A Cloud Broker Application for Security Concerns
Milena Frtunic
, Filip Jovanovic
, Mladen Gligorijvic
, Lazar Dordevic
, Srecko Janicijevic
Per H
akon Meland
, Karin Bernsmed
and Humberto Castejon
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
SINTEF ICT, Trondheim, Norway
Telenor Research and Future Studies, Trondheim, Norway
Cloud, Security, Broker, Requirements, SLAs.
The broker is foreseen to take an important role in the future Cloud ecosystem. A Cloud broker will simplify
the relationships between Cloud providers and customers, by aggregating, integrating and customizing services
in accordance to the customers’ needs. This paper demonstrates how security requirements can be a part of
the Cloud brokering model. We present CloudSurfer, which is a prototype implementation of an independent
Cloud broker that allows the customer to search for services that fulfill a set of security requirements. The
application has been evaluated by representatives from the software industry and academia, and is freely
available for further research.
Cloud Computing has seen an tremendous growth in
recent years. As more providers are entering the field
and the competition in the Cloud service market is in-
creasing, new business models for integrating and re-
selling services are emerging. The Cloud broker rep-
resents a promising and ambitious approach. Accord-
ing to NIST (Liu et al., 2011), a Cloud broker is An
entity that manages the use, performance and deliv-
ery of cloud services, and negotiates relationships be-
tween Cloud Providers and Cloud Consumers”. The
main role of the Cloud broker is hence to help po-
tential Cloud customers to navigate through the jun-
gle of Cloud service offerings by acting as an inter-
mediate layer between the customer and the different
Existing Cloud brokers are often concerned with
functional requirements, i.e. finding a Cloud service
that fulfils one or more technical goals. Recent re-
search has pointed out the need for brokering based
on non-functional requirements, such as availability,
performance, scalability and security. In particular
security, which often is cited as a showstopper for the
uptake of Cloud computing services, has been identi-
fied as one of the main priorities for Cloud brokering.
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how
security requirements can be a part of Cloud service
brokering. Our method is based on design science
research (DESRIST) (Hevner and Chatterjee, 2010)
and we have created CloudSurfer, a prototype im-
plementation of a broker that allows the customer to
search for services and browse through service offer-
ings, based on a set of security requirements. These
requirements are selected from a repository tailored
for Cloud computing based on standards and guide-
lines from organisations such as NIST (Jansen and
Grance, 2011) Cloud Security Alliance (Cloud Secu-
rity Alliance, 2012) and Enisa (Hogben and Dekker,
Cloud services brokerage has become one of the
hottest Cloud topics. This is reflected by the num-
ber of Cloud brokering platforms commercially avail-
able today. Vendors such as Jamcracker
, Parallels
, AppDirect
and CE On-demand
, to name but
a few, all offer white-label Cloud brokering solutions
to communication and IT service providers. While the
amount of features offered by these platforms varies,
Frtunic M., Jovanovic F., Gligorijvic M., Dordevic L., Janicijevic S., Meland P., Bernsmed K. and Castejon H..
CloudSurfer - A Cloud Broker Application for Security Concerns.
DOI: 10.5220/0004375001990206
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 199-206
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
all of them implement a one-stop-shop concept for
IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services. End-users of these
platforms, normally SMBs or enterprises, are offered
a marketplace where they can find and access cloud
services fitting their needs. Users can search for ser-
vices based on the service type, but very few of the
platforms allow end-users to find services based on
non-functional requirements, such as QoS or secu-
rity. A notable exception is the Cloud Finder from
, which allows the user to specify high-level
security requirements such as ”Provider has a local
datacenter in Europe” and “Dedicated private cloud
with physical isolation offering available”. However,
SLA management support is also minimum in all plat-
forms, if at all existent.
