Human-centered Region Selection and Weighting for Image Retrieval
Jean Martinet
LIFL/CNRS-UMR 8022, Universit´e Lille 1, Lille, France
Gaze Tracking, Image Indexing and Retrieval, Weighting Scheme, Human-centered Computing.
We present an application of gaze tracking to image and video indexing, in the form of a model for selecting
and weighting Regions of Interest (RoIs). Image/video indexing refers to the process of creating a synthetic
representation of the media, for instance for retrieval purposes. It usually consists in labeling the media
with semantic keywords describing its content. When automatized, this process is based on the analysis of
visual features, which can be extracted either from the whole image or keyframe, or locally from regions.
Since most of the times the whole image is not relevant for indexing (e.g. large flat regions with no specific
semantic interpretation, blur regions, background regions that may not be relevant for retrieval purposes, and
that should be filtered out), it would be preferable to concentrate the labeling process on specific RoIs that
are considered representative of the scene, like the main subjects. The objective of the work presented here is
to take advantage of natural human gaze information in order to define a human-centered Region of Interest
selection and weighting technique in the context of media retrieval.
Automatic image annotation refers to the process of
labeling image content e.g. with semantic key-
words, generally for retrieval purposes. This process
is based on the analysis of image features, which can
be extracted either from the whole image or from im-
age regions. Since most of the times the whole image
is not relevant for indexing, it would be preferable to
concentrate the analysis on so-called Regions of In-
terest (RoIs), which represent the most important – or
representative – parts of the picture, like the subject.
With the recent development of low-cost gaze
tracker devices, the possibility of taking advantage of
the information conveyed in gaze has opened many
research directions, namely in image compression
where users’ gaze is used to set variable compression
ratios at different places in an image, in marketing
for detecting products of interest for customers, civil
security – for detecting drowsiness or lack of concen-
tration of persons operating machinery such as motor
vehicles or air traffic control systems, and in human-
computer interaction. In the latter for instance, the
user’s gaze is used as a complementary input device
to traditional ones such as a mouse and a keyboard,
namely for disabled users. The goal of our work
is to use gaze information as an input for develop-
ing a human-centered Region of Interest selection and
weighting technique. We present in the remainder of
this paper some preliminary works in this direction.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives
an overview of region selection and weighting tech-
niques. Section 3 presents a brief history of research
related to gaze tracking. We describe in Section 4
how RoIs are defined by gathering gaze information
from several persons. The next step is to define an
importance measure for RoIs in an image, so that cor-
responding labels can be weighted (Section 5). Fi-
nally, we describe how to apply and integrate this
model in a retrieval system in Section 6. We report
and discuss experimental results in Sections 7 and 8,
and Section 9 gives a conclusion of this contribution,
including some insights for further works.
While keyword selection and weighting techniques
are widely used in text retrieval systems, such tech-
niques are seldom applied for image retrieval. The
importance of image regions has been considered in
some publications. In (Osberger and Maeder, 1998),
Osberger and Maeder have defined a way to iden-
tify perceptually important regions in an image based
on human visual attention and eye movement charac-
teristics. In a similar way, Itti and Koch (Itti et al.,
Martinet J..
Human-centered Region Selection and Weighting for Image Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0004348707290734
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP-2013), pages 729-734
ISBN: 978-989-8565-47-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
1998) have developed a visual attention system based
on the early primate vision system for scene analy-
sis. Later, Stentiford (Stentiford, 2003) applied the
visual attention to similarity matching. Wang (Wang
et al., 2001; Wang and Du, 2001) introduced in SIM-
PLYcity the region frequency and inverse picture fre-
quency (rf·ipf), a region-based measure for image re-
trieval purposes, inspired from the tf·idf weighting
scheme for text retrieval. Jing et al. (Jing et al., 2002)
have introduced a region weighting scheme that is
based on the users’ relevance feedback information.
The work presented here is aimed at using the natu-
ral users’ gaze information for image region selection
and weighting.
The analysis of gaze has been studied for over a cen-
tury in several disciplines, including physiology, psy-
chology, psychoanalysis, and cognitive sciences. The
purpose is to analyze eye saccades and fixations of
persons watching a given scene, in order to extract
several kinds of information.
3.1 Techniques and Systems
In order to detect and track users’ gaze, it is necessary
to employ a gaze tracking device which is able to de-
termine the fixation point of a user on a screen from
the position of their eye. Earliest gaze trackers were
very intrusive. In addition to constrain the user to be
totally static, they were in direct contact with him by
sticking a reflective white dot directly onto the eye or
attaching a number of electrodes around the eye.
