Verifying the Availability of Cloud Applications
Melanie Siebenhaar, Olga Wenge, Ronny Hans, Hasan Tercan and Ralf Steinmetz
Multimedia Communications Lab (KOM), Technische Universit
at Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
Cloud Computing, Service Level Agreements, Verification, Monitoring, Performance, Availability.
Cloud-based services provide a high level of flexibility and eliminate large up-front IT investments by trading
capital expenditure for operational expenditure. However, performance, availability, and security still remain
dominant barriers when deciding whether to move to the cloud or not. Although cloud providers already try
to tackle these issues by offering SLAs and corresponding monitoring solutions, the ability of these solutions
to control the performance of cloud-based services is still considered as unsatisfactory by consumers. In
this paper, we present an approach for verifying availability guarantees from a consumer’s perspective, since
availability is one of the very few performance parameters that is considered in the SLAs of today’s cloud
providers. The aim of our research is to facilitate the verification of performance guarantees independently
from a cloud provider, which will help to increase cloud service adoption in the future.
Cloud computing promises to provide a high level of
flexibility when using cloud-based services. Highly
configurable computing resources are provided on-
demand and with minimal management effort over the
Internet (Mell and Grance, 2011) similar to utilities
like electricity or water (Buyya et al., 2009). How-
ever, this also includes a shift of responsibility to the
cloud provider and thus, a loss of control for the cloud
consumer. In order for a cloud consumer to still main-
tain control, cloud providers typically offer so-called
service level agreements (SLAs). Basically, a service
level agreement represents a contract between a cloud
provider and a cloud consumer and specifies certain
quality levels a cloud provider is willing to provide
(e.g., minimum values for performance parameters
such as availability ) and the penalties in case of vi-
olating the specified guarantees. However, this solu-
tion does not seem to be sufficient. According to a
cloud market maturity study conducted by the Cloud
Security Alliance and ISACA in the second quarter of
2012, there is only a low degree of confidence on con-
sumer side, that providers effectively monitor perfor-
mance against SLAs (CSA and ISACA, 2012). (Pa-
tel et al., 2009) also state that consumers may not
completely trust these measurements and that cloud
providers often put the burden of reporting SLA vio-
lations on their customers. Although cloud providers
often implement particular monitoring solutions and
provide some monitoring information to their cus-
tomers, these solutions cannot be perceived to pro-
vide a sufficient and independent evidence base for
reliably detecting and documenting SLA violations
from a consumer’s perspective. When solely rely-
ing on provider-specific monitoring solutions, cloud
providers can modify some monitoring data or restrict
the provided information so that it becomes very hard
to prove SLA violations. This raises the question how
compliance with SLAs can be verified from a con-
sumer’s perspective. Such a solution not only requires
to obtain reliable data of a cloud-based service, but
also requires to provide a holistic view of the end-
to-end performance of a cloud-based service to con-
In this paper, we present such an approach for ver-
ifying the availability of cloud applications from a
consumer’s perspective, since availability is one of the
very few performance parameters that are part of the
SLAs of today’s cloud providers. The remainder of
the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 discusses
related approaches to our work. Section 3 describes
the current SLA landscape, introduces some basic in-
formation about availability and presents a taxonomy
for downtimes of cloud applications. Section 4 de-
scribes our approach for availability verification and
Section 5 presents the corresponding prototypical im-
plementation as well as some experimental results.
The paper closes with a conclusion and future direc-
tions in Section 6.
Siebenhaar M., Wenge O., Hans R., Tercan H. and Steinmetz R..
Verifying the Availability of Cloud Applications.
DOI: 10.5220/0004377604890494
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 489-494
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Although several monitoring approaches in the field
of cloud computing have been proposed so far, only
a few approaches exist which address the problem of
SLA verification from a consumer’s perspective.
(Chazalet, 2010) presents a generic framework
that does not depend on a specific cloud service
model. However, the framework focuses either on
server-side or client-side monitoring.
In (Haberkorn and Trivedi, 2007), the authors
present a generic approach for monitoring high-
availability systems that consist of different compo-
nents. Again, no client-side monitoring is considered.
A performance model based on runtime moni-
toring data is suggested by (Shao and Wang, 2011).
Availability is calculated based on the number of suc-
cessful requests. Hence, a sufficient number of re-
quests is required in order to obtain accurate results.
(Michlmayr et al., 2009) apply client-side and
server-side monitoring for SLA violation detection.
It is not clear, how the authors combine the results
from both monitors to determine the overall perfor-
mance. Again, availability is only calculated based
on the number of successful requests.
(Mastelic et al., 2012) present a generic approach
for monitoring application level metrics in resource-
shared cloud environments. Availability and client-
side monitoring are not part of their work.
