A Generative Approach to Virtual Museums
Daniel Sacher
, Daniel Biella
and Wolfram Luther
INKO, University of Duisburg-Essen, Lotharstr. 63, 47057 Duisburg, NRW, Germany
ZIM, University of Duisburg-Essen, Forsthausweg 2, 47048 Duisburg, NRW, Germany
ViMEDEAS, ViMCOX, Replicave, Metadata, Virtual Museum, 3D Framework, X3D, X3Dom, WebGL,
In this paper we introduce an automated approach for generating virtual museum exhibitions based on meta-
data. We will give an insight into the incorporation progress of X3Dom, as an additional export format sup-
ported by the 3D content generation framework, Replicave. The feasibility of these concepts will be tested by
providing new application examples within the scope of our ongoing cooperation with the Salomon Ludwig
Steinheim Institute.
In three recent papers (Biella et al., 2012), (Biella
et al., 2010b) and (Biella et al., 2010a), we described
the Virtual Museum Exhibition Designer using an En-
hanced ARCO Standard (ViMEDEAS). ViMEDEAS
is a set of authoring tools and frameworks to cover
the entire design process of virtual museum planning,
creation, archiving, dissemination and presentation.
The metadata set ViMCOX (Virtual Museum and
Cultural Object Exchange Format) version 1.1 (Wolf
et al., 2012), included in ViMEDEAS, describes vir-
tual museums containing both classical and contem-
porary art, interactive exhibition content, assets, spa-
tial exhibition design and outdoor areas. ViMCOX
is based on international metadata standards and uses
LIDO version 1.0 as interchange and harvesting for-
mat for cultural objects (Coburn et al., 2010).
The Replicave framework is used to present exhi-
bitions locally or online (Biella et al., 2012). Repli-
cave is a Java based X3D toolkit for programmatic
modeling of 3D scenes. It generates 3D content at
runtime, based on exhibition templates or ViMCOX
metadata instances. Recent Web3D developments,
such as HTML5, WebGL and X3Dom, overcome the
disadvantages of plugin-based rendering and facili-
tate the use of widely adopted web techniques like
CSS, JQuery and Ajax as well as providing content
interactivity with existing web APIs and services. To
this end, we propose a new development track using
X3Dom as an additional visualization framework. It
is our goal to ease development of user interfaces us-
ing HTML5 and JavaScript to enable more suitable
illustrations of metadata or larger text-based content
embedded into HTML markup instead of displaying
text-based metadata within the 3D scene.
In addition we will introduce our generative ap-
proach for generating and publishing virtual muse-
ums. This addresses metadata-based modeling, pro-
cedural generation of content and 3D visualization us-
ing the rendering platforms X3D and X3Dom.
The framework Replicave was developed to provide
a cost-efficient way to create virtual museum exhibi-
tions by reusing 3D models and dynamically gener-
ated content based on room templates or ViMCOX
metadata. The framework uses Java and X3D to gen-
erate 3D scenes. Replicave is roughly divided into
three work packages: X3D markup generation, a tem-
plate engine and factory classes for room creation as
well as ViMCOX X3D metadata mapping. X3D
is an ISO standard 3D format, which is not natively
supported by web browsers and requires plugin in-
stallation. X3Dom is a open source framework for
rendering X3D content in web browsers. X3Dom
uses WebGL and OpenGL ES as a rendering plat-
form, which requires a WebGL capable browser such
as Google Chrome, Safari or Firefox. The Adobe
Flash Player version 11 plugin is used as a fallback
renderer for non-WebGL browsers or if WebGL sup-
port is not available. X3Dom is developed and main-
tained by Fraunhofer IGD. X3Dom proposes a new
HTML profile, which is an extension of X3D’s inter-
change profile. The HTML profile does not include
internal script nodes, pointing device sensor nodes or
Sacher D., Biella D. and Luther W..
A Generative Approach to Virtual Museums.
DOI: 10.5220/0004356102740279
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 274-279
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
support for X3D ProtoTypes (Jung et al., 2012). The
embeddedX3D scene graph can be manipulated using
the X3Dom integration model (Behr et al., 2009) and
JavaScript to access the HTML5 DOM tree, rather
than using the Scene Access Interface (SAI) and X3D
plugin interfaces (Web3D-Consortium, 2004).
