User-centered Social Network Profiles Integration
Xuan Truong Vu, Pierre Morizet-Mahoudeaux and Marie-H
ene Abel
UMR-CNRS 7253, Universit
e de Technologie de Compi
egne, Compi
egne, France
Online Social Networks, Profiles Aggregation, User Profiling, Recommendation, FOAF.
Large scale online social networks (OSNs) such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, have become an important
part of our every day life. Users are connected to multiple OSNs in which they maintain their different profiles
including a lot of personal and social information. The number of friends of a given user may grow so rapidly
that it becomes impossible to manage all updates from friends’ profiles and to filter relevant new information.
We present a FOAF-based profiles aggregation model, which is able to align different user profiles available
on different OSNs into aggregated profiles within a single triple store. The aggregated profiles are then linked
together by friend connection. We illustrate the applicability by the presentation of some applications which
can provide users with some effective help for information searching.
In recent years, social Web sites, Social networking
sites and Social media sites, have become extremely
popular (Kim et al., 2010), among which Facebook,
Twitter, and LinkedIn are the most well known ex-
amples. These OSNs attract millions of connected
users for building relationships, staying connected to
friends, family members and work colleagues, find-
ing people who have had similar experiences, and dis-
cussing common topics of interest.
OSNs’ main function is allowing users to set up
visible profiles and to link to other individuals’ pro-
files. The user profile is a unique page where one
can type oneself and display an articulated list of
”Friends” (Boyd and Ellison, 2007). This page may
include frames, where different kinds of information
can appear such as user activities (i.e. posts, statuses,
tags, messages, etc.). A user may be connected to
multiple OSNs and have a lot of friends, who are not
necessarily the same, on each OSN. Thus, numer-
ous personal and social information are available on
The number of Friends may grow so rapidly that
it becomes impossible to sort and filter all heteroge-
neous information from Friends profiles according to
the user’s current interest. To cope with this prob-
lem some cross-system tools have been developed to
give users useful information such as recommenda-
tion systems (Abel et al., 2011), social search services
(Zhou et al., 2012).
In this paper, we explore this idea of the aggrega-
tion of user profiles with the objective to provide the
user with relevant information aggregated from the
user’s social networks, which are directly related to
his/her current interest. We have first based our work
on the Friend of a Friend ontology (FOAF) to model
users. This model will be later extended to other stan-
dards such as the Relationship Vocabulary or the Db-
pedia ontology, to enrich the aggregated profiles.
The paper is organised as follows. In the next sec-
tion we present work related to the aggregation of user
profiles from OSNs. Then we present our general so-
cial user model and its FOAF-based profiles aggrega-
tion. We will introduce a use case to illustrate the ap-
plicability of aggregated profiles. An implementation
is also presented in the Application section as a proof
of the concepts. Finally, we conclude and present our
future work.
Over the last few years, the increasing growth of
OSNs leads the distribution of a lot of user data within
isolated data silos. A new research challenge then
emerged, seeking solutions for sharing and reusing
user data available across OSNs.
Abel et al. (2010) have shown that FOAF can be
used as a domain specific vocabulary for aggregating
the users profiles from OSNs. The gathered profiles
have been aligned to FOAF by means of hand-crafted
Vu X., Morizet-Mahoudeaux P. and Abel M..
User-centered Social Network Profiles Integration.
DOI: 10.5220/0004353904730476
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 473-476
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
rules, however they have only investigated a reduced
number of properties (e.g. name, photos, homepage,
A new user model, Social Web User Model, sup-
posed to be adapted to the needs of the Social Web
applications, has been introduced by Plumbaum et al.
(2011). The model is intended to include the most fre-
quent user dimensions and attributes available in 17
social applications. However, the social relationship
aspect has not been considered.
Other interesting works focus on some specific
aspects of user profiles : (1) Modeling user inter-
ests (Abel et al., 2011; Orlandi et al., 2012) by
combing user information profiling and the Semantic
Web (especially using DBpedia) ; (2) Utilizing user
preferences for collaborative recommender systems
(Shapira et al., 2012) ; (3) Modelling user expertises
and weighting user relationships for social search en-
gine (Zhou et al., 2012), (Vu and Baid, 2012).
