Authoring Storyline-based Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning
Ahmed Ewais and Olga De Troyer
Web & Information Systems Engineering (WISE) Laboratory, Department of Computer Science,
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
Keywords: Authoring Tool, 3D Virtual Learning Environments, Virtual Reality, Adaptive, Storyline.
Abstract: Adaptive three-dimensional (3D) Virtual Leaning Environments are interesting for the e-learning domain as
they have great potential resulting from the capabilities offered by 3D Virtual Environments in combination
with the opportunities offered by adaptive systems. However, their breakthrough is hindered by the
difficulty of their development. This paper presents a development approach that allows course authors to
create adaptive 3D virtual learning environments without the need to be an expert in 3D or using
programming or scripting languages. In particular, the paper elaborates on the principles used for the
authoring approach, as well as on the different aspects that need to be supported, i.e. the pedagogical
aspects, the adaptation aspects, and the requirement to support the specification of an adaptive storyline
which should be followed by learners.
3 dimensional (3D) virtual environments are defined
as three-dimensional (3D), multisensory, immersive,
real time, and interactive simulations of a space that
can be experienced by users via three dimensional
input and output devices (Burdea, 2006). This kind
of environment is often used for entertainment, but
can also be used in the context of education. For
certain subjects and for certain types of learners
using a 3D Virtual Learning Environment (3D VLE)
may be much more appealing and motivating than
the use of classical learning material, e.g., to
simulate the effect of physical laws (Cobb et al.,
1998); to simulate social environments and allow
people to practice social skills (Adams et al., 2008);
or to learn about history (Di Blas et al., 2003); Dede
et al., 2003). Equipping those 3D VLE with adaptive
capabilities could offer even more advantages
(Chittaro and Ranon, 2007). For instance, adaptivity
allows the 3D VLE to adapt dynamically (i.e. at run
time) to the individual learner and to the progress
that the learner makes during the learning process. It
could mediate the distinction between education and
entertainment, which could improve the learner’s
experience and motivate him better. Furthermore,
adaptivity may be used to prevent the learner form
being overwhelmed in the 3D VLE. For instance, it
may be more effective to guide a learner through the
3D VLE according to his or her background and
learning goals, or only show the learner the objects
that are relevant for his current knowledge level, or
adapt the environment to his learning style. Also
adaptivity may be used to decrease the risk that
learners are distracted too much and are therefore
not able to focus on the actual learning task (De
Troyer et al., 2010).
As the major goal of a 3D VLE is education,
involving teachers or educational-schooled people is
very important. However, with the current
development tools for 3D virtual environments, it is
very difficult to involve these people actively in the
development process, as they usually don’t have
background in programming or in 3D. One way to
overcome this drawback is to provide authors an
authoring tool that enables them to turn existing 3D
virtual environments into adaptive 3D virtual
learning environments. With such a tool, the authors
should be able to manipulate the 3D VLE contents to
fit it to the context of the course and to the learners,
and specify the required adaptive behaviour. The
usability of such a tool will be a critical factor in its
Our work is based on the acquired experience in
the context of a EU FP7 STREP project GRAPPLE
Ewais A. and De Troyer O..
Authoring Storyline-based Adaptive 3D Virtual Learning Environments.
DOI: 10.5220/0004347700150024
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 15-24
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(GRAPPLE, 2008). It aimed at the construction of a
generic adaptive learning environment that can be
used/accessed at home, school, work, or on the
move. GRAPPLE includes authoring tools that
enable teachers to specify adaptation strategies for
the contents and activities of their courses. The
project considered classical learning materials, as
well as simulations and virtual reality. Based on our
experience in the GRAPPLE project, we found it is
important to allow authors to provide a storyline for
an adaptive 3D VLE that learners can follow during
a course. This finding is supported by work done in
the context of educational games, where narration
helps the player to be more involved in the game
and, as a result, to increase the expected learning
outcomes (Salen and Zimmerman, 2003).
Furthermore, narrative aspects can play an important
role to deliver the instructional message and
appropriate goals (Laurillard, 1998).
The rest of the paper is structured as follow. In
section 2, we consider work related to authoring 3D
environments in the context of e-learning and
educational games. Section 3 explains the basics of
adaptive 3D VLEs. In section 4, our authoring
approach for adaptive 3D VLEs is explained, and
section 5 proposes the architecture for the associated
authoring tool. Section 6 presents conclusions.
