Automatic Face Corpus Creation
Ladislav Lenc and Pavel Kr´al
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Plzeˇn, Czech Republic
Automatic Face Recognition, Czech News Agency, Scale Invariant Feature Transform, Corpus Creation.
This paper deals with the automatic real-world face corpus creation. The main contribution consists in propo-
sition and evaluation of the automatic face corpus creation algorithm. Next, we statistically analysed the
structure of the created face corpus when the automatic algorithm is used. We further compared the face
recognition accuracy of our previously developed face recognition approach on this corpus while using differ-
ent size/quality datasets. We have shown that the manual verification of the corpus is not necessary. Therefore,
we concluded that our proposed algorithm is suitable for the further use by the Czech News Agency, our com-
mercial partner.
In this paper, we are focusing on the automatic la-
beling of people in the database with a huge number
of the real-world photographs. Certain portion of the
pictures is labeled (informationabout the person iden-
tity available). The rest is unlabeled. In this case, the
recognition is tightly connected with the face detec-
tion and extraction steps because the pictures do not
contain only the faces.
Automatic corpus creation methods have been de-
veloped and evaluated particularly in the speech pro-
cessing domain (Chen and Nie, 2000; Tom´as et al.,
2001). Unfortunately, to the best of our knowledge
there is only little work on the automatic corpus cre-
ation in the face recognition field. All the well known
face databases have been created manually. However,
manual labeling is a very time-consuming and expen-
sive task.
The main goal of this paper thus consists in cre-
ation of a huge real-world face database. The creation
process must be as automatic as possible. The labeled
examples will be used for this task. The main con-
tribution of this work is proposition and evaluation
of the automatic face corpus creation algorithm. An-
other contribution of this paper is the statistical anal-
ysis of the results of the face corpus creation process
when the automatic creation algorithm is used. The
newly created face corpus will be used to evaluate
some face recognition approaches, which represents
the next contribution of this paper. We also compare
the face recognition accuracy while using different
size/quality datasets. The results of this work will be
used by the Czech News Agency (
For the face recognition, we use the adapted Scale
Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)-based Kepenekci
method (Lenc and Kr´al, 2012), which has shown very
good recognition accuracy on standard datasets (e.g.
ORL). It is based on the SIFT algorithm proposed by
David Lowe in (Lowe, 2004). The SIFT algorithm is
used for feature extraction and the matching scheme
proposed by Kepenekci (Kepenekci, 2001) is used for
face comparison.
The following section describes the proposed cor-
pus creation algorithm and the structure of the created
face corpus. The next section contains the face recog-
nition results on the created corpus. Finally, the Sec-
tion 4 summarizes the results and givessome ideas for
the future research.
We used the
CTK photo-database for all experiments.
Every picture contains one face of a known person
(with the label). Unfortunately, the photos contain not
only the face itself. They may be composed of more
people, some background objects, etc.
2.1 Proposed Algorithm
Therefore, we propose an algorithm in order to detect
and extract the faces from the pictures and to create
Lenc L. and Král P..
Automatic Face Corpus Creation.
DOI: 10.5220/0004333305820586
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART-2013), pages 582-586
ISBN: 978-989-8565-39-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Example of one correctly detected face (left) and
one incorrectly detected face by the Viola-Jones face detec-
a face corpus as most automatically as possible:
1. face detection,
2. identification and deletion of the incorrectly de-
tected faces,
3. eyes detection and head rotation according to the
2.1.1 Face Detection
We use the OpenCV library http://opencv. for the face detection
task. It implements the Viola-Jones algorithm (Viola
and Jones, 2001) which is one of the most successful
face detection algorithms. Figure 1 shows one
example of the correctly and one example of the
incorrectly detected face.
2.1.2 Incorrectly Detected Faces Identification
and Deletion
Unfortunately, a certain number of the incorrectly de-
tected faces occurs in the output. Therefore, a ver-
ification of the detected faces is indispensable. In
order to avoid the manual processing, we propose a
classifier for this task. It is used to classify the pic-
tures into two classes: F (faces) and NF (non faces).
We assume that the color distribution of these two
classes differ significantly. Therefore, we compute
a histogram for every picture and we use histogram
values as a feature vector.
