FactRunner: Fact Extraction over Wikipedia
Rhio Sutoyo
and Christoph Quix
and Fisnik Kastrati
King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Thai-German Graduate School of Engineering,
Bangkok, Thailand
RWTH Aachen University, Information Systems and Databases, Aachen, Germany
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology FIT, St. Augustin, Germany
Information Extraction, Semantic Search.
The increasing role of Wikipedia as a source of human-readable knowledge is evident as it contains an enor-
mous amount of high quality information written in natural language by human authors. However, querying
this information using traditional keyword based approaches requires often a time-consuming, iterative process
to explore the document collection to find the information of interest. Therefore, a structured representation
of information and queries would be helpful to be able to directly query for the relevant information. An
important challenge in this context is the extraction of structured information from unstructured knowledge
bases which is addressed by Information Extraction (IE) systems. However, these systems struggle with the
complexity of natural language and produce frequently unsatisfying results.
In addition to the plain natural language text, Wikipedia contains links between documents which directly link
a term of one document to another document. In our approach for fact extraction from Wikipedia, we consider
these links as an important indicator for the relevance of the linked information. Thus, our proposed system
FactRunner focusses on extracting structured information from sentences containing such links. We show that
a natural language parser combined with Wikipedia markup can be exploited for extracting facts in form of
triple statements with a high accuracy.
For the past three decades, relational database sys-
tems (RDBMS) have gained great popularity for data
management in various application areas. Neverthe-
less, with the introduction of the World Wide Web
(WWW), a huge amount of data repositories in form
of unstructured and semi-structured sources became
available (e.g., webpages, newspaper articles, blogs,
scientific publication repositories, etc). Such sources
often contain useful information and are designed to
be read by humans, and not by machines. Wikipedia
is a good example of this case; with more than 3.8
million articles, it has become one of the main sources
of human-readable knowledge repository in the mod-
ern information era.
Keyword search is still the dominating way of
searching in such large document collections. Al-
though keyword search is quite efficient from a
system-oriented point-of-view (relevant documents
can be found very quickly using a traditional
keyword-based search engine), finding a certain piece
of information requires often an iterative, time-
consuming process of keyword search. An initial set
of keywords is tried first; if relevant documents are re-
turned, then the user has to read parts of the retrieved
documents in order to find the information of inter-
est. If the answer is not found, the user has to refine
her query, and look for other documents which might
contain the answer. This process of querying, reading,
and refining might have to be repeated several times
until a satisfying answer is found.
Therefore, the search process would be simpli-
fied if it could be supported, at least partially, by
some system that actually understands the semantics
of the searched data. Such systems are called se-
mantic search engines and various approaches have
been proposed (Mangold, 2007; Dong et al., 2008).
They range from approaches which replace the orig-
inal keywords entered by the user with semantically
related terms (e.g., (Burton-Jones et al., 2003)) to
more complex approaches which require a query in
a formal language as well as semantically annotated
data (e.g., SPARQL endpoints for Linked Data (Heath
and Bizer, 2011)).
The latter search paradigm is geared towards data
Sutoyo R., Quix C. and Kastrati F..
FactRunner: Fact Extraction over Wikipedia.
DOI: 10.5220/0004375604230432
In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST-2013), pages 423-432
ISBN: 978-989-8565-54-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
retrieval as the system is only able to answer con-
cepts or documents which contain semantic annota-
tions. This is fine as long as the documents have been
annotated with semantic information (e.g., RDF state-
ments). However, most information which is avail-
able today is stored in unstructured text documents
which do not contain semantic annotations. Web doc-
uments, in contrast to plain text documents, contain
other useful information such as links, tables, and im-
ages. Especially, links connecting documents can be
exploited to extract more accurate information from
text documents. We apply this idea to the Wikipedia
The task of converting information contained in
document collections into formal knowledge is ad-
dressed in the research area of Information Extraction
(IE), but it is still an unsolved problem. Approaches
such as Open Information Extraction (Banko et al.,
2007) are able to extract information in form of triples
(e.g., statements of the form subject – predicate – ob-
ject) from unstructured documents, but the extracted
triples require more consolidation, normalization and
linkage to existing knowledge to become useful for
queries. In order to fulfill such an aim at a large
scale, this task has to be done in unsupervised and
fully-automatic manner. A particular challenge for
information extraction from Wikipedia articles is the
lack of redundancy of sentences describing a partic-
ular fact. Redundancy has been greatly leveraged by
systems that perform IE over the web (e.g., TextRun-
ner (Banko et al., 2007) and KnowItAll (Etzioni et al.,
2004)) to increase their quality of extracted facts. Fur-
thermore, redundancy is important for the scoring
model as frequently occurring facts get a higher score,
i.e., these facts are assumed to be correctly extracted
with a high probability. A strong scoring model is
fundamental towards ensuring the accuracy of the ex-
tractor (i.e., for filtering out incorrect triples). This is
not the case with Wikipedia, as articles generally ad-
dress only one topic, and there are no other articles
addressing the same topic. This feature reduces infor-
mation redundancy greatly; if a fact is missed while
extracting information from one article, the probabil-
ity is very low that the same fact will be encountered
in other articles.
