Development of Mobile Applications in Regional Companies
Status Quo and Best Practices
Tim A. Majchrzak and Henning Heitk¨otter
Department of Information Systems, University of M¨unster, M¨unster, Germany
App, Business App, Mobile Application, Best Practice.
Within a few years, smartphones and tablet computers have spread dramatically. While their hardware has
become more powerful, the versatility of devices is driven by applications for them. These so-called apps
are increasingly developed for business purposes. We wanted to find out whether apps are interesting for
all businesses, how they think apps can be useful for them, in which way they consider to use them, and
what kinds of challenges and problems they see. Therefore, we worked with local companies and conducted
interviews. By analysing the transcripts we got detailed insights of the practial relevance of using apps. We
present the status quo of app development by local companies, highlight early best practices described by
them, and discuss our findings. Thereby, we raise topics for future research.
A couple of years ago, the only mobile devices widely
used were mobile phones, which focused on (speech)
communication. In theory, the functionality of mobile
phones could be extended by e.g. installing small ap-
plications written in Java ME. This was seldom done,
though. Other devices such as personal digital as-
sistants (PDAs) have to be seen as niche products.
Within a few years, smartphones and tablet comput-
ers have spread dramatically. They have mostly re-
placed PDAs as well as other mobile devices. With
their increase in popularity, a paradigm shift can be
observed. Communication is only one of many func-
tions. While the hardware has become very power-
ful, it is the software of smartphones and tablets that
makes them successful. Mobile applications – apps
make them versatile and adaptable yet easy to use.
At first, apps were developed either by vendors of
mobile platforms such as iOS (Apple) and Android
(Google) or by enthusiastic individuals. Slowly but
steadily, enterprises are now exploring the possibil-
ities of using apps. The number of apps developed
with a commercial interest in mind grows. We wanted
to find out whether apps are interesting for all busi-
nesses, how they think apps can be useful for them,
in which way they consider to use them, and what
kinds of challenges and problems they see. Business
adoption is too recent to get insights from quantitative
studies. Thus, we worked qualitatively in a project
with regional companies. While this seems like a lim-
itation, it enabled us to keep close contact and conduct
very detailed interviews.
This paper presents results from our project.
Whenever possible, general implications of our find-
ings are given along with a discussion. Our work
makes several contributions. Firstly, it depicts the sta-
tus quo of app developmentas derived from a regional
sample. Secondly, it presents early best practices
learned from the companies. Thirdly, it discusses as-
pects of app development that pose particular chal-
lenges. Fourthly, it theorizes about these findings and
points to general ramifications. Findings are specifi-
cally suited for businesses just beginning to examine
mobile scenarios.
Section 2 of this paper motivates the importance
of business apps and explains the background of our
project. The status quo of app development as derived
from our business partners is described in Section 3.
In Section 4, early best practices for business app de-
velopment and usage are compiled. Section 5 presents
a discussion of our findings. An overview of related
projects is given in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 draws
a conclusion.
Apps are, generally speaking, lightweight, easy-to-
use, and optimized for the particularities of mobile
Majchrzak T. and Heitkötter H..
Development of Mobile Applications in Regional Companies - Status Quo and Best Practices.
DOI: 10.5220/0004359303350346
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 335-346
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
devices, such as screen size and prevalence of touch-
screens. They are distributed via a mobile platform’s
app store. Demand for apps from consumers and busi-
nesses alike is very strong. Often, customers expect
companies to be present on mobile devices in one way
or another. They want to be able to use their smart-
phone to access a company’s services from every-
where. There are apps of all conceivable categories,
ranging from games over social media to shopping.
Our work focuses on business apps. We under-
stand them as mobile applications that support busi-
ness tasks. This definition is broad by intention. It
for example includes apps that employ sophisticated
graphics (or even are games) but serve a marketing
function. However, in most cases apps with form-
based input and output are concerned. Apps are in-
teresting for enterprises with respect to several us-
age scenarios and target audiences. Firstly, a com-
pany may want to provide its employees with apps to
support its business processes. Secondly, it may offer
apps to its customers for marketing, sales, or servicing
purposes. Thirdly, a company with a focus on soft-
ware development may develop apps for and by or-
der of its clients according to their requirements. For
companies that support at least parts of their business
processes with IT, the integration of mobile devices
into these processes appears as the next logical step.
Developing apps poses several challenges, espe-
cially to small and medium enterprises, due to sev-
eral particularities. Up to now, the mobile market
is heavily fragmented into incompatible mobile plat-
forms like Android, iOS, or Blackberry. This leads
to increased development and testing efforts. Fur-
thermore, mobile operating systems are quite differ-
ent from well-known desktop operating systems and
limited in scope, requiring new concepts.
Small software development companies or busi-
nesses with small IT departments often lack the re-
sources and expertise of larger enterprises, but are still
eager to profit from the aforementioned benefits of
apps. They often have no experience with app devel-
opment and no department specialized in mobile top-
ics. This was the starting point of our research into the
state of mobile development. We contacted several
regional companies that proved to be interested in the
topic and set up the project Business Apps. As part of
the project, status quo and best practices of app devel-
opment were of a particular interest. The participants
were selected from a pool of companies managed by
the local chamber of commerce. All of them either
have IT-intensive business processes (e.g. as financial
service providers), or offer IT services and software.
