A Wireless EEG Acquisition Platform based on Embedded Systems
F. Pinho
, J. H. Correia
and N. S. Dias
Department of Industrial Electronics, University of Minho, Guimarães, Portugal
Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Health Sciences, University of Minho,
Campus Gualtar, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal
ICVS/3B’s, PT Government Associate Laboratory, 4710-057 Braga/Guimarães, Portugal
DIGARC, Polytechnic Institute of Cavado and Ave, 4750-810 Barcelos, Portugal
Keywords: EEG, Wireless, Dry-Electrodes, Embedded Systems.
Abstract: This paper proposes a wireless EEG acquisition platform based on Open Multimedia Architecture Platform
(OMAP) embedded system. A high-impedance active dry electrode was tested for improving the scalp-
electrode interface. It was used the sigma-delta ADS1298 analog-to-digital converter, and developed a
“kernelspace” character driver to manage the communications between the converter unit and the OMAP’s
ARM core. The acquired EEG signal data is processed by a “userspace” application, which accesses the
driver’s memory, saves the data to a SD-card and transmits them through a wireless TCP/IP-socket to a PC.
The electrodes were tested through the alpha wave replacement phenomenon. The experimental results
presented the expected alpha rhythm (8-13 Hz) reactiveness to the eyes opening task. The driver spends
about 725 μs to acquire and store the data samples. The application takes about 244 μs to get the data from
the driver and 1.4 ms to save it in the SD-card. A WiFi throughput of 12.8Mbps was measured which results
in a transmission time of 5 ms for 512 kb of data. The embedded system consumes about 200 mAh when
wireless off and 400 mAh when it is on. The system exhibits a reliable performance to record EEG signals
and transmit them wirelessly. Besides the microcontroller-based architectures, the proposed platform
demonstrates that powerful ARM processors running embedded operating systems can be programmed with
real-time constrains at the kernel level in order to control hardware, while maintaining their parallel
processing abilities in high level software applications.
Electroencephalography (EEG) signals have been
used in numerous clinical applications, ranging from
sleep studies, epilepsy, to brain function monitoring
in intensive care units, and in several research
applications used alone or in conjunction with other
neuroimaging techniques (Niedermeyer and da Silva
2004); (Hung-Yi et al., 2006); (Campbell et al.,
2010); (Lin et al., 2010); (Castellaro et al., 2011);
(Pichiorri et al., 2011). Ambulatory EEG recordings
with high-electrode density are often challenging. In
applications such as epilepsy studies, which require
long-term recordings, the electrolyte gel starts to
dry, and the electrode’s impedance increases causing
the reduction of the signal-to-noise ratio.
The high-cable density that usually connects the
patient to the acquisition platform also limits EEG
applicability. Due to the large number of channels
(32 channels or above) needed to record EEG
signals with high spatial resolution, the setup
comprises a minimum of 34 cables (considering
reference and ground) connecting the EEG channels
to the acquisition platform. These cables should
remain stable in order to avoid artifact
contamination into the EEG signals. Thus, all the
applications are extremely limited to “non-
movement paradigms”, and so, the signals are
recorded in abnormal environment for the patients.
Wireless technology applied to the EEG
recording has been developed in the past few years
(Modarreszadeh and Schmidt, 1997); (Hsieh et al.,
2006); (Matthews et al., 2007); (Lin et al., 2008);
(Penhaker et al., 2010); (Usakli, 2010); (Park et al.,
2011). There are some interesting platforms that can
fulfill some applications, such as drowsiness
detection and epilepsy monitoring (Modarreszadeh
and Schmidt, 1997); (Hsieh et al. 2006). The already
reported EEG wireless platforms, present
Pinho F., Correia J. and Dias N..
A Wireless EEG Acquisition Platform based on Embedded Systems.
DOI: 10.5220/0004325601900196
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (BIODEVICES-2013), pages 190-196
ISBN: 978-989-8565-34-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
communication platforms based on Zig-Bee (Shao-
Yen et al., 2009) and Bluetooth (Hsieh et al., 2006)
protocols, channel density ranging from 2 to 14
channels, sampling frequencies below 256 SPS,
resolutions usually below 12 bits (Hsieh et al.,
2006); (Penhaker et al., 2010), wet or dry electrodes
(Matthews, McDonald et al. 2007; Sellers, Turner et
al. 2009).
