A Causal Tracking Monitoring Approach for Business Transaction
Yehia Taher
, Willem-Jan van den Heuvel
, Salima Benbernou
and Rafiqul Haque
European Research Institute in Service Science, Tilburg University, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Laboratoire PRiSM, Universit´e Versailles ST Quentin-En-Yvelines, Versailles, France
Laboratoire LIPADE, Universit´e Paris Descartes, Paris, France
LERO, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Business Transaction, SLA, Monitoring, CEP, Adaptation.
Business transaction are automated, agreed-upon, long running propositions between multiple trading part-
ners, that are specified over Service Level Agreement as constraints that need to be compliant. However, these
constraints could be violated at any time due to various unexpected events. In this paper we propose a Busi-
ness Transaction Management (BTM) system that amalgamates existing service composition and monitoring
techniques (e.g., BPEL) with complex event processing (CEP) technology. The proposed system is a first
important step toward effective support of end-to-end processes that can monitor their own performance by
sensing and interacting with the physical word, and repair, upgrade, or replace themselves proactively.
Business transactions can be loosely defined as trad-
ing interactions involving multiple parties, spanning
many organizations, that strive to accomplish an ex-
plicitly shared business objective that extends over a
possibly long duration and which is terminated suc-
cessfully only upon recognition of the agreed conclu-
sions between the interacting parties (Papazoglou and
Kratz, 2007).
To successfully implement business transactions,
there is a critical need of concepts, mechanisms and
technologies that go far beyond their static analysis,
design and implementation (e.g., in terms of func-
tional and SLA-related terms), supporting also run-
time execution, monitoring and analysis to dynami-
cally enforce them to remain compliant to the end-to-
end SLAs, pointing towards comprehensive business
transaction management (BTM).
As illustrated in Figure 1, an integrated business
transaction management system basically requires
support for three major lifecycle phases. 1). Nego-
tiation and Commitment, which deals with mutual
commitments that parties are accepting to integrate
and govern their shared business processes. Par-
ticularly, business commitments mandate the shared
goals and policies of business collaborations and
glue shared goals and policies (e.g., business con-
straints and KPIs) with process definitions that col-
Figure 1: Layered structure of Business Transactions.
lectively implement a business transaction (Weigand
and van den Heuvel, 2002). 2). Design, Implementa-
tion, and Deployment, which concerns with design-
ing, implementing, testing and deploying the partners
processes including their functional and QoS features
that are rendered in their local SLA, in such a way
that it meets the global SLA that is associated to the
business transaction. 3). Execution, monitoring, and
adaptation, nce the business process - realized dur-
ing the previous phase - becomes operational, its ex-
ecution needs to be managed and monitored to gain
a clear insight in how the services that run within the
context of a business transaction perform against the
QoS policies. The management of QoS policies in a
Taher Y., van den Heuvel W., Benbernou S. and Haque R..
A Causal Tracking Monitoring Approach for Business Transaction Management.
DOI: 10.5220/0004380601400144
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science (CLOSER-2013), pages 140-144
ISBN: 978-989-8565-52-5
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
business transaction is of paramount importance due
to their cross-organizational nature, ensuring that the
delivery of services by providers and the consump-
tion of services by consumers are performed within
the threshold of the service level objectives stipulated
in the local SLAs. Important questions have to ad-
dress during this phase, notably: How can a business
transaction remedy a potential future violation of the
local SLA, such as the unavailability or failure of a
service, local SLA violation, etc.? Is there any means
to enforce the transaction to comply with its global
SLAs even after one of the local SLA has been vio-
lated? Is there a need to make a correlation between
local and global SLA?
In paper, we firstly introduce a BTM model
that allows correlating critical business activities and
events, QoS requirements, and application signifi-
cant business data in an end-to-end process at run-
time. Secondly, we propose a causal-tracking and
monitoring approach to track the progress of business
transactions against multi-party business agreements
(e.g., a Service Level Agreement). Lastly, we in-
troduces a preventive adaptation framework that pre-
empts end-to-end process SLA violations, and auto-
matically adapt the transaction execution in a way that
meets the agreed end-to-end SLAs.
