A Secure Dynamic Collaboration Environment in a Cloud Context
Chris Piechotta
, Adam Enø Jensen
, Martin Grooss Olsen
Joey W. Coleman
and Peter Gorm Larsen
Mjølner Informatics A/S, Aarhus, Denmark
Systematic A/S, Aarhus, Denmark
Web HQ A/S, Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Cloud, Access Control, Security, Cloud Storage, Collaboration, Information Security.
In recent years, the cloud has emerged as an attractive means for hosting and delivering services over the
Internet. This has resulted in a renewed focus on information security in the case where data is stored in the
virtual space of the cloud and is not physically accessible to the customer. This paper addresses the increasing
security concerns of migrating to the cloud and utilising it for data storage, focusing on securing data in an
untrusted cloud environment and ensuring detailed data access control in the cloud.
In recent years the paradigm of cloud computing has
been subject of much attention. The idea of dynamic
resource provisioning to provide scalability and avail-
ability at relatively low cost makes cloud computing
attractive for businesses. Cloud computing is usu-
ally partitioned into three primary services (Mather
et al., 2009): Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Plat-
form as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service
(SaaS). Numerous other services exist although some
with questionable justification. The term Anything as
a Service (XaaS) covers all of them (Schaffer, 2009).
A common property of all the services is the lack
of physical control of stored data, which hinders some
potential customers from migrating to the cloud. This,
combined with the Cloud Service Provider (CSP)
having full access to stored data is a considerable
concern and a primary hindrance for cloud migration
(Zhou et al., 2010).
One possible use of a cloud solution is when dif-
ferent independent stakeholders wish to collaborate
on a shared assignment (e.g. a consortium producing
a joint bid for tender). Such a dynamic collaboration
environment has security challenges in connection to
rights about who can see what data, and with the dy-
namic nature of such a coalition where new partners
All authors were with the Department of Engineering at
Aarhus University when the research described in this paper
was conducted.
may need to be included and others may need to be
This paper presents two conceptual designs for a
dynamic collaboration environment that, together, ad-
dress these concerns. These designs are based on
work from the first three authors’ thesis (Piechotta
et al., 2012). The aim is to provide a generic platform
for sharing data without disclosing confidential infor-
mation to unauthorised entities, while retaining the
ability to control access to stored data at a user speci-
fied granular level. As any system can be described by
its properties, the designs will be compared to related
work and evaluated based on its properties. Both de-
signs have been implemented in a publicly available
prototype to establish their feasibility.
After the introduction, Section 2 describes related
work that has been used as a basis for the work re-
ported here. Section 3 presents the model used to
evaluate the various solutions, using properties that
are particularly relevant to a collaboration platform.
Sections 4 and 5 presents our core research results in
the form of the two consecutive conceptual designs,
and compares these against the related work. Finally
Section 6 provides concluding remarks and indicates
future work.
Available at https://github.com/iqman/MACMSC
Piechotta C., Jensen A., Olsen M., Coleman J. and Larsen P..
A Secure Dynamic Collaboration Environment in a Cloud Context.
DOI: 10.5220/0004357004060415
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 406-415
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
In this section we describe the related work on two
cryptographic primitives that are fundamental to our
conceptual designs. Afterwards two related designs
that inspired our designs will be briefly presented.
2.1 Proxy Re-encryption
Asymmetric encryption (Simmons, 1979) provides
the basis for Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE). PRE en-
ables transformation of a ciphertext encrypted with
one key into a ciphertext that is encrypted by a differ-
ent key, all without ever decrypting it first and with-
out revealing any information about the cryptographic
keys (Blaze et al., 1998). This allows for PRE to be
performed by a semi-trusted third party, called an en-
cryption proxy.
Consider two persons Alice and Bob, each hav-
ing their own cryptographic key pair
. Alice cre-
ates a special PRE token based on her private key
and Bob’s public key and gives this token to the en-
cryption proxy. This allows the encryption proxy to
transform a ciphertext encrypted with Alice’s public
key into a ciphertext encrypted with Bob’s public key
which, in turn, allows Bob to decrypt it using his pri-
vate key.
Transitive and non-transitive PRE schemes exist
(Ateniese et al., 2006). Consider three persons, Al-
ice, Bob, and Carol that each have a cryptographic
key pair, and the encryption proxy that has a token
to transform a ciphertext from Alice to Bob and a to-
ken to transform from Bob to Carol. The transitive
scheme then allows the proxy to transform from Al-
ice to Carol by performing two transformations using
both tokens.
