A Long Term Proposal to Simulate Consciousness in Artificial Life
Joseph D. Horton
, Michael Francis
and Eckart Sußenburger
Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, 550 Windsor Street, Fredericton NB, Canada
Bonn-Rhine-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, 53757 Sankt Augutin, Germany
Artificial Life, Simulation of Consciousness.
Computers will soon be powerful enough to simulate consciousness. The artificial life community should start
to try to understand how consciousness could be simulated. The proposal is to build an artificial life system in
which consciousness might be able to evolve. The idea is to develop internet-wide artificial universe in which
the agents can evolve. Users play games by defining agents that form communities. The communities have to
perform tasks, or compete, or whatever the specific game demands. The demands should be such that agents
that are more aware of their universe are more likely to succeed. The agents reproduce and evolve within their
user’s machine, but can also sometimes transfer to other machine across the internet. Users will be able to
choose the capabilities of their agents from a fixed list, but may also write their own powers for their agents.
A great deal has been written about conscious-
ness in the last few years. A few of the books:
(Chalmers, 2010),(Deacon, 2012), (Dennett, 1991),
(Grim, 2009), (Pinker, 2009). Yet not much is agreed
upon. A quote we like by Sutherland found in (Gaz-
zaniga, 2011), from the 1989 International Dictionary
of Psychology (Sutherland, 1989).
Consciousness: The having of perceptions,
thoughts, and feelings: awareness. The term
is impossible to define except in terms that
are unintelligible without a grasp of what con-
sciousness means. Consciousness is a fasci-
nating but elusive phenomenon; it is impossi-
ble to specify what it is, what it does, or why
it evolved. Nothing worth reading has been
written about it.
We are not so pessimistic as the last sentence, al-
though we do not think a great more is either known
or agreed upon now. All the books referenced above
have interesting things to say about consciousness.
But they do not agree upon a definition, in fact most
do not even try to define it. The problem as we see it
is that there is very little with which we can actually
do experiments. It is difficult to study consciousness
in living animals. We can only watch and see what
actions agents take in certain circumstances. Not ev-
eryone agrees that animals are conscious.
As for humans, they can tell us what they are con-
scious of, at least some of the time. But from a log-
ical viewpoint, we cannot even prove to one another
that we are conscious, that we are not “zombies” that
are only feigning consciousness without actually be-
ing conscious. People usually assume that others are
conscious, if only from politeness. Now if you believe
that strong AI hypothesis (Searle, 1997) page 9, that
the mind is just a computer program, there is no con-
tradiction. Acting as if conscious and claiming to be
conscious implies consciousness. There is no possi-
bility of such a thing as a Zombie that acts as if it were
a conscious being and says that it is conscious, and
is not conscious. Searle has the opposite viewpoint
and thinks that simulating consciousness in a machine
is irrelevant. “... the behavior by itself is irrelevant”
(Searle, 1997), page 204. We think that if some com-
puter program tries to take over your bank account for
its own purposes, whether it is conscious or not is ir-
relevant. Of course this is a different probem from
what Searle was discussing.
We ignore the “hard problem” of explaining the
conscious experience. We leave that to the philoso-
phers. Our goal is to study consciousness, or at least
the simulation of consciousness, from an experimen-
tal computational viewpoint. We intend to build arti-
ficial universes in which the agents demonstrate many
of the properties of conscious beings, whatever peo-
ple think of as properties of conscious beings. Of
course the animats will not be able to discuss the real
world, but we would like them to become able to dis-
cuss their own artificial universe, among themselves.
D. Horton J., Francis M. and Sußenburger E..
A Long Term Proposal to Simulate Consciousness in Artificial Life.
DOI: 10.5220/0004332903890394
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 389-394
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This paper is essentially a project proposal, rather
than a scientific research paper, although we are build-
ing such a system. The project is too large for a small
research team. We need to have help to make it suc-
cessful. The project was originally proposed in (Hor-
ton, 2010).
2.1 Why now?
It may be that computers will be powerful enough to
simulate the human brain in the next few years. We do
not think that we are close to being able to simulate
the human brain, although there are people like the
Blue Brain project, that are trying. It is known that
the human brain contains close to 10
neurons and
that neurons on average have about 10
between them (Azevedo and et al, 2009). Such con-
siderations has led to speculation that a human brain
could be simulated in 10
floating point operations
per second, which is about the same as today’s fastest
supercomputers. We think that this is likely to be a
low estimate. There has even been some evidence that
not all thinking occurs in the brain itself.