Let’s consider the following running example: an e-
commerce trading system supports requisition of car
parts between a car manufacturer and part automotive
supplier through a third tier, a shipper, as depicted in
Figure 2. We assume that the part supplier produces
highly specialized car parts for a car manufacturer,
and arranges the transportation. The car manufacturer
pays a fixed rate for both the part and the transporta-
tion services. The part order business transaction will
involve a sequence of messages, flowing between the
car manufacturer, part supplier, and shipper. Figure 2
graphically depicts the message exchanges that con-
form to the contract between the car manufacturer,
part supplier and shipper. It is basically structured as
1. Initiate an Order: A message of type MT502 may
be sent from the car manufacturer to the supplier
to initiate a new order or to cancel a previous or-
der, which is identified by the values of its data
2. Confirm Order: A message of type MT513 must
be issued from the supplier to the customer in re-
sponse to an MT502 new order, confirming the
execution of the order.
Figure 2: Steps capturing the collaboration protocol be-
tween the parties
3. Shipment Request: A message of type MT514
must be sent by the supplier to the shipper to de-
termine delivery dates, shipment, loading, timing,
and routing data-possibly offering multiple ship-
ping options.
4. Confirm Delivery: A message of type MT515
must be sent by the shipper to the supplier in re-
sponse to an MT514 shipment request, confirm-
ing the product delivery, including the shipment
schedule and charges.
5. Product Dispatch Notification: A message of type
MT516 should be sent by the shipper to the sup-
plier as soon as the product has been dispatched.
6. Customer Billing: A message of Type MT517
should be sent upon receiving an MT517 mes-
sage by the supplier to the customer, billing the
latter with the final price of the order including the
shipment charges.
7. Payment Notification: Finally, a message of type
MT518 should be submitted by the customer to
the supplier notifying the payment achievement.
Details about the data content of the messages
would be spelled out as part of the contract. The con-
tract might also contain local and global constraints of
the business transaction. Constraints play important
role in crafting agreements. Here are some possible
examples of constraints:
Global Timing Constraint:
C1. The transaction should be completed within
ve working days.
Local Timing Constraints:
C2. The supplier should issue an MT513 message
within 1 day upon receiving an MT502 message.
The shipper should issue an MT515 message
within 2 days upon receiving an MT514 message.
C4. The shipper should issue an MT516 message
within one day after issuing and MT517 message.
C5. The customer should issue an MT518 mes-
sage within one day upon receiving an MT517
In order to ensure correct and consistent execu-
tion of business transactions, coordination protocols
between the business transaction collaborating pro-
cesses - derived on the basis the contract discussed
above - have been incorporated in Web service com-
position and transaction languages (Papazoglou and
Kratz, 2007). The car manufacturer plays the role of
the transaction central coordinator to ensure atomicity
over the set of the three collaborating processes.
The steering philosophy of our BTM framework is
distilled from the old nursery rhyme, for a want or
a nail
. The rhyme is about the transitivity of causal-
ity between events in a battlefield system. It teaches
us, at a young age, to pay attention to details because
a small event can lead to successive larger event and
finally grow into a catastrophic event in a transitive
3.1 BTM Approach
Our BTM framework is intended to not only dynam-
ically check whether contractual stipulations are met,
but also, provide means for preventing failure oc-
currences at an early stage. The BTM framework
is grounded on a fine-grained, coherent, and con-
sistent correlation/mapping between the events gen-
erated from the process execution and the process
SLAs. The system comprises five steps:
1. Identify the events of interest. Each of the SLA
clauses are analysed in order to identify which are
the events of interest from the events generated
by the process execution. The mappings between
SLA and events are monitored. For instance:
C2: The supplier should issue an MT513:
Order Confirmation message within 1 day
upon receiving an MT502: Initiate Order
The analysis of this SLA clause will easily pin-
point the two following events of interest, MT513:
Order Confirmation and MT502: Initiate Order.
2. Construct the causal model (Poset, see sec-
tion 3.2) of the transaction. The causal model of
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/For Want of a Nail (proverb)
a transaction is the set of event pattern rules that
enable us to pinpoint which of the events - we are
observing from the transaction - are causally re-
lated. The causal model will help to analyse and
reconstruct the chain of events that led to the exe-
cution trail logged by the transaction monitor.
