Making Digital Signage Adaptive through a Genetic Algorithm
Utilizing Viewers’ Involuntary Behaviors
Ken Nagao and Issei Fujishiro
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Keio University, Minato, Tokyo, Japan
Digital Signage, Image Processing, Genetic Algorithm, Human Behavior Recognition.
Digital signage has been becoming more popular due to the recent development of underlying hardware tech-
nology and improvement in installing environments. In digital signage, it is important to make the content
more attractive to the viewers by evaluating its current attractiveness on the fly, in order to deliver the message
from the sender more effectively. Most previous works for this evaluation do not take the viewers’ feeling
towards the content into account, and the content is improved manually if needed in an off-line manner. In this
paper, we present a novel method which does not rely on such manual evaluation and automatically makes the
content more adapted to the viewers. To this end, we take advantage of the viewers’ involuntary behaviors in
front of the digital signage for online updates through the usage of a genetic algorithm.
Digital signage has been becoming more popular due
to the recent development of underlying hardware
technology and improvements in installing environ-
ments. Digital signage is an electronic display which
shows various messages to the public, and there can
be found many advantages to use the digital signage
compared to the traditional paper signage. Indeed,
digital signage can be controlled in real time, and we
can instantly replace the content. As a new interactive
display device, digital signage has recently attracted
much attention from the field of computer vision.
Digital signage has to provide “attractive” content
to the potential viewers in order to deliver the orig-
inal message effectively. Therefore, it is important
to modify the appearance of the content continually.
In general, this modification is done by humans be-
cause it is necessary to allow for the subjective mat-
ters as well as aesthetic issues. We herein propose a
method which does not rely on these kinds of man-
ual processes and adaptively improves the content.
The method utilizes a genetic algorithm (GA) to learn
“what content is attractive” and automatically make
the content more attractive to the viewers. In the sys-
tem, “content designs” are regarded as “individuals”
in the GA.
In order to utilize a GA, there must be an eval-
uation mechanism installed in the system. In digi-
tal signage, “evaluation” should be based primarily
on the viewers’ feeling towards the digital signage.
To this end, the proposed method is designed so as
to make use of the viewers’ involuntary behaviors in
front of the digital signage. For example, a viewer
may change his head angle or move his eyes for read-
ing each section of the content. If the section was
convincing he would nod or if it was unacceptable
he would shrug his shoulders. Such involuntary be-
haviors come directly from his emotion, and hence,
if the digital signage system can capture and recog-
nize these behaviors of the viewer, it can automati-
cally learn his actual feeling toward each section of
the content. Moreover, as digital signage is for pedes-
trians, many samples for the evaluation can be col-
lected readily.
In order to empirically evaluate the proposed
method, we have developed a pilot system for dis-
playing academic conference posters. This is because
messages and relationships of each sections in aca-
demic conference posters are clear and easy to deal
with. Figure 1 shows an example of adaptive confer-
ence poster, and the proposed system in actual use can
been seen in Figure 2.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. In section 2, we review related work. Section
3 describes the detailed approach adopted in the pro-
posed system. Finally, Section 4 concludes the paper
with brief remarks on future work.
So far, direct questions to viewers, such as interviews
or questionnaires, have been commonly used for eval-
Nagao K. and Fujishiro I..
Making Digital Signage Adaptive through a Genetic Algorithm - Utilizing Viewers’ Involuntary Behaviors.
DOI: 10.5220/0004346100540059
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 54-59
ISBN: 978-989-8565-48-8
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
uating the content of digital signage (Alt et al., 2012).
One major drawback in such direct questions lies in
that much human labor is required for gathering and
analyzing the data. In addition, the viewers do not al-
ways tell their actual feeling with such off-line styles
of questions.
There are many known attempts to recognize hu-
man faces in video (Pantic and Rothkrantz, 2000;
Gutta et al., 2000), and some digital signage systems
have recently started to use a fixed video camera for
evaluating the content from the viewers. However,
those systems mainly gather human attributes which
do not necessarily relate to their feelings, such as
gender, age and viewing time (M¨uller et al., 2009).
These systems cannot distinguish whether the viewer
is watching with negative or positive feeling towards
the content, and evaluations are not sufficient to an-
alyze which section of the content was attractive or
Figure 1: An example of adaptive conference poster. Upper:
An initial design. Lower: An evolved design after several
generations were altered.
Figure 2: A snapshot of the proposed system in actual use.
From the aspect of aesthetics, the question on the
attractiveness of design has been a difficult question
because it involves many subjective issues in psychol-
ogy, statistics and other disciplines. There exist some
research challenges that tackled this problem. For ex-
ample, Singh and Bhattacharya (2010) proposed an
algorithm to improve the aesthetics of web interface
utilizing a GA for evaluating more than ten geometri-
cal features, such as balance and equilibrium, of page
layout. However, the approach does not take user
evaluation into primary account, and they concluded
that it is difficult to define the cases in which the ap-
proach works well.
