A Recommendation Engine for Subsistence Farmers
Daniel P. Stormont and Samantha L. Snabes
The Pineapple Project, Root2Market, Mountain View, U.S.A.
Expert Systems, Planning and Scheduling.
Many of the world’s agricultural workers, especially in the equatorial regions, are subsistence farmers. This
paper describes the design of a Recommendation Engine that is the core of a crowd-sourced tool to assist sub-
sistence farmers in better utilizing their land. This tool is being developed by a worldwide team of developers
through hackathons and volunteer work. The paper provides an introduction to the project, an overview of the
system design, current and future designs planned for the Recommendation Engine, and the next steps for the
According to the World Bank, 75% of the world’s
poor live in rural areas where the majority of them
are subsistence farmers (WorldBank, 2007). Subsis-
tence farming is defined as “a system of farming that
provides all or almost all the goods required by the
farm family usually without any significant surplus
for sale” (Dictionary, 2012). As also noted in (World-
Bank, 2007), one of the “pathways out of poverty” in
the World Bank agriculture-for-development agenda
is to “improve livelihoods in subsistence agriculture
and low-skill rural occupations. An essential ele-
ment of improving livelihoods is providing farmers
with better information: about crops, growing condi-
tions, pests, growing tips, produce handling sugges-
tions, and market information. Providing that infor-
mation is the objective of the Pineapple Project.
This project was incubated in a number of global
hackathons focused on using technology to assist
those in need, especially in developing nations. A
multi-national team was formed and key members of
the team have continued on with the project to provide
continuity between hackathons. Presently, a number
of partnerships have been formed with other ongo-
ing research projects to be able to make continuous
progress, although there is still an intent to utilize the
energy and new ideas resulting from participating in
hackathons in the future. The project was launched at
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA)-sponsored International Space Apps Chal-
lenge (ISAC) in April 2012 (ISAC, 2012). Since its
launch, the project has been advanced in two Random
Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) global events (RHoK,
2012) and at the United States Agency for Interna-
tional Development (USAID) Hacking4Hunger event
(USAID, 2012). The Pineapple Project was an award
winner in all four hackathons.
The remainder of this paper will present the de-
sign of the system, as it is currently envisioned, and
then focus on the design of the core of the system: the
Recommendation Engine. This engine combines ge-
ographic location, growing conditions data, and crop
data to assist farmers with planting decisions. The pa-
per will conclude with a description of the next steps
for the project.
The crop recommendation system is being built in
phases by team members around the world, so the
design is distributed, extensible, and highly modular.
Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the system. There
are a number of services and data sources that inter-
act with the Recommendation Engine the common
component in the system.
2.1 Crop Database
The crop database is presently limited to a small sub-
set of tropical fruits common to the equatorial region
of the world. The ideal growing condition parameters
for these fruits are stored in the database, with the type
of fruit as the key value. This data is sufficient for the
planned pilot testing of the system, but it will need to
P. Stormont D. and L. Snabes S..
A Recommendation Engine for Subsistence Farmers.
DOI: 10.5220/0004331805780581
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 578-581
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: The crop recommendation system block diagram.
be expanded for future versions of the system, either
manually or by incorporating additional data sources.
2.2 Growing Conditions Database
The growing conditions database contains historical
climatological data, indexed to a grid associated with
latitudes and longitudes on Earth. For the pilot test-
ing, the system is making use of the Prediction Of
Worldwide Energy Resource (POWER) data set pro-
vided by NASA (Hoell et al., 2007). This data set
provides daily integrated surface radiation, daily av-
eraged dew point temperature, daily maximum and
minimum temperatures, and daily precipitation on
a one-degree latitude/longitude grid. The database
also includes soil conditions data from the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO,
2012). All of the data is stored in a NoSQL database
for fast retrieval and because of the sparse nature of
the data sets (Strauch, 2012). (Much of the data is
omitted since the only data of interest to the project is
the data that covers land masses.)
