CrowdLearn: Crowd-sourcing the Creation of Highly-structured
e-Learning Content
Darya Tarasowa, Ali Khalili, S
oren Auer and J
org Unbehauen
AKSW Research Group, Institute of Computer Science, University of Leipzig,
Postfach 100920, 04009 Leipzig, Germany
e-Learning, LMS, Crowdsourcing, (semi-)Structured Learning Objects, SCORM.
While nowadays there is a plethora of Learning Content Management Systems, the collaborative, community-
based creation of rich e-learning content is still not sufficiently well supported. Few attempts have been made
to apply crowd-sourcing and wiki-approaches for the creation of e-learning content. However, the paradigm is
only applied to unstructured, textual content and cannot be used in SCORM-compliant systems. To address this
issue we developed the CrowdLearn concept to exploit the wisdom, creativity and productivity of the crowd
for the creation of rich, deep-semantically structured e-learning content. The CrowdLearn concept combines
the wiki style for collaborative content authoring with SCORM requirements for re-usability. Therefore, it
enables splitting the learning material into Learning Objects (LOs) with an adjustable level of granularity. In
order to realize the CrowdLearn concept, a novel data model called WikiApp is devised. The WikiApp data
model is a refinement of the traditional entity-relationship data model with further emphasis on collaborative
social activities and structured content authoring. We implement and evaluate the CrowdLearn approach
with SlideWiki an educational platform dealing with presentations and assessment tests. The article also
comprises results of a usability evaluation with real students.
While nowadays there is a plethora of Learning Con-
tent Management Systems (LCMS), the collaborative,
community-based creation of rich e-learning content
is still not sufficiently well supported. Few attempts
have been made to apply crowd-sourcing and wiki-
approaches for the creation of e-learning content.
, for example, is a Wikimedia Foundation
project aiming to leverage standard wiki technology
for the creation of hypertext e-learning content. Peer
2 Peer University (P2PU)
and PlanetMath
other examples which employ crowd-sourcing to
create rich e-learning content. P2PU helps users to
navigate the wealth of open education materials and
supports the design and facilitation of courses. The
PlanetMath is a project to aiming to become a central
repository for mathematical knowledge on the web,
with a pedagogical mission. However, we deem, that
no real attempt has been made so far to truly apply
the concepts behind wikis and crowd-sourcing to
develop a specifically tailored technology supporting
the creation of highly-structured, SCORM-compliant
e-learning content.
Sharable Content Object Reference Model
(SCORM) (sco, 2011a) as one of the community-
approved standards, requires the transformation of
the learning material into the sequence of annotated
Sharable Content Objects (SCOs). The granularity
and sequencing of the SCOs should be determined by
the content author depending on the audience needs
and preferences (sco, 2011b). Ward Cunningham’s
wiki (Leuf and Cunningham, 2001) paradigm is
mainly only applied to unstructured, textual content.
This limitation makes it difficult or even impos-
sible to use the wiki style of content authoring in
the SCORM-compliant learning platforms. As a
result, a proper community collaboration, authoring,
versioning, branching, reuse and re-purposing of
(semi-)structured educational content similarly as we
know it from the open-source software community
is currently not supported. To address the issue we
develop the CrowdLearn concept.
CrowdLearn exploits the wisdom, creativity and
productivity of the crowd for the creation of rich,
Tarasowa D., Khalili A., Auer S. and Unbehauen J..
CrowdLearn: Crowd-sourcing the Creation of Highly-structured e-Learning Content.
DOI: 10.5220/0004384100330042
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 33-42
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
deep-semantically structured e-learning content. It
combines the wiki style of collaborative content
authoring with SCORM requirements for re-usability.
