Comparison of Two Techniques for Lifting Low-lying Objects
on a Table
Part I: Setup, ECG and Motion Measurement
Harald Loose, Katja Orlowski, Angelina Thiers and Laura Tetzlaff
Department of Informatics and Media, Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences,
Magdeburger Str. 50, 14770 Brandenburg, Germany
Keywords: Stoop and Squat Lifting, ECG, EMG and Motion Measurement, Kinect, Shimmer Sensors, Procomp Infiniti.
Abstract: “There is a strong belief that stoop lifting is ‘bad’ and squat lifting is ‘good’.”
In this paper we research a combined motion: lifting and putting a beer crate into a car trunk. This real life
task was chosen in the biosignal analysis course at the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences. We
started with the hypothesis that ‘the squat lifting technique is more ergonomic, healthy and less exhausting’.
Our study was scheduled for one semester including the experiments and a first preliminary analysis of the
data to prove or disprove three partial hypotheses. Four male and four female untrained subjects were
involved in the experimental part of the study. Physiological parameters like the heart and the respiration
rate, the activity of various muscles as well as the motion of the whole body were measured. Questionnaires
were developed and carried out before, immediately after and one week after the experiment to acquire
information about the fitness of the subjects and the effects of the exercises on their state of wellness and
health. First conclusions result in no clear preference for one lifting technique.
The purpose of this study was to determine
differences in effectiveness, health benefits and
fatigue when using various lifting techniques.
In the community “there is a strong belief that
stoop lifting is ‘bad’ and squat lifting is ‘good’.”
(Straker, 2002). Dieen et al. (1999) gave a review of
biomechanical studies on lifting techniques
concluding that both techniques have positive and
negative effects. Straker (2002 and 2003) published
a research review regarding both techniques for
lifting low-lying objects. In the first paper different
criteria of evaluation from about 80 references were
discussed. The second paper showed that there is no
technique with clear validity summarizing
psychophysical, physiological, biomechanical,
performance and
clinical aspects. Recommendations
for correct lifting of low-lying objects are given:
keep the load close, use a secure grip and a stable
base as well as a smooth movement of moderate
pace (Straker, 2003). A biomechanical study of the
kinematics of the lower extremity joint, the lumbar
lordosis based on three-dimensional motion analysis
and the measured EMG is described in (Hwang,
2009). No significant differences in the maximum
lumbar joint movements between the two techniques
were found. Still, the squat lifting technique is
generally recommended as the “correct” one.
In this paper we research a combined motion of
‘lifting and putting a beer crate into a car trunk’. We
started with the hypothesis that ‘the squat lifting
technique is more ergonomic, healthy and less
exhausting’. Our study was scheduled for one
semester including the experiments and a first
preliminary analysis of the data to prove or disprove
the three partial hypotheses concerning ergonomics,
health and exhaustion. First conclusions result in no
clear preference for one lifting technique.
This chapter describes the experimental setup (task,
phases and selection of subjects) as well as the
measurements (equipment, parameters, sensors, data
acquisition and analysis).
Loose H., Orlowski K., Thiers A. and Tetzlaff L..
Comparison of Two Techniques for Lifting Low-lying Objects on a Table - Part I: Setup, ECG and Motion Measurement.
DOI: 10.5220/0004327603880391
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Bio-inspired Systems and Signal Processing (BIOSIGNALS-2013), pages 388-391
ISBN: 978-989-8565-36-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
2.1 Experimental Setup
After preliminary tests, some discussions and a
literature review the task to do for each test subject
was defined as follows: lifting a crate of bottles,
putting it on a table, taking it again and placing it on
the ground. Male subjects handled a full filled crate,
females a half filled one.
Figure 1: Stoop technique – half of the cycle.
Figure 2: Squat technique – half of the cycle.
Task. Figure 1 and 2 show half a cycle of the task
the subjects need to repeat at least five times per
minute for a period of ten minutes
Each cycle starts
and ends upstanding, then the subject takes the crate
of 15 kg for males and 8.4 kg for females
respectively, lifts it up to a position in front of the
stomach, puts it on the table with a height of 0.72 m
and reverse. While using the stoop technique the
legs are stretched during the whole procedure.
During the squat technique the body is more or less
upright. Before and after the lifting cycle the subject
stands upright for one minute to calibrate the sensors
and to acquire the vital parameters during the rest.
Phases. Before starting the practical part of the
course, the experiment was scheduled and
standardized to exclude as many random failures as
possible during the preparation of the subject. The
sequence is split into four phases. During the first
phase (25 minutes) the subject is prepared for the
experiment. During the second phase (35 minutes)
the electrodes are tested and the maximum voluntary
contractions of determined muscles are captured.
