A Top-down Approach to Combining Logics
Christoph Benzm¨uller
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie Universit¨at Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Combination of Logics, Context, Expressive Ontologies, Multi-agent Systems, Higher-order Logic, Semantic
Embedding, Proof Automation.
The mechanization and automation of combination of logics, expressive ontologies and notions of context are
prominent current challenge problems. I propose to approach these challenge topics from the perspective of
classical higher-order logic. From this perspective these topics are closely related and a common, uniform
solution appears in reach.
The mechanization and automation of (A) combina-
tion of logics, (B) context and (C) expressive on-
tologies are prominent current challenge problems.
Their solution is of significant interest to computer
scientists, artificial intelligence researchers, computa-
tional linguists and philosophers. Application areas
include, for example, logic-based knowledge repre-
sentation and reasoning, multi-agent systems, the se-
mantic web, and computational social choice.
I propose to approach these challenge topics from
an higher-order logic (HOL) perspective. From this
perspective these topics are closely related and a uni-
form solution appears in reach. Moreover, off-the-
shelf higher-order automated theorem provers (HOL-
ATPs) can be readily employed for the automation of
reasoning with respect to these challenge topics.
(A) Combining Logics. Researchers from various
disciplines have developed and studied a wide range
of classical and non-classical logics (Woods and Gab-
bay, 2004). These developments were often targeted
at desirable properties that previous logics did not
adequately address. Examples include intuitionistic
logics, deontic logics, epistemic logics, many-valued
logics, relevant logic, linear logic, etc.
Philosophers and logicians have recently devel-
oped an increased interest in combining logics, and
in general theories of logical systems; new schools
and new journals have emerged. The interest is in
tools and techniques for modeling and analyzing inte-
grations, extensions, embeddings, and translations of
logics, and for studying commonalities and deviations
of logics, e.g., with respect to fundamental theorems
or computational properties.
Computer scientists and artificial intelligence re-
searchers in contrast have a strong practical interest
in combinations of logics and in developing effective
reasoning systems for them. This is because complex
and real-world reasoning tasks often require reason-
ing about beliefs, obligations, actions and change and
a host of other tasks that cannot be adequately mod-
eled in simpler logics.
However, building automated reasoning systems
that support combinations of logics is a very demand-
ing endeavor. One option is to develop a specific sys-
tem for each particular logic combination in question.
Doing this for all relevant and interesting combina-
tions is hardly feasible. In fact, there is a strong dis-
crepancy between the number of combined reasoning
systems that have been sketched on paper, and the
number of (non-trivial) combined reasoning systems
that have actually been implemented.
A second option is to develop flexible, plug-and-
play frameworks for various logics and their combi-
nations. Notable developments in this direction in-
clude: Logic Workbench (LWB), LoTREC, Tableaux
Workbench (TWB), FaCT, ileanCoP, and the transla-
tion based MSPASS system.
System websites: LWB: http://www.lwb.unibe.ch/,
LoTREC: http://www.irit.fr/Lotrec/,
TWB: http://twb.rsise.anu.edu.au/,
FaCT: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/horrocks/FaCT/,
ileanCoP: http://www.leancop.de/ileancop/,
MSPASS: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/schmidt/mspass/.
Systems overview: http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/schmidt/
Benzmüller C..
A Top-down Approach to Combining Logics.
DOI: 10.5220/0004324803460351
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 346-351
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
However, these systems are mainly restricted
to comparably inexpressive propositional logics and
in particular their support for exible logic com-
binations is still very limited. For example, none
of these systems supports quantified modal logics
(QMMLs) or quantified conditional logics (QCLs)
and their combinations. Only for first-order quantified
monomodal logics some specialist provers do exist,
such as MleanCoP, MleanTAP, MleanSeP, GQML,
and f2p+MSPASS
, but none of these systems cur-
rently supports logic combinations.
(B) Context. The study of notions of context has a
long history in philosophy, linguistics, and artificial
intelligence. In artificial intelligence, a main motiva-
tion has been to resolve the problem of generality of
computer programs as identified by McCarthy (Mc-
Carthy, 1987). The generality aspect of context scru-
tinizes flexible combinations (nestings) of contexts in
combination with rich context descriptions.
