BPEL Aided Framework for Constructing Monitoring Rules in
Service Oriented Architectures
Plamen Petkov and Markus Helfert
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland
Keywords: Service Oriented Architectures, BPMN, Monitoring Rules, Data Quality, Data Monitor, Business Rules,
Rule Repository.
Abstract: Since the ascension of Service orientation architectures, data quality topic is becoming more and more
extensive. Based on a data quality management approach, we propose a framework for analysing data
produced by the composite service execution. In this paper we focus on the preparation stage, the stage
where the quality is defined. Apart from other methods available which involve extracting or importing
business rules into business processes, we propose technique for constructing monitoring rules which serves
as a data quality arbiter. The process of composing is aided by the BPEL language. More particularly,
service variables are obtained from the BPEL and WSDL repository and sets of operations are suggested to
the business body. Eventually, monitoring rules are stored into a practical oriented repository.
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) has gained
much acceptance in the past few years as the model
for application development that uses groups of
services that are orchestrated around business
processes. SOA strives to provide existing functions
of an information system (IS) as "services" that can
be accessed in a loosely coupled way (Papazoglou,
2007), independently from the technical platform.
Generally, in SOA, workflow or orchestration
processes are fundamental. However, SOA
comprises more than just the manner in which
applications are deployed and cooperate with each
other – it also involves how they interact with data.
Nevertheless, in more complex architectures,
loosely coupled data can cause serious problems to
the whole service composition and thus make it
difficult to handle. In (Petkov, 2012) it was
presented some data issues that mostly occur within
SOA. There is no efficient way to managing such
architectures without having the awareness of the
data, processes and events running within the
enterprise environment. This is why, vital assistant
for proficient and effective deployment and
operation of a SOA-based net-centric system is a
comprehensive monitoring capability. Still, present
monitoring solutions fall short with respect to such
systems because they do not hold the capabilities to
implicitly aggregate metrics, effectively detect
inconsistent or inaccurate data, and so to provide
comprehensive shared situational perception.
In this paper we propose an approach on how
Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) in
SOA can aid the business architects with building
business rules that will eventually facilitate detection
of inaccurate and inconsistent data. The approach
follows the Data Quality Management (DQM)
(Oracle, 2008) model. It focuses on constructing the
business rules which is part of the preparation
stage/defining the quality in DQM.
The related work in this area is very diverse and
scopes huge area of business rules knowledge.
Business rules deliver knowledge and this
knowledge can be used to achieve different goals
(Hay et al., 2003). For instance, a rule can be used to
provide additional information to a business process
and in this way to alter a data object or change
values in a database. In the other hand, same rule
can be used to verify the correctness of an
informational object. As a result, two groups of rules
can be distinguished: (1) group used to manipulate
Petkov P. and Helfert M..
BPEL Aided Framework for Constructing Monitoring Rules in Service Oriented Architectures.
DOI: 10.5220/0004368201410144
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 141-144
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
information, usually by bringing extra value to it;
and (2) group of rules that access and monitor
existing information without changing it.
When taking into account the relationship
between business rules and business processes,
literature identifies two research streams – (1) one
which targets deriving and discovering business
rules from business processes (Vasilecas &
Normantas, 2011), (Ramsey & Alpigin, 2002),
(Earls et al., 2002), and (2) another that aims
integrating the BR into the BP. (Ly et al., 2008)
In contrast with the approaches above, our goal
is not concerned to discover or derive business rules,
neither to integrate business rules into business
processes. It aims to assist the business bodies and
architects with building rules, leaving the flexibility
business ultimately to decide quality of data and in
this way achieving the main goal which is to detect
inaccurate data within SOA.
As previously mentioned, business rule can be used
to verify a value of data and in this way to be used as
part of monitoring process. As it was outlined in
(Wand Y, 1996) data must be persistent in order to
be evaluated. An example of monitoring rule in SOA
context is presented by statement (1):
SrvA.Oper.GetCustStatus = ‘Gold’AND
SrvB.Oper.GetCartQuty > 10 AND
SrvC.Oper.GetShippingCost = 0 )
At this stage, the left side (before THEN) of the
aforementioned statement can be brought down to
evaluating sets of simple predicates. The final result
would be evaluated by using logical conjunction
(Hazewinkel, 2001). In logical conjunction, the
result will be true if all of its operands are true,
otherwise the value is false.
In the general case the complete rule expression
for monitoring purposes could be exemplified in the
following way:
. . .
