Performance Evaluation of Image Filtering for Classification and
Falk Schubert
and Krystian Mikolajczyk
EADS Innovation Works, Ottobrunn, Germany
University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K.
Image Processing, Filtering, Enhancement, Logo Retrieval, Scene Classification.
Much research effort in the literature is focused on improving feature extraction methods to boost the per-
formance in various computer vision applications. This is mostly achieved by tailoring feature extraction
methods to specific tasks. For instance, for the task of object detection often new features are designed that
are even more robust to natural variations of a certain object class and yet discriminative enough to achieve
high precision. This focus led to a vast amount of different feature extraction methods with more or less
consistent performance across different applications. Instead of fine-tuning or re-designing new features to
further increase performance we want to motivate the use of image filters for pre-processing. We therefore
present a performance evaluation of numerous existing image enhancement techniques which help to increase
performance of already well-known feature extraction methods. We investigate the impact of such image en-
hancement or filtering techniques on two state-of-the-art image classification and retrieval approaches. For
classification we evaluate using a standard Pascal VOC dataset. For retrieval we provide a new challenging
dataset. We find that gradient-based interest-point detectors and descriptors such as SIFT or HOG can benefit
from enhancement methods and lead to improved performance.
Significant progress has been made in image recogni-
tion and retrieval over past decades due to intensive
studies of feature extraction methods, image repre-
sentation and machine learning techniques. A num-
ber of alternative solutions have been proposed for
each of the well established steps of the recognition
and retrieval approaches. However, little research has
been carried out on the quantitative influence of pre-
processing steps which alter the image before apply-
ing the commonly used feature extractors in the com-
puter vision applications mentioned above. Previous
works include only basic filtering methods (e.g. blur-
ring) employed in the context of very specific tasks
such as face recognition (Heseltine et al., 2002; Gross
and Brajovic, 2003; Kumar et al., 2011) or character
recognition (Huang et al., 2007). Some open-source
implementations of feature extractors also apply blur-
ring as an initial step, but such pre-processing steps
are never discussed in terms of quantitative perfor-
mance gain in the respective papers. Besides these
simple filtering techniques, there exists however a
wide variety of more advanced image filtering tech-
niques (e.g. bilateral filtering, cartoon-style or image-
based rendering) in the domain of computer graph-
ics which are not commonly used. Such filters, e.g.
abstraction filters, have a direct impact on the image
gradients which leads to a normalization of gradient-
based descriptors. We therefore want to motivate the
use of such advanced pre-processing filters in order to
further increase the performance of computer vision
applications, instead of re-designing or fine-tuning
features for a specific computer vision task.
To better understand the quantitative difference
image filtering techniques can generally make on the
performance of feature extractors, we present in this
paper a performance evaluation of a number of im-
age enhancement or modification techniques applied
to two common computer vision applications: scene
recognition and logo retrieval. To our knowledge this
is the first quantitative evaluation of such image fil-
tering for pre-processing. Because image filtering is
a data-driven or pixelwise local process, it is to be
expected that the influence of image filtering also de-
pends on the image content. We therefore evaluate us-
ing different datasets consisting of images of various
categories. For scene recognition we evaluate using
Schubert F. and Mikolajczyk K. (2013).
Performance Evaluation of Image Filtering for Classification and Retrieval.
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, pages 485-491
DOI: 10.5220/0004333104850491
the well-known Pascal VOC 2007 dataset (Evering-
ham et al., 2010) which contains 20 different types
of image scenes (e.g. natural scenes, man-made ob-
jects, etc.). For logo retrieval we evaluate using a
dataset of 30 different logo classes (e.g. Volkswagen,
BMW, Coca Cola, etc.) which consists of real im-
ages of these logos captured in normal life (i.e. the im-
ages were taken from personal and professional pho-
tographs downloaded from Flickr).
The paper is structured as follows: In section 2 we
briefly discuss the different filtering techniques which
we will consider. In section 3 we give details about
the implementation of the two computer vision appli-
cations. In section 4 we discuss the evaluation proto-
col and discuss the results on the benchmark datasets.