This section reviews related work dealing with
authoring adaptivity in 3D virtual learning
environment and video games.
There exist different Virtual Reality (VR)
development environments that enable advanced
authors in VR to create 3D virtual learning
applications. Some of them are specific for certain
3D virtual environments. Examples are
(3Dxplorer®, 2002); (OpenQwaq, 2007); (Creator®,
2007). Another interesting example is the Sloodle
project (Livingstone and Kemp, 2008) which is
based on integrating learning and teaching across
SecondLife (SecondLife, 2003) which is an online
3D virtual world, and Moodle (Moodle, 2002) which
is a course management system. However, in the
context of authoring tools to deliver adaptive 3D
VLE, there is little available. For this reason, the
related work mentioned in this section will also
discuss narrative, adaptivity and authoring tools
developed in the context of educational games.
An authoring toolkit called <e-adventure3D> is
presented in (Torrente et al., 2008). The authoring
tool has a scene editor that supports authors to define
and configure size (width and depth), texture and
roughness settings of the 3D virtual environments.
Furthermore, the author is able to define the camera
and lights settings, which will be considered as user
guidance in the 3D virtual environment. The
authoring tool also provides an editor to define the
interactive elements inside the 3D virtual
environments. The end-user will be able to interact
with such predefined elements by carrying out some
tasks and actions. Also the editor allows the author
to place the interactive elements in a scene.
Furthermore, the author can scale, rotate and/or
translate them to fit correctly in the scene.
Additionally, a 3D avatar representing the learner is
available and which “can engage in interactive
conversations that can be graph-shaped if cycles are
needed or tree-shaped otherwise. The editor
includes a graphical facility to create these
structures easily.” (Torrente et al., 2008).
It should be noted that in <e-adventure3D>,
game authors are not able to specify which kind of
users interactions should be monitored, as this is
limited to what has been implemented in the game
API. Note that being able to monitor user
interactions is important for being able to adapt the
3D virtual environment at run time. Another
shortcoming is that adaptation resulted from
monitoring the user interactions can only be
performed in future execution of the game, not in
real time. Furthermore, the authoring tool is used for
only two predefined environments: closed
environments and connected virtual rooms.
In (Marchiori et al., 2012), WEEV (Writing
Environment for Educational Video games) is
explicitly considering three elements or tasks to
create narrative point-and-click educational games:
(1) the author needs to define the actors, which are
the interactive elements in the game. In other words,
actors are the 3D objects upon which the player can
perform an action and interact with them; (2) the
virtual game world or so-called gamespace should
also be defined. The virtual world includes the
different interactive elements and non-interactive
elements of the educational game; (3) the game story
must be edited separately to define the player’s
interactions and the game feedback. The WEEV
authoring tool is implemented as three editors to
support the author in defining the main three
elements: Simple Actor Editor, World Editor and
Story editor. A domain specific visual language is
used for the World and Story Editors. The Actors
Editor enables authors to view a list of all the actors
in the game in a specific panel. Furthermore, the
author is able to select a new actor form a “resource
library” containing different graphic resources. The
World Editor allows the author to define the game
world. On the other hand, the Story Editor is used to
define the story-flow of adventure games. In general,
a story is represented “…based on a state-transition
diagram, where each state represents a point in the
game story and each transition an interaction by the
user with the system, which moves the story along.”
(Marchiori et al., 2012). The basic elements of the
proposed game story flow language are: (a) state
which represents the status of the game, (b)
transition which is used to define a player action
which moves the state of the game to next one, (c)
feedback which is associated with the transition
element to display effects or feedback when a
transition happen. Furthermore, the proposed
domain specific visual language provides specific
features to integrate educational characteristics like
content adaptation. For instance, the author can
create an explicit representation of student
assessment, hints for guidance and adaptation of the
game story. Adaptation can be defined for the story-
flow of the game depending on the student profile.
The story-flow can have more than one initial state.
The initial nodes of the story-flow are associated
with different adaptation profiles in the game, for
instance, “easy”, “medium” and “hard” difficulty
Researchers in (Gaffney et al., 2010) described
an authoring tool (ACTSim) which is developed to
allow educators with non-technical background
authoring situational simulations. Situational
simulation focuses on teaching learners how to
perform targeted task (Alessi and Trollip, 2001).
