A Video Copy Detection System based on Human Visual System
Yu Bai
, Li Zhuo
, YingDi Zhao
and Xiaoqin Song
Singal & Information Processing Laboratory, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, China
Keywords: Itti Attention Model, K Neighbor Search, Near-duplicate Detection, Surfgram.
Abstract: The technology of near-duplicate video detection is currently a research hot spot in the field of multimedia
information processing. It has great value in the areas such as large scale video information indexing and
copyright protection. In the case of large-scale data, it is very important to ensure the accuracy of detection
and robustness, in the meanwhile improving the processing speed of video copy detection. In this respect, a
HVS(Human Visual System)-based video copy detection system is proposed in this paper.This system
utilizes the visual attention model to extract the region of interest(ROI) in keyframes, which extracts the
Surfgram feature only from the information in ROI, rather than all of the information in the keyframe, thus
effectively reducing the amount of the data to process. The experimental results have shown that the
proposed algorithm can effectively improve the speed of detection and perform good robustness against
brightness changes, contrast changes, frame drops and Gaussian noise.
With the rapid development of multimedia
technology,videos are widely used in business,
entertainment and many other fields.The
management of these data becomes a challenging
task(Wang, 2010).Online users can download,
upload and modify the videos in convenience,which
also broughts many problems.Such as illegal
modification of the online video(near duplicate
video).To protect intellectual property rights, it’s
important to detect these near duplicate videos.
Nowadays most of the domestic and international
researches focus on finding a variety of complex
feature extraction method to improve the detecion
accuracy. However, in practical, the more important
problem is how to significantly improve the speed of
the detection system while maintaining high
detection accuracy and robustness at the same time.
Currently the mainstream technology of video
copy detection is the content-based video copy
detection methods. Content-based video copy
detection technology can be grouped into two
categories: global feature-based methods and local
feature-based methods.
Global feature-based methods extract frame-level
signatures to model the information distributed in
spatial and color dimensions. The keyframe is
divided into 64 regions of the same size and for each
region Y component is further extracted as the video
features (Wu, 2006). But this method is unable to
resist strong size transformation attack. The OM
(Ordinal Measures) feature is applied to image copy
detection (Kim, 2003). However, though it is robust
against global changes, local changes will disrupt
the relative relationship between the image blocks,
which makes this method fail to work.
In comparison to the global feature-based
methods, local feature-based method has stronger
robustness. However, the time consumption and
computational complexity is unacceptably high for
the practical application. For example, Douze
presented a video copy detection system based on
local features (Douze, 2008), in which the local
descriptors are over 400 in each frame. In a 4-minute
video with fast changing scenes, the keyframe may
be more than 400 and the local descriptors may be
more than 160K, which would result in high
computational cost on keyframes matching and poor
real-time performance.
In order to improve detection efficiency,we
propose a novel system based on human visual in
this paper.Unlike existing video copy detection
systems, the proposed method only deals with
ROI(region of interest) in keyframes and then
extracts features to determine video similarity,
which can effectively reduce the complexity of the
Bai Y., Zhuo L., Zhao Y. and Song X..
A Video Copy Detection System based on Human Visual System.
DOI: 10.5220/0004292107920795
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 792-795
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
algorithm while ensuring the robustness.
The architecture of our approach contains two
processes: feature extraction and similarity
comparison. First keyframes are extracted, and then
visual attention model is employed to extract ROI,
followed by a Surfgram feature extraction to
represent the video content which can effectively
reduce the amount of data to process. In the video
similarity comparison, this paper uses BID+ (bit-
difference) approximate nearest neighbor search
algorithm to improve the matching speed. The
following sections will describe the preprocessing
steps in detail.
2.1 Video Feature Extraction
As the information of video data is very large, it is
critical to decide which video features should be
used to represent the video content. In order to
improve the speed of the copy detection system,
keyframes are used to represent video content.
2.1.1 Keyframe Extraction
In order to reduce data redundancy, we first extract
the keyframes and employ the method of abrupt shot
change detection (Hou, 2009). Then we extract
keyframes between the consecutive abrupt shots
uniformly, specifically, a keyframe is extracted from
about every 30 to 100 frames in our experiments.
2.1.2 the ROI Extraction
It has been found that the HVS has some certain
selectivity. This selectivity in HVS indicates the eye
movements and form the focus of attention or
ROI.VAM (Visual Attention Model) is based on the
HVS. Therefore, the visual attention model can be
used to extract ROI and reduce the amount of
information to be processed.The most classic VAM
is Itti Model proposed by Laurent Itti (Itti, 1998). Itti
model extracted from the input image with many
features, such as intensity, color, direction, forming
conspicuity maps of features. The saliency map is a
linear combination of three conspicuity maps.
