Privacy in Smart Cities
A Case Study of Smart Public Parking
Pablo A. P´erez-Mart´ınez, Antoni Mart´ınez-Ballest´e and Agusti Solanas
CRISES Research Group, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Av. Pısos Catalans 26, Tarragona, Spain
Parking, Smart Cities, Privacy, Privacy Enhancing Technologies, Ubiquitous Computing.
Cities are steadily growing and the process of urbanisation is prevalent worldwide. With the aim to provide
citizens with a better place to live, a new concept of city was born: the Smart City.
This concept has gained much attention and many “regular” cities are taking action so as to become “smart”.
To do so, cities are deploying and using information and communication technologies, with the aim of tackling
many local problems from local economy and transportation to quality of life and e-governance.
In this article we recall the concept of smart city and its main areas of interest. We discuss that the ubiquitous
use of information and communication technologies within the context of a smart city might lead to the trans-
parent gathering of private data from citizens. We focus on the transportation area and, more specifically, on
the parking problems that might arise in big cities. We propose a set of procedures, based on privacy enhancing
technologies, that allow the private, secure and efficient management of parking in smart cities.
The main goal of this article is to foster discussion about the privacy issues that might arise in a smart city
and to provide an example scenario (i.e. public parking) to demonstrate some interesting ideas and show some
open problems.
Countries are making great efforts to be competi-
tive, attract investments and talent, reduce debt and
be more sustainable. The struggling of countries for
competitiveness has a smaller version in their cities,
which are competing at an international level for in-
vestments, talent and quality of life, and they realise
that the most promising path to success is the use
of technology. Specifically, information and commu-
nication technologies (ICT) allow local governments
and companies to develop ubiquitous innovative solu-
tions that improve city operations in a variety of ar-
eas, such as transportation, energy, sustainability, e-
governance, economy and communications.
In big cities, factors related to economies of scale
help to reduce operational costs. However, managing
big cities is challenging because the number of inhab-
itants grows steadily and the infrastructures and op-
erational procedures have to be adapted to a growing
and very demanding population.
In this context, local administrationshavethe need
for smart procedures to improve the quality of life and
the management of resources in cities. As a result of
these needs, the concept of smart city appeared and,
although this is pretty new, we can find several exam-
ples of cities that pursued this idea applied to a va-
riety of areas (e.g. Amsterdam (Liander and AIM,
2012), Vienna, Toronto, Paris, New York, London,
Tokyo, Copenhagen, Hong Kong or Barcelona (Ac-
tiva, 2012)).
A very relevantarea in every city is transportation.
On the one hand, the management of public trans-
portation is a very important and difficult issue that
has been studied and companies, such as IBM, are
proposing solutions to make it smarter (IBM, 2011).
On the other hand, private transportation has proved
to be a cornerstone for the local government of any
big city. The challenges related to private transporta-
tion are diverse, namely traffic jam management, tax
collection, parking lots management, and so on.
In this article we revise the definition of smart city,
which is a concept that has not been fully defined. We
show the great advantages of smart cities, such as re-
duction of CO
emissions, improvement of the rela-
tions between citizens and administrations, increase
of the efficiency of public and private transportation,
etc. However, we note that the easy gathering of data
that occurs in ICT-based smart cities might open the
door to privacy attacks from, at least, two sides: (i)
from the infrastructure and (ii) from external attack-
ers. To exemplify this situation we consider the spe-
Pérez-Martínez P., Martínez-Ballesté A. and Solanas A..
Privacy in Smart Cities - A Case Study of Smart Public Parking.
DOI: 10.5220/0004314700550059
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2013), pages 55-59
ISBN: 978-989-8565-43-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
cial case of parking management within a smart city
and we describe a protocol that allows the private
and secure management of the information required
to control the payments in public parking lots.
The rest of the paper is organised as follows:
In Section 2 we provide some background on smart
cities, we propose an extended definition for smart
city and we describe our case study. In Section 3
we describe our privacy-aware protocol for our case
study and, in Section 4, we briefly summarise its main
propertiesfroma privacy and security perspective. Fi-
nally, the article concludes with some final remarks in
Section 5.