In other words: they share an interest to support their
business with IT. Participation was of course volun-
tary; therefore, not all companies we contacted actu-
ally took part in the project.
Our department was responsible for managing the
project and conducting the research. 11 regional firms
of varying sizes and from different industries partici-
pated. We chose to first concentrate on a manageable
number of regional companies in order to allow for
in-depth conversations and insights. For a start, we
regard this qualitative approach to be preferable com-
pared to a quantitative survey, because a basic under-
standing of the current state of mobile development
is still missing and is better elicited through personal
interviews. With this paper, we intend to examine the
current state and provide results which can later be
used to plan larger surveys.
In order to investigate the status quo, gather typi-
cal requirements of business apps, and recognize best
practices, we conducted semi-structured expert inter-
views mainly with managers but also with develop-
ers. Based on a questionnaire that gathered quantita-
tive data of the respective company prior to the actual
interview, we discussed several areas: after an intro-
duction, we considered the company’s current state
of app development how many apps, if any, had
been developed already?; if none, why not?; which
use cases did the apps support?; how (well) did the
development process work from a business and from
a technical point of view? This was followed by ques-
tions about the expectations and requirements on the
development process of apps. Lastly, we asked our
partners about their future plans.
Interviews were guided by an outline of questions,
but gave plenty of room for discussion. We did not
ask the questions one after another, but let our part-
ners talk guided by intermittent inquiries from our
side. This ensured a lively discussion, while still han-
dling all important topics. The outline was developed
based on our prior knowledge of the area and keep-
ing in mind general criteria for developing software
as described in the literature on software engineering
and information systems development. Moreover, we
followed the approach chosen for a project in a sim-
ilar setting: qualitative research with a small number
of participants and long, open inteviews (Majchrzak,
2010a; Majchrzak, 2010b). This combination made
sure that we did not leave out important aspects. At
the same time, the openness of the interviews made
sure that notable issues that could not be anticipated
would still be captured because they would likely be
named by the interviewees. As a consequence, inter-
views lasted about 90 to 120 minutes on average.
After the interviewing phase, we compiled infor-
mation on the status quo from transcripts of the in-
terviews and analyzed it for typical statements and
often mentioned wishes and expectations. Section 3
describes the result. We also aggregated success-
ful strategies mentioned during the interviews and
analyzed them for general applicability, resulting in
best practices (Section 4). Moreover, we found sev-
eral topics of particular interest to smaller IT depart-
ments concerned with app development (Section 5),
for which no satisfactory solution is available so far.
In this section, we describe the status quo broken
down into the state of development, requirements, and
future plans.
3.1 State of App Development
3.1.1 Apps Developed so Far
All participating companies had developed first apps.
However, the number was small and typical projects
were proof-of-concepts. To categorize the apps the
level of heterogeneity was too high. In general, most
apps were designed to be used internally. Some of
them would normally target customers but were im-
plemented for internal assessment.
The described apps share a characteristic: very
limited functionality. Only some of them represent
new ideas. Many apps transfer existing functionality
to the mobile realm. Interviewees often told us that
functionality available as a Web site would be pro-
vided by apps more comfortably. These apps usu-
ally did not yet incorporate the full functionality of
the considered Web site but only its core services.
Those apps not based on existing functionality are
very simple. Oftentimes, only a single function is
provided, typically supporting workflows or enabling
easy access to information. A typical example is a cal-
endar tool for trash collection days published by a lo-
cal service provider. A majority of apps is concerned
with providing access to information. Managing or
even entering data still is negligible. We only learned
of few app for that purpose. One was a kind of virtual
clipboard used by mechanics to guide inspection ac-
tivities and send data to a backend. It also made plau-
sibility checks e.g. to make sure that all necessary in-
spection steps were followed. Another app was used
by field staff equipped with tablets. It provided visu-
alization and simple calculation of tariffs of financial
service products.
Some apps did not even serve a purpose in terms
of functionality. They were merely developed to as-
sess functionality and especially development frame-
works such as PhoneGap (PhoneGap, 2012) (now
Apache Cordova (ApacheCordova, 2012)) or the
Sybase Unwired Platform (Sybase Unwired Platform,
2012). The same applies for demonstration apps, e.g.
a management cockpit to observe real-time data.
Besides realized apps, many projects had been
driven to the design phase but not yet been imple-
mented. This can be explained with the complexity
of such apps. The participants described customer-
centric apps; some of them were supposed to include
cartographic services or make use of device-specific
services such as the camera. Realizing these apps
would be very valuable as novel services could be of-
fered to customers. However, the companies found
it very hard to estimate the actual effort required for
doing so. Some companies also scrutinize the pos-
sibility of adopting or adapting apps by third-party
vendors, specifically for Personal Information Man-
agement (PIM).
It has to be noted that the process for initiating
apps was versatile. Instead of being launched by cen-
tral management, several prototypic apps were built
on employees’ own discretion. These employees had
acquired the necessary skills in their free-time and out
of curiosity. Some companies realized the potential
and provided support by assigning some time for free
experimentation or by organizing workshops for ex-
perience sharing the latter were partly held on week-
3.1.2 Platforms
Two approaches could be observed for platform
choice. The first was to implement for one platform
only: Android or iOS, sometimes Blackberry. Usu-
ally, this choice was made for apps that were designed
for internal use or merely as prototypes. The second
was to support Android and iOS. Quite notably, al-
most none of the projects targeting customers sup-
ported other platforms while companies stressed the
importance of supporting these two. Not supporting
the platform chosen by customers was perceived as a
risk due to many peoples’ quite emotional attitude to-
wards “their” platform. One company noted that the
choice of platforms should target to “win and safe-
guards the trust by customers”.
