Bringing Tablets to Schools
Lessons Learned from High School Deployments in Germany
Heiko Weible
and Edgar Seemann
Visual Generation, Berlin, Germany
Furtwangen University, Furtwangen im Schwarzwald, Germany
Tablets, Schools, Teaching, Interactive, Android, iPad, Multimedia, Math, Foreign Languages.
Tablet deployments at schools are becoming more and more popular. Research on how to effectively use
tablets for teaching is unfortunately mostly missing. With this paper we share our experiences from various
high school deployments in Germany. During these deployments we have developed a novel learning style
designed for tablet-based teaching. We have evaluated our deployments through interviews with teachers and
students. A quantitative survey compares the use of tablet devices with laptop computers.
Tablet computing is quickly spreading in schools
around the world. Even though the device category
of tablets has just been introduced a mere two years
ago, we see an astonishing rate of adoption in a mar-
ket, which used to be more conservative. We see a
wave of enthusiasm by both teachers and students un-
equal to anything we have seen before as far as com-
puting at school goes. Particularly, this excitement
seems to have completely been missing from previ-
ous laptop based school projects, such as the One-
Laptop-Per-Child movement (Negroponte, 2006) and
other deployments.
Based on our experiences gathered from high
school deployments in Germany, we want to discuss
the elements of tablet computing that make a dif-
ference. We are trying to answer the following re-
search questions: What are the strengths/weaknesses
of tablets compared to e.g. laptop computers? How
can tablets be successfully deployed at schools?
Above all, there is a need for teaching concepts
and learning content to support teachers. Teachers
have to know how best to use tablets It is certainly
not enough to just handout iPads. This is why some
deployments have failed or were discontinued.
In this paper, we present the results from inter-
views and surveys conducted in various tablet deploy-
ments at high schools in Germany. Based on these
experiences, we propose a novel interactive learning
style with a focus on tablet-based teaching. For our
deployments, we developed learning content, which
Figure 1: Main screen of the developed tablet software for
high school students.
leverages both the multimedia capabilities and sim-
plicity of use of tablet computers. The corresponding
lessons were implemented using the open data format
proposed in (Weible and Seemann, 2013).
Research in the field of tablet based teaching lags
obviously behind real world deployments. Schools
have started to adopt tablet devices before large scale
scientific evaluations could be performed. The first
iPad appeared in April 2010, since then the research
community has not had much time to develop, de-
ploy and evaluate these devices. First results from
Weible H. and Seemann E..
Bringing Tablets to Schools - Lessons Learned from High School Deployments in Germany.
DOI: 10.5220/0004350102230228
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 223-228
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
pilot projects have often not yet been published or
are sometimes not even scientifically evaluated. One
of the first published results by Isabwe et al. (Is-
abwe et al., 2012b; Isabwe et al., 2012a) concentrates
on math teaching and peer assessment techniques.
Still unpublished efforts include an initiative for K12
math by Shocken et al. (Schocken, 2012) (creator of
Nand2Tetris (Schocken et al., 2009)). A more com-
prehensive discussion on the use of tablets in differ-
ent subjects is, to our knowledge, still missing. The
research community is certainly trying to close this
gap, but we are only starting to catch up.
2.1 Tablet Deployments
Tablet devices have already been widely deployed at
many schools in the US and Western Europe. Often,
these deployments result from the initiative of local
teachers and parents. Larger deployments initiated by
government organizations are much less frequent.
In the following we would like to briefly mention
two examples of those deployments in Italy and Ger-
One of the larger deployments is a project in sour-
thern Tyrol, Italy (Farias, 2011). Several hundreds of
students participate in a pilot project on tablet-based
teaching. The project uses Android tablets and all
school books are provided in electronic form by the
respective publishers.
The first goal of the project to replace conven-
tional textbooks has already been accomplished and
both students and teachers are very satisfied with the
solution. The crucial point of adapting the text book’s
content to tablet based teaching has not yet been tack-
led by the publishers so far. In most cases they just
provide a PDF file of their traditional paper-based text
Another deployment is organized by the city of
Mannheim, Germany (Klinga, 2011). This deploy-
ment of some hundred tablets is based on the popular
Apple iPad. The iPads are not supposed to replace
conventional text books, but e.g. to create multime-
dia presentations or documentations. The exact use
of the tablets in the curriculum, however, depends on
the individual teachers (Klinga, 2011).