The contribution of this paper is a novel sys-
tem called FactRunner for open fact extraction from
Wikipedia. The primary goal of this system is to ex-
tract high quality information present in Wikipedia’s
natural language text. Our approach is complemen-
tary to other approaches which extract structured in-
formation from Wikipedia infoboxes (Weld et al.,
2009) or the category system (Hoffart et al., 2011).
Our method utilizes the existing metadata present in
Wikipedia articles (i.e., links between articles) to ex-
tract facts with high accuracy from Wikipedia’s En-
glish natural language text. The metadata is also used
in our scoring model and provides higher scores to
facts which are based on metadata. Extracted facts
are stored in form of triples (subject, predicate,
object), where a triple is a relation between sub-
jects and objects that is connected by predicates (Rusu
et al., 2007). These triples can then later be queried
using structured queries, and thereby enabling the in-
tegration of structured and unstructured data (Halevy
et al., 2003).
The paper is structured as follows. We will first
present in section 2 the main components of our sys-
tem. Section 3 describes the preprocessing step of
our system, which actually does most of the work
for the triple extraction, as it simplifies and normal-
izes the natural language text input. Because of this
simplification, the triple extraction method (section 4)
is quite simple compared to the preprocessing steps.
Section 5 then presents the evaluation results for our
system which we applied to a sample of documents
from Wikipedia. Related work is discussed in section
6 before we conclude our paper.
Wikipedia contains a vast amount of information
stored in natural text. There is much valuable infor-
mation hidden in such text, but computers cannot di-
rectly reason over the natural text. Wikipedia is de-
signed to be read by humans. To tackle this prob-
lem, we introduce a solution which utilizes Wikipedia
metadata to detect high quality sentences in the
Wikipedia data and extract valuable facts from those
sentences. Metadata surrounds important text frag-
ments located in Wikipedia articles. Metadata pro-
vides a link pointing to separate Wikipedia articles
devoted to the highlighted text, this way giving more
information (e.g., general definition, biography, his-
tory, etc.), and emphasizing the importance of such
text. Wikipedia contributors have invested efforts to
create such metadata, and they inserted them manu-
ally, giving a good hint on importance of such frag-
ments. To this end, we treat metadata as an indicator
of importance of sentences where they occur, and we
invest efforts into exploiting such sentences, with the
ultimate goal of producing high quality triples.
The system architecture of our system is repre-
sented in Figure 1. The architecture consists of six
components, namely, the data source, the preproces-
sor, the extractor, the triple finalizer, the scoring, and
the result producer. The main components are the pre-
Figure 1: System Architecture
processor and the triple extractor. The preprocessor
does most of the work; it prepares the natural lan-
guage text in such a way that the extractor can easily
extract the triples from the transformed input. Prepro-
cessor and triple extractor will be described in more
detail in sections 3 and 4.
2.1 Data Source
While YAGO (Suchanek et al., 2007) exploits the
Wikipedia category system and KYLIN (Weld et al.,
2009) uses Wikipedia infoboxes as their data source
for extracting facts, we use the natural language text
of Wikipedia articles because there are more facts em-
bedded in the text. Furthermore, not all Wikipedia ar-
ticles have infoboxes because the use of infoboxes in
Wikipedia articles is optional. Thus, although the idea
of providing articles’ general information through
Wikipedia infoboxes is favorable, many Wikipedia
articles do not have infoboxes. On the other hand,
most Wikipedia articles belong typically to one or
more categories. Unfortunately, these categories are
usually defined for quite general classes and are not
as detailed as a classification which can be found in
Wikipedia’s natural language text. Another reason for
choosing Wikipedia is that the articles are rich with
markup around text fragments which can be utilized
to extract facts with a higher precision.