The type of normalization and hence the effect on
subsequent steps of the recognition system, in partic-
ular feature extraction, strongly depends on the way
the filter modifies the image. We focus on three cate-
gories of filters: boosting gradients, suppressing gra-
dients and enhancing color. These types are moti-
vated by the fact that the most successful features in
computer recognition applications are based on gradi-
ents (Everingham et al., 2010) (e.g. Harris, Hessian,
HOG, SIFT, DAISY) and color (e.g. Color-SIFT). For
each of the filter types we consider different methods
which we discuss in the following.
2.1 Boosting Gradients
In the computation of HOG or SIFT the strength of
the gradient is used to weight the corresponding bins
in the histograms. Hence boosting important gradi-
ents can increase their importance in the image de-
scriptors. We consider two different variations to
increase the strength of gradients: convolution with
sharpening kernels and tonemapping (Fattal et al.,
2002), which is based on a compression, where weak
edges are boosted and strong ones are reduced. The
first is a fairly simple and well-known filter. The sec-
ond one is a more complex filtering technique which
roughly works as follows. A new gradient field is
computed from the existing gradients H(x, y) accord-
ing to the formula (Fattal et al., 2002) :
G(x, y) = H(x, y) · ϕ(x, y)
The attenuation factor ϕ modifies the existing gradi-
ents H
(x, y) at different resolution scales k of an im-
age and is computed as (Fattal et al., 2002) :
(x, y) =
(x, y)k
(x, y)k
From this gradient field G an image is reconstructed
using the Poisson equation:
I = div G
The parameters α and β control the amount of atten-
uation of large gradients and magnification of small
ones. The effect of tonemapping (tmo) is visualized
in the right column of Fig. 2.
2.2 Suppressing Gradients
Eliminating only weak gradients results in smooth
image segments and cartoon-like stylization. On
such images feature detectors generate interest points
mainly on dominant image structure. These interest
points tend to be more stable under different vari-
ations (e.g. pose variations). This effect can help
to focus a learning process on the important image
structures, leading to a better visual recognition de-
spite the loss of information. We consider four dif-
ferent gradient suppressing filters: Gaussian blur-
ring, median filtering, bilateral filtering (Tomasi and
Manduchi, 1998) and weighted-least-squares filter-
ing (wls) (Farbman et al., 2008). The first three are
often used as pre-processing filters. However, the
impact of these preprocessing steps are rarely dis-
cussed or evaluated. The fourth filter is an advanced
edge-preserving filter superior to the standard bilat-
eral filtering technique. The image is obtained via an
iterative optimization procedure (i.e. weighted least
squares) which minimizes the following cost function
C (Farbman et al., 2008):
C =
[I(x, y) O(x, y)]
(x, y)
+ v
(x, y)
The first term of the cost function ensures that the re-
sulting image I is visually similar to the original input
image O. The second term acts as a regularizer which
suppresses gradients along x- and y-direction in the
resulting image at all locations where the input im-
age O contains weak gradients. These locations are
controlled by the spatially varying weights u and v:
(x, y) =
O(x, y)
+ ε
The formulation for v is analogous to u, just the par-
tial derivative is along y direction. The manually cho-
sen parameter α controls the strength of the smooth-
ing effect. The constant ε prevents division by zero.
All other locations which contain dominant gradients
are left unchanged. The parameters λ and the weight
functions u and v control the amount of smoothing.
The effect of this edge-preserving or weighted least
squares (wls) filtering is visualized in the center col-
umn of Fig. 2.
To better understand the difference of gradient
suppression and gradient enhancement an illustration
is given in Fig. 1. Intensity values along line scans
of an example image are shown. The left plot shows
the original intensity values, the center one shows
the intensity values after tonemapping, the right one
shows the intensity values after applying the WLS fil-
ter. Filters such as tonemapping boost weak gradi-
ents and keep the dominant ones unchanged. The fil-
ters suppressing gradients such as abstraction filters
keep dominant gradients but significantly smoothen
small gradients. The choice of the influence of boost-
ing and suppression is clearly arbitrary and depends
on the image content and the subjective taste of the
user. In our experiments in sec. 4 we selected these
parameters manually prior to all experiments without
focussing on increasing the performance but purely
on visual appearance (e.g. the settings of the WLS fil-
ter where chosen to clearly suppress weak gradients
whereas the tonemapping set to clearly boost them).
