Managing the Cloud Service Lifecycle from the User’s View
Beatrice Moltkau, Yvonne Thoss and Alexander Schill
Faculty of Computer Science, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Service Lifecycle Management, Cloud Management System, Cloud User.
Abstract: The concept of Cloud Computing has become indispensable in recent years. The use of distributed compu-
ting resources facilitates primarily infinite scalability and cost reductions by pay per use agreements. How-
ever, the management of cloud services is extensive with regard to the Cloud Service Lifecycle phases. The
analysis of operational Cloud Management Systems showed that the scope of managing functionalities is
too inconsistent. We present a guideline for the development of a Cloud Management System that supports
the essential phases within the Cloud Service Lifecycle from the cloud provider’s and the consumer’s view.
Cloud Computing enables the demand-oriented
access to distributed computing resources (e. g.
servers, storage, and services) over a broad network.
The capabilities available for provisioning seem to
be unlimited at any time from the user’s view. The
people or organizations interacting with cloud based
systems can be subdivided into three core roles. The
cloud provider’s responsibilities are the provision-
ing, management and maintenance of the infrastruc-
ture to run the Cloud Service (CS), whereas the
components are developed by the cloud creator. The
cloud consumer is the one who purchases or obtains
the CS. Services are in use with increasing demand
in both private and public domains. Due to this quite
heterogeneous target groups with respect to their
interests, characteristics, goals or skills we must
support and enable cloud users to take advantage of
the provisioning and usage of cloud-based services.
Even though the time of use of a CS corresponds to
characteristic phases, the result of analyzing differ-
ent existing approaches of lifecycle descriptions
(Janiesch et al., 2011; Joshi et al., 2009; Brandic,
2009; Office of Government Commerce, 2007; Biz-
manualz, 2011; Lee, 2007) showed that no standard-
ized definition is available yet. Therefore, in this
paper we present first of all a Cloud Service Lifecy-
cle (CSL) that is based on the analyzed approaches
in order to take advantage of their benefits. Based on
this we evaluated existing operational Cloud Man-
agement Systems (CloudMS) (Amazon, 2012b;
Google, 2010; Amazon, 2012a; Baun, 2011, enStra-
tus, 2012) with respect to the required cloud user
support within the lifecycle phases (Moltkau, 2012).
Furthermore we present the results of this compari-
son. We have found out that none of these systems
provide full support to cloud users. E. g., the Google
Marketplace (Google, 2012) provides “insufficient”
support, the AWS Management Console (Amazon,
2012a) only “sufficient” support of the lifecycle
phases. None of these systems provide a satisfying
assistance neither to perform contract negotiation
tasks between the provider and the consumer nor to
request required services adequately. Our current
work focuses on providing a guideline for the devel-
opment of a CloudMS that supports the entire CSL.
To examine existing CloudMS regarding their full
CSL support we have developed a CSL description
(Figure 1) by combining the definitions of Janiesch
(2011), Joshi (2009), Brandic (2009), the ITIL cycle
(Office of Government Commerce, 2007), the
PDCA cycle (Bizmanualz, 2011), and the MAPE
model (Lee, 2007). The CSL consists of nine stages:
Deployment, User Requirements, Matchmaking,
Negotiation, Execution, Monitoring, Analyzing,
Adjusting, and Ending.
A potential entry point into the cycle is the De-
mand stage. If a service with specific features does
not exist its generation can be initiated here.
Moltkau B., Thoss Y. and Schill A..
Managing the Cloud Service Lifecycle from the User’s View.
DOI: 10.5220/0004357602150219
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 215-219
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Cloud Service Lifecycle.
In the Deployment stage a provider collects all
information about a service in a service description.
By publishing the description a service is registered
and potential consumers can find it. Both stages are
based on the Offering and Demand stage of the
TEXO lifecycle (Janiesch, 2011) where a service
can be deployed after the consumer has sent a re-
quest for it. A service is supplied to the market once
all related information is published on the internet.
During the next stage the consumer specifies the
User Requirements and priorities for a service. This
stage refers to the Service Requirements stage of the
lifecycle model of Joshi (2009) where the consumer
“details the technical and functional specifications
that a service needs to fulfill”. After the consumer
has sent his search request a list of matching services
is delivered. The Matchmaking process is based on
the TEXO lifecycle (Janiesch et al., 2011) and the
Service Discovery of Joshi. From the returned list of
matching services the consumer picks the most fit-
ting one. For this service he may negotiate a Service
Level Agreement (SLA). First he specifies desired
guarantees for the service, then the provider replies
if he can fulfill them. The SLA Negotiation is simi-
lar to the Service Negotiation in the lifecycles (Joshi
et al., 2009; Kümpel et al., 2010). When the SLA is
concluded, the Execution stage is entered. Here the
service is activated before its execution. The Moni-
toring, Analyzing, and Adjusting stages are looped
through during the execution. They are based on
steps from the ITIL cycle (Office of Government
Commerce, 2007), the cycle of Brandic (2009), and
the PDCA cycle (ISO, 2005; Bizmanualz, 2011).