Their approach designs adaptation aspects in two
ways. First, a tagging mechanism allows authors to
define multiple properties for so-called adaptive
dimensions (Wade, 2009) which include role of the
learner, learning outcomes, categorization of the
dialogue nodes and the related subjects. This is done
by providing a highlight function in the authoring
tool which allows the author to know how the
dialogue model will be adapted. Secondly, triggers
are used which allow the authors to define
adaptation depending on educational principles of
assessment, feedback and reflection. The ACTSim
authoring tool supports the two approaches to design
adaptive simulation.
A good principle of the
approach is not adhering the authors to compose
complex rules in order to provide adaptation. An
evaluation was conducted for the proposed authoring
tool and the result was promising.
In order to be able to discuss the principles used for
our authoring approach, we first need to present the
basics of adaptive 3D VLEs. First, we will discuss
the different components that make up a 3D VLE.
Next, we discuss the adaptation possibilities for 3D
3.1 3D VLE Anatomy
Before we discuss how to drive adaptation for 3D
VLE, it is important to know what are the 3D VLE
components on which adaptation can happen.
Conceptually, we can distinguish the following
components and associated functionality in a 3D
Virtual (Learning) Environment: (1) The virtual
scene that corresponds to the 3D space which will be
populated with the 3D virtual objects. (2) Virtual
objects are objects which have a visual
representation having colour and material properties,
a size, a position in the space, and an orientation. (3)
Object behaviours that are the behaviours associated
to the virtual objects. Behaviours may reflect real
life behaviours like rotation, walking, etc. (4) User
interactions as users are able to interact with the
virtual objects. For example, a user may pick up an
object and drag it to some other place in the space (if
the object is moveable). (5) User navigation which
is related to the way the user can move in the 3D
space, e.g., walking, running or flying. The user
navigates by a so-called avatar. The user’s avatar
can be represented explicitly (by an object) or
implicitly in which case the viewpoint of the camera
is used to show the user’s position. (6)
Communication as nowadays, more and more 3D
virtual environments are also collaborative
environments in which remote users can interact
with each other, e.g., talk or chat to each other or
perform activities together. In this research, we
concentrate on single-user environments. (7) Sound
can be important component in simulations to
enhance the feeling of reality or simply to simulate
some sound. Sound/speech can also be used as an
instruction and feedback mechanism during the
learning process. More explanation about 3D VLE
components is presented in (De Troyer et al., 2010)
and (Kipper and Palmer, 2000); (Bowman and
Hodges, 1999).
3.2 Possible Adaptation Techniques for
Different adaptation techniques and mechanism are
proposed to be applied to 3D virtual objects. For
instance, the work presented in (Chittaro and Ranon,
2007) presents adaptation techniques which are
basically limited to 3D contents representations. On
the other hand, the authors in (Dos Santos and
Osório, 2004) propose the so-called Intelligent
Virtual Agent to provide adaptive navigation
towards interesting 3D virtual objects. However,
adaptation can be applied beyond 3D material
representation or user navigation. In principle,
adaptation can happen for each component of a 3D
VLE. An adaptation can be limited to a single
component of the 3D VLE, but it can also involve
different components of the 3D VLE. We defined
two different adaptation categories (De Troyer et al.,
2010). The first category includes adaptations that
apply on a single component, i.e. possible
adaptations for objects, behaviours, interaction, and
for navigation. We call these adaptation types. For
instance, there are adaptation types related to 3D
virtual objects such as semi-display, changeSize,
changeVRRepresentation, etc. For the moment, we
did not consider any adaptations types yet for the
scene or sound. Communication is also not
considered because we focus on single-user 3D
VLEs. The second category is related to more high-
level adaptations that involve more than one
component. These kinds of adaptations we called
adaptation strategies. For instance, adaptation
strategies that can be applied to group of 3D virtual
objects are filterObjects, markObjects,
displayAtMost, displayAfter, etc. More examples
about adaptation types and strategies can be found in
(De Troyer et al., 2010).
