Semantic XML Filtering on Peer-to-Peer Networks using Distributed
Bloom Filters
Panagiotis Antonellis, Stavros Kontopoulos, Christos Makris, Yannis Plegas and Nikos Tsirakis
Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, University of Patras, Patras, Greece
Keywords: XML Filtering, Distributed Processing, Peer-to-Peer Networks, Bloom Filters, Semantic Filtering, Word
Sense Disambiguation.
Abstract: Information filtering systems constitute a critical component in modern information seeking applications.
As the number of users grows and the information available becomes even bigger it is imperative to employ
scalable and efficient representation and filtering techniques. Typically the use of XML representation
entails the profile representation with the use of the XPath query language and the employment of efficient
heuristic techniques for constraining the complexity of the filtering mechanism. However, as the number of
XML documents exchanged daily grows rapidly, the need for distributed management is becoming vital. In
this paper we introduce the Distributed Bloom Filters and we propose a new distributed XML filtering
system for peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. The major advantage of Distributed Bloom Filters, in comparison
to the classical structure is their space efficiency and improved performance. The proposed system
efficiently filters the incoming XML documents using a virtual index created on top of the network. In
addition, the proposed system supports semantic disambiguation of both the stored user profiles and the
XML documents, thus providing better matching results.
Information filtering systems (Aguilera et al., 1999)
are systems that provide two main services:
document selection and document delivery. Lately,
there have appeared (Antonellis et al., 2009),
(Miliaraki and Koubarakis, 2010), (Ning and Liu,
2010) a number of systems that use XML
representations for both documents and user profiles
and that employ various filtering techniques to
match the XML representations of user documents
with the provided profiles. Among the growing
amount of objects shared by P2P applications there
is an increasing number of XML-documents that is
being shared among peers. There are a number of
search engines for P2P networks such as the DHT-
based systems of (Bender et al., 2005) and (Podnar
et al., 2007). However, none of these approaches
supports XML-Retrieval techniques.
In this work, we introduce the idea of Distributed
Bloom Filters, which utilize the fast lookups of
Bloom Filters (Bonomi et al., 2006a), (Bonomi et
al., 2006b), with the advantage of the distributed
storage which reduces the storage overhead in each
network peer and at the same time improves the
performance. Based on the Distributed Bloom
Filters, we present a new P2P system that supports
semantic filtering of the incoming XML documents.
The main contributions of our work are:
Introduction of Distributed Bloom Filters and
efficient indexing using them.
Efficient distribution of the user profiles in the
network's peers.
Word disambiguation of the tags of the stored user
profiles and the incoming XML documents for
supporting semantic filtering.
Let BF be a Bloom Filter of m bits. In order to
reduce the space overhead per peer and also improve
the membership check performance, we introduce
the idea of Distributed Bloom Filter. The bloom
filter will be stored in p peers, so we cut the bit array
of the bloom filter in p segments with c bits each.
Antonellis P., Kontopoulos S., Makris C., Plegas Y. and Tsirakis N..
Semantic XML Filtering on Peer-to-Peer Networks using Distributed Bloom Filters.
DOI: 10.5220/0004363301330136
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 133-136
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
,,.., ,
Oooo On
, be the set of the objects
that are tested for membership by the bloom filter
data structure. Let
, ,...,
hh h
be the set of hashing
functions used by the bloom filter. For each object j
we define the ordered sequence
jj j j kj
HO hO hO hO .
We now split the result bit sequence of each hash
function h
into p segments and identify which
segments contain at least one bit set to 1. Based on
this, we define the following sequences:
ii i
ij p
p bits
hs O b b b
, where
b is set to 1 if the
sequence sets at
least one bit of the
-th segment, otherwise is set to
0. From that set we can define the ordered
  
{, ,, }
WhsOhsO hsO
Next we apply a hashing function on
({ , ,, })
hash W hs O hs O hs O IDj
We use the IDj as an indexing value for an object
on a DHT based network. After inserting all the
objects into the Distributed Bloom Filter, the bit
sequence is split into p segments and distributed into
p different peers to reduce the space overhead and
also increase the speed efficiency. We call this new
data structure: M-DBF.
We employ the Distributed Bloom Filter in order to
design a new distributed semantic XML Filtering
system, which can work on top of any DHT peer-to-
peer network. Moreover we enhance the whole
scheme by embedding semantic techniques based on
WordNet (Miller et al. 1990). The proposed system
works as follows:
It clusters the user profiles using the k-Means
It distributes the user profiles in the network's
peers based on the belonging cluster.
It utilizes a multi-level index, following the
approach described in (Antonellis et al, 2009), based
on M-DBFs
It performs word sense disambiguation of the tags
of the stored user profiles and incoming XML
3.1 Profile Clustering and Distribution
The clustering of the initial set of user profiles is
performed once in a central server, before
initializing our system. The utilized clustering
algorithm is the k-Means algorithm in conjunction
with the distance metric described in (Antonellis and
Makris, 2008b) for calculating the distance between
a pair of user profiles.
The underlying P2P network is divided into
neighbourhoods, with each neighbourhood storing
the user profiles of a single cluster, and with each
neighbourhood consisting of physical neighbour
peers. In order to optimize the filtering performance
as well as the update operations on the stored user
profiles, each neighbourhood is organized in a two-
level hierarchy, as described in the Section 3.2. For
every formed cluster, an M-DBF is constructed,
called Cluster MDBF, that stores all the distinct
paths contained in the user profiles of that cluster.
