Model-driven Development of Interactive Web User Interfaces with
Michael Huber and Philipp Brune
University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm, Wileystraße 1, D-89231 Neu-Ulm, Germany
Model-driven Web Application Development, Model Transformation, Code Generation, Metamodeling, Rich
Web UI.
Graphical user interfaces (GUI) of modern web applications offer a look-and-feel comparable to desktop ap-
plications, mainly by using JavaScript or other Rich internet Applications (RIA) technologies. With W3C’s
upcoming HTML5 standard, even more powerful concepts for browser-side GUI programming are introduced,
e.g. the <canvas>-tag. Model-driven development of web applications and RIA has been studied for many
years. However, all existing approaches for model-driven web and RIA development focus on entire web-
pages. With the increasing complexity of modern web GUIs, the model-driven development of GUI compo-
nents itself comes into focus. Therefore, in this paper a method is proposed for the model-driven development
of interactive, JavaScript-based GUI components based on the <canvas>-tag. Using a metamodel based on
an UML 2.0 profile, the approach is usable together with existing UML-based methods or standalone. The
implementation is described and its feasibility and implications are examined by means of a proof-of-concept
In recent years, the graphical user interfaces (GUI)
of web applications have changed dramatically with
respect to their interactivity, functionality and visual
design. By means of technologies like JavaScript or
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) (Mesbah
and van Deursen, 2007) or Rich Internet Application
(RIA) frameworks (Toffetti et al., 2011), web appli-
cations today provide richer and more interactive user
interfaces with many of the characteristics of desktop
application software. In addition, for the increasing
number of mobile devices used as web client plat-
forms, a higher interactivity of the GUI and new types
of user interaction (i.e. gestures) are required (Ortiz
and Garcia De Prado, 2010).
Therefore, the world-wide web consortium
(W3C) is currently working on the specification of
a new version of the web markup language known
as HTML5 (Fulton, 2011). Among many other new
features, HTML5 introduces the <canvas>-tag to
create and display individual and interactive graphics
within a web page (Fulton, 2011). Even though the
HTML5 specification is not finally released at the
moment, the <canvas>-tag is already supported by
many modern web browsers.
Model-driven development (MDD) (Sabbah,
2006) has received considerable attention for many
years as a promising paradigm in software en-
gineering. Regarding MDD of web applications
also various approaches have been proposed and
discussed, like WebSA (Melia and Gomez, 2006) or
UWE (UML-based Web Engineering) (Kraus et al.,
2007). Most methods use a graphical notation like
UML for describing the models. Other solutions
are based on specific notation languages (Wolf-
gang, 2011) or textual notation (Buchwalder and
Petitpierre, 2006; Melia et al., 2008).
In recent years, model-driven development of RIA
applications has attracted increasing attention and
various authors have proposed respective approaches
(Bozzon et al., 2006; Preciado et al., 2008; Linaje
et al., 2007; Melia et al., 2008; Valverde and Pastor,
2009; Ortiz and Garcia De Prado, 2010; Toffetti et al.,
2011). However, all these approaches focus mainly on
two aspects of the model-driven development of RIA
(Valverde and Pastor, 2009), namely 1) the definition
of the GUI by combining components (widgets) from
a selected RIA technology, and 2) the specification
of the handling of interaction events generated by the
user (Koch et al., 2009). Regarding the first aspect,
all approaches consider the GUI components itself to
Huber M. and Brune P..
Model-driven Development of Interactive Web User Interfaces with HTML5.
DOI: 10.5220/0004311202490252
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering and Software Development (MODELSWARD-2013), pages 249-252
ISBN: 978-989-8565-42-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Overview of the UML2 metamodel proposed to describe an interactive HTML5 canvas-tag based GUI component
within a web page.
be atomic. The possibilities for a model-driven devel-
opment of these RIA GUI components itself and their
embedding with the described MDD approaches have
not been examined so far. This holds especially true
for GUI component using upcoming technologies like
the HTML5 <canvas>-tag.
Therefore, in this paper an MDD approach for de-
veloping interactive GUI components using HTML5
and the <canvas>-tag is proposed and examined by
studying a proof-of-concept example. To demonstrate
the integration with a general MDD web development
framework, UWE (Kraus et al., 2007) was chosen,
since it is UML-based, offers a good tool support, is
well documented and supports also recent standards
like Java Server Faces (JSF).
The structure of this paper is as follows: Section
2 presents the proposed UML metamodel and in sec-
tion 3 the model transformation and code generation
is described. In section 4 the proof-of-concept exam-
ple is presented and examined. We conclude with a
summary of our findings.
