Designing Workplace Learning and Knowledge Exchange
A Postgraduate Training Program for Professionals in SME
Annemarie Hilbig, Antje Proske, Gregor Damnik, Franziska Faselt and Hermann Körndle
Psychology of Learning & Instruction, Dresden University of Technology, Zellescher Weg 17, Dresden, Germany
Keywords: Further Education for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Enhancing Internal Company Training,
Blended Learning, Informal Learning, Virtual Classroom Sessions.
Abstract: In small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME) training requirements differ widely and can hardly be
covered by broad training programs. For this reason these SMEs heavily rely on internal company training
and informal knowledge exchange between co-workers to effectively use pre-existing resources like highly
specific expert knowledge. To this end, professionals need to be trained in efficiently communicating their
subject-specific knowledge as well as in realizing informal learning opportunities. Hence, in the
postgraduate training program “Designing workplace learning and knowledge exchange” (aquwa)
professionals are taught the necessary didactic competencies. The training takes place parallel to work over
a 12-week period in a blended e-learning format. Modules 1 and 2 deal with principles and methods of
knowledge exchange. These principles and methods are further elaborated in Modules 3 and 4, culminating
in participants’ independent development of an informal learning opportunity at the workplace. The
evaluation of the training shows a great acceptance of the course design as well as a significant learning
gain over time. Most of the participating professionals recognised a successful transfer of the gained
competencies into their workplace. Based on participants’ remarks suggestions for online-based
postgraduate education courses are provided.
In small- and medium-sized enterprises (SME),
especially in those which provide highly specialised
products and services, professionals are considered
as an important factor for being innovative, and
hence, for being competitive. As a result training
requirements of such enterprises differ widely and
can hardly be covered by broad training programs.
The percentage of SME using further education is
very small (Lenske and Werner, 2009). Reasons are
a lack of resources. However, SME especially are
more affected by demographical and cyclical based
skills shortage than large-scale operations.
One possibility to tackle these problems is to
maximize already existing personal resources in the
company. The idea of the postgraduate training
program “Designing workplace learning and
knowledge exchange” (aquwa) is to show
professionals how to teach their expertise to other
employees. Thus, in aquwa, professionals are taught
to communicate their subject-specific knowledge to
co-workers more efficiently. Moreover,
professionals become qualified to plan and conduct
SME internal learning opportunities and to initiate
and foster knowledge exchange within the company
(cf. Desouza, 2003; Kyndt et al., 2009).
The postgraduate training program aquwa lasts 12
weeks and consists of four modules. The contents
are made available on a weekly basis. The program
contains texts for self-regulated study which are
accompanied by workplace-relevant group work,
exercises, role-plays and other interactive
interventions during virtual classroom meetings (see
Table 1). Thus, participants are able to attend the
training program while working fulltime.
Whereas a kick-off meeting and a closing event
take place at the TU Dresden, the contents are
conveyed completely online. This eliminates
travelling time and also travelling costs for the
Hilbig A., Proske A., Damnik G., Faselt F. and Körndle H..
Designing Workplace Learning and Knowledge Exchange - A Postgraduate Training Program for Professionals in SME.
DOI: 10.5220/0004345706350638
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 635-638
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
participating SME.
Table 1: aquwa - a combination of text for self-study and
virtual classroom sessions.
Texts for self-study
Preparation for the virtual classroom
Materials: texts, illustrations, worked out
examples, interactive exercises, videos
Virtual classroom sessions
Content from the self-study texts are
discussed and elaborated
Methods: live-presentations, exercises in
groups, case studies, role plays,
discussions, coaching
2.1 Informal Learning
People learn at work by participating in various
situations, collaborating with colleagues and clients,
developing and testing new ideas, or meeting new
challenges (Leslie et al., 1997; Tynjälä, 2008). These
activities correspond to the term of informal
learning. Furthermore, informal learning is
considered as learning outside of educational
institutions and without a specified curriculum
(Eraut, 2004). Thus, the contents of the aquwa
training programs are derived from theoretical and
empirical findings on informal learning.