Conspicuity maps are based on the center-surround
differences.For this reason, the region beyond a
certain threshold T in saliency map is regarded as
the ROI. We use T=0.6 as the threshold.After the
extraction of keyframes,ROI further reduces the
amount of data and improve the processing speed.
2.1.3 Surfgram Feature Extraction
In this paper, we propose Surfgram feature to
represent the content of ROI because the feature is
fast and robust. SURF(Speeded Up Robust Features)
is several times faster than SIFT and can be robust
against brightness changes, contrast changes,
Gaussian noise (Bay, 2008).Therefore, we extract
SURF from ROI and generate a frame-level
histogram of visual codewords based on SURF to
construct the Surfgram feature.
As there are a lot of feature points in an image,
SURF features are of large amount of data.
Therefore, Surfgram feature is adopted only to
represent the content of ROI. The extraction steps
are as follows:
Using the K-means clustering approach to
partition SURF features into 200 clusters.
Computing the histogram of the features. The
number of the SURF features in class 1 to class n
is counted to obtain the histogram of SURF
features, which is the Surfgram feature.
2.2 Surfgram Features Matching and
When comparing the similarity of Surfgrams from
the query video and reference video, if the similarity
between them is greater than a certain threshold,
then the query video is identified as a near-duplicate
of the reference video. In order to speed up feature
comparison, we use the BID+ for Approximate
Nearest Neighbor to index all features (Cui,
2005).We define the similarity measure score as
where q
is the matched query frame, n is the total
number of matched query frames, Q
is the total
number of keyframs in reference video, D
is the
distance between the query frame and matched
frame in the reference video.
To evaluate the performance of the proposed
algorithm, a database of 50 videos (collected from
TRECVID2011) is created. Videos in the database
were attacked to generate query videos.Table 1
shows the attacks and their parameter values, where
U is the average luminance value and G(0,u) is
Gaussian function.
Table 1: Attack parameter values used in this paper.
Attacks Effect
Output=Input+A U
Frame drops(f)
f% of the frames are
randomly dropped
Noise Output=Input+G(0,u) u=20
PIP position:top left scale:16.6%
Ratio compression scale:20%
Table 2 shows the experimental results.Our
experimental results have shown that the proposed
algorithm performs good robustness against
brightness changes, contrast changes, frame drops
and Gaussian noise. Fig.1(a) is one of the keyframes
in query video and Fig1.(b) is the result. Although
they have slightly different contents,they are both
extracted from the same video.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 1: Example of query clip and result. (a) original
image.(b)Contrast attack.(c)ROI of (a).(d) ROI of (b).
Table 2: Results of the proposed algorithm.
Accuracy rate(the number of correct/total
Brightness 76%
Contrast 78%
Frame drops 82%
Noise 92%
PIP 50%
Ratio 52%
The reason of the good performance is mainly
resulted from the SURF feature which is robust
against brightness changes, contrast changes, frame
drops and Gaussian noise.
The attacks for which our method shows less
ideal performance are PIP and Ratio.Fig.2(b) and
Fig.2(d) shows that ROI of parts of the keyframes
are very different.And this increases the differences
of Surfgram features.
Feature extraction is the most time-consuming
computation part.The time cost of feature extraction
depends not only on the single feature extraction
time, but also depends on the number of the features.
SURF feature is faster than SIFT (Apostol, 2010). In
addition, we use Itti model to extract ROI, which
reduce the number of features. The number of
features in the first video of the database with Itti
Model is 7261. While the total number of features is
40092 without Itti Model (Apostol, 2010). The
average time cost to extract Surfgram features from
keyframe in this paper is 554.3ms, while the average
time (Apostol, 2010) is 1367.1ms, which is as 2.46
times the duration as our proposed
algorithm.Therefore, the proposed algorithm
performs much better in the aspect of time cost
compared to the algorithm (Apostol, 2010).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 2: Comparison of ROI. (a) original image.(b)ROI
of the original image.(c)Ratio transform of the original
image.(d)ROI of the ratio image.
In this paper, we propose a video copy detection
algorithm based on HVS. Experimental results have
shown that the proposed algorithm is very fast and
robust against brightness, contrast change, frame
drops and Gaussian noise attack, but sensitive to PIP
and ratio attack. In the future work, we will focus on
the robustness of Itti Model and Surfgram features.
The work in this paper is supported by Program for
New Century Excellent Talents in University
(No.NCET-11-0892), Doctoral Fund of the Ministry
of Education, the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No.61003289,No.61100212) ,
the Natural Science Foundation of Beijing (No.
4102008), the Excellent Science Program for the
Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars of Ministry of
Human Resources and Social Security of China,
Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned
Overseas Chinese Scholars of MOE, Youth Top-
notch Talent Training Program of Beijing Municipal
University, the Fundamental Research Funds for the
Central Universities (No.NS2012045).
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