However, PRE has the shortcoming that it is pos-
sible for a user and proxy to collude and reveal the
private keys of other users (Dong et al., 2011).
2.2 Asymmetric Searchable Encryption
Asymmetric Searchable Encryption (ASE) is a cryp-
tographic scheme offering confidentiality while al-
lowing searching a ciphertext for keywords (Boneh
et al., 2004). This makes the scheme usable in numer-
ous scenarios and is considered more flexible with re-
gards to expressiveness of search queries. However,
A key pair consists of a private key kept by the user
and a public key that can be publicly known to others, in
this case the cloud.
the cryptographic operations used in ASE are rela-
tively slow making it inefficient (Kamara and Lauter,
2.3 Efficient Searchable Encryption
Efficient Searchable Encryption (ESE) is based upon
ASE, but improves upon its efficiency. ESE uses
asymmetric encryption but deterministically gener-
ates a token for each keyword associated with the ci-
phertext (Bellare et al., 2007). Thus the tokens are
suitable for use in a map of data entities and key-
words. ESE supports Single Reader and Multiple
Writers (SR +MW ) scenarios.
2.4 Related Designs
Two distinct designs have been used as inspiration for
our conceptual designs. Each has some strengths and
weaknesses, so we seek to consolidate their strengths
in our design while eliminating their weaknesses.
2.4.1 Two-step Encryption Scheme
The first inspiration is a design that uses the cloud
to store encrypted data and leaves key and ac-
cess management to a central entity called the
Data Owner (DO) (Kamara et al., 2011).
The stored data is encrypted using a two-step en-
cryption scheme. First, the data is encrypted with
Symmetric Searchable Encryption (SSE), using a
fresh randomly-generated encryption key. Then, that
encryption key is encrypted using Attribute-Based
Encryption (ABE) (Yu et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2011).
Finally, the encrypted data is stored in the cloud.
Users authorised to access data in the cloud are is-
sued credentials matching their access rights by the
DO. A separate token generator service is used to
handle search requests and to issue the user a search
token, which he sends to the cloud. Based on the
search token, the cloud identifies the encrypted data
that should be returned to the user.
The benefit of this approach is that the cloud only
contains encrypted data, and the searchable encryp-
tion allows searching through encrypted data without
downloading and decrypting it first, enchancing per-
formance. Integrity is preserved by introducing a data
verifier, usable only by the DO, to verify the integrity
of stored data.
A severe drawback of this design is that data
can only be put into the cloud when the sys-
tem is initialised. The lack of support for Multi-
ple Reader & Multiple Writer (MR +MW ) scenarios
by the employed encryption scheme is also problem-
Because the DO manages key distribution and
cloud access he becomes a bottleneck, resulting in a
negative effect on availability.
The tokens used to request data from the cloud are
generated deterministically and could lead to breach
of confidentiality since access patterns can be anal-
ysed through observation.
2.4.2 Trusted Key Management Server
This second inspiration is a design that, although it
does not consider the cloud context, aims to achieve
support for MR + MW scenarios by combining ESE
and PRE (Dong et al., 2008).
Keys are handled by a separate and trusted
Key Management Server (KMS). The server’s role is
limited to issuing and revoking user access and thus
access to the server is often not required.
The KMS is responsible for generating and stor-
ing a master key pair. When adding a user to the sys-
tem, the KMS generates and issues a new key pair
to the user and generates two PRE tokens used when
uploading and downloading data, respectively.
When a user wishes to upload data, he associates
the data with keywords, encrypts the data and key-
words using his public key, and transmits the resulting
ciphertext to the server. The encryption proxy trans-
forms the data and keywords to be encrypted by the
master public key by using the first token given by
the KMS.
When downloading data, the user uses his public
key to encrypt the keyword to search for and trans-
mits the resulting search token to the server. The
server transforms the search token so that it is en-
crypted by the master public key and then performs
the search. The identified data is transformed so that
it is encrypted by the user-specific public key using
the second token generated by the KMS. Data is then
transmitted to the user and decrypted using the user’s
private key.
As all users have distinct keys, a user can be
efficiently revoked by removing the token to trans-
form ciphertext between the master public key and
the user’s public key. Because there are two tokens
used for reading and writing data respectively, the so-
lution also supports coarse-grained access control as
removing one of them will prevent a user from either
reading or writing data.