2.1 Smart Cities
In recent years many people have started to use the
term Smart City but in many cases the meaning
given to this term changes from person to person.
Moreover, the term has gained a kind of marketing
value that local governments want to benefit from.
Thus, the definition of the term is frequently modi-
fied so as to adapt to the needs of the people using it
in a particular situation. As a consequence, a number
of different definitions and conceptualideas regarding
smart cities can be found in the literature.
From a very general perspective we could say that
smart cities are those in which people can make their
own choices and have a high quality of life combined
with the efficient use of resources and the reduction
of emissions. More specifically, a smart city consid-
ers six main areas/dimensions that are connected to
the neoclassical theories of urban growth and devel-
Smart Economy. Improve regional competitive-
ness and attract talent.
Smart Mobility. Improve the efficiency of public
transportation and the management of private ve-
Smart Environment. Reduce the energy footprint
and to better use natural resources.
Smart People. Promote human and social capital.
Smart Living. Increase the quality of life of citi-
Smart Governance. Foster the participation of so-
ciety and the interaction of the citizens with the
According to Caragliu et al. (Caragliu et al., 2009)
a city might be considered “smart” when it invests in
human and social capital and in traditional (transport)
and modern (ICT) communication infrastructures that
fuel sustainable economic growth and a high quality
of life, with a wise management of natural resources,
through participatory governance.
We complement this definition by adding that a
city to be “smart” should guaranty the privacy and se-
curity of its citizens, in the spirit of the concept of
the W
-Privacy (P´erez-Mart´ınez and Solanas, 2011),
so as to foster their participation and avert the Big
Brother effect, which might raise concerns amongst
privacy advocates.
To summarise, our definition of smart city is as
Smart Cities are cities strongly founded on infor-
mation and communication technologies that invest in
human and social capital to improve the quality of life
of their citizens by fostering economic growth, partic-
ipatory governance, wise management of resources,
sustainability, and efficient mobility, whilst they guar-
anty the privacy and security of the citizens.
2.2 Case Study: Public Parking
Parking a vehicle in a crowded city is a difficult task
due to several reasons. First, it is complicated to find
a place and people waste a lot of time looking for a
parking lot. Second, once a parking place is found, in
many cases, drivers are required to pay some money
depending on the time that the vehicle is parked. This
payment poses several problems:
Need for Change. If the payment method is based
on parking meters, drivers need to carry some
change: in general, credit cards are not supported;
if they are supported, card readers can be easily
damaged and therefore become useless. If the
payment method is based on pay and display ma-
chines, drivers might pay with money or credit
cards, but they have to find the machine and then
go back to the car to leave the ticket obtained.
Have Extra-costs. In some places prepaid RFID
cards (wallet cards) can be used to pay for the ser-
vice but they are usually not re-usable and drivers
pay the extra-cost of the card every time they buy
a new one (Ostojic et al., 2007).
Pay again to Move the Vehicle to another Area. In
most cases, after paying for parking in a place, if
the driver moves to another place (located in a dif-
ferent payment area of the city), he/she must pay
again and cannot use the ticket previously issued
even if it has not expired.
Renew the Ticket. When pay and display ma-
chines are used, if the ticket expires drivers must
go back to the machine, buy a new ticket and leave
it in the car. Thisis a very inconvenientprocedure,
specially if the driver is far fromthe parkingplace.
In the context of a smart city we assume that a
number of RFID readers are deployed so as to iden-
tify vehicles and control their payment status. Thus,
in addition to the previously stated problems,we iden-
tify some attacks against the privacy of the users that
can take place and should be avoided:
Attacks from the Infrastructure. Some of the cur-
rent parking systems use contactless technology,
but in most cases users use an ID. If vehicles are
identified with a single ID (e.g. the licence plate,
or the like), the infrastructure can obtain a record
of the locations that a given driver visits and can
obtain extra-information that might endanger the
privacy of drivers, namely their habits, their place
of residence, their place of work, etc.
Attacks from External Attackers. If RFID tech-
nology is used inappropriately, external attackers
could obtain the identification of the vehicle and
clone it so as to avoid payment by stealing the
identity of legitimate users.
