Towards Automatic Direct Observation of Procedure and Skill (DOPS) in
Mirko Arnold
, Anarta Ghosh
, Glen Doherty
, Hugh Mulcahy
, Christopher Steele
, Stephen
and Gerard Lacey
School of Computer Science and Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Centre for Colorectal Disease, St. Vincent’s University Hospital, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
FRCP, Letterkenny General Hospital Donegal, Letterkenny, Ireland
Beaumont Hospital, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin, Ireland
Medical Computer Vision, Medical Image Applications, Endoscopic Imaging, Vision-based Quality Assess-
ment, Colonoscopy, Machine Learning.
The quality of individual colonoscopy procedures is currently assessed by the performing endoscopist. In
light of the recently reported quality issues in colonoscopy screening, there may be significant benefits in
augmenting this form of self-assessment by automatic assistance systems. In this paper, we propose a system
for the assessment of individual colonoscopy procedures, based on image analysis and machine learning. The
system rates the procedures according to criteria of the validated Direct Observation of Procedure and Skill
(DOPS) assessment, developed by the Joint Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy (JAG) in the UK, a system
involving expert assessment of procedures based on an assessment form.
Colonoscopy is considered the gold standard for colo-
rectal cancer screening. In addition to a thorough
visualisation of the large intestine, it is possible to
directly take tissue samples or remove polyps. De-
tection and removal of such polyps can prevent them
from developing into cancer, which is why many or-
ganisations recommend regular colorectal screening
for people over a certain age (U.S. Preventive Ser-
vices Task Force, 2008; WGO, 2007). With the com-
mencement of screening programs for asymptomatic
patients in more and more countries (Benson et al.,
2008), the number of colonoscopy procedures is con-
stantly growing.
While colonoscopy can reduce the incidence of
colorectal cancer, it does not eliminate the risk com-
pletely. In fact, studies have shown that in prac-
tice, the percentage of patients developing colorec-
tal cancer shortly after having undergone colonoscopy
screening is between 2 % and 6 % (Bressler et al.,
2007). Since the development of small polyps into
cancer is known to be a gradual process that evolves
slowly over years, this means that a significant num-
ber of polyps remain undetected despite colonoscopy
The cause for these miss rates is not yet well un-
derstood. It is likely to be a combination of a number
of factors. Screening technique and bowel preparation
play an important role, as they determine the amount
of colonic mucosa that is visualised. Perceptual and
cognitive aspects have to be taken into account where
visualised polyps are not correctly identified by the
In practice, the quality of colonoscopy procedures
is self-assessed by the performing endoscopist. Addi-
tionally, a number of measures are recorded for sta-
tistical evaluation. Examples of such a measures are
the average withdrawal time or the adenoma detec-
tion rate. These measures, however, can only assess
the average performance of the endoscopist.
For individual procedures there exist subjective
quality measures such as the direct observation and
assessment of the procedures by one or more experts.
Due to the cost of trained experts it is impractica-
ble to use this form of quality assessment more than
for occasional audits or as part of the examination of
trainees. The routine assessment of individual proce-
dures is the task of the performing endoscopist alone.
In this paper, we propose an image analysis and
machine learning based system for automatic assess-
ment of individual procedures according to criteria
Arnold M., Ghosh A., Doherty G., Mulcahy H., Steele C., Patchett S. and Lacey G..
Towards Automatic Direct Observation of Procedure and Skill (DOPS) in Colonoscopy.
DOI: 10.5220/0004300800480053
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 48-53
ISBN: 978-989-8565-48-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
of the Direct Observation of Procedure and Skill
(DOPS) assessment method developed by the Joint
Advisory Group on GI Endoscopy (JAG) in the UK.
We consider JAG DOPS to be particularly relevant,
as it is the most mature among the available assess-
ment systems and in active use within the NHS Bowel
Cancer Screening Programme in the UK, while others
have yet to be implemented. A standard JAG DOPS
assessment involves the observation of colonoscopy
procedures by two trained experts, who rate the pro-
cedures independent of each other by filling out a pre-
defined assessment form.
This assessment form is divided into four groups
of criteria: 1) Assessment, Consent, Communication,
2) Safety and Sedation, 3) Endoscopic Skills During
Insertion and Procedure and 4) Diagnostic and Ther-
apeutic Ability. We concentrate on the criteria in the
third group with the objective to measure automati-
cally, to what degree the technical prerequisites are in
place for a high quality colonoscopy screening.
