following the navigation aids added
in the environment. He was also instructed to pay at-
tention to find the target carefully when he reached
the narrow zone around the target because it was not
always easy to find it at first glance.
In the training phase, the participant was sug-
gested to navigate freely in the virtual building. When
he was feeling at ease with the environment and
the control devices, we were beginning the training
phase. The participant was given a simple task to
complete: he was asked to find his way from a start-
ing point (the entrance of the building) to some target
positions with our three different guiding techniques.
In the evaluation phase, the participant was asked
to search 12 target positions in the environment by
basing on three different guiding techniques.
In the final phase, the participant filled out a short
subjective questionnaire concerning his experience of
navigating in immersive virtual environments and his
opinion about the guiding in general, his preferences
for the perturbation, stress, fatigue, intuitiveness, and
efficiency of each guiding technique.
4.6 Results
Navigation Performance
We focused on the efficiency of the three different
guiding techniques when we applied them in the nav-
igation task. So the navigation time was consid-
ered as an important measure in this statistical anal-
ysis. P values of average navigation time of the three
techniques were calculated using repeated measures
Figure 7: Means and standard deviations of navigation and
search time (in seconds) for three guiding techniques.
ANOVA and post hoc multiple pairwise comparison
(Tukey-Kramer post hoc analysis).
The average navigation time, the average search
time and their standard deviations are presented in
Figure 7. For the recorded navigation time, the re-
sult revealed a statistically significant difference for
the three navigation aids (F(2,285) = 3.67, p = 0.026).
In addition, the Tukey-Kramer post hoc analysis in-
dicated that navigation time in the Light condition
(mean = 27.26) was significantly higher than navi-
gation time in the Arrows condition (mean = 22.99)
(p = 0.05) and Compass condition (mean = 22.97)
(p = 0.05), while there was no significant difference
between Arrows and Compass conditions (p = 0.99).
However, based on the preliminary results of
search time, we did not find out about any significant
effect of guiding techniques on the recorded search
time: for the three guiding techniques (F(2,285) =
0.29, p = 0.74) as well as for each condition. These
results indicated that the effect of the guiding tech-
niques for search time was not statistically significant
but this must be confirmed by further studies.
Subjective Estimation
Each user was asked to fill a questionnaire with sub-
jective ratings (using a 7-point Likert scale) for the
three techniques according to the following criteria:
perturbation, stress, fatigue, intuitiveness, and effi-
ciency. A Friedman test has been performed on the
questionnaire and the p-values were showed in ta-
ble 1. Dunn post-hoc analysis showed that the light
was rated to be significantly more perturbing, more
tiring, and less intuitive and less efficient than the ar-
rows and the compass guiding techniques. Moreover,
no significant differences were found between the ar-
rows and the compass guiding techniques on these
five subjective ratings. Regarding the subjects’ gen-
eral preference, we found most exploring users pre-
Table 1: Average scores and p-values for five qualitative
measures with significant differences shown in bold.
Navigation Aids
Arrows Light Compass
6.17 4.58 5.67
p = 0.00054
6.29 5.46 6.54
p = 0.01063
6.08 4.87 6.41
p = 0.00011
6.17 4.54 6.20
p = 0.00010
5.87 4.46 6.16
p = 0.00002
ferred to be guided by arrows or by the compass.
The results of the navigation performance study
showed that the directional arrows and the compass
outperformed the light source in navigation task. The
low performance of the light source came from the
lack of accuracy of light effect on the environment.
It might come from the confusion between the guid-
ing light source and the light source that the explor-
ing user had with him when he was approaching the
guiding light source. The light source was also too
sensitive to the elements of the environment such as
the quality of 3D model of the environment or the ren-
dering and illumination quality of the immersive view
as mentioned above. However, we found out that the
confusion between the light source to guide and the
light source of the exploring user rather affected the
search task than the exploration task because this con-
fusion usually happened in a small space such as in
a room when the exploring user was surrounded by
many different objects.
There were no significant differences among the
three guiding techniques in the search task. It can
be explained because some of the targets were very
easy to find (the exploring user was able to see them
as soon as he entered the room where the target was
hiding) while some others were very difficult to find
(hidden within some furniture in a room). So the fi-
nal physical approach to the target did not really de-
pend on the navigation aids but rather on the ability of
the exploring user to move physically in his surround-
ing workspace. Further experiments will be needed to
have a better evaluation of these guiding techniques
for precise search of target.
