Taas – Ticketing as a Service
João C. Ferreira
, Porfírio P. Filipe
, Carina Gomes
, Gonçalo Cunha
and João Silva
ADDETC-ISEL, Lisbon, Portugal
Link-SA, Lisbon, Portugal
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Software as a Service, Ticketing, Automatic Fare Collection.
Abstract: The goal of this research work is to introduce the concept of a lower cost and flexible system for transport
ticketing purposes implemented on a cloud platform. We propose therefore the evolution of the traditional
architecture of ticketing system for a cloud based architecture in which the core processes of ticketing are
offered through a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) business model, which can be subscribed by operators that
pay-per-use. Ticketing device (e.g. gates, validators, ticket vending machines) are integrated in the cloud
environment. This approach is achieved by moving business logic from terminals to the cloud. Each
terminal is registered to be managed by each own operator, configuring a multi-tenant implementation
which is vendor hardware independent, allowing to address elasticity and interoperability issues. The
elasticity of the cloud will support the expansion/implosion of small (transport) operators business around
electronic ticketing. In the near future, this ticketing solution will promote collaboration between transport
In this work we propose the definition of an
architecture that allows the building of common
transportation ticketing services to which devices
can connect using to a simple Plug-and-Play model,
so the cloud automatically recognize and configure a
device to work as ticketing device without the need
for manual configuration.
It will therefore be necessary to define the
architecture of the cloud services, as well as the
characteristics of devices to consume those services.
The goal is to achieve centralization of all business
logic and move device specific logic to the cloud,
consequently reducing the overall system
complexity and the total cost of ownership
associated with the growth and evolution of a
ticketing system.
This change of paradigm will benefits from the
fact that cloud ticketing services can be accessed
through the Internet and they can be elastically
grown or shrunk, providing easier scalability and
high availability.
Thus the entire application logic can be
consolidated and centrally implemented on open and
secure protocols, making the device simple
frontends benefiting from being online with the
central ticketing system to offer value-added
features on lower capacity devices.
This will also impact the suppliers of traditional
ticketing devices allowing the growth of lightweight
devices with smaller memory capacity or power
processing or increase the adoption of other type of
devices types, such as, tablets or smart phones to
accomplish the same tasks.
In the aviation industry there are already systems
for seat reservations and ticketing to be offered "as a
service" for several airlines, often at a cost of only
pennies per ticket (GAO, 2003). In fact, very few
low cost operators manage and maintain its own
ticketing system because SaaS options available in
the market do it more efficiently and at a lower cost.
Having lightweight devices connecting to the
business logic on the cloud are also have the
following advantages:
Consolidated logic with easier maintenance and
lower IT costs;
Improved physical security (avoid secure elements
distribution and logistics);
Enable functionality by subscription for devices;
Support offline and online operation models over
the same infrastructure;
Reduced complexity for supporting new devices
and new ticketing media, by using open
C. Ferreira J., P. Filipe P., Gomes C., Cunha G. and Silva J..
Taas – Ticketing as a Service.
DOI: 10.5220/0004356000770082
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 77-82
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
interoperable protocols.
This paper was written within the scope of the
“SmartCITIES Cloud Ticketing” project, which is
focused on designing an interoperable, cost-efficient,
multi-supplier, cloud based ticketing solution, where
transport operators and authorities may opt in and
out when they need to. This project brings together
two complementary sets of experiences: the
engineering experience applied to ticketing solutions
of Link Consulting (http://www.link.pt/smartcities)
and the computer science and research experience of
ISEL – Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa
(http://www.isel.pt), which lays out the path to a
solid foundation of a cloud ticketing solution.
An electronic ticketing system is designed to enable
fare collection in a simple, secure and efficient way.
In the public transport operators market, electronic
ticketing is associated with a trip or set of trips of a
transportation service. A survey of electronic
ticketing system can be found at (Mut-Puigserver et
al., 2012) and (Vilanova et al., 2002).
The customer obtains an electronic ticket
medium (smart card, mobile device ticket) which is
the storage location for electronic tickets. When a
ticket is sold by one operator, the sale is registered in
the ticket medium and validated before use [TCRP,
2006]. In connection with the sale and use of tickets,
electronic information is stored and processed for
the purpose of producing: (1) Billing data are used in
the sharing of ticket revenues among the various
operators involved in the ticketing system; (2)
Revenue data; and (3) Statistics (about the sale and
use of tickets).