The ultimate goal of the dynamic collaboration en-
vironment is to ensure data security and fine-grained
Table 1: Overview of evaluation properties.
Category Property
Data confidentiality
Data integrity
Data availability
User-to-user anonymisation
Access control
User addition and revocation
Fine-grained access control
Access control delegation
Many-to-many file sharing
data access while retaining the benefits of utilising
cloud storage. To facilitate an evaluation of the con-
ceptual designs and provide sufficient comparison to
the related designs, certain properties have been se-
lected and will be the focus for the comparison. The
chosen properties, presented in Table 1 and described
in detail below, are the ones we consider the most im-
portant in terms of addressing the security issues pre-
venting cloud migration.
Data confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
The designs must enforce information-security.
This is taken to be confidentiality, integrity and
Non-repudiation and Auditability. To ensure the
applicability of the designs in many domains,
non-repudiation and auditability should be sup-
ported to mitigate errors and fraud.
User-to-User Anonymisation. To prevent potential
cartelisation or collusion between entities in-
volved in the collaboration environment, user-to-
user anonymisation should be supported and con-
trolled by the DO.
User Addition and Revocation. A collaboration en-
vironment is dynamic and involves adding new
participants, while revoking others.
Fine-grained Access Control. Different levels of
trust require different levels of access to informa-
tion. Users often require access only to a strict
subset of the resources in the system, and should
not be allowed to access other parts.
Access Control Delegation. Having only one entity
manage access control for all users creates a bot-
tleneck. This necessitates the ability to allow mul-
tiple users to manage access at different levels.
Many-to-Many File Sharing. To ensure applicabil-
ity in a wide range of usage scenarios the collabo-
Data confidentiality
Data integrity
Data availability
User addition and
Fine-grained access
Access control delegation
Many-to-many file sharing
Circles indicate properties
which are equally well
Figure 1: Comparison of designs in related work.
ration environment should support many-to-many
file sharing.
Scalability. Due to the dynamic nature of a collabo-
ration environment in terms of resource usage and
number of users, it must support scalability.
Durability. When handling potentially large
amounts of data, potential hazards such as
hardware failures may result in data loss. This
is unacceptable and thus the collaboration
environment must possess high durability.
The different designs will be rated at four levels,
starting with a minus, as the lowest score, and ending
with up to three pluses, as the highest score. Each
level on the scale has a clear definition (Piechotta
et al., 2012). This makes distinctions between the dif-
ferent designs clear and makes an overall comparison
of them possible. Figure 1 shows a comparison be-
tween the two designs in the related works and the
defined properties.
This section describes Secure Dynamic Cloud-based
Data-sharing (SDCD), which comprises the core of
our research, and the foundation of the dynamic
collaboration environment. SDCD incorporates ele-
ments from the research and experiences of related
work to form a dynamic collaboration environment
as introduced in Section 1. Security assumptions are
outlined in Section 4.1, an overview of the conceptual
design and the terms important to SDCD is given in
Section 4.2, also describing the operations of SDCD
and providing a comparison to related work.
4.1 Security Assumptions
When cloud storage is utilised in a dynamic col-
laboration environment the benefits of the cloud are
gained, however, this exposes the stored data to secu-
rity risks. Data security may be compromised when
data is stored in the cloud or during transmission to
and from the cloud. Thus, when using cloud storage,
these security risks must be mitigated.
When using cloud storage, the CSP is assumed to
be honest but curious. This means that the CSP is
expected to be interested in learning the contents of
stored data, and has full access to everything stored
in the cloud, but it will faithfully follow any protocol
provided by the Data Owner. The CSP will not ac-
tively manipulate data or communications. The same
is assumed for any user accessing the untrusted cloud.
Furthermore, it is assumed that the CSP may attempt
to collude with an arbitrary user to attempt to gain
knowledge about the stored data or queries of any
other user.
4.2 The Conceptual Design
Essential parts of SDCD are based on cryptography.
In particular, PRE is combined with ESE to attain sup-
port for MR +MW while being able to search for data
based on keywords. To increase performance, SDCD
applies hybrid encryption by combining symmetric
and asymmetric encryption. This allows SDCD to
encrypt the bulk of data using symmetric encryption
with a randomly generated key and then encrypting
the key using asymmetric encryption.