Automatic computation of quality indicators from
colonoscopy video data has only been marginally ad-
dressed in the literature, despite the interest of the
medical research community.
Hwang, et. al (Hwang et al., 2005), combined
indistinct frame detection, camera motion estimation
and lumen recognition to obtain a number of qual-
ity measures that are mostly related to durations of
semantic segments of the video. Examples are the
duration of the insertion phase and the withdrawal
phase, or the duration of the withdrawal phase dis-
regarding all indistinct frames (the clear withdrawal
time). An interesting measure is also the ratio of wall
views and lumen views, which should be properly bal-
anced, according to the authors. In a more recent ar-
ticle (Oh et al., 2009), the same authors included also
their intervention detection method to determine the
clear and intervention-free withdrawal time.
Liu, et al. (Liu et al., 2007), addressed a differ-
ent aspect of procedure quality by evaluating, whether
the camera was pointed at all sides of a colon seg-
ment. They defined the location of the lumen as the
centre, subdivided the view deviations from the lu-
men direction into four quadrants and computed a his-
togram of the number of images, in which the camera
was pointed in the direction of the different quadrants.
The authors argued that examination of all four quad-
rants is desirable. This can be seen as a first attempt
to measure the amount of mucosal surface that was
visualised during a procedure. Liu, et al., recently
proposed an amended version of their approach (Liu
et al., 2010), mainly with an improved method for de-
tecting the lumen position. Apart from this, the his-
togram measure was replaced by counting the number
of spirals (the coverage of all 4 quadrants) in a proce-
dure. Both approaches do not take into account the
forward and backward motion of the camera. A fast
movement through a 20 cm long segment of the colon
would get a similar score as a careful slow inspection
of a very short segment.
In summary, the literature offers only few sugges-
tions for quality measures, that can be determined au-
tomatically. Measuring the insertion and withdrawal
time is only valid when looking at an average over
many procedures. Measures for individual cases, such
as the wall-view/lumen-view ratio or the quadrant
coverage histogram, have yet to be evaluated for va-
lidity. We consider it beneficial to look into measures
that represent generally accepted insertion and exam-
ination techniques and best practices, which we do in
this paper.
There are two different types of data we consider in
our approach. One is video data from the endoscopic
camera. The other are measurements of the longi-
tudinal and circular motion of the shaft of the endo-
scope outside the anus using a sensor device. We use
a number of algorithms to measure patterns of image
features and endoscope motion for modelling the un-
derlying characteristics of the JAG DOPS assessment
The individual measures are organised into two
levels. The first contains all measures characteris-
ing single images, while the second level of measures
describes characteristics of the complete procedures.
The measures of single images are included in the
second level by summarising their behaviour over the
course of the procedure.
For the procedure measures and their mapping
to DOPS criteria we use data obtained from an ex-
periment we conducted, in which endoscopists per-
formed screening procedures on a colonoscopy train-
ing model. The data comprises videos from the endo-
scope camera together with motion sensor readings,
profile data of the endoscopists and ratings of the
procedures by two trained experts according to JAG
DOPS criteria. The motion sensor readings are com-
bined with the image based characteristics to measure
a number of endoscope handling patterns. Further-
more, we use the recorded longitudinal motion of the
shaft of the endoscope to estimate the depth of inser-
Image Measures
Clarity of Endoscopic
Field of View
Lumen Position
Lumen Presence
Luminal View Quality
Distance to Next Bend
Featu re
Machine Learning
Procedure Measures
Depth of Insertion
Insertion and
Withdrawal Time
Measures of Time and
Velo c i ty
Summarised Image
Blind Pushing
Stationary Periods
Loop Resolution
Featu re
Support Vector
Summary Criteria
DOPS Criteria
Luminal View
Loop Resolution
Procedure Time
Insertion Performance
Overall Performance
Figure 1: Layout of the complete quality assessment sys-
tion of the endoscope. All image based characteris-
tics can therefore be analysed for their behaviour over
time and depth of insertion.
