eHealth and the Internet of Things
Les Ball
, Andrea Symkowiak
, Simeon Keates
, David Bradley
and Simon Brownsell
SECAM, University of Abertay Dundee, Bell Street, Dundee DD1 1HG, U.K
James Cook University Hospital, Marton Road, Middlesborough TS4 3BW, U.K.
Keywords: eHealth, Internet of Things, Observational Data.
Abstract: To respond to an ageing population, eHealth strategies offer significant opportunities in achieving a
balanced and sustainable healthcare infrastructure. Advances in technology both at the sensor and device
levels and in respect of information technology have opened up other possibilities and options. Of
significance among these is what is increasingly referred to as the Internet of Things, the interconnection of
physical devices to an information infrastructure. The paper therefore sets out to position the Internet of
Things at the core of future developments in eHealth.
In 2012 Dr Margaret Chan of the World Health
Organization wrote that:
Population ageing is a global phenomenon that
is both inevitable and predictable. It will change
society at many levels and in complex ways,
creating both challenges and opportunities …
A globally ageing population in which the
growth in the numbers of older people is
increasingly ever more rapidly (Kinsella and Wan,
2009), places additional demands on resources. This
in turn poses societal challenges in ensuring access
and mobility while preventing trends such as
increasing urbanisation and the depopulation of rural
areas. The underlying vision is thus one of an
eHealth environment where needs are met through
the sustainable organisation and the structuring of
the physical and information environments to meet
the changing needs of an ageing population.
Thus mobility must be considered not just as an
ability to move within the physical environment,
with all that that implies, but also mobility within
the information environment. It is argued that
enhanced mobility within the information
environment then acts to support physical mobility,
for instance through developments in mobile
healthcare (mHealth).
This overarching vision of an eHealth
infrastructure which integrates the physical and the
information environments implies the need for
sustainable solutions which maximise benefits whilst
optimising the use of resources in each of the short-,
medium- and long-terms. Such solutions must
address and support issues such as:
The level of provision between urban and rural
Housing and the balance between new build
and refit or refurbishment.
The ability to effectively assess need,
specifically within the home environment.
Means of capturing new and novel forms of
data such as observational data.
Design strategies to be adopted in relation to
each and all of these issues.
Tools to support the effective assessment of the
impact of change.
It must be recognised that many current systems
have over time been the subject of evaluation,
review, and indeed change. This has resulted in an
interest, and indeed in some cases an investment, in
maintaining the status quo, resulting in a degree of
compartmentalisation and technological lock-in
which acts to inhibit the introduction of new
concepts, methods and ideas. For instance,
physiological sensors might be considered as an
element of telehealth and not of telecare, implying
also a shift from societal to health related issues.
Similarly, home based and mobile eHealth systems
often tend to be separated rather than viewed as a
continuum such as that of Figure 1.
In presenting the discussion, it is recognised that
many of the individual components are themselves
the subject of study, but what is generally lacking is
Ball L., Symkowiak A., Keates S., Bradley D. and Brownsell S..
eHealth and the Internet of Things.
DOI: 10.5220/0004336701390142
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Embedded Computing and Communication Systems (PECCS-2013), pages 139-142
ISBN: 978-989-8565-43-3
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Hardware Modules
Home Sensors
Physiological Sensors
User Systems
Communications Backbone
Software Modules
Embedded Technologies
Smart Phones
Operating Systems
Mobile Systems
Targetted Users
User Driven
System Drivers
Near Field Communications
Thin Client Devices
Identification Technologies
Cyber Security
Internet of Things
System Elements
Cloud Computing
Electronic Health
Support Services
Health Information
User Specific
Remote Access
Software Download
Figure 1: eHealth modules configured around a
communications backbone.
their integration into a cohesive system. Key issues
1. Detection and identification of behavioural
changes indicative of a change in status.
2. The detection and reporting of emergency
3. Incorporation of physiological monitoring.
4. An ability to extend functions into the mobile
5. Integration within health informatics.
6. Establishment of user needs and requirements.
7. Identification of resources and their
8. Infrastructure and sustainability issues.
9. Design strategies and methods.
10. Decision support tools to inform on options and
The key focus here is therefore that of the
information infrastructure, and in particular, the role
of the Internet of Things as a means of integrating a
range of smart objects within that infrastructure
(Kortuem et al., 2010); (Mattern and Floerkemeier,
2 THE Internet of Things
The underlying concept of the Internet of Things is
the interconnection of discrete smart objects to
provide information about both location and activity.
Working from this base, consideration can be given
to the potential range of actions and applications.
Falling within the action group are:
Information & Analysis – Monitoring the
behaviour of objects in both space and time.
Situational Awareness – Real-time monitoring
of and interaction with the environment.
Data & Information Driven – Distributed and
networked sensors contributing to a rich
information environment driven by advanced
data analysis and visualisation.
While in relation to applications:
Logistics – Materials handling, location and
Health – Real-time monitoring of conditions
and detection of change.
Smart Environments – Direct management of
the environment in response to the individual.
Personal – Social networking and interaction,
virtual communities and security.