We utilize a neural network of the type Multi-
Layer Perceptron (MLP) as an implementation of the
classifier due to its simplicity and our know-how in
this field. It is trained on manually selected sub-set
of faces (50 examples) and non-faces (50 examples).
The MLP topology has 3 layers: 256 input nodes
(each input corresponds to one intensity value in the
grayscale picture), 10 neurons in the hidden layer and
two output nodes: F × NF classes. In order to eval-
uate the accuracy of this classifier, we chosen ran-
domly 100 examples from each class and we verify
them manually. The face × non-face classifier’s ac-
curacy is about 87% which is enough for our further
Figure 2: Examples of the faces with 2, 1 and 0 detected
eyes (from left to right).
Figure 3: Example of the face detection (left), eyes detec-
tion (middle) and the face rotation according to the eyes
2.1.3 Eyes Detection and Head Rotation
According to the Eyes
As concluded in many previous studies, the face qual-
ity influence significantly the face recognition accu-
racy. Our databaseis composed of the real-world pho-
tograph where the faces are usually not taken from the
front, but from the different angles. It is thus benefi-
cial to transform the faces in order to be as similar as
possible, i.e. front-view faces. We simplify this trans-
formation by the face rotation according to the eyes.
The eyes are detected using a Viola-Jones algo-
rithm (as for the face detection task). If both eyes
are detected successfully the face is rotated and po-
sitioned so that the eyes are in the horizontal line for
all images. Finally, we perform a brief manual control
(on 100 examples) in order to evaluate the accuracy of
our eyes detection task. The resulting eyes detection
accuracy is thus about 94%. Figure 2 shows one ex-
ample of the eyes detection task where two, one and
no eye was detected by the algorithm.
Figure 3 shows the above described tasks of the
face and eyes detection and the face rotation accord-
ing to the eyes.
2.2 Resulting Corpus
Figure 4 shows the structure of the automatically cre-
ated face corpus by the above described algorithm.
We can summarize the important information as fol-
in 1478 pictures no face was detected by the Viola
Jones method,
another 3158 images was marked as no faces by
the MLP face × non-face classifier,
Figure 4: Structure of the created
CTK face corpus.
another 6623 face-pictures was not rotated ac-
cording to the eyes because no eye or one eye de-
in the 4562 faces two eyes were detected and these
faces were rotated according to the eyes,
Note, that the whole corpus contains 15821 la-
beled images.
The experiments have been motivated by the fact, that
our previously proposed face recognition approaches
work very well (recognition accuracy close to 100%
as already shown in (Lenc and Kr´al, 2012)) on the
standard ORL dataset and we would like to evaluate
our best approach on the real-world data (i.e. previ-
ously created corpus).
In all following experiments, an adapted SIFT-
based Kepenekci face recognitionapproach (Lenc and
Kr´al, 2012) and a cross-validation procedure will be
3.1 Face Datasets
The face recognition accuracy is significantly influ-
enced by the three parameters:
1. quality of the face corpus,
2. number of the recognized faces,
3. number of the training face examples per person.
Therefore, we create some different face sub-sets
(see Table 1) in order to show the accuracy of the face
recognition when these parameters differ.
The first part of this table shows the number of in-
dividuals when the face detection step is not verified,
while the second part reports the number of individ-
uals when the verification of the face detection was
used. The second column represents the number of
individuals with a successful eyes detection, while the
number of individuals with incorrectly detected eyes
is reported in the third column.
Table 1: Face dataset sizes in relation to: a) the number
of the face examples per person; b) verification of the face
detection; c) result of the eye detection.
Example no.
per person
detected eyes
Incorrectly de-
tected eyes
1. Face detection without any verification
Number of individuals
10 121 101
8 229 238
6 395 458
4 594 781
2. Face detection with the MLP verification
Number of individuals
10 34 25
8 91 106
6 244 262
4 468 568
3.2 Face Recognition Results
Table 2 shows the face recognition accuracy on the
different datasets. We can conclude some interesting
knowledge from this table:
eyes detection is very important for the face
recognition (poor face recognition accuracies of
the sub-sets with the incorrect eyes detection),
the face detection using the Viola Jones method
is good enough and the further verification by the
MLP classifier is not necessary (better recognition
accuracy of the MLP verified set could be caused
by the smaller number of recognized examples,
only 34 individuals in the smallest set),
face recognition accuracy is significantly lower
when the number of the recognized individuals in-
creases and the number of training examples de-
the best recognition accuracy (about 71%) is ob-
tained on the sub-set with the smallest number of
recognized individuals and with the highest num-
ber of training examples.