This combination of image and endoscope motion
characteristics results in a large set of measures, de-
scribing colonoscopy procedures in great detail. We
use subsets of these measures as features for the train-
ing of regression models for each of the chosen JAG
DOPS criteria. We evaluate the proposed method by
comparing the model predictions to the ratings of the
trained experts. The complete system is shown in Fig-
ure 1.
For brevity, we keep the description of the individ-
ual building blocks to a minimum, concentrating on
the system as a whole. Future publications will con-
tain details on each of the novel algorithms involved
in the system.
3.1 Image Measures and Machine
Learning Framework
All the involved measures of characteristics of sin-
gle endoscopic images are based on image features,
which are used to train predictive models in a uni-
versal machine learning framework. This framework
involves automatic forward feature selection, parame-
ter optimisation (grid search with iterative refinement)
and training of support vector machines. Depending
on the properties of the particular measure, we use
different kinds of error measures for optimisation and
different types of support vector machines.
Among the image measures, we use a novel mea-
sure for the clarity of the field of view, extending the
current state of the art by introducing multiple grades
of clarity as opposed to the previously proposed bi-
nary classification into informative and indistinct im-
ages (see, e.g., (Arnold et al., 2009; Oh et al., 2007)).
The clarity measure is based on different representa-
tions of the amount of structure in the image. These
structure features are obtained from a wavelet decom-
position of the image and differences between inten-
sity histograms of horizontal, vertical and diagonal
lines in the image. For regression, we use a ν sup-
port vector regression model.
By introducing measures for different character-
istics of luminal views in single images, i.e., lumi-
nal view quality, lumen presence, position of the lu-
men and distance to the closest bend, we achieve
a detailed description of colonoscopic images with
direct implications to visualisation quality and en-
doscope handling skills. The lumen characteristics
are inferred from intensity, shape and colour fea-
tures obtained from maximally stable extremal re-
gions (MSER, (Matas et al., 2004)) in the image, to-
gether with intensity and colour features of the whole
image. In a first step, one of the MSER is chosen
as the most likely representation of the lumen region.
Given this region and the associated features, we use
a C support vector machine for classifying the lumen
as either present or absent. If the lumen is present, its
position is computed as the centroid of the lumen re-
gion. ν support vector regression models are used for
measuring luminal view quality and distance to the
closest bend.
All image based measures benefit from the meth-
ods for detecting and inpainting specular highlights
in endoscopic images that we have proposed earlier
in (Arnold et al., 2010). By either omitting or inpaint-
ing specular pixels in the image we reduce the influ-
ence of the strong gradients and intensity saturation in
these areas.
3.2 Endoscope Motion and Measures of
Procedure Characteristics
For the characterisation of complete procedures we
incorporate measurements of a motion sensor, located
outside the anus, which measures longitudinal and
circular displacement of the endoscope. Due to the
motion sensor being optimised for a specific colono-
scopy training model, it was necessary to design an
experiment for data collection, in which video and
sensor data could be recorded simultaneously. The
obtained data was complemented by information on
the experience of the participating endoscopists and
assessments of the procedures by two trained experts
according to JAG DOPS criteria. This way we were
able to collect video and motion sensor data, for the
development of measures for procedure characteris-
tics, and associated DOPS ratings to train and evalu-
ate models for automatic DOPS assessment.
Given the obtained motion sensor data, we use a
moving average filter to estimate the depth of inser-
tion of the endoscope. The speed of the endoscope
can be directly obtained. We use these measurements
in methods to automatically infer the insertion and
withdrawal times of procedures and to detect station-
ary periods during insertion, attempts of loop resolu-
tion and occurrences of pushing without a clear view.
All these measures are based on handling patterns de-
tected in the motion sensor data and, in the case of
pushing without clear view, combining these with the
measure for the clarity of the field of view in images.
The estimated depth of insertion also allows us to
divide the colon into a number of segments, opening
up new possibilities for summarising the behaviour
of certain characteristics over the course of a proce-
dure. The proposed image measures can therefore
be mapped to meaningful procedure characteristics
by applying various statistics for their summarisation.
Previously it was only possible to analyse the be-
haviour over time, lacking any form of spatial infor-
mation. Combining the spatial segmentation with the
time scale, handling patterns and the set of proposed
image measures, we obtain a set of 92 procedure mea-
3.3 Mapping Procedure Measures to
DOPS Criteria
We consider the following criteria from the JAG
DOPS assessment (we use the short terms in paren-
theses in the following):
Maintains luminal view / inserts in luminal direc-
tion. (Lumen)
Uses torque steering and control knobs appropri-
ately. (Handling)
Recognises and logically resolves loop formation.