Despite all of these developments, the
ambulatory monitoring of epilepsy or sleeping
disorders requires a new technology paradigm: long-
term monitoring with a large number of channels
and online data selection.
With the development of embedded systems and
real-time signal processing techniques, there is a
growing interest in applying them to these novel
platforms (Chin-Teng et al., 2006); (Hsieh et al.,
2006); (Penhaker et al., 2010). Features like low-
power consumption, small size and high-speed
performance, the embedded devices can produce
signal-acquisition based applications that may be
easy to migrate to other platforms with smaller and
more powerful devices.
The hardware of these platforms must face the
best of two requirements, low-power consumption
and enough speed to acquire, process and transmit
the signals as close as possible to real-time. To
accomplish these requirements, some platforms are
based in ASIC (Application-Specific integrated
circuit), but a low-cost COTS (Commercial off-the-
shelf) EEG platform is becoming more feasible.
There have been made some advances in
embedded systems multi-core processing (Chin-
Teng et al., 2006); (Majoe et al., 2012). Because
OMAP (Open Multimedia Architecture Platform)
architecture has both an ARM and DSP cores, some
studies have explored the parallel use of the ARM to
interface and communicate with peripherals, with
DSP to manage and to process signal data
This work proposes an EEG acquisition platform
based on a OMAP embedded system, low-power
COTS hardware components, with dry electrodes,
signal resolution of 16 bits, sampling rate of 1000
samples per second, and wireless TCP/IP-Socket
The developed system can be divided into three
major functionality blocks: the active dry electrodes,
the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and the
central processing and transmission unit (CPTU).
The diagram of the proposed system is given in the
Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Diagram of the EEG acquisition platform.
The EEG electrodes are connected to the ADC
ADS1298. The developed software driver
establishes a bidirectional communication between
the ADC ADS1298 and the CPTU both for ADC
configuration and data acquisition. Once the
acquired data arrives to the CPTU memory buffer,
they are remotely transmitted to a PC by wireless
TCP/IP (Fig.2).
Figure 2: Diagram of the whole EEG acquisition platform
and remote PC for signal visualization.
2.1 Processing and Communications
The Processing and Communications unit is
composed by Gumstix’s Overo
Fire development
platform that includes an OMAP3530-based
computer-on-module that delivers ARM cortex-A8
running at 720 MHz, DSP (Digital Signal
Processor), 3D graphics acceleration and 802.11b/g
wireless communication on-board. Its software
development is given by a high-level Open-source
Linux operating system, the Angstrom Distribution.
The main functions of this unit are:
Acquisition data samples from the ADS1298;
Store data conversions in a SD-card for offline
analyses and backup;
Data wireless transmission by TCP/IP-socket to a
PC or a mobile platform.
To accomplish these functions, we developed a linux
character driver in the “kernelspace” environment
that implements the following tasks: bi-directional
communications with ADS1298 and access to the
data conversion readings from a “userspace”
application. To communicate with ADS1298 we
used a SPI Bit-Bang technique to control the
required sequence and GPIO (General Purpose Input
Output) toggle timings. For synchronization
purposes, we developed an interruption in a GPIO
that manages the sampling frequency conversions.
After programming the ADC’s 25 registers, the
driver synchronizes readings with an interrupt
routine given by ADS1298’s DRDY (Data Ready)
signal (Fig.3).
Figure 3: Diagram of the interaction between ADS1298
and communication driver.
The driver also allocates two equally sized blocks of
memory: one is used to manage the data readings in
every interruption; the other one is a mapped
memory block to be used as a “shared memory
buffer” with a flag to sign an event occurrence (Fig.
It was developed also a “userspace” application
that accesses the “shared memory buffer”, saves the
data readings in a SD-card and sends them
wirelessly by TCP/IP-socket.
The diagram of the application and driver
interaction is presented in Fig. 4.
Figure 4: Diagram of application and driver’s interaction.
When the number of readings reaches the size of
the memory block, the driver locks that process,
copies the data to the “shared memory buffer”, turns
the flag “on” and unlocks again the readings process,
all just in time to not compromise the sampling
frequency. At the same time, the application checks
the flag’s state and when it’s turned “on”, accesses
the “shared memory buffer´s” data, saves it in the
SD-card, sends it by a socket structure and turns the
flag “off”. The flag’s double access from the
application and driver allows them to be
The memory blocks can be resized according to
the transmission data rate, and restart the whole
2.2 Analog-to-Digital Conversion
Sigma-Delta Texas
ADS1298 performed the
analog-to-digital conversion. This component was
chosen due to its low power and specific design for
bio-signal application features. The ADC features 8
channels with 24 bits resolution, sampling
frequencies from 250 SPS to 32 kSPS,
instrumentation amplifier with CMRR of -115dB,
Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) of 1 to 12,
Driven-Right-Leg (DRL) input, input noise of
4μVpp (150Hz BW, G=6) and power consumption
of 0.75 mW/Channel.