By combining PRE and ESE, SDCD ensures that
all shared data is encrypted while maintaining sup-
port for individual keys for each user. Having individ-
ual keys makes it possible to efficiently revoke users
by removing their corresponding PRE token from the
data in
Stores public part
of signing keys at
keys to
Accesses data through
Reads PRE
tokens from
Encryption proxy
token storage
Signing key
keys from
Stores PRE
tokens at
Data Owner
Figure 2: Conceptual overview of SDCD.
encryption proxy, thus rendering the respective user’s
key useless.
The concept of a DO is central to SDCD. The DO
is responsible for generating keys and PRE tokens
for all users. This puts the DO in complete control
of users having access to shared data. Although the
DO is central to the system, users access data directly
from the cloud and users depend only on the DO for
being granted the initial access. Figure 2 gives a con-
ceptual overview of SDCD.
4.2.1 Data Entity
In SDCD, a single unit of data is called a data en-
tity. A data entity encapsulates a resource that may
be shared. It has an identifier, a non-empty set of at-
tributes, and a payload. The identifier is randomly
generated, but must be unique. The identifier is as-
signed to a data entity when the entity is created and
remains unaltered throughout the lifetime of the en-
tity. Each attribute corresponds to a single keyword
and contains two fields. The first is the encrypted
keyword. The second is an identifier for the attribute
which is deterministically generated from the unen-
crypted keyword. The payload is the resource that
should be shared. To support hybrid encryption, the
data entity also contains a field for the key used by
a symmetric encryption scheme. Finally, each data
entity contains the signature of the author. Table 2
shows an overview of a data entity.
Table 2: Overview of the fields in a data entity.
Set of attributes
Attribute 1
Keyword 1
Identifier of attribute 1
. . . .
. . . .
Attribute n
Keyword n
Identifier of attribute n
Symmetric encryption key
4.2.2 Keys and Tokens
The DO owns a master key pair. All data entities
stored in the cloud are encrypted using the master
public key. Each user also has two key pairs: a PRE
key pair and a signing key pair. The PRE key pair
allows a user to decrypt data entities received from
the cloud. The corresponding PRE token is placed in
the cloud. The signing key pair is used by the user to
sign data entities he creates or modifies. The signing
public key is located in the cloud, and is used by the
cloud to verify the integrity of data entities. All keys
are generated and distributed by the DO. The entire
key pair is distributed to the user and the public key
to the cloud. In addition to the key pairs, each data en-
tity has a unique symmetric encryption key. Finally,
a search token is used when a user searches for data
4.2.3 Data Entity Communication
When a user shares a resource, the data entity is cre-
ated and encrypted in the user’s environment. When
the data entity subsequently is accessed, it is re-
encrypted in the cloud and only decrypted in the re-
ceiving user’s environment. This means that the data
entity is never stored or processed in the cloud as
cleartext. This scenario is depicted in Figure 3. In
the figure, the steps are:
1. The user, Alice, prepares to upload a data entity
by encrypting it with the master public key.
2. Alice uploads the data entity to the cloud.
3. The cloud uses Alice’s PRE token to re-encrypt
the data entity.
4. The re-encrypted data entity is sent from the cloud
to Bob.
5. Bob decrypts the data entity using his own private
4.2.4 Verifying Integrity
To enable the cloud to verify the integrity of data en-
tities, SDCD uses digital signing. A data entity is
Alice’s PRE
3. Re-encrypt to
Ciphertext encrypted
using Bob’s public key
Ciphertext encrypted
using the master public key
Used to
Alice’s environment
Ciphertext encrypted
using the master public key
1. Encrypt
Bob’s environment
Ciphertext encrypted
using Bob’s public key
5. Decrypt
2. Uploads
Figure 3: Overview of how data flows in SDCD.
signed by its author so the integrity can be verified
in the future. The integrity verification scheme makes
it possible for any authenticated user to request the
cloud to verify the integrity of any data entity, inde-
pendent of who the author was. This is accomplished
while keeping all users anonymous to each other. To
verify integrity, digital signing is used resulting in
added support for non-repudiation.
The cloud must retain all public keys used for ver-
ifying signatures, even after a user has been revoked.
This remains the case as long as a user is the author
of any data entity. Furthermore, a user may have mul-
tiple signing keys if he has been added, revoked, and
reinstated. However, from the user’s perspective, only
a single signing key exists as he is unaware of the mul-
tiple signing keys kept by the cloud.
4.2.5 Operations
The conceptual design offers support for a range of
System Initialisation. The DO generates a master
key pair and initialises the system by permanently
taking the role of DO.
