A Comprehensive Framework for Smart Cities
Giovanni Maccani
, Brian Donnellan
and Markus Helfert
School of Business, National University of Ireland, Maynooth, Ireland
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Keywords: Smart City, Open Innovation Ecosystems, Governance, ICTs, Urban Development.
Abstract: In this paper Smart City initiatives will be explored from the perspective of the enabler factors required for
such intitiatives to be successful. In detail, we see smart cities made of five collectively exhaustive dimen-
sions, i.e. Technology, Social Infrastructure, People-Private-Public Partnerships, Governance and Manage-
ment, and Smart Information Services. Thus, after a brief introduction of the domain of analysis, the starting
point will be a systematic review of the literature. Then we will describe each perspective explaining why
and how it has to be considered. Finally we will propose some discussions, in particular around the applica-
bility of our framework for embedded assessment and measurement tools (e.g. Balanced Scorecard).
Since the Copenhagen summit (2009), there is a
growing perspective that “nations talk, cities act”.
Cities are more and more characterized by “mega-
trends” which are going to crash their balances
(Kanter et al., 2009). Particularly the steady growth
of urbanisation (by 2030 over 60% of global
population will live in cities), demographic change
(by 2030 the over 65 generation will almost double,
from 7% to 13%), and climate change concerns
(cities are now responsible for 80% of the global
GHG emissions) (Mulligan, 2010), require a quick
and radical reaction. Moreover, the economic crisis
and the consequential urgency to undertake
disruptive innovation can provide the impetus to
overcome the resistance to change, turning the
problems into opportunities.
The Smart City concept is emerging as a way to
tackle and solve the problems arising from these
mega-trends. This term is understood as a certain
intellectual ability that addresses several innovative
socio-technical and socio-economic aspects of
growth (Zygiaris, 2012). However, despite
researchers, multinational companies as well as
governments are strongly pushing towards smarter
approaches for cities, it is still missing a common
understanding and an embedded well acknowledged
definition of such initiative (Caragliu et al., 2011).
The discussion in this field revolves around diverse
concepts and issues such as “Digital City”
(Besselaar et al., 2005), “Intelligent City”
(Komninos, 2008), “Creative City” (Hall, 2000),
“Knowledge City” (Dirks, 2009), “Ubiquitous City
(Lee, 2008), “Smart Communities” (Kanter et al.,
2009), and more. Thus there is a growing need to
reflect on this concept, its construction and
underlying assumptions to enable transparency and
new readings.
So far literature focused on many aspects that
can be understood as parts of the Smart City
initiative (e.g. ICT infrastructure, cities' critical
services, smart economies, and so on), but attempts
to holistically and systematically tackle the Smart
City concept are still almost lacking. Furthermore,
because of its network nature, a city should be
described using a more truthful and realistic model
representation based on a network system with the
expression of relations between elements (Lombardi
et al., 2011). As a consequence we aim at the
development of a comprehensive framework for
Smart Cities. We believe that through the careful
description of each element that builds up such
initiatives, and the identification of the relationships
between these key components, we can provide a
systematic conceptualization of the strategy and the
ideas arising from the literature. Its development
will allow the construction of measuring
frameworks, enabling an easy-to-read format for a
better understanding by the huge amount of
stakeholders involved, and it will be the fundamental
starting point for supporting software-based
Maccani G., Donnellan B. and Helfert M..
A Comprehensive Framework for Smart Cities.
DOI: 10.5220/0004374400530063
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Grids and Green IT Systems (SMARTGREENS-2013), pages 53-63
ISBN: 978-989-8565-55-6
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
decision-making processes (for example Analytical
Network Process (Saaty, 2005)). It will be also a tool
to communicate, and overcome resistances to change
by all the actors that are somehow engaged in Smart
Cities development, to move forward towards its
real holistic implementation.
To do that, the first step was a careful review and
analysis of the existing literature. Then within this
paper we will explain which areas we believe to be
the most suitable and completed for systematically
describe Smart Cities initiatives. In other words we
are going to provide mutually exclusive and
collectively exhaustive dimensions that fully
encompass the enabler factors of Smart Cities.
Before starting in conceptualizing the dimensions of
a Smart City, we need to deeply understand its core
conceptual elements. The Smart City concept is still
emerging, and the work of defining and categorizing
it is in progress (Boulton et al., 2011). Thus, we
implemented a systematic approach for a review of
the existing literature. The main aim of this analysis
is to provide an embedded definition of Smart City,
from which we will derive the dimensions for our
comprehensive framework, the main focus of this
This section can be divided in two main parts.