In our approach, we extend the profile aggrega-
tion proposed in these works to larger public domain
applications. We propose therefore a basic common
profile model, which can be extended to a more com-
plete profile, in as much as the user has provided an
access authorisation to certain protected data. Finally,
we intend to link the aggregated profiles together in
order to implement more useful applications.
In this section, we first introduce our general social
user model which aims at aggregating social user pro-
files. We then present the FOAF ontology upon which
we have based our user profiling. A use case is also
included to illustrate the model usefulness.
3.1 General Social User Model
We have studied the most frequent profiles proper-
ties handled respectively by the top social networks :
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and OpenSo-
cial. We have thus organised them into six dimen-
sions, which are listed below :
Personal Characteristics includes a large range of
personal information such as name, current city,
email, gender, birthday, photo, etc.
Friends includes connections established between
an OSN member and other members.
Interests could be a topic (e.g. Social Networks)
or a specific entity (e.g. WEBIST 2013) that the
user is interested in.
Groups contains information about groups, based
on attended school, hobby, interest, cause, profes-
sion, etc., in which the user has been involved.
Studies and Works describe respectively the
school and academic experience and the profes-
sional experience of the user.
User-created contents (UCCs) denotes contents
posted by users on OSNs. (Kim et al., 2010).
Based on this analysis, we have built a general so-
cial user model which aims at facilitating the user pro-
file information aggregation. The model covers the
five first dimensions previously described. The UCCs
dimension is not included since it only contains raw
data. It is possible however, to extract user’s current
interests from UCCs to enrich the Interests dimension
over time (Abel et al., 2011). Our user model fol-
lows new trends from the Semantic Web approaches
in social user modelling (Noor and Martinez, 2009;
Orlandi et al., 2012). The advantage is that the model
is not static and can be easily extended.
For the present time, we have mainly used FOAF
for profiling users and linked data (i.e. URI), web
resources (i.e. URL), for referencing the entities of
interest such as school, location, interest, which we
explain in the next section.
3.2 FOAF-based User Profiling
and Aggregating
FOAF (Brickley and Mille, 2005) makes it possible
to build and manage a structured representation of
users, and the links between them. A FOAF user is
described through different properties.
The FOAF basic (name, gender, age, birthday,
location, email, photo) dimension is the same as
our User personal characteristics dimension. The
”foaf:knows” property allows to describe Friends
connections. Our Interests dimension can be repre-
sented by the ”foaf:interests” or ”foaf:topic interest”
property. The ”foaf:member” property enables to as-
sociate a user to a ”foaf:group”. The user’s studies
and works are not really specified in FOAF, but it
is possible to define the places of studies and works
thanks to two properties ”foaf:schoolHomepage” and
”foaf:workplaceHomepage” respectively. The Figure
1 shows that FOAF can handle our user profiling in a
very simple way, yet representative.
Therefore, based on FOAF, our user model can ag-
gregate user profiles available on OSNs to create an
aggregated profile. Each of gathered information is
mapped to a specific FOAF property by means of a
set of hand-crafted rules (e.g. Table 1).
Figure 1: The user #me, named Xuan Truong Vu and based
in Compi
egne, France, has linked his Facebook and Twitter
accounts to his aggregated profile. He is interested in the
Social networks and the WEBIST conference. He knows
two other users : #friend1 who is also at the UTC university
and #friend2 who is in the same town.
Table 1: Facebook - Twitter - FOAF mapping rules.
Facebook User In-
FOAF Person
Twitter User Pro-
file Information foaf:name
User.username foaf:nick User.username
User.gender foaf:gender
User.birthday foaf:birthday foaf:img User.profile image
User.location foaf:based near User.location
User.friends foaf:knows User.friends
User.groups foaf:member User.lists
User.likes foaf:topic interest
The model cannot yet keep trace of neither the
provenance nor the adding time of any information.
Moreover, there may be conflictual values for a given
property. In this case, this is the user who decides
later, which information should be kept or deleted.
The friends of a user are initially saved as reduced
instances of the [foaf:Person] class (it only contains a
name and a profile page).Two aggregated profiles will
be also linked, if their respective users are friends on
at least one social network.
3.3 Use Case
We illustrate, in this subsection, the applicability of
our model.
