Social Robots, Cross-cultural Differences
Ana R. Delgado and Margarita G. Marquez
Psicología Básica, Psicobiología y Metodología, Universidad de Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain
Keywords: Anger, Contempt, Cross-cultural Differences, Disgust, Moral Emotions, Social Robots.
Abstract: The study of emotion abilities is of interest to Artificial Intelligence because identifying and responding
appropriately to the affective states of humans is thought to make users more prone to interact with robots.
However, cross-cultural differences in social communication are common. The CAD (Contempt, Anger,
Disgust) hypothesis proposes that these three emotions are elicited by different violations of moral codes.
Our exploratory study of texts from a corpus of Spanish contextualized words shows that both the emotion
receiver and its perceived cause are different for these emotions: disgust takes as its object mostly
something concrete, anger is preferentially felt towards another person, and contempt towards an abstract
object. In Spain, disgust was associated with prejudice, and anger with altruistic motives while contempt
remained the most elusive of the triad. In Latin America, both disgust and contempt were associated with
prejudice, while the altruistic function of anger failed to reach significance. Differences concerning the
moral functions of anger and contempt corroborate that the cultural context in which emotions are expressed
can change their moral meaning. The procedure is an ecologically valid one that can be of help for
designing more realistic social robots.
In Robotics, emotional skills are assumed as
convenient: recognizing and responding to the
affective states of humans is thought to make users
more prone to interact with robots (Cañamero,
2005). The affective revolution in Psychology is
producing enough knowledge to help engineers to
decide the “best” emotion for different human-robot
interaction situations by taking into account the
evolutionary roots of emotions as well as the
functionality of each one of them in the current
interaction contexts (Delgado, 2009a).
Affects are playing an increasing role in the
newest theories of morality (Bloom, 2010; Haidt,
2008). This approach is partly related to the spread
of evolutionary psychology in which the origins of
morality are related to reciprocal altruism (Cosmides
and Tooby, 2005). The CAD (Contempt, Anger,
Disgust) hypothesis, proposes that these emotions
have distinct moral functions, i.e., would be elicited
by violations of different codes (Rozin et al., 1999).
Rozin et al., (2009) have recently analyzed how core
disgust, which originates in the mammalian bitter
taste rejection system, became true disgust when the
eliciting category was enlarged to include a disgust
evaluation system that responded to more
cognitively elaborated appraisals and, later on, to
social stimuli. Moral offences would be a further
extension of the disgust evaluation system.
However, empirical evidence indicates that disgust
may also be elicited by violations of the autonomy
code, which according to the CAD hypothesis would
be associated with anger (Rozin et al., 1999). The
fact that some moral transgressions trigger the same
facial motor activity that is evoked by distasteful and
basic disgust items (Chapman et al., 2009) is a weak
corroboration of the “from oral to moral” disgust
exaptation hypothesis because it is compatible with
alternative views (Rozin et al., 2009).
As to appraisals or attributions, both reciprocal
and altruistic scenarios are currently considered in
the scope of moral psychology (Cosmides and
Tooby, 2005); (Haidt, 2008). In this sense, results
linking disgust to prejudice indicate that the usual
role of disgust is not the moral one (Taylor, 2007)
and, apart from some isolated observations,
ecological evidence for the ethical role of contempt
is lacking.
From a methodological point of view, moral
psychology has been criticized for focusing nearly
exclusively on studies in which volunteers solve
artificial moral dilemmas imagined by other people
R. Delgado A. and G. Marquez M..
Social Robots, Cross-cultural Differences.
DOI: 10.5220/0004383300190022
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 19-22
ISBN: 978-989-8565-61-7
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
(Bloom, 2010). The lack of stimulus
representativeness makes generalization to everyday
life problematic (Baumard and Sperber, 2010);
(Delgado, 2009b).
Analyzing representative text corpora allows the
researcher to avoid the previous critiques because
words can be observed unobtrusively (Bauer and
Aarts, 2000); (Webb et al., 1981). A clear limitation
of qualitative text analysis is subjectivity, which can
be somewhat controlled by indirect means, but never
eliminated. In contrast, a clear advantage of this
procedure is that if the text corpus is not in English
then the limitation that researchers might be
imposing concepts from English vocabularies on
participants is avoided. Thus our objective was to
show the distinct functions of contempt, anger, and
disgust on ecologically valid data: contextualized
Spanish words for these three emotions. The first
part of this study was carried out on the Spanish of
Spain and had a descriptive objective; the second
part, on the Spanish of Latin America, had
comparison as its objective.