The CS is monitored permanently. Performance data
of specific service features are analyzed. The meas-
ured values are compared with their contractually
agreed value qualities. If a value is not in line with
its guaranteed quality a message to the Adjusting or
Ending stage is triggered to cause problem solving
activities. In the Adjusting stage the infrastructure of
a service can scale rapidly
during runtime if neces-
sary. In the Ending stage the costs for the service
execution are billed, and the service is rated by the
consumer (as in (Janiesch et al., 2011)).
From the previous CSL description we concluded
requirements for existing CloudMS. We analyzed
five distinct CloudMS which vary in their field of
supported applications and available functionalities.
They fulfill distinct requirements (Table 1).
Table 1: CloudMS support of the Service Lifecycle re-
quirements. Key: ++ = good support, + = sufficient sup-
port, – = insufficient support, / = no support.
ment stage
Google Apps
Deployment / / / + +
/ / / + +
Matchmaking / / / + +
Negotiation / / / /
Execution + + + + /
Monitoring ++ + ++ /
Analyzing ++ / ++ / /
Adjusting ++ + ++ / /
Ending + + +
Total support +
The scale of support of the CS requirements
reaches from “++” (full support) over “+” (fulfills
more than half of the requirements) and “–“ (fulfills
less than half of the requirements) to “/” (fulfills
none of the requirements). The first three CloudMS
(Amazon, 2012a; Baun and Kunze, 2011; enStratus,
2012) regulate the service infrastructure behind a
service. The monitoring of the resource performance
and the service execution are supported by these
systems but they disregard the deployment and
matchmaking of a service. The last two (Amazon,
2012b; Google, 2010) are CS Marketplaces that list
a choice of services available for consumers. These
solutions concentrate on the preparation of a service
before its execution and rarely take into account the
service execution itself. The table also shows that
most of the CloudMS disregard the Negotiation
stage. The AWS Marketplace enables at least a
choice between different payment models. The sys-
tems lack in the functionalities for payment too
which leads to the insufficient support of the Ending
To remedy the problem of existing CloudMS, the
missing support of the full CSL, we provide a guide-
line of functional requirements and a conceptual
design of the system structure to enable the devel-
opment of a CloudMS with full support.
The requirements catalog represents the user-
oriented features a CloudMS should have based on
the phases of the CSL. For service deployment the
system should provide functions to specify the fea-
tures and functions of the service and register it on a
marketplace. To find the best fitting cloud service
the consumer needs to specify threshold values and
quality requirements for a service. He should also be
able to set priorities for the service requirements. In
the matchmaking process relevant services are se-
lected. They should be presented to the customer in
a list. One service out of the list can be chosen. The
provider should be informed about a consumers
request for SLA negotiation. If a cloud service pro-
vides SLA templates or ready-made license agree-
ments they are offered to the consumer. During
negotiation the service features and contract details
should be presented in adapted forms for customer
and provider. When both parties are satisfied with
the negotiated SLA they should verify it. To start a
cloud service its activation should be initialized.
During the execution providers and consumers need
to monitor all their registered or used services.
Therefore performance data from the service is con-
stantly requested and saved for all monitored fea-
tures. The monitored data are analyzed by compar-
ing them with the guaranteed values in the SLA. If a
divergence is detected consumer and provider
should be informed and a message should be for-
warded for adjusting or ending the service. The
adjusting component is responsible for automatic or
manual changes in the service infrastructure at
runtime. When an alert message is received the rules
for adjusting the service infrastructure are read from
the SLA or the system user can adjust the infrastruc-
ture. By adding or removing a resource the service
infrastructure is scaled. As soon as an SLA expires
automatically or the consumer terminates it a service
is ended, its claimed resources are released and a bill
for the service execution is created. The consumer
also rates the service.
Contemporaneously with the requirements catalog
we suggest a conceptual structure of a CloudMS
with full lifecycle support. The system is structured
into five functional entities. A user has to be regis-
tered with a User Profile to gain access to specific
system areas. The Service Registration enables a
service provider to register his services to the mar-
ketplace. Service descriptions are created at the end
of the registration process. The Service Marketplace
enables consumers to search for services matching
their requirements. They can use various filtering
functions and search forms. Each service has a detail
page with all available information on the service.