Therefore, it enables splitting the learning material
into Learning Objects (LOs) with an adjustable level
of granularity. The CrowdLearn concept is based on
five fundamental components (cf. 3): standard com-
pliance, semantic structuring, enhanced possibilities
for reuse and re-purpose, crowd-sourcing and social
In order to implement and evaluate the
CrowdLearn concept, we created a showcase
application named SlideWiki. SlideWiki deals with
the collaborative creation of original e-learning
content such as presentations, slides, diagrams and
self-assessment tests. During the implementation of
the CrowdLearn concept, we faced several challenges
(cf. 4). For enabling the high-level collaboration,
all content should be versioned, similar to the wiki
paradigm. SCORM has direct support for multiple-
version content objects. However, we needed rules
for triggering the creation of new revisions. Our
findings on this issue are presented in 4.2. The
next challenge was the SCORM requirement for the
content to be structured. To solve this we developed
the WikiApp data model (see 4.1) that organizes the
relations between different content objects. Finally,
the third challenge was to involve the learners in
the process of content creation. We addressed this
issue by providing support for social networking
activities. Both content owners and students are
able to participate in discussions about the learning
material. While SCORM allows content engineers
to do the sequencing, we allow it to be done by
learners as well. As a consequence, semantically
structured learning objects can be created and edited
in a truly collaborative way. We further evaluated the
CrowdLearn concept by conducting a comprehensive
usability study with real students using SlideWiki (cf.
Related work can be roughly divided into the follow-
ing two categories:
Collaborative Creation of e-Learning Content.
The importance of creating reusable and re-
purposable e-learning objects is widely accepted by
the e-learning community (Devedzic, 2006). How-
ever, most of the works address the learning object
reuse problem rather by means of semantic meta-data
annotations, content tagging and packaging than by
creating richly structured, reusable learning objects
from the ground. The importance of creating learning
objects already with reuse in mind was, for example,
stated by (Pedreira et al., 2009): Content ... should
be represented not as an object of study but rather
as necessary elements towards a series of objectives
that will be discovered in the course of various tests.
There are only few approaches for the direct author-
ing of reusable content, such as, for example, learn-
ing examples creation (Kuo et al., 2008) or semantic
structuring and annotation of video fragments (Bar-
riocanal et al., 2011).
We should also mention the Learning Objects
Repositories (LORs), that allow to produce struc-
tured reusable content. The first of them, Connex-
ions (, presents the learning material
as a combination of paragraphs, each of them could
be easily edited or deleted. However, this structur-
ing is done more for comfortable editing and does not
have any functional benefits: the paragraphs cannot
be reused or annotated independently. Thus, Con-
nexions presents just an improved user interface for
wiki-based system. The second example of structur-
ing, that is more close to our idea, is LeMill
. LeMill
provides a way of collaborative editing of the presen-
tations by implementing presentations as a group of
images which can be edited collaboratively. However,
to edit a slide, a user has to replace it with another
one. Also, it is impossible to have several subgroups
of the slides within a presentation. The search through
the slides (not presentations) is also not implemented.
Thus, slides cannot be manipulated as independent
learning objects.
The CrowdLearn concept differs from the exist-
ing approaches for managing e-learning content. It
enables the construction of semantically structured
learning objects from existing sources by combining,
reordering and simple editing. By the term seman-
tically structured object we mean that all the parts
within the structure own all the attributes and methods
of the object type, or, in the case of learning content,
are complete and fully-functional LOs.
Wiki-based Collaborative Knowledge Engineer-
ing. The importance of wikis for collaborative
knowledge engineering is widely acknowledged.
In (Richards, 2009), for example, a knowledge en-
gineering approach which offers wiki-style collab-
oration, is introduced aiming to facilitate the cap-
ture of knowledge-in-action which spans both explicit
and tacit knowledge types. The approach extends
a combined rule and case-based knowledge acquisi-
Figure 1: CrowdLearn concept.
tion technique known as Multiple Classification Rip-
ple Down Rules to allow multiple users to collabora-
tively view, define and refine a knowledge base over
time and space. In a more applied context, (Haake
et al., 2005) introduces the concept of wiki templates
that allow end-users to define the structure and ap-
pearance of a wiki page in order to facilitate the au-
thoring of structured wiki pages. Similarly the hybrid
wiki approach (Matthes et al., 2011) aims to solve the
problem of using (semi-)structured data in wikis by
means of page attributes. In our approach we apply
the wiki paradigm to the creation and collaboration
around (semi-)structured learning objects.
3 CrowdLearn CONCEPT
We see the CrowdLearn concept as an application of
crowd-sourcing techniques to the e-learning content
creation, re-purpose and reuse. As shown in 1, the
concept is based on the following five strategies:
Standard-compliance. The costs associated with
building high-quality e-learning content are high.