In contrast, our approach allows to verify avail-
ability from a consumer’s perspective and to achieve
visibility of the entire cloud service delivery chain.
3.1 SLA Landscape and Availability
In comparison to, e.g., Web services, cloud services
exhibit a higher complexity due to the three differ-
ent service models (Mell and Grance, 2011), software
as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and
infrastructure as a service (IaaS), and the fact that
cloud applications on the upper SaaS layer often com-
prise several different components. The complexity
further increases due to the utilization of virtualiza-
tion so that surrounding conditions may change in
the background without being noticed by consumers.
Unfortunately, current cloud SLAs do not completely
cover this new inherent complexity. There is often
a gap between lower-level monitoring data collected
by providers and higher-level guarantees provided to
consumers (CSCC, 2012). Hence, besides the de-
mand for more specific SLAs, also corresponding
means for monitoring higher-level metrics of cloud-
based services must be provided to consumers.
The paper at hand focuses on the availability of
cloud applications, since availability is business criti-
cal and one of the very few performance guarantees
that are currently offered by cloud providers (e.g.,
Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) by (Amazon, 2008)).
In order to develop an availability monitoring ap-
proach, availability must be defined in a cloud com-
puting context. (Jain, 1991) basically defines the
availability of a system as “the fraction of the time
the system is available to service users’ requests”.
He further states that it is often more reasonable to
use the mean uptime (MTTF), because small up-
time and downtime combinations may result in high-
availability values although the service cannot be de-
livered. Using MTTF and MTTR as the mean down-
time results in the following formula:
availability =
Since errors on different layers or failures of compo-
nents can lead to downtimes of the cloud application,
different types of availability must be combined in or-
der to measure the overall availability. Hence, the rea-
sons for downtimes must be analyzed first in order to
derive an appropriate definition.
3.2 Reasons for Downtimes
In order to successfully invoke a specific functional-
ity, in the following denoted as service, provided by a
cloud application, consumer’s require working IT sys-
tems on-premise and a proper network connectivity to
the cloud provider. Furthermore, due to the variety of
resources involved in service delivery, many reasons
for downtimes exist. In the following, we present a
taxonomy for downtimes of cloud applications from
a consumer’s perspective (Figure 1).
Resource Incident Intent Significance
SLA Violation
Figure 1: Taxonomy for downtimes of cloud applications.
First of all, downtimes can be distinguished accord-
ing to the location, where incidents happen. There-
fore, we describe their location according to the fol-
lowing spheres of control: consumer, Internet service
provider (ISP), and cloud provider. Furthermore, dif-
ferent types of resources can be responsible for caus-
ing downtimes due to several incidents. Hence, we
added the two categories resource and incident to our
taxonomy. Besides the actual downtimes, also their
pre- and postconditions must be taken into account in
order to determine if an SLA violation occurred.
Basically, downtimes can happen with or without
intent, and even with criminal intent when a system is
under attack. Depending on the negotiated terms, all
three types of intent can either be covered by SLAs
or not. For example, SLAs can specify a maximum
length of time for planned downtimes such as sched-
uled maintenance, unplanned downtimes can either
refer to failures of physical machines or to emergency
maintenance, and even attacks can happen due to neg-
ligence of consumers or due to an insufficient amount
of implemented security mechanisms by providers.
Therefore, downtimes must always be considered in
conjunction with the negotiated SLAs. Moreover, our
solution must be able to attribute incidents to their
root cause, since cloud providers can only make guar-
antees with respect to their own IT systems.
We will now elaborate on how to use the knowledge
about downtimes presented before in order to develop
an approach for verifying the availability of cloud
applications from a consumer’s perspective. In this
paper, we will focus on unplanned downtime only,
since planned downtimes will be usually announced
by cloud providers in advance and the detection of at-
tacks is not in the scope of our work. The next section
presents the requirements for such an approach.
4.1 Requirements
First of all, our approach should be able to detect
all relevant downtimes precisely without affecting the
overall performance and should be still applicable
when the number of users and components changes.
An SLA violation is considered to be relevant either
if the duration of a single downtime or the aggrega-
tion of several downtimes may exceed the threshold
defined in the respective SLA. Furthermore, our solu-
tion should be able to compute the overall availability.
Finally, a trusted third party could generally provide
the components of our monitoring approach to con-
sumers in order to ensure reliability.
4.2 Design
Now, considering all the requirements stated above,
we propose a hybrid monitoring approach that com-
bines consumer- and cloud-side monitoring. In addi-
tion, we make use of a broker acting as a coordinating
entity that collects and aggregates all data (Figure 2).
cloud applications
VM 1
VM 2
Monitor A
Monitor B
VM Monitor
push to pull from
Figure 2: Overview of the monitoring framework.