2.1 Samples
This study was carried out on the Current Spanish
Reference Corpus, a stratified sample of
contextualized Spanish words from 1975 to 2004
(RAE, 2010). It is composed of more than
150,000,000 words and has been designed to offer a
representative sample of standard Spanish from
1975-2004. Criteria for text inclusion are clearly
specified: 50% from Spain, and 50% from America
(Mexican, Central, Caribbean, Andean, Chilean, and
River Plate area); 90% written, and 10% oral.
Various topics have been sampled: Science and
Technology, Social Sciences, Politics and
Economics, Arts, Health, Fiction, Leisure and
Everyday life. The first working corpus was
composed of every document (from Spain) including
the Spanish nouns for contempt, anger or disgust
(i.e., desprecio, rabia and asco). Note that this
corpus includes sayings and other expressions that
are not objectively comparable to heteroattributional
scenarios, in which emotions are predicated on
somebody else. Only 362 texts were finally selected:
the heteroattributional ones on whose coding two
“blind” observers had perfectly agreed. Of these,
some 141 texts corresponded to contempt, 124 to
anger and 97 to disgust. Our assumption was that
stringent criteria (i.e., perfect agreement on object
and attribution codes) would leave the noise in the
data out of the analysis, allowing the emergence of
clear association patterns. The second part of the
study was carried out on 139 texts from Latin
America: the heteroattributional ones on whose
coding two “blind” observers perfectly agreed. The
original working corpus for this comparative study
was composed of every document (from the three
largest Latin American Spanish-speaking zones)
including the Spanish nouns for contempt, anger or
disgust. Of these, 46 belonged to Argentina, 33 to
Chile and 60 to Mexico. It has been found that these
three Latin American countries differ in values from
Spain (Schwartz, 2008).
2.2 Procedure
The exhaustive and mutually exclusive category
systems were developed in two phases: (1) inductive
text categorization by a researcher blind to the CAD
hypothesis, and (2) deductive refining of the
categories to take into account theoretical codes
from previous research (Delgado, 2009a). Emotion
receivers and attributions were salient in most texts
and therefore these two structural elements
associated with social communication led to two
concurrent category systems. Finally two “blind”
observers, carefully selected for their excellent
grades (a procedure that warrants the high level of
reading comprehension that is needed for the task),
independently read and coded the texts following
instructions concerning the receiver and attribution
categories developed in the bottom-up part of this
study. Data were then quantitatively analyzed.
Various categories and subcategories were
eliminated from the analyses due to low frequencies
and/or agreement problems. The second part of the
study was carried out on the Spanish of Latin
America with the refined category systems. Two
new “blind” observers independently read and coded
the texts. Data were then quantitatively analyzed and
results compared with those from the Spanish of
Results from the 362 selected texts indicate that, in
Spain, the typical emotion receiver is different for
contempt, anger and disgust scenarios,
108.33, Cramer’s V = .39, p <.001. Standardized
residuals from Table 1 show that, while disgust takes
as its object mostly something concrete (e.g., feces,
bad breath), anger is preferentially felt towards
another person, and contempt towards an abstract
object such as terrorism or a social institution. The
category “oneself”, which was initially part of the
coding system, contained only seven cases and had
to be collapsed with the category “non-explicit or
other” given that
tests are not recommended when
expected frequencies are too low. In any case, the
CAD hypothesis proposes contempt, anger and
disgust as other-rejecting emotions.
Table 1: Number (corrected standardized residual) of
receiver categories by emotion in Spain.
Contempt Anger Disgust
Concrete object
( 2.0)
( 2.9)
Abstract object
( 2.2)
( -0.9)
Non-explicit/ other
( -0.5)
( 1.3)
( -0.9)
Following current theorization on morality,
Table 2 attribution labels correspond to the coded
motives as follows: prejudice is used when the cause
of the emotion is “something negative that is
intrinsic to the object or person receiving the
emotion”; reciprocal is used when the cause of the
emotion is “something negative that the emotion
receiver has done to the person feeling the emotion”;
and the label altruistic is used when the cause of the
emotion is “something negative that the emotion
receiver has done to a third party”.