The preprocessor is responsible for generating a set of
sentences to be passed to our triple extractor. There
are six steps, which are explained in the following
3.1 Entity Resolution
Entity resolution is a component in our system that
utilizes metadata in order to synchronize multiple oc-
currences of the same entity expressed with different
textual representations, e.g., “Albert Einstein” vs. A.
Einstein” . This component is invaluable towards rec-
onciling different variants of an entity representation.
For all cases, we always replace entities with their
longest text representation in order to preserve infor-
mation. In our current approach, we consider for rec-
onciliation only entities corresponding to persons.
3.2 Sentence Cleaner
This component is responsible for cleaning sentences
in articles from brackets and similar text fragments.
We realized during the testing of our system that
words inside brackets are often supplementary facts
which give more details about the words occurring
before the brackets. Moreover, it is also difficult for
the triple extractor to understand linguistically the
semantic relationship of the brackets and to correctly
extract facts from them. Furthermore, we also extract
metadata from the articles before we remove them
completely from the texts. For each entity surrounded
with metadata, we store its textual representa-
tion fragment and its URL, e.g., <harry potter,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry Potter>,
into our metadata collection. This collection will
be later used to remove unwanted sentences in the
filtering process.
3.3 Sentence Splitter
After the text is filtered and cleaned, we split our in-
put from paragraphs into a set of sentence chunks.
Generally, one sentence may contain one or more
triples. Sentence splitting is a crucial process to-
wards ensuring that only qualitative sentences are fed
to the system, this way ensuring triple extraction with
higher precision. For this purpose, we rely on the sen-
tence detection library provided by LingPipe (Alias-i,
3.4 Coreference Matcher
The need for coreferencing surfaces when multiple
entities or pronoun words in a text refer to the same
entity or have the same referent. In the first sen-
tence of Wikipedia articles, an author typically in-
troduces a person or an object with his full name
(e.g., Albert Einstein). Then, in the following sen-
tences the writer will begin using a substitute word
(e.g., he, his, him, Einstein) for that person. Build-
ing the connection between these entities, e.g., Al-
bert Einstein and Einstein, is what we refer to as
coreferencing. Triples extracted from sentences with
coreferences are fuzzy, because the context of the
sentence is lost once the triple has been extracted.
Even a human cannot understand the meaning of
a triple such as (he,received,Nobel Prize in
Physics) without a given context. Thus, we need
to replace entities that have different representation
forms into one single representation, i.e., full name.
In order to do so, we apply the LingPipe’s corefer-
ence resolution tool (Alias-i, 2008).
Although the purpose of the coreference matcher
is similar with the entity resolution, which is to syn-
chronize different associated entities into the same
representation form, they work in a different way. In
our approach, entity resolution only affects entities
which are marked as links. Such links have been en-
tered by humans manually and are highly accurate,
therefore they can be used to correctly replace enti-
ties to their original representation (i.e., the title of the
article describing the entity). On the other hand, the
coreference matcher is able to catch entities which are
not covered with metadata including pronoun words.
However, its accuracy might not be as precise as en-
tity resolution because LingPipe’s coreferencer is a
machine-based prediction system.
3.5 Sentence Filter
We remove invalid sentences which are caused either
by the sentence splitting tool or by human errors. For
example, sentences that do not start with a proper text
or end with inappropriate punctuation symbols are ig-
nored. Furthermore, we also exclude sentences which
have a length over the defined threshold. This step
is necessary to be imposed because with a deep pars-
ing technique, long sentences demand high resources
which ultimately slow down significantly the runtime
of the whole system. Sentences with less than three
words are removed as well, because a sentence at least
needs to have a subject, a predicate, and an object to
form a proper triple. After making sure that all sen-
tences are valid by employing the above mentioned
methods, we use the extracted metadata provided by
the sentence cleaner to use those sentences with meta-
data only for triple extraction. Based on our obser-
vations, sentences with metadata are more likely to
produce high quality triples.