Giunchiglia (Giunchiglia, 1993) additionally em-
phasizes the locality aspect and the need for struc-
tured representations of knowledge. The locality as-
pect is particularly important for large knowledge
bases; the challenge is to effectively identify and ac-
cess information that is relevant within a given rea-
soning context.
Different approaches to formalizing and mecha-
nizing context have been proposed in the last decades;
many of these are outlined in overview articles (Ak-
man and Surav, 1996; de Paiva, 2003; Serafini
and Bouquet, 2004) or in special issues of journals
(Lehmann et al., 2012).
McCarthy (McCarthy, 1993) has pioneered
the modeling of contexts as first class objects (in
first-order logic) and he introduced the predicate
ist. For example, in his approach the expression
ist(context of(“Ben’s Knowledge”),likes(Sue,Bill))
encodes that proposition Sue likes Bill is true in the
context of Ben’s knowledge. A main motivation
of McCarthy’s approach actually is to avoid modal
logics (here for the modeling of Ben’s knowledge).
His line of research has been followed by a number
of researchers, including, for example, Guha (who
has put contexts into Cyc), Buvac and Mason (Buvac
et al., 1995; Guha, 1991). Also Giunchiglia and
Serafini (Giunchiglia and Serafini, 1994) avoid modal
logics and propose the use of so called multilanguage
systems. They show various equivalence results to
common modal logics, but they also discuss several
properties of multilanguage systems not supported in
modal logics.
See http://www.cs.uni-potsdam.de/ti/iltp/qmltp/
systems.html for more information on these systems.
All of the above approaches avoid a higher-order
perspective on context. My position is complemen-
tary and I argue that a solid higher-order perspec-
tive on context can be very valuable for various rea-
sons. On the theory side the twist between formalisms
based on modal logic and formalisms based on first-
order logic seems to dissolve, since both modal logics
(and other non-classical logics) and first-order logics
are just natural fragments of HOL. Moreover, modal
(and other) contexts can be elegantly combined and
nested in HOL, so that a flexible solution to Mc-
Carthy’s generality problem appears feasible.
Giunchiglia’s locality aspect can also be ad-
dressed. The means for this is relevance filter-
ing (Meng and Paulson, 2009; Pease et al., 2010;
Hoder and Voronkov, 2011).
(C) Expressive Ontologies. Expressive ontologies
such as the Suggested Upper Merged Ontology
SUMO (Pease, 2011) or CYC (Ramachandran et al.,
2005) contain a small but significant number of
higher-order representations (Benzm¨uller and Pease,
2012). They are particularly employed for modeling
contexts, including temporal, epistemic, or doxastic
contexts. In SUMO, for example, a statement like
(loves Bill Mary) can be restricted to the year 2009
by wrapping it (at subterm level) into respective con-
text information: (holdsDuring (YearFn 2009) (loves
Bill Mary)). Similarly, the statement can be put into
an epistemic or doxastic context: (knows/believes Ben
(loves Bill Mary)). Moreover, contexts can be flexibly
combined and the embedded formulas may be com-
plex: (believes Bill (knows Ben (forall (?X) ((woman
?X) => (loves Bill ?X)))). The close relation to Mc-
Carthy’s approach is obvious. A crucial requirement
for challenge (C) thus is to support flexible context
reasoning in combination with other first-order and
even higher-order reasoning aspects, and in combina-
tion with relevance filtering in large knowledge bases.