In future iterations of the system, the growing
conditions data will be expanded with other sources–
including crowd-sourced data–and additional param-
eters will be added, such as polyculture, diseases, and
2.3 Price Database
This database is not part of the pilot project, which is
focused on growing conditions only. There are a num-
ber of projects that are looking at the issue of crowd-
sourced pricing information and producer-driven mar-
kets at the national and regional levels, such as the
OpenMarkets Foundation (OpenMarketsFoundation,
2011), but none of them are to a point that their sys-
tems can be integrated with the crop recommendation
system. Future iterations of the system will consider
methods for providing price and demand data as a
source to the Recommendation Engine.
2.4 Geolocation
Geolocation is critical for filtering the data provided
to the Recommendation Engine. The geolocation in
the current system will take advantage of the Global
Positioning Satellite (GPS) data provided by a device
that is so equipped or by doing a lookup on a loca-
tion provided through the interface. If the user knows
the latitude and longitude of the location they want a
recommendation for, that can be entered into the sys-
tem. Otherwise a lookup of a provided location, such
as a municipality, will be used to query a geocoding
service. At present, the system is using the Google
Geocoding API (Google, 2012), but this will need to
be supplemented with other services for areas that are
not well represented in the Google data.
2.5 User Interface
Three user interfaces have been prototyped during the
hackathons: a web interface (actually, several web in-
terfaces), a smart phone app, and a Short Message
Service (SMS) interface for standard cellphones.
2.5.1 Web Interface
The web interface is the one used most by the col-
laborating team members in developing the crop rec-
ommendation system. It provides facilities for tex-
tual, graphical, and pointing device interaction and
displays; thus it is more visually appealing and it is
easier to assess the quality of the data and the results.
However, for the pilot program, it is not likely that a
subsistence farmer in a rural area of a developing na-
tion will have access to a computer and a high-speed
data connection to utilize this interface.
2.5.2 Smart Phone
Some of the international participants in the ISAC
prototyped an iPhone app for accessing basic crop
data. It is functional and could be modified to ac-
cess a mobile version of the website, but smart phone
adoption has not reached the level of penetration in
developing nations that would allow the project to fo-
cus on this as a primary interface for the system...yet.
Smart phone prices are coming down and adoption is
accelerating, even in less affluent areas of the world,
so this will likely be a secondary option for accessing
the system.
2.5.3 Cellphone Text
Simple cellphones (or “flip phones”) are ubiquitous
throughout the world and even the poorest nations
typically have at least one cellphone provider for
voice and SMS services. Thus, the project has fo-
cused on the SMS interface as the primary interface
for the pilot test of the system. The SMS interface
is simplistic, but the system can still gather enough
information in one or two text messages to make a
recommendation. All of the processing is done on the
server side by the Recommendation Engine through
its interfaces to other services and data sources.
Central to everything that the crop recommendation
system does is the Recommendation Engine. This en-
gine is responsible for taking the inputs from the user
interface and the geolocation/geocoding service and
filtering the data in the database to come up with a rec-
ommendation or recommendations to the farmer that
will be appropriate to the location of the planting and
the time of the year.
3.1 Interface Design
The distributed nature of the teams working on this
project and the desire to keep the system modular and
extensible to allow for replacing elements of the sys-
tem when better data sources or sources or services
that are more appropriate to a given location are iden-
tified drives the need for well defined interfaces be-
tween all of the system components. The interfaces
are defined with APIs for services (at present these
are usually APIs defined by external organizations,
such as the Google Geocoding API (Google, 2012))
and with a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format
(JSON, 2012) for data interfaces. An example of a
JSON data interface definition for the elevation asso-
ciated with a geolocation is as follows:
{ "Elevation" :
"MinEl" : null,
"AvgEl" : 456,
"MaxEl" : null
JSON has the advantage of being readily under-
stood by humans reviewing the data and also being
fairly easy to parse and to convert from other formats.
The recommendation system uses Python scripts on
the server extensively for data conversion and parsing.
Converting JSON to Python is a simple direct con-
version from JavaScript objects and arrays to Python
dictionaries and lists. Conversion from extensible
Modeling Language (XML) to JSON is also straight-
forward with Python libraries.
All of the interfaces used by the Recommendation
Engine at present are defined in a JavaScript Interface
Format specification that has been made available to
the developers working on the project.
3.2 Current RE Design
The current design of the Recommendation Engine
makes use of logic programming to determine the
crop or crops that meet the growing criteria. This
is a method expert systems have used since the early
years of expert systems programmed in Prolog. In this
case, the expert system is programmed in server-side
Python, but the logic is the same.