In the research arena, a number of projects are
also working on Cloud brokering solutions. The OP-
TIMIS project (OPTIMIS Consortium, 2010) aims at
defining a framework and toolkit for multi-Cloud ar-
chitectures, such as broker-based architecture (Ferrer
et al, 2012). In OPTIMIS, QoS parameters are used
for the selection of Cloud infrastructure providers,
with special emphasis on trust, risk, eco-efficiency
and cost. Security requirements are however not con-
sidered. The mOSAIC project (mOSAIC Consor-
tium, 2012) intends to create an open source Cloud
API and platform targeted for developing SLA-aware
multi-Cloud oriented applications. From the end-
user’s point of view, the main component is the Cloud
Agency, a broker that will assist applications in dis-
covering Cloud resource providers, negotiating SLAs
with these providers, and monitoring the SLA fulfill-
ment. The platform will use an ontology for Cloud
services (Moscato et al., 2011), where security is
included as a non-functional requirement, but only
on a high level. Another related project is Con-
trail (Contrail Consortium, 2010). It aims at designing
and implementing an open source solution for SLA-
aware federation of Clouds, such as allowing Cloud
resources from different providers to be aggregated
and exploited as if they belong to the same Cloud.
In Contrail, SLAs include both traditional QoS re-
quirements, such as availability, as well as Quality
of Protection requirements, such as data confinement
mechanisms and data location (Jensen, J. et al., 2011).
Tordsson et al. (Tordsson et al., 2012) have proposed
an IaaS Cloud broker mechanism intended to provide
Cloud users with the requested number of virtual ma-
chines from multiple providers with the best cost/per-
formance ratio, according to a given budget. Their
focus is on the total infrastructure capacity and price,
but they do not mention security requirements as pos-
sible constraints when selecting Cloud providers. Va-
quero et al. (Vaquero et al., 2012) have described
a rule-based architecture for managing service be-
haviour in the Cloud, which is comparable to a bro-
ker architecture. A similar approach is described with
the Claudia in-between management layer for han-
dling multiple Cloud providers (Rodero-Merino et al.,
CloudSurfer is a prototype Cloud broker that can be
used to search for and browse through Cloud service
offerings that fulfill a set of security requirements.
This section presents an overview of the development,
design and implementation of the prototype.
3.1 Development Method
CloudSurfer was developed as a part of project course
at the Norwegian University of Science and Technol-
ogy (NTNU) during fall 2012
. The software was
developed by a group of M.Sc. in computer science
students in their forth year of study, using the Scrum
methodology. The first six weeks of the projects were
spent on planning, background research on machine-
readable languages and software design. The imple-
mentation was conducted through six sprints, each
of them lasting one week, including brief evaluations
and requirement adjustments between the sprints. The
first four sprints were used to implement the user
interface and the translation tool, which is used to
translate the customer’s security requirements into a
machine-readable language. These two tasks were
performed in parallel. The last two sprints were used
to merge the user interface with the translation tool
and to develop a matching system. Finally, the ap-
plication was subject to functional testing and a more
thorough usability evaluation
3.2 Design and Interaction
CloudSurfer was designed as a classical client-server
application, and a conceptual overview is shown in
Figure 1. The customer, or future Cloud consumer,
utilizes a Web-based graphical user interface, which
is further described in section 3.3. The business logic
resides on the server side with the main main logical
Select. Allows the user to select which require-
ments to consider, and further specify them with
attribute values.
Translate. Translates the selected requirements
into a machine readable language.
Match. Reasons on which Cloud providers are
capable of fulfilling the security requirements.
Statistics. Part of the administrative interface that
allows you to see which security requirements are
most popular.
Requirements Storage. A repository of typical
security requirements for Cloud computing, orga-
nized according to service type and category.
Template Storage. Sets of pre-defined require-
ments for given service types.
The details on the server-side technology is described
in section 3.4.