One solution to decrease the costs is to author struc-
tured and reusable e-learning content that can be
repurposed in different ways. To facilitate this, it
should be possible to migrate content between dif-
ferent Learning Management Systems (LMSs). How-
ever, often content migration is not completely ad-
equate and can thus result in loss of valuable con-
tent, meta-data or structure. Even if the transfer is
possible, moving the content between systems can
be more costly than just redeveloping that course in
the new system. The strategy to overcome this chal-
lenge is the standard-compliance of both LMS and
content. In that regard, we adopted the SCORM
standard (sco, 2011a) and practical recommenda-
tions (sco, 2011b) and expanded the standard for the
collaborative model.
Semantic Structuring. Instead of dealing with
large learning objects (often whole presentations or
tests), we decompose them into fine-grained learn-
ing artifacts. Thus, rather than a large presentation,
user will be able to edit, discuss and reuse individual
slides; instead of a whole test she/he will be able to
work on the level of individual questions. This con-
cept efficiently facilitates the reuse and re-purpose of
the learning objects. To implement the concept, we
employ the WikiApp approach, as discussed in 4.1.
Reuse and Re-purpose. The benefits of reuse and
repurposing are: (1) increasing the cost efficiency
of content creation, (2) increasing the quality of e-
learning content and (3) supporting the evolution and
adaptation to new requirements. To increase the
economic efficiency of e-learning, content should be
reused for a long period of time. Then, the devel-
opment costs can be amortized over several years.
However, the student expectations for higher quality
e-learning experience increase, and new technology
emerges so quickly that most courses need redevelop-
ing every 3-4 year (Jones, 2002). Instead of the full
redevelopment, the content can slightly evolve. In that
case the courses remain competitive with regard to the
provisioning of high quality e-learning content. The
possibility to reuse and re-purpose is crucial for the e-
learning content evolution. Also, re-purposing allows
to increase the efficiency by teaching more learners
with the same content.
Crowd-sourcing. There are already vast amounts
of amateur and expert users which are collaborating
and contributing on the Social Web. Harnessing the
power of such crowds can significantly enhance and
widen the distribution of e-learning content. Crowd-
sourcing as a distributed problem-solving and pro-
duction model is defined to address this aspect of
collective intelligence (Howe, 2006). CrowdLearn
as its main innovation combines the crowd-sourcing
techniques with the creation of highly-structured e-
learning content. E-learning material when com-
bined with crowd-sourcing and collaborative social
approaches can help to cultivate innovation by col-
lecting and expressing (contradicting) individual’s
ideas. As Paulo Freire wrote in his 1968 book Ped-
agogy of the Oppressed, ‘Education must begin with
the solution of the teacher-student contradiction, by
reconciling the poles of the contradiction so that both
are simultaneously teachers and students...’. There-
fore, crowd-sourcing in the domain of educational
material not only increases the amount of e-learning
content but also improves the quality of the content.
Social Networking. The theoretical foundations for
e-Learning 2.0 are drawn from social construc-
tivism (Wang et al., 2012). It is assumed that stu-
dents learn as they work together to understand their
experiences and create meaning. In this view, teach-
ers are knowers who craft a curriculum to support a
self-directed, collaborative search and discussion for
meanings. Supporting social networking activities
in CrowdLearn enables students to proactively inter-
act with each other to acquire knowledge. With the
CrowdLearn concept we address the following social
networking activities:
Users can follow individual learning objects as
well as other users activities to receive notifica-
tion messages about their updates.
Users can discuss the content of learning objects
in a forum-like manner.
Users can share the learning objects within
their social network websites such as Facebook,
Google Plus, LinkedIn, etc.
Users can rate the available questions in terms of
their difficulty.