The proposed Solution. The challenges (A), (B)
and (C) are addressed from a fresh, analytical per-
spective. The starting point is HOL, that is, classi-
cal higher-order logic (Church, 1940). Instead of syn-
thesizing new logic combinations from source logics
bottom-up as typically done in other approaches, the
approach works top-down: HOL is decomposed into
its embedded logic fragments (respectively their com-
positions). Recent work has shown that these HOL
fragments comprise prominent non-classical logics
such as propositional (normal) modal logics, intu-
itionistic logic, security logics, conditional logics and
logics for time and space (Benzm¨uller and Paulson,
2008, 2010, 2012; Benzm¨uller, 2011; Benzm¨uller and
Genovese, 2011; Benzm¨uller at al., 2012). These
fragments also comprise first-order and even higher-
order extensions of non-classical logics, for which
only little practical automation support has been avail-
able so far. Most importantly, however, combinations
of embedded logics can be elegantly achieved in this
The HOL approach bridges between the Tarski
view of logics (for ’metalogic’ HOL) and the Kripke
view (for the embedded source logics) and exploits
the fact that well known translations of logics, such
as the relational translation (Ohlbach, 1991), can be
easily formalized in HOL. This way HOL-ATP sys-
tems can be uniformly applied to reason within and
also about embedded logics and their combinations.
Classical higher-order logic HOL (Andrews, 2002;
Church, 1940) is built on top of the simply typed λ-
calculus. The set T of simple types is usually freely
generated from a set of basic types {o, ι} (where o
is the type of Booleans and ι is the type of individu-
als) using the function type constructor . Instead of
{o, ι} a set of base types {o, ι, µ} is used, providing an
additional base type µ (the type of possible worlds).
The simple type theory language HOL is defined
by (α, β, o T ):
s,t ::= p
| X
| (λX
| (s
| (¬
| (s
| (Π
denotes typed constants and X
typed variables
(distinct from p
). Complex typed terms are con-
structed via abstraction and application. The logi-
cal connectives of choice are ¬
, =
and Π
(for each type α). From these connec-
tives, other logical connectives can be defined in the
usual way. Often binder notation X
s is used for
The semantics of HOL is well understood and
thoroughly documented in the literature (Andrews,
1972; Henkin, 1950; Benzm¨uller et al., 2004).
When choosing Henkin semantics (Andrews,
1972; Henkin, 1950) then G¨odel’s incompleteness re-
sults are circumvented and a framework is achieved
that obeys important theoretical properties such as re-
cursive axiomatizability, compactness, and countable
models. Theoretically the expressive power of HOL
with Henkin semantics corresponds to that of multi-
sorted first-order logic enriched by infinitely many
comprehension axioms. In some applications, how-
ever, HOL is better suited in practice both for elegant
modeling and for proof automation this is a main
hypothesis of my work.
Automation of HOL has been pioneered by the
work of Andrews on resolution in type theory (An-
drews, 1971), by Huet’s pre-unification algorithm
(Huet, 1975) and his constrained resolution calcu-
lus (Huet, 1973), and by Jensen and Pietroswski’s
(Pietrzykowski and Jensen, 1972) work. More re-
cently extensionality and equality reasoning in HOL
has been studied (Brown, 2007; Benzm¨uller et al.,
2004; Benzm¨uller, 2002; Benzm¨uller, 1999). The
TPS system
which is based on a higher-order mat-
ing calculus, is a pioneering ATP system for HOL.
The automation of HOL has recently made strong
progress. This has been fostered by the recent exten-
sion of the successful TPTP infrastructure for first-
order logic (Sutcliffe, 2009) to higher-order logic,
called TPTP THF0 (Sutcliffe and Benzm¨uller, 2010;
Benzm¨uller et al., 2008).
Meanwhile several higher-order provers and
model finders accept the THF0 language as input.
These systems are available online via the Syste-
mOnTPTP tool (Sutcliffe, 2007), through which they
can be easily employed avoiding local installations.
These THF0 compliant systems currently include four
HOL-ATPs (TPS, LEO-II, Isabelle, and Satallax) and
three HOL (counter-)model finders (Refute, Nitpick,
and Satallax).
The progress in automating HOL is measurable in
terms of the improvement rates achieved in the yearly
THF0 CASC competitions
: In 2010 the winner
LEO-II performed 56% better than the 2009 cham-
pion TPS, the 2011 winner Satallax was 21% better
than the 2010 champion LEO-II, and in 2012 Isabelle-
HOL was 35% better than 2011 winner Satallax.