User Addition. To add a user, the DO generates a
new PRE key pair, a new signing key pair and a
single uni-directional PRE token for the user. The
DO uploads the PRE token and the public signing
key to the cloud. The DO gives the generated key
pairs and the DO public key to the user.
User Revocation. To revoke a user, the DO removes
the user’s PRE token from the cloud. The user’s
signing key remains in the cloud for later verifica-
tion of integrity of data entities where the user is
the author.
Data Entity Creation. To share a resource, a user
associates the resource with at least one key-
word. A new data entity is generated with a ran-
domly generated identifier and a randomly gener-
ated symmetric key. The resource is included in
the data entity as the payload. Identifiers are gen-
erated for all attributes. The keywords inside the
attributes and the payload are encrypted using the
symmetric key which is then encrypted using the
master public key. The user then signs the data
entity using his private signing key.
The data entity is uploaded to the cloud which
checks that the user is authorised to upload data
by verifying the existence of the PRE token for
the user. Finally, the cloud stores the data entity.
Data Entity Modification. To modify a data entity,
a user performs the steps outlined in data entity
creation. However, the identifier of the data entity
to update is reused. The modifying user becomes
the new author of the data entity.
Data Entity Deletion. To delete a data entity, a user
sends the identifier of an existing data entity to the
cloud and it is removed from the cloud storage.
Data Entity Searching. To search for data entities,
a user enters a single keyword to search for. A
search token is created from the keyword and
sent to the cloud. The cloud finds data entities
by matching the search token to identifiers of at-
tributes for all stored data entities. The cloud re-
encrypts matching data entities by using the user’s
PRE token. The matching data entities are then
returned to the user who decrypts them using his
private PRE key.
Data Entity Integrity Verification. To verify in-
tegrity, a user requests the cloud to perform the
verification. The cloud verifies the integrity by
using the public signing key of the user who is
the author of the data entity.
Data Entity Author Authenticity Verification. The
DO can use the cloud to determine and verify
the authenticity of an author of a data entity. To
prove the identity, the cloud performs an integrity
verification using the public signing key of the
4.2.6 Comparing SDCD and Related Work
In contrast to some of the related work (Dong et al.,
2008) SDCD is designed to work in a cloud context.
The cloud context increases the potential for availabil-
ity, scalability, and durability. When users are added
to SDCD, no further interaction with the DO is re-
quired, effectively enabling users to share data entities
even if the DO is not available.
Another important difference from the related
work is that SDCD does not re-encrypt data when
it is uploaded to the cloud. Instead the master pub-
lic key is used directly by users. A benefit of this
is reduced complexity and improved performance in
the cloud when data is uploaded. Furthermore, re-
encryption changes the binary layout of a data en-
tity which would invalidate the signature added at the
client. The disadvantage is that permissions to read
and write cannot be distinguished. An authorised user
in this design either has unrestriced access or none at
By using PRE, SDCD introduces the risk of collu-
sion between the cloud and a user. However, the bene-
fit of using PRE is support for many-to-many resource
sharing which outweighs this concern. Another solu-
tion presented as related work (Kamara and Lauter,
Data confidentiality
Data integrity
Data availability
User addition and
Fine-grained access
Access control delegation
Many-to-many file sharing
Circles indicate properties
which are equally well
supported by SDCD and any
of the others.
Figure 4: Comparison of SDCD to related work.
2010) does not share the concern for collusion, but it
does not support many-to-many file sharing.
SDCD supports many of the important proper-
ties defined earlier. However, notably missing from
SDCD is support for auditability and access con-
trol delegation. Figure 4 summarises and compares
SDCD and the related work to the defined proper-
ties. SDCD meets or exceeds both related works on
all points.
This section describes Cloud-based Hierarchical Ac-
cess Control (CHAC), comprising our research into
extending upon SDCD, adding support for fine-
grained data access control. Section 5.1 establishes
the need for the access control model used in the de-
sign, and provides a detailed description of CHAC,
explaining the basics of the access control model and
its entities and operations. Section 5.2 presents de-
tails on user revocation in CHAC, while Section 5.3
provides a comparison between the original and the
extended design.
5.1 Improving the Design
Fine-grained control of access to data is essential in
any system where data is shared among users with dif-
fering levels of trust. To ensure data security, highly
trusted users may be allowed full access while oth-
ers are allowed only partial access to the shared data.