3. Generate the rules that specify violation situa-
tions. On the basis of the causal model con-
structed at the previous step, we generate the
(ESL) rules that capture the SLA violations that
may lead to the disruptions of the end-to-end pro-
cess SLAs. For instance, the local SLA clause C2
is violated if the supplier hasnt issued an MT513
message within 1 day upon receiving an MT502
message. This violation is expressed by the fol-
lowing ESL expression:
E1: (Sequence (MT502:Initiate
Order, Negation (MT513: Order
Confirmation))) Within (24h))
4. Generate the executable code to run into a
CEP engine. The last step concerns with auto-
matically generating the executable CEP code
to deploy on the CEP engine. We particu-
larly use the Continuous Computation Lan-
guage (CCL) (http://www.sybase.com/products/
financialservicessolutions/complex-event pro-
cessing, ) to develop executable code in terms
of Coral8 CCL continuous queries. The snippet
below presents an excerpt of a CEP rule for
monitoring the violation of the constraint C2, i.e.,
the occurrence of the event E1.
CEP allows for constant, real time accumulation
of events to evaluate the event patterns specified
within the rules. The rule pattern subscribes to
the event input streams MT502 and MT513 from
the ESB, and publishes to the event outputstreams
AlertViolation. The rule is activated upon occur-
rence of the MT502, and initializes a 24h counter
check. If the time-frame 24h get expired before
the occurrence of the MT513 event, the rule pat-
tern will be satisfied and a violation alert will be
generated to trigger a process adaptation action.
3.2 Event Causal Tracking Monitoring
To achieve pro-active transaction management, we
have made use of the causality notion introduced by
Luckham (Luckham, 2001).
Causality Approach. Causality denotes the relation-
ship between events that is defined in a transitive and
asymmetric manner. As such, causality establishes a
partial ordering of events. A set of events together
with their casual relationship is called a Transaction
Poset (Partially Ordered Set of events) or map. As il-
lustrated in Figure 3, Posets are rendered as directed
acyclic graphs (DAGs). A node in a DAG represents
an event (and its data) and a directed arc represents a
dependency relationship. It allows analysing the ca-
sual history of events leading up to the event under
Figure 3: Casual history of successful transaction.
Let’s illustrate the approach towards the example
of Figure 3. An order event from the manufacturer to
the supplier (signifying an MT502 message) causes
an MT513 event from the supplier to the manufac-
turer, an MT514 event from the supplier to the ship-
per, and two watchdog events. The first is initializing
a check for the global timing constraint (5 days) while
the second is initializing a check for the local timing
constraint related to the events MT502 and MT13 (1
day). In turn, an MT14 event causes an MT515 event
from the shipper to the supplier, and a watchdog event
initializing a check for the local timing constraint re-
lated to the events MT514 and MT515 (2 days). Sub-
sequently, an MT515 event triggers an MT516 event
from the shipper to the supplier, and a watchdog event
initializing a check for the local timing constraint (1
day). In this example we assume that the time frame
initialised by LTC3 Watchdog got expired while the
MT516 event haven’t yet occurred. At this stage,
LTC3 Watchdog will take the hand over the transac-
tion and trigger a Local TimeOut event, which in turn
will cause a Global TimeOut event, and subsequently
the transaction will result in an inconsistent comple-
Causally relating event in a transaction helps to
analyse the root cause of the Global-TimeOut event.
In particular, the global timing constraint was violated
because MT502 event did not cause a consistent com-
pletion of the transaction within 5 days. And this is
because the local constraint C3 was violated. the root
cause of this violation is the non-occurrence of the
event MT516 in time.
Obviously, it is important to get deep understand-
ing of the root cause of any transaction failure. A
typical solution to deal with such situations consists
of improving the transaction diagnostics by checking
the event executions online for constraint violations.
Reducing constraint violations starts from having the
flexibility to change the process. Essentially, pro-
cesses need to be changed to conform to constraints
and to handle exceptions.
Complex Event Specification Operators to
Causally Relate Events. Event specification deals
with primitive and complex events. Primitive events
are basic, yet meaningful system-level changes of an
application or business transactions, for instance, Ini-
tiate order, Confirm order, Shipment request, confirm
delivery, Customer billing, Payment notification, etc.