The experiment starts immediately after the
configuration of all involved equipment and
software. After one minute rest the subject begins to
execute the exercise. After ten minutes the subject
rests again for one minute, the protocol is continued
and the data are saved (21 minutes). During the
wrap-up phase (16 minutes) the blood pressure is
measured and the test subject is interviewed to
capture his/her subjective impression of the task. All
phases take about 98 minutes per subject. Therefore
one day is needed to process eight subjects in one
technique. The questionnaire was to be filled out
immediately after the experiment and during the
following seven days. The second technique was
executed one week later.
Test Subjects.
Eight young and healthy volunteers
were enlisted as test subjects in this study: four male
and four female subjects of normal weight, between
18 and 26 years old and with a height of 160 to 188
cm. The fitness level of the subjects varied between
average and very good. The subjects were asked to
take part in a questionnaire to capture their fitness.
2.2 Measurements
Vital and Motion Parameters.
To answer the three
hypotheses, data about the physiological state of the
subject, his/her muscle activities and the motion of
the body were captured. The ECG, pulse and blood
pressure measurements are standard approaches to
evaluate the behaviour of the heart: the heart rate, its
variability and adaptability to constant or rising
loads. Changes in the respiration rate and surface
temperature reflect the rising demand of oxygen and
the heat build-up during lifting of high load. EMGs
are used to estimate the activities of various muscles
or groups of muscles. The RGB video and the
skeleton stream of the KINECT sensor are captured
to estimate the executed lifting process.
Equipment and Data Acquisition. In this
investigation various devices and sensor systems are
used to observe the execution as well as the vital
parameters of the test person. The data acquisition
from all devices running on five computers is
synchronized manually by starting the software on
demand. The data are sampled with five different
rates: 30 Hz on the KINECT (RGB video, depth and
the skeleton stream), 256 Hz for respiration,
temperature and filtered EMG from ProComp
Infiniti, 1024 Hz SHIMMER-EMG, 2048 Hz from
ProComp Infiniti ECG and EMG and 51200 Hz
from the NEUROWERK-EMG. The KINECT, the
ProComp Infiniti encoder as well as the
NEUROWERK-EMG sensors are connected by
wire. The data of SHIMMER sensors are send
wireless (Bluetooth). The data acquisition process is
observed in real time using the original software
(running plots, RGB video stream). All data are
transferred sequentially to the host PC and converted
into integer formats to save storage on memory and
hard discs.
The skeletal tracking of the KINECT
immediately delivers the 3D-positions of 20 points
on a fictive skeleton. In the experiment only the left
half of the test subject is observed. Our software
called KinectStreamer is connected to the device and
receives the skeleton data stream as well as the RGB
and the depth streams.
Sensors and their Placement. All available sensor
systems are used to get a maximum of information
about the physiological state of the test subject. The
EMG electrodes are placed on those muscles mostly
involved in the squat and stoop lifting (for details
see Thiers et al., 2013). Both ECG sensors are
applied ventral. The KINECT sensor is placed 2.5 m
right of the test subject, so that the optical axis is
perpendicular to the sagittal plane of the test person.
Signal Analysis.
The primary analysis of each signal
is processed by programs written in the MATLAB
environment. First of all, the quality and
completeness was checked by visual inspection of
generated plots. Some signals were corrupted
because of failures in data transmission, artefacts or
software errors. That data was excluded from further
investigation. In a second step signals were filtered
and smoothed using band pass filters to reduce high
frequency noise and to exclude low frequency drifts.
In this paper we focus on the change of all signals or
their characteristics over the 10 minute long
experiment while the test subject processed more
than 50 lifting cycles. The execution of the stoop
and lifting technique during one cycle is not
evaluated here, no kinematic or kinetic analysis was
In this section selected results are presented to allow
a preliminary answer to the question what lifting
technique is to be preferred.
In this paper we explain only results we got from
observation and single measurements from ECG and
motion capture devices. Results in relation to muscle
activities and psychological aspects are discussed by
Thiers et al. (2013).
3.1 Observation
All information about the subjects and their
individual characteristics (gender, age, height,
fitness, performance, impression, pain, pulse, blood
pressure before and after the experiment), the
number of executions per minute counted by one
examiner as well as abnormalities during the
measurement (loss of electrodes, interruption of
software) were collected in a file. In table 1 some of
these data are presented. 50% of the subjects are
female, only one does not regularly work out. The
pulse measured immediately after the squat
technique is for most of the subjects higher than
after the stoop cycle - a first indication that squat
lifting is more exhausting or less familiar.
Table 1: Selected data of the test subjects (gender and
regular sport activities) and their pulse (in beats per
minute) immediately before and after the experiment (f-
female, m-male).