In Fig. 2 examples of the filtered images are depicted
for each dataset. In future work it would be very help-
ful to have a learning-based process that find these
settings automatically. However, the contribution of
this paper is a quantitative performance evaluation
of the impact of the filtering techniques independent
whether they have been chosen manually or automat-
2.3 Enhancing Colors
Using color in image descriptors was reported to sig-
nificantly improve the recognition results (Yan et al.,
2012). Pictures are often taken with sub-optimal
color settings due to simplistic auto-exposure con-
trols and auto-white-balancing. A post-processing
step can help recover or improve the contrast of the
image if all details and structures are captured without
saturation. A histogram normalization step (which
we call colorboost) can be used to equalize the col-
ors within an image and bring out much better de-
tail. We use the method described in (Horv
ath, 2011),
which is very robust and parameter free. The filtered
color images also show better contrast when convert-
ing them to grayscale. As all images in our bench-
mark datasets are colored, we can therefore evalu-
ate this color-normalization also for descriptors which
only use grayscale images.
A straightforward approach to investigate the impact
of image filtering techniques, could either consist of
a simple toy application (e.g. simple nearest neigh-
bor search within a pool of features) or some heuristic
measurements on the feature vector (e.g. variations of
individual feature dimensions or intra/inter-class vari-
ance). However, in our opinion conclusions drawn
from such experiments cannot really be generalized to
other realistic applications. We therefore propose to
evaluate the impact of image enhancement on the per-
formance of typical computer vision tasks. We con-
sidered two different applications: scene recognition
and image retrieval. Both applications share a search
task or matching step based on features that are com-
puted. In the first case this matching step is based on
a learning process, whereas in the second case a sim-
ple distance measure is used. In the following a brief
summary of the implementation of each application is
3.1 Image Retrieval
We employ a bag-of-words representation (Sivic and
Zisserman, 2003) which has become the state-of-the-
art for fast scalable retrieval and classification tasks.
The different computation steps can be summarized
as follows:
1. detect interest points (Hessian and Harris-
2. extract SIFT features at the interest points
3. generate visual words from the image features
of the whole training dataset using randomly se-
lected clusters
4. compute an inverted file index from histograms of
visual word occurrences for every image
5. search with new image as query using L2-norm
on the index signatures
Many powerful extensions have been proposed in
the past to enforce geometric consistency or expand
queries (Philbin, 2010). However, the baseline ap-
proach as described in (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003)
is sufficient to demonstrate the benefit of using pre-
processing filters.
3.2 Scene Classification
In image classification experiments we use the ap-
proach from (Yan et al., 2012) that has proven very
successful in various classification benchmarks. The
different computation steps can be summarized as fol-
image width
image width
boosting gradients
image width
suppress gradients
Figure 1: Intensity values (diagrams on bottom) along the line scans across the image (red) are shown for different filters:
original (left), boosting (center) and suppression (right) of gradients.
1. compute local image descriptors (e.g. SIFT,
CSIFT, etc.) on a uniform dense grid
2. generate visual words from the image features
of the whole training dataset using randomly se-
lected clusters
3. compute a histogram of visual word occurrences
for every image
4. compute spatial pyramid match kernel (Lazebnik
et al., 2006) from the histrograms
5. train SVM with χ
6. classify new image using combination of multiple
In this section we evaluate the impact of the image fil-
tering techniques on the recognition applications. For
classification and retrieval different benchmarks have
been established in the literature. We evaluate the im-
pact of the image filtering techniques using standard
evaluation protocol of the respective datasets used for
the two applications. For the scene recognition the
Pascal datasets are considered as the gold standard.