Cross-platform development was only seen as im-
portant if customers were the target audience. The
participants usually did not support a bring your
own device (BYOD) policy fearing security problems
due to employee-maintained smartphones and tablets.
Particularly those companies that had provided staff
with devices (usually Blackberry units) even prohib-
ited BYOD. A common strategy for choosing mul-
tiple platforms was to take Android and iOS due to
their market shares and to develop an additional Web
app to support all remaining platforms. Some compa-
nies argued that they still could develop an additional
native version should another platform gain relevant
shares among their customer base. Some companies
refrained from multi-platform support despite its con-
ceptual merits. Reasons were high effort, problems
regarding usability and support of native appeal (e.g.
due to differences in gestures such as swiping), and a
highly increased administrative overhead.
We particularly wanted to learn whether compat-
ibility to multiple platforms would be sought in the
future. We found several, in parts strictly contrasting
approaches: The pragmatic point of view is to sup-
port whatever platforms are demanded by customers.
Several companies follow this paradigm. Prioritizing
usability means to weigh up between Web apps and
native apps while seeking to minimize effort. A Web-
based strategy neglects native look & feel and waits
for more device-support to be built into technologies
such as HTML5 (HTML5, 2012) (which can be used
to build fancy apps already (Zibula and Majchrzak,
2012)). The dual way proposes to support the most
important platforms natively while using a Web app
to serve all others. The desire to prevent effort may
strive for supporting relevant platforms but perceives
additional effort with skepticism. Following an ob-
servant strategy, one platform is picked for now but
market development is followed closely. Finally, for
internal usage a deliberate decision for one platform
in accordance with hardware investments is made.
3.1.3 Decision Processes
The kind of developed apps and especially the se-
lected platforms are strongly influenced by technical
underpinnings. However, due to our business focus,
we also wanted to understand which decision pro-
cesses lead to the development of apps. Hence, we
made this a topic in the interviews.
The simplest option is contract work for a cus-
tomer. This is only relevant for some of the partic-
ipating companies, though. Whether multiple plat-
forms are supported solely depends on the customers’
requirements and budget.
In several cases, the companies developed apps
proactively to reflect anticipated requirements. These
apps were offered to key customers. Some of them
also regularly conduct workshops with customers in
which requirements are discussed. This in particular
is popular if customers are shareholders at the same
time (e.g. in cooperative legal entities).
Internally used apps are usually requested by the
departments that want to use them to support busi-
ness processes. Design is problem-drivenin this case.
The same is possible for external development, but
not typical. App development projects initiated by
management or even executives were not reported.
One large company had several app development
projects initiated by their department for innovation
management. The company provides IT services and
tries to keep up with cutting-edge development to of-
fer solutions that are mature and safe for business
in alignment with rapid technological progress. Al-
though this requires considerable effort among ac-
cepting the risk of following technologies that ulti-
mately fail, this company had an edge in app develop-
Regarding technological specifications derived
from business decisions, no clear picture can be
drawn. Most companies have not decided on a strat-
egy, yet. Choice of technology is project-determined.
Internal app development often is strongly influenced
by the hardware strategy. If a company e.g. fixed to
equip employees with Blackberry devices, app plat-
form and development frameworks are mostly prede-
termined. Only some companies have decided on an
intermediate strategy for the next few years; this usu-
ally stipulates the support of Android and iOS.
The interviews were used by several company rep-
resentativesto utter criticism. For example, the closed
nature of the iOS platform was seen as counterpro-
ductive while the importance of it prevented compa-
nies from not adhering to Apple’s policy of acquir-
ing a developer’s license. Other representatives com-
plained about the level of investment security. The
(hostile) coexistence of a number of platforms re-
minds them of the browser wars of the 1990s. The
usability to decide which platform is worth to acquire
knowledge for is seen as a dilemma due to simulta-
neous customer demand. Finally, security was seen
as a main concern with only Blackberry providing
sufficient support (also see Section 5.1). It has to
be mentioned, however, that all participants perceive
profound chances in using the new technologies.
To conclude this phase of the interviews, we asked
how satisfied the companies were with their current
progress. Not all companies wanted to take a clear
position but the general attitude was positive. This is
remarkable since experiences are still very limited. At
the same time, satisfaction reflects to some degree the
potential seen in mobile devices.
It has to be noted as a final remark that some com-
ments on technical issues were contrary to statements
regarding decision processes. For example, iOS was
praised for its ergonomics and the low effort in coach-
ing employees in using it. This, however, at least par-
tially relates to the restricted nature of the platform
that enforces design standards.
3.1.4 Distribution
Apps may be distributed differently than typical for
classical applications. Data storage devices such as
optical discs are inapplicable. Rather, users download
apps from Web sites or access them via app stores.