All ADS1298 configurations, sampling rate,
PGA, reference, DRL properties, lead-off detection,
and others, are accessible through its 25 registers.
Through the SPI protocol, we managed to program
the ADC with 1000 SPS sampling rate, PGA of 6,
internal reference of about ½ of VCC, and DRL
switched on.
In continuous reading mode, the ADS1298
provides an output signal timer interrupt (DRDY-
Data Ready), which allows the synchronization with
the processing unit.
2.3 Active Dry Electrodes
The active dry electrodes were assembled in two
parts: the mechanical interface with the scalp and the
signal conditioning circuit.
A set of 25 probes, each consisting of a head, a
plunger, a spring and a barrel (Fig. 5), interfaces
with the patient’s scalp. The probes were soldered to
a round copper plate of 1cm radius. On the copper
plate’s top, we soldered a spring clip that is attached
to the electronic part of the electrode (Fig.5).
The proposed conditioning signal circuit (Fig. 6)
uses a bootstrap technique based on a unity gain
buffer (TLC272), first order low-pass filter at 160
kHz and high-input impedance at low frequency
signals (<100 Hz) of 900 G as shown in the
impedance spectrogram in Figure 7.
Figure 5: Active dry electrodes schematic.
Figure 6: Electrode´s electronic schematic.
Figure 7: Impedance spectrogram simulated in TINA
SPICE for the proposed circuit.
The presented platform was tested in respect to
driver and application performance, communication
throughput, power consumption and overall system
3.1 Performance of Embedded System
The driver showed a SPI clock frequency of
2,5MHz, as a result of a bit-bang technique. The
driver spends about 420 μs to read 512 kbits (32
Channels x 16 bits x 1000 samples) for each
interruption. The time that the driver needs to copy a
set of data from de “readings memory buffer” to the
“shared memory buffer” is about 305 μs. In overall,
for each interruption given by DRDY, the driver
took about 725 μs to read the 512 kbits and copy
them to the “shared memory buffer”.
The time required for the “userspace” application
to access the 512 kb in the “shared memory buffer”
is about 244 μs. The read/write speed in the SD-card
showed a 470 Mbps, and took respectively 1.4ms to
save 64Kb.
Then, the synchronization flag was configured to
be turned on after the acquisition of 250 samples
(128 kb), 500 samples (256 kb) and 1000 samples
(512 kb). For each configuration, we measured the
time required for the application to access the
“shared memory buffer” and send the data through
wireless TCP/IP-Socket. It resulted respectively in 2,
3 and 5 ms, with an average throughput of
12.8 Mbps. In our case the sample block is 1000
samples so the total time of acquisition and
transmission is 5 ms.
Other studies applied different wireless
communication protocols, like Bluetooth and
Zigbee. Usually, these systems provide less than 8
channels, less than 12 bits resolution per channel,
and sampling frequencies of less than 256 SPS
(Hsieh et al., 2006); (Shao-Yen et al., 2009);
(Christoforou et al., 2010). In these cases, the
bandwidth necessary to transmit wirelessly the
signal data is quite small in comparison to our
platform (12.8 Mbps). In studies of epilepsy or
sleeping disorders, a higher number of channels,
higher resolution (at least 16 bits) and higher
sampling rates (at least1000 SPS) are often required.
The power consumption of the proposed
platform was measured. As expected, the WiFi
communication module is the most expensive part.
Acquiring and saving data to a SD-card with WiFi
turned off consumes about 200 mAh. When the
wireless feature is turned on, the consumption
increases up to 400 mAh. Therefore, a 6000 mAh
lithium ion polymer battery will be able to power the
proposed platform during 30 hours (WIFI off) or 15
hours (WIFI on). In comparison to other systems
already reported (Parthasarathy et al., 2006);
(Sullivan et al., 2007); (Yates and Rodriguez-
Villegas, 2007); (Yazicioglu et al., 2009), our
platform consumes more power, due to the usage of
a more expensive communication protocol.