Moreover, in the case of digital signage, we have
to take into account the fact that the local tastes to-
ward the content may be different depending on the
place where the digital signage is installed. There are
some known digital signage systems which enable in-
teraction with the viewers, where the viewers can be
provided the content which they want to see, while
the systems have to wait for the explicit interaction
from the viewers. Most pedestrians may walk with
other purposes and just pass over the digital signage,
and therefore it would be inefficient to wait for the
interaction from them. In order to ameliorate these
problems, we will present a novel approach to make
the content more attractive to the viewers by utilizing
their “involuntary behaviors” for evaluating the con-
Figure 3 shows the processing flow of the proposed
method, whose advantages compared to previous
works can be summarized as follows.
In the proposed method, the system automatically
learns what content is attractive” and modifies the
appearance of the content, so we do not need to an-
alyze the local tastes, search for attractive designs,
nor modify the appearance of the content manually.
In general, GA is useful for solving problems whose
structure is not well understood and for which no ex-
act solution is found. The problem of seeking “what
content is attractive” can be regarded as a typical one
of such problems, and GA has an ability to overwhelm
the manual design.
As for the evaluation, the proposed method utiliz-
ing viewers’involuntary behaviors can make it easy to
collect many useful evaluation samples. Since digital
signage targets the public, a large number of people
can serve as viewers, without waiting for their volun-
tary interaction. In addition, “involuntary behaviors”
are deeply related to their feeling, we can draw reli-
Figure 3: The processing ow of the proposed method. (a) First, the system requires us to define what we want to show to
the public and puts up multiple content designs based on the inputs. (b) The system shows each content design in turn, and
when each content design is displayed, the system recognizes involuntary behaviors of the viewers in order to evaluate the
attractiveness of each content design from them. (c) After all content designs are evaluated, they are sorted in an evaluation
order. Then the system breeds new content designs through crossover between highly-ranked content designs and mutation
of the highest-ranked content design. After that, the system shows the new content designs once again for the viewers to
re-evaluate them. Repeating these steps, the system evolutionally produces more attractive content designs. If an acceptable
content design is reached, the evolution terminates.
able evaluation towards the content from them, with-
out any need to check up the validity of the evalua-
tion. “Involuntary behaviors” include gaze-related in-
formation such as head pose and pointing fingers, and
thus the system can understand which section of the
content is attractive.
As shown in Figure 3, the proposed method con-
sists of three steps: (a) preprocessing step for mak-
ing sections from the content of digital signage and
creating the first generation of the content design;
(b) evaluation step which uses the viewers’ involun-
tary behaviors; and (c) modification step which pro-
duces new generations for making the content more
attractive based on the evaluation. After a modifica-
tion step, the system will gather evaluation to each of
the individual content designs utilizing the viewers’
involuntary behaviors once again. Repeating these
steps, the system evolutionally produces attractive de-
signs of content. If an acceptable content design is
reached, the evolution terminates.
Figure 1 illustrates one example of evolved con-
tent designs. Each of the figures in the poster was
independently adjusted in terms of size, and we can
easily identify each section and understand the over-
all content.
3.1 Preprocessing Step: Extracting
First, we have to make it clear what we want to show
to the public. We are required to divide the content
into smaller sections. An academic conference poster
can actually be divided into “title”, “authors”, “sec-
tion titles”, “content of subsections” and “reference
figures”. Hereafter, we will simply refer to the over-
all design of the content as content design, and small
content sections defined in this step as sections.
Note that there can be found hierarchical relation-
ships among these sections. For example, “title” has
“section titles” as its children, and “section titles” are
siblings. We have to specify these relationships ex-
plicitly in extracting sections from the content.
Each section is required to have two kinds of prop-
erties: content properties and graphical properties.
Content properties are what we want to tell to the pub-
lic in the corresponding section. For example, in the
section of “authors”, content properties are specified
as the names of the authors. Here, we define what
values the content properties can take, because there
exist various ways to indicate the message. If it is
“authors”, we make up several patterns of sentences
as the defined values for the content property (Figure
4). On the other hand, graphical properties are about
how to decorate the section, such as font, font color,
frame color and size of the section. These values are
given to each by the system automatically.
Next, the system randomly creates a fixed num-
ber of initial content designs based on pre-defined
sections, giving random property values to graphi-
cal properties and randomly selecting the pre-defined
values for content properties. Note that the system
takes the defined hierarchical relationships between
sections into account for unified design. Figure 5
shows one example of the created content design with
its underlying hierarchical structure. Such content de-
signs constitute the first generation in the GA.