Besides increasing of the learning process qual-
ity, social activities improve the quality of the cre-
ated learning material. Even when answering a quiz,
users can contribute by analysing the quality of the
questions and making suggestions of how to improve
them. Thus, the knowledge is being created not only
explicitly by contributors, but also implicitly through
discussions, answering the questions of assessment
tests, or in other words through native learning activ-
4 CrowdLearn
We implement and evaluate the CrowdLearn con-
cept with SlideWiki
a web-based crowd-learning
platform. SlideWiki deals with two types of (semi-
)structured learning objects: slide presentations and
assessment tests. SlideWiki follows our proposed
WikiApp data model to facilitate the creation, re-
purpose and reuse of learning objects. In this sec-
tion we first elaborate on the WikiApp data model and
then discuss the technical implementation details of
the SlideWiki application.
4.1 WikiApp Data Model
The WikiApp data model is a refinement of the tra-
ditional entity-relationship data model. It adds some
additional formalisms in order to make users as well
as ownership, part-of and based-on relationships first-
class citizens of the data model. A set of content ob-
jects connected by part-of relations can be arranged
and manipulated in exactly the same manner, as an
individual non-structured object. The model natively
supports versioning and structuring of the different
content objects.
The WikiApp data model comes with a Domain
Specific Language (DSL)
which allows the model-
driven generation of CrowdLearn applications. We
illustrate the WikiApp model in 2 and formally define
it as follows:
Definition 1 (WikiApp data model). The WikiApp
data model WA can be formally described by a triple
M = (U, T, O) with:
U - a set of users.
T - a set of content types with associated property
types P
having this content type as their domain.
O = {O
} with O
being sets of content objects
for each content type t T .
Each O
consists of content objects o
with i I
being a suitable identifier set for the content ob-
jects in O
. Each o
comprises a set of properties
= Attr
. Attr
is a set of literal, pos-
sibly typed attributes, and Rel
is a set of relation-
ships with other content objects; The only necessary
attribute for all content objects is c
, which con-
tains the creation timestamp of the object o
. Rel
can particularly include the following designated re-
lationships to related objects:
O refers to set of the content objects con-
tained in o
refers to base content object from
which the object o
was derived;
U refers to a user being the owner of the
The WikiApp model assumes that all content ob-
jects are versioned using the timestamp c
and the
base content object relation b
. In the spirit of the
wiki paradigm, there is no deletion or updating of
existing, versioned content objects. Instead new re-
visions of the content objects are created and linked
to their base objects via the base-content-object rela-
tion. All operations have to be performed by a specific
user and the newly created content objects will have
More information available at: http://slidewiki.
Figure 2: Conceptual view of the WikiApp data model.
this user being associated as their owner. In practice,
however, usually only a subset of the content objects
are required to be versioned. For auxiliary content
(such as user profiles, preferences etc.) it is usually
sufficient to omit a base content object relation. For
reasons of simplicity of the presentation and space re-
strictions we have omitted a separate consideration of
such content here. However, this is in fact just a spe-
cial case of our general model, where the base content
object relation base
is empty for a subset of the con-
tent objects.
The model is compatible with both the relational
data model and the Resource Description Framework
(RDF) data model (i.e. it is straightforward to map
it to each one of these). When implemented as a re-
lational data, content types correspond to tables and
content objects to rows in these tables. Functional
attributes and relationships as well as the owner and
base-content-object relationships can be modeled as
columns (the latter three representing foreign-key re-
lationships) in these tables. The implementation of
the WikiApp model in RDF is slightly more straight-
forward: content types resemble classes and con-
tent objects instances of these classes. Attributes
and relationships can be attached to the classes via
rdfs:domain and rdfs:range definitions and di-
rectly used as properties of the respective instances.
For reasons of scalability we expect the WikiApp data
model to be mainly used with relational backends.
However, we also added a Linked Data interface us-
ing Triplify (Auer et al., 2009) (cf. 4.2).
Watching the users, as well as following the learn-
ing objects operations are natively supported by the
model. This allows users to receive the information
about changes of the followed content object or new
objects created by the watched user. Also, these oper-
ations allow to easily find the followed object or user.