The latter are organized similarly to Web shops are
provide good overview and easy installation. For
commercial purposes, software distribution tools are
available. To our knowledge, these tools are not (yet)
as powerful as their counterparts for distribution of
software onto commercial workstations and servers.
In common, companies are in favor of app stores.
It is very comfortable for their customers to find and
install apps. The possibility to rate apps is seen as a
positive enforcing to develop good apps. However, if
apps can be commented there also is the risk of un-
justified criticism. Some companies regard app stores
as the only interface to customers; providing them
for download on corporate Web site is seen as awk-
ward style. App stores are also considered for internal
deployment (so called enterprise app stores). There
have been critical remarks concerning the deployment
time of app stores. It would be “quite cumbersome”
for Blackberry and require “up to two days” for each
deployment. The mandatory checks in Apple’s app
store could take up to a week.
Automatically keeping employee-owned devices
up-to-date is seen as a problem. It is vital to e.g. in-
stall security patches without user interaction. Mo-
bile Device Management might be a solution (also
see Section 5.1). Particularly Blackberry (or rather
its vendor Research In Motion) was described as ad-
vanced in this regard. Apple is seen as focused on
consumers but shifting to recognize business cus-
In contrast with our expectation, virtualization
was not mentioned in the interviews. While virtu-
alization on workstations is used routinely and em-
ployees connect to the corporate network using ter-
minal servers, virtualization on mobile devices does
not seem to be considered. It might, however, be a
future way to offer access to resources and to increase
security. This specifically applies to allowing BYOD.
Finally, it has to be noted that enterprises currently
do not plan to offer premium services or to sell apps to
end-customers (i.e. consumers). Such services might
become available in the future but most of the com-
panies we interviewed see apps as an instrument for
customer relationship management or to support pro-
3.1.5 Development
The next step was to have a look at the implementa-
tion of apps. No processes specifically tailored to
apps could be observed. Development is conducted
like for other application; due to the nature of apps
particularity methods of graphical user interface de-
sign are employed. It was noted that app development
should be rapid; therefore, agile-influenced processes
are used even if normally not used by a company.
A particularity is the team size: it typically is one,
i.e. one app is developed by one employee. If they
become larger,development processes ought to be ad-
justed. Roles might be aligned with the structure of
apps as determined by the platforms. Android ad-
heres to a modified model-view-controller(MVC) de-
sign pattern which would allow for differentiated de-
veloper roles. The “one developer” philosophy also
leads to a rather unstructured proceeding. At the same
time, there can be significant effort for learning tech-
nologies. Mastering powerful libraries such as jQuery
Mobile (jQuery mobile, 2012) is not trivial.
Regarding the development for multiple plat-
forms, it was noted that there should not be multiple
projects. Rather, a single project would ensure persis-
tent quality on the different platforms. Moreover, it
was noted that apps should strive for a native look &
feel; Web apps would not be perceived as “real” apps
by customers.
App testing poses novel challenges. In partic-
ular, coping with the different contexts an mobile
application resides in is by no means easy (Schulte
and Majchrzak, 2012). An example is the transi-
tion between different network connections. More-
over, device fragmentation is a problem since func-
tions change with devices and there are great differ-
ences in available performance.
A final observation is that only few employees
(and a small share of all developers) have experience
in app development, yet. It can be expected that this
will change soon.
3.2 Requirements for Developing Apps
Requirements engineering is an essential activity
(Hull et al., 2010). If it is not done meticulously, the
final application will be different from what was ex-
pected. Therefore, we discussed the role of require-
ments for app development. Mostly non-functional
requirements (i.e., concerning an app’s quality) were
named, as we did not ask for requirements for one par-
ticular app but for expected general characteristics.
It was argued by the companies that require-
ments should be gathered in a context-dependentway.
Device-specific functionality like acquiring GPS co-
ordinates or using Near Field Communication is of-
ten important. A particularly named requirement was
to develop apps that would enthuse users. However,
we expect that this is just a temporary requirement
and part of the hype. Some general requirements
were named very often. Smartphones and tablets are
easy to use; thus, apps should be easy to use. They
should look good, provide sufficient performance and
responsiveness, be adequately secure, and adhere to
privacy standards. There was no clear line regarding a
native look & feel. For several participants, this visual
criterion was the most important non-functional re-
quirement; for some, however, it was negligible. En-
ergy efficiency was a secondary requirement only but
we expect it to become much more important in the
Special requirements could be observed for con-
nectivity. Originally, apps were supposed to either
be online at all times or to work offline. However,
for many scenarios, it is required to load information
if a proper connection is available but to be able to
work without a connection as well. This is not trivial
to realize and might furthermore require sophisticated
synchronization mechanisms.
In general, apps need to be robust regarding im-
proper input data due to the way they are used. Touch-
ing the display is considered to be more prone to erro-
neous input than using an application with keyboard
and mouse.
To ease the usage of apps, they should ideally pro-
vide a single-sign-on functionality. This might lead to
problems, though. Typically, smartphones and tablets
are used by a single user but this is not always the
Compliance with typical requirements for com-
mercial software might be impossible. For example,
many companies have policies that enforce anti-virus
software. Hardly any products are available for mo-
bile devices, though. It is unclear what the reaction
to this situation will be. Compromised customer data
should be avoided at all cost. Moreover, there might
be a need for specific privacy. An app that e.g. re-
quests location-based services might seem harmless.