The subjective results supported the results of nav-
igation performance study in evaluating the efficiency
of the arrows and compass aids in collaborative nav-
igation. Most of the participants found them more
intuitive, easy to follow, and efficient to indicate di-
rection than the light source. However, some explor-
ing users found the light source more natural than the
other guiding techniques, especially when they were
in a big hall or in a long hallway.
Sometimes, in small rooms, not only the light
source made the exploring users confused, but also
the compass or the directional arrows because they
were occluded by the VE (for example, by walls).
And for the search task, an exploring user of our ex-
periment found that the compass was a little annoy-
ing and confusing when it was near the target because
its “north” was unstable. So some factors such as the
quality of the 3D rendering, the structure of the virtual
building, and the size of navigation aids could have a
deep impact on navigation and search performances.
We need to take them into consideration to improve
the performance of collaborative exploration.
The activity of the helping user could also explain
some differences between the guiding techniques. In-
deed, to guide an exploring user using directional ar-
rows, he simply had to use about 4 or 5 arrows to draw
the direction toward each target. With the compass,
he just had to put the support object that controlled
the compass “north” at the entrance of the hallway or
the room where he wanted the exploring user to enter
to and then put it near the target when the exploring
user approached it. It was more complicated with the
light source because of the confusion between the two
light sources. The helping user had to move the light
source or make it flicker to get the intention of the ex-
ploring user. He also had to choose where to put the
light source to make a clear difference between the ef-
fect of this guiding light source and those of its own
light source in the environment.
Our VR framework enables a helping user to use
these guiding techniques in many different platforms:
he can be immersed in a CAVE-like system with a
tracking system or simply be in front of a desktop
computer with a mouse. This can facilitate the flex-
ibility of collaborative exploration between distant
users who have different working conditions.
In this paper we have presented a set of three collab-
orative guiding techniques (directional arrows, light
source and compass) that enable some helping users
to guide an exploring user in a complex 3D CVE.
These collaborative guiding techniques can be used
in many kinds of 3D CVEs because they do not mod-
ify the structure of the environment. Indeed, all the
guiding aids are dynamically provided by the helping
users through the creation or the manipulation of few
dedicated 3D objects that the helping users can bring
with them when they join the CVE. The helping users
can also bring with them a generic 3D clipping plane
to make a 3D scan of the VE to locate the targets or
the places to reach.
An experimental study was conducted to evalu-
ate these three types of guiding techniques for navi-
gation and search in a complex, large-scale building.
The results of our experiment showed that these three
guiding techniques could reduce wasted time in the
wayfinding task because of their simplicity, intuitive-
ness and efficiency in navigation. Additionally, al-
though the directional arrows and the compass outper-
formed the light source for the navigation task, several
exploring users found the light source guiding tech-
nique very natural, and it can probably be combined
with the two other guiding techniques.
In the future, these guiding techniques should be im-
proved to overcome some of their limitations such as
the occlusions of arrows and compass (by enabling
the exploring user to change their size or their posi-
tion dynamically), the instability of compass, or the
confusion of light sources (by enabling the exploring
user or the helping users to change properties of these
light sources such as color, intensity, attenuation, vis-
ibility of their beacon dynamically, . . . ). It would also
be very interesting to study the best way to combine
these guiding techniques or to switch dynamically be-
tween them in order to optimize the overall guiding
for navigation and search of targets.
We will have to make further experiments to eval-
uate the efficiency of these guiding techniques for pre-
cise search of objects or to propose other appropriate
metaphors for this kind of task.
Our work will also be extended by evaluating the
ease of use, the simplicity and the efficiency of these
guiding techniques from the helping user’s point of
view when he is immersed in the environment with
a 3D interface and when he is not with a 2D inter-
face and a 3D cursor. The efficiency of these guiding
techniques provided by the helping users could also
be compared with these same guiding technique auto-
matically generated by computer.
We wish to thank Foundation Rennes 1 Progress, In-
novation, Entrepreneurship for its support.
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