Our SlideWiki example application uses two im-
plementations of WikiApp data model. The first im-
plementation is used for managing slides and pre-
sentations. It includes individual slides (consisting
mainly of HTML snippets, SVG images and meta-
data), decks (being ordered sequences of slides and
sub-decks), themes (which are associated as default
styles with decks and users) and media assets (which
are used within slides). The second implementation
was developed for managing questions and assess-
ment tests. It includes questions for the slide material
(the question is assigned to all slide revisions), tests
(which could be organized manually by user or cre-
ated automatically in accordance with the deck con-
tent), and answers (which are the part of the ques-
We implicitly connected these two WikiApp in-
stances by adding two relations. Firstly, we assigned
questions to slides. Thus, during the learning process
users are able to answer the tests and have a look at
the assigned slide if necessary. The important issue
here is that we assign question not to individual slide
revision, but for the slide itself. This decision gives
an opportunity to create a new slide revision, that al-
ready has a list of questions, collected from other re-
visions. Secondly, we assigned assessment tests to
concrete deck revisions. Thus the automatically cre-
ated test saves the structure of the corresponding deck
revision. This allows us to use module-based assess-
ment to score the test results.
4.2 SlideWiki Implementation
The SlideWiki application makes extensive use of
the model-view-controller (MVC) architecture pat-
tern. The MVC architecture enables the decoupling
of the user interface, program logic and database con-
trollers and thus allows developers to maintain each
of these components separately. The implementation
comprises the main components: authoring, change
management, import/export, linked data interface, e-
Figure 3: SlideWiki conceptual scheme.
assessment and translation. We briefly walk-through
these components in the sequel.
Authoring. SlideWiki employs an inline HTML5
based WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-
Get) text editor for authoring the presentation slides
(cf. 5, image 1). Using this approach, users will see
the slideshow output at the same time as they are au-
thoring their slides. The editor is implemented based
on ALOHA editor
extended with some additional
features such as image manager, source manager,
equation editor. The inline editor uses SVG images
for drawing shapes on slide canvas. Editing SVG im-
ages is supported by SVG-edit
with some predefined
shapes which are commonly used in presentations.
For logical structuring of presentations, SlideWiki
utilizes a tree structure in which users can append
new or existing slides/decks and drag & drop items
for positioning. When creating presentation decks,
users can assign appropriate tags as well as footer
text, default theme/transition, abstract and additional
meta-data to the deck.
Change Management. Revision control is natively
supported by WikiApp data model. We just define
rules and restrictions to increase the performance.
There are different circumstances in SlideWiki for
which new slide or deck revisions have to be created.
For decks, however, the situation is slightly more
complicated, since we wanted to avoid an uncon-
trolled proliferation of deck revisions. This would,
however, happen due to the fact, that every change
of a slide would also trigger the creation of a new
user requests to copy a deck
add/remove item to/from deck
change the order of items in a deck
replace/change the content of a deck
change the slide content
new slide revision
user is the owner of
the container deck
new deck revision
container deck has
usage somewhere else
Figure 4: Decision flow during the creation of new slide and
deck revisions.
deck revision for all the decks the slide is a part of.
Hence, we follow a more retentive strategy. We iden-
tified three situations which have to cause the creation
of new revisions:
The user specifically requests to create a new deck
The content of a deck is modified (e.g. slide or-
der is changed, change in slides content, adding or
deleting slides to/from the deck, replacing a deck
content with new content, etc.) by a user which is
neither the owner of a deck nor a member of the
deck’s editor group.
The content of a deck is modified by the owner of
a deck but the deck is used somewhere else.
The decision flow is presented in 4. In addition, when
creating a new deck revision, we always need to re-
cursively spread the change into the parent decks and
create new revisions for them if necessary.
Import/Export. SlideWiki implementation ad-
dresses interoperability as its first class citizen. As
shown in 3, SlideWiki supports import/export of the
content from/to existing desktop applications and
LORs thereby allowing users from other LMSs to
access the created content. The main data format
used in SlideWiki is HTML. However, there are other
popular presentation formats commonly used by
desktop application users, such as PowerPoint .pptx
presentations, LaTeX and others. We implemented
import of the slides from .pptx format and work on
the LaTeX format support is in progress.