Table 2: Number (corrected standardized residual) of
attribution categories by emotion in Spain.
Contempt Anger Disgust
Non-explicit/ other
Table 2 shows that the moral function of the
CAD emotions is present in our data: some
reciprocal attributions are found for anger, contempt
and disgust (in descending order), as well as
altruistic motives for anger and, in two texts, for
disgust. It can also be seen that significant
differences between contempt, anger and disgust can
be found concerning attributions,
(6)= 97.32,
Cramer’s V = .37, p <.001. Standardized residuals
indicate that disgust is positively associated with
prejudice, while anger is positively associated both
with reciprocity and altruism, the moral contexts. As
for contempt, there is only one large positive
adjusted standardized residual due to the twenty-
nine texts in the “non-explicit or other” category.
As to the comparative part of this study, results
from the 139 selected texts show that, in Latin
America, the typical emotion receiver is different for
contempt, anger and disgust scenarios (see Table 3),
closely replicating results from Spain,
(6)= 64,35,
Cramer’s V = .48, p <.001.
Table 3: Number (corrected standardized residual) of
receiver categories by emotion in Latin America.
Contempt Anger Disgust
Concrete object
( -0.4)
Abstract object
Non-explicit/ other
Table 4 shows that the moral function of the
CAD emotions is somewhat different in Latin
America: both reciprocal and altruistic attributions
are found for anger, contempt and disgust (in
descending order), and there is a significant
association between emotions and attributions,
(6)= 49,15, Cramer’s V = .42, p < .001, but residual
analyses show that contempt is associated with
prejudice, and that the altruistic function of anger
fails to reach significance. The association of disgust
with prejudice and anger with (lack of) reciprocity
did replicate results from Spain.
Table 4: Number (corrected standardized residual) of
attribution categories by emotion in Latin America.
Contempt Anger Disgust
Non-explicit/ other
In the descriptive part of this study, our analysis of
362 texts from a representative corpus of
contextualized words from Spain corroborates the
existence of a number of moral functions of
contempt, anger and disgust in everyday life, and
shows that both the emotion receiver and its
perceived cause are different for these emotions:
disgust is mostly associated with concrete objects,
anger with persons, and contempt with abstract
Concerning attributions, disgust is mostly
associated with what we have denominated
prejudice (i.e., due to something negative that is
intrinsic to the object or person receiving the
emotion) and anger with what we have called
reciprocal and altruistic motives, while contempt
remains the most elusive of the emotion triad. The
moral role of contempt, the most salient of the CAD
emotions in Spain (Delgado, 2009b), was limited to
a number of reciprocal scenarios; the fact that there
are twenty-nine contempt texts in the “non-explicit
or other” category indicates that attributions for
contempt are the most subtle, and thus the most
difficult to categorize.
In the comparative part of the study, results from
Latin America replicated results from Spain
concerning the emotion receivers. The association of
disgust with prejudice and anger with (lack of)
reciprocity were again found. However, contrary to
expectations, the altruistic function of anger did not
reach significance and contempt was associated with
With respect to the CAD emotions, some cross-
cultural differences have already been reported:
Americans have been found to endorse contempt and
disgust expressions more often than Germans, who
endorsed anger more (Koopmann-Holm and
Matsumoto, 2011). Differences concerning the
moral functions of contempt in Spain and Latin
America go a step further by showing some
differences in meaning when language is the same.
Given differences in values between Latin American
countries and Spain (Schwartz, 2008), our results
could be explained by resorting to value-related
constructs. Our procedure is an ecologically valid
one that can be of help for designing more realistic
social robots.
This research was partially supported by research
grants MEC EXPLORA SEJ2007-29492-E and
MICINN PSI2009-09490. The authors wish to thank
Sergio de Dios and Angel Sanchez-Rodriguez for
acting as blind coders for the first part of this study
and Carlota Calvo and Marta Montero for acting as
blind coders for the second part.
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