3.2 Distributed Indexing Scheme
The proposed system utilizes a distributed
hierarchical indexing system, as seen in figure 1.
Each network neighbourhood is consisted of
physically close nodes and it is responsible for
storing and handling the user profiles of a single
Figure 1: Distributed Indexing Scheme.
The low-level peers of a neighbourhood
called leaf peers and are used for actually storing the
XML documents of the i-th cluster, while the top
level peers are called control peers and are used for
query routing through the current neighbourhood as
well as through different neighbourhoods in the
A control peer is responsible for a subset of the
leaf peers in
, called its leaf subset peers and the
total number of control peers is much smaller than
the total number of leaf peers. The control peers of
each neighbourhood know all their leaf subset peers
and can redirect any query to all of them. On the
other hand, the leaf peers know only their control
peer as well all their sibling leaf peers. All the
control peers of the network are organized in a
multi-level indexing scheme inspired by VBI-tree
(Jagadish et al., 2006).
3.3 XML Document Filtering
The XML filtering process of the proposed system
utilizes the previously described indexing structure
to efficiently forward the incoming XML documents
to the appropriate control peers of the
neighbourhoods that are possible to match the
document. When an XML document is submitted to
a peer p
of the network, the peer p
is automatically
responsible for processing and filtering the
submitted document. Firstly, it checks its LBF to
see if the XML document is likely to match with any
of its user profiles. If so, it performs a full filtering
against all its stored user profiles using the XFIS
(Antonellis and Makris, 2008a) filtering algorithm
and stores the results in its cache. Then, it forwards
the XML document to its parent control peer for
further routing. The control peer uses the VBI-tree
to forward the XML document to any other control
peer which its M-DBF matches with the XML
Every peer that matches any of its user profiles
with the incoming XML document propagates the
results back to the original peer, because this peer is
responsible for gathering the total filtering results.
3.4 Word Sense Disambiguation
In the proposed system, the textual information of
XML documents is semantically-enriched with the
support of WordNet (Miller et al, 1990). WordNet is
a lexical online ontology including over 110,000
concepts. The related concepts are grouped into sets
of synonyms which are called synsets. Each synset
represents a lexical concept and is described by a
short textual description the gloss. A synset
represents a lexical meaning, or sense, which can be
assigned to multiple terms.
Our main purpose is the word sense
disambiguation of the tags occurring in a given path,
and the assignment of unique senses to each tag.
That way, our system will be able to find related
user profiles with the incoming document, even
though they do not use exactly the same tags. Word
sense disambiguation (WSD) governs the process of
identifying which sense of a word is used, when the
word has multiple meanings. Initially, we identify all
the different senses of a term. The next step is the
selection of the most appropriate sense for the
respective term. The process which was followed
was a dictionary-based WSD and was handled using
the lexical knowledge base of WordNet. WordNet
provides the texts of the senses definitions (glosses)
and gives us the opportunity to adapt the assumption
that the most plausible sense to assign to a term with
multiple senses is the one that maximizes the
semantic relatedness among the senses.
The semantic similarity between two senses is
computed using two different approaches. The first
approach employs as similarity metric the Wu and
Palmer (Budanitsky and Hirst, 2006):
(, )
() ( )
depth LCA c c
similarity c c
depth c depth c
The second approach which is also used in
(Tagarelli et al., 2009) has been formalized in a
measure of semantic relatedness between word
senses based on the notion of extended gloss overlap
(Patwardhan et al., 2003), and has the merit of
considering phrasal matches and weighting them
more heavily than single word matches.
We have built a prototype P2P emulator to evaluate
the performance of our proposed filtering system
over large-scale networks.
4.1 Varying Number of Network Peers
In this experiment, we wanted to study the
relationship between the number of peers in the
network and the number of hops required for each
query to be processed. Thus, we created 8 clusters of
totally 1500000 user profiles which were distributed
in 50000, 100000, 200000 and 500000 peers in the
network. For each case we counted the average
number of hops for each query in the query set. The
experimental results are shown in
Table 1.
4.2 Semantic Disambiguation of XML
In this experiment, we evaluated the precision and
speed of the proposed semantic disambiguation
during XML filtering, in comparison with the
technique described in (Tagarelli et al., 2009). We
have used a set of 50000 and 100000 stored user
profiles and 45000 incoming XML documents for
testing. The results are displayed in
Table 2.
Table 1: Number of hops.
r hops
g hops
50000 6834 5391 1443 13.6%
100000 10351 8280 2071 10.3%
200000 12179 9778 2401 6.1%
500000 14260 11323 2937 2.8%
Table 2: Precision and time of XML tag disambiguation
(A: our approach, B: Tagarelli's approach).
#Profiles Precision A Time A Precision B Time B
5000 85% 1291s 90% 1972s
10000 82% 2189s 88% 3281s
As we can easily observe, our approach performs
very well, achieving an average precision of about
84%. In addition, due to the simplicity of our
approach, the required time for the disambiguation is
much smaller (about 30% faster).
This research has been co-financed by the European
Union (European Social Fund – ESF) and Greek
national funds through the Operational Program
"Education and Lifelong Learning" of the National
Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research
Funding Program: Thales. Investing in knowledge
society through the European Social Fund.
This research has been co-financed by the
European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) and
Greek national funds through the Operational
Program "Education and Lifelong Learning" of the
National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF)-
Research Funding Program: Heracleitus II. Investing
in knowledge society through the European Social
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