Consumer-side Monitoring. The consumer-side
monitor invokes predefined services (e.g., specified in
the SLAs) that are essential for the proper functioning
of a cloud application using a periodical pull model.
The monitoring frequency can be adapted to the
required resolution of an application’s availability.
We consider a cloud application to be unavailable if
one of the essential services fails (i.e., no/incorrect
response). In order to determine the overall avail-
ability, the consumer-side monitor communicates
with the broker using an event-based push approach.
Whenever a consumer-side monitor is started or
the start or the end of a downtime is detected, a
message is sent to the broker. Failures in the network
could also prevent consumers from detecting all
downtimes. Hence, we assume that an enterprise uses
two different monitors at different network domains.
Since a high monitoring frequency (e.g., in case of
many consumers) will affect system performance,
additional cloud-side monitoring must be considered.
Cloud-side Monitoring. For our approach we as-
sume that a consumer has access to the VM where a
cloud application is hosted. Since a monitor placed on
this VM 1 would not be able to report any downtimes
if the VM 1 crashes, we need an additional VM 2
within the provider’s data center in order to place our
cloud-side monitor. Nevertheless, we also require ac-
cess to the VM 1 in order to check the status of prede-
fined processes that are essential for running the cloud
application. Therefore, a lightweight software com-
ponent (VM monitor) must be installed on the VM 1.
We apply a periodical pull model in order to invoke
the VM monitor from the cloud-side monitor and an
event-based push model to send data to the broker.
4.3 Broker and Availability Calculation
The broker maintains a downtime list for each moni-
tor and periodically computes the overall availability.
For this purpose, the broker first determines the over-
lap of the downtimes reported by both consumer-side
monitors in order to separate cloud application down-
times from network errors and afterwards, merges
the consolidated downtimes with the downtimes of
the cloud-side monitor. For the latter, we assume
that whenever two detected downtime intervals from
consumer- and cloud-side overlap, these downtime
intervals belong to the same outage. In this case,
the broker decides which downtime interval better
reflects the real downtime by evaluating the follow-
ing conditions.
represents the difference between
the reciprocals of the monitoring frequencies (i.e.,
T = 1/ f ) of both monitors and d
and d
are the du-
rations of the downtime monitored at consumer- and
provider-side, respectively.
consumer-side monitor
cloud-side monitor
The conditions above result from the difference in
precision of both monitors. They express that when-
ever the difference between the durations is not
caused by the inaccuracy of the consumer-side mon-
itors (case 2), the downtime of some essential ser-
vices of the application must exceed the downtime
of the underlying processes monitored at cloud-side
(case 1). Finally, the broker obtains a list of down-
times and calculates the overall availability based on
the calculation proposed by (Haberkorn and Trivedi,
2007) as described in the following. For the calcula-
tion, we introduce a set of variables (Table 1).
Table 1: Variables for calculating the overall availability
total service time
aggregated downtime
aggregated uptime
n number of downtime intervals
m number of uptime intervals
completed downtime intervals
completed uptime intervals
The aggregated downtime D
and uptime U
of a
cloud application can then be calculated as follows:
and U
= T
Since U
varies depending on whether the overall
availability is calculated during a downtime or an up-
time (Figures 3 and 4), two different cases U
and U
must be distinguished (Haberkorn and Trivedi, 2007).
Figure 3: U
at downtime (Haberkorn and Trivedi, 2007).
Figure 4: U
at uptime (Haberkorn and Trivedi, 2007).
When calculating the availability during an uptime,
has to be calculated as follows:
= (T
) +
In contrast, when calculating the availability during a
downtime, U
can be determined as follows:
= (T
) = (T
) (5)
Finally, the overall availability can be calculated using
Equation 1 (Haberkorn and Trivedi, 2007):
MT T F =
and MT T R =
Our approach has been prototypically implemented
using the (Kaltura, 2012) video platform, that we de-
ployed on a VM in our blade center. On this VM,
we also installed our VM monitor and on a second
VM, we deployed our cloud-side monitor. Further-
more, we placed consumer-side monitor A as well as
the broker on a local desktop computer and consumer-
side monitor B on a laptop. The technical specifica-
tion is shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Technical setup of the implementation.
App Cloud Mon. Mon. A Mon. B
VM VM PC Laptop
CentOS 5
Win. 7 Win. 7 Win. 7
2×vCPU 4×CPU 1×CPU
2.13 GHz 2.13 GHz 2.67 GHz 2 GHz
4 GB 2 GB 4 GB 4 GB
CentOS: free Linux based on Red Hat Enterprise
vCPU: virtual CPU assigned to a VM
We used Java as programming language to imple-
ment all components of our monitoring framework.