We use the Pascal VOC 2007 dataset (Everingham
et al., 2010) which contains 20 different types of im-
age scenes (e.g. natural scenes, man-made objects,
etc.). These variations can be considered challeng-
ing enough to allow drawing valid conclusions about
the impact of the filtering techniques.
For the image retrieval task, we use an own dataset
for many reasons. Typical retrieval datasets (e.g.
the Oxford Building dataset (Philbin, 2010) or the
Flickr1M dataset as used in (J
egou et al., 2008)) ei-
ther address the scalability of the retrieval task or they
are designed for the retrieval of a very specific image.
In the first case this means that they are very big (e.g.
Flick1M dataset with 1 million images (J
egou et al.,
2008)) and the goal is to show that the retrieval engine
is capable of finding many images that are similar to
the input image. In the second case these datasets
contain images of specific objects (e.g. buildings like
in the Oxford building dataset (Philbin, 2010)) which
might have been taken from different view points and
the goal is to find all instances of the object shown on
the input image.
We would like to generalize the retrieval task fur-
ther by allowing more variation to the retrieved ob-
jects but still ensure that the look of the object is well
defined. This is the case in logo retrieval. The lo-
gos are like objects (e.g. building) but they can have
different appearances (e.g. a painted logo or printed
logo) and yet belong to the same logo label. There
exist a few datasets for logo retrieval however some
of which are too simple (e.g. only contain synthetic
images (Jain and Doermann, 2012)) or which are
not consistant (e.g. logos have the same label where
the logo changed its design over time (Kalantidis
et al., 2011)). We therefore provide a new logo re-
trieval dataset with 30 different logo classes which
has roughly the same size or variation as the existing
datasets (e.g. the Flick27 logo dataset with 27 logos
classes (Kalantidis et al., 2011)).
4.1 Scene Classification
Improvements in scene classification are evaluated us-
ing the evaluation protocol from Pascal VOC 2007
dataset (Everingham et al., 2010). More specifically
the “average-precision” (AP) which is the area under
the precision-recall curve (Everingham et al., 2010)
is computed for each scene class for both the origi-
nal, unaltered images and for all filtered ones. In this
experiment we considered four different filters (blur,
colorboost, bilateral, wls). The filteres were applied
to each training and test image and evaluated sepa-
rately with constant settings for all experiments. The
results are summarized in Tab. 1.
Table 1: Comparison of recognition performance (AP) on
VOC 2007 using best performing filter and original images.
In the fourth column the difference of AP between filtered
and original images are given.
class filter original diff filter name
aeroplane 64.9 64.4 +0.5 bilateral
bicycle 56.2 52.9 +4 wls
bird 43 37 +6 bilateral
boat 55.5 52.5 +3 colorboost
bottle 19 14.3 +4.7 bilateral
bus 43.4 43.1 +0.3 colorboost
car 69.4 68 +1.4 bilateral
cat 45.4 46.4 -1 colorboost
chair 42.4 41.6 +0.8 bilateral
cow 23.9 21.8 +2 wls
table 31.9 29.5 +2.4 bilateral
dog 35.8 36.1 -0.3 colorboost
horse 64.6 65.2 -0.7 colorboost
motorbike 52.6 49 +3.6 wls
person 78.7 77.8 +0.9 bilateral
plant 22.6 18.6 +4 bilateral
sheep 26.6 28 -1.4 bilateral
sofa 33.7 32.6 +1.1 blur
train 64.3 63.2 +1.1 bilateral
tv 39.9 39.2 +0.7 colorboost
For 16 out of 20 classes in Tab. 1 filtered images
produce better results than the original ones. Gradi-
ent suppression (e.g. bilateral or wls filters) in partic-
ular improves the AP performance by up to 6%. This
can be explained by the elimination of weak, noisy
gradients using abstraction filters such as bilateral fil-
tering. For instance, many of the images in the class
“bird” were captured with background such as vegeta-
tion and nature, which contain many fine detailed gra-
dients that are irrelevant for the classification. Focus-
ing the descriptors on dominant gradients (e.g. stems
from trees and not the leaves, bird shape and not the
feathers) helps to discriminate these images. Again
we note that the an automatic choice of the best per-
forming filter would be required for practical applica-
tions. However, in this experiment we are more in-
terested on the quantitative performance differences,
which indicate how much mAP can be gained by a
good choice of image filtering for preprocessing. The
filter parameters were manually chosen prior to all
experiments without focussing on increasing the per-
formance but purely on visual appearance to achieve
clearly visible filtering effects.