3.3.1 Topic-related Friends Searching
The function required is to suggest from amongst all
of a user’s contacts, the friends who can give use-
ful information about a given topic. For example,
a user intends to attend WEBIST 2013, in Aachen,
Germany. The user searches for ”Aachen, Germany”
and ”WEBIST 2013” (the application might also be
able to detect this need for information by matching
a message posted by the user on OSNs to some pre-
defined pattern). Upon the query reception, the ap-
plication browses all profiles of the user’s friends and
looks whether they are linked to any entity the label
of which contains ”Aachen, Germany” or ”WEBIST
2013”. The application outputs : (1) two contacts also
express their interest in the conference. Moreover,
one of them is a work colleague and the other share
with the user a same interest for Social Networks ;
(2) one contact is based near Aachen Germany. The
first kind of information pushes for meetings before,
and during the conference . The second information,
though it is peripheral to the conference, is useful for
planning the trip.
3.3.2 Topic-related Information Watching
Conversely to the preceding feature, the aim here is to
watch over the user’s network in order to filter infor-
mation that the user may be interested in. For exam-
ple, the user is interested in Web and some of his/her
contacts share the same passion. The user has anno-
tated these contacts with a series of tags (e.g. web,
technology, system) so that the application follows
their profiles and filters any information matching the
tags. Suppose that one of these contacts posts on
OSNs the link to the WEBIST 2013 conference, then
the application will detect it and send a notification to
the user.
We present in this section a prototype of our FOAF-
based user profiles aggregation. The prototype has
been tested with Facebook and Twitter, which are the
two most popular OSNs. Both of them makes it pos-
sible for their users to grant selected third-party ap-
plications an access to user data via their own APIs.
With respect to this policy, the prototype always asks
users for permission to access their profiles.
We have used different aggregators. Each of them
is dedicated to a specific social network and manages
the authentication protocols as well as data collection.
Only the basic, interests, and friends information are
collected. Data are translated into triples before being
stored in a triple store type OpenLink Virtuoso. We
have constructed some generic queries to implement
the features described in the Use case.
- Searching for friends who are based near Aachen
SELECT ?friend WHERE {
<#me> foaf:knows ?friend .
?friend foaf:based_near ?town.
?town gn:name ’Aachen’. }
- Searching for friends who are interested by WEBIST 2013
SELECT ?friend WHERE {
?friend foaf:topic_interest ?interest.
?interest dc:label ’WEBIST 2013’.
FILTER ( bif:exists ((
SELECT * WHERE {<#me> foaf:knows ?friend})))}
where all aggregated profiles that are linked to an en-
tity the label of which contains ’WEBIST2013’, are
first retrieved and then only friend profiles are re-
- Searching for web-related events from right friends
SELECT ?interest WHERE {
<#friend1> foaf:topic_interest ?interest.
?interest dc:label ?label.
FILTER (REGEX (?label, ’web’, ’i’)).
FILTER (REGEX (?label, ’conference’, ’i’)).}
The web-based service consists of a personal user
interface which permits to connect to ones Facebook,
Twitter accounts and visualise ones aggregated profile
with three views basic, interest, and friends. The user
can also search for friends thanks to a keyword-based
search feature. The user’s query is translated into a
SPARQL query as cited above. For the present time,
the prototype is only able to search from aggregated
We have tested our prototype with several real
users. The size of their merged friends list varies from
300 to more than 1000 connections.
In this paper, we have presented a primary social
user aggregation based on the FOAF ontology. The
FOAF-based user profiling can (1) represent users of
OSNs, especially social aspects such as interests and
friends, (2) support the aggregation of user profiles
from OSNs, (3) and link aggregated profiles together
so that advanced searches could be possible. Our
first prototype, implemented for Facebook and Twit-
ter, has shown the applicability of the aggregated pro-
files. The user is able visualise his/her aggregated
profile and search for friends using keywords.
In our future work, we will increase the number of
supported OSNs and extend the FOAF-based model
to better describe users. Moreover, we plan to uti-
lize global ontologies like DBpedia and Wordnet as
a generic cross-domain interest model to enrich and
classify the user’s interests through different OSNs. It
could then be possible to develop more advanced per-
sonal recommendation applications in order to evalu-
ate the actual benefits for end-users.
Part of this work has been developed in cooperation
with the 50A Company
who is funding this work.
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