Linked Data Interface. While sharing and reusing
educational data across institutional and national
boundaries is a general goal for both the public and
the private education sector, the last decade has seen
a large amount of research dedicated to Web-scale in-
teroperability. For example, is
Figure 5: Four screenshots of SlideWiki features. 1 - Tree structure of the presentation, inline WYSIWYG editor; 2 - Editing
of a question and manual assigning to a test using lists; 3 - Question in learning mode with correct answers displayed; 4 -
Module-based scoring of an assessment test.
an open platform which promotes the use of Linked
Data for educational purposes. In order to enable
the export of SlideWiki content on Data Web as
LORs, we employed the RDB2RDF mapping tool
Triplify (Auer et al., 2009) to map SlideWiki con-
tent to RDF and publish the resulting data on the Data
Web. The Triplify configuration for SlideWiki was
created manually according to IEEE LOM standard
and can be changed to support specific LORs. The
SlideWiki Triplify Linked Data interface is available
e-Assessment. SlideWiki supports the creation of
questions and self-assessment tests based on slide ma-
terial. Each question has to be assigned to at least
one slide. Important note here, that the question is
assigned not to the slide revision, but to slide itself.
Thus, when a new slide revision appears, it continues
to include all the list of previously assigned questions.
Questions can be combined into tests. The automati-
cally created tests include the last question revisions
from all the slides within the current deck revision.
Manually created tests present a collection of chosen
questions and currently cannot be manipulated as ob-
jects (cf. 5, image 2). Thus, in our implementation
only questions and answers have to be placed under
the version control. However, their structure is trivial
and the logic of creating their new revisions is intu-
itive. We just restricted the number of new revisions
to be created similarly with the decks: changes made
by the question owner do not trigger a new revision
For now, only multiple-choice (and multiple-
mark) question type is implemented, however in the
future we plan to expand the list of supported types.
To score the results the student (or the teacher) can
choose one of five implemented algorithms. Thus, di-
chotomous scoring gives points only when the answer
was fully correct, other algorithms also count par-
tially answered questions. Within other algorithms we
implemented our balanced approach for scoring the
multiple-mark questions, described in details in (?).
All five algorithms use the dynamically accumulated
difficulty d of the question as the number of points for
the fully correct response:
d =
If the user prefers to use dichotomous scoring, the
values of incorr and all mean, respectively, the accu-
mulated number of incorrect answers and all answers
of that question by any of users. In a case of partial
scoring, incorr is determined as follows:
incorr =
), (2)
where n - number of attempts for the question, d
difficulty (or maximal points), that the question had
at the moment, when the i
attempt was made, p
points obtained in the i
After the difficulty is determined, it’s scaled to
(1, d
], where d
is the maximal weight, that a
question can have. d
is set up by the system ad-
ministrator only for the users’ comfort. In SlideWiki
we set it up to 5.
Students can start a chosen test (manually cre-
ated or automatically collected) in one of two possi-
ble modes: “learning” or “examination”. In learning
mode student can ask to show the slide, to which the
question is assigned to remind the material, or simply
show the correct answers (cf. 5, image 3). Thus, stu-
dent should not spend time to find the material. How-
ever, after the user asked to show her/him either the
slide or correct answers she/he will not get any points
for the question. In examination mode these features
are disabled.
After choosing the mode the user can also set up
the amount of questions (all, all the difficult or con-
crete amount) and the order to show them (random
or increase the difficulty). As the amount of questions
can differ for the same test, we show the test results as
a percentage of the maximum points for exactly this
selection of question.
Our architecture allowed us to implement module-
based scoring. Each module of the assessment test
presents a sub-deck of the presentation and is scored
individually. Then, all the “parent” modules are
scored as a sum of “children” points and finally the
whole test is scored as a sum of all the points for all
the modules (cf. 5, image 4).