An electronic ticketing system may also
incorporate a number of other functions: (1) Ticket
inspection function; (2) Internet services (for
example online sales of tickets); (3) ticket vending
machine; and (4) entrance/exit ticket validation
machines. This operation is performed at front end
system (entrance and exit ports) with dedicated
equipment solution using a private dedicated
A ticketing system operation is based on one
token issuing entity (issuer), a set of users, tokens,
and verifiers who verify whether tokens are valid,
performed in a dedicated solution using a private
network to deal with security and privacy issues.
Typically, a user U must buy a token from token
issuer I. Therefore, U selects his desired ticket and
pays it. Issuer I then checks whether U is eligible to
obtain a token (e.g., whether U paid for the ticket),
and, if applicable, issues a token T and passes it to
U. From now on, U is able to use token T to prove
that he is authorized to use the transit network. This
means that every user who is in possession of a
token that has been issued by a genuine issuer is
considered to be an authorized user. If a user U
wants to travel from a place X to some location Y .
Before U is allowed to enter the transit system at X,
he must first prove to a verifier Vin at the entrance
of the transit network that he is authorized to access
it. If Vin can successfully verify the user’s token, U
is allowed to enter. Otherwise access will be denied.
During his trip, U may encounter arbitrary
inspections where he must prove that he is
authorized to use the public transport network. Thus,
a controller C may check the user’s token T. If
verification of T is successful, U is allowed to
continue his trip. Otherwise, U must leave the
transport network and may be fined for using it
without authorization. After arriving at Y , the user’s
token T can be checked for a last time. Again, if T
cannot be verified successfully, U may be fined.
Note that the token is typically bound to some
limitations. For instance, it may be bound to some
geographical or temporal usage restrictions.
Additionally, a token may be bound to the identity
of its owner (i.e., the entity that bought the ticket).
Most of these ticketing systems are based on
proprietary solutions that include devices and a
central system to handle all related operations.
The vision of present proposal is illustrated on Figure
1, where a set of dedicated services are available in
an SaaS approach and front end devices (e.g.
validators, ticket vending machines, gates and others)
‘migrate’ from an integrated fat device to a flexible
and modular thin device with all or part of business
process logic executed remote in a SaaS approach.
The idea is to interact with several equipment
interfaces and integrate related business process in a
SaaS approach. The proposed idea for a ticketing
system on the cloud can be simply described as a set
of standard based services on the cloud to perform a
specific business function (e.g., card issuing, ticket
sale). These services are available through a
communication protocol that is common to all
registered devices. When front end devices first
announce themselves to the cloud services, they
identify themselves, as well as the tenant they belong
to and automatically download the relevant software
and configurations for the functions assigned to
them. After the registration occurs, the device is able
to interact with the cloud services, for instance a
tablet computer connects to the cloud provisioning
service, authenticates itself, and automatically
downloads the ticket sales software. Afterwards is
allowed to start selling tickets to customers.
Figure 1: Vision of current proposal for electronic ticketing
system development.
The proposed architecture is composed of the
following layers of services (see Figure 2):
Data Access Services – internal services to access
business data (customers, cards, sales, validations,
Business Services – cloud exposed services to
implement business operations like registering a
new customer, authorizing a ticket sale for a
specific customer, or consulting a catalog of tickets
available to the specific card;
Business Process Services – services that
coordinate among multiple business services to
implement specific use cases, e.g., ticket sale use
case, which generally involves: (1) reading the
card; (2) browse the ticket catalog for available
products; (3) choose the ticket to buy; (4) pay; (5)
load the card; and (6) confirm and register the sale.
The output of this service the information to
present to the user on the screen, as well as
available operations. The inputs of the service are
the actions performed by the user.
The Data Access Services Layer is a lower level
internal layer, used to abstract the access to the data
provider. The Business Services Layer should
implement the service business logic of the overall
system, including data validations, user
authorization, accounting algorithms and data
correlation. Here we highlight the proposed cloud
services on the Business Services Layer: (1)
Customer Service; (2) Card Service; (3) Ticket Sale
Service; (4) Validation and Inspection Service; (5)
Device Provisioning Service; and (6) Ticket Catalog
To implement a full ticketing system multiple
use cases have to be considered, here we highlight
only a few of them, which are included on the
Process Coordination Services Layer: (1) Ticket
Sale Business Process Service; (2) Customer
Registration Business Process Service; (3) Card
Renewal Business Process Service; and (4) Card
Cancellation Business Process Service.