If it, however, sends location data to a server reg-
ularly, an insecure connection or a data-leak in the
server would be dramatic as it would allow for creat-
ing movement profiles.
Asked about practices for requirements engineer-
ing or the creation of requirements catalogs for apps,
companies told us that is was too early to be specific.
3.3 Outlook and Conclusions
In the last part of the interviews, we asked companies
about their future plans and scrutinized the overall im-
portance theysee in apps. For all participating compa-
nies at least the usage of IT but in many cases also the
development of IT products has strategic relevance.
Asked about the relevance of apps, some companies
could directly take a position. Some companies see
apps as part of their corporate strategy while others
only consider them as operative tools. Some also em-
phasizes that it is not their perception that matters but
their customers’.
The companies for which apps have strategic im-
portance usually share a set of expectations. Exam-
ples are the
estimation that PCs and notebooks usage will de-
assumption that most people will have a perma-
nent Internet connection in the near future,
believe that Web-based solutions have extremely
high accessibility, and the
prediction that customer contact will increasingly
be bi-directional, involving them in product de-
Seeing apps as a mean to improve processes un-
derlines the great deal of optimism a number of com-
panies have.
About half of the participats plan to increase in-
vestments to put more emphasis on apps. The other
half plans to assign more budget to app development
but to cut down equally on other activities. The com-
panies do not expect apps to fully replace other instru-
ments e.g. for marketing, though. In general, prices
for mobile device hardware and app development re-
lated infrastructure are expected to plummet.
When asking for a conclusion concerning the sta-
tus quo of app development, the already reported
satisfaction was acknowledged. However, this was
mainly driven economically: current investments
were worth it. Technologically not all companies
were completely contented. Particularly the current
compromises between quality and effort were seen as
unsatisfactory. The economic satisfaction is driven
by financial success: even some of the smallest app
projects paid off; learning curves were told to be
steep. Unsuccessful projects were not necessarily
seen as failures since the gained experiences had
value. Acceptance of apps among customers and em-
ployees beyond a hyped interest could not yet be fully
assessed, though.
Finally, we asked the participants to name room
for improvements and to provide us with their out-
look. Progress was desired in several areas. Firstly,
advanced language recognition would open up com-
pletely new possibilities. Secondly, security should
be improved. Companies would particularly like to
see more emphasize put on security on Android and
iOS. At the same time, not all of them considered the
concept of Blackberry as perfect since it was seen
as a kind of security by obscurity. Thirdly, multi-
platform support should be possible with small bud-
gets. Fourthly, data throughput during mobile us-
age should be increased. Fifthly, synchronization of
app and backend should be supportedby sophisticated
tools. Sixthly, enterprise support is trailing and needs
to be improved.
In general, technological innovation were sought
that would enable companies to accept less compro-
mises when developing apps. Moreover, companies
have a desire to learn about customer expectations. In
addition, they would like to see studies and evalua-
tions, e.g. of development frameworks.
In the following, best practices as derived from the
experiences of the participating companies are de-
scribed. Due to the early state of app development,
they are mainly meant to be thought-provoking im-
pulses. Best practices for cross-platform app devel-
opment are not given as the level of knowledge about
this is low in companies; work on cross-platform
best practices has for example been described in
(Heitk¨otter et al., 2012).
The first best practice is to use apps to motivate
developers. Several companies reported employees
would acquire knowledge on app development on
their own. Obviously, the topic is seen as fun rather
than as work. While this cannot be universally as-
sumed for any kind of app development, it might be
utilized. If possible, app development projects should
be seen as an incentive for employees willing to work
on them. Ideally, developers should feel that they can
contribute to the success of their company in adopt-
ing a new technology. However, incentives should be
used with care. Employees that do not share the en-
thusiasm for apps should not feel like the work they
do is considered subordinate.
Secondly, focussing on component-orientation
and service-oriented architectures (SOA) is recom-
mended. While many apps were build as single en-
tities, they are suited to be constructed from standard-
ized components and to use SOA.
Many commercial apps display information and
are used to enter data. The functionality typically
found is quite similar. For example, several types
of diagrams will often be used for visualization and
many apps will need to process master file data of
customers. Therefore, such apps should adhere to a
common architecture and be built as far as possible
from standard components. The initial effort to cre-
ate such components will be higher than to develop
a single app but break even usually is reached with
the second app already. As a positive side effect, the
app landscape will become easier to overview. How-
ever, which components to provide as standardized
artifacts and which to design individually has to be
chosen with much care.
The usage of a service-oriented architecture
makes sense if the company is using SOA anyway
and apps rely on backend systems. At a first look,
using services seems to be adverse for enabling apps
to work without a reliable Internet connection. How-
ever, having orchestrated services can be beneficial.
Instead of relying on a great number of single re-
quests like in a typical client/server-architecture, data
is gathered by the backend and exchanged with the
app client in few service requests. This could also
save computational effort on the device and thus in-
crease battery life. Relying on data processing in
backend systems might also increase security. It is
considered to be simpler to secure the connection be-
tween app and backend then to design secure apps. A
final critical remark has to be given, though: imple-
menting SOA solely for apps is not considered to be
a good strategy.