Since publishers are not involved in the project, it
is often not obvious for teachers to find appropriate
content. While there is a certain amount of material
available in English (e.g. in the iBook Store), content
in other languages e.g. German is mostly missing.
Many critics therefore even believe that tablet-based
teaching is a temporary, short-term fashion, which
will eventually fade. This again stresses the urgent
need for optimized, interactive content.
2.2 Learning Content
Because of the lack of scientific and practical experi-
ence, publishers and teachers seem to be unsure how
to create content for the new devices. There is no
widely accepted learning concept or content available
for tablet devices.
Apple has proposed a proprietary standard namely
iBooks to create such content and wants to provide the
technical platform. Relying on this iBook standard,
however, gives Apple full control over the distribu-
tion. More over, publishers are restricted to features
provided by the iBooks software. These are two of
several reasons why many publishers have so far been
skeptical about this platform.
Some publishers prefer the competing Android
platform developed by Google. At this moment, there
is, however, no established standard and little content
beyond traditional books (provided as E-Book).
Historically there have been many debates on whether
to use computing devices for teaching. The more im-
portant question, however, is when and how to use
those devices. Here the new form factors of comput-
ing: laptops and tablets have paved the way to a more
ubiquitous use of computers in schools.
All of these form factors have certain strengths
and weaknesses as far as effective learning is con-
cerned. We will discuss these in the following two
subsections. In particular, we would like to point out
the reasons, why tablet devices have become so pop-
ular in such a short time.
3.1 Laptops
Even though there have been many ambitious
projects, e.g. the One-Laptop-Per-Child project by
Nicholas Negroponte (Negroponte, 2006), laptops
have not revolutionized our way of teaching. While
they are very capable devices, in fact, they are much
more capable than today’s tablet devices, teachers are
still hesitant in the adoption.
One issue has certainly been the relatively high
price for schools and students. However, the more
important issues seem to be that laptops are compli-
cated. Schools need trained system administrators to
setup and maintain the devices. And also students,
particularly younger students, need training to get ac-
customed to keyboard, mouse and a complex operat-
ing system.
3.2 Tablets
Tablet adoption is very much on the rise, even though
they are often not cheaper than conventional laptops.
What are the reasons for this?
According to our experiences tablets provide mul-
tiple advantages over laptops. First, tablet devices
need less administration. This is, on the one hand,
due to the fact, that they currently offer a more lim-
ited set of functionalities. On the other hand, the re-
spective tablet ecosystems are tailored towards ease of
use. Students do not have to be skilled with the mouse
or keyboard and applications are typically stripped
down to the essentials, but also offering less func-
tionality than their desktop counterparts. Audio/video
playback and recording works out of the box without
turning knobs in the settings. Tablet devices are al-
ways “on” and time consuming boot up procedures
are eliminated.
The interaction through touch feels, in many
cases, more natural and is even fun to use. Ironically,
tablets feel mostly snappier than much more power-
ful laptop computers. For schools this ability to let
students interact more naturally via touch is essential.
Our evaluation has shown (see section 5) that most
students prefer this way of interaction.
Tablet-based teaching at schools and universities is in
an early phase. The community still needs to figure
out the best ways to use tablet devices. For this it is
necessary to conduct case studies, where tablets can
be tested in practice.
For our case study, we have deployed tablets
at schools in Baden-W
urttemberg and Berlin (Ger-
many). We have conducted many in-depth interviews
with teachers and students, which provided valuable
feedback. It was also interesting to observe the stu-
dents while learning and interacting with the devices.
In the following, we will explain the design
choices, which have been made based on these expe-
riences. We will also explain the software and interac-
tive content, which has been developed during these
4.1 Basic Software and Hardware
The interfaces of the major tablet operating systems
Android and iOS (iPad) are both simple to use. They
are, however, NOT designed with a focus on teach-
ing. That is, there is a focus on the concept of apps,
whereas we wanted to stress the learning content.