First, we extracted all the definitions available on
journal papers. After finding them, we discovered a
common syntactic structure that can be adapted to
each definition, and that includes six categories that
can be seen as the main abstract areas that have to be
covered in providing a correct definition within this
domain of analysis. Following these areas we
developed a concept matrix, and we mapped into it,
all the elements arising from the definitions.
Secondly, we have also included conference papers
and corporate reports into the study. Particularly, we
considered all the developed frameworks provided
by authors as attempts to define Smart Cities with
comprehensive dimensions. After reading each paper
we mapped again the dimensions in relation to the
areas used for the definitions matrix.
2.1 Definitions
As mentioned in the brief introduction to this
section, we have started analysing all the journal
papers available. At this very first stage, the
requirement for an article to be taken into account
for our review was the presence of the word “Smart
City/Cities” either within the abstract, or the
keywords, or the title of the paper itself. In total we
collected 24 papers, within 7 different journals out
of the 40 considered. Then, we found that only 13
papers were aligned with the aim of our review.
Going ahead, of the 13 papers considered, 11
provided a definition of Smart City (for the text
definitions see Appendix 1). In order to provide a
taxonomy useful for this literature review we first
looked at the syntax of these sentences aiming at
defining a common structure characterized by a
number of main areas in which all the concepts that
arise from these definitions can consistently fit.
Looking at the texts of the definitions we then
classified in a high level of abstraction the
components of such phrases stating that: “The Smart
City is a [Context] that exploits / uses / leverages /
develops an [Infrastructure] with-a-certain /
implementing an [Approach] supported by [Factors]
to enable [processes] to achieve/ improve / enhance /
increase [Goals]”. In other words, every single key
concept that is stated in the definitions provided in
Appendix 1 is related to one of these 6 main areas,
i.e. context, infrastructure, processes, approach,
factors, goals. So, after checking its validity in first
approximation, we've actually decomposed all the
definitions into their key words or notions. Hence,
with all the words/notions available, after some
intuitive and obvious simplifications (e.g. “reduce
urbanisation's impact on the environment” (Helal,
2011), and “ecological performances” (Kourtit et al.,
2012) were both considered together with the goal
“environmental sustainability” (Lombardi et al.,
2011), (Tranos et al., 2012)), we developed a
concept matrix in which each key word/notion is
related to the author and grouped within the category
it belongs to (see Appendix 2). It should be also
noted that replacing randomly a single term within
its area of belonging in the structure we defined
above, the resulting sentence assumes a meaning as
a definition of Smart Cities' domain.
After a first look at the concept matrix (see
Appendix 2), we can immediately infer that the
common understanding of Smart City is an initiative
that exploits technologies to deliver smart
information services aiming at better environmental
performances, increase or add efficiencies, and
improve city's competitiveness or, in other words,
develop the so called Smart Economy (Giffinger et
al., 2007). Another recurring aspect refers to the
human/social capital as a key enabler of Smart
Cities. However, insights about extremely needed
innovative approaches (Schaffers et al., 2012), and
new management and governance principles (Nam
et al., 2011b) are still lacking in these definitions.
Probably, most of the definitions provided come
from individual research needs or prospectives
(Abdulrahman et al., 2012). So, we conclude stating
that only informal descriptions are available within
the existing literature, rather than embedded well
acknowledged definitions.
2.2 Frameworks
To enrich our review of the literature we have also
considered all the contributions in terms of
developed frameworks that, through the definition of
homogeneous dimensions, aimed at defining the
Smart City concept. Conference papers and
corporate reports were also taken into account for
this analysis.
As we did for the definitions we first extracted
the useful data from each framework and then we
listed all the dimensions that were chosen by each
author. After that, each dimension was
contextualized, consistently with its content, within
the area that we found to be critical in defining
Smart Cities, i.e. infrastructure, process, approach,
factors and goals (see paragraph 2.1). We did not
take into account the “Context” area as it is not
useful for our scope at this stage. Thus, the aim of
this paragraph is to provide, consistently with the
categorization used for the definitions, an overview
of the dimensions that have been chosen by authors
in attempting at completely define the Smart City
As a result of our analysis, we found that from
the 18 contributions available, 7 were inspired and
related to two main taxonomies: the “System of
Systems” view developed by IBM (Dirks, 2009),
and the study conducted in (Giffinger et al., 2007).