There are several reasons not to be unduly influ-
enced if you think that this is a severe underestimate
of the computational power of the human brain. The
first is Moore’s Law type arguments. The computa-
tional power of computers is doubling every year or
so. Just wait a few more years, and the computational
power will be there. Another is that most of the hu-
man brain is not being used for consciousness. Only
19% of the neurons of the human brain are in the cor-
tex (Azevedoand et al, 2009), which is the most likely
part of the human brain in which consciousness is to
be found. A third reason, if you believe that animals
are conscious, is that many relatively intelligent and
social animals, such as the crow, have much smaller
brains than humans, yet have to deal with a very com-
plicated physical world.
Is it possible for a computer system of some kind
to become conscious on their own? Not likely. But as
algorithms become more nondeterministic, and more
and more autonomous agents are being written and
sent to do their jobs online, it would be nice to have
some evidence, however weak, that the computer sys-
tems are not likely to appear to be conscious on their
own. If it turns out that it is relatively easy to sim-
ulate consciousness, that would be a very important
2.2 How to Start towards
The only beings that we currently recognize as con-
scious were produced thru evolution. We propose to
use an evolutionary approach. We insert autonomous
agents into an artificial life environment, and try to
stimulate them to simulate consciousness. We do not
think that this will be an easy task. It is not at all clear
that there is a good reason for consciousness to have
developed in the real world. What advantage does it
give to an animal, or to a species?
If an animal lives in a community of other animals
that it interacts with in multiple ways, it is certainly
to its advantage to be able to predict what one of its
companions is going to do in certain circumstances.
To do that it is useful for the animal to feel the same
as its companion, and perhaps be able to predict what
it itself would do in the same circumstance.
The first steps to move in this direction is to de-
velop the four C’s: conflict, co-operation, commu-
nication, community. They may not be essential for
consciousness, but they seem to be a start. These
should be possible to make in our proposed universes.
We have not yet thought much beyond the stage
of building communities. Building communities is a
goal for the intermediate term.
2.3 The Gaming Interface
We do not expect that we will be able to simulate con-
sciousness by ourselves. We hope that we can enlist
others to aid us. Nor do we expect that the goal will
be obtained in a short period of time. We need a great
deal of computational power for many years. It might
take several decades. The internet becomes the only
real source of such resources. Ideally we need mil-
lions of computers working for many hours a day. So
like seti@home or the protein-folding online game,
we want to attract non-scientists to work with us, and
lend us
their computers for us to work on. We need some-
thing to give them in return.
Many computer/internet games have an artifical
life component. Will Wright’s SPORE is the most
obvious example, and it even has an evolutioinary
component. Several game types could be developed.
Can you evolve a bug, or community, with some
propetiy or properties? One could have contest be-
tween bugs/communities.
A very important point here is that the agents
evolved must be available to the project, so that any
useful property that is evolved or developed can be
made available to everyone. Not only should the
players allow bugs to evolve on their computers, but
also they should be able to write code, what are
called powers below. Probably a restricted scripting
language is needed. These user-developed powers
should slowly become available to other players. In
fact the possibility of serendipitous interactions is an
essential idea of this paper.
We are writing a system called SOCIAL, simulation
of consciousness in artificial life. It has many of the
features that we have thought about, but is far from
3.1 The Universe
The universe should be as simple as possible, so that
the brains will not require much resources to han-
dle the physics of the universe. What does a uni-
verse require? A being must be located somewhere
in a universe, so locations are required. From a lo-
cation a being must be able to move to some other
locations. This suggests that the universe should be
a graph: locations are nodes; connections between
nodes are edges. Adding geometry just makes the
universe more complicated. Conceivably even sim-
pler universes without locations are possible, with the
bugs only knowing facts about the universe, but this
would be harder to describe as a universe.
A graph structure is very simple, yet it allows for
many different possible universes with many differ-
ent properties. A graph can mimic a two, three or
higher dimensional space, using any finite tesselation
of space R
. A grid graph could be used, to make
for easy display. Or one could take any random set
of points in the space, and construct the Voronoi di-
agram, with the cells being the nodes. We have ex-
perimented with very simple universes, such as a cy-
cle. Or the universe can be the union of many dif-
ferent types of graphs, possibly with gateway nodes
connecting the different components.
Each node can contain beings and resources.
There are caps upon the contents of a node, decided
by the experimenter. The first resource that we added,
we called energy. We have toyed with the idea of
adding conservation laws, but have not done so yet. It
could be done by specifying that whenever a resource
is used, an equal amount of some other resource is
created. We have not considered any entropy law, that
would require the universe to run down.
We have considered making an expanding uni-
verse, in that new nodes could be added at random
times and places, but have not done so yet.
The beings must be given the power to move be-
tween neighboring nodes. Resources as we have
imagined them cannot move, although this is a fea-
ture that could be added.