In our case study we consider all these problems
related to both the payment and identification of the
vehicles. We do not consider the problem of find-
ing a parking place because it has been widely stud-
ied and several solutions already exist (Lee et al.,
2008). Thus, to address the aforementioned problems
we need to design a procedure (or a set of protocols)
that guaranties the following properties.
Anonymity. Payments should be anonymous so as
to avoid the identification of the user by the infras-
tructure and avoid undesired profiling.
Remote payment. Payments might be done re-
motely, this is, without the need for change and
without the need for going back to the vehicle or
the parking meter.
Transparent Multi-area Parking. If users have
paid for a given parking time and they change the
location of their vehicle, they should be allowed
to use the remaining time that they have (if any)
in the new parking place.
Untraceability. External attackers and the infras-
tructure should not be able to distinguish two dif-
ferent payments from the same user. Thus, they
cannot infer the habits or the places frequently
visited by users.
In this section we describe our protocol, which uses
off-the-shelf privacy enhancing technologies to ad-
dress the problems identified in the previous section.
We assume that users/drivers have an RFID card and
a mobile phone that can communicate with this card.
First, we describe the procedure to anonymously pay
by means of e-cash. Then we describe how to use our
protocol within the context of a smart city.
3.1 Anonymous Payment
With the aim to break the link between the identity of
the user and the payment he/she makes, we propose
the use of anonymous e-cash. To obtain e-cash and
proceed with the payment, users operate as follows:
1. Get e-cash. A user U
gets e-cash (electronic
cash) from a bank. To do so, one can use a lot
of existing protocols, for example the system pro-
posed in the patent (Simon, 1995), in which a user
asks to the bank for a given amount of money in
the form of electronic cash. To do that, the user
sends a request for some quantity of e-cash to the
bank, and the bank sends back to the user the e-
cash with the requested value. In this procedure
the bank signs the money so as to guaranty its va-
lidity. By using this procedure, double spending
is averted by the bank.
2. Pay for the Service. When U
parks a vehicle
in a public parking area that requires payment,
he uses the previously obtained e-cash to pay the
service by using a mobile phone (cf. Figure 1).
To proceed, the user sends an activation message
to the RFID tag located in the vehicle
. When
the tag receives the activation message it gener-
ates a pseudonym using a one-way hash function
||r), where ID
is the private identifier of the
tag, r is a random number generated by the tag,
and (||) is the concatenation operator. Then, the
tag sends the pseudonym back to the driver, who
will use it to make the payment.
3. Verify the Payment. Once the service provider
receivesthe payment, it contacts the bank to check
the validity of the e-cash. If the e-cash received
is valid the bank sends the money to the parking
service provider (cf. Figure 2).
4. Determine and Store Expiration Time. The
parking service provider converts the e-cash re-
This communication can be performed in a variety of
ways, but the use of NFC is becoming popular and might be
the standard in the near future.
ceived into “parking time” and determines the ex-
piration time for the user. Finally it saves this in-
formation in its database and informsU
about the
expiration time.
Figure 1: Payment by means of e-cash and a mobile phone.
Figure 2: Scheme of the payment and validation procedure.
3.2 Protocol Operation in a Smart City
We assume that the smart city in which our protocol
is applied has a number of RFID readers deployed in
public parking areas. Those RFID readers are able to
identify RFID tags.
When a user U
parks in a monitored parking
place, an RFID reader detects the tag in the vehi-
cle and registers its current ID in its database DB.
As stated before the ID of the tag that the reader
will obtain is a pseudonym like h(ID
||r) that will
be related to the payment issued by U
. For the
communication between the RFID reader (R) and
the RFID tag of the user’s vehicle (T), we can use
the improved randomised hash-locks (IRHL) pro-
tocol (Juels and Weis, 2006). IRHL are compu-
tationally cheap in the tags side (they only need
a pseudo-random number generator and a hash
function). In the IRHL protocol, R generates a
random number r
and sends it to T. Then, T gen-
erates another random number r
and computes
the answer a = h(r
||ID) where ID is the se-
cret identifier of T, (||) is the concatenation oper-
ator, and h() is a one-way hash function. Finally,
when R receives the answer (a) and the nonce (r
it determines the ID of the tag by performing an
exhaustive search in its database looking for an
identifier ID
such that a = h(r
). When
that happens the tag is identified as ID
. Figure 3
shows a graphical description of this protocol.
proceeds to pay by means of his mobile phone,
as we stated before (cf. Figure 1).