3.6 Sentence Simplifier
An important step to improve the performance of the
overall system is sentence simplification. The pur-
pose of this step is to split complex sentences into
sub-sentences. Wikipedia authors sometimes use rich
stylish writing (e.g., list of items, dependent clauses,
etc.) which makes some sentences become com-
plex and hard to understand. Therefore, complex
sentences need to be simplified in order to produce
simple and clear triples as final result. We borrow
the concept of sentence simplification processes from
(Defazio, 2009).
We utilize the Stanford parser (Klein and Man-
ning, 2003) to get the grammatical structure of sen-
tences. The result of this parsing tool is a parse
tree which will distinguish noun phrases (NP), verb
phrases (VP), and group of words that belong to-
gether (e.g., dependent clauses (SBAR), prepositional
phrases (PP), etc.) in the sentences. We use the gener-
ated parse tree to understand the correlation between
words in a sentence and to split the sentences cor-
rectly. Nevertheless, parsing of natural language text
is a challenge for any kind of NLP tool. Thus, not all
generated parse trees are correct. Because our sim-
plification process is really dependent on parse trees,
the simplification results will be wrong if the provided
parse trees are wrong. However, the overall results of
this step are still decent and useful for the extraction
The sentence simplification has four steps:
Split Coordinating Conjunctions. Coordinating
conjunctions are words like “and”, “or”, and
“but” which are used in enumerations or to
connect sub-sentences. An example from Albert
Einstein’s Wikipedia article is: his travels
included Singapore, Ceylon, and Japan. As we
aim at supporting structured queries, we should
extract three triples from this sentence and not
only one. This would enable us to answer a
question like ’Who travelled to Ceylon?’ and not
only the question ’Who travelled to Singapore,
Ceylon, and Japan?’. Such simple enumerations
could be still handled in a post-processing after
the triples have been extracted, but we also want
to handle more complex sentences like Welker
and his department paved the way for microwave
semiconductors and laser diodes (from the
Wikipedia article about Heinrich Welker). The
coreferencing step described above transforms
‘his’ into ‘Welker’s’. To extract the complete
factual information from this sentence, we have
to extract four triples from the sentence which
correspond to the following statements:
Welker paved the way for microwave semicon-
Welker paved the way for laser diodes.
Welker’s department paved the way for mi-
crowave semiconductors.
Welker’s department paved the way for laser
Furthermore, we make also use of metadata in this
step. If a text fragment is a link to another ar-
ticle, then this text fragment is not processed by
this method.
Extract Dependent Clauses. In this simplification
step, we will separate a dependent clause (SBAR
in the terminology of the Stanford parser) from
its main clause and create a new sentence which
contains the SBAR clause and the subject from
its main clause. There are two types of SBAR
clauses: subordinate conjunctions (for adver-
bial clauses) and relative pronouns (for relative
clauses) (Defazio, 2009). Our approach handles
each type differently. The first type will be ex-
tracted into sub-sentence modifiers, while the sec-
ond type will create a new sentence. For example,
the sentence Albert Einstein also investigated the
thermal properties of light which laid the founda-
tion of the photon theory of light. contains a rel-
ative clause which is translated into Albert Ein-
stein also investigated the thermal properties of
light. and The thermal properties of light laid
the foundation of the photon theory of light.
Extract Adjective Phrases. In this step, we extract
adjective phrases from their main phrase. Ad-
jective phrases generally appear in the middle of
two phrases, i.e., a noun phrase and verb phrase,
which are separated by comma. Adjective phrases
could be a noun phrase (e.g., ‘Planck’s oldest son,
Karl Weierstrass, was killed in action in 1916.’)
or a verb phrase (e.g., Jacques Vergs, born 5
March 1925 in Siam, is a French lawyer. . . ’. We
handle those two cases differently. For the noun
phrases, we extract them from their main sentence
and make them as the subject in the new sen-
tence (e.g., we would get Planck’s oldest son was
killed. . . and Karl Weierstrass was killed. . . ’).
Verb phrases will be used as the predicate (includ-
ing the object) in the new sentence (e.g., ‘Jacques
Vergs born 5 March 1925 in Siam. and Jacques
Vergs is a French lawyer. . . ’).