CloudSurfer depends on that the Cloud providers
advertise their offered security controls in a machine-
readable form, as shown in the lower-most part of
Figure 1. There is no prevalent standard for express-
ing contract requirements and offerings, but based on
the recommendations by Meland et al. (Meland et al.,
2013), WS-Agreement (Andrieux et al., 2003) was
chosen. This language is extensible and allows the
use of any service terms, but has no built-in predi-
cates for security. Therefore an XML schema extend-
ing WS-Agreement was defined. Note that a provider
may very well advertise several service offerings, de-
pending for instance on pricing range.
The sequence diagram, displayed in Figure 2,
represents the most typical use case where a cus-
tomer (service consumer) wants to search for a Cloud
provider based on his own choice of security require-
ments. The sequence starts with a selection of a ser-
vice type, in order to do an initial filtering of require-
ments. After this, the customer asks for the inter-
face to specify requirements. The selected require-
ments are then submitted and the broker transforms
these into an XML file which is used for matching
against the offered security controls from the Cloud
providers. The resulting conformance is sent back to
the customer, who has the possibility of modifying the
3.3 The User Interface
The user interface is based on standard web technol-
ogy such as HTML
and CSS
, with dynamic features
enabled by JavaScript
. CloudSurfer makes use of
Figure 1: Conceptual design for CloudSurfer.
the jQuery
library for HTML document traversing,
event handling, animating and Ajax interactions.
Usability was one of the main concerns for this
prototype. The requirements storage consists of a
large number of possible security requirements, and
in order to make selection manageable by the cus-
tomer the user interface has adopted a wizard-based
approach. The user will be guided through a series of
eight categories of requirements; namely
Data Storage. This category includes security re-
quirements related to the storage of customer data
Figure 2: Logical sequence diagram for Cloud brokering.
in the Cloud. Here we include issues related to
backup of customer data, encryption, the physical
location of the data center where the data is being
stored, the isolation of the customer’s data from
other tenants, the ownership of data, portability,
integrity and the secure disposal of customer data.
Data Processing. This category includes security
related to the processing of customer data in the
Cloud. Here we include requirements related to
isolation, monitoring, location, migration and en-
cryption of customer data that is being processed
in the Cloud.
Data Transfer. This category includes security re-
lated to the transferring of customer data; both
regarding the upload and download link to the
Cloud as well as internally in the Cloud and be-
tween different Cloud data centers.
Access Control. This category includes secure ac-
cess to the Cloud service management interface,
secure access for Cloud service users, physical ac-
cess control and the availability of APIs for access
Security Procedures. This category includes
aspects related to auditing, certification, coun-
termeasures and detection mechanisms, security
testing procedures, communication between the
provider and customer and key management pro-
Incident Management. This category includes
requirements for incident response management,
logging of incidents, reporting and forensic is-
Privacy. This category ensures the privacy and
anonymity of the customer and the customer’s
Hybrid Clouds. This category includes issues re-
lated to the outsourcing of services to 3rd parties,
the surveillability of hybrid Clouds and the bind-
ing and separation of duties.
These categories are divided into a finer grain of
subcategories, which typically contain 3-5 security re-
quirements each. Figure 3 shows an example screen-
shot where there are two requirements under Data
storage - Location. The check boxes on the left side
must be selected for the requirement to be considered,
and the check box on the right side can be selected
for requirements that are not mandatory but rather
“nice to have”. For requirements that need an attribute
value, this must be filled in by using input fields or se-
lecting boxes. A status bar at the bottom of the screen
Figure 3: Requirements are selected and detailed.
is constantly updated based on the number of match-
ing Cloud providers.
When the form has been submitted the user will
be presented with an overview over the most suitable
providers, ranked by how well they match. The user
can at any time go back and modify the requirements
in order to find more candidates. Figure 4 shows a
screenshot where the user can inspect in more detail
how the requirements match against the offered secu-
rity controls.
3.4 Server-side Technology
The server-side part of CloudSurfer consists of
an Apache HTTP server
that interacts with the
browser, and all the business logic is written in PHP.
All information about security requirements and ser-
vice types are stored in a MySQL
database. Inter-
action with the database is always done through SQL
queries from the business logic, never from the client
directly. The business logic validates and handles the
data from the upper layer and hands it over to the data
storage layer. The server also has an administrative
set of functionalities, e.g. showing statistics and for
managing the security requirements.