Nowadays, the most accurate gaze tracking sys-
tems generally consist of head mounted devices
which allow detecting the direction of the gaze with-
out having to cope with the pose of the user’s head.
These trackers are also intrusive; they consist of de-
vices generally composed with 3 cameras mounted on
a padded headband (2 eye cameras to allow binocular
eye tracking with built-in light sources, and 1 camera
to allow accurate tracking of the user’s point of gaze).
Non-intrusive gaze tracking systems usually re-
quire a static camera capturing the face of the user
and detecting the direction of their gaze with respect
to a known position. A basic gaze tracker system is
composed with a static camera, a display device and
software to provide an interface between them. The
precision of the system can be increased by different
ways, like adding a specific light source such as an in-
frared beam – in order to create reflections on the eye
and produce more accurate tracking.
3.2 Visual Attention
During visual perception, human eyes move and suc-
cessively fixate at the most informative parts of the
image (Yarbus, 1967). While RoIs can be defined in
various ways according to the requirement, the pre-
sented indexing model is based on visual attention.
Attention is the cognitive process of selectively con-
centrating on one aspect of the environment while ig-
noring other things. For images and videos, the visual
attention is at the core of the visual perception, be-
cause it drives the gaze to salient points in the scene.
Gaze trackers provide the horizontal and vertical co-
ordinates of the point of regard relative to the display
device. Thus, one can easily obtain a sequence of
points corresponding to the sampled positions of the
eye direction. These points correspond to triplets of
the form (x, y, t) and reflect the scan path. The scan
path consists of a sequence of eye fixations (gaze is
kept still in a location, yielding regions with impor-
tant density of points), separated by eye saccades (fast
movement, yielding large spaces with only few iso-
lated points).
4.1 Fixations and Saccades
An essential part in scan path analysis and process-
ing is the identification of fixations and saccades. In-
deed, fixations and saccades are often used as basic
source for the various metrics that are used for in-
terpreting eye movements (number of fixations, sac-
cades, duration of the first fixation, average amplitude
of saccades, etc.) (Jacob and Karn, 2004; Poole et al.,
The most widespread identification technique is
by computing the velocity of each point (defined as
the angular speed of the eye in degrees per second).
The velocity of a point corresponds to the distance
that separates it from its predecessor or successor.
Separation of points into fixations and saccades is
achieved by using a velocity threshold. Successive
points labelled fixations are then grouped into what
can be considered as an eye fixation. Another thresh-
old involving a minimal duration of a fixation allows
eliminating insignificant groups.
4.2 Point Clustering
After combining collected data from several partici-
pants by merging all their fixations into a single set,
a clustering process allows reducing the spatial char-
acteristics of fixations into a limited subset of clusters
, which define the RoIs (see Figure 1).
Figure 1: Clustered fixation points highlight conspicuous
locations in the scene, allowing to define the Regions of
The clustering is to be achieved by unsupervised
techniques, such as K-means, because the spatial dis-
tribution of points from all scan paths is unknown, and
their number is finite.
Once a set of RoIs is identified for an image, cor-
responding objects can be labeled, and the labels can
be given more or less importance according to their
importance in the image. The final objective is to in-
tegrate this generated index into a retrieval system.
In the context of image indexing for retrieval purpose,
it is a central problem to assign weights to index items
in order to give emphasis to important ones, quan-
tifying how well they describe and represent docu-
ments (Martinet et al., 2008). For instance, in text
retrieval, popular weighting scheme such as t f × id f
are based on two sources, one representing the local
importance of the word in the document, and the other
representing the global importance of the word in
the whole collection (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto,
1999; Salton, 1971). The importance measure of an
RoI in an image can be interpreted in the same way as
a t f measure of a word in a text document.
5.1 Cluster Importance Criteria
Having the main Regions of Interest defined as de-
scribed in Section 4, we are interested in identi-
fying criteria to estimate their relative importance,
based on the characteristics of the clusters. Inspired
from (Nguyen et al., 2006), we identify the following
The Cardinal C(K
) of a Cluster: the cardinal of
a cluster K
measures the number of gaze points
that belong the cluster. This measure is related
to the duration of gaze within the cluster when
a uniform gaze sampling is recorded. Hence, it
represents the total time spent viewing/gazing at
the corresponding region. The cluster importance
is conjectured to be proportional to the cardinal
): importance(K
) C(K
). The cardinal
) of a cluster is defined as:
) =
1 (1)
where p denotes the successive recorded gaze
points from all participants, and n
is the total
number of recorded points.