Thirdly, we found that enterprise apps might serve
to increase information availability. Mobile devices
are particularly suited for providing information. The
first step should be to determine which information
can be made available, and whether it makes sense
to have it available mobile. Mobile in this case is
an elastic word: it starts with an employee sitting at
his desk and using a smartphone since data access is
faster or more convenient. It can mean that employ-
ees check their appointments for the next day after
returning home. It goes as far as working completely
The second step is to consider the level of criti-
cality of information. The more critical they are, the
more effort needs to be put into security for mobile
access. The third step is to provide access by means
of an app. It is advisable to make apps as customiz-
able as possible. Employees will then be able to use
them more effectively. While many companies de-
scribe this kind of usage as very rewarding, it is hard
to assess its monetary value. An expected increase
in employees’ working precision and speed is hard
to measure and even harder to attribute to such small
changes as introducing apps on mobile devices.
Particularly due to having several financial service
providers among the participating companies, a fourth
best practice could be derived: the support of field
staff and sales. Reports from usage of mobile de-
vices in this area were very convincing. There are
two possible usage scenarios: visualization and data
entry. The first step usually is to provide visual access
to information. Tablet computer are well suited for
this task due to their larger screen, their convenient
size, and the less person-attributed feel in comparison
to a smartphone.
The vision of using tablets for visualization is to
replace pen & paper. They are essential for field staff,
e.g. in an insurance sales scenario. In the course of
appointments with customers tariffs haveto be shown,
calculated, and adjusted. Calculating and visually
demonstrating individual options requires either im-
mense amounts of preprinted papers or using a lap-
top. However, the latter is a kind of barrier: while
adjusting numbers, the customer only sees the back
of it. Moreover, it will be perceived as the sales per-
son’s laptop and most likely not used without reluc-
tance. In contrast, papers can be handed over and
written onto. They do not allow for ad-hoc adjust-
ments, though. Tablets provide the ease-of-use and
low barrier of paper while enabling individual adjust-
ments and recalculations. They are easy to use and
even accepted by people with low technical-affinity
(Majchrzak et al., 2011). To keep calculated data, an
additional app can be offered to customers that will
synchronize with what has been worked on with the
sales person.
Data entry has similar characteristics: paper is it-
eractive and personal but forms usually have to be
corrected once returned to the company; laptops are
comfortable and powerful, and enable checking data
in real-time. Again, using tablet computers can be
a convenient solution. However, in this case more
sophistication is required than for mere visualization
since data entry by touchscreens usually is inferior to
using keyboards – at least, if much text has to be en-
Linking apps to a backend not only provides real-
time verification but also allows most activities to be
(pre-)computed on servers. This simplifies app im-
plementation but again security concerns have to be
taken into account. Moreover, apps needs to be de-
signed to provide some kind of “user mode”. The
sales person might want to access data from all his
customers using the app. However, when handing the
tablet to a customer to show him some data, it should
not be possible to easily browse to the file of another
Despite all praises, investing into mobile technol-
ogy for sales staff should be done carefully. A lap-
top computer provides a large set of possibilities and
probably even terminal-server access to most of the
company’s resources. A tablet in contrast is bound to
the functionality realized in an app. Therefore, sales
processes have to be tailored to allow seamless work.
However, this can be used for optimizations at the
same time. It is advisable to keep laptops for a while
after introducing tablets.
Our findings regarding status quo and best practices
are useful in several areas. Having knowledge of the
current state of mobile development in enterprises is
important for research on new technologies. The de-
sign of mobile enterprise frameworks has to follow
the needs of businesses. It also has to be based on
the current situation typically found in software de-
velopment departments to be capable of being inte-
grated into their environment. Designing a product
for mobile development without regard for the needs
and capabilities of businesses will often prove unsuc-
cessful. The following subsection highlight some of
the needs most often mentioned during the interviews.
They are the basis for the open research questions that
we identify in the second subsection. The best prac-
tices that we compiled might serve as recommenda-
tions for companies with similar problems. They can
also inform further research in related areas, because
they highlight what has been successful for solving
particular problems and what might be transferable to
other areas.
5.1 Topics of Particular Interest
We explicitly asked our interview partners for topics
of particular concern. When analyzing the transcripts,
we additionally looked for problems that were consid-
ered not successfully solved up to now. As a result,
we compiled the most often found topics of particu-
lar interest for which so far no universal solution ex-
ists, at least for small- or medium-sized software de-
partments: security on mobile devices, mobile device
management (MDM) in general, cross-platform app
development, and testing mobile applications. They
are discussed in the following.
Mobile security is a highly relevant topic. It sub-
sumes the security of data and applications on mo-
bile devices used in an enterprise context and is hence
of utmost importance due to the critical information
present on devices. Security has to be considered
both in the administration of employees’ devices and
when developing apps for internal or external use. On
the one hand, standard security considerations also
known from PCs or laptops, for example regarding
wireless communication and application permissions,
are more prevalent on mobile devices. On the other
hand, they require particular security measures due to
their mobility, e.g., data protection in case of theft
or loss. This unique combination of security risks
along with a reduced awareness of users due to the
playful nature of mobile devices poses severe chal-
lenges. Furthermore, users often blend private and
business use to the point of using their private de-
vices for work (BYOD). First solutions to some of
the problems are available as part of MDM (see be-
low). MDM solutions often allow to specify secu-
rity policies and provide means to react to device loss.