To complement the exposed cloud services, there
is also a range of backoffice applications, to manage
the system as a whole (e.g., CRM, Product Catalog
Management, Reporting, Device Management, etc).
The proposed architecture is designed to support
two different sets of front-end devices on the
customer side: The ones with lower processing
capacity but are always online; the other that at some
point in time need to work offline but have higher
processing capacity. The first set of devices has what
we call “thin apps” the second set has the “fat apps”.
Thin apps know nothing about business logic and
only have presentation logic built-in. They receive
the screens to be displayed and send back
commands. All process coordination logic, as well
as business logic is located on the cloud. Every
operation must be made with an online connection to
the cloud services on the Business Process Services
A generic workflow of a thin app performing and
action with a cloud service, where we highlight a
few points: (1) The thin app interacts with one
business process service, which coordinates multiple
business services; (2) The thin app receives
presentation information and sends back commands;
(3) Every app interaction communicates with the
cloud; and (4) When a use case ends, the app sends
an action which generates a confirm operation (e.g.,
ticket sale confirmation). The confirm operation
commits the information to a persistent storage.
On the other hand, fat apps are for example PCs,
tablet computers or even POS and typically have the
process coordination logic installed locally and some
offline data to enable offline usage. In ticketing
applications they are still required for some use
cases, where short timing requirements exist and
offline capability is a must, for instance a validation
device on a bus. In this example, there may parts of
the bus route where it does not have network
coverage and the timing requirement from the
moment the user puts the cards on the validator to
Figure 2: Cloud Ticketing Architecture.
Figure 3: Architecture for Device Integration.
the moment his access is approved should be
typically bellow 300ms (Smart, 2006).
A generic workflow of fat apps, the general case
is to have the process coordination logic installed on
the device, with interactions local to the device (e.g.,
ticket validation), and at the end of the operation the
cloud service is informed of the operation result.
Below is a generic workflow of the interactions,
with the following highlights: (1) The fat app
performs every interaction locally (possibly using
cached reference data); and (2) The fat app
periodically sends the confirm operations to the
cloud service (e.g., ticket validations). These
confirm operations commit the information to
persistent storage.
The proposed architecture for integrating ticketing
devices in a cloud computing platform is depicted in
Figure 3. The integration protocol admits that part of
the logic of each device runs in the cloud platform.
Figure 3 shows in the periphery, two sets of entities:
operators and devices.
The operator manipulates the historical data of
the device and the respective configuration accessed
via the data layer by an administration cloud
application. The operation of the subsystem
comprises a multi-tenant feature, which interacts
with the data layer. The device activation can be
made by its owner/operator, using the application,
where is selected previously defined device’s type
and returned the device’s unique identifier. The
application's main responsibilities are to setup,
access to the register operation and activation /
deactivation of device.
A request / response protocol allows the device
(e.g. ticket validator or sale operation) to call remote
operations hosted in the cloud. The data manipulated
by the devices flows across queues "1" (input for
request) and "2" (output for response). Within the
integration subsystem, instances of processors
handle messages from queue "1", to dynamically
instantiate the type of device and perform the
requested operation indicated in the message.
The session context associated with the
maintenance status of the device is dependent on
their type. Objects, that store configuration and
historical data of the interactions, are managed in a
data layer. To ensure load balancing and isolation of
data, the history of each type of equipment is stored
in isolated data object, called a "LogType n" where
"n" represents the type of device. The configurations
are stored in a data object, referred as "Register".
The quantity of entries in this object coincides with
the quantity of integrated devices.
Is interesting to note, for sending the requests
made by the device there is only one message.
Instances of processors read the messages and
validate its format. Validation consists in
confronting the XML document, which represents
the message, with appropriate XML Schema
Definition (XSD). If one assumes that the message is
malformed, relevant information is added to the
history and the processing of the current request is
finished. Subsequently, the processor accesses data
register (interaction "c"), so that, in the context of
the session handling information specific to a
particular type of device. With the information
received, it is checked if the device has been
previously registered and is in active state. If any of
the validation is unsuccessful, the history is updated
and the processing of the current request is finished.