No. Gender Sports
Stoop Squat
01 f yes 68/108 76/112
02 f yes 84/116 80/120
03 m yes 84/120 72/132
04 f yes 80/132 76/132
05 m yes 72/88 64/96
06 m no 72/120 92/136
07 f yes 68/107 60/132
08 m yes 76/116 64/140
3.2 Electrocardiogram (ECG)
The electrocardiogram was captured parallel using
the ProComp Infiniti encoder and SHIMMER ECG
sensor. Both sensors recorded similar data.
Figure 3: Change of the heart rate of subject 1 (filled) and
6 (dashed) over time using the stoop (black) and squat
(gray) technique.
Figure 3 shows the dependency of the heart rate
of two test subjects on the repetitions (time).
Obviously the heart rate rises rapidly at the
beginning of the execution (no warm up). Then the
increase becomes moderate and after the lifting was
stopped it falls rapidly what is an indicator for the
good fitness of the subject. The curves of subject 1
are below the corresponding curves of subject 6 who
was the only one not regularly working out.
The slower decrease of the heart rate at the end
(last 1.5 minute) supports this fact. More important,
the heart rate of the squat lifting is at all times higher
than that of the stoop technique.
All effects indicate that the squat lifting
technique is more exhausting than the stoop
3.3 Motion
The following results are derived from the vertical
motion of the head. During every repetition the
subject stoops or squats twice, once to lift the crate
and once to drop it. Therefore there are two local
minima of the vertical position in each cycle. These
minima are detected and used to count the
Table 2 lists the number of repetitions counted
by an examiner and calculated from skeletal data.
Both numbers coincide well, i.e. to use the minimum
of the height of the head to split the whole execution
into single cycles works satisfactory.
Table 2: Number of repetitions counted and calculated.
Number of repetitions
Number of repetitions
Stoop Squat Stoop Squat
01 73 59 73 60
02 52 80 56 81
03 78 54 79 55
04 91 104 92 104
05 54 96 54 96
06 66 94 67 94
07 76 70 77 70
08 78 94 78 95
The heights of the head (not shown in this paper)
are more or less constant. While the cycle time
increases for subject 1 for both techniques, for
subject 2 it increases in the stoop technique and
decreases in the squat technique. At the same time
the repetitions were executed faster. It seems that
subject 2 became tired in the course of the
Analyzing the motion of the head no clear
preference for one of the techniques can be
In this paper the hypothesis that ‘the squat lifting
technique is more ergonomic, healthy and less
exhausting’ is investigated in a real life example of a
lifting and putting a beer crate onto a table. The
conditions of our study are described, a number of
experimental results analyzing the ten-minute
repetition, not a single cycle, are presented. The
observation and the ECG measurements indicate that
the squat lifting technique is more exhausting than
the stoop technique. That thesis is partly attested by
motion analysis. Anyway there is no clear
preference for one or the other technique from the
prospect of performance.
Further measurements (EMG, interviews),
results, discussions and final conclusions are to be
found in part II of this paper (Thiers et al., 2013).
The analysis of the data captured during the
experiment as well as the study itself will be
continued. Single cycles will be evaluated
statistically, SHIMMER motion data will be
included, kinematics and kinetics will be covered.
The experiment with another group of volunteers
will be repeated skipping, replacing or adding some
Dieen van, J. H., Hoozemans, M. J. M., Toussaint, H. M.,
1999. Stoop or squat: a review of biomechanical
studies on lifting techniques. In: Clinical
Biomechanics 14 (1999), pp. 685-696, Elsevier
Hwang, S., Kim, Y., Kim Y., 2009. Lower extremity joint
kinetics and lumbar curvature during squat and stoop
lifting. In: BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2009, pp
Loose, H. Orlowski, K., 2012. Measurement of Human
Locomotion: Evaluation of Low-Cost KINECT and
SHIMMER Sensors. In: MSM 2012, The 8
International Conference Mechatronics Systems and
Materials, July 8-13, 2012, Bialystok.
Straker, Leon M., 2002. A review of research on
techniques for lifting low-lying objects: 1. Criteria for
evaluation. In: Work 19(2002), pp. 9-18, IOS Press.
Straker, Leon M., 2003. A review of research on
techniques for lifting low-lying objects: 2. Evidence
for a correct technique. In: Work 20(2003), pp. 83-96,
IOS Press.
Thiers, A., Loose, H., Orlowski, K., Bläsing, M.,
Wallmann M., 2013. Comparison of two techniques
for lifting low-lying objects on a table: Part II: EMG
and Psychological Measurement, BIOSIGNALS 2013,
Barcelona, 11.-14.02.2013 (in print).