Bio Signal Monitoring Application
Daniel Ferreira
and Gil Gonc¸alves
Increase Time, Matosinhos, Portugal
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Medical Applications, Mobile Monitoring, Mobile Devices, Bio Signals.
The aging of the population causes an increased prevalence of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease
(which is the leading cause of death in developed countries) and dementia. Because of the high morbidity and
mortality rates associated with this group of diseases, it is necessary to continuously monitor the vital signs of
people at risk. Nowadays this monitoring is carried out by a Holter monitor, which acquires electrocardiogram
data for a long period of time, so that it can be analyzed later. However, this is not a real-time monitoring.
There is another type of monitor, which stores the data and communicates with a remote server, allowing real-
time continuous monitoring. The latter system requires a specific platform and, as result, the patients have to
adapt to yet another device in their daily activities.
Information and communication technologies (ICT) have had a remarkable role in the management of health
care distribution and social work, and can be applied on daily monitoring of patients, providing a timely op-
portunity for medical staff to intervene. In the ICT field we have witnessed the rise of smartphones as a gadget
with great mobility, connectivity and processing capacities. They are the ideal device to take patient moni-
toring to the next level, replacing the need for specific platforms for each type of monitoring, and facilitating
the daily lives of patients. This ability of smartphones becomes more and more apparent with the increasing
number in new medical applications that profit from its characteristics.
Therefore, our goal is to create an application for smartphones which takes advantage of the portability and
processing capacities of smartphones to assess cardiac function, using bio signals captured by a device with
bluetooth interface and the sensors on the smartphone, and subsequent processing with a medical telemetry
The aging of the population, caused by the in-
creased life expectancy and diminished number of
child births, in the occidental population, means we
have more and more elderly and less active people.
Due to the difficulties of some of the elder people
to live independently, there’s a necessity to maintain
a constant vigilance of their activities and their vital
signs. With aging come various problems: a great part
of this elder population have mobility issues, that can
be the cause of falls. 70% of all the deaths caused by
falls occur on the elder population (Edelberg, 2001);
also, the high prevalence of dementia in this popu-
lation can impair their orientation; a large number
of people suffer from cardiovascular disease, which
tends towards worsening with age. More than 30%
of the deaths in Portugal (Instituto Nacional de Es-
ıstica, 2011) are caused by heart disease, that re-
quires a continuous monitoring. This monitoring can
be made using devices like the Holter monitor, that
acquires electrocardiogram data from a long period
of time to be evaluated by a doctor. However, this
device does not provide real-time monitoring, which
limits its usage to diagnosis. To address this gap, a
monitoring system can be used that consists of three
components: a network of sensors placed on users to
get their vital signs; a Platform for Personal Moni-
toring carried by the user that obtains the data from
the sensors and sends it to the third component; a re-
mote server where there will be a caregiver to view the
monitoring data. This type of monitoring is expensive
and requires users to use another device in their daily
Our aim is to take advantage of the capabilities
such as processing power, communication interfaces
and sensors embedded in a smartphone, a device in-
creasingly common, in order to investigate its poten-
Ferreira D. and Gonçalves G..
BioSigMA - Bio Signal Monitoring Application.
DOI: 10.5220/0004323102780281
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES-2013), pages 278-281
ISBN: 978-989-8565-34-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
tial in the replacement of a specific Platform for Per-
sonal Monitoring.
This paper has 4 more sections: In section 2 we
present the State of the Art, including examples of
projects related to this work. In section 3 we describe
the functionalities of this Application and how they
were developed. In section 4 we present the results
obtained in the tests made to this Application. In sec-
tion 5 we draw conclusions about the work done in
this project, and make some considerations about fu-
ture work.