4.2 Image Retrieval
For reasons mentioned above, we collect our own
benchmark dataset with images that present particu-
lar challenge to the descriptors due to various render-
ing methods (e.g. logo is painted on a wall or carved
out of metal) which introduces more appearance vari-
ations (see Fig. 2 and Fig. 1 for some examples).
In such cases, image filtering is especially expected
to aid the matching process. The dataset consists
of 30 random logos classes from well known brands
(e.g. Coca Cola). For each logo 10 random images
were pooled out of 1000 images downloaded from using the logo name as the search
query. For all 300 images of the dataset the oc-
curences of the logos are labeled. The retrieval task is
to use each labeled logo and retrieve all the other ones
with the same label. We use the same protocol for
the generation of the index and evaluation of the re-
trieval performance as in (Sivic and Zisserman, 2003).
Similarly to the evaluation of scene classification all
filter settings were constant for all images and were
chosen prior to running the experiments. In Tab. 2
the summarized mean-average-precision (mAP) val-
ues are listed separately for the two interest point de-
tectors (Harris-Laplace and Hessian-Laplace) used in
the experiment. For each query image an AP value
(Everingham et al., 2010) is generated which is then
averaged (mAP value) across all queries belonging to
the same logo label. We further average these mAP
values over all logo labels to generate a single score
for each filter. We can observe that gradient suppres-
sion filters, in particular median and wls, improve the
retrieval by up to 8%. The performance gain depends
on the type of interest point detector, but the general
tendency is the same. It is important to note, that
the overall performance of mAP 45% is not very
high compared to systems with geometric verifica-
tion or query expansion (Philbin, 2010). However,
in this experiment we are interested in relative per-
formance differences between filtered and unaltered
images. Although the overall performance across a
collection of 30 very different logos consistently im-
proves by using wls filtering, we noticed that certain
logo types benefit more than the others. Car logos
(e.g. Porsche) which do not vary as much in their
rendering form (e.g. car logos are usually printed on
badges and not other material like T-Shirts) improve
by 58.1% (mAP for “Porsche” logo using original im-
ages is 36.2% and 94.3% using wls filtering).
The results from the evaluation indicate that image fil-
tering significantly improves the matching and clas-
sification performance. Furthermore the amount of
improvement and the type of best performing filter
wls tmo
Figure 2: Sample images (original and filtered) from the logo dataset (top 2 rows) and Pascal VOC 2007 (bottom 2 rows).
Table 2: Mean-Average-Precision (mAP) listed for each fil-
ter and interest point detector. Behind each mAP score, the
difference to the original (top row) is given.
filter name Harris (diff) Hessian (diff)
original 32.4 38.4
bilateral 35.5 (+2.9) 39.5 (+1.1)
blur 33.7 (+1.3) 39.8 (+1.4)
colorboost 33.3 (+0.9) 41.4 (+3.0)
median 35.4 (+3.0) 44.2 (+5.8)
sharpen 29.7 (-2.7) 36.1 (-2.3)
tonemapping 31.9 (-0.5) 39.4 (+1.0)
wls 40.4 (+8.0) 46.9 (+8.5)
depends on the image category (e.g. natural scenes,
synthetic images). For the recognition for each class
different filters perform best. For the retrieval certain
types of logos benefit more from filtering than oth-
ers. In future work we would like to further investi-
gate the impact of image filtering on different types of
interest point detectors and features. Also we would
like to develop an automatic selection process which
finds the best suiting filter type and parameter settings
given a training dataset. Last but not least, we would
like to include other and notably larger datasets for
the retrieval and consider other applications like ob-
ject detection.
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