Completes procedure in reasonable time. (Time)
Adequate mucosal visualisation. (Visualisation)
In addition, we included criteria summarising the per-
formance during the insertion phase (Insertion), the
Table 1: Groups of features and their relevance for the dif-
ferent DOPS criteria.
Backward Speed - × - × - × - ×
Forward speed - × - × - × - ×
Circular Speed - × - - - × - ×
Blind Pushing - × × - - × - ×
Clarity × × - - - × - ×
Loop Resolution - × × - - × - ×
Lumen Dist. To Centre × × - - - × - ×
Dist. To Bend × - - - - × - ×
Lumen Pos. X × × - - - × - ×
Lumen Pos. X Stdev × × - - - × - ×
Lumen Pos. Y × × - - - × - ×
Lumen Pos. Y Stdev × × - - - × - ×
Lumen Presence × × - - - × - ×
Lumen View Quality × × - - - × - ×
Stationary Time - × × - - × - ×
Time - × × × - × - ×
Backward Speed - - - × × - × ×
Forward speed - - - × × - × ×
Circular Speed - × - - × - × ×
Blind Pushing - × × - - - × ×
Clarity × × - - × - × ×
Lumen Dist. To Centre × × - - × - × ×
Dist. To Bend × - - - × - × ×
Lumen Pos. X × × - - × - × ×
Lumen Pos. X Stdev × × - - × - × ×
Lumen Pos. Y × × - - × - × ×
Lumen Pos. Y Stdev × × - - × - × ×
Lumen Presence × × - - × - × ×
Lumen View Quality × × - - × - × ×
Time - - - × × - × ×
withdrawal phase (Withdrawal) and the whole proce-
dure (Overall).
The major challenge in training models for map-
ping procedure measures to DOPS criteria is the size
of the data set. It consists of 25 procedure videos with
associated motion sensor measurements and DOPS
ratings produced by two trained experts. The JAG
DOPS assessment system is a subjective method of
assessment, which means that full agreement is un-
likely, even between trained assessors. In such a small
data set, these deviations can have a strong impact
on measures of agreement between assessors. We
therefore report results separately, taking each asses-
sor on its own as a reference for our method. 25 ex-
amples are also insufficient for performing automatic
feature selection, as we did earlier within the machine
learning framework to measure image characteristics.
Having 92 features available this method would in-
Table 2: Agreement between predictions of the automatic system and the ratings of assessor 1, measured using Kendall’s τ,
Pearson’s r and Krippendorffs α. For τ and r the values in parentheses are the corresponding p-values. For α the table shows
the lower and upper limits of the 95% confidence intervals in parentheses.
τ (p-value) α (95% CI lower lim., upper lim.) r (p-value)
Lumen 0.442 (0.006) 0.169 (-0.111, 0.426) 0.648 (<0.001)
Handling 0.516 (0.001) 0.642 (0.412, 0.815) 0.705 (<0.001)
Looping 0.294 (0.077) 0.276 (-0.056, 0.564) 0.465 (0.019)
Time 0.290 (0.088) 0.229 (-0.154, 0.538) 0.344 (0.092)
Visualisation 0.460 (0.005) 0.607 (0.499, 0.711) 0.541 (0.005)
Insertion 0.404 (0.011) 0.434 (0.239, 0.618) 0.525 (0.007)
Withdrawal 0.488 (0.003) 0.566 (0.325, 0.756) 0.490 (0.013)
Overall 0.586 (<0.001) 0.400 (0.208, 0.575) 0.783 (<0.001)
Table 3: Agreement between predictions of the automatic system and the ratings of assessor 2, measured using Kendall’s τ,
Pearson’s r and Krippendorffs α.