2.1 Lifestyle Monitoring, eHealth
and the Internet of Things
Lifestyle monitoring (Brownsell (1) et al., 2011);
(Majeed, 2006) is here taken to encompass:
(i) Responding to changes in behaviour indicative
of a change in need structured around the use
of a range of sensors distributed throughout an
individual’s home environment. The sensor
data is then interpreted to attempt to identify
behavioural and other changes indicative of a
change in need. However, there remains a
sparsity of data with all current installations
essentially being experimental in nature. The
proposed approach is intended to support data
integration and the use of techniques and
methods such as knowledge and discovery as
part of a learning system to support data
(ii) Support for emergency conditions such as falls.
Referring to the above, strategies such as:
The recording of movement in and about the
Monitoring the utilisation of space (rooms).
Observing the pattern of use of appliances.
Monitoring the use of cupboards, refrigerators
and wardrobes.
have all been considered and potentially could be
linked through the joint concepts of smart objects
and the Internet of Things
Developments in sensor technology are likely to
lead in the near future to the availability of a range
of initially wearable, and ultimately implantable,
sensors capable of monitoring and recording a range
of physiological parameters (Al-Jobouri, 2011);
(Espina et al., 2006); (Luprano et al., 2006). The
data from these sensors can then be linked through
mobile communications and hence back to the home
and to medical support.
However, the use of home-based, wearable and
implantable devices brings with it ethical, both
human and machine related, considerations which
will need to be addressed. In particular, there are the
concerns of allocating the responsibility for the well-
being of an individual to an autonomous computer
based system which makes decisions on their behalf
(Bowes et al., 2012); (Perry et al., 2010); (Torrance,
3.1 Emotive Computing and Ehealth
The authors have proposed that emotive computing
may have a role to play in eHealth by providing
information on a user’s state of well being through
the interpretation of everyday actions (Ball et al.,
2011); (Bradley et al., 2011). The translation of this
speculative approach into the wider concept of
home-based and mobile lifestyle monitoring will
require developments both in technology and the
means of analysing and interpreting the resulting
data. This implies developments in mobile
applications to manage the data transfer as well as
transitions from the home environment to the mobile
environment. This will in turn require the creation of
accessible applications and the education of
developers in support of the wider concepts of e-
Inclusion to maximise the potential benefit through
the integration of diverse and disparate data streams.
Developments in this area are therefore likely to
New forms of non-intrusive sensors capable of
gathering emotion related data in a range of
Novel forms of application to maximise the
levels of user interaction in relation to the
gathering of such emotion related data.
New and novel means of analysing and
interpreting the data generated.
3.2 Collection and Management of
Observed Data
It is argued that observation has the potential to be a
significant additional data source to compliment data
derived from sensors. Such observational data has
the ability to provide information on a range of
factors such as general levels of ‘untidiness’ or
‘cleanliness’ and can also report on issues such as
odours which may not be detectable by other means
(Brownsell (2) et al., 2011); (Brownsell (3) et al.,
Observers range from care professionals such as
the warden of sheltered or monitored
accommodation, a carer or a health visitor to
individuals such as family and friends who are not
trained in observation, but whose relationship may
enable them to identify issues in ways which might
not otherwise be possible. Issues impacting on
implementation include:
Data capture and interpretation skills of the
Data checking and validation.
Data security.
While means could include:
Interpretation of freeform text.
Structured questionnaire in which the answer to
each question establishes the next question.
Placing this into the context of the Internet of
Things, this implies the use of devices such as
tablets and mobile phones integrated with a series of
accessible smart applications to direct the user in
relation to the data capture processes.
3.3 Impact Areas and User Groups
To develop the arguments in the paper and prove the
potential for utilising both observational and
emotive data in improving the health and wellbeing
of an ageing population in particular, it is necessary
to identify target users. Work undertaken in the area
of telecare to establish such groups (Brownsell (1) et
al., 2011), plus the preliminary results of an as yet
incomplete literature review suggest the following
potential impact areas and user groups.
The Well Elderly, these are older individuals
currently requiring no or low levels of support
where the aim is the detection of change to
ensure the earliest appropriate intervention.
Progressive neurological diseases such as
Alzheimer’s or dementia to identify change in
order to adjust provision accordingly.
The aim is thus to establish a case study to evaluate
both the technology and the user responses in order
to properly establish and identify those areas where
the resulting interventions are most likely to be
Faced with an ageing population there is a need to
undertake a radical review of the way in which
eHealth systems, and sub-systems such as telecare
and lifestyle monitoring are designed, developed and
implemented. This is not to suggest that work in
these areas to date is of no value, but rather that it is
regarded as having established the foundation on
which new concepts such as the Internet of Things
can be introduced.
It is in this context therefore that the paper sets
out in Section 1 its position regarding the underlying
issues and concerns that need to be addressed in
moving forward, and follows this in Section 2 with
an argument for adopting an approach based on the
Internet of Things as un overarching strategy. Then
in Section 3, two exemplars as to how this approach
may influence the approach to eHealth are
presented, in each case based on research concepts
which are currently under evaluation and
development by the authors.
The overarching conclusion is therefore that
there is a need for a new and novel approach to the
design, development and operation of all forms of
eHealth systems, and that the Internet of Things
provides one possible means of achieving the
necessary shift in both thinking and approach.
The authors would like to thank Mark Hawley and
John Isaacs in particular for their contributions to the
background to the paper.
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