In the next phase, the processor checks whether the
request corresponds to the first message from the
device designated by check message. If so, the
processor creates the queue "2" for response
messages and sends through this queue a message
notifying that the cloud component of the device is
ready to be used. Given the information present in
the device’s configuration, the message parameters
lead the processor to dynamically instantiate the
processing of its contents in accordance with the
identifier of the requested operation. After the
instantiation and execution of the operation, in the
context of the current session, the log history is
updated. Finally, the processor sends a message to
the queue "2", with the result of the operation, the
device that was blocked (interaction “b”) receives
the message. For details of the common message
model for messages exchanged in interaction "a" and
"b" and for the definitions of the validation rules for
messages and data objects are described and a
Windows Azure Demonstrator, see (Gomes, 2012).
Taking into account a small transport operator, that
wants to implement an electronic ticketing system.
Our approach for the system development involves
three main actors the cloud provider, the transport
operator and the technological partner. The Cloud
Provider gives three levels of cloud services: SaaS,
PaaS e IaaS. In our concept demonstrator, we use
Microsoft Windows Azure (WA) platform.
The Technological Partner (TP) is responsible for
developing and maintaining the ticketing system, and
creating a set of services to enable a personalized
business process for the transport operator. From this
modular approach TP can use previous developed
services to implement the required system able to
support the business and the front end device can also
be provisioning and using past developed projects.
The current proposal is oriented for a SaaS approach,
but with more work development can be
implemented in a PaaS or even used in dedicated
solution. A complete description is available on
(Gomes, 2012), where two devices were integrated in
the cloud using resources of cloud provider (e.g.
processors, message queues). The operator buys the
front-end devices (e.g., gates and validators) that are
register by TP on the cloud system taking into
account the device provision procedure. At this point
we are exploring a novel approach integrating an
Android device.
In order to support multi-tenancy on the cloud
services it is important to consider that multiple
operators may be organized in a common
metropolitan area, having some (not all) common
customers, smartcards and multi-modal tickets
(Globalplatform´s, 2009). In these cases, it is
important to have a consolidated view of common
business information (customer, cards, sales,
validations, etc) by all operators to enable revenue
distribution. With this scenario in mind, we propose
a hierarchy of tenants with multiple roots (see Figure
4). Each root is a transport area with multiple
operators where some parts of the business
information (customers, cards, etc) are common to
several operators. The hierarchy of tenants has the
following rules: (1) Lower level tenants (operators)
can view information about their private customers,
as well as business information common to the
metropolitan area; (2) Upper level tenants can read
and consolidate common business information to the
lower level tenants (e.g., customers, cards, sales and
validations); and (3) Upper level tenant may not see
information about private customers, and
sales/validations of private tickets.
Figure 4: Sample hierarchical structure of tenants.
Here we discuss the option of having a shared
database or separate database/schema
implementation of multi-tenancy. The main
concerns on this decision were privacy, security and
extensibility. It is necessary to avoid risks of having
one operator see information about other operators
(they may be competitors). On the other hand it is
very common for an operator to require
customizations specific to its business. Therefore we
have chosen to have a separate database approach.
With the requirement of having a hierarchy of
tenants, using a separate database approach, has an
additional challenge – how to consolidate common
business information (e.g., sales of multi-modal
tickets) on the upper levels, which is generated at the
lower levels? The answer is to have the lower levels
ship the common business information to the upper
levels, where it is consolidated and becomes its
master repository. Private information on the lower
levels is never shipped.
The proposed system uses a novel approach based
on SaaS approach for the development of
personalized ticketing software. This project started
12 months ago in a synergy between the technology
company Link Consulting (www.link.pt), with 10
years of experience in ticketing business and
researchers in computer science at ISEL
(www.isel.pt) a polytechnic institute in Lisbon.
Starting from the initial kickoff meeting several
Masters thesis are running: (1) network security,
where we study the privacy and security problems of
moving business logic from terminals to the cloud;
(2) Cloud Computing projects, where we are
developing the concept for different cloud platforms
as well the implementation of a set of services
regarding the complete ticketing process; and (3) the
thin devices are being developed for the Android
platform, where ticket selling and validation
processes are also under development.
The architecture described in this paper shows
how devices may communicate with cloud services
to enable a business process and a general overview
of our vision for the development of electronic
ticketing system in a modular service approach
available in the Cloud.
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