3.5 License and Availability
CloudSurfer has been designed and implemented as a
part of a research project as a mean to gain experience
and feedback on Cloud brokering. In order to facili-
tate further work on this topic the prototype has been
made freely availability under a MIT license
and the
source code is downloadable from SourceForge
After the last sprint the prototype was evaluated by a
group of 15 people both from the software industry
and students at the university. This was done through
live demonstrations where feedback was given di-
rectly, and by filling in an online questionnaire af-
terwards. The questionnaire covered application-
specific topics related to usability, organization of in-
formation, presentation, performance and design, but
also on the general concept of Cloud brokering and
ideas for improvement. More details on the question-
naire and the responses can be found in the project
report (Frtunic et al., 2012). This section provides
recommendations, which are based on the main find-
ings from the evaluation.
Figure 4: Matching results based on category.
4.1 A Personalized Customer Panel
Customers that visit CloudSurfer and specify their de-
sired security requirements may wish to save their set
of requirements, or even create multiple sets, for fu-
ture use. That would save time if the customer is look-
ing for another Cloud service that needs to comply
with the same security policy. It would also allow the
customer to check if the requirements are still fulfilled
if the provider changes the offered security controls.
4.2 Registration of Offers and
Authentication of Providers
CloudSurfer currently requires the providers to man-
ually upload XML files describing their offered secu-
rity controls, but it is an open question if these offers
should be stored and managed centralized or made
available by the providers in a way that allows the
broker to crawl around and find them. If there is any
change in the security controls the broker needs to be
notified immediately so that it can relay this to the
customer. The broker is likely to be held accountable
if there is some kind of violation and it has based its
matching on an outdated set of security controls. One
of the evaluators suggested utilizing natural language
processing on the terms that are already published at
the providers’ web sites. Though these are intended
for human readers, it might be possible to extract this
information into a deontic form; however, it would be
difficult for the broker to give strong guarantees that
the offerings are correct.
During the evaluation it was also pointed out that
without proper authentication of providers, it would
be possible to create false offerings in the name of
reputable providers. To mitigate this threat there
should be mechanisms that certify the identity of the
providers and allow them to digitally sign their offers.
4.3 Negotiation Support
Currently CloudSurfer matches the static offers from
Cloud providers with the requirements from the cus-
tomer. The customer may interactively modify the re-
quirements in order to accommodate an offer, but the
provider is not actively involved in this process. The
provider can of course make available several offers
for the customer to choose from, but we also see the
need of having two-sided dynamic negotiations be-
tween the customer and the provider, with the bro-
ker as the middle-man. SLA negotiations are today
considered to be a very resource demanding manual
process, often involving lawyers and exchange of am-
biguous terms and conditions. Since it often takes so
long to settle an agreement, the contracts usually have
a long time-span and are seldom re-negotiated. A
Cloud broker application where requirements and se-
curity controls are clearly stated according to a com-
mon vocabulary would simplify and make this a much
cheaper process. It is even plausible that the negoti-
ation can be automatically done by software agents
for much shorter time frames (e.g. weeks instead of
years). Agent-based negotiation is a field that has ex-
isted for quite some time, and could potentially be of
great benefit for Cloud brokering.
4.4 Useful Statistics
The current support for statistics in CloudSurfer is
limited to show the most popular requirements re-
quests. This type of functionality has a lot of poten-
tial, and should be specified according to for instance
service types. A possible business model for the bro-
ker is to provide information about which require-
ments are of particular concerns for the customers so
that the providers will have a market advantage.
It was also suggested that the broker could take the
role of gathering feedback from the customers, e.g.
whether they experienced that the services were de-
livered according to the agreed upon terms. This in-
formation would be of great value to other customers,
but there is also a danger that such reputation systems
could be poisoned with false reports by competitors.