Time we have decided should be discrete, like
space. In our experiments so far we have allowed the
beings one action per time step.
3.2 Bugs
The beings in the universe are called bugs, beings
whose universe is a graph. One can also think of them
as being like viruses, although viruses are much more
complicated than our bugs so far.
The bugs have multiple powers. Powers are abil-
ities that a bug can use. Each bug has three different
kinds of powers: actions, like move, eat, turn, pickup,
drop, which they can do; sensors, like bugsensor (how
many bugs are there in neighboring nodes?) that re-
turn information about their environment; and a brain,
which decides what action they will try to do next.
The powers that specific types of bugs have can be
decided by the user. All powers can also change thru
learning or evolution, decided by the user.
Bugs can use the resources at the node where they
are. When a bug performs an action, it consumes
some resource. In most of the simulations that we
have tried, we have only had one resource which we
called energy, but the system has no such restriction,
and we have run simulations with multiple resources.
They also have internal resources, which they can
obtain by eating. They can pick up and carry re-
sources as well. Presently they generally only eat
energy, although in some of the simulations they eat
other bugs. If their internal energy resources falls to
0, then they starve to death.
3.3 Evolution
Evolution can occur in many different ways in the sys-
tem. The bugs do not have genes per se. The set of
powers that the bug has, together especially with the
structure of the brain which decides what the bug does
next, is the “genetic code”. The parameters included
in the powers must also be included. Mutations can
occur in any power, most importantly in the brain. It
is possible that a new power can be added, if this par-
ticular type of bug is allowed to add powers. How
the brain changes during mutation is determined by
the type of brain that the bug has. More importantly,
a bug can inherit different powers from different par-
ents, and thereby get an evolutionary advantage over
both parents.
The experimenter determines when mutations oc-
cur. The most obvious time of mutation is when the
bugs reproduce. Both sexual and asexual are possi-
ble. When bugs reproduce asexually, only mutation
occurs. When two different bugs reproduce sexually,
two different brains must be combined. How this is
done is determined by the type of brain that they have.
Sexual reproduction has not yet been tested.
The bugs also can mutate as they live. One of the
factors that can mutate is their mutation rate. As bugs
become adapted, their internal mutation rate become
much slower. This may appear to be an unusual way
to evolve, but consider jumping genes (McClintock,
1950). The human brain appears to have jumping
genes that change what genes are applied in new neu-
rons, even in adults.
We have considered Lamarckian evolution as well
as Darwinian evolution. If some useful sequence of
actions gets used a lot, then the bug should be able to
increase the chance of that sequence occurring or pos-
sibly make some of the actions less costly. We have
not yet implemented this idea directly, but it is feasi-
ble within the system. This is just a form of learning.
A prototype of SOCIAL has been implemented using
Java. It includes a graphical user interface for build-
ing an experiment. The user can define the graph,
choose the type, number, and locations of the bugs,
and also of the type and amount of resources. The
user can then start the simulation and watch it play
out if the graph is displayable. They can also watch
a graphical display of data, such as number of bugs,
amount of resouces, average age of each type of bugs
among others.
The implementation presently allow only grid
graphs or graphs imported from a file to chosen as a
universe. There are twenty-six different actions that
a bug can perform; eight sensors that the bug can
have, most with multiple parameters; thirteen brains
to choose from, also with multiple paramters. Some
of these powers are general purpose, but others were
developed simply to see if the SOCIAL implementa-
tion could copy results in the literature.
4.1 Some Simple Brains
Many different brains have been programmed, but we
only mention those more general ones that might be
useful as parts of future brains. The first brain that we
tried was the random chance brain; each action has
a probability of been chosen. The chances of each
action can change thru mutation. The second brain
was the sequential brain that has a sequence of actions
that get repeated in a loop. The sequence can change
by adding/ removing actions, interchanging actions,
or splitting the sequence. This is a relatively effective
brain compared with many others. These two brains
do not use information from the sensors.
Brains can also use facts about the world, to help
decide what to do. Facts are discovered using sensors.
The simplest one is a hierarchical ruleset (Brooks,
1986), where a rule is an if-then construct consist-
ing of a possible fact, which can be true or false, and
an action. More complex approaches include Affect
Logic (Ciompi and Baatz, 2008) where creatures fol-
low plans and the Fungus Eater (Toda, 1982), which
combines routines and urges to create a behaviour.
These three brains have been tested in (Sußenberger,
Any deterministic brain can be implemented as a
decision tree. Evolving good decision trees does not
seem to be easy, because decision trees with similar
or even the same outcomes, can be quite distant from
each other in a tree edit model. We do not know a
good way to implement a deterministic brain that is
comprehensive (can model any deterministic brain),
stable (does not change too much with an evolution-
ary change) and yet is compact (size is polynomial in
the number of possible facts).