Once U
has paid, the parking service provider up-
dates the information about the expiration time in
the database.
By using this procedure, users can pay anony-
mously, they can move from one area to another with-
out paying again (because a centralised database con-
tains all the information), they can extend their park-
ing time by using their mobile phone, and they are not
traceable thanks to the use of pseudonyms that can be
changed every time a user parks a vehicle in a new
Figure 3: Secure communication between a vehicle and an
RFID reader using IRHL.
We have designed our protocol so as to provide
anonymity, remote payment, transparent multi-area
parking and untraceability. Next we briefly discuss
why our protocol achieves these goals and how they
help to protect citizens privacy within the scope of a
smart city.
Anonymity. Thanks to the use of e-cash, the in-
frastructure cannot relate the payments with the
identity of the user. This would be only possible
if the infrastructure colludes with the bank. How-
ever, this does not seem to be a realistic scenario.
Remote Payment. Due to the fact that the payment
is no longer linked to a machine or a parking me-
ter, users are able to pay remotely by using their
e-cash through a mobile phone.
Transparent Multi-area Parking. Information
about payments and identifiers are stored in a cen-
tralised database. Thus, if users change the loca-
tion of vehicles, they do not need new tickets.
Untraceability. At any moment, the user might
decide to send an activation message to the RFID
tag of the vehicle. By doing so, the user makes the
tag generate a new pseudonym that will be used
to pay and to identify the vehicle. Due to the fact
that pseudonyms change, it is impossible for the
infrastructure to trace users by means of their ID.
From a security point of view, the use of the IRHL
for the communication between vehicle tags and in-
frastructure readers guarantees that the pseudonyms
generated by tags cannot be cloned. Thus, the secu-
rity of the driversis also guaranteed. The down side of
IRHL is their computational cost in the readers side.
However, it has been shown that it is possible to ob-
tain efficient identifications by using the collaboration
of multiple readers(whichwould be highly applicable
in a smart city scenario) (Trujillo-Rasua et al., 2012),
(Trujillo-Rasua and Solanas, 2011b), (Trujillo-Rasua
and Solanas, 2011a).
Information and communication technologies have
opened the door to an unprecedented amount of op-
portunities for cities to become smart. In this arti-
cle we have recalled and clarified some concepts re-
lated to smart cities. With the aim to show some
of the privacy and security problems that might arise
within a smart city, we have considered a case study
focussed on managing parking payments. We have
proposed a protocol that uses private enhancing tech-
niques such as pseudonyms, improved randomised
hash-locks and, anonymous payments, to guarantee
the privacy and security of the citizens that park their
vehicles in public parking areas in a smart city. We
have discussed that our protocol allows anonymity,
untraceability, remote payment and transparent multi-
area parking. Further work includes the implementa-
tion of this protocol in a real scenario.
This work was partly funded by the Spanish Govern-
ment throughprojectCONSOLIDERINGENIO2010
CSD2007-0004 ARES”, project TSI2007-65406-
C03-01 “E-AEGIS”, project TIN2011-27076-C03-
01 “CO-PRIVACY”, project INNPACTO 2010 PT-
430000-2010-31, project AVANZA I+D 2009 TSI-
020100-2009-720, project AVANZA I+D 2010 TSI-
020302-2010-153,and by the Government of Catalo-
nia under grant 2009 SGR 1135.
Pablo A. P´erez-Mart´ınez and Agusti Solanas
thank the Security and PRivacy INnovation GRoup
(SPRINGeR) of the University of Roma Tre for host-
ing them for a research stay during which this article
was written.
The authors are with the UNESCO Chair in Data
Privacy, but the views expressed in this paper are their
own and do not commit UNESCO.
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