In detail, IBM sees Smart Cities based on six core
systems, i.e. people, businesses, transports,
communication, water, and energy. “Instrumenting”,
“interconnecting”, and providing them the
“intelligence”, would constitute what they called
“System of systems” (Dirks, 2009), seen as the
unique building block placed at the highest level,
which enables smart services within each of the six
main city's functions. Aligned with this point of
view are the works of (Harrison et al., 2010, 2011),
(Naphade et al., 2011). Then, the second most
quoted framework starts from the definition of six
core systems that are considered as the critical areas
for Smart Cities. These areas are: Smart Economy,
Smart Environment, Smart Living, Smart People,
Smart Governance, and Smart Mobility (Giffinger et
al., 2007). This path to define and conceptualize
Smart Cities was followed also by 3 more works.
The first in chronological order was (Toppeta, 2010);
in his paper each of the the six areas was enriched
with innovative ideas. Then, one year later, the same
approach was used by (Caragliu et al., 2011) and
(Lombardi et al., 2011) that combined those six axes
with the Triple-Helix model and particularly with the
actors involved in this approach (i.e. government,
businesses, and universities (Shinn, 20029).
Now we move ahead with the other contributions
in terms of frameworks published to describe the
Smart City. In (Kourtit et al. 2012) the smart city is
conceptualized as a mix of human capital,
infrastructural capital, social capital, and
entrepreneurial capital. Abdulrahman, categorized
Smart Cities into seven smart systems connected
respectively to cities' critical activities and services.
They are: Smart Grid, Smart Meter, Intelligent
Transportation System, Smart Water, Smart Home,
Smart Food, and Smart Healthcare (Abdulrahman et
al., 2012).
Moving now to the conference papers, (Angoso,
2009) sees a Smart City as a Green City in which the
technology is the main critical success factor as
enabler of the proper urban network, which is able to
connect vehicles, assets, employees, and people
under the same “Smart City 2.0” umbrella.
(Mulligan, 2010)'s vision is similar, given that he
considers the Smart City's goal focused “just” on
environmental sustainability performances. In his
opinion a Smart City is the one which achieves the
proper balance between competitiveness,
environment, and quality of life, with the
government as the key player. He, together with
Siemens Ltd., developed an innovative measure
called “Green City Index” across eight dimensions:
carbon emissions, energy, buildings, transport, waste
and land use, water, air and governance. (Washburn,
2010) defined the Smart City's dimensions in
relation to the services offered. Hence, the categories
that in his opinion build up the Smart City are:
governance, education, healthcare, public safety, real
estate, transportation, and utilities. So, he provided a
technology-led Smart City Blueprint. Going ahead,
(Woetzel et al., 2010) provided a very interesting
tool (i.e. the Urban Sustainability Index) for
assessing the performances of Smart Cities. This
approach is based on a quantitative evaluation across
what they call the critical city's functions, that are:
economic performance, social conditions,
sustainable resource use, finances, and governance.
(Maloney, 2011) instead, went deeper into the
Smart-Sustainable City concept providing a
framework that describes how a strategy should be
built up by mayors. He considers Smart Cities as
environments in which innovative ICTs are used to
deliver smart services in some application areas (i.e.
shopping, tourism, culture, city marketing, public
and private education and health, road and public
transportation, and entertainment). (Steinert et al.
2011) goes beyond the purely technological point of
view and proposed two pillars (more as requirements
than building blocks): the smart city broadband
network and the smart city public-private approach.
The first refers to technology and particularly
highlights the need of a single integrated network
supported by an innovative policy framework,
defined by city's authorities. Furthermore the second
takes into account the approach that has to be
implemented for the ICT infrastructure management.
Then, in (Nam et al., 2011a) the key factors are
about technologies, humans, and institutions. A few
months later they focused their work on the
innovation component of Smart Cities (Nam et al.,
2011b). Here, the dimensions they defined were:
technology (to serve as a tool for innovation),
organization (to manage innovation) policy (to
create an enabling environment) and the surrounding
context. Moreover, a useful point of view comes
from EU Commission understanding of Smart Cities
in terms of future actions; thus, in (Schaffers et al.,
2012) were introduced many drivers and
components for cities to become smarter that can be
joined together into three homogeneous
perspectives: technology, open innovation ecosystem
(moving from the triple helix collaboration research
concept to a “multiple-helix” one that includes also
citizens) that has to become “user-driven” through
citizens' empowerment, and urban development.