That is, the main interface should highlight lessons,
lectures and functionality (e.g. taking of pictures).
From our initial discussions with teachers and stu-
dents it became also clear, that the learning content
should be organized by subject. In order to meet
these requirements for a main interface, we developed
a novel user interface for tablet-based teaching (see
Figure 1).
Distraction of students by the possibilities of the
internet or pre-installed apps (e.g. games or Face-
book) turned out to be one of the major hurdles for
successful computing deployments. We therefore im-
plemented a Kiosk mode, where teachers could con-
trol which apps and functionalities are available to the
4.2 Concepts: Learning Content
Learning content is essential, when we want to fully
exploit the potential of tablet devices. The lack of
content or even of a concept how to use existing con-
tent with tablets are the main reasons why some tablet
projects have been less successful or even abandoned.
This is e.g. the case for the Orestad Gymnasium in
Denmark where an iPad deployment has been can-
celed after 6 months of testing (Andersen, 2012).
The same is certainly true for other computing
equipment as e.g. interactive whiteboards. Those are
very widely deployed but seldom used as more than a
simple projector.
The goals of our deployments have therefore been
in two main areas. First, to provide learning content,
which is designed for tablet-based teaching. For this,
we developed a novel learning style. With this learn-
ing style we combine hearing (ear phones), seeing
(pictures and video) and doing (touch interaction) in
a way, that makes the learning experience interactive
and fun.
We want to provide two examples of our proposed
learning style. One example for teaching foreign lan-
guages and another for teaching math.
Foreign languages can be taught very effectively
with the help of a tablet device. A student can e.g.
read through an illustrated story at his own speed.
With the help of ear phones he hears the pronuncia-
tion associated with the words. He sees and hears at
the same time. New words can be learned from the
context of the story and the pronunciation can be re-
peated over and over if necessary. Touch interaction
is enabled throughout a lesson and by clicking on a
word, additional information or the translation can be
To further encourage active participation, lessons
Figure 2: Touch-based interaction is possible throughout
the lessons. Here an English verb is translated by clicking
on it. The translation is highlighted as a speech bubble.
are interrupted after relatively short periods of time
with questions and educational exercises or games on
the newly learned content. For foreign languages such
a game could be a word puzzle where a student has to
find the correct spelling of a newly learned word from
a provided anagram (see Figure 3).
Figure 3: Practice the spelling of newly learned words by
shuffling the letters.
For math teaching similar techniques can be ap-
plied. Content and exercises should always be pre-
sented through a problem statement or story. In our
sample lesson e.g. we introduce the concept of neg-
ative numbers, through analogies in real life or com-
pute the time to travel to the international space sta-
tion ISS Newly learned facts or rules, should be im-
mediately applied through interactive questions.
Math is often not very popular with students. In
our opinion, the main reason for this is, that students
get stuck at a problem and fail to follow the rest of the
class. This is also very much true for conventional
education, where all students have to follow the pace
defined by the teacher.
In order to use tablet devices effectively for math
teaching, we therefore have to make sure that students
can learn at their own pace without getting stuck. That
is, the tablet has to react to possibly wrong solutions
and intelligently help the student. For this we devel-
oped our content in a way, that a teacher can provide
hints and pointers depending on the solution provided
by the student. As students are interactively tested
after short periods of time, common mistakes can be
avoided early in the process. For our math sample
lesson e.g., we carefully analyzed the answers of 30
students and now provide updated hints and pointers
(see section 5).
The second area of improvement is in the area
of student motivation. Research in the area of seri-
ous games (Klopfer, 2008) (a term often misunder-
stood by people outside of the education community)
shows how motivational elements can help to improve
student results. Unfortunately this research has not
yet found its way to most schools. We believe that
the introduction of tablets should be accompanied by
the introduction of elements of serious games. That
is learning content should be developed with student
motivation in mind.