To accomplish the adaption of X3Dom we con-
sidered the use of an additional interposed XSLT
layer to convert the generated X3D markup on the fly.
The X3D-Edit authoring tool already provides XSLT
stylesheets to transform X3D markup into X3Dom
web pages with xhtml markup (Savage-NPS, 2012).
Partially or unsupported node types are detected dur-
ing transformation, but are not omitted (cf. (X3D-
Graphics, 2012)). Furthermore, this approach is suit-
able for converting static scenes but not in terms of
dynamic scenes or interactive content generation and
to utilize the advantages and new features of X3Dom
as part of a SDK. Therefore, we decided to reuse and
extend the existing content generation classes as well
as the X3D writer package of the Replicave frame-
work rather than just convertingX3D content after ex-
port. Replicave’s X3Dom extension is an independent
content generator and SDK. Rapid porting and exten-
sion of source code was possible due to the markup
similarity and almost identical node specification of
X3D and X3Dom. Extensions to load Shader, create
CubeMaps and to add JavaScript-EventHandler were
implemented and are accessible through the Repli-
cave API. X3Dom allows adding of JavaScript event
handlers to the following X3D nodes: Group, Trans-
form and Shape. It also supports these mouse events:
click, mousedown, mouseup, mousedown, mouseover,
mouseout and mousemove (Behr et al., 2011). Attach-
ing of inline events is supported via the Replicave
API by utilizing corresponding X3D node attributes
(DOM Level 0). In addition, events can be attached
or removed through the HTML markup (DOM Level
Additional ports have been made to be conform
with X3Dom. This includes the conversion of 23
pre-assembled assets from X3D ProtoTypes to native
X3D Documents, because X3Dom currently doesn’t
provide support to load external or internal X3D Pro-
toTypes. Reordering of vertices for generating ge-
ometric window recesses of exhibition rooms, was
also required to be conform with the ear clipping
algorithm used to triangulate concave polygons in
We dispensed with the port of the exist-
ing exhibition-templates, room-templates and corre-
sponding room connectors because a similar feature
set and automatized generation of exhibition space
can be adapted more flexibly using the proposed
metadata-based modeling approach described in sec-
tion 3. The reuse of the software package to pro-
cess ViMCOX XML instances, required modification
of the 3D metadata mapping procedure described in
(Biella et al., 2012). There are currently two differ-
ent approaches for specifying rooms using ViMCOX
metadata (Wolf et al., 2012):
1. To create rectangular room shapes, it is sufficient
to specify two side lengths and the height of the
room. Each wall is aligned to a compass direction.
Referenced objects can be assigned to walls by
specifying compass directions.
2. To design custom room shapes, it requires at least
three wall definitions. Each wall needs to be
specified separately by providing absolute posi-
tion data of the bottom two corner points as well
as wall heights for construction. Objects are as-
signed to walls by specifying the corresponding
wall number. This allows arbitrary wall position-
ing to form the desired room shape.
The first method described, maps the ViMCOX meta-
data to a rectangular room template and uses the pa-
rameters for length and height to construct the room,
while the second approach uses factory classes to gen-
erate walls and rooms based on the mapped meta-
data input (Sacher, 2011). It is sufficient to focus
only on the second approach because of equal model-
ing capabilities and less effort is required to maintain
two implementations. Therefore, we implemented
an interface which calculates absolute wall positions
and transforms the compass directions of referenced
exhibits to wall numbers. This ensures that older
museum versions remain executable without post-
On-the-fly content creation based on exhibition room
templates (mediaroom, gallery, entrancehall, cloak-
room) was presented in (Biella et al., 2012) and
(Biella et al., 2010b). These templates can be con-
figured using XML configuration files or program-
matic through the Replicave API. The previously pro-
posed template-based approach is rather static and
limited due to the fact that only three templates are
customizable in terms of individual positioning of ex-
hibition content. Moreover, room appearances can-
not be customized without manual programming, and
the ability to create individual sophisticated room
shapes is limited. Our metadata-based generative ap-
proach facilitates more flexible generation of exhibi-
tion space and enables automatic distribution of con-
tents, metaphoric room connectors and camera view-
points marking points of interest.