Related with this work we can enumerate projects
that have specific goals and projects with a more
broader scope. The Brickhouse Alert (BrickHouseAl-
ert, 2011) consists of a device that connects to a home
phone and receives data from a sensor wore by the
user. This sensor sends an alert to the device in case
of a detected fall. In this type of fall detection systems
there is another project, SmartFall (Lan et al., 2009),
that uses a modified crane to include accelerometers
and gyroscopes for detecting falls and communicates
alerts through Bluetooth. Both presented systems re-
quire specific hardware to be used by the user. To
address this and provide a more comfortable solution,
there are systems that use a daily device to implement
this functionalities. The PerFallD (Dai et al., 2010)
project uses the accelerometer in a smartphone for
detecting the falls, by recognizing patterns of force.
Today’s mobile platforms also present an increasing
number of mobile applications with medical use that
are able to read the cardiac rate through the smart-
phone camera (Azumio, 2011). There are also ap-
plications that implement geofencing capabilities, and
some of them, like the Reminders application of iOS,
are already embedded in the operating system. These
are all systems that take advantage of the functionali-
ties provided by the smartphones, but they differ from
BioSigMA in that they implement a system with only
a specific use. In the group of projects that have a
more broader scope we have the mobile monitoring
systems that mainly use the architecture presented in
1. The Heartronic project (Rocha et al., 2010) consists
of an array of sensors wore by the user that communi-
cate, using Bluetooth, with a smartphone. This smart-
phone sends the raw data to a remote server where it
will be processed, opposed to the presented solution
in this paper where the data is treated on the smart-
phone itself, before being sent to the server. Some
projects in this group have a specific population tar-
get, namely the elderly. Projects as the eCAALYX
Platform for
Figure 1: Overview of a real time monitoring system.
(Boulos et al., 2011), still in development, and iCare
(Lv et al., 2010), invest in the user interface of the ap-
plication, because it will be used by the elderly, and
needs to be simple and intuitive. The BioSigMA sys-
tem also has the same elderly target and implements a
simple user interface, but it also has advanced features
that can be accessed by capable users.
BioSigMA App
To implement the Platform for Personal Monitoring
on a smartphone it was necessary to investigate which
development platform would bring more benefits to
an application of this kind. We chose the Android
platform, because it is an open system, which pro-
vides freedom to develop and distribute applications.
For the purpose of this work it is important to have
this freedom so we have access to the smartphone
hardware without restrictions. Due to the nature of
this application, which requires a continuous moni-
toring, we used Background Services, that consists in
a process provided by the system that remains run-
ning in the background. This Service is the basis of
the application and manages the communication and
processing made by it.
3.1 Requirements
In order to implement a Platform for Personal Mon-
itoring, the BioSigMA App needed to fulfill the fol-
lowing requirements: Maintaining a continuous exe-
cution; Obtaining values from the monitoring sensors;
Storing the monitoring data; Configuring the moni-
toring parameters; Managing the connected sensors;
Processing the received sensor data; Transferring the
data to the remote server; Reducing the data transfer
costs; Detection of falls; Location monitoring; Con-
figuring notification alert limits; Sending alert notifi-
In the following subsections will be presented how
these functionalities were implemented in the Appli-
3.2 Sensor Communication
In order to communicate with the sensors available
(Zephyr HxM, Zephyr BioHarness and a platform
for acquiring bio-signals developed by Jo
ao Oliveira
in his dissertation for the Master in Electrical and
Computers Engineering (Pedro and Oliveira, 2012)),
BluetoothSockets were used for the data transmission
through Bluetooth and Threads were used to make the
transmission asynchronous. Since each sensor has its
own transmission protocol, it was necessary to create
distinct classes to manage the transmission with each
type of sensor.
3.3 Bio Signal Processing
The data received from the sensors, that includes heart
rate, breathing rate and temperature values, is stored
locally, in a SQLite database, for local consulting.
The data is then verified against the caregiver’s de-
fined limits, and in case it is beyond the limits an alert
is triggered locally, notifying the user, and remotely,
on the server. The data is sent to the server organized
in packages containing some seconds of information,
so there is no constant data connection with the server.