Extract Secondary Verbs. Lastly, we extract all
secondary verbs from the given sentences. These
kinds of sentences contain two verb phrases with
the same noun phrase. The second verb phrase
is nested in the first verb phrase (e.g., Amy
Lee Grant is an American singer-songwriter, best
known for Amy Lee Grant’s Christian music.
would be translated into Amy Lee Grant is
an American singer-songwriter. and Amy Lee
Grant best known for her Christian music.
Triple extractor is responsible for extracting facts and
representing them in the form of triples. Triples
are stored in the form of (subject, predicate,
object). We extract the triples by using the parse
tree approach introduced in (Rusu et al., 2007). We
use the Stanford parser (Klein and Manning, 2003)
to generate the parse tree. The main idea of this ap-
proach is to utilize the parse tree as a helping tool
to extract subjects, predicates, and objects from sen-
tences, then combine them to produce a triple. In or-
der to find the subject of a sentence, we have to search
for it in the noun phrase (NP) tree. Furthermore, the
predicate and the object of a sentence can be found
in the verb phrase (VP) tree. By applying the simpli-
fication method of extracting dependent clauses and
adjective phrases described above, we get these fol-
lowing results for the sentence ‘Albert Einstein was a
German-born theoretical physicist who developed the
theory of general relativity, effecting a revolution in
(Albert Einstein, was, German-born
theoretical physicist)
(Albert Einstein, developed, theory of
general relativity)
(Albert Einstein, effecting,
revolution in physics)
4.1 Triple Finalizer
The triple finalizer converts the predicate of the triple
results into their lemmatized form. The lemmatized
form is a base form of a verb, for example, the word
receiving or received will be changed to the word re-
ceive as its lemma form. Lemma results prevent am-
biguity and is useful for queries. All triples produced
by this step are the final triples of our system. For this
component, our system uses a lemmatizer provided
by the Stanford Natural Language Processing Group
(Toutanova et al., 2003).
4.2 Scoring
We assign lower scores for triples which do not con-
tain metadata. Triples with metadata deserve a higher
score because the metadata ensure the quality of the
sentence and also the information which they sur-
round. Furthermore, the completeness of a triple (i.e.
subject, predicate, and object) and the entity type of
the subject (i.e., PERSON, LOCATION, and ORGA-
NIZATION) also determine the triple scores. The en-
tity types are assigned during the coreferencing step
by the LingPipe’s Named Entity Recognition (Alias-
i, 2008). The following formula is used to compute
the score of the triples:
score =
metadata + completeness + entity
The score is a hint on the quality of the extracted
triple; it could be used in further processing steps
(e.g., in ranking results of a structured query). How-
ever, this was not the focus of our work, and we are
aware that a more sophisticated scoring mechanism
might be required which includes more factors that
indicate the quality of the extracted triple. This is an
issue which we will address in future work.
The evaluation is divided into two parts: a user-based
evaluation (sections 5.1 and 5.2) and a system-based
evaluation which compares our system with ReVerb
(Etzioni et al., 2011) (section 5.3). ReVerb is a recent
system for open information extraction and has shown
good performance in its evaluation.
5.1 User-based Evaluation: Setup and
The goal of the evaluation is to verify the correct-
ness of the extracted triples as we aim at extracting
high quality triples. As there is no golden standard
for the task of triple extraction over Wikipedia, we
had to take a sample of documents from Wikipedia,
apply the FactRunner method, and rate the correct-
ness of the extracted triples manually. In order to
avoid a very subjective rating of correctness of the
extracted triples, several users were involved in the
evaluation. A triple was considered as correct when
all users agreed on the correctness of that triple.
The evaluation was done using a web-based inter-
face. For each sentence, the list of extracted triples
was presented. For each triple, the user could state
whether the triple is correct or not. As stated before,
we consider only correctness and not completeness;
therefore, we did not ask the user for other triples that
could have been extracted from the sentence.
We conducted our evaluation by using two cat-
egories of article in Wikipedia: American Actors
and American Physicists. Table 1 summarizes some
statistics about the dataset and the extracted triples.
