Application of the Device of Measurement of Bioelectric Activity of
Muscles and Nerve Structures for Gesture Recognition
Application of Gesture Recognition on the Example of Action Game
Levanov Alexey Alexendrovich
Department of Information Systems and Telecommunications, MSTU, 2nd Baumanskaya St., Moscow, Russia
Keywords: Gesture Recognition, Games.
Abstract: Using the device bioPlux we can identify a set of user gestures, and based on them to create a multimodal
interface. Gestures are selected so that they are not dependent on each other. The main goal of the research
is to create a simple game which can be controlled by using different hand movements. Relevance of the
topic from the practical point of view is determined by the need to create a software system that can use sign
language interface in real time.
1.1 Relevance of the Topic
Currently, research and development of human-
machine interfaces based on pattern recognition and
visualization of multimedia information is leading
edge in the development of modern software. The
developers of these interfaces are interested in
natural ways for people to communicate with
computers using gestures, voice and other
modalities. Gestures are particularly promising for
building interfaces to control software and the
hardware of computers, robots, to empower the
interface for people with hearing problems and
speech disorders. Relevance of the topic from the
practical point of view is determined by the need to
create a software system that can use sign language
interface in real time. The advantages of this system
compared to the system of pattern recognition is a
higher accuracy.
1.2 The Purpose and Objectives of the
The aim of the research is to develop a common
methodology for capturing, tracking and gesture
recognition of the arm movements in the real time
with high reliability to create a human-machine
interface based on bioPlux device.
To implement this goal, the following objectives:
- Carry out a comparative analytical review of
existing methods of capturing, tracking and
dynamic gesture recognition of the human.
- Develop a computationally efficient algorithm
for capturing and tracking and gesture
recognition using a device bioPlux.
- Create a real-time system that uses these
algorithms to dynamically change its state
depending on the user’s gesture.
- Conduct experiments to assess the reliability and
efficiency of the system in real time, confirming
the theoretical results.
1.3 Description of the Device
BioPLUX device collects and digitizes the signals
from the sensors and transmit it to the computer
through Bluetooth, where they can be processed.
BioPLUX channels have 12 bit and sampling rate of
1000 Hz. BioPLUX also has a digital port, the
terminal to connect the AC adapter and charge the
internal battery (with the regime of autonomy 12
hours), and a channel to connect electrode (ground),
which are necessary for proper monitoring
electromyographic signals.
Alexendrovich L..
Application of the Device of Measurement of Bioelectric Activity of Muscles and Nerve Structures for Gesture Recognition - Application of Gesture
Recognition on the Example of Action Game.
DOI: 10.5220/0004365803010305
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices (MHGInterf-2013), pages 301-305
ISBN: 978-989-8565-34-1
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: The look and characteristics of the instrument.
The scientific interest in the verbal (speech) and
nonverbal (gestures, mimicry, touches, etc.)
behavior of people during the communication arose
only in XX century. The theory of verbal and
nonverbal communications for a long time was
developed at an intuitive level. Serious scientific
investigations of verbal and nonverbal
communications began in the 1920s–1930s within
the framework of the journalism theory.
Psychologists established that a percentage of
information transferred by nonverbal signals during
the people interaction was from 60% up to 80%
[Ekman & Friesen, 1969].
Moreover, most researchers adhere to an opinion
that the verbal channel is used substantially for
transferring the factographic information while the
nonverbal channel is a means of transferring the
interpersonal relations and only in rare cases it is
used instead of verbal messages. This fact testifies to
the important role of the nonverbal information
transferred by gestures and mimicry for the people
behavior analysis and developing human-machine
interface in computer games. For the most part
scientific matters deal with gestures performed by
Generally, a gesture is the sign unit carried out
by human body parts consciously and unconsciously
for the purpose of communications. In order to
decode the information incorporated in gestures it is
needed to define their classification. Gestures are
subdivided into natural and artificial ones. Natural
gestures are inherent in a person by nature or are
produced by the humanity during the evolution.
Gesture classifiers describe images and senses of
gestures to use them with a high degree of adequacy.
It should be noted, that all positions are connected
with knowledge of environment properties in which
the gesture is made or with knowledge of the context
accompanying the gesture. And many cultures
interpret the same gesture completely in a different
way. Moreover, the frequency of gesticulation (a
number of gestures made per unit of time) in West
Europe is higher than in Russia, but gestures of West
Europeans occupy less space, than those of Russians
as West Europeans gesticulate with elbows pressed
to the body. West European gestures do not intrude
at all in the personal space of the interlocutor. As
against the Russian tradition, in West Europe
symmetric gestures prevail, a handshake is less long,
than that in Russia, and gestures are made by the
half-bent arm, instead of the outstretched arm as in
With a special API we have created software that
allows getting real-time data from sensors attached
to the hands of the user and, after processing and
recognizing, change the status in the software.
To select the suitable gestures for recognizing,
we have made a series of experiments. We identified
five independent unconnected gestures associated
with the work of different muscles, or a
superposition of their work. After that, we have
chosen two gestures, which are used in our gaming
Those gestures are:
Normal state of the hand:
Figure 2: Normal state of the hand.
Hand in fist:
Figure 3: Hand in a fist.
But how have we analyze all the data, coming from
device? 1000 Hz means 1000 values per second –
and it really a lot of information. First off all, we
have made thousands of measures and saved all
values to different files. Then, we analyze each file
to find maximum and minimum value. Next – we
have found those gestures, that are independent to
each other on the same channels.
How is our sample application works? There is a
ball on the screen. When user rotates his or her hand,
the ball starts the movement. When user clenched
his or her fists, the ball starts jumping.
Figure 4: Hand in a fist – ball is jumping.
Figure 5: Rotated hand – ball is rolling.
This section presents data about the accuracy and
reliability of the developed system. To test the
system we have conducted a series of experiments.
In these experiments, the user controls the
movement of the ball with the help of special
gestures. We evaluated the accuracy and reliability
of the gesture recognition. Data illustrating these
experiments are shown below:
Table 1: Accuracy of the system.
The total
number of
The number of
Percentage of
Data for
the right
500 0 100%
Data for
the left
500 2 99,6%
Table 2: Reliability of the system.
The total
number of
Number of
failures in the
Percentage of
stable system
Data for
the right
500 3 99,4%
Data for
the left
500 1 99,8%
Have been solved the problem of dynamic gesture
recognition of human right and left hand. Shows the
experimental evidence of high accuracy, stability
and speed of the system. In the future we plan to add
other gestures for recognition and more advanced
graphics to create full biofeedback system.
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