The communication between the different monitoring
components is realized by TCP/IP sockets, except for
the invocation of the cloud services provided by the
Kaltura cloud application. These service invocations
are based on REST and HTTP. For cloud-side moni-
toring, we used httpd, mysql, and memcached as es-
sential processes responsible for a proper Web server
functionality, database access, and memory caching.
On consumer-side, we used a small sample video file
that we uploaded to the Kaltura platform and that was
also stored locally at consumer-side. Based on this
sample video file, we periodically sent a first request
to the Kaltura platform to retrieve the metadata of this
video file and a second request to download the video
file. In doing so, our solution verified the storage ac-
cess and transmission capabilities of the platform.
5.1 Setup
The experiments have been performed using monitor-
ing intervals of 3 minutes for the consumer-side mon-
itors and 5 seconds for the cloud-side monitor. Every
60 seconds, the broker calculates the overall availabil-
ity. The timeouts at consumer-side and cloud-side for
receiving responses are set to 15 seconds and 4 sec-
onds, respectively. In order to simulate outages of the
cloud application as well as network impairments, we
have used the wide area network emulator (WANem,
2011). In the first two experiments, we have simu-
lated downtimes in order to evaluate the detection rate
of our framework and in the last experiment, we have
simulated network impairments in order to evaluate
the behaviour under real network conditions.
5.2 Short, Periodical Downtimes
In this experiment, we simulated short, periodical
downtimes over a period of 15 minutes with each
downtime and uptime lasting 20 seconds and 60 sec-
onds, respectively. We have repeated this experiment
for 5 times. While the cloud-monitor detected all 11
downtimes in each run, the consumer-side monitors
only detected 1.8 downtimes on average. The results
(Figure 5) show that our monitoring framework is ba-
sically able to detect all downtimes, but also point out
the lower precision of consumer-side monitoring.
All in all, our monitoring framework only achieved
a deviation of 0.826% from the real availability due
to the accurate cloud-side monitoring. However, the
next experiment will show that the cloud-side monitor
not always delivers reliable results, which emphasizes
the need for a hybrid approach.
Figure 5: Difference in precision of both monitor types.
5.3 Higher Precision at Consumer-side
The second experiment simulates only a single down-
time of 6 minutes during a total service time of 11
minutes. Again, this experiment has been repeated for
5 times. From the perspective of the cloud-side mon-
itor, the failure of the cloud application is corrected
after 78 seconds on average during each run. Figure 6
shows that the consumer-side monitors show a higher
precision than the cloud-side monitor.
Figure 6: More precise detection by consumer monitor.
Although our framework chose the correct downtime,
i.e., the result from the consumer-side monitors in or-
der to calculate the availability, the resulting devia-
tion of 6.03% from the real value is quite high, so that
the monitoring intervals for consumer-side monitor-
ing should be further decreased.
5.4 Network Impairments
This experiment was conducted to evaluate our moni-
toring framework under different network conditions.
For this purpose, we applied WANem to induce sev-
eral impairments into the network. As a prerequisite
for our experiment, we defined six different network
quality classes ranging from a network without any
impairments T
to a network T
with a delay of
1500ms, 10% packet loss, and 10% corrupted pack-
ets. Different tests, each lasting 530 seconds and sim-
ulating a downtime of 130 seconds, were conducted
at each quality level. The impairments were induced
in all networks inside and outside the cloud. Although
the actual availability of 75.471% of the cloud appli-
cation did not change during the tests, Figure 7 shows
that the difference between the actual availability and
the monitored availability considerably decreases (to
56.63%) with an increasing amount of network im-
pairments. This experiment shows that our monitor-
ing approach is very sensitive to failures in the net-
work, which have to be addressed in future work.
Figure 7: Precision decreases with network impairments.
In this paper, we introduced a taxonomy for down-
times of cloud applications and presented a hybrid
approach for verifying the availability of cloud appli-
cations from a consumer’s perspective. The approach
combines consumer- and cloud-side monitoring in or-
der to be able to attribute downtimes to their root
cause and to distinguish SLA violations from other
types of downtimes. Our framework periodically pro-
vides an updated overall availability to consumers.
The results of our experiments reveal that a hybrid ap-
proach is indeed required in order to allow for a pre-
cise calculation of the overall availability. However,
the experiments also reveal that in case of network im-
pairments, the detection accuracy decreases. Hence,
we will develop approaches to increase the robustness
of our monitoring framework in future work. Further-
more, we will conduct experiments in real cloud en-
vironments and we will explore how to determine an
appropriate ratio between the monitoring frequencies
on consumer- and cloud-side.
The work presented in this paper was partially funded
by the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research (BMBF) under grant no. ”01|C10S05” in
the context of the Software-Cluster project SWINNG
( In addition, this work
is supported in part by E-Finance Lab Frankfurt am
Main e.V. ( The authors
assume responsibility for the content.
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