Thus, effective management of these rights become
important. To achieve this and to combine the two
designs, we have designed CHAC as an extension
of SDCD. Figure 5 shows how SDCD is extended
through the addition of CHAC. Together they form a
generic collaboration environment offering confiden-
tial cloud storage capable of enforcing fine-grained
user access control and permission delegation through
the use of a role hierarchy. This results in a trans-
parent access control model with a clear set of rules
defining how permissions are granted to users.
CHAC is based on the Role-Based Access Con-
trol (RBAC) model that originates from the NIST
RBAC standard (Ferraiolo et al., 2001). The model
is used to manage permissions that are used to access
data stored in a cloud-based storage. The permissions
are mapped onto roles that are assigned to users. The
users can access data entities and perform selected op-
erations through their assigned roles. The roles are
related to one another in a hierarchical tree structure
allowing inheritance of permissions while at the same
time preventing child nodes from ever having permis-
sions not held by their parent. Figure 6 shows the
role relationships and how permissions are passed on
down the tree structure.
The conceptual design must preserve the aspect of
user-to-user anonymisation as this is an important se-
curity aspect with regards to collusion. CHAC has
rules determining visibility of roles and users. A role
can, given the right permissions, be used to see and
Access control
2. Validate request
againt Alice’s roles
Data storage
3. Re-encrypt
requested data entity
5. return re-
encrypted data entity
Encryption proxy
token storage
4. Find Alice’s
PRE token
1. Request data entity
6. Return re-
encrypted data entity
Figure 5: Conceptual overview of CHAC.
Role Permissions:
Role AA Role A Root
Role BA Role B Root
Role BB Role B Root
Figure 6: Overview of the role hierarchy.
Figure 7: Re-encryption flow with n users.
manage all roles further down the tree on the same
branch. That is, the roles sub-roles and their sub-
roles, recursively. This also entails that a role can be
managed by its parent roles, recursively. Thus, the
root role can see and manage all roles and the users
assigned to those roles in the tree. For any sub-role
that can be seen, the users assigned to the role can also
be seen. Users can have multiple roles assigned resid-
ing at different levels of the tree structure. For users
to retrieve data from the cloud, encrypted data must
be re-encrypted to match the respective user’s cryp-
tographic keys, since all data entities are encrypted
using the DO’s encryption key pair. This results in
users having an indirect hierarchical relationship in
terms of their cryptographic key pairs.
In the scenario where more users are subsequently
added, data is re-encrypted multiple times as re-
encryption of data is performed all the way down the
indirect user hierarchy, formed through role assign-
ment, to the user requesting data. Figure 7 shows
how this affects the re-encryption process with n
users. In the figure, Alice has added Bob who sub-
sequently added another user ending with user n be-
ing added. When user n requests data, the data is first
re-encrypted from being encrypted by the master pub-
lic key to being encrypted by Bob’s public key, using
Alice’s PRE token. Then it is re-encrypted to being
encrypted by the next users public key, using the cor-
responding PRE token, until it is encrypted with user
ns public key, enabling him to decrypt the data.
Users with sufficient permissions can manage
roles, users, and data entities through various oper-
ations, such as creating new roles and users, or edit-
ing already existing roles and users. Data entities are
stored separately from user and role information. This
means that for each role that grants access to a set
of data entities, a reference exists in the role for each
data entity. Multiple roles can reference the same data
entity. When creating a sub-role which has access to
data entities of its parent, an additional reference is
created for each of the data entities they share.
Auditability is introduced by allowing a root role
to view actions performed by users. It can be used
to review events associated with a specific role, data
entity, or user. It can determine what has occurred,
when it occurred, and who was responsible. Sufficient
information must be stored in an audit log to ensure
precise auditing. This means that whenever entities
within CHAC are changed or new entities are created,
these actions must be logged together with user infor-
mation about who performed the action and through
which role it was performed. The logging is an auto-
matic procedure performed by CHAC and is invisible
to users when they perform actions.
Audit logs are stored and maintained for users,
roles, and data entities. Audit logs are kept even if
an entity is deleted. This helps provide a complete
picture of actions associated with even deleted enti-
ties and allows auditors to see when the entity was
deleted and by whom. The audit logs are stored in the
cloud storage in encrypted form using similar cryp-
tographic techniques and keying schemes as the ones
used to protect data entities.