The customer negotiates his SLAs in this area. In the
Controlling and Monitoring Area all registered ser-
vices of a provider or – depending on the user pro-
file – all used services of a consumer are listed.
Services can be activated and started in the control-
ling views. The provider performs the SLA negotia-
tion in this area. He can also adjust service re-
sources. Measured data and alarm messages are
displayed in the monitoring views. Services can be
rated and the calculated costs for a service can be
inspected here too. If changes occur the system in-
forms the users via messages, e.g., if an alert is fired
or if there are changes on the service infrastructure.
All messages are saved and displayed in the Messag-
ing Area.
Based on three different use cases we have evaluated
the employment of our system und have compared it
with the employment of the introduced CloudMS.
The use cases cover the requirements of the whole
CSL. In the first use case a private consumer search-
es for a storage service. After contract violation the
user terminates and rates the service. In the second
use case a midsize company obtains office software
from a provider. Since the execution of the service
reaches less time than guaranteed the company de-
cides to change the provider. In the third scenario a
provider has deployed a service that is able to con-
vert a video in various target formats. During the
execution the server on which the service runs is
down. Consumers whose video conversion failed get
refunded. All can rate the service quality.
On the basis of our guideline we designed 14
mockups of the proposed CloudMS. We showed that
one CloudMS can fulfill all requirements with re-
gard to the lifecycle.
In the first use case our system enables the con-
sumer to search for a storage service on a market-
place via desired requirements. After choosing a
service he picks the best match and one of the ready-
made contracts that are offered. The customer sees
the costs for the service and can end and rate it.
Compared with the other approaches our conceptual
CloudMS supports the requirements of the first use
case best (Moltkau, 2012). While marketplace solu-
tions offer limited search mechanisms they rarely
support the monitoring of the service execution. The
provision of different agreements is not supported by
any of the existing systems.
In the second use case our conceptual system can
fulfill all requirements. The agreed service levels are
monitored and can be inspected at. When the re-
sponse time drops the customer is informed about
the attempt of the provider to adjust the service in-
frastructure. He can end the service and rate it. Dur-
ing the search for a new service he can increase the
priority for the response time. For the contract nego-
tiation the customer can use a form to set his desired
service quality. In comparison enStratus provides
“sufficient” and therefore the best support of the
existing systems. It does not support the matchmak-
ing of a service or the rating of the service perfor-
mance. None of the introduced systems support the
negotiation of an SLA or the setting of priorities
during the search.
The provider in the third use case can register a
service by submitting a service description. When a
consumer asks for executing the service the provider
starts the negotiation of an SLA. During service
execution the provider can adjust the infrastructure.
The costs and equalization payments are calculated
as well. The payment itself is handled by the system.
The provider can see the ratings of his service. All
requirements of the third case can be fulfilled by the
conceptual system. The AWS marketplace provides
“sufficient” and therefore the best support within the
existing systems but cannot forward alerts, monitor
the execution sufficiently, or adjust the service infra-
structure. The AWS marketplace provides “suffi-
cient” and therefore the best support within the ex-
isting systems but cannot forward alerts, monitor the
execution sufficiently, or adjust the service infra-
The conclusion of the evaluation is that the re-
quirements of the three use cases could be fulfilled
“excellent” by our conceptual CloudMS. The man-
agement of the last two use cases is possible in its
entirety and the first use case can be managed by the
system to nearly full extent. The existing CloudMS
support significantly less portions of the entire
lifecycle. The best result here is the support of the
third use case by the AWS Marketplace. Because
each of the systems lays its focus on a different area
they lack functionality when it comes to full lifecy-
cle support. The evaluation conveys that our concep-
tual CloudMD can not only satisfy the requirements
of one specific scenario but a broad field of man-
agement requirements.
The drafted CloudMS is in a very early stage. The
next step is its evaluation by the target audience to
examine the usability of the system. The implemen-
tation of a prototype will follow to analyze the theo-
retical considerations in a practical employment. We
will examine if the recommendations are suitable for
daily use and if all requirements are convertible. The
shortcoming of the system regarding the level of
detail for the search should also be improved in the
future. Considerations on how the missing level of
detail can be achieved have to be included into the
system concept. Another improvement can be a
closer connection between the system components.
One example is the linking between the Service
Marketplace and the Controlling and Monitoring
Area. During the execution of a service the costs can
be monitored to offer cheaper services with similar
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