In our previous experiments (Lenc and Kr´al,
2012) we show that the number of training examples
is very important for the face recognition. Unfortu-
nately, we do not know, whether the second parameter
Table 2: Face recognition accuracy on the different datasets
in [%].
Example no.
per person
detected eyes
Incorrectly de-
tected eyes
1. Face detection without any verification
Face recognition accuracy in [%]
10 56.94 19.01
8 44.60 14.45
6 34.89 12.23
4 24.28 7.74
2. Face detection with the MLP verification
Face recognition accuracy in [%]
10 71.18 47.20
8 52.75 22.76
6 35.79 16.17
4 24.84 9.99
influences the face recognition in the same manner or
it is less important. Therefore, we realized the follow-
ing experiment that shows the face recognition accu-
racy for constant number of training examples (equal
to 3). In this experiment, only the cases with the cor-
rectly detected eyes and the rotated faces are consid-
Table 3 shows the face recognition accuracy of
this experiment. We can conclude that the number of
the training examples influences our face recognition
method much more than the number of the recognized
individuals. In all cases, the recognition accuracy was
comparable except the case with the lowest count of
individuals (slightly higher recognition accuracy).
Table 3: Face recognition accuracy on the different datasets
with 4 face examples per person in [%].
Number of
Face recognition
accuracy in [%]
1. Face detection without any
121 24.79
229 25.67
395 26.27
594 24.28
2. Face detection with the
MLP verification
34 32.35
91 27.75
244 23.77
468 24.84
In the previously described experiments, only part
of the results of the proposed face detection algorithm
was manually controlled. Therefore, the face recog-
nition errors occur due to two reasons:
1. error of the face classification method,
2. error of the corpus creation algorithm (face detec-
tion and extraction).
In the last experiment, we would like to identify
the corpus creation errors in orderto evaluate our clas-
sifier as accurate as possible. Table 4 reports the re-
sults of this experiment. This experiment shows that
manual verification improve the recognition accuracy
only slightly, improvement about 3% and 5% for 34
and 91 individuals, respectively.
Table 4: Comparison of the face recognition accuracy of the
automatic and manual verified face datasets.
Number of
of exam-
Face recogni-
tion accuracy
in [%]
1. Face detection and extraction without
manual verification
34 10 71.18
91 8 52.75
2. Face detection and extraction with
manual verification
34 10 74.12
91 8 57.28
In this work, we proposed and evaluated a new face
corpus creation algorithm with the objective to create
a real-world face corpus for testing of our previously
developed face recognition approaches. We also sta-
tistically analysed the results of the face corpus cre-
ation process when the proposed algorithm was used.
This analysis shows that 4562 images was processed
successfully by the proposed algorithm. We further
compared the face recognition accuracy while using
different size/quality datasets. We demonstrated that
the eyes detection is very important step in the face
corpus creation process. We also proved, that the
number of the training examples influences the face
recognition much more than the number of the recog-
nized individuals. In the last experiment, we showed
that manual verification of the corpus improve the
recognition accuracy only slightly. Therefore, we
conclude that our proposed algorithm is suitable for
the further use by the Czech News Agency, our com-
mercial partner.
As mentioned previously, the face recognition ac-
curacy is influenced significantly by the quality of
the face database. Therefore, the first perspective
consists in harmonization of the faces by using bet-
ter face transformations than the simple rotation ac-
cording to the eyes. Another perspective consists in
the use of confidence measures as the post-processing
step (Lenc and Kr´al, 2011). The confidence measure
technique will be used to detect and remove incor-
rectly detected (and rotated) face examples from the
resulting corpus. The confidence measure will be also
used after the face recognition task.
This work has been partly supported by the UWB
grant SGS-2010-028 Advanced Computer and Infor-
mation Systems and by the European Regional De-
velopment Fund (ERDF), project NTIS - New Tech-
nologies for Information Society, European Centre of
Excellence, CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0090. We also would
like to thank Czech New Agency (
CTK) for support
and for providing the photographic data.
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