Similarly, (Chourabi et al., 2012)'s aim was to
provide an “integrative framework for a better
understanding of Smart Cities”. It included eight
critical success factors: management and
organization, technology, policy context, people and
communities, governance, economy, built
infrastructure, and natural environment. The firsts
three are considered core factors, and the other as
secondary ones in building a holistic strategy.
Finally, (Zygiaris, 2012) defined layers as
subsequent steps to reach the Smart City vision and
to estimate city's smartness, rather than key
perspectives. The layers (starting from the bottom)
he found are: City (for its readiness), Green City (to
decrease urban carbon footprint), interconnection (to
develop a broadband economy), instrumentation (to
ensure that the “real-time” capability), open
integration (to provide an open integrated space),
application (to apply the previous layers to the real
city life), and innovation (to ensure smart growth).
Finally, as we did for the definitions, we mapped
each dimension with the five critical areas into the
concept matrix (see Appendix 3). From this table we
can immediately see that none of the frameworks
covered all the aspects we identified as critical in
analysing the definitions. Aspects such as
management and governance principles are broadly
explained within these papers, and so, we also have
a clearer overview of the approaches that have to be
taken. However, we can affirm that there is still a
lack of a comprehensive conceptualization that can
be the proper base for an embedded definition, and
subsequent initiatives of standardisation and
integrated measurement tools.
Within this third section we present the core of this
document: a conceptualization of the foundation of
Smart Cities. Starting from a careful and structured
literature review (section 2), we developed an
embedded definition of Smart City following the
syntactic structure we used in analysing the existing
literature; so we define Smart City as an urban area
that leverages its technological and social
infrastructure implementing people-private-public
partnerships supported by an innovative governance
in terms of policies, leadership and proper ongoing
management principles, to enable smart information
services, aiming at improving its critical
capabilities. As a consequence we derive the
dimensions for our comprehensive framework, in
terms of mutually exclusive and collectively
exhaustive areas that fully encompass all the enabler
factors of Smart Cities. These dimensions are:
“Technology”, “Social Infrastructure”,
“Governance”, “3P Partnership”, and “Information
Services”. Each key area will be carefully described,
in terms of its content and why did we choose it,
within the next paragraphs.
3.1 Technological Infrastructure
As shown in Appendix 2 and Appendix 3,
technological factors are commonly understood as
one of the most important pillars, and so, nowadays
ICT is an essential part of urban development, and it
is necessary for all Smart Cities (Abdulrahman et al.,
2012). To introduce how the technological
infrastructure should look like we try here to retrace
the path that has led to its creation. We believe that
there are three fundamental milestones in building
the technological background for Smart Cities,
named the Spatial Intelligence of Cities (Mitchell,
2007): Ambient Intelligence (Gasson et al., 2007),
Digital City (Besselaar and Koizumi, 2005), and the
Intelligent City (Komninos, 2002).
- Ambient Intelligence (AI): an AI environment
should facilitate human contact, be oriented towards
community and cultural enhancement, help to build
knowledge and skills for work, citizenship and
consumer, and finally be consistent with long term
sustainability (“Greening OF IT” and “Greening BY
IT” (Maccani et al., 2012)). To build up the City's AI
we identified three main requirements. First it is
necessary, and it is a well acknowledged field in the
literature, a broadband infrastructure seen as a smart
combination of telecommunication networks (for
their resiliency, stability, and security) and the web
(for its software-driven programability easily
customizable) (Steinert et al., 2011). Secondly, we
have the Internet of Things (IoT) (Uckelmann et al.,
2011) and the related concept of Semantic web
(Ashton, 1999). An AI-oriented perspective of IoT
would mean leverage the possibility to collect and
analyse the digital traces left by citizens at their
interaction and when they interface with widely
deployed smart objects to structure the knowledge
about human life, environment, and social
behaviours (Guo et al. 2011). As third fundamental
requirement we refer to the “instrumentation step”
proposed by IBM (Dirks, 2009), in which sensors
are placed across the city to enable observation of
urban systems at a “micro-level” (Harrison et al.