In general, the purpose of an authoring tool is to
enable authors defining a course at a high level of
abstraction and without resorting to programming or
scripting languages. In the same way, the purpose of
our authoring tool is to allow authors to define an
adaptive 3D VLE without the need to be
experienced in 3D/VR and to know programming
languages. In principle, this involves authoring the
3D virtual environment, as well as the adaptivity and
the pedagogically relevant aspects of the course. We
will not consider the authoring of the 3D virtual
environment itself, as for this many tools are
available (e.g., Google SketchUp (GoogleSketchUp,
2000)), 3D Studio Max (Murdock, 2003)). The
purpose of our authoring is to add storyline,
adaptivity and pedagogical aspects to an existing 3D
virtual environment.
The approach taken for adaptivity is an author-
driven approach which means that during the design
of the adaptive course, the author needs to specify
explicitly when and how the content needs to be
adapted. The advantage of this is that it gives the
control to the author. On the other hand, the
disadvantage is that it requires the author to keep
track, at design time, of all possible adaptation
scenarios. However, we believe that supporting
authors with appropriated tools can overcome this
In the following sections, we first present the
(high level) requirements that we formulated for our
authoring approach. Next, we discuss the models
and principles used for the authoring approach.
Finally, we provide more details on the three most
important steps of the authoring process.
4.1 Requirements
Based on our previous work done in the context of
the GRAPPLE project, we derived some important
features to be considered in authoring adaptive and
educational 3D virtual environments. The most
important features can be summarized as follows:
Pedagogical-oriented: As we are dealing with 3D
virtual learning environments, we want to provide
means to take into consideration some pedagogical
aspects when specifying an adaptive 3D VLE (i.e.
the course). This is achieved by enabling authors
to create pedagogical relations between the
different learning concepts.
Adaptive-specific: As we are dealing with adaptive
3D virtual learning environments, we want to
provide means to specify the adaptivity of a 3D
VLE using a high level of abstraction. The idea is
to provide a number of different (pre-defined)
adaptation types and strategies to allow the author
to express the adaptivity.
Teacher-oriented: One of the major goals is
allowing teachers and pedagogically schooled
people to be directly involved in the authoring
process of the adaptive 3D VLE. This requires that
the authoring approach should be at a high level of
abstraction, and using terminology that is
understandable by this type of users.
Storyline-oriented: We have observed (during
evaluations performed in the context of the
GRAPPLE project (Ewais and De Troyer, 2014))
that when using a 3D VLE, there is a need to guide
the learners through the learning material offered
in the 3D VLE in a way similar as this is done for
classical text-based learning material (where some
kind of sequence is enforced or advised). For
instance, the author may want to express that the
learners first should get a guided tour through the
virtual environment highlighting the most
important learning objects, next they should focus
on performing some activities related to one
learning concept, and so on. However, while for
classical learning material a personalized
“sequence” could be achieved by specifying
adaptation rules only, our previous work done in
the context of the GRAPPLE project has shown
that this is very difficult to be achieved for 3D
VLEs only with the use of adaptation rules. To
allow expressing such a “sequence”, we will use
the concept of storyline (taken from game
Web-based: A web-based authoring tool will allow
easy access to the tool independent of the
platforms or PCs that are used by the authors.
4.2 Models & Principles
In general, classical adaptive systems maintain
different kinds of information in different models
(Paramythis and Loidl-Reisinger, 2003). We also
follow such an approach. Authoring an adaptive 3D
VLE goes as follows. First a Domain Model (DM)
(Hendrix et al., 2008) describing the concepts that
should be considered in the course, needs to be
created. Learning resources and materials are
associated with these learning concepts.
We also use a User Model (UM), which is used
to maintain the learner’s characteristics, learning
background, and his learning progress.
Next, pedagogical relationship types should be
defined between the different learning concepts. An
example of a pedagogical relationship type is the
prerequisite relation that expresses that one concept
is a prerequisite to master the other concept. These
pedagogical relationships are defined in the
Pedagogical Model (PM). The PM also expresses at
a high-level how the User Model should be updated
(at runtime) based on what the learner does in the
learning environment. After that, the author defines
the actual adaptivity behaviours (Adaptation Model)
for the 3D VLE. For this a rule mechanism is used.