Platform providers such as Google and Apple prepare
guidelines for developing secure apps (And, 2012;
Apple Inc., 2012). Nevertheless, a holistic security
approach still requires considerable effort and knowl-
Commensurate to the scope and versatility of mo-
bile devices, mobile device management increases in
importance. Due the proliferation of apps, smart-
phones and tablets need to be administered similar
to desktop PCs and laptops. This includes the con-
figuration of (new) devices, installation of apps and
updates, distribution of relevant enterprise data, and
maintenance. Additionally, data should be synchro-
nized with other devices and data sources. Most func-
tions should be provided over-the-air, i.e., remotely
without the need to hand in the device to administra-
tion. The heterogeneity of the mobile device market
further complicates matters and necessitates a cross-
platform MDM, which is hindered by the closed na-
ture of mobile platforms with respect to administra-
tive functionality. The MDM market changes rapidly,
which makes orientation especially for smaller com-
panies difficult. Abstract, strategic overviews of the
market like (Redman et al., 2012) do not offer enough
insight for deciding on a MDM solution. In gen-
eral, one can distinguish between on-premise and
cloud-based MDM. Especially for smaller compa-
nies, cloud-based solutions might be viable, because
they do not need to be installed and maintained by the
company itself.
The mobile market is fragmented into largely in-
compatible mobile platforms, most importantly iOS,
Android, Blackberry, and Windows Phone. In an en-
terprise context, at least the first two, but often more,
need to be considered when developing apps. Imple-
menting an app separately for each platform as a na-
tive app requires a lot of resources. Cross-platform
approaches to app development promise to serve sev-
eral platforms from a single code base. Several cate-
gories can be distinguished (Heitk¨otter et al., 2012),
but all of them have some limitations. Depending on
the particular app, a mobile Web app essentially a
Web site optimized for mobile use might be suf-
ficient, or a so-called hybrid app that has access to
device-specific features. However, these Web-based
approaches do not produce truly native apps with a
native look & feel. No mature cross-platform solution
with a native look & feel exists so far, although first
steps in this direction emerge such as Titanium Ap-
pcelerator (Appcelerator, 2012). A novel approach is
to use model-driven software development (MDSD)
to build apps. MD
for example can be used to de-
scribe apps as a model using a domain-specific lan-
guage and to automatically generate native code from
this model (Heitk¨otter et al., 2013a; Heitk¨otter et al.,
2013b). Similar to the MDM market, cross-platform
approaches are an ongoing topic. Smaller develop-
ment companies need help navigating the confusing
market to pick a suitable approach.
During app development, testing is a particular
concern to ensure a defect free and smooth user expe-
rience on all supported devices. Again, heterogene-
ity causes particular problems. Devices, even with
the same mobile operating system, differ significantly
with respect to screen sizes, input methods, and other
device functionality. These features have a direct im-
pact on the functionality and user experience of apps.
Hence, testing an app only on a single device type
will not be sufficient. User interface tests, often man-
ually executed, become more important compared to
traditional applications. Due to the inherent mobility,
apps have to be tested with respect to their reaction to
context changes (Schulte and Majchrzak, 2012), e.g.
regarding device orientation, a loss of network con-
nection, or relocation. The emulators available for
most mobile operating systems are not sufficient for
thorough testing. Testers need access to several phys-
ical devices with different specifications. Provision-
ing such a set of current devices is not feasible for
smaller app development teams. However, there are
some cloud-based solutions that offer manual or au-
tomated remote control of mobile devices, e.g. (De-
viceAnywhere, 2012). Up to now, companies are on
their own when developing a testing strategy that con-
siders the particularities outlined above.
Topics not discussed due to space restrictions
are mobile requirements engineering, motivating and
training developers, energy efficiency, and coping
with offline situations.
5.2 Open Research Questions
While our project has led to insights regarding the sta-
tus quo of using applications for mobile devices, it
also has shown that there is a large number of open
questions. This is a limitation of our work: we have
worked qualitatively and with a small sample; find-
ings cannot be statistically significant or may not nec-
essarily be true on a global scale. Therefore, open
questions can be derived but answers need to be dis-
covered in future research.
Some of the open questions have a practical nature
and stem directly from the findings and special topics
discussed above. It is beyond the scope of this paper
to provide solutions to the questions that we can rise.
In fact, there is much work to be done in a variety of
directions and with a number of disciplines to con-
tribute. Therefore, our approach is to rise questions
and if applicable to give first ideas for paths to
Firstly, practical problems have to be solved to
support companies. Several topics for research can
directly be taken from the status quo drawn in Sec-
tion 3:
How can companies be supported in deciding
whether app development should be pursued by
them? How can the business value of using apps
be determined?
For which areas does app development apply?
What are particular requirements that apply to
apps, and how can they be engineered?
How should decision processes be adapted to al-
low more efficient development?
Which ways of distribution are reasonable? How
can companies safely use app stores?
What are the challenges of app development and
what novel techniques might improve develop-
ment processes?
Which strategical underpinning might app devel-
opment have for companies?
For many of the above questions, solution
sketches already have been presented. It is our be-
lief that there is no purely scientific answer to most of
these questions. In fact, we deem a close observation
of corporate practices along with scientific research to
be the most adequate path to feasible solutions. This
includes refraining from a hyped thinking about apps
and seeing them as one instrument to support internal
processes and customer-related activities.