To begin the process, the location of the area to be
planted is determined either through the geolocation
service on the device, a geocoding service, or by di-
rect entry of a latitude and longitude. This location is
used as a hash into the growing conditions database.
The retrieved growing conditions contain the temper-
ature, sunlight, and precipitation parameters for the
full year. The current date or a user-entered planting
date is used to limit the growing conditions for plant-
ing to the data for a single month.
With the growing conditions data retrieved, the ex-
pert system in the Recommendation Engine selects
crops from the crop database that satisfy the grow-
ing conditions. For example, the Recommendation
Engine will determine if either of the temperature ex-
tremes for the month (minimum or maximum tem-
perature) would violate the temperature range for a
crop in the database. If so, that crop is removed from
consideration. The same is done for the sunlight and
precipitation data. The crops that meet the selection
criteria form the initial recommendation. If the initial
recommendation list is empty, the user is informed
that no crops meet the criteria for that area and time
of year and the process terminates. Otherwise, the
growth rate of the crops in the recommendation list is
used to retrieve additional months of data from the
growing conditions data to make sure none of the
constraints on the selected crops are violated at some
point during the growth period. The crop recommen-
dations that survive this second check are presented
to the user.
The advantage of the logical programming ap-
proach is that the decision process can be logged and
used for troubleshooting program and/or data errors.
It can also serve an educational purpose by providing
an answer to the question of why a particular crop in
the crop database was not selected by the Recommen-
dation Engine. However, while the logic program-
ming approach is feasible for the small size of the crop
database and the limited parameters being considered
for the pilot testing, it will not scale well to some of
the desired future capabilities for the system. That
will require a different approach.
3.3 Proposed Future Design
To truly be a useful tool for subsistence farmers, the
crop recommendation system needs to have more than
just a small subset of tropical fruits in it and it needs
to take many more factors into consideration. In the
crop database, any crop that could be grown in a re-
gion should be considered by the Recommendation
Engine. The price database also needs to be imple-
mented and incorporated into the recommendation.
The farmer should be able to get an estimate of the
market value of the crop when it is harvested, as well
as the best place to take the crop to market. The
growing conditions database needs to be expanded to
include parameters like polyculture (simultaneously
planting multiple crops) or crop rotation when mak-
ing a recommendation. And tips on dealing with pests
and diseases, as well as methods for harvesting, stor-
ing, and transporting the produce to market should be
made available.
These enhancements to the functioning of the
Recommendation Engine will require a redesign,
since logical programming doesn’t scale well when
multiple factors have to be examined. The planned
approach to the redesign will be to replace the expert
system in the Recommendation Engine with a neural
network that takes all of the growing conditions, pest,
crop, and price data as input and outputs crop recom-
mendations and tips to the grower. The disadvantage
is that the decision process is no longer observable;
but the neural network should be faster and more flex-
The immediate objective for the project team is to
get an SMS-based version of the system into the
field for testing with subsistence farmers and Non-
Governmental Organization (NGO) personnel on the
ground in one of the equatorial regions.
In the longer term, it will be necessary to continue
expanding the capabilities and scope of the crop rec-
ommendation system, in order to increase its value
to the farmers that use it and their families and com-
munities. The ultimate goal is to reduce hunger and
poverty in the developing world. This will require ad-
vancing the design and implementation of the system
and it will require close monitoring of trends, like in-
creasing use of smart phones, that could make the sys-
tem more useful to its users.
This project is an ambitious undertaking with the po-
tential to really make a difference in people’s lives.
It has inspired enthusiasm from sponsors, hackathon
judges, and especially from the participants in the
project. Within the year we hope to take a pilot ver-
sion of the system into the field and begin to translate
this passion for helping others into tangible results.
Dictionary (2012). subsistence farming. Merriam-
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FAO (2012). pH - TOPSOIL. Food and Agriculture Or-
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ISAC (2012). The Pineapple Project. International Space
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JSON (2012). Introducing JSON. JSON.org, http://json.org.
OpenMarketsFoundation (2011). Evaluating the impact of
an SMS-based Market Information System on small-
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RHoK (2012). The Pineapple Project. Random Hacks of
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