Adaptation rules are basically if-then rules. The if-
part specifies the conditions to be satisfied for
performing the adaptation, while the then-part
specifies the adaptation actions. These adaptation
actions are expressed in terms of the adaptation
types and strategies (see section 3.2) to be performed
on the 3D VLE components. In our approach, the
adaptation rules are defined in context of two sub-
models: Adaptive Storyline Model (ASLM) and
Adaptive Topic Model (ATM). We first explain the
purpose of these two models.
As indicated in section 4.1, to define the actual
course, the author will use a storyline. This storyline
defines the steps that the learner should follow
during his learning process. The storyline can be
adaptive, i.e. the actual flow can adapt at runtime
e.g., depending on the learner’s knowledge about
specific concepts. The storyline and how it should
adapt is defined in the Adaptive Storyline Model. A
storyline consists of number of topics; each topic is
dealing with a number of 3D virtual objects. The
topics are connected with so-called storyline
adaptation rules. These adaptation rules specify the
adaptive behaviour of the storyline. Figure 1 depicts
the sub models in the adaptation model.
Next to the adaptivity expressed for the storyline,
more adaptivity can be expressed for the topics. A
topic is defined by means of an Adaptive Topic
Model. In this model, the 3D virtual objects
involved in the topic are specified, as well as the
actual adaptation actions that have to be applied to
them. Moreover, it specifies when the adaptions
need to be applied. Also here, a rule mechanism is
In the rules, the conditions are not only based on
the learner’s preferences or learning background and
learning progress (maintained in the User Model)
but also on the activities performed by the learner in
the 3D VLE (e.g., number of interactions with a
certain object, the behaviours performed). This type
of information, which may not always be directly
related to the learning, is added to be able to control
the learner’s behaviour in the 3D VLE, e.g., to avoid
that he wastes too much time by playing around or
to help him when he has problems in navigation or
interacting with objects. This information is stored
in the so-called 3D VLE Activity History Model. It is
important to mention that not all the user activities
inside the 3D VLE are monitored. But the more
information is kept about the activities of the learner
in the 3D VLE, the more this information can be
taken into account to adapt the 3D VLE to the
individual learner. Note that some data from this 3D
VLE Activity History need to be translated into User
Model data. For instance, it needs to be defined what
activities need to be performed in the 3D VLE by
the learner to raise the knowledge level of a certain
learning concept.
Figure 1: Two-level specification of the Adaptation
Maintaining the User Model and the 3D VLE
Activity History at runtime is done by the adaptive
delivery environment. Figure 2 depicts the different
models used in our approach to perform the
adaptation process inside a 3D VLE and how they
are related to the authoring process, respectively the
adaptive delivery process. It is actually the Adaptive
Engine that will figure out when to use which
adaptation rule. It is also the Adaptation Engine that
sends updating instructions that are related to the
User Model according to user activities performed
inside the 3D VLE. The Adaptive Engine is also
responsible for selecting the appropriated 3D
resources (based on the adaptation rules) and
sending them to the delivery environment (client
side). Actually, the exact content of the course is
composed on the fly by the Adaptation Engine.
Figure 2: Conceptual Framework for Adaptive 3D VLE.
In the next three sections, we will elaborate on
the three most important aspects of the authoring
process, i.e. authoring the Pedagogical Model, the
Adaptive Storyline Model, and the Adaptive Topic
4.3 Authoring Pedagogical Aspects
The Pedagogical Model (PM) is used to define the
pedagogical structure of the learning concepts, as
well as to indicate how the learner’s knowledge
(captured in the User Model) should be updated
based on the learner’s activities inside the 3D VLE.
A typical Pedagogical Relationship Type (PRT)
is the prerequisite. When a learning concept A is a
prerequisite for learning concepts B, this means that
the learner needs to study concept A before he can
start with concept B. Other PRTs like Defines,
Illustrates, Interest, Propagates_knowledge and
Update_knowledge can also be used to define
relationships between the different learning
After defining Pedagogical Relationships Types
between learning concepts, the author can specify
the Pedagogical Updating Rule (PUR) for each
PRT. PURs are responsible for defining how the
User Model needs to be updated based on the
activities performed by the learner. PURs are
condition-action rules. At runtime, the PURs are
triggered on accessing (visiting) learning concepts.