In informal learning settings learning arises from
mastering new and unfamiliar working tasks (Stern
and Sommerlad, 1999). One method to foster the
learning success in informal learning is to enhance
the support when working on an unfamiliar task
(Overwien, 2005). Thus, the participants of the
training program aquwa are taught competencies
which are useful for preparing and providing such
2.2 Modules
The training program contains four modules.
Module 1 and module 2 serve for participants’
knowledge acquisition, whereas module 3 and 4
prepare and ensure transfer.
In Module 1 participants acquire knowledge on
principles for preparing knowledge such as how to
effectively communicate in written form, or how to
design exercises to foster learning.
Module 2 presents participants with methods for
knowledge exchange, for example to explicate tacit
knowledge, to provide constructive feedback, or to
moderate discussions.
All these principles and methods are important for
professionals who want to exchange their knowledge
because they represent facilities which can support
informal learning. However, informal learning at the
workplace is versatile so it is not necessary to use
every method in every case. Professionals have to
decide from case to case which principle and which
method is most suitable for a particular learner in a
specific situation. Thus, in module 3 the problem-
oriented application of the principles and methods is
addressed. Here, participants design and evaluate
sample learning situations, or create pieces of
instructional materials and exercises for given
During module 4 participants by themselves
develop an informal learning opportunity. This
includes the generation of educational material
and/or documents for the implementation of the
learning opportunity at the workplace.
The four modules build upon each other. During
the knowledge acquisition phase, participants
practice the principles and methods taught in small
exercises, in module 3 participants are required to
apply a combination of the contents of module 1 and
2 to solve the presented problems. Finally, in
module 4 the participants have to apply all their
knowledge acquired in aquwa to design a complete,
realistic informal learning opportunity. Thus, during
the training participants are confronted with tasks of
increasing complexity accompanied by decreased
tutoring and scaffolding (van Merriënboer et al.,
2003). By not only acquiring principles and
methods, but also by applying them to problem-
oriented and work-related scenarios, it is expected
that participants do not acquire inert knowledge, but
rather knowledge that can be used for effective
problem-solving in realistic situations, finally
leading to a successful transfer to the workplace
(e.g., Eraut, 2004; see also Merrill, 2002).
2.3 Implementation and Participants
A pilot study started with 16 professionals from
different SMEs in Saxony (Germany). 11
participants completed the program. Log-file
analyses showed that on average every participant
spend 75 minutes per week on the self-study texts
and attended 9,5 of the 12 virtual classroom
The training program was evaluated in accordance
with an evaluation model by Kirkpatrick (1994).
To examine participants’ reactions (level 1) a
questionnaire was administered at the end of the
program which assessed acceptance of the program
and participants’ satisfaction.
Concerning level 2 (learning), we conducted a
knowledge test at three different times: before the
start, after module 2 (knowledge acquisition phase),
and after the complete training program. A problem-
solving test measured how well participants are able
to apply their acquired knowledge to new problems.
This problem-solving test was conducted after
module 2 (before the transfer phase), and after the
training program was finished.
The knowledge test consists of one item for each
topic of the knowledge acquisition phase. By
choosing three different times of assessment, it is
possible to measure the knowledge gain and the
learning process of the participants. Moreover, it can
be examined, if the content is learned in a
sustainable manner and still available several weeks
after the content was conveyed. Due to the small
sample size, the results of the knowledge tests are
analysed by the non-parametric Friedman test for
repeated measures. Afterwards, detected differences
are tested using the non-parametric Wilcoxon
signed-rank test.
The problem-solving test contains 8 items in
which all main topics of the training program have
to be applied to new problems. In this way it can be
tested if participants perform better after completing
module 3 and 4 (transfer phase). Since the problem-
solving test was conducted only two times the non-
parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test is used for the
analysis, as well.
With regard to level 3 (behaviours), interviews
were conducted within the participating enterprises 8
weeks after the training program was finished. The
interviews concerned the transfer of program
contents to the workplace.