5.2 User-based Evaluation: Results
For the user-based evaluation, we picked 15 articles
from each category as the predefined documents that
we presented to the users. The overview of this eval-
uation is shown in Figure 2. The y-axis of the figure
shows the number of triples extracted (total, correct,
and incorrect). The average precision of the used-
based evaluation system is 77%. It shows promising
result where 6 from 30 predefined articles have pre-
cision equal or more than 90%. We believe the com-
plex process of the sentence preprocessing, especially
the sentence filter and sentence simplifier component,
are the main reason for this high value. Nevertheless,
three articles from our datasets obtained precision be-
low than 60%. After we looked into our result, we
found that the main reason for this low precision is
because the subjects of the triples are not clear (e.g.,
he, she, her, these, their, etc.). The reason for this is
that the coreference matcher failed to change pronoun
words into the corresponding entities in the subject of
the triples. Thus, the users are confused and evaluated
those triples as incorrect triples.
5.3 System-based Evaluation
Table 2 summarizes the results of the comparison of
our system with ReVerb. The dataset is the same as
for the user-based evaluation. The numbers show how
many triples we are able to extract for the dataset
wrt. ReVerb. Thus, it is indicator for the recall of
the system; however, as it is very time consuming
to define a reference result for such a large dataset,
Table 1: Statistics of the dataset and the extracted triples.
American Actors American Physicists
# Articles 2,483 1,298
Total #Triples 51,088 26,967
Triples with Full Score 39,313 19,975
Contains Entity 46,735 23,394
Contains Metadata 42,140 22,524
Triple Completeness 48,510 25,587
Figure 2: Overview of user-based evaluation.
an exact computation of the recall value is not pos-
sible. Although we used the same datasets for both
systems, our system considered only sentences which
have metadata and are shorter than 200 characters.
Thus, the number of sentences considered by our sys-
tem is less than in ReVerb. The evaluation shows that
both systems are able to extract multiple facts from
one sentence. In average, FactRunner is able to ex-
tract 1.81 triple/sentence and ReVerb is able to ex-
tract 1.3 triple/sentence. Thus, our system is able to
extract more triples with fewer sentences. The reason
behind this result is most likely that FactRunner uses
a deep-parsing technique in order to extract its triples.
However, the cost of this technique is a slow process-
ing speed (about 7-8 times slower than ReVerb on the
same machine).
5.4 Performance
We tested our system on a PC with Windows XP
64bit, Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q9550 (2.83GHz), and
8 GB RAM. The system is implemented in Java and
uses the aforementioned libraries (LingPipe, Stanford
Parser, etc.). Due to the NLP techniques which ana-
lyze the given texts in detail, the system needs about
3 seconds to process one document. The runtimes
for the American actors dataset were about 128 min-
utes, and about 64 minutes for the American physi-
cists dataset. This results in an average time of about
20 documents per minute, or 3 seconds per document.
In contrast, ReVerb achieved a value of about 160
documents per minute. However, we must emphasize
that performance was not yet the focus of our system.
For example, we do not make use of the multicore
CPU by using parallel threads. Parallization or distri-
bution in a cluster of the application would be easily
possible, because each document can be processed in-
Figure 3 shows the distribution of the processing
time for each step of the FactRunner system. Most of
the time is spent in sentence simplification because it
requires the analysis of the natural language text us-
ing an NLP tool. Nevertheless, the additional effort
pays off as the extraction is simplified to a great ex-
Table 2: Comparison of FactRunner and ReVerb.
FactRunner ReVerb
American Actor American Physicist American Actor American Physicist
# Articles 2,483 1,298 2,483 1,298
# Considered Sentences 27,489 15,371 40,760 25,625
# Extracted Triples 51,088 26,967 52,817 33,620
Triples/Sentence 1.86 1.75 1.30 1.31
Figure 3: Distribution of processing time.
tend. In a previous version of the system, the extractor
required much more resources because it had to apply
the NLP techniques on more complex sentences.
There are two major bodies of work in the area of in-
formation extraction (IE). The first body of work re-
lies on pattern-based techniques, whereas the second
relies on natural language processing methods.
6.1 Pattern-based Techniques
The pattern-based techniques, as the term implies, are
techniques used to identify patterns in order to extract
information in the target corpus. Patterns are skele-
tal frames of text fragments which can be used to ex-
tract relations in a given text corpus. Such pattern-
based extraction systems are able to extract relations
if a given pattern is matched with an existing rela-
tion in the document collection (Blohm, 2010). Be-
fore the extraction process, pattern-based techniques
generally need to prepare a limited number of patterns
to be taken into account in the extraction process.