The action part of a PUR defines the updates that
will happen. For instance, the interest-PRT has a
PUR that for visiting a 3D learning concept will
update the user’s interest level of the target 3D
learning concept. The following is an example of
Pedagogical Updating Rule associated to the
IF (UserID.3DLearningConceptA.
knowledge = ‘GOOD’)
THEN (UserID.3DLearningConceptB.
interest= ’HIGH’)
Note that, rather than requiring the authors to
specify the learning sequence for the learning
concepts in all possible cases, the authors only have
to provide the PRTs between the different learning
concepts and the adaptive engine will be able to
dynamically derive the required learning sequence.
4.4 Authoring Storyline Adaptation
As already explained, an adaptive storyline enables
the delivering of the topics in an adaptive sequence.
To achieve this, storyline adaptation rules are used.
A storyline adaptation rule is associated with a topic,
the source topic, and is used to control the transition
to the next topic, the target topic. Such a rule
consists of two parts: a condition part and an action
part. The condition part is used to specify when the
learner can be directed from the current topic (the
source topic) to the next topic (the target topic). The
condition is, in general, based on two aspects: the
learner’s current knowledge level about the current
topic and the suitability of the next topic for the
learner. To simplify tracking the learner’s
knowledge and topic suitability, every topic in the
storyline has two parameters: topic knowledge and
suitability. A learner can acquire knowledge about
the topic in a topic by navigating and interacting
with the 3D objects (concepts) related to the topic.
The knowledge level about the topic is incrementally
increased by acquired knowledge about the related
concepts. The author needs to define how the topic’s
knowledge level can be increased. Once the
learner’s knowledge about the current topic crosses
the specified threshold (given in the condition part
of the rule) and the target topic is suitable for the
learner then the learner will be able to progress to
the target topic. This is specified in the condition
part of the topic adaptation rule. For instance, in this
way, the author can specify that a beginner should
not be able to go to a topic for advanced learners.
In the action part of the storyline adaptation
rules, the author specifies the adaptation strategies
(see section 3.2) that should be applied on 3D virtual
objects (learning concepts) of the target topic. For
example, the author could specify the
interactionAtMost adaptation strategy in the action
part of a storyline adaptation rule to specify the
maximum number of times the learner can interact
with the 3D virtual objects (concepts) inside the
target topic.
Let us illustrate the adaptive storyline by the
following example. An author creates TopicX,
TopicY, TopicZ, TopicR, and TopicT. Those topics
consider the different issues to be discussed in the
course. Every topic should include a number of
learning concepts. The author can determine that
learners with basic knowledge (beginners) should
follow a larger number of topics than the learners
with good knowledge (advanced). For instance, two
possible storylines are envisaged. An advanced
learner should have the following flow of topics:
Topic X-> Topic Y -> Topic Z. After having
completed topic Z, he will finish the course. On the
other hand, learners with beginner level should
follow a larger number of topics, as they need to
master more concepts in order to master the topic:
Topic X-> Topic Y-> Topic T-> Topic Z. In the
same way as reading a course book, students with
advanced knowledge can skip sections or even
chapters. To realise this, the following topic
adaptation rule can be associated with Topic X:
THEN navigationWithRestrictedBehaviour
This rule states that the learner can progress from
TopicX to TopicY when his knowledge about
TopicX is above “Required_Value” (defined by the
author) and his suitability for TopicY is TRUE. In
addition, the action part specifies that in TopicY, the
user can navigate through the environment but he
will not be able to see rotation behaviours that are
related to the ConceptA, ConceptB , and ConceptC.
4.5 Authoring Topic Adaptation
Inside a topic, the author can specify when and how
the content and structure of the 3D VLE needs to be
adapted. This is done using adaptation rules. For
instance, the author can define an adaptation rule to
change a 3D virtual object’s properties based on the
learner’s activities inside the 3D VLE. To achieve
that, an event-condition-action rule mechanism is
used. The event-part is related to specific events
related to the user’s activities inside the 3D VLE,
e.g., interaction with a 3D virtual object by mouse
clicks or navigating close to a 3D virtual object. The
event-part will be responsible for triggering the rule,
but the condition-part must be satisfied in order to
actually perform the action-part of the rule. The
condition-part can deal with the learner’s
preferences, his learning background, and progress
but also with previous activities performed by the
learner in the 3D VLE. These last types of
conditions are added to be able to control the
learner’s behaviour in the 3D VLE, e.g., to avoid
that the learner wastes too much time by playing
around. The following is an example of such a rule.