The Surface S(K
) of a Cluster: the surface of
a cluster measures the area (in pixels) of the re-
gion covered by gaze points in the cluster. The
surface S(K
) is conjectured to be inversely pro-
portional to the cluster importance. Indeed, for
a given number of gaze points, a smaller sur-
face indicates a higher concentration of points:
. The surface S(K
) of a
cluster is given by the surface of its convex hull:
) = convexHullSur face({p|p K
}) (2)
The VarianceV(K
) of a Cluster: the variance of
gaze points from their cluster mean. The variance
) is conjectured to be inversely proportional
to the cluster importance : importance(K
. It is defined by the following equation:
) =
(p µ
where µ
represents the centroid of K
The time-weighted Visit Count W(K
) of a
Cluster: the time-weighted visit count is used to
weight the count (or duration) of the k
visited by the inverse of the cluster visit time.
) =
where rank
denotes the cluster visit rank of point
p in the scan path (i.e. 1 for the first visited cluster,
2 for the second, and so on). This measure gives
more importance to the first sampled points.
The Revisit Count R(i) of a Cluster: the revisit
count measures the number of saccade revisits to
a given cluster during the scan path. The revisit-
ing of the fixation-saccade path to regions in an
image has been found to be a fundamental prop-
erty of eye movements. The cluster importance
is conjectured to be proportional to the number of
cluster revisits : importance(K
) R(K
). It is de-
fined by the following equation:
) = card({p|(p K
) (rank
> rank
where card(X) is the cardinal of the set X, and
is the lowest rank of visit to cluster K
is to count in the cluster only points after the first
visit to the cluster.
5.2 Criteria Combination
The application of gaze tracking to image indexing is
done under the hypothesis that the importance of an
image region is related to its conspicuity. The notion
of importance of the RoI is calculated on the basis of
the measures presented above. The total importance
of an RoI is obtained by combining these normalized
) = k× ( α
k =
+ α
+ α
+ α
+ α
is a normalizing constant, and
, α
, α
, α
, α
is the vector of parameters allowing to set the relative
importance of each criterion.
Image indexing consists in creating a synthetic repre-
sentation of an image, e.g. by assigning semantic de-
scriptors (keywords) to images describing their con-
tent. There are several ways to automatically generate
semantic descriptors for an image. Most popular tech-
niques are based on a learning process, using Support
Vector Machines for instance. In this process, several
samples of a given concept are used to feed a training
algorithm, which is later use to detect the presence of
the concept in a test image.
Based on the previous definition of RoIs, the an-
notation process can be concentrated on RoI loca-
tions, since they represent the main areas that peo-
ple perceive in the media. As a consequence, the in-
dexing tool will focus the process on the most impor-
tant regions in the image, by extracting visual features
(such as color, texture, etc.) preferably from these
specific locations, generate labels to be assigned to
them together with the estimated importance value.
At query time, the search engine will then the query
features with region features, considering their impor-
tance. This makes the search process more efficient.
The importance of a given index term regarding an
image is related to the aboutness of the image consid-
ering the term. The use of RoI importance as weight-
ing method for index terms is driven by the assump-
tion that if most users concentrate their attention on a
specific object, then the aboutness of the image con-
sidering the object is high.
We can extend the indexing and retrieval with se-
mantics. In this case, we integrate a weighting scheme
to semantic concepts associated to the most impor-
tant RoIs. As indicated in (Salton, 1971), weighting
schemes are often based on the formula t f ×id f. The
importance of label (or index term) attached to an RoI
is considered the visual counterpart of the t f measure
for text. The id f value can be computed tradition-
ally (Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999).
We have carried out experiments to validate our ap-
proach. We describe in this section the experimental
settings, and some preliminary resutls.
7.1 Settings
In our experiments, we used a single-camera gaze
tracker setting based the Pupil-Centre/ Corneal-
Reflection (PCCR) method to determine the gaze di-
rection. The video camera is located below the com-
puter screen, and monitors the subject’s eyes. No at-
tachment to the head is required, but the head still
needs to be motionless. A small low power infrared
light emitting diode (LED) embedded in the infrared
camera and directed towards the eye. The LED gener-
ates the corneal reflection and causes the bright pupil
effect, which enhances the camera’s image of the
pupil. The centers of both the pupil and corneal re-
flection are identified and located, and trigonometric
calculations allow projecting the gaze point onto the
Most recent systems still suffer from the follow-
ing problems: (1) the need for calibration for each
session, (2) the large restriction on head motion – es-
pecially for single-camera systems, (3) the limitation
to a single-user tracking only. The main additional
difficulty in a single-camera setting is determining the
distance of the user from the camera, since a triangu-
lation as in a multi-camera setting cannot be carried
out without calibration.