2011). Other technologies and ICT-related concepts
that can be seen as the enablers of such environment
are crowd-sourcing (Estellés et al., 2012), RFID,
software agents, affective computing,
nanotechnologies, and biometrics (Gasson et al.
- Digital City (DC): this second milestone adds to
the previous one the ubiquitous computing
component (Greenfield, 2006). In other words, the
key element here is a wireless infrastructure that if
combined with an AI world would allow the delivery
of services accessible through wireless mobile
devices and enabled by SOA (Service Oriented
Architecture) including web services and mobilised
software application (Tanabe et al., 2002). The key
turning point here is to think about machines that
have to fit the human environment, rather than
forcing humans to enter theirs (York et al., 2004). At
this step then the Smart City is both “instrumented”
and “interconnected” (Dirks, 2009).
- Intelligent City (IC): while the DC is based on
digital communication, the IC provides problem
solving capabilities. Thus, all ICs are DCs, but all
DCs are not intelligent (Komninos, 2008). Here the
digital space becomes a tool that contributes to the
capacity of the community to use collective
intelligence and engineer new solutions to people
needs. From the previous milestone we added two
key components to achieve the development of an
Intelligent City: collective intelligence and
cooperative distributed problem solving.
Concluding, we believe that the achievement of
these three milestones described above, means the
development of the technological part of the Smart
City, the Spatial Intelligence of City.
3.2 Social Infrastructure
Developing human resources and social capital is
recognized, obviously together with technology, as
one of the enabling factor for Smart Cities by a large
portion of literature (Toppeta, 2010). There are four
critical aspects for human factors within Smart
Cities, and they are (Nam et al., 2011a): Learning
City (Plumb et al., 2007), Creative City (Hall, 2000),
Human City (Streitz, 2009), and Knowledge City
(Dirks, 2009) (concept analogous to the Learning
City one). The combination of these concepts is the
foundation of the Smart City's social infrastructure.
In fact, through a Learning City is provided an
extremely needed highly skilled information
workforce (Moser, 2001), aspect related to a higher
education infrastructure and better-educated
individuals. Human's creativity and the development
of their digital skills are crucial requirements to
overcome the gaps identified by (Komninos, 2008),
i.e. to turn innovative digital technologies into
applications. A highly skilled human community is
also a major requirement to achieve the critical mass
for collective intelligence processes (Sestini, 2011a).
So far in real Smart City cases there are mainly
education-related initiatives in this field, and the
particular focus has been on how to use ICTs to
improve the education sector. Potentially ICTs can
increase access from rural areas as well as from
those who cannot be full time students and other
benefits would come from costs reduction and from
the quality of the education itself (Washburn et al.,
2010). Concrete examples may be: provide life-long
e-learning systems, e-books loan, collaborative
design for entrepreneurs, location-based proximity
services (Toppeta, 2010) and so forth.
3.3 Public-people-Private Partnership
Accordingly to literature, collaboration,
participation, engagement, and partnerships are key
words related to this field (Odendaal, 2003)
(Giffinger et al., 2007). Hence, as the third
dimension of our framework we need a collaboration
model to actually establish technological and social
components as real enablers for Smart Cities. To
promote these approaches the largest part of the
literature refers to a model called “triple-helix”
which focuses in particular on relations between
universities, industry and government at an urban
and regional scale (Shinn, 2002) (also a “multiple-
helix” approach, including market, learning and
knowledge, was defined (Caragliu et al., 2011)). It is
generally understood “as a selection environment
for knowledge creation and innovation, ushering in
place-based strategies to exploit local creativity and
social capital to achieve a new urban vitality, i.e.
growth” (Lombardi et al., 2012). However, the
potential value of co-creation through citizens, and
more generally end-users, involvement is ignored in
this model. As a consequence the collaboration
model that has to be set up has to be between local
governments, research institutes and universities,
citizens and businesses. The main goal here is to
develop what the EU Commission calls an User-
Driven Open Innovation Ecosystem. This
perspective is critical to bridge the gap between
short-term city development priorities (demand pull)
and long-term technological research and
experimentation (technology push) (Schaffers et al.,
2012). Within this perspective a great importance is
given to Living Labs methodologies (Pallot, 2009).