τ (p-value) α (95% CI lower lim., upper lim.) r (p-value)
Lumen -0.459 (0.007) -0.530 (-1.000, -0.052) -0.573 (0.003)
Handling 0.241 (0.138) 0.213 (-0.054, 0.445) 0.335 (0.102)
Looping -0.016 (0.940) 0.024 (-0.316, 0.328) 0.093 (0.660)
Time -0.005 (1.000) -0.202 (-0.660, 0.209) -0.491 (0.013)
Visualisation 0.081 (0.639) 0.131 (-0.333, 0.525) 0.120 (0.567)
Insertion -0.263 (0.109) -0.216 (-0.664, 0.137) -0.431 (0.031)
Withdrawal -0.041 (0.818) 0.026 (-0.309, 0.322) -0.171 (0.414)
Overall 0.081 (0.629) 0.095 (-0.239, 0.377) -0.105 (0.618)
evitably lead to overfitting and, therefore, poor perfor-
mance on unseen data. Choosing the relevant features
manually based on domain knowledge is not trivial,
since there is seldom an intuitive advantage of any
summarisation operation over the others for the dif-
ferent features.
We therefore take a hybrid approach to feature se-
lection. We organise the features into groups, each
of which is made up of a set of features represent-
ing the same underlying procedure characteristic. We
then use our domain knowledge to select the relevant
groups (characteristics) for each of the target DOPS
measures. Within each group we perform correla-
tion analysis to chose the most relevant feature of the
group. Only the feature with the highest correlation
with the measure in the training examples is retained
in each group. This approach allows us to reduce
the dimensionality of the feature space significantly.
This, in turn, reduces the tendency of overfitting. Ta-
ble 1 lists the target measures and feature groups we
identified and shows which group we consider rele-
vant for each of the target measures. By using this
method, depending on the DOPS criterion in question,
the number of features is reduced from 92 to between
5 and 30.
We use ν support vector regression models for pre-
diction of the DOPS criteria. To make best use of the
small data set, the SVMs are trained in a nested cross-
validation scheme. In the outer loop, in each cross-
validation fold, we leave out a single example for test-
ing and hand the rest to the inner loop. In the inner
loop, parameters are optimised with a grid search ap-
proach, again using leave-one-out cross-validation.
For the performance evaluation of the proposed sys-
tem, we compute the strength of association between
the trained SVMs and each of the two assessors. We
are using Kendall’s τ coefficient for this analysis, pro-
viding Pearson correlation r for comparison. The re-
sults are shown in Tables 2 and 3. For comparison,
Table 4 shows the agreement between the two asses-
We can see a moderate association for most of
the measures when comparing to assessor 1. Inter-
estingly, the method fails to achieve any significant
agreement with assessor 2. This may be due to rating
outliers, which can have a strong effect given such
a small sample size. There appears to be a stronger
association between our method and assessor 1 than
between the ratings of the two assessors in all except
the looping criterion. Association between the pre-
dictions of our method and the ratings of assessor 1 is
always statistically significant at the 0.1 significance
Table 4: Agreement between the ratings of assessor 1 and the ratings of assessor 2, measured using Kendall’s τ, Pearson’s r
and Krippendorffs α.
τ (p-value) α (95% CI lower lim., upper lim.) r (p-value)
Lumen 0.217 (0.262) 0.230 (-0.360, 0.680) 0.314 (0.126)
Handling 0.311 (0.084) 0.310 (-0.070, 0.640) 0.366 (0.072)
Looping 0.494 (0.008) 0.470 (0.180, 0.720) 0.571 (0.003)
Time 0.041 (0.864) 0.050 (-0.390, 0.450) 0.051 (0.810)
Visualisation 0.185 (0.342) 0.210 (-0.360, 0.640) 0.181 (0.387)
Insertion 0.347 (0.055) 0.370 (0.070, 0.610) 0.462 (0.020)
Withdrawal 0.323 (0.082) 0.340 (-0.130, 0.730) 0.381 (0.060)
Overall 0.402 (0.025) 0.410 (0.070, 0.710) 0.518 (0.008)
level, whereas between the two assessors, the associ-
ation is insignificant for 3 criteria.
4.1 Discussion
The results our method achieves when compared to
assessor 1 are promising. A significant degree of as-
sociation for all criteria indicates that certain crite-
ria can indeed be measured automatically from video
and motion sensor data. The poor performance when
compared to assessor 2, however, suggests that the
data we collected may contain outliers. Given the size
of the data set and the resulting uncertainty of the re-
sults, the problem will have to be addressed with a
larger scale experiment. However, the findings of this
preliminary study suggest that the proposed system
has potential to accurately assess JAG DOPS quality
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