4.5 Composite Matching
CloudSurfer only matches single sets of requirements
against atomic sets from the providers. However,
there should be an option for the customers to match
their requirements against Cloud services that are
composed by multiple providers. The broker can act
as an aggregator of Cloud services, but must make
sure that the increased service complexity complies
with the security requirements.
4.6 Requirements on the Service
As we have already pointed out, CloudSurfer is de-
signed to help customers find Cloud providers based
on requirements from the customer. However, in
some cases a Cloud provider may also provide strict
requirements that the customer must fulfill, for in-
stance what kind of services that may be deployed on
their infrastructure. Service discovery based on the
terms of use has so far been out of scope for Cloud-
Surfer, but should definitively be considered for a full-
fledged system.
4.7 Requirements Linked to extended,
External Sources
The evaluation revealed that some of the requirements
fail to be self-explanatory and that further explana-
tions are needed in order to understand what they ac-
tually mean and how important they are. Therefore
it would be beneficial to the user to link some kind
of help for each requirement in the form of question
mark next to the requirement. This link could lead
to standards documents for security requirements, ex-
amples, user stories, etc.
4.8 Easy Comparison of Similar Offers
It sometimes happens that two different offers get the
same score from the matching module. For example,
let us say that the customer requested the back-up in-
terval for his stored data to be at least 12 hours. The
first offer has a 24 hrs. back-up interval and the sec-
ond offer has back-up interval of one week. Currently
these two offers are presented to the customer as being
equal, and it would be helpful if the broker could in-
dicate which offer is the closest one to the customer’s
needs. An alternative would be to replace the sim-
ple binary match with some kind of distance metric,
in order to better visualize the difference between the
different service offerings.
The evaluation also revealed the need for an eas-
ier way of comparing offers, for instance by present-
ing them next to each other on the same screen. This
way a user can see exact differences between similar
offers. It is not always the case that the offer with the
highest number of matching security controls is the
one the customer would prioritize.
4.9 Create and Sign Contracts
Our broker is limited to service discovery, but once
this is done the next step would be to create and sign
an SLA. The broker application should have func-
tionality that automatically generates an agreed-upon
contract and provide a mechanism for digitally sign-
ing the contract by all the involved parties.
4.10 Templates for Application Types
The initial filtering of requirements is based on a high-
level classification of Cloud services types, notably
SaaS, IaaS, PaaS and hybrids. We believe it would
be very helpful to create a larger set of templates
for more specific service types (e.g., e-mail, docu-
ment sharing, video storage, back-up, etc.) and even
within specific domains (e.g., healthcare, education,
e-Governance, etc.). Knowing what the right require-
ments are for your service is considered to be a great
challenge by itself, and quality-assured templates can
be excellent starting-points for many customers. The
broker should over time be able to create such tem-
plate libraries and could offer them to new customers.
The CloudSurfer prototype implementation has been
our vehicle of research for the Cloud brokering
paradigm, and we have exploited it to identify future
needs and challenges that we will try to address. The
evaluation studies of the application itself showed a
very good user experience, and there is certainly a
need to simplify the process of finding Cloud service
providers that fulfill the requirements of a customer.
Our focus has been limited to security requirements,
since they tend to be among the great show-stoppers
for Cloud uptake, but we think that the application
itself can easily be extended to support other types
of requirements as well, for instance related to cost,
functionality, performance and other QoS attributes.
Though we have been able to identify many new
needs, it seems obvious to us that the major obstacle
today is the lack of a standardized machine-readable
contract language that can be used for automatic dis-
covery and reasoning. It is imperative that the Cloud
provider industry come to an agreement on what to
describe and how to do it. In the end, it is the
providers that are able to provide clear and distinct
contract terms that will win the customers.
The research leading to these results has been sup-
ported by Telenor through the SINTEF-Telenor re-
search agreement and the European Union Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant
no 257930. We would also like to thank the anony-
mous reviewers that provided us with excellent feed-
back and suggestions for improvements.
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