Secondly, theory-driven work is required. This
particularly applies to the purely economical and the
purely technical topics. Regarding economical topics,
the value-creation by apps has to be scrutinized. It is
easy to estimate development effort and relate it to
sales figures if apps are offered for a premium. Mea-
suring the effect of process improvements by app us-
age or even of increased customer support is close to
impossible. Therefore, ways have to be found to sup-
port the processes that lead to investment decisions.
We consider this to be a theoretic question at first:
explanatory models for the value of apps in different
situations and for varying scenarios have to be found
in a first step. The second step is then to evaluatethem
qualitatively and eventually quantitatively in cooper-
ation with enterprises.
Regarding technology, there are a number of ques-
tions that require profound theoretical work before as-
sessing their application to corporate problems. There
are four particular areas that we deem to be especially
Cross-platform development is supported by var-
ious approaches ranging from using Web apps over
Web technology-based solutions to sophisticated
frameworks based on cross-compiling or model-
driven software development technology. Which
framework to use in what situation is target of on-
going research (Heitk¨otter et al., 2012). The same
applies to the development of improved frameworks
with a focus on business problems.
There is no sound background for app develop-
ment. Companies require guidelines, best practices,
and a knowledge base similar to what they can draw
from for classical software engineering.
Projects such as (Zibula and Majchrzak, 2012)
have started with scenario-based evaluation of tech-
nologies applied to app development. Such work has
to be extended, put into a greater structure, and even-
tually unified.
There is no theory of app testing. At the same
time, testing apps is greatly different to testing of
desktop and server applications. Of course, many
techniques can be transferred and there is no need to
come up with completely new theories. After all, apps
are computer programs and underlie the same ramifi-
cations as any other program. However, the context
they run in and the changes in user interaction pat-
ters and runtime model ask for amendments to exist-
ing theories. Based on this, tools and techniques need
to be developed and eventually evaluated on practical
Thirdly, a theoretical base for app development
has to be worked on. This is the most open challenge,
yet the hardest to work on. While no strong differ-
ences to classical applications development could be
observed, some inherent particularities became obvi-
ous. The need to deal with context changes falls into
this category. Moreover, the way that mobile technol-
ogy is used poses some profound differences in terms
of value to businesses and perception by humans.
This even related to the ongoing discussion of ubiq-
uitous computing (cf. e.g. (Bell and Dourish, 2007)).
Finding suitable “small packets” for research and pur-
suing theoretization in an interdisciplinary way will
be a challenge for the upcoming years.
Due to the nature of our paper and the novelty of
the topic, relating to other work is no straightforward
task. In a narrow sense, no directly related work that
explores mobile strategies from a business point of
view and surveys the status quo exists. In a wide
sense, almost all papers considering app development
are related due to their involvement in the early ad-
vances in this area. Work that related a bit more
closely to particular aspects of our paper has been
cited at the appropriate locations. Therefore, we will
only highlight a few approaches that relate in a closer
WASSERMAN (Wasserman, 2010) gives an
overview of software engineering issues prevalent
when developing mobile applications. He draws on a
survey among mobile developers and highlights what
makes mobile development different. The main part
consists of a research agenda for software engineer-
ing, not a description of current practices, and hence
is a worthwhile addition to our work. In contrast
to our work, he focuses on the immediate environ-
ment of the developer himself, but not on the point of
view of businesses that decide on mobile strategies.
The work of DEHLINGER and DIXON (Dehlinger and
Dixon, 2011) takes a similar direction. HOLZER and
ONDRUS (Holzer and Ondrus, 2009) study the mo-
bile market from a developer’s perspective as well.
They intend to give advise to developers on howto en-
gage in mobile app development. Similar to (Wasser-
man, 2010), their work has a narrower scope than our
project, but provides additional insight.
TARNACHA and MAITLAND (Tarnacha and Mait-
land, 2006) take an entrepreneurial perspective on the
opportunities of mobile commerce and analyze the
dependencies between technology and business strat-
egy. Hence, they focus on businesses for which mo-
bility is a key factor, as their products entirely depend
on it. Our work, instead, looks at enterprises with a
modest relationship to software that want to expand
towards mobile applications supporting their regular
business. Published in 2006, the statements of (Tar-
nacha and Maitland, 2006) mostly apply to the pre-
smartphone area and are in detail not applicable to
today’s situation.
We presented work on app development by enter-
prises. Our paper summarized the status quo and best
practices learned from regional companies before dis-
cussing the findings and formulating various topics
for ongoing research.
Besides providing some insights, we hope to stim-
ulate research with our work. Research has to keep
pace with the extremely high speed the market for
mobile apps evolves with. Moreover, there are many
unsolved challenges for which solutions need to be
Our own work is not finished. We are currently
working on a project for cross-platform app develop-
ment, one of the challenges presented earlier. Our
idea is to provide a technically sound solution that
still keeps a domain-specific focus (on business apps)
in mind. Moreover, we keep contact to some of the
enterprises we worked with. Thereby, we will tackle
on some of the questions raised in this paper.
We would like to thank the companies that filled
out the questionnaire and particularly those that were
available for interviews. Their participation made the
underlying project of this paper possible.
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