7.2 Preliminary Results
Given this experimental setting, we have recorded
the gaze of 10 persons participating in our test ses-
sion. Participants were shown images successively
and asked to watch attentively the presented scenes.
All gaze information have been recorded and pro-
cessed according to the the description of Section 5.
Figure 2: Example of a photograph from our database, dis-
playing a scan path (left), and showing the processed clus-
ters as superimposed disks, with their estimated importance
denoted by the size of the disks (right).
Figure 2 shows an example of image from our
database. It is a photographshowing a landscape. The
upper part displays a scan path, composed with sev-
eral points of regards, each being linked to the previ-
ous one to represent the path. The lower part shows
the processed clustdeters represented in the image
with the superimposed disks, with their estimated im-
portance denoted by the size of the disks. Note that
after filtering out small clusters, the algorithm kept 8
locations. Figure 3 shows a similar example, with a
painting in order to illustrate our approach. The paint-
ing represents the Raft of the Medusa painted by the
French Th´eodore G´ericault. Here, after filtering out
small clusters, the algorithm kept 9 locations.
Figure 4 presents the result of our approach for
another painting, and also shows how a 3D interest
map can be automatically generated from gaze in-
formation. These results illustrate how our approach
takes advantage of natural human gaze. We have col-
lected gaze information from participants, clustered
the points into clusters, and determined locations of
interest in images with their respective importance.
The next step is to integrate this automatically gener-
ated index into a retrieval system on order to demon-
strate the impact of our approach, namely for the task
of query-by-example retrieval.
Figure 3: Another example with a painting: scan path (left)
and processed clusters with their importance (right).
Figure 4: Another example of painting from our database,
displaying a scan path (upper left), the processed clusters
and their importance (upper right), and also an automati-
cally generated 3D interest map (below).
For large collections of images, building RoI from
users’ gaze information requires the availability of
gaze data from several users, for each image in the
collection. We could imagine a scenario in the near
future where the gaze can be estimated from a sim-
ple webcam, so that it is possible to collect users’
gaze information while they are searching/browsing
image collections on the Web. An alternative solu-
tion is to use saliency maps (Itti et al., 1998; Itti and
Koch, 1999) to simulate this information. Saliency
maps have been widely used in the computer vision
field to solve the attention selection problem. The pur-
pose of saliency maps is to represent the conspicuity
(as a scalar value) of each locations of the image. Ac-
cording to such maps, it is possible to simulate users’
gaze, and to generate RoIs together with their impor-
tance scores as described in previous sections.
Active research in computer vision is aimed at de-
veloping gaze tracking software operating from a sim-
ple webcam. From an accurate face detection, it is
possible to determine the position of the eyes, and
therefore to find the iris. The eye detection can be
based on (among other methods) template matching,
appearance classification, or feature detection. In the
template matching methods, a generic eye model is
first created based on the eye shape, and a template
matching process is then used to search eyes in the im-
age. The appearance based methods detect eyes based
on their appearance using a classifier trained using a
large amount of image patches representing the eyes
of several users under different orientations and illu-
mination conditions. The feature detection methods
explore the visual characteristics of the eyes (such as
edge, intensity of iris, or color distributions) to iden-
tify some distinctive features around the eyes.
One of the most difficult problems in content-based
image indexing and retrieval is the automatic identi-
fication of regions of interest from images. The diffi-
culty is related to the subjective semantics associated
to the region. This difficulty is the main reason to
consider semi-automatic approach as the most real-
istic approach to extract regions of interest from im-
ages for indexing and retrieval. More image regions
are semantically labeled, better is the quality of index-
ing. The semi-automatic approach needs user collab-
oration and cooperation with algorithms to determine
regions of interests. Generally, experts use graphical
tools to determine these regions. This task, although
popular, is time consuming when considering huge
quantities of images.
Exploiting the information carried in natural hu-
man gaze is an interesting approach to determine effi-
ciently potential semantic regions with almost no hu-
man effort. Our model is based on the use of succes-
sive fixations and saccades from people watching the
media. It processes these data in order to determine
clusters of points, and to extract several metrics for
estimating the importance of areas in the image. The
metrics are: the cardinal, the variance, the surface,
the time-weighted visit count and the revisit count.
All these metrics are combined together into a sin-
gle estimator of the importance of image regions, in
a human-centered fashion. The use of this natural in-
formation is en effective way of dealing with the high
number of images in searched collections, which is a
crucial issue in indexing.
Also we have concentrated our study on static im-
ages/keyframes, video indexing and retrieval can ben-
efit from this approach, where the quantity of data is
very high. Extensions of our work to the specificity of
the video will need to face other challenging problems
related to the temporal aspect of data.
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