Characterization of Lithostratigraphic Units using Neuro Fuzzy System
nalyses Applied to Rock Magnetic Data
Nuri Hurtado
, Vincenzo Costanzo-
, Diego L´opez-Rodr´ıguez
, Milagrosa Aldana
and Germ´an Bayona
Laboratorio de ısica Te´orica del S´olido, Escuela de F´ısica, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela
Departamento de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad Sim´on Bol´ıvar, Caracas, Venezuela
Corporaci´on Geol´ogica Ares, Bogot´a, Colombia
euro Fuzzy System, Lithostratigraphic Units, Pattern Recognition.
In this work we employ the Neuro Fuzzy System hybrid algorithm to infer S ratio through the experimental
magnetic susceptibility (χ) data measured in 90 samples, from a 670 meters - thick sedimentary sequence, at
the stratigraphic well Saltarin 1A (Colombia). The method is applied here as a means for pattern recognition
of the major lithostratigraphic units encompassed by this well (i.e. Guayabo, Len and Cabonera Miocene
Formations). The sets of fuzzy rules obtained work well only when used to infer S ratios within the same
Formation from which they were derived. This is particularly noticeable in Guayabo, with lithological char-
acteristics different to those of Len and Carbonera. The contrasts between these three Formations seem to be
responsible for the inability of finding a unique set of fuzzy rules that could properly infer S ratio over the
whole well using χ data only as the input variable.
Geophysical and geological problems commonly in-
volve systems with a large number of parameters in-
teracting in a complex way. These interactions are
mostly non-linear and non-random resulting in an in-
creasing scatter of experimental data points that blurs
up any likely associative trend among them. The
Neuro Fuzzy Systems is a hybrid algorithm that com-
bines fuzzy logic with neural networks, The hybrid
describes these variables in natural and rigorous way.
Based on an automatic pattern recognition technique,
the fuzzy logic method searches for the different sets
of data involved in a complex system and for the em-
pirical relationships between them.
The Neuro Fuzzy Logic (NFL) method, a hybrid
algorithm that combines fuzzy logic with neural net-
works, has been previously used in the prediction of
complex petrophysical (Hurtado et al., 2009) and in
paleoclimatic (Da-Silva et al., 2010) parameters. In
most situations the results obtained have given rise to
a set of numerical connections between the different
variables involved as well as additional lithological
information about an area of particular interest (Finol
et al., 2001).
The S ratio, a rock magnetic index that accounts
for the relative contributions of low and high coerciv-
ity material to the total saturation isothermal rema-
nent magnetization in a sample, has been determined
here according to the definition (Bloemendal et al.,
1992). By obtaining empirical relationships that cor-
relate S ratio with magnetic susceptibility we are
actually exploring howthis magnetic parameter is tied
up to the concentration of ferromagnetic minerals in
the different strata analyzed. Our goal is to apply the
Neuro Fuzzy logic technique as a unbiased quantita-
tive tool for pattern recognition of the major strati-
graphic units involved. The Saltar´ın 1A seems to be
an ideal natural scenario for such a purpose since it
shows numerous lithological contrasts that give rise
to a complex geological system (Bayona et al., 2008).
In this work we have used the Neuro Fuzzy
logic technique to infer S ratio from magnetic
susceptibility (χ) data from 90 different depth levels
(670 meters) of the stratigraphic well Saltar´ın 1A
(Colombian Llanos foreland basin, fig.1). We employ
this technique to find a set of fuzzy patches, with their
corresponding mathematical relationships, that come
close to the possible connections between S ratios
and χ for the major geological units encompassed by
the well.
Hurtado N., Costanzo-Álvarez V., López-Rodríguez D., Aldana M. and Bayona G..
Characterization of Lithostratigraphic Units using Neuro Fuzzy System Analyses Applied to Rock Magnetic Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0004377706860689
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods (PRG-2013), pages 686-689
ISBN: 978-989-8565-41-9
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
Figure 1: Geographical setting of the stratigraphic well
Saltar´ın 1A in Colombia (Llanos Foreland Basin)
The deepest formation studied in stratigraphic well
Saltar´ın 1A is Carbonera that includes a lower sand-
stone unit (654.6 to 670 m) accumulated in a flu-
vial system, a middle mudstone unit accumulated in
a lacustrine system (608.2 to 654.6 m), and an upper
sandstone unit that records sedimentation in a fluvial-
deltaic system (546.9 to 608.2 m). Overlying Car-
bonera is the Le´on Formation (441.8 to 546.9 m), a
muddy sequence of sediments from a fresh-water la-
custrine system.
On top of Le´on lies the Guayabo formation that
was divided in 6 lithological units (Bayona et al.,
2008): G1 (388 to 441.8 m) and G2 (312.9 to 388
m), the two lower units, consist of green-colored lam-
inated mudstones grading to sandstones interbedded
with light-colored massive mudstones with ferrugi-
nous nodules. These lithologies were interpreted as
the sedimentation from a fluvio-deltaic system chang-
ing to more continental sediment accumulation in flu-
vial floodplains. G3 (271.5 to 312.9 m) and G4
(205.5 to 271.5 m), the overlying units, are domi-
nantly mudstones and siltstones that accumulated in
fluvial flood plains. The unit G3 has more evidence
of subaerial exposure (light-colored mudstones, for-
mation of ferruginous nodules), whereas preservation
of coal beds and laminated mudstones in unit G4 in-
dicates less subaerial exposure of the flood plains. G5
(81.6 to 205.5 m) consists of feldspar-rich sandstones
that record the filling of fluvial channels. G6 (0 to
81.6 m), the uppermost unit of the Guayabo forma-
tion, records a change to floodplain with evidence of
subaerial exposure.
