Image Pyramids as a New Approach for the
Determination of Fractal Dimensions
Michael Mayrhofer-Reinhartshuber, Philipp Kainz and Helmut Ahammer
Institute of Biophysics, Medical University of Graz, Harrachgasse 21/IV, A-8010 Graz, Austria
Fractals, Pyramid Dimension, Fractal Dimension, Image Analysis.
The consideration of different scales and the application of fractal methods on digital images is of high im-
portance if real world objects are investigated. In this context the fractal dimension is an important parameter
to characterize structures and patterns. An accurate understanding of them is obligatory if significant and
comparable results should be obtained. Recently a new method using an image pyramid approach was com-
pared to the very popular Box Counting Method. The intriguing results showed that a trustable value for the
fractal dimension could be obtained in much faster computational times compared to traditional Box Counting
algorithms. In addition to these results of this new approach, which is only applicable to binary (black/white)
images, we present developments toward the application to grey value/color images. Especially the determina-
tion of the grey value surface and the interpolation used to downscale the images seem to have major influence
on the results achieved.
The development of both image analysis and the
available image processing techniques results in an in-
creasing number of parameters, that can be extracted
from investigated images. But discrepancies occurred
in the results of different research groups which were
studying images of the same object at different res-
olutions, especially if these objects were of natural
In 1981 Paumgartner et al. (Paumgartner et al.,
1981) showed in a pioneering study that the results
obtained from image analysis of subcellular mem-
brane systems seemed to depend on the resolution
scale used. Their estimations for the surface density
of inner mitochondrial membranes and endoplasmic
reticulum increased significantly as the magnification
of their images was increased. This behavior was ex-
plained with a resolution effect, using a concept pro-
posed by Mandelbrot (Mandelbrot, 1977): the con-
cept of fractals.
If properties of these objects called fractals are in-
vestigated, similar patterns and structures are gained
at different scales because finer and finer shapes are
revealed every time the resolution is increased. To-
gether with a non-integer value for the dimension this
is one of the main characteristics of fractals. The con-
cept of fractals is illustrated in Figure 1, where suc-
Figure 1: Image set of a fractal (”Sierpinski Carpet”). In
every iterative construction step (in this example up to 14)
the fractal dimension is increased.
cessive steps of the construction process of an image
with fractal dimension are shown. In his most popu-
lar publication titled The Fractal Geometry of Nature,
Mandelbrot (Mandelbrot, 1983) showed that a lot of
objects of natural origin have fractal characteristics.
The consideration of differentscales and the appli-
cation of fractal methods on these types of structures
is not just possible, it is obligatory if significant and
comparable results should be obtained. Conventional
morphology based on a single scale measurement al-
ways implies a Euclidean geometry as its basis. In
most studies dealing with images taken in a medical
context a concept based on non-fractal geometry can-
Mayrhofer-Reinhartshuber M., Kainz P. and Ahammer H. (2013).
Image Pyramids as a New Approach for the Determination of Fractal Dimensions.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 239-243
DOI: 10.5220/0004325902390243
(a) (b)
Figure 2: (a) Principle of Box Counting Method applied to a standard fractal (”Sierpinsky Gasket”) showing different iteration
steps (box sizes) of the method in every quarter of the image. (b) Principle of Pyramid Method showing different iteration
steps (image sizes).
not yield comparable results, as for example Losa et
al. (Losa et al., 2011) stated in their discussion of a
publication concerning pyramidal cells in the rat so-
matosensory cortex (Romand et al., 2011). The im-
portance of scaling laws and network structures for
the understanding of processes of health and disease
in medical research was outlined by West very re-
cently (West, 2012).
However, the application of fractal methods im-
poses certain requirements on the images under in-
vestigation. A sufficient resolution when calculating
fractal properties as well as influences of edge detec-
tion algorithms were determined and discussed by our
group some years ago (Ahammer et al., 2003; Aham-
mer and DeVaney, 2004). On the one hand images
with higher and higher resolutions improve the gain-
able output of image analysis. On the other hand
large amounts of data have to be handled by the im-
plemented methods. Therefore, it can be stated that
there is a demand for new approaches and methods in
fractal analysis which are able to handle images with
a high number of pixels in acceptable computational
2.1 Box Counting Methods and Grey
Value Surfaces
Based on the concepts of the Hausdorff definition of
a dimension, the Box Counting Method (BCM, illus-
trated in Figure 2(a)) was defined by Russell et al. and
is the most popular algorithm in contemporary fractal
analyses (Hausdorff, 1918; Mandelbrot, 1983; Rus-
sell et al., 1980; Lopes and Betrouni, 2009).
The mathematical foundations and characteristics of
the BCM are well investigated and its limitations
(binarization, strictly valid only for statistically self-
similar sets, box size sensitivity) are known (Keller
et al., 1989; Normant and Tricot, 1991; Appleby,
1996; Pruess, 1995).
The approach for handling grey value images
is called the Differential Box Counting Method
(DBCM) and was proposed by Chaudhuri and Sarkar
(Sarkar and Chaudhuri, 1992; Sarkar and Chaudhuri,
1995; Chaudhuri and Sarkar, 1995). Its development
and improvements later on made it possible to over-
come some of the limitations constraining the stan-
dard BCM (Jin et al., 1995; Biswas et al., 1998).
