SLA Management in Clouds
Nikoletta Mavrogeorgi
, Spyridon Gogouvitis
, Athanasios Voulodimos
, Dimosthenis Kiriazis
Theodora Varvarigou
and Elliot K. Kolodner
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
IBM Haifa Research Labs, Haifa University, Mt. Carmel, Haifa, Israel
Keywords: Cloud, SLA Schema, SLA Management, Content Centric Storage, Policies, Proactive Violation Detection.
Abstract: The need for online storage and backup of data constantly increases. Enterprises from different domains,
such as media and telco operators, would like to be able to store large amounts of data which can then be
made available from different geographic locations. The Cloud paradigm allows for the illusion of unlimited
online storage space, hiding the complexity of managing a large infrastructure from the end users. While
Storage Cloud solutions, such as Amazon S3, have already met with success, more fine-grained guarantees
on the provided QoS need to be offered for their larger uptake. In this paper, we address the problem of
managing SLAs in Storage Clouds by taking advantage of the content terms that pertain to the stored objects
thus supporting more efficient capabilities, such as quicker search and retrieval operations. A system that
better captures the content of the signed SLAs is very useful, as the benefits in terms of reducing the
management overhead while offering better services are potentially significant.
Nowadays, online storage of data is very demanding.
Many sectors, such as media, enterprises, medicine
and telco need to store data and access them rapidly
any time from different geographic locations.
Storage Cloud environments can provide the
solution for these demands. The customers do not
need to own specialized hardware for storing their
data objects or have concerns for management tasks,
such as backups, replication levels, etc.. In order for
customers to be willing to move their data to Cloud
solutions, proper Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
should be made available and signed. SLAs are
contracts between the customer and the service
provider, where the terms and conditions of the
offered service are agreed upon.
In this paper, we address the problem of
managing SLAs in cloud computing environments
exploiting the content term that concerns the stored
objects, in order to provide more efficient
The proposed SLAs are enriched versions of the
traditional ones. Apart from determining the classic
elements such as the parties involved, the SLOs and
the cost rules, the SLAs additionally include content
term determination of the objects that will be
associated with this SLA, a fact that permits the
Cloud to provide the users with content-centric
For instance, let’s assume that we want to store
scientific papers and news. The papers are requested
less often than the news, which are accessed
frequently on a daily basis. So, for the daily news it
would be better to create more replicas than the
papers and store them to many geographic places, in
order to have a quicker access.
The content terms permit to the Cloud to support
capabilities with different levels, such as the
estimation for data transfer and the billing models.
Furthermore, specific actions can be executed
depending on the SLA content related term, such as
storage at specific data centers, execution of
compression or format transformation of an object.
For instance, if a video is requested to be stored in
the Cloud, then it automatically gets transformed to
e.g. mpeg format by the system, which facilitates
internal actions in Cloud and it is stored in data
centers that provide efficiently video related
The following sections describe the proposed
SLA schema and the SLA Management mechanism.
Mavrogeorgi N., Gogouvitis S., Voulodimos A., Kiriazis D., Varvarigou T. and K. Kolodner E..
SLA Management in Clouds.
DOI: 10.5220/0004354200710076
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 71-76
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
A lot of research and protocols have been done as
far as Service Level Agreements (SLA) and the SLA
Management are concerned.
SLA schemas are XML schemas that represent
the content of an SLA. Some existing approaches for
SLA schemas and the corresponding languages to
define service description terms are: SLAng
(Lamanna et al., 2003), WS-Agreement (Andrieux et
al., n.d.), WSLA (Dan et al., 2004), WSOL (Tosic et
al., 2003), and SWAPS (Oldham et al., 2006).
However, weaknesses exist. SWAPS is quite
complex and the implementation is not publicly
available. WSLA and SLAng have not further
development at least since 2009. Apart from this,
SLAng does not permit to define management
information such as financial terms and WSLA has
not formal definition of metrics semantics. WSOL
lacks SLA related functionalities, such as the capture
of the relationship between service provider and
infrastructure provider.
The WS Agreement (Web Services Agreement)
is a Web Services protocol for establishing
agreement between two parties using an extensible
XML language for specifying the nature of the
agreement, and agreement templates to facilitate
discovery of compatible agreement parties. It allows
arbitrary term languages to be plugged-in for
creating domain-specific service description terms.
A challenge research issue is the proactive
violation detection. Many proposals have been done,
but very little for cloud environments, e.g. authors of
GRIA SLAs (Boniface et al., 2007) suggest a
solution for avoiding violations but concerns only
Grid environments. In DesVi (Emeakaroha et al.,
2011), an architecture is proposed for preventing
SLA violations based on knowledge database and
case-based reasoning.