For the characterization of the different lithostrati-
graphic units, through the inference of S ratio,
we used a hybrid Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference
System (ANFIS) with ve layers that can be in-
terpreted as a neural network with fuzzy parame-
ters. ANFIS is equivalent, under some constrains,
to a Takagi, Sugeno, Kang (TSK) model (Finol and
Jing, 2002). To train our ANFIS we used S ratio
), as output and χ as input vari-
We introduced the χ training data in either
semilogarithmic or direct form (i.e. log(χ) or χ re-
spectively). Tests were also carried out using different
combinations and numbers of fuzzy rules. Member-
ship functions employed in all the trials were either
linear, triangular, bell, pi, or gaussian. In each case
inferred S ratio values were compared with their ex-
perimental counterparts. To quantify the performance
of the inference, we applied the R
between inferred
and experimental S ratio data, and the Root Mean-
Square Error (RMSE) values.
For to ANFIS training we use a Gaussian membership
function, the fuzzy rules was adjusted from 2 to 4, in
order to monitor a possible improvement of the in-
ference. Also we pruve that non-linear mathematical
form of the function that relates the value of S-ratio
to the magnetite weight percentage for a array of syn-
thetic samples systematically mixed from magnetite
and hematite (Heslop, 2009; Frank and Nowaczyk,
We trained the ANFIS separately with the χ and
S ratio experimental values from Guayabo, Len and
Carbonera and assessed the set of fuzzy rules obtained
in each case in all the three formations involved (see
Table 1). The figure 2 shows the results of some of
these inferences, for the first case in which the AN-
FIS was trained using the experimental data from the
Guayabo sandstones only. The qualitative examina-
tion of figure 2a shows that the fuzzy rules, obtained
by training the ANFIS with Guayabos data, give a
reasonably good inference upon this Formation itself.
However, that is not true when these same rules are
applied to Le´on and Carbonera (figures 2b and c re-
spectively). The RMSE and R
values (Table 2) con-
firm this observation.
Similar tests were repeated by training the net only
with experimental data from the mudstones of Le´on
and Carbonera .These results are summarized in Ta-
Table 1: Parameters of the Gaussian membership functions
and fuzzy rules obtained by training the Neuro Fuzzy net
using S ratio and χ data from the three Formations.
With data from Fuzzy rules
and Range
Guayabo (G)
[16.80 40.19] S ratio = 1.63χ 0.82
[65.35 +89.57] S ratio = 0.0013χ+ 0.82
Le´on (L)
[05.46 17.26] S ratio = 0.0067χ+ 0.84
[01.47 +30.52] S ratio = 0.002χ+ 0.87
Carbonera (C)
[02.21 07.99] S ratio = 0.027χ+ 0.93
[01.27 +10.68] S ratio = 0.0016χ+ 0.95
Table 2: The RMSE and R
values obtained after applying,
in each case, the fuzzy rules to their own data and to those
from the other two Formations.
Evaluated RMSE / R
data from
G 0.17 / 0.33
L 0.01 / 0.54
C 0.03 / 0.80
G 0.56 / 0.04
L 0.07 / 0.13
C 0.32 / 0.10
G 0.50 / 0.06
L 0.22 / 0.00
C 0.07 / 0.27
bles 1 and 2. Once more, the minimum number of
fuzzy rules obtained from either Le´on or Carbonera,
allows a reasonably good inference over each of these
Formations themselves but it does not seem to provide
a good inference when applied to the other two.
In this work we have used the Neuro Fuzzy logic tech-
nique to infer S ratio from magnetic susceptibility
(χ) data from 90 different depth levels (670 meters) of
the stratigraphic well Saltar´ın 1A, Colombian Llanos
foreland basin.
Training the ANFIS with only experimental χ and
S ratio values implies the assumption that magnetic
susceptibility by itself can identify all the behavioral
Figure 2: S ratio inference using an adaptative neuro
fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), training the network with
the S ratio and χ data of the Guayabo Formation only,
and two fuzzy rules. Solid lines stand for the inferred data
whereas the crosses and dashed lines represent the experi-
mental data. Results of the inference are shown for the three
Formations involved: a) inference for Guayabo Formation
itself b) inference for Le´on Formation c) inference for Car-
bonera Formation (Table 2)
patterns of the S ratios contained in a set of data.
Namely it should be a univocal correlation between
these two parameter, and equal χ values could not be
linked to different S ratios. However, although it
is particularly noticeable the ability of the ANFIS to
infer for the major changes of S ratio values within
the first 300 meters of this well, beyond such a depth
level the fuzzy rules seem to be less sensitive to pre-
dict S ratio changes.
This depth coincides with the transition zone from
alluvial plains sediments deposited in a reducing envi-
ronment, and oxidized paleosols, to lacustrine settings
where other magnetic minerals (i.e. Fe sulphides and
hematite) appear to be as important mineral phases.
Thus, we argue that an improvement of the infer-
ence beyond 300 meters would be only possible by
using, as input experimental data, not only χ values,
but also other magnetic and non magnetic parameters
that could account for all sorts of lithological changes
throughout the whole well. Such parameters should
provide information not only for the different types
of mineral assemblages, but also for changes in grain
size distributions and variable fractions of paramag-
netic minerals.
We would like to thank the CDCH-UCV for technical
support (Group Project PG-03-8269-2011).
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