The BCM can easily be implemented and it is
used throughout scientific communities dealing for
example with images or signals originating in diverse
medical investigations (e.g. photographs, histological
images, optical coherence tomography, ...) (Higgs,
2011; Jelinek et al., 2011; Sullivan et al., 2011). Nev-
ertheless, there exist several disadvantages of the Box
Counting Methods, e.g. the high computational time
needed for evaluating the fractal dimension of im-
ages with high pixel count. Furthermore, Box Count-
ing Methods have limitations regarding the choice of
the box sizes. As pointed out by Pickover and Kho-
rasani there were studies to find upper and lower lim-
its for the box sizes and it was shown that the Box
Counting Methods underestimate the true values of
the fractal dimensions. Disturbance by noise which
also leads to lower fractal dimension values was in-
vestigated (Pickover and Khorasani, 1986; Bisoi and
Mishra, 2001; Asvestas et al., 1998; Lee and Hsieh,
2.2 Pyramid Method
Recently the determination of the fractal dimension
using a new method was developed by our group
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3: Calculated fractal dimensions of the Sierpinski Gasket ((a), 8192 x 8192 pixels, 1-14 iteration steps). (b) Values
of the Pyramid Method (linear interpolation). (c) Values of the Pyramid Method (cubic interpolation). (d) Values of the Box
Counting Method.
(Ahammer and Mayrhofer-R., 2012). The major con-
clusions of the analysis of the new method were that
the obtained values for the fractal dimensions of bi-
nary images have the same quality as when deter-
mined with the BCM but within significantly shorter
computational times. So far the method was only de-
veloped for binary (black/white) images.
The approach of the method is the origin of
the introduced names Pyramid Method (PM) for the
method itself and Pyramid Dimension for the fractal
dimension value obtained, respectively. It uses image
pyramids which are in fact sequences of identical im-
ages but at different sizes. The original image having
the biggest size represents the bottom of the pyramid.
The size of this bottom image is then reduced succes-
sively (using a suitable interpolation algorithm) until
it is no more than one pixel, which can be thought
of as the top of the pyramid (see Figure 2(b) for an
illustration). For each image size the number N of
object pixels is counted, with N
as the number of
object pixels in the original image. A value for the
pyramid dimension is obtained by applying the men-
tioned standard technique of fractal analysis. From
the double logarithmic plot of N/N
versus the scal-
ing variable used to scale down the images a slope can
be extracted representing the value for the fractal di-
mension of the digital images.
The results obtained are quite identical to the data
gained from using the BCM. Calculated values for the
fractal dimensions of 14 subsequent images of a Sier-
pinski Gasket (Figure 3 (a)) are shown in Figure 3
(b)-(d). Results obtained by the Pyramid Method with
linear interpolation for downscaling were equal to re-
sults obtained by the Box Counting Method. Differ-
ences to the results obtained by the Pyramid Method
using cubic convolution interpolation were below one
per mill and therefore negligible. Advantages of the
PM over other comparable methods are its simple im-
plementation and a significant reduction of calcula-
tion time. PM was shown to be approximately ten
times faster than BCM. Nevertheless, it should be
mentioned that the interpolation method used when
downscaling the images affects the result of the cal-
culation. With binary images linear and cubic convo-
lution interpolation algorithms result in trustable re-
sults whereas nearest neighbor resampling should be
avoided. Also resampling without interpolation does
not yield acceptable results. Concluding it can be
stated that for binary images PM is superior to BCM
(Ahammer and Mayrhofer-R., 2012).
As the next step toward the applicability of the
PM to high resolution images of various sources it
has to be able to handle grey value images. For that
purpose the two-dimensional grey value images are
transformed to surfaces in three-dimensional space
using the grey value as a third coordinate. The area
of these surfaces should be a usable parameter for
determining a value for the fractal dimension. The
finding of an accurate and fast method for the cal-
culation of these grey value surface areas is of high
importance. So far, two known methods are already
implemented: one method based on gradient analy-
sis (Chinga et al., 2007) and another one known as
Blanket Method (or Minkowski Dilation Method for
surfaces) (Peleg et al., 1984; Tang et al., 2002). At
the moment test results are evaluated. Further meth-
ods as the Isarithm Method (Shelberg et al., 1983)
or the Triangular Prism Method (Clarke, 1986) and
its improvements (Sun, 2006) will be tested. Also
the significance of the gained parameters is expected
to be highly influenced by the interpolation methods
used when rescaling the images. Therefore, a detailed
evaluation of different existing methods, an improve-
ment of them together with a development of own al-
gorithms both for the surface area calculation and for
the interpolation are important tasks to tackle. The
results of the developed method have to be compared
to the results obtained by the well established Box
Counting or other trustable methods. Especially sig-
nificant improvements in computational time are ex-
pected as indicated by experiences with the Pyramid
Method applied to binary images. This is of high im-
portance considering the fact that the image size is ex-
pected to increase in the future, for instance because
of steadily improvingscanning devices, such as whole
slide imaging.
The binary Pyramid Method applied with specific
(linear and cubic convolution) interpolation methods
yields results similar or at least comparable with re-
sults obtained from the popularBox Counting Method
(Ahammer and Mayrhofer-R., 2012). Based on these
results it is expected that an extension to grey value
images, which is in development and evaluation at
the moment, results in a reliable and fast method for
determining fractal properties of structures in digi-
tal images. By applying the new Pyramid Method
the analysis of grey value images having a high pixel
count should be feasible in significantly faster com-
putational times than compared to methods used pre-
viously by the scientific community.
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