4.2 Some Simulations
We have not yet done any experiments that are of sci-
entific interest. For the most part we have looked at
other simpulations in the literature, and tested that
SOCIAL could also perform them. We emulated a
simple simulation writen for Repast Simphony (North
et al., 2006), in which “zombies” chase “humans”.
There was no evolution.
We have modeled an ecosystem with three differ-
ent bugs, which we called grass, sheep and wolf. A
grass bug ate energy and could not move, but could
reproduce into a neighboring cell; a sheep could move
and eat only grass; a wolf could eat only sheep. The
bugs evolve somewhat, as bugs with poor brains died
quickly. If the parameters are chosen well, eventu-
ally the system can stablize and keep all three types
of bugs usually. Sheep worked well with sequential
brains; wolves with decision tree brains.
We have tested SOCIAL with some other test
setups, for example the StupidModel (Isaac, 2011),
which is a reference implementation for agent-based
modeling platforms. It supports all the necessary
setup, output and display features to complete that
model. The behaviour of the agents in the model is
implemented using Actions, and the action sequence
is implemented using a simple Brain. This demon-
strates one of the core features of the SOCIAL model:
these actions can be reused by any other experiment,
or the same experiment can be run with a different
brain. Other models, such as one based on the Prison-
ner’s Dilemma (Kim, 2010) game, have also been im-
plemented. This showed that cooperation can evolve.
4.3 Motivators
Bugs must be motivated to do things. The only such
system that we have yet implemented is something
akin to hunger. The bug knows, or has a sensor that
can detect how much energy that it has, and if the en-
ergy level falls to 0 then the bug dies. So one thing
that the bug has to do to survive is to eat if the energy
level gets low. Successful bugs become motivated to
find and eat food, whatever their food is, or at least
they act like they are motivated. Similarly bugs that
reproduce successfully only reproduce if their energy
level is high. Thus a single stored variable gives suc-
cessful bugs something like hunger and a desire to re-
produce under the appropriate conditions.
The action of the energy level is somewhat anal-
ogous to the level blood sugar in animals. The sim-
ulation is much simplified, but other motivators for
animals can often be driven by the levels of chemicals
in the blood or in the brain. We have not tested this
yet, but we can make general motivators just by giving
the bugs more variables that rise and fall on the basis
of their actions and/or their sensors. Unlike (Grand,
2000), who had a simulated blood stream in his crea-
tures, and simulated chemical levels, we do not intend
to specify what the bugs do with their motivators. We
intend to let evolution decide.
Whether motivators are part of the brain or an en-
tirely different power of the bug is not clear. Every
motivator needs sensors. They also need something
to change the level of the sensors, which could be a
brain of its own.
We have a great deal of work to do. Here are a few of
our ideas, some much more difficult than others.
1. We need to get SOCIAL to work across multi-
ple machines. There will be security problems to
solve here.
2. In the short term, although the Prisoners dilemma
model has shown that the bugs can cooperate in at
least one case, we need more examples in which
the bugs to cooperate and communicate. (Wagner
et al., 2003) provides a comprehensive overview
of recent research in the emergence of communi-
cation in artificial simulations.
3. Add motivators to the system.
4. Give the bugs memory. (How?)
5. We would like to see a brain based on the Cerebral
Code defined in (Calvin, 1996a; Calvin, 1996b),
or some other darwinian machine.
6. Design games to attract users.
7. Make SOCIAL an open source project, to which
others can contribute.
8. Show the universe from a bug’s viewpoint, as well
as examine every aspect of a bug. This could be
rather interesting in some cases. For example,
a bug wandering in a four-dimensional universe
could be rather interesting.
9. Investigate multicellular creatures, in which mul-
tiple bugs stick together.
10. Have an interface to create new powers for bugs,
maybe a scripting language. Currently powers
have parameters can that can be set, but new pow-
ers need to be programmed.
We are proposing a system to evolve consciousness.
The graph universe is very simple, yet at the same
time will require the bugs to be very flexible if they
move to different graphs.
The bugs themselves are very flexible. A power
written for any bug up to now can be given to any
other bug. Eventually there may be powers that con-
flict. Certainly it is not easy to combine two different
brain types, but otherwise powers do not seem to con-
The internet is an almost ideal medium for evo-
lution. Evolution occurs best on small island envi-
ronments, but also requires there to be mixing be-
tween them. Individual computers act like small is-
lands. The occasional transfer of individualbugs from
one machine to another can allow the powers and
the brains to combine in novel ways, with possible
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