Predicate_N )
Predicate_1 . . . Predicate_N are
predicates linked with Bitwise Operations. Each
predicate is composed of three objects -
[returned_value] comparison_operation
[expected_value] where [returned_value] is the
value delivered by the target service operation
(usually fetch function e.g.
getOperation() );
comparison_operation is any of the following
logical operations: ‘<’(less), ‘>’(greater), ‘=’equal,
‘!=’(not equal), ‘<=’(less than or equal) ‘>=’(greater
than or equal); [expected_value] is expected value,
the one to be conditioned, usually defined by the
BITWISE_OPERATION is any of the Boolean
algebra operations (Koppelberg, 1989): ‘’ (AND,
conjunction), ‘’ (OR, disjunction), ‘¬’ (NOT,
negation) . The whole predicate set must be inverted
using negating Boolean logical operation (NOT), if
the logic is positive. If negative logic is used, negate
operation must be omitted after predicates are been
Framework for composing quality rules is part of
overall Data Quality Management (DQM) process
which identifies four main stages in data quality
cycle - Quality Assessment, Quality Design, Quality
Transformation and Quality monitoring. Since DQM
provides us only with general guidance how to
manage quality of information, the framework we
propose aims to show in detail how to define quality
of information in SOA. The framework is focused
particularly on the ‘Quality Design’ of DQM. We
name this stage ‘Preparation stage’. This is the stage
were the quality is defined. It is comprised of four
steps: (i) selecting BP; (ii) extracting the services
and variables involved into the chosen business
process or sub-process; (iii) constructing business
rules based on the services and variables involved in
the chosen BP; (iv) mapping and saving created
rules into repository; The preparation stage is
depicted on Figure 1.
The approach we propose aim to construct
quality rules which serve as data quality arbiter, and
that construction is aided by BPEL language. In
order to achieve the goal, we incorporate into our
framework some of the vital building blocks in SoA
such as Business Process Engine (BPE), Enterprise
Service Bus (ESB), WSDL Repository and Business
Processes’ Repository (part of BPE).
Selecting a Business Process.
In this step (Figure 1
– (i)) a business process or sub-process is selected
by an authorised person. Based on the selection
made, later in the preparation process, objects and
function names are extracted in order to aid
constructing of the business rules. Hence, it is
necessity business person to be familiar with the
selected process its activities. It is important that the
scope of the process is well defined as this will
affect construction of the rules later in preparation
Extracting Services’ Names, Operation and
Variables. In extraction phase, the business process
chosen from previous step undergoes series of
analysis performed by business process reader.
Ultimately specific meta-data (data about the
process) is obtained and temporary stored by the rule
builder (Figure 1(ii)). This meta-data includes
‘service name’, ‘operation’, ‘input’ and ‘output’
variables. In Service-oriented Architectures business
process usually is described with Business Process
Execution Language (BPEL). It is a powerful tool
build on XML technology stack that provides a rich
vocabulary for description of business processes.
The vocabulary includes tags for describing
primitive activities – <invoke>, <receive> as well as
structural activities <sequence>, <flow>.
For the purpose of the extraction, BPEL file
containing the prescription of the selected process is
opened for examination. The process of analysing
consists of scanning the file and searching for BPEL
attributes that correspond to the metadata that need
to be collected. The data needed for next step are
‘service name’, ‘operation’, ‘input’ and ‘output’.
The representative BPEL attributes are as follow:
‘partnerLink’, ‘operation’, ‘inputVariable’ and
‘outputvariable’. The implementation of the BP
Reader is intentionally omitted due to the scope of
this paper.
Building up the Rules. This stage focuses on actual
composing of the rules. The actual construction of
the rules is done by business body – architect or
administrator. The metadata stored temporary form
BP reader in extraction stage then is referred to
WSDL repository and files containing the relevant
variables are opened (iii). Then a list of services
along with their data/read functions is presented to
the user. Next the business administrator/architect
composes the rules using the methodology we
described in detail in Section 3. In this way business
body is allowed to compose simple rules –
composed only of one statement or complex rules –
combination of statements linked with logical
operators in specific order.
Mapping Rules with Processes and Storing them
into Repository. The composed quality rules are
stored (iv) in an external repository. In order to
maintain their execution in loosely coupled way later
in the execution stage, we introduce a holistic way to
store the rules into XML files. Hence we propose a
suitable template. The template is presented below
along with an example:
Figure 1: BPEL aided framework.
<ruleSet id = “23”
name = “free_delivery”
processId = “12” >
<rule id = “1” name= “gold_cust”>
<description>Check if customer status
is gold</description>
It is necessary to notice few important features
that this template offers: First by storing
identification number of the process into the rule
record will avoid data ‘dead locking’ later in the
execution step. Second, introducing ‘
tag will allow building complex set of rules by
storing information about their relations e.g. logical
AND, OR , XOR operations.
Inspired from research in the area of data quality and
service oriented architectures, in this paper we have
presented a BPEL aided framework for constructing
monitoring rules in web service composition and
execution. More specifically, we have divided the
framework into four phases, namely ‘selecting
business process’ and ‘extracting services’ names
operation and variables’, ‘constructing the rules’ and
‘mapping and saving the rules into external
Apart from other well-known methods for
directly extracting or integrating business rules form
and into business process, our approach differs in the
way by providing the business bodies with a holistic
solution that will aid them with building rules which
will serve as data quality arbiter. The approach uses
BPEL language to extract services names and
operation and then with backend by WSDL library
offers a list of operations that aid the business
architect witch composition of the rules.
This work was supported by the Irish Research
Council (IRC) under Postgraduate Scholarship
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