A rule associated to the detection of primitive event
is fired as soon as the primitive event happens. But
in real world applications, a complex sequence of
events may need to be detected for a rule firing. A
complex event logically chains together primitive- or
other complex events occurring at time points other
than the time specified composite event happens. For
instance the complex event:
E1: The non-occurrence of an event confirming the
execution of an order within one day upon receiving
the initiate order.
In order to get to grips with event complexity, re-
searchers have initially focused on the definition of
event algebra composed of a set of event operators.
Complex events are specified as event expressions
that make use of events operators to relate events in-
cluding primitive and complex ones - occurring at dif-
ferent time points.
Figure 4: Event history mapping.
As illustrated in Figure 4, an eventexpressioncon-
stitutes the mapping from one event history to another.
The result of applying the expression E1 to the his-
tory H is the history H1 that contains the event occur-
rences of H at which the events specified by E1 take
place. Particularly, history H1 shows that the com-
plex event specified by E1 takes place at t = 24(h)
because the event MT513 did not happen within 24h
upon receiving the event MT502. Similarly, the result
of applying the expression E2 to the history H is the
history H2 that contains the event occurrences of H at
which the events specified by E2 take place. Particu-
larly, History H2 shows that the complex event spec-
ified by E2 takes place at t = 36(h) where the event
MT502 happened after an event MT513.
For a space limitation reason, we only describe
the following operators. Sequence: the event type
E characterizing the sequence of two events e1 and e2
is of the form E= Sequence(e1, e2). An instance of E
occurs iff e1 occurs before e2. Negation: the event
type E characterizing the negation of an event e is of
the form E= Negation (e). An instance of E occurs
iff e doesnt occur in a validity interval that depends
on a context of detection. Within: the event type E
defining a complex event P that occurs within a time
period T is of the form E= P Within (T). An instance
of E occurs iff the complex event P occurs within T
time period.
3.3 Adaptation Process
During the monitoring, in case of unfulfilment of
duties, we introduce a proactive adaptation frame-
work that pre-empts end-to-end process SLA viola-
tions. In this scenario, the soft constraints are used
to relax and decide how to rebuild a composition in-
volved in a transaction. Let s recall in a nutshell
the Soft constraint Solving Problem (SCSP, (Bistarelli
et al., 2002)). Traditional CSPs is an assignment of a
value to every variable, it can either be fully solved
(when all requirements are satisfied) or not solved at
all (some requirements cannot be satisfied). Solv-
ing techniques for soft CSPs can generate solutions
for overconstrained problems by allowing some con-
straints to remain unsatisfied. Soft constraints gener-
alize classical CSPs by adding a preference level to
every tuple in the domain of the constraint variables.
This level can be used to obtain a suitable solution
which may not fulfill all constraints, which optimizes
some metrics, and which in our case will be naturally
applied to the requirements of the business transac-
tions. The basic operations on soft constraints (build-
ing a constraint conjunctions and projecting on vari-
ables) need to handle preferences in a homogeneous
way. It is based on mathematical structure of semir-
ing algebra, enriched with additional properties and
termed a C-semiring. For instance, let’s consider that
the service execution related to the constraint C2 got
1.5 day instead of 1 day. That means that the exe-
cution time of services related to the remaining con-
straints is 3.5 day instead of 4 days. Thus, we relax
the individual constraints in a way that their aggre-
gate execution time satisfy the new global constraint
(3.5). In case we have four services to be executed,
we may have alternative selections by applying the
SCSP techniques. One could be 0.5, 1, 1, and 1 days
respectively for services S2, S3, S4, and S5, second
could be 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, and 1 days respectively for ser-
vices S
2, S
3, S
4, and S
The approach presented in this paper offers a struc-
ture for managing and controlling the QoS of a busi-
ness transaction at run-time. The proposed frame-
work monitors business transactions, computes po-
tential risks, and performs proactive adaptation ac-
tions in order to prevent the possible risks of violat-
ing global SLA. We identify the actual possible cases
of SLA violation during run-time and provide an ap-
proach for mitigating them by substituting services
that could have failed or triggering changes of the
composite services in terms of its compounding com-
ponents by relaxing the constraints. The limitation
of the framework is that it in its current version can-
not resist the violation of local SLAs. Extending the
functionality of the framework in terms of local SLA
violation prevention is our future work.
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