3.2 Evaluation Step: Recognition of
Viewers’ Involuntary Behaviors
In this step, the system gathers the viewers’ evalua-
tion towards the content designs by recognizing their
involuntary behaviors.
3.2.1 Two Behavior Types
In front of digital signage, the viewers behave in var-
ious ways. Our system uses Microsoft Kinect
recognizing the viewers’ behaviors, and in order to
make these behaviors easy to understand, we define
two types of behaviors: behaviors indicating viewers’
attention point (attention pointer) and behaviors indi-
cating viewers’ feeling (feeling indicator).
Attention pointers are behaviors such as changing
head angle and pointing gesture. Recognizing these
behaviors and considering the position of the viewer
and the size of digital signage, the system can esti-
mate which section is focused on. In the current sys-
tem, eye location is not recognized due to the limited
resolution of Kinect. There are many known attempts
to utilize eye location for gaze estimation (Valenti et
al., 2012). If digital signage is large, we can estimate
the attention point only from the head angle, but in or-
der to obtain more accurate results we will rely on the
recognition of eye location as hardware technologies
On the other hand, feeling indicators include ges-
tures such as folding arms, nodding, and shrugging
shoulders. Such behaviors are deeply related to the
viewers’ emotions. Finding relationships between
these behaviors and feelings has been studied exten-
sively. For example, Gunes and Piccardi (2006) cre-
ated a bimodal face and body gesture database for
analyzing human nonverbal behaviors. The system
Figure 4: Examples of sections of the content. Each section
has content properties and graphical properties, and values
are pre-defined for each content property.
Figure 5: Examples of the properties with the hierarchical
structure of the content design created in the preprocessing
can learn the meanings of behaviors referring to the
database, and by combining this information with the
above-mentioned attention pointers, the system can
gather the viewers’ evaluation towards each section
of the content design.
When recognizing these behaviors, several as-
pects of the diversity deserve to be discussed, as vari-
ous kinds of people can serve as the viewers for digital
signage. One aspect is moving speed of viewers. For
example, if the viewer is a child, he behaves quickly,
while old people behave slowly. We have to take into
account the differencein moving speed and categorize
each evaluation. Another aspect is that the meaning of
gestures can be different if the viewers’ cultural back-
grounds are different. For instance, for most cultures,
shaking the head side to side implies negative reply,
while it implies positive reply for some cultures such
as Indian. Thus, taking into account these diversity is
important for correct evaluation. In our system, as we
can capture whether the viewer is a child or an adult,
we change the capturing speed if the viewer is a child.
As for the meaning of gestures, keeping in mind that
previous research on the detailed meaning of gestures
has limited capability because human affection is a
subjective matter as mentioned before, we focus only
on one culture, Japanese, and then classify the mean-
ings of gestures just according to whether the gesture
is positive or negative.
Moreover, we have to consider that the system
has to capture the viewers’ behaviors without making
them aware of it, or their behaviors would be biased.
Viewers’ behaviors should be “involuntary” and come
directly from their actual feelings. Therefore, in addi-
tion to the necessity of hiding the capture device, the
device should not be mounted and capture the view-
ers behaviors in a noncontact way. As the device for
capturing the viewers’ behaviors, our system employs
Kinect, which allows us to capture various behaviors
such as head pose, facial expression and gestures of
multiple viewers involuntarily.
3.2.2 Evaluating the Content Design from Three
“Evaluation” is considered to form three points of
view: the overall evaluation of the content design and
the evaluation indicating eye-catching and unconvinc-
ing sections in the content design. Each evaluation
will be used for making the content more attractive
utilizing the GA (see Subsection 3.3 for more details).
The first evaluation is an overall evaluation and
used for “selection” in the GA. We define the evalua-
tion as the total of time duration for which the view-
ers are looking at the content design without nega-
tive feeling. We will refer to this evaluation as overall
evaluation of the content design.
The second evaluation is the evaluation which in-
dicates eye-catching sections and used for guiding
“mutation” for graphical properties in the GA. We de-
fine the evaluation as the total of time duration for
which the viewers are looking at the section no mat-
ter how they behave. This evaluation indicates how
eye-catching the section is, without reference to its
content properties. We will refer to this evaluation as
eye-catching evaluation of the section.
The third evaluation is the evaluation which in-
dicates unconvincing sections and used for guiding
“mutation” for content properties in the GA. We de-
fine the evaluation as the total of time duration for
which the viewers are looking at the section with neg-
ative feeling. We will refer to this evaluation as un-
convincing evaluation of the section.