Our deployments at schools in Germany started in
May 2012, since then we have gathered usage data
and evaluated the teachers’ and students’ experiences
with the devices and software.
The focus of the deployments were students in
grade 7 at German high schools. That means students
at the age of 12 to 14. We have developed a software,
which replaces the main screens of the tablet oper-
ating system with a teaching centered user interface.
For this user interface, we have created novel interac-
tive content.
The schools have been provided with a complete
bundle of hardware, software and a portable server,
which allows network and internet access to all tablet
Additionally, we have conducted trainings for the
teachers at the schools. Firstly, this has been done
to familiarize as many teachers as possible with the
usage and user interface. Often teachers see tablets
as additional technical burden and realize only later
on, that those devices coupled with the right content
can make teaching easier. The students learn by them-
selves and the teachers can concentrate on weaker stu-
dents needing special attention. Maybe this skepti-
cism comes from the teachers’ own experiences with
laptops, which are often frustratingly difficult to setup
and maintain.
During the trainings, we wanted to introduce the
teachers to tablet-based teaching techniques and in
particular to the ideas behind the provided interac-
tive lectures. Finally, we wanted to demonstrate what
tablet devices are capable of doing (e.g. as a media
production device) and in which circumstances they
are to be avoided (e.g. writing a long text). We have
received valuable feedback from these trainings. In
particular, we have received ideas for use cases we
did not have in mind initially.
For a more quantitative evaluation of the project,
we conducted a formal survey among the students in
October 2012. The obtained results will be presented
and discussed in the following paragraphs.
The first questions, we asked in our survey, were
how tablets compare to conventional laptop comput-
ers. We wanted to know whether students prefer the
tablets for their learning efforts. Informally, students
enjoyed working with tablets. Being able to quickly
and intuitively interact with the devices really seemed
to play an important role. Our survey underlines this
impression with approximately 80% strongly prefer-
ring tablets over laptops. Only 4% think, that laptops
would be better suited for learning (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Comparison between tablets and laptop comput-
ers. Students mostly prefer tablet devices. Possible ratings
were: 1 = strongly prefer laptops, 2 = prefer laoptops, 3 =
equally suited, 4 = prefer tablets, 5 = strongly prefer tablets.
A similar result was obtained for the ease of use.
Here 76% responded that tablet software was intuitive
and simple to use. Approximately 10% think that the
learning curve is similar to other computing devices.
Most students also seem to be content with the vir-
tual keyboard with more than 70% of the responses
arguing that a physical keyboard is not necessary.
Probably, this number very much depends on how the
tablets are used in class. In our deployments the fo-
cus was on interactive content, where keyboard input
is less of an issue.
As far as the self-reported motivation of the stu-
dents was concerned, an overwhelming 84% of the
students were more motivated when working with a
tablet than during normal classes. It remains to be
seen, whether this is a temporary effect, but at the
moment there seem to be a very positive impact in
this area.
The interactive questions and games during the
lessons were equally well received with nearly 90%
of the students considering them essential for their
learning progress. Approximately 70% responded
that the combination of illustrations and audio greatly
improved their understanding and helped them to bet-
ter remember the content.
Overall 64% of the students are convinced that
they have learned more by using the tablets than they
would have in ordinary classes. And nearly 90%
would like to continue self-learning with the devices
at home, e.g. for exam preparation.
The feedback we received from teachers was very
positive and even older teachers handled the tablets
proficiently after a short training. Teachers also
pointed out that short video tutorials as often used in
online learning, e.g. (Khan, 2006) provided consider-
ably less learning incentives and students very much
preferred interactive lessons.
Based on our observations, we truly believe that, if
done right, tablets can vastly improve the process of
learning and in particular enable students to better
learn for themselves. In this area traditional paper-
based books are certainly not optimal.
Our survey has shown that tablets are accepted by
students. They feel more motivated and are convinced
to learn more effectively. The key, in our opinion, is
the appropriate presentation of the learning content.
The learning style proposed in this paper is designed
for tablet-based learning and focuses on touch-based
interaction and student motivation. Further analysis
of student responses will help us to iteratively deliver
better content.
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