The generative modeling paradigm, or procedu-
ral modeling, refers to parameters or lists of opera-
tions to generate 3D meshes and content using algo-
rithms rather than modeling interactively with CAD
software and exporting 3D models. Unlike the ap-
proach proposed in GML (Generative Modeling Lan-
guage) (TU Graz, 2010), our parameter design refers
not to low-level abstractions of components to de-
scribe 3D shapes such as points, lines or polygons,
but to an abstract representation of stylistic devices
such as (partition-)walls, windows, doorways or the
complete room shape. Parameters are specified in
the descriptive metadata sets of ViMCOX XML in-
stances, which are used by Replicave as configuration
for 3D content generation. Architectural design can
be specified as 2D floorplan in the ViMCOX meta-
data set. The 2D data will be transformed to 3D when
the virtual museum is generated. Floorplan data can
be acquired using different techniques. Modeling ap-
proaches based on 2D floorplans–using shape gram-
mar extensions and ontologies with export for dif-
ferent renderer (Tomas Trescak, 2012), transforma-
tion of Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) of build-
ings into CityGML XML instances as explicit geom-
etry (J. Benner, A. Geiger, K. Leinemann, 2005) or
2D floorplanning using graph theory (Ancona et al.,
2007)–can be found in the literature. Our concept
involves two means of generating content—metadata
and 3D content generation. This facilitates the ex-
change of authoring tools, the use of different 3D
visualisation techniques based on client capabilities
and dynamic generation of exhibitions based on larger
collections. Our metadata processor, the MetaToolkit
(Biella et al., 2012), provides interfaces and model
classes for automatic distribution of exhibits, addi-
tion of predefined viewpoints for each exhibit and
spatial modeling using algorithms. The MetaToolkit
uses JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding) to
accomplish a three tier schema mapping XML
POJO X3D. Schema-derived data classes gener-
ated by JAXB are transformed into corresponding
model classes to achieve convenient use in partial ap-
plications of ViMEDEAS and also to serve as input
for eased mapping of metadata to actual 3D content,
generated by Replicave (Biella et al., 2012).
An abstract architectural overview is presented in
Figure 1. Multimedia content; exported cultural ob-
ject metadata (LIDO); 3D models like (interactive)
exhibits, 3D buildings or 3D interior rooms; 2D pic-
tures; or floorplans as 2D point set can be used in
ViMCOX. Algorithms can facilitate 2D floorplanning
and automatic determination of exhibit distribution or
room layout. Authoring tools can modify the content
base as well as ViMCOX metadata instances. The dis-
semination and visualization layers are middleware
for assembling and publishing virtual museum in-
stances, locally or on the web, as well as interpreting
and rendering ViMCOX metadata instances on dif-
ferent visualization platforms. ViMEDEAS currently
only support X3D and X3Dom. Our generative mod-
eling approach becomes more efficient when larger
content bases need to be processed, which will be de-
scribed in the following application example as part of
our ongoing research (cf. section 3.1). The generated
show rooms will serve as an initial starting point for
further manual processing and visual design. Current
research addresses the development of API interfaces
to provide support for automatized generation of vir-
tual exhibition rooms based on simplified XML con-
figuration files and virtual objects stored as ViMCOX
instances. The exploratory stage focuses on paintings
and basic room shapes—rectangular shapes (aligned
to compass-directions) or room shapes in form of reg-
ular polygons. Our algorithm requires a list of walls
for each room and an ordered list of exhibitsand doors
to be placed on the corresponding walls. Parameters
for defining left and right spacing between objects are
optional and were initially set to 1.0m. The same
applies for heights of walls and vertical positioning
of the individual virtual objects. Initial textures for
walls, ceiling and floor are set to the Replicave pre-
set. The algorithm then calculates the individual wall
lengths and determines two side lengths (North-South
and West-East) for the construction of rectangular
rooms. For rooms in shape of regular polygons, the
largest wall will be used as the construction parame-
ter for calculating all wall coordinates. These calcula-
tions are done to preserve symmetric room shapes and
to determine additional spacing parameters to center
the objects as groups on walls, if desired. To calcu-
late wall lengths, the algorithm refers to the virtual
object dimension stored in the linked ViMCOX meta-
data instances. In the case of the ViMCOX object
type painting, the corresponding dimensions are the
image area, frame size and passe-partout size. Af-
terwards, the algorithm determines the positions of
each virtual painting or door and calculates a default
viewpoint for each object. The result is a single as-
sembled ViMCOX metadata instance, containing the
generated room instances with viewpoints, thresholds
(doors) and referenced objects as well as copies of the
initial virtual object instances. The generated virtual
rooms can then be visualized, locally or online, using
the Replicave framework (cf. section 3.2).