The Service Level Agreement is encapsulated in an
SLA schema. The basic element is the SLA element,
which defines what data can be contained in an SLA
(e.g. cost, contract dates, user requirements, fines,
etc) and in which format. The language that is used
for the SLA schema is XSD (XML Schema
3.1 Basic Elements
The SLA element is the outermost element, which
encapsulates the entire SLA. An SLA is created by
filling an SLA template. In the SLA Template there
is the choice to determine the content term that will
concern the SLA.
The proposed SLA schema consists of the
following basic elements:
SLA: this element represents the SLA.
SLATemplate: this element represents the SLA
template, that is, the template that the user should
fill out in order to create an SLA.
ContentTerm: this element represents the content
term that concerns the SLA (e.g. media,
enterprise, healthcare, telco, video, scientific
paper etc.).
TermAttribute: this element represents the QoS
metrics (e.g. availability, jitter, ingest rate,
geographic constraints etc.).
Requirement: this element represents the SLOs
that the user poses. The requirements are an
expression of the term attributes of the concerned
SLA content term. Assuming that the user wants
to use the termAttribute ''availability'', then an
expression could be: ''availability>0.999''. (Note:
the requirements must be something that can be
Responsibility: this element represents the
responsibilities that the user or the provider
should have (e.g. the provider should send him
monthly reports and notify the user for an SLA
Cost: this element represents the cost (e.g. the
user should pay 10 cents per 1GB upload).
Penalty: this element represents the fines that the
provider should pay in case the user's
requirements are violated.
Figure 1 and 2 displays the schema of the SLA
and the content term element respectively.
3.2 SLA Properties
An SLA contains, based on the WS agreement, a
name element, a context element and a terms
element, the latter containing a collection of SLA
terms. The context element contains the metadata of
the agreement (e.g. participants and dates) and the
terms element contain the SLOs, the content term,
the responsibilities, and the billing rules.
More specifically, the SLA consists of the
following properties (see Figure 1):
o id: the SLA's identifier Context (contains
Context (SLA metadata)
o providerId: the identifier of the provider
o customerId: the identifier of the customer
o dates: the contract data and the date from
which and until which the SLA is valid
o templateID: the id of the template that was
Terms (main body of the agreement)
o contentTermId: the identifier of the content
term that concerns this SLA
o requirements: the SLOs that the user poses
o responsibilities: the responsibilities that the
customer or the provider should have
o cost: the billing rules
o penalties: the fines that the provider should
pay in case that the customer's requirements
are violated
o changesAgreements: the rules that are signed
in case that the customer or the provider
desires to change some data from the signed
SLA during the SLA lifecycle.
3.3 Content Term Properties
The basic properties that compose the Content Term
element are the following (see Figure 2):
id: the identifier of this content term
name: the name of the content term
description: the description of the content term
terms: the associated metrics (e.g. ingest rate)
with this content term
services: the associated services with this content
The content terms support inheritance.
Therefore, a content term can be an extension of
another. There are general term attributes that are
inherited by all content terms, such as availability,
durability, geographic location constraints, etc.
4.1 Description
The SLA Management is responsible for the creation
of an SLA and its enforcement and maintenance.
The SLA Management is based on the
aforementioned SLA schema. It takes into
consideration content related terms that will be
included in the SLAs since content-centric access to
storage poses the need to use content-related
information. Moreover, the system is one of the
consumers of the analyzed monitored data in order
to enable proactive SLA violation. To this direction,
the specific SLA terms as well as policies that may
be set by the administrators of the infrastructure (e.g.
perform replication in case of a given percentage of
increase in user requests) will be analyzed in the
SLA management component and propagated to the
Analysis in order to pro-actively trigger events that
will prevent possible SLA violations
The main operations of this component are the
SLA negotiation, the SLA templates generation, the
SLAs creation, the proactive SLA violation
detection and handling and the configuration of the
rest components when a new SLA is created (it
creates policies that should be checked during the
SLA lifecycle, it sends the parameters to be
monitored to the Monitoring component, it informs
Accounting and Billing for the new SLA and its cost
related data, etc.). As far as the proactive SLA
violation detection is concerned, this component gets
the analyzed monitored data, it processes them and
creates policies that are sent to Analysis to
proactively trigger events.
4.2 Architecture
The architecture of the SLA Management is
displayed in Figure 3. The basic components of the
SLA Management are the following:
4.2.1 Templates Generator
This component is responsible for generating SLA
templates. It creates SLA templates based on the
capabilities that the Cloud can provide and based on
content terms, having as a result to provide dynamic
and customized SLAs
4.2.2 Negotiator
The Negotiator is responsible for the SLA
negotiation between the user and the provider. When
an SLA is signed, it notifies the interactive
components. Also, it informs the user with reports
and notifications (e.g. for SLA violation). The steps
are depicted in Figure 4.