To ensure compatibility with UWE, the metamodel
was designed using an UML 2.0 profile. Obviously,
it needs to map all native functions of the <canvas>-
tag, in order not to be restricted compared to man-
ual development. Moreover, it should be possible to
add interactivity actions like click-events or drag-and-
drop to the whole canvas as well as to all its graph-
ical elements. In addition, a good usability expe-
rience during the modeling process is required, like
early error detection or the ability to predefine com-
plex graphical objects like a three-dimensional cylin-
der to use it as one element. Therefore, a modular de-
sign is needed, especially for displayed items on the
canvas and for attachable events triggering different
actions. The model also needs to ensure the seamless
integration with UWE.
Fig. 1 shows an overview of the resulting
UML metamodel. It was designed around five main
stereotypes, namely Canvas, representing an inter-
active GUI component based on the <canvas>-tag,
GraphicalObject, representing any graphical object
displayed inside the canvas, Design to assign visual
styles to these graphical objects, Effects, modeling
visual effects like fading in or out, and Event, de-
scribing user-triggered interaction events. Standard
events used for navigating in a GUI are modeled as
specializations of the stereotype Event.
A set of multiple Object Constraint Language
(OCL) constraints defining class invariants ensures an
Figure 2: Class diagram of the JavaScript library that mim-
ics the metamodel stereotypes and is used to implement the
generated GUI component within a web page.
error detection during modeling to avoid minor errors,
i.e. an undefined value for the id-attribute of the can-
vas, leading to an incorrect display in the browser.
To improve the practical usability of the pro-
posed approach, the metamodel stereotypes were rep-
resented by a specific diagram type in MagicDraw
(NoMagic, 2012). This simplifies keeping track of
the elements in a complex model.
Since interactive GUI components usually represent
only parts of a web page, it is necessary to integrate
the present approach into general model-driven web
development methods. The UWE method was se-
lected to evaluate this integration. Therefore, its pre-
sentation model containing all displayed elements on
one page needed to be extended by a new stereotype
representing the canvas element.
For generating code the existing UWE code gen-
erator written in Java by Sebastian Stiegler in 2002
(Stiegler, 2002) was used and extended. By introduc-
ing new configuration parameters it is now possible
to select whether the models provided to the genera-
tor should be interpreted as pure UWE models, canvas
models or both.
In order to efficiently transform the model into ex-
ecutable HTML5 and JavaScript code, a JavaScript
runtime library was designed for drawing of the can-
vas elements and processing events. This library
uses the class model shown in Fig. 2 which mim-
ics the relevant stereotypes of the UML metamodel
Figure 3: Screenshot (from Mozilla Firefox 10.0) of the
generated interactive turnover and profit bar chart within a
web browser window. By clicking on the legend entries, the
visibility of the corresponding bars in the chart is toggled.
with JavaScript. While transforming UWE presenta-
tion models containing canvas elements, the genera-
tor creates the <canvas>-tag in the website and then
checks for the corresponding canvas model and gen-
erates the respective JavaScript code using the library.
To evaluate the presented approach, an interactive
GUI component was developed showing the last three
years turnover and profit data in an interactive bar
chart diagram like used frequently for business analy-
sis. The result as displayed by a web browser is shown
in Fig. 3. To demonstrate the modeling of user inter-
actions, it is possible to show and hide each data set
by clicking on the corresponding legend entries.
The time needed for modeling and code genera-
tion using the presented approach proved to be sig-
nificantly lower then the time needed for a compara-
ble manual implementation. The time reduction orig-
inates mainly from the use of the JavaScript library
and the overall higher level of abstraction. Addition-
ally, a domain-specific toolbar was developed which
strongly simplifies routine tasks like the assignment
of stereotypes. The biggest advantage is the sim-
plified implementation of the user interactions. By
means of the specified OCL constraints, also errors
related to the tagged values could be identified and
solved in an early stage during the modeling process.
In conclusion, this paper presented the design and
implementation of a MDD approach for interactive
GUI components based on the HTML5 <canvas>-
tag. The designed metamodel maps the functionality
of the <canvas>-tag appropriately. Based on the Uni-
fied Modeling Language (UML), this approach could
be in principle integrated as an extension into most
existing UML-based model-driven web development
methods. This has been described and verified for the
UWE method.
Future extensions may add further, more complex
pre-defined graphical elements or frequently used
special events. Also a binding to other HTML ele-
ments for controlling the canvas or the inclusion of
physical behaviour in animations is possible.
So far, the approach mainly operates on the level
of graphics primitives. For an obvious future appli-
cation of the described approach in the development
of interactive online games or virtual online worlds,
higher level (or more domain specific) graphical ab-
stractions (like support for 3D objects) are required.
Further research is needed to investigate the design
and possibilities of such an extension to the presented
The authors would like to thank Prof. Dr. Hennicker
from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit
at Munich for
kindly providing the source code of the UWE code
generator created by Sebastian Stiegler.
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