Level 4 (results) was not assessed.
4.1 Level 1 – Reactions
The results of the questionnaire (scale from 1
(strongly disagree) – 5 (strongly agree)) are:
The participants appreciated the online-
conception (M = 4.45; SD = .69).
Participants would participate again in program
containing of self-study texts and virtual
classroom sessions (M = 4.45, SD = .95).
The contents of aquwa were work relevant
(M = 3.80; SD = .93).
The participants appreciated the instructors
supervision during modules 3 and 4 (M = 4.45;
SD = .69).
4.2 Level 2 – Learning
Figure 1 presents the results of the knowledge test at
three different times and the problem solving test at
two different times. The results are shown in
percentage of the maximal possible score.
Figure 1: Results of the knowledge test and the problem
solving test on three different test times (in %).
By conducting the non-parametric Friedman test
a significant overall effect was observed
(2) = 9.30, p < .01). Although, the participants
presented a relatively high level of previous
knowledge with 61,5% of the maximal score, the
subsequent Wilcoxon signed rank test revealed a
significant increase of knowledge after module 2 to
81,8% of the maximal score (W
= 2.04; p = .03).
Six weeks later, participants were still at the same
knowledge level (85,2%), no significant difference
could be observed (W
= 1.07; p = .50). This result
is completely in line with expectations that the
increase of knowledge took place primarily in the
knowledge acquisition phase (module 1 and 2).
For the problem-solving test two different test
times were examined. The performance in applying
the gained knowledge after module 4 was 9,85%
higher than after module 2. The Wilcoxon signed-
rank test revealed that the difference is statistically
significant (W
= 2.37; p = .02). The result
confirmed the hypothesis that the ability of applying
the before learned principles and methods could be
improved after the transfer phase (module 3 and 4).
4.3 Level 3 – Behaviour
The interviews for investigating if the contents were
transferred into the participants’ workplace were
conducted September 2012. The interviews lasted
from 10 to 20 minutes. Nine of the 11 participants
could be included. Participants’ answers showed that
eight respondents (89%) reported changes in
their daily work due to their aquwa
five interviewees (56%) already realized an
informal learning opportunity at their
workplace after finishing the course (four of
them were implemented very successfully; one
professional did not complete the
implementation yet);
the other four former participants (44%) stated
that there was not enough time in addition to
their normal work volume to implement a
learning opportunity.
All in all the results suggest that the postgraduate
training program aquwa is a very successful e-
learning program.
We were able to foster informal learning at the
workplace. We tackled the problem of unsystematic
knowledge exchange in SMEs successfully by
providing professional with possible didactical
approaches and methods for independently
designing informal learning opportunities.
Furthermore, this further education course took
place completely online-based via an e-learning
platform and meetings in a virtual classroom. We
hold the view that neither the self-studying of texts
via the platform, nor the trainings in the virtual
classroom would have been as effective as the
combination of these two elements. In this way the
participants were independent and had full
responsibility for their learning investment while
having at the same time a clear structure, deadlines
and contact persons in case of questions. Despite
some technical problems, the knowledge acquisition
phase had been completed successfully by the
participants. In addition, six weeks after the phase
where principles and methods were emphasized no
loss in knowledge gain could be observed. This
might be because participants needed to use the
acquired knowledge afterwards in exercises and
designing a learning opportunity. The problem
solving test revealed that these activities in module 3
and 4 are effective in fostering the ability to apply
the previous acquired knowledge.
The overarching goal for a further education
course is to influence attitudes and behaviour at the
workplace. But ensuring such transfer is difficult. In
the case of the postgraduate training program aquwa,
the goal was to improve knowledge exchange by
qualifying professionals for installing appropriate
learning opportunities in their companies. It is a
great success that 56% of the interviewed persons
reported the realisation of an informal learning
opportunity. However, it also shows that it is
necessary in further education courses to show and
guide participants in applying the gained knowledge.
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