4.2.3 Policies Associator
This component is responsible for the linkage of
policies with SLA templates. This will be achieved
through historical data and the way specific policies
had an effect on the SLA violations.
The Policies Associator decides for the policies
that should be followed for the concerned SLA and
provides them to the Configurator.
Figure 1: SLA element. Figure 2: Content Term element.
Figure 3: SLA Management Architecture.
4.2.4 Configurator
The Configurator creates the necessary configuration
regarding the SLA in order the system to support the
customer requested requirements. It receives the
signed SLA from the Negotiator in order to obtain
specific values (e.g. thresholds on parameters), and
decides which parameters will be monitored and
which policies will be checked. Also, it consults the
Placement where the uploaded objects should be
stored and with how many replicas depending on the
SLA constraints. In table 1, an example of an SLA
and its SLA configuration is depicted.
4.2.5 Proactive Violation Detector
This component handles the proactive SLA violation
detection. It creates policies for detecting proactively
SLA violations and in case that a violation is
detected it decides for which reactive actions will be
performed. It calculates for each metric the threat
threshold, that is, a more restrictive threshold than
the signed one and sends to the Analysis the metric
and the threat threshold.
Analysis receives monitoring information for this
metric and calculates trends and patterns. When
Analysis forecasts that a metric reaches the given
Figure 4: SLA Negotiation.
threshold, it notifies the SLA Management. Then,
SLA Management handles this notification and
makes reactive actions (e.g. informs placement to
create a new replica when throughput reaches the
threat threshold) in order to avoid the imminent
violation. The conditions and the solution are
retrieved by the knowledge database which contains
data based on historical data.
For instance, let's assume that we have an SLA
with durability 99,5% and geographical constraints
that the objects are preferred to be stored in Greece
and Israel. The equivalent low level requirements
will be the creation of 3 replicas (at least one in
Greece and at least one in Israel). If the data centers
in Greece have no more free space, then a reactive
action would be either to move some replicas to
other countries in order to get free space or to buy
new hardware in Greece. So, for the concerned SLA,
the free space of the data centers in these countries
should be checked in order to identify when the data
centers are going to get filled.
Following we demonstrate the data that are
exchanged (simplified examples, where some data
are not demonstrated). The policies for an SLA that
SLA Management sends to Analysis is:
'sla_id': '20120204',
'metrics':{'CPU': { 'max': '75%' },
'memory': { 'max': '65%'}}
Let’s assume that Analysis found that the CPU
utilization for the SLA with id '20120204' will reach
the threat threshold and it will be 75% in 20 minutes
from now, then it will send the following
notification to the SLA Management:
'sla_id': '20120204',
'timestamp': '2012-05-12_13:08'
'metric': 'CPU',
'forecast': {
'value': '75%',
'time': '20 min'
Then, the SLA Management will find the
reactive action that should be taken. In this case, a
new replica should be created.
4.2.6 Interactive Components
The SLA Management in order to accomplish its
tasks needs some interactions with other
components. The basic external components that the
SLA Management interacts are:
Monitoring: measures data during the SLA
lifecycle (e.g. CPU speed) which are needed for
checking the SLA policies.
Analysis: is responsible for forecasting the
metrics computing trends and patterns.
Placement: decides in which data centers the
requested objects will be stored.
Knowledge Base (KB): is a database that stores
data related to an SLA.
Requirements Translator: translates the SLA
requirements that the user determines to low
level requirements with which the internal
system communicates. For instance, the
requirement “availability>0.999” could be
translated to “number of replicas = 3”.
Accounting and Billing: charges the user
according to the user operations.
Concluding, we presented an enriched SLA schema
which contains content terms and an automated SLA
Management for content centric storage, which
exploits the content terms and support services to the
customer more efficiently and with less cost. Also,
dynamic SLAs are supported, as the SLA templates
are generated according to the current supplies.
More work should be done for the requirements
translation and the analysis of metrics in order to
detect trends and patterns of the metrics. Finally,
examination of complicated requirements should be
done and renegotiation should also be added in the
proposed framework in order to provide a complete
automated SLA Management.
Table 1: Service ‘SLA configuration’ with its input parameter and output.
Input: SLA Output :SLA Configuration
"slaId": "0",
"customerId": "ntua",
"slaRequirements": {
"preferredRegions": ["Greece",
"Israel", "Italy"],
"blacklist": [ "Russia" ],
"slaId": "0",
"customerId": "ntua",
"lowLeveRequirements": {
"wishlist": [[[1], [Greece, Israel]],
[[1], [Italy]]]],
"blacklist": [Russia],
"distance": [2, 100]
This paper is supported by the European
Community’s Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n 257019,
in the context of the VISION Cloud Project.
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