In this step, we have to take the content of dig-
ital signage into account. Viewers’ ways of view-
ing will be substantially different between when the
content is an advertisement and when it is a restau-
rant menu, and we have to consider these differences
very carefully. In our system, the content is limited
to academic conference posters, and the viewers will
take two types of approaches for reading the con-
tent: overviewing the whole content and concentrat-
ing on reading a particular section. We have to evalu-
ate the gestures separately according to these two ap-
proaches, and thus when the viewer does not move
his head or he stands close to the digital signage, our
system presumes that he is concentrating on reading
a particular section and the section should be eval-
uated more compared to when they are overviewing
the whole content.
3.3 Modification Step: Making the
Content Designs More Attractive
Utilizing GA
After the evaluations, the system sorts them in an
evaluation order using overall evaluation. Then, the
system modifies the content design utilizing the GA.
In this step, we have to consider the following two
points in addition to the relationships between each
The first point is that the modification of the con-
tent design should not be done instantly because user
experience would be reduced if the system changes its
content design when some other viewersare still look-
ing at it simultaneously. Changing the content lazily
can be one promising solution for this problem, but
it would make the evaluation for individual content
designs vague because each of the content designs
would not be fixed. Thus, in our system, the con-
tent design will switch to another when a fixed time
duration runs over and no viewer is looking at it.
Secondly, we should not change the property val-
ues of each section in an equally-weighted manner,
because the weight of information each section has
can be different. For example, the weight of infor-
mation “title” is much heavier than that of “section
title”, and changing the font color of title extensively
affects the look and feel of the content design more
than changing that of section title. We have to con-
sider the weight of information when modifying the
content design, and thus our system makes the modi-
fication to the section with heavy information such as
title section more lazily.
The modification is performed in two ways:
crossover and mutation. Figure 6 shows examples of
the breeding.
3.3.1 Crossover
Top two ranked content designs are selected for
crossover. In crossover, the system breeds new indi-
viduals by combining property values of each section
in the highest-ranked content design and the second
highest-ranked one. The possibility of values in these
combination is based on each overall evaluation.
In Figure 6, a new content design whose proper-
ties come from the two previous content designs was
bred by the crossover.
3.3.2 Mutation
Mutation is applied to the highest-ranked one. In
this step, the system breeds some new individuals
Figure 6: Examples of crossover and mutation of the de-
by changing the property values of each section in
the highest-ranked one. In the system, mutation is
not completely executed at random. We use eye-
catching evaluation and unconvincing evaluation for
the guide of mutation. The section which got the
highest value of eye-catching evaluation is the section
which attracted the viewers most. Therefore, to em-
phasize the section is important for making the con-
tent more attractive, and thus the system randomly
changes its graphical properties. The system does
not need to consider what kind of modification should
be done to the graphical properties for attractiveness,
because unattractive individuals will be exterminated
later. The section which got the highest value of
unconvincing evaluation is the section the matter of
which viewers thought unconvincing, and thus chang-
ing the content properties of the section is necessary
for making the content easy to understand, especially
in the case the section was the one which got the high
value of eye-catching evaluation. In the same way
as before, the system does not need to consider what
kind of modification should be done to the content
properties for making the section more convincing.
The system randomly selects the value from the pre-
defined values of the content properties. It is because
unconvincing sections will be selected for mutation
later again. Considering these guides from the eval-
uations, the system breeds some new individuals by
mutation in addition to those by crossover. The sys-
tem does not apply mutation to the crossovered con-
tent designs because we cannot identify the guide for
mutation of the crossovered content.
In Figure 6, the section about system overview
was emphasized because it gathered much attention,
and the sentences of the section about system func-
tionalities were replaced with other pre-defined sen-
tence patterns because they were thought to be un-
In this paper, we have presented a novel method
which does not rely on manual evaluation and auto-
matically makes the content of digital signage more
adapted to the local tastes. We take advantage of
viewers’ involuntary behaviors in front of the digital
signage for evaluating the attractiveness of the con-
tent, and make the content design more attractive to
the viewers utilizing a genetic algorithm, which is
useful for solving problems for which no exact so-
lution is found. We empirically proved the feasibil-
ity of the method through the development of a pilot
digital signage system for displaying academic con-
ference posters.
The current system is a pilot system and can be
extended in many directions. One major point is how
the system gathers enough evaluations in places with
few people, and/or for short periods. We will seek
the best timing of changing the content design, and
combination of multiple digital signage devices. Be-
sides, we limited the usage of digital signage for only
a particular purpose, but we will be able to generalize
the method more extensively, considering various be-
haviors and modifications. For example, we can con-
sider the use of eye-catching evaluation and uncon-
vincing evaluation also in crossover of the GA, and
take advantage of hierarchical relationships between
each section of the content design more thoroughly.
The work is supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for
the Leading Graduate School Program for “Science
for Development of Super Mature Society” from the
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and
Technology in Japan.
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