They can be seen as a User-Centred Open
Innovation Ecosystem (Chesbrough, 2003), that
aims at the integration of concurrent research and
innovation processes (Bilgram et al., 2008) within a
“3P” (Public-Private-People) Partnership. A Living
Lab approach involves user communities, solution
developers, research disciplines, local authorities
and policy makers, and investors. So, the value is
co-created and the emergence of breakthrough ideas
is highly stimulated. Thus, it provides the
opportunity to co-create, explore, experiment, and
validate innovative Smart Cities scenarios based on
technology platforms aiming at satisfying real
emerging inhabitant’s needs, and at improving their
quality of life. Using this approach citizens are
brought at the driving seats towards innovation, and
their creativity skills result also improved (Ratti et
al., 2011).
3.4 Governance and Management
A Smart City initiative was also seen by a portion of
literature as the application of intelligence to city
management (Boulton et al., 2011). So far, for a long
time, cities' initiatives were dominated by top-down
approaches (Schaffers et al., 2012). Consistently
with what stated within the Public-Private-People
Partnership perspective the balance between bottom-
up (or grassroots-driven (Sestini, 2011b)) and top-
down strategies must be strengthened. Within the
perspectives seen so far it can be easily inferred that
sharing and integrate the information and the
knowledge is one of the most critical objectives. To
achieve these goals a managerial interoperability
across city's smart services, applications, and
organizations is extremely needed (Nam et al.,
What is critical to understand at this stage is who
is going to manage the Smart City initiative. In
(Witters, 2012) is described a study conducted in
existing projects. Particularly, the “key initiation
models” were defined and carefully described , in
terms of who kicked off the projects in such case
studies. The result found in his research was that the
city-authority has to be the unique central
management body.
A critical part of this dimension refers to
leadership. One of the main challenges of local e-
government implementations is a lack of a central
figure to promote progress, integrate decisions, and
foster structural and procedural changes (Almazan et
al., 2009). To overcome this issue, and at the same
time to conceptualize a pivotal role as a unique
decision-maker for a Smart City initiative, we
believe that a Smart City CIO could leverage the
potential of technological and social infrastructure.
The rise in stature of the CIO and CTO within the
city and county arena has grown or evolved, along
with the ever-increasing complexity for managing
communication and information technology. So,
being a "cheerleader" for economic development in
Smart Cities should be a natural progression for
most of CIOs (Schrier, 2012). In fact, the figure of
the CIO would be in the boardroom to understand
the business model of a city, rather just the technical
aspects of an IT department (Parker, 2005). Hence,
the Smart City CIO should be responsible for
defying and managing a vision for these initiatives,
across the infrastructure components and services.
According to (Washburn et al., 2010) CIOs are
(together with technology and social infrastructure)
enabler of the Smart City, providing project
management expertise, best practices for
interoperability, and being responsible for staff
training and for redefine the organization. Finally a
Smart City CIO should be part and the main
promoter of People-Private-Public Partnerships
(Shark, 2010). However, the CIO in the private
sector is more flexible than the one in the public
sector, since the “GCIO” (Government CIO)
functions are regulated by laws (Nguyen, 2008).
Concluding, the last critical part of this block
refers to the policy-context. Obviously, every single
case has to deal with its political and historical
background. However, some common priorities can
be defined. First of all, governments should focus on
an open broadband regulatory framework (Steinert
et al., 2011). Laws in this way should enable safe
and secure sharing of data and content seamlessly, in
real time, and wirelessly, between individuals,
governments, companies, and objects (e.g. sensors,
devices, buildings). Secondly, an innovative policy-
context should push towards the actual adoption of
the “3P” Partnership approach. As a consequence, a
big systematic effort from policy makers in this way
is highly needed.
3.5 Smart Information Services
At this point of development we have all what we
need to reach the Smart City mission. As a first
approximation, we can state that the final goal of a
Smart City is to provide smart services (Giffinger et
al., 2007) in order to: improve city's inhabitants'
quality of life (Hall, 2000), decrease city's carbon
footprint (Angoso, 2009), reduce traffic congestions
(Mulligan, 2010) and enable Intelligent
Transportation Systems (Chen-Ritzo et al., 2009),
improve educational (Toppeta, 2010) and healthcare
sectors (Washburn et al., 2010), increase
employment rate (Lombardi et al,. 2012) and define
new business models to attract companies for a
sustainable economic growth (Doobs et al., 2012),
provide efficient and transparent e-government
services (Chourabi et al., 2012), increase food
supply efficiency and effectiveness (Abdulrahman et
al., 2012), increase water (Venkatesen, 2010) and
energy supply efficiency (Stancic, 2009), provide
advanced waste management practices (Maloney,
2011), and improve public safety (Witters, 2012). All
these services are enabled by the four perspectives
previously described in this document.