3.1 Application Example
The virtual Fleischhacker museum hosts 196 pictorial
exhibits; 3D assets like plants, pillars, glass vitrines,
benches and information tableaus; as well as 29 re-
constructed tombstones and one greatly enlarged re-
construction of a signet, which serves as eye-catcher
in the entrance hall of the virtual museum. The exhi-
bition design, texts and room arrangementswere elab-
orated by Dr. Barbara Kaufhold and will be themati-
cally arranged throughout fourteen exhibition rooms.
All rooms are in rectangular shape except for the oc-
tagonal entrance hall, an oval hallway and room four-
teen, where we have design freedom to demonstrate
stylistic devices for vivid room design. Room four-
teen will host tombstones and provides access to out-
door areas.
Fleischhacker’s pictorial estate was scanned and
recorded as ViMCOX XML instances and has been,
where applicable, enrichedwith additional descriptive
metadata. For this purpose, we provided a simplistic
metadata editor to automatize data acquisition: Gen-
erating thumbnail and texture, assigning unique iden-
tifiers, determining virtual dimensions of each digital
copy and creating a suitable folder structure for fur-
ther automated-processing. The virtual dimensions
were predefined to have an area of no more than one
square meter while preserving the original aspect ra-
tio of each image. The metadata editor was imple-
mented in C#. To map the ViMCOX schema defini-
tion to runtime classes, we used the Microsoft XML
Schema Definition Tool included in the .Net frame-
work (MSDN, 2011). The EPIDAT database devel-
oped and hosted by the Steinheim Institute, provides
epigraphic information about Jewish tombstones, in-
cluding descriptiveinformation, inscriptions and tran-
scriptions (Steinheim Institute, 2011). These addi-
tional metadata will be stored with the virtual tomb-
stone objects to be visualized in the virtual world.
Ground plot sketches to roughly indicate the spa-
tial design as well as positional information of the
virtual objects were made available to us. Other ini-
tial parameters for object arrangementand interior de-
sign were defined as follows: The bottom edge of
each image will be aligned using an invisible auxil-
iary line at 1.1m; information tableaux will be posi-
tioned at ground level; spacing between digital ob-
jects (images, tableaux) on each wall was set to 1.0m,
while the spacing between doors and objects was set
to 0.5m; and the initial wall height amounts 2.5m.
3.2 Dissemination
Automatic dissemination and deployment of virtual
museums on the web is part of our ongoing research.
We introduced an automatized approach to assem-
ble and distribute Web Application Archives (WAR)
interfacing Apache ANT programmatically on ap-
plication level at runtime in (Biella et al., 2012)
and (Sacher, 2011). The generated WAR file lay-
out is segmented in four parts: The Java libraries
needed to do the schema mapping and to generate
3D content—the XML processor and the Replicave
framework libraries for generating X3D and X3Dom,
ViMCOX XML instances specifying virtual exhibi-
tions; JavaServer Pages (JSP) to interface the Java
APIs to visualize X3D and X3Dom prospectively. It
also has all required resources, such as X3D mod-
els (exhibits and assets), textures, multimedia ob-
jects and other user content. The intended dissem-
ination and presentation workflow can be described
as follows: Automatic or user-generated ViMCOX
XML instances are gathered from the content cre-
ator’s workspace to determine and assemble all re-
quired resources. This includes normalization of path
statements to match web-application conventions and
relative file path statements. The virtual museum
will be generated on server side at runtime. Meta-
data instances are processed and the virtual museum
will then be generated and presented in accordance
with the the selected visualization method (X3D or
In general, a metadata-based modeling approach has
the flexibility to exchange authoring software, meta-
data processors or visualization frameworks. The
APIs of the MetaToolkit and Replicave enable the
generation of exhibition space and facilitate automatic
distribution of exhibits. Automatized spatial design is
not limited to rectangular or regular n-sided polyan-
gular room shapes but can also utilize point lists rep-
resenting ground plots or the topographic maps of
rooms and buildings. Procedural modeling based
on native metadata still requires knowledge of soft-
ware engineering and it is mainly designed for expe-
rienced users and IT experts. We believe that exhi-
bition design is a iterative and creative process. Our
(semi-)automatic approach is suitable for larger con-
tent bases and when regular polygonal room shapes
are desired. The supported room shapes are appro-
priate for virtual museums without extravagant archi-
tectural design. In addition, we support the combina-
tion of manually created, auto-generated, prototyped
or dummy content, which can be replaced during the
design process. The generated exhibition rooms serve
as an initial starting point for further manual process-
ing and visual design. This includes the assignment
of suitable textures, color coordination, fine-tuning of
object positions and scale to create more lifelike exhi-
bition rooms and to suit the curator’s preferences and
perceptions. We are targeting to assess our approach,
by comparing the users experienceperceivedin differ-
ent types of museum exhibitions comprising the same
content on display: real museum exhibitions, equiva-
lent 3D reconstructionsand (semi-)automaticallygen-
erated museums with and without post-processing.