To illustrate the approach the embedding of QMML
in HOL is sketched next. The idea is simple: QMML
formulas are lifted in HOL to predicates over possi-
ble worlds, that is, HOL terms of type µ o, where
µ is the reserved base type denoting the set of possi-
ble worlds. Modal operators such as ¬, , 2 , and
The system websites are:
TPS: http://gtps.math.cmu.edu/tps.html,
LEO-II: http://www.leoprover.org,
Satallax: http://www.ps.uni-saarland.de/cebrown/
Isabelle: http://isabelle.in.tum.de/.
Refute/Nitpick: http://www4.in.tum.de/blanchet/
SystemOnTPTP: http://www.cs.miami.edu/tptp/cgi-bin/
even quantification over individuals
and propo-
can then be elegantly defined as abbre-
viations of proper HOL terms, for example, =
φW ψW and 2 = λR
¬RW V φV.
Similarly, the notion of validity of QMML for-
mulas can be explicitly defined as an abbreviation in
HOL: valid = λφ
φW. Thus, QMML proof
problems can be formulated in HOL in its original
syntax, for example, valid2
rewriting or definition expanding, such proof prob-
lems are reduced to corresponding statements con-
taining only the basic connectives of HOL; no ex-
ternal, error-prone transformation mechanism (as e.g.
needed in the first-order based MSPASS approach) is
required for this. For the trivial example formula this
leads to W
¬rW Y ¬∀P
¬(PY). This
formula is obviously valid in Henkin semantics (put
P = λY
), and it can be effectively proved in a frac-
tion of a second by the above HOL provers.
Specific modal logics can now be easily axiom-
atized, for example, to model 2
as an S5 modal-
ity the axioms (M) valid
φ 2
φ φ and (5)
φ 3
φ 2
φ are postulated. Al-
ternatively, corresponding semantic properties like
(reflexiver and (serialr) could be stated.
Similar semantic embeddings already exist e.g.
for intuitionistic logics, for access control logics, for
logics for spatial reasoning, for propositional con-
ditional logics and for quantified conditional log-
ics (Benzm¨uller and Paulson, 2008, 2010, 2012;
Benzm¨uller, 2011; Benzm¨uller and Genovese, 2011;
Benzm¨uller at al., 2012): in each case the logical con-
nectives of the source logic are equated to specific λ-
terms in HOL. All these logics are thus natural frag-
ments of HOL. The embedding of conditional logics
is particularly interesting since its selection function
semantics (Stalnaker, 1968), which is what we have
studied, can be seen as a higher-order extension of
Kripke semantics for modal logics and cannot be nat-
urally embedded into first-order logic.
Figure 1 illustrates how logic combinations can be
achieved in the HOL approach (Benzm¨uller, 2011).
A small epistemic puzzle is presented, and Baldoni’s
formalization in QMML (Baldoni, 1998) is adapted
to the HOL framework.
The formalization employs a 4-dimensional quan-
Note how the definiens of 2 abstracts over accessibil-
ity relations R. Via function application to concrete acces-
sibility relations r multiple 2
operators are obtained.
stands for the application of 2 to relation r.
In the HOL approach it is even possible to effectively
prove the correspondence of semantic properties and their
corresponding axioms (Benzm¨uller, 2011).
tified modal logic, combining the four epistemic
modalities 2
, 2
, and 2
, and 2
. The acces-
sibility relations associated with these box operators
are a, b, c, and fool. They are all of type µ µ o,
hence, they all range over the same world type µ. In
this sense the particular notion of a logic combination
employed here is related to that of a fusion (Thoma-
son, 1984). In order to model the example as a prod-
uct (Segerberg, 1973) of four logics, different world
types µ
, . . . , µ
could be introduced, and the modal
connectives could be copied for each of those. More-
over, axioms could be postulated to model the desired
product properties.
An important observation concerns the bridge
rules in Figure 1 (axioms 6, 7 and 8); they express mu-
tual relations in the scenario between the local epis-
temic contexts of the agents a, b, c and fool. Such
bridge rules, which are often crucial in the modeling
of logic combinations, can be directly expressed as
axioms in the HOL approach. In traditional bottom-
up approaches to combining logic, however, this is
often not possible due the lack of expressiveness and
axiom schemata or new calculus rules are needed in-
stead. This clearly poses a challenge, in particular, for
flexible proof automation.