In particular we believe we can conceptualize the
main objective of this area in just one simple
sentence: make sense of data. There is a huge
amount of data hidden in cities (Hill, 2008), and our
lives, the decisions we make, and the actions we take
can be much better through data availability. We live
in a “data-driven life” (Wolf, 2010). A very useful
example can be the implementation of an integrated
collective awareness platform (De Liddo et al.,
2010) at a city's scale. Its application would be
focused on participation, sharing, exchange, crowd-
sourcing, and open data to achieve bottom-up social
innovation, through models and simulations based
on real-world data and multidisciplinary
understanding of the complex socio-technical
interrelations (Sestini, 2011a). This approach would
enable more informed decisions, a better
management of resources, capacities and
relationships in a transparent way. Moreover within
the previous dimensions we have already provided
solutions to what are generally understood by
literature as main barriers to its adoption (i.e. data
overload, how to achieve the critical mass, balance
bottom-up and top-own initiatives etc. (Sestini,
2011b)). In fact, for instance with the proper
“digital-skilled” population and a People-Private-
Public partnership reach the critical mass is not a big
challenge anymore. Other barriers, such as data
overload, can be overcome with innovative
technological solutions (e.g. Big Data (Schawn,
Concluding, in section 3 we provided five
dimensions that, consistently with the working
definitions and the frameworks found in the existing
literature, describe holistically the Smart City
concept. In the next section we will present some
conclusions on the results achieved with this
Concluding, the discussion here has been focused on
Smart Cities initiatives, and particularly on a
systematic approach to tackle this topic holistically.
We defined five dimensions as the five main areas
that encompass all the enabler factors of a Smart
City: Technology, Social Infrastructure, People-
Private-Public Partnership, Governance and
Management, and Smart Information Services.
Within the introduction section we mentioned how
this conceptualization will be useful for researchers,
governments and companies, in relation to
innovative measurement frameworks, further
processes standardizations. We want also to
underline how these dimensions represent not only a
framework that takes into account all aspects of
Smart Cities, but also, combining these perspectives,
we can have insights on how the strategy for develop
such initiative should be built up. In detail these
areas allow us to describe, in first approximation, a
Smart City strategy in just one sentence. So, with the
proper technological and social infrastructure,
through the right organization and the appropriate
management, partnerships between governments,
businesses, and people can be enabled, and they are
needed to overcome the existing gaps for the actual
delivery of smart services to the city's community,
and so achieve the Smart City mission. Keeping this
sentence in mind, let's then consider how this
framework can be the starting point of a (extremely
needed (Lombardi et al., 2012)) systematic
embedded framework for measuring Smart City
performances, communicate and create awareness
among stakeholders, and manage the Smart City
strategy. Considering the Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
(Kaplan and Norton, 1992) as a model to assess and
manage a strategy (the most widely used among
companies, public sector organizations (Aslani,
2009), and IT functions (Van Grembergen et al.,
2005)), the taxonomy we have proposed here can be
considered as a big step forward in its development.
In fact, the BSC model foresees the balanced
assessment of perspectives characterized by
homogeneous content that enclose within them all
the components of a strategy. Moreover, these
perspectives have to provide an outline of the
strategic path that leads to the achievement of the
mission, in terms of cause-effect relationships
(otherwise this would lead to what Kaplan and
Norton called “a simple KPI Scorecard” (Kaplan and
Norton, 1996)). Then, our approach can be definitely
considered as an optimal starting point (and maybe a
little bit more) for the development of an embedded
measurement framework, as the BSC is. In fact,
within this document, we demonstrated through a
careful review of the literature (see section 2) that
the five dimensions take into account all the enabler
factors of Smart Cities, and furthermore they
identify a strategic direction in terms of cause-effect
relationships (see the sentence above in this
paragraph). What is needed now is to systematically
define the SMART (Specific Measurable Achievable
Realistic Timely) goals for each perspective (our
dimensions' description provides already some
suggestions), and the subsequent critical success
factors (CSF) for each goal. Finally, these CSFs are
helpful to find the proper set of performance
indicators in order to measure their level of
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1: Definition Table
2: Definition Concept Matrix
3: Frameworks Concept Matrix