In future prospects we want to combine recom-
mender systems–taking into account user profiles in-
cluding demographic data, users content and archi-
tectural preferences, their experience in 3D worlds
(addressing navigation aid or modes as well as avail-
able object interaction modes) or their ability to
learn–to generate different exhibitions, assemble dif-
ferent virtual museum tours as well as adding suitable
educational or supplicant material to support the vir-
tual museum visitor. A architecture for adaptive vir-
tual museums was proposed in (Lepouras and Vassi-
lakis, 2004). Another application scenario is the gen-
eration of fictional exhibitions using content filtering
based on metadata categories such as epochs, artistic
style, object material, artists, collections or multime-
dia content.
The main drawback of the current development
track is that X3Dom does not support all the X3D sen-
sor nodes that were available in native X3D, such as
the pointing device sensors SphereSensor, Cylinder-
Sensor and PlaneSensor. These sensor nodes were
used to implement user-to-object interaction, includ-
ing rotating, scaling and translating exhibits. Another
shortcoming in comparison with X3D plugins is the
switching and selecting of viewpoints or even the an-
imated transition between multiple viewpoints of a
scene (viewpoint tour/camera path animation). This
feature set was formerly accessible using the built-in
interfaces of X3D browser plugins. These features are
not part of the X3Dom specification and are there-
fore designated to be implemented by web develop-
ers. Thus, we need to re-implement equivalent behav-
ior using JavaScript.
The proposed automatization process for publish-
ing exhibitions on the web requires manual selection
of the desired visualization method and format. A
more convenient way would be to detect client ca-
pabilities using JavaScript, i.e., to detect the WebGL
rendering context or X3D browser plugins to provide
the appropriate visualization method based on client
Moreover, Replicave generates 3D content server-
sided and requires a servlet environment to deliver
web-based exhibitions. We are not currently consid-
ering a JavaScript-based port of Replicave due to the
broad feature set of ViMCOX and the great effort con-
ceivably required to implement complete metadata
mapping using JavaScript and JSON.
When generating virtual museums, Replicave
serves the same generated content and provides
almost the same viewing experiences using X3D
or X3Dom. Nevertheless, X3D-capable browser
plugins, like BSContact (Bitmanagement Software
GmbH, 2012), support per-vertex lighting; thus, the
shading quality of lit objects will increase depending
on the object’s polygon count. On the other hand,
X3Dom supports per-pixel lighting and therefore pro-
vides different viewing experience when light sources
are added to the scene.
The new development track using X3Dom as a
second visualization method is a further step to-
wards multiplatform—desktop, web and mobile—
virtual museums. Initial tests to load generated virtual
museums on mobile platforms succeeded. For testing
purpose we used a Google Nexus 7 tablet running An-
droid 4.1.2 and Firefox 16.0.2. We observed that the
X3D navigation mode EXAMINE works well using
touch input. However, the required X3D navigation
mode WALK—to simulate walkthroughs—currently
does not match the user experience provided by X3D
Many thanks to our project partners from the Stein-
heim Institute and our students for valuable sum-
maries of their diploma theses and for carefully im-
plementing the software, building virtual museums as
well as testing many models and examples.
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Renderer n
2D / 3D
Figure 1: Abstract architectural overview.