As an example, we explain an adaptation topic
rule called SemiDisplay3DObject between Concept
C and Concept D (see Figure 3). This rule will be
evaluated once the learner comes close to (the 3D
virtual representation of) concept C. As a result, the
condition part of the rule will be evaluated which is
in this case related to 3D VLE Activity History.
Remember that the condition part can refer to user
activities history inside the 3D VLE but also to his
preferences, knowledge level, etc. If the condition
part is true, then the so-called semidisplay adaptation
type will be applied to concept D.
Figure 3: SemiDisplay3DObject adaptation topic rule.
Such a rule could be defined to draw the learner’s
attention to another 3D object instead of wasting his
time by interacting with one single 3D virtual object.
In this section, we present the architecture of the
authoring tool. The main modules are shown in
Figure 4. The Web services toolkit allows the
authoring tool to connect with other external models
such as the User Model and the Domain Model.
Moreover, it allows the author to use local and/or
external 3D modelling repositories used to store 3D
materials and resources.
The actual interface to the user (i.e. author) is
composed of two sub-environments. The Data
Models Environment facilitates the preparation
process for the required data models in the authoring
process. The other sub-environment is called the
Pedagogical and Storyline Visual Environment and
provides access to three editors, which use visual
languages to define respectively the Pedagogical
Model, the Adaptive Storyline Model and the
Adaptive Topic Model. Every sub-environment has
different editor tools which are linked together using
a unified user interface style. Furthermore, a
Visualization Tool (previewer) is integrated in the
authoring environment to allow authors to preview
3D VLE and to display actual effects of customized
adaptation types and strategies upon 3D VLE
The Data Model Environment is composed of
five editor tools: the Pedagogical Relationship type
Editor to define PRTs; the 3D Learning Object
Editor to specify the required 3D learning objects;
the 3D Adaptation States Editor to create or modify
adaptation types and adaptation strategies that will
be applied to 3D objects; the 3D Learning Materials
Editor to associate adaptation types and strategies to
Figure 4: Overview of the 3D VLE authoring tool
specific 3D learning objects; and the VR Events
Editor to define or customize the VR events
specifications (for instance, the proximity area for
the ‘close to’-event can be set/changed with the VR
Events editor). It is important to note that these
editors are targeted to more VR experienced users.
Novice authors only need to use the 3D Learning
Materials Editor to indicate which 3D objects they
will use. The other editors in this environment are
needed to specify more details related to PRTs, 3D
virtual objects, adaptation types and strategies, and
VR events. But in general, defaults can be used. The
resulting data models are the input for the
Pedagogical and Storyline Environment.
The Pedagogical and Storyline Environment has
three visual editors, which are the Pedagogical
Model Editor, the Adaptive Storyline Editor and
Adaptive Topic Editor. We have opted for visual
modelling languages, as our authoring tool is
teacher-oriented and should be accessible by novice
authors. The languages themselves will be described
Based on all information entered, the authoring
tool can generate a 3D course in an XML format that
can be parsed by an adaptive engine like AHA! (De
Bra et al., 2003) or the adaptive engine used in the
GRAPPLE project. However, this XML file can also
be translated by means of XSL and XSLT into some
other format.
Adaptive 3D virtual learning environments offer
many advantages for learning. However, their
breakthrough is impeded by the lack of authoring
tools. In this paper, we have presented an authoring
approach and associated tool architecture for these
kinds of virtual learning environments. The
approach and tool is based on experience obtained
from our work done in the GRAPPLE project.
The approach is based on a number of principles
that have been discussed in the paper. We have
mentioned the different components of a 3D virtual
learning environment and discussed how they can be
adapted for satisfying the needs of a learner. We
have motivated the need for a pedagogical
component in the authoring process, as well as the
need for a storyline-based authoring approach. The
first requirement is achieved by enabling authors to
define pedagogical relationships between the
different learning concepts. To satisfy the second
requirement, they are able to define a storyline
inside the 3D VLE using a 2-layer approach.
Adaptation rules can be associated with both layers,
in each layer focussing on a different level of
We are currently working on developing a
prototype for the authoring tool. Furthermore, an
empirical evaluation will be considered to validate
the usability aspects of the authoring tool.
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