Pattern-based approaches perform well when consid-
ering precision, but they cannot capture information
that does not use the predefined patterns. KnowItAll
(Etzioni et al., 2004), Snowball (Agichtein and Gra-
vano, 2000), DIPRE (Brin, 1999), WOE (Wu and
Weld, 2010), and YAGO (Suchanek et al., 2007) are
all successful existing systems which use this extrac-
tion paradigm. The YAGO ontology uses Wikipedia
as their source, as we do it in our approach. YAGO
combines the Wikipedia category system with the
WordNet lexical ontology in order to extract informa-
tion which in turn creates a larger ontology.
6.2 Methods based on Natural
Language Processing
Our approach is similar with the other direction of ex-
traction technique, i.e., natural language processing
(NLP). This technique relies on NLP tools which fo-
cus on analyzing natural language text. The NLP ap-
proach is able to handle an unbounded number of rela-
tions because it does pattern recognition and not pat-
tern matching. An NLP-based approach can capture
a large amount of information from many sources, for
instance the World Wide Web. Nevertheless, natural
language processing is a complex and ambiguous pro-
cess. To the best of our knowledge, there are no NLP
tools that can perfectly understand natural language
text, thus resulting errors cannot be avoided. Our ap-
proach is a combination of NLP techniques, as well
as proliferation of the already existing metadata in the
text, in order to perform a precise relation extraction
from English natural text.
TextRunner (Banko et al., 2007) is a good exam-
ple showing the benefits of NLP-based techniques. It
is assembled based on the idea of Open Information
Extraction (OIE) paradigm. OIE is a newly devel-
oped approach of information extraction system that
could provide relation independence and high scala-
bility, handling a large corpus such as the Web corpus.
Similar to our approach, TextRunner is able to extract
information from a vast variety of relations located
in a given corpus with only a single pass. However,
our approach is mainly targeting Wikipedia articles
and its metadata; not the World Wide Web. In short,
our goal is to further enhance the extraction process
by utilizing the already existing metadata available in
the Wikipedia collections.
Another good representative of the NLP-based ap-
proach is KYLIN (Weld et al., 2009). KYLIN uses
Wikipedia infoboxes as a training dataset in order to
extract information from Wikipedia and the Web. The
result of this approach is a system that automatically
creates new infoboxes for articles which do not have
one, as well as completing infoboxes with missing
attributes. Unfortunately, not all Wikipedia articles
have infoboxes. Infoboxes also suffer from several
problems, which are: incompleteness, inconsistency,
schema drift, type free system, irregular lists, and flat-
tened categories (Wu and Weld, 2007). In contrast
to KYLIN, our approach uses the existing metadata
available in almost every Wikipedia article. Our ap-
proach treats each sentence with metadata individu-
ally, thus we are not relying on any specific limited
resources for training datasets. Furthermore, although
KYLIN can learn to extract values for any attributes,
their attribute sets are limited to those attributes oc-
curring in Wikipedia infoboxes only.
In this paper, we have presented a novel approach for
extracting facts from the Wikipedia collection. Our
approach utilizes metadata as a resource to indicate
important sentences in Wikipedia documents. We
also have implemented techniques to resolve ambigu-
ous entities (i.e., persons) in those sentences. Further-
more, we simplify complex sentences in order to pro-
duce better triples (e.g., one triple contains only one
fact which corresponds to a sentence) as the final re-
sult of our system. The simplification also improves
the runtime of our system. We also apply lemmatiza-
tion of the triples’ predicates to have a uniform repre-
sentation, which simplifies querying and browsing of
the extracted information. The evaluation has shown
that we can achieve a high precision of about 75%.
For future work, we have several ideas to improve
the current version of the system. The first idea is
to improve our scoring component. Triples extracted
from the first sentences of a document could get
higher scores as these sentences usually contain very
clear facts. Furthermore, the transformation which we
have applied during the preprocessing step should be
also taken into account in the score of a triple (e.g.,
a triple with a subject derived from coreferencing is
less certain). Another important issue is the consol-
idation and normalization of the triples. We already
apply lemmatization and entity resolution, but further
consolidation according to the semantics of predicates
would be helpful for querying. Nevertheless, we think
that our proposed system provides a good basis for ex-
tracting high quality triples from Wikipedia.
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www.daad.org) and by the DFG Research Cluster on
Ultra High-Speed Mobile Information and Commu-
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