5.2 User Revocation
The effort required to revoke users from the collab-
oration environment is minimal. This becomes ev-
ident when compared to other approaches towards
user revocation that either require re-encryption of all
shared data, or the maintanence of blacklists of re-
voked users to ensure that these users cannot gain ac-
cess to data (Ruj et al., 2011). This issue is avoided
through the role-based access control model used in
CHAC. Revoked users are prevented from retrieving
data from the cloud storage, and are unable to de-
crypt data, should they somehow get hold of it, as
data needs to be encrypted under the revoked user’s
cryptographic key pair.
If data leaks should occur from somewhere in the
role hierarchy, entire branches of the hierarchy can be
suspended until appropriate actions have been taken.
In CHAC access control is performed in the cloud
environment and does not require off-cloud services.
This improves availability and durability compared
to other approaches where the access control mech-
Data confidentiality
Data integrity
Data availability
User addition and
Fine-grained access
Access control
Many-to-many file
Circles indicate properties
which are equally well
Figure 8: Comparison of CHAC to SDCD.
anisms are located off-cloud.
5.3 Comparing the Conceptual Designs
As shown in Figure 4, SDCD lacks the ability to del-
egate access control among users. For a dynamic
collaboration environment to remain efficient, man-
agement of access control must be delegated among
users. This ensures that no single user has the sole
responsibility, thus becoming a bottleneck in the sys-
tem. In contrast to SDCD, CHAC offers support for
fine-grained access control for the dynamic collabo-
ration environment. A comparison of the two con-
ceptual designs can be seen in Figure 8. In addition
CHAC introduces the ability of conducting auditabil-
ity on entities used in the conceptual design. This is
also an improvement to the initial design of SDCD.
Two new designs constituting a secure dynamic col-
laboration environment have been presented. The first
design provides the foundation that ensures the confi-
dentiality of data stored in the cloud while the second
expands on the capabilities of the first to handle the
dynamics of managing such a collaboration environ-
ment through detailed access control and access con-
trol delegation.
Our initial design employs a combination of
symmetric and asymmetric cryptography. Data
is encrypted with a master key generated by the
Data Owner (DO) upon system initialisation. In-
tegrity and non-repudiation is ensured by using dig-
ital signatures. All users have individual signing keys
which are used when submitting data to the cloud.
The initial design allows for integrity verification of
stored data through digital signatures, and allows the
DO to identify its respective author.
Proxy Re-Encryption (PRE) is applied to support
many-to-many file sharing while retaining the ability
to add and revoke users. This allows all users to sub-
mit data encrypted by the same key while receiving
and decrypting data using a user specific key. Any
user-specific key can be revoked without adversely af-
fecting the other users, by removing a PRE token from
the cloud. User-to-user anonymisation is achieved by
restricting the capabilities of users to only encompass
data access and data integrity checking. None of these
operations reveal the identity of other users.
When a user has been granted access and has re-
ceived his keys, no further communication between
the DO and the user is required. This provides scal-
ability and availability as the user communicates di-
rectly with the cloud.
Our improved design introduces a customised
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) model with
SDCD at its core and enables support for fine-grained
data access. An auditability scheme has been intro-
duced, in addition to the access control model, adding
the security aspect of auditing to the design.
CHAC is structured as a hierarchy, achieving a
manageable structure that can easily be mapped onto
job or usage functions in an organisational structure.
Our initial designs had a user hierarchy, existing in
parallel with the role hierarchy, to enable a struc-
tural dependency between users. However, this ap-
proach was deemed impractical due to the complexity
of maintaining and continuously validating two dif-
ferent hierarchies with intertwining dependencies. To
simplify the access control model, the user hierarchy
was abstracted away and only the role hierarchy re-
mains, with the users now in a flat structure, or a pool
of users. The access control model allows for delega-
tion of access control management through clear role
The current life-cycle management of the PRE key
pair hierarchy is based on the relationship between
key pairs in the form of PRE tokens. To allow a user
in a lower tier of the hierarchy to decrypt data, the
encrypted data must first go through a chain of re-
encryptions to pass down through the hierarchy end-
ing at the user. As the collaboration environment
evolves over time, the PRE key pair hierarchy poten-
tially becomes very deep. This is undesirable as the
additional re-encryptions result in an additional com-
putational overhead and expose structural information
about the hierarchy in the form of re-encryption du-
ration. This information could be used for timing
attacks which could potentially reveal cryptographic
details on how data is protected (Kocher, 1996). This
is a subject for future work.
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