In case of alert the package with the last seconds of
information is sent immediately. The remote server
consists of a SOAP Web Service.
3.4 Geofencing
To implement the geofencing functionality in the ap-
plication, we used the location data tools provided by
the system. The Service registers itself as an handler
for location events, and when it receives a location
changed event it calculates the distance between the
current location and the location defined by the care-
giver as the center point. If the distance is bigger than
the radius, also defined by the caregiver, an alert is
triggered locally on the smartphone and remotely on
the server.
3.5 Activity
Using the accelerometer data, it is possible to know
the force acting on the smartphone, so we can know
if the user is moving, and evaluate the intensity of the
movement, allowing to correlate the monitoring data,
such as the heart rate, with the activity level, reducing
the triggering of false positives. The activity is eval-
uated using the mean of the last 30 values received
from the accelerometer so we can ease the spikes.
3.6 Fall Detection
The fall detection algorithm uses the data provided by
the accelerometer, like the activity algorithm, to de-
Figure 2: Force exerced on the smartphone in a fall.
tect a pattern as the one in the figure 2.
When a pattern of a minimum (bellow a certain
threshold) followed by a maximum (above a limit) is
detected, it’s possible that the user has fallen. To make
the detection more robust this force pattern is com-
plemented, in smartphones that include gyroscope, by
the orientation of the device that will be different be-
fore and after the fall. After a fall the user activity will
be monitored so we can know if the user recovered
from the fall, or if he/she remained immobilized. In
the case that he/she remained immobilized the smart-
phone will trigger an alarm. If the alarm is not can-
celled, a text message will be sent to the caregiver
with the location of the user.
This mobile application was integrated in an already
implemented solution (Sousa et al., 2012). This so-
lution consists of a mobile application that provides
the user interface for the BioSigMA platform, en-
abling the user to visualize his monitoring data, and
also configure the monitoring parameters, as the lim-
its for triggering alarms and the types of sensors con-
nected to the device. The KeepCare application con-
nects to a remote server (developed using the Wise
Framework, by FreedomGrow) that receives the data
from the smartphone and stores it, so the user is able
to see the history of the monitoring on a website. The
server also triggers alarms and shows notifications on
the website.
We tested the functionalities implemented using
as close to real-world examples as possible. The im-
plementation of the bio signal data communication
to the smartphone and from the smartphone to the
remote server was straightforward, so the tests were
Figure 3: Monitoring data from Zephyr HXM.
In Figure 3 we can see the data as shown in the
mobile application. This data is received and shown
in real time. The alerts are also triggered in real time,
sending a notification to the user. We also tested the
activity levels by doing walks and runs, so we could
adjust the thresholds at which we consider an activity
a low level activity or a high level activity. For test-
ing the fall detection, due to the nature of the tests,
we could not use real falls, so we simulated falls.
The simulation consisted on users walking slowly and
tripping, falling on a mattress with the back facing
up, down, left or right side. This simulated falls were
all detected, by the application. The difficulty resides
in not considering daily episodes as falls. Episodes
as walking downstairs have force patterns similar to
falls. So, if we have a smartphone with a gyroscope
we can determine the orientation before and after a
fall. In a fall the orientation differs within a value
close to 90
, while when walking downstairs the ori-
entation variation is smaller. When a gyroscope is not
available a timer is started when a fall is detected and,
if the timer is interrupted by the user, there will be no
notification of a fall, if the timer runs out there will be
a fall notification.
With this work, a Platform for Personal Monitoring
was developed in a smartphone that, taking advan-
tage of the capabilities of this kind of device, imple-
ments functionalities that go beyond the transmission
of the vital signs from the sensors to a remote server.
Therefore, we can conclude that it is possible to use
this kind of generic device in substitution of a spe-
cific Monitoring Platform. In terms of future work
we will implement protocols for communication with
new types of sensors and study the cost/benefits of
using smartphones with included gyroscope that pro-
vide better results in the fall detection algorithm.
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