In ongoing work I also study semantic embed-
dings of the OWL2-full ontology language and the
Dolce ontology in HOL. The embedding is easy and
straightforward in both cases. This also implies that
the HOL approach is potentially suited as a flexible
reasoning framework for semantic web applications
that require combinations of OWL2-full with other,
more expressive logics. Note that hardly any imple-
mented provers exist to date for such kind of logic
I have outlined a plug-and-play environment for rea-
soning within and about combinations of logics. This
HOL based approach even supports combinations of
very expressive logics (such as QMMLs and QCLs)
that are hardly supported to date. At the same time the
approach enables the integration of existing special-
ist reasoners, if available, for single embedded logics
(or logic combinations) and it is capable of cooper-
ating with them. This unique combination has the
potential to significantly advance the state-of-the art
for the combinations of logics challenge in practice.
This challenge is timely and relevant for various ar-
eas, including artificial intelligence, formal methods,
computer security, and the semantic web.
From a philosophical perspective a framework
(Wise Men Puzzle) Once upon a time, a king wanted to find the wisest out of his three wisest men. He ar-
ranged them in a circle and told them that he would put a white or a black spot on their foreheads and that one
of the three spots would certainly be white. The three wise men could see and hear each other but, of course,
they could not see their faces reflected anywhere. The king, then, asked to each of them to find out the color
of his own spot. After a while, the wisest correctly answered that his spot was white. (How could he do this?)
We introduce epistemic modalities 2
, 2
, and 2
, for the three wise men, and 2
, for encoding common
knowledge. The entire problem encoding consists now of the following axioms for X,Y, Z {a, b, c} and
X 6= Y 6= Z:
valid 2
((ws a) (ws b) (ws c)) (1)
valid 2
((ws X) 2
(ws X)) (2)
valid 2
(¬(ws X) 2
¬(ws X)) (3)
φ 2
φ φ (4)
φ 2
φ 2
φ (5)
φ 2
φ 2
φ (6)
φ ¬2
φ 2
φ (7)
φ 2
φ 2
φ (8)
valid ¬ 2
(ws a) (9)
valid ¬ 2
(ws b) (10)
Axiom (1) says that a, b, or c must have a white spot and that this information is known to everybody. Axioms
(2) and (3) express that it is generally known that if someone has a white spot (or not) then the others see
and hence know this. Common knowledge 2
is axiomatized as an S4 modality in axioms (4) and (5). For
, 2
, and 2
it is sufficient to consider K modalities. The relation between those and common knowledge
modality) is axiomatized in inclusion axioms (6). Axioms (7) and (8) encode that whenever a wise man
does (not) know something the others know that he does (not) know this. Axioms (9) and (10) say that a and
b do not know whether they have a white spot. Finally, the conjecture valid 2
(ws c) states that that c knows
he has a white spot. To solve the puzzle we thus want to prove (1), . .. , (10) |= valid 2
(ws c); the fastest
HOL-ATPs can solve this problems in a fraction of a second. For more details see (Benzm¨uller, 2011).
Figure 1: The wise men puzzle in the HOL based approach; adapting Baldoni’s formalization in QMML (Baldoni, 1998).
with some universal logic characteristics is provided.
This framework not only supports the reasoning
within logic combinations but also about their meta-
logical properties. To the best of my knowledge no
other such framework exists to date.
Another aim of my work is to attack the long-
standing preconception that HOL-ATP is not feasi-
ble in practice, and that it is not suited for applica-
tions. This preconception has had a strong influence
on the development of logic based approaches in vari-
ous research areas since the beginning of the last cen-
tury: HOL-ATP has usually been avoided due to its
allowedly quite unfavorable worst case complexity.
However, worst case complexity alone not necessar-
ily provides a good basis for judging about a partic-
ular approaches competitiveness and effectiveness in
specific application domains. In fact, modern HOL-
ATPs such as Satallax, LEO-II and Isabelle do inte-
grate specialist reasoners such as state of the art SAT
solvers or first-order ATPs, and unsurprisingly they
can be quite competitive for these logic fragments. At
the same time they offer support for the automation of
more expressive formalizations whenever needed.
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