Although the other platforms may consume less
energy, they also provide fewer channels, less signal
resolution and lower sampling rates, which renders
in a data package a lot smaller than the data package
transmitted by the proposed platform. The
requirements of high channel density, signal
resolution and sampling rate drove the decision of
selecting an 802.11g communications infrastructure,
even considering the power consumption limitations.
In applications such as long-term monitoring of
epileptic patients, the EEG acquisition platform must
read the EEG data for periods as long as 24 hours
continuously. Because long-term monitoring
produces large amounts of data, an event detection
algorithm is mandatory. The transmission of selected
EEG segments with identified epileptic-like activity
allows the reduction of bandwidth and power
consumption requirements.
3.2 EEG Data Acquisition Signals
A simple TCP server application that receives data
from the platform and saves it in a file was
developed. At the same time, KST2 software was
configured to open the file and process the
visualization in real-time as the data arrives. KST2 is
an Open-source software platform for visualization
and processing of large-dataset signals.
With the ADC inputs shorted to ground, an input
noise of 5,7 μVpp was measured. According to
(Usakli, 2010), EEG noise amplitude should be less
than 2 μVpp. To overcome this limitation, a new
version of the proposed platform will be developed
based on an EEG-specific ADC (ADS1299 with 1
μVpp noise input feature) instead of the ADS1298,
more suitable for electrocardiogram monitoring
Then the active dry electrodes were plugged to
the scalp of a normal subject for EEG signals
acquisition. First the subject was asked to be relaxed
and keep eyes closed. As a preliminary evaluation in
EEG recordings (Webster, 2009), in awaken relaxed
subjects, a paradigm of the visual alpha rhythm was
employed. The alpha rhythm appears on occipital
regions of the scalp when the eyes are closed, and
disappears when the eyes are opened. In this
experiment, two bipolar dry electrodes (both with
and without the electronic active circuit) were placed
on the scalp of the subject, on the Cz and O1
positions, forming one EEG channel. The signal was
band-pass-filtered (fourth order FIR-Finite Impulse
Response) at 0.5-40 Hz and the power spectrum
amplitude was calculated. The Figure 8 presents
three signals, eyes open (EO), eyes closed (EC) and
the respective power spectra. As shown in Fig. 8, the
data is comprised in an amplitude envelope of 40
In Fig. 8.c. we can observe the differences in
power spectra of EO and EC signals, specifically in
the 8-13 Hz frequencies (alpha rhythm). As
expected, the spectrum from the EC segment shows
higher power on alpha frequency range than the
spectrum of the EO segment.
The time spent to mount the cap and electrodes
was significantly less then the traditional wet
Finally, the results showed that the proposed
system seems to be feasible and satisfies the
requirements established at first.
Figure 8: EEG data acquired with a) eyes open (EO), b)
eyes closed (EC) and e) (i) EO versus (ii) EC power
The proposed system integrates the development of
EEG dry electrodes, linux embedded system
programming of “kernelspace/userspace” and
wireless transmission techniques.
The proposed platform integrates an ARM core
of OMAP embedded system and interfaces with a
sigma-delta ADCs with 16 bits resolution and
sampling rate of 1000 SPS. Once the data arrives in
the processing unit, they are saved in SD-card and
sent by 802.11g TCP/IP-socket protocols with
minimum delay.
Although the proposed monitoring system
presents higher power consumption than others
already reported, it provides higher channel density
with more signal resolution and state-of-the-art
sampling rate, which establishes an interesting
tradeoff between power consumption and system
The development of monitoring platforms such
as the one proposed challenges the traditional usage
of microcontrollers to interface with the ADCs and
implement low level hardware operations. Currently,
the powerful ARM processors running embedded
operating systems can be programmed with real-
time constrains at the kernel level to control
hardware, while maintaining their parallel
processing abilities in high level software
This work was supported by FCT with the reference
project FCOMP 01 0124-FEDER-010909
(FCT/PTDC/SAU-BEB/100392/2008), FCOMP 01
0124 FEDER 021145 (FCT/PTDC/SAU-
ENB/118383/2010) and by FEDER funds through
the Programa Operacional Fatores de
Competitividade – COMPETE and National Funds
through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e
Tecnologia with the reference Project: FCOMP-01-
This work is also supported by ADI Project "DoIT -
Desenvolvimento e Operacionalização da
Investigação de Translação" (project nº 13853,
PPS4-MyHealth), funded by Fundo Europeu de
Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) through the
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