Translation. Our architecture allowed us to im-
plement a translation feature backed by the Google
Translate service. After the translation into one of 54
supported languages, the presentation can be edited
independently from the original one. However, we
store the information about the original version and
now we are working on the possibility to partially up-
date the translated presentation when the original one
was changed. Without such a possibility we faced
with an important challenge. As we allow the owner
of the revision to change it without creation of a new
revision, it was an important issue: either we should
allow the multiple translation of the same revision
into the same language or not. For now we decided
to allow it, however, this led us to the situation, that
we would get several identical presentations with the
content of bad quality, as it was translated automat-
ically and was not edited manually. However, we
could not disable the multiple translations, as in that
case it would be for example impossible to get the
translations of new slides, if they were added by the
owner. Thus, the connection between original and
translated presentations seems to be crucial. Also
we think about supporting of the user and community
To evaluate the real-life usability of SlideWiki, we
used it for accompanying an information systems lec-
ture at Chemnitz Technical University. We struc-
tured the slides within the lecture series and added
questions for student self-assessment before the fi-
nal exam. We informed them about the different e-
learning features of SlideWiki, in particular, how to
prepare for the exam using SlideWiki. The exper-
iment was not obligatory but students actively con-
tributed by creating additional questions and fixing
mistakes. The experiment was announced to 30 stu-
dents of the second year and 28 of them registered at
The students were working with SlideWiki for
several weeks, and we collected the statistics for that
period. During that period, they created 252 new
slide revisions which some of them were totally new
slides, others were improved versions of the original
lecture slides. Originally the whole course had 130
questions, and students changed 13 of them, fixing
the typos or adding additional distractors to multiple
choice questions. In total, students performed 287
self-assessment tests. The majority of these used the
automatically and randomly created tests covering the
whole course material. 20 tests included only difficult
questions, 2 asked to show the questions with increas-
ing difficulty. This showed us that the students liked
the diversity of test organization. Students also liked
the possibility to limit the number of questions 80
attempts were made with such a setting. 8 students
reached the 100% result for the whole course. On av-
erage, it took them 6 attempts before they succeeded.
After the experiment we can claim, that more ac-
Figure 6: Results of SlideWiki evaluation survey: mean µ and standard deviation σ.
tive SlideWiki users received better marks on the real
examination. It shows that SlideWiki not only allows
students to prepare for the examinations, but also en-
gages them in active participation that helps to im-
prove the quality of the learning. After the end of
the semester, we asked the participants to fill out a
questionnaire which consisted of three parts: usabil-
ity experience questions, learning quality questions
and open questions for collecting the qualitative feed-
backs. We collected 9 questionnaires that were filled
out completely. They show us emergent problems and
directions for the future.
In the first part of the questionnaire we included
questions recommended by System Usability Scale
(SUS) (Lewis and Sauro, 2009) system to grade the
usability of SlideWiki. SUS is a standardized, sim-
ple, ten-item Likert scale-based questionnaire
a global view of subjective assessments of usability. It
yields a single number in the range of 0 to 100 which
represents a composite measure of the overall usabil-
ity of the system. The results of our survey showed
a mean usability score of 67.2 for SlideWiki which
indicates a reasonable level of usability.
The second part of the questionnaire aimed to de-
termine whether the SlideWiki helps to improve the
quality of learning. It consisted of four questions
with five options from “absolutely agree (1)” to “ab-
solutely disagree (5)”. The evaluation results for these
two parts are presented in 6.
Although the positive answers prevail, we were
not satisfied by the fact that for many questions a third
of participants chose the neutral value. It could be a
signal, that students do not completely understand the
question or are not 100% sure about the result.The last
part of the questionnaire helped us to understand the
reasons. We included four open questions:
1. What did you like most about Slidewiki?
2. What did you like least about Slidewiki?
3. What can we do to improve the Slidewiki’s usability?
4. What features would you add to Slidewiki?
Within the answers we found repeated complaints
about several bugs, that interfered the working pro-
cess. We consider this fact to be the main reason of
neutral and contradictory values. However, we col-
lected also positive opinions, especially about fea-
tures and possibilities that SlideWiki allows. Three of
the recipients mentioned that they mostly liked that
SlideWiki is easy to use, four of them noted, that
they liked the idea of collaborative work and shar-
ing the presentations itself. Within the collected an-
swers we also got important suggestions, which could
be roughly divided into two groups:
Suggestions about desired improvements of ex-
isting features such as displaying the test results
graphically, supporting more import formats, im-
proving the SVG editor etc.
Suggestions about totally new features, several of
those were later implemented, e.g. translation,
templates for presentation structure, etc.
Also we collected a few suggestions about features
that were already implemented, but users were not
aware of them. This encourages us to improve the
documentation as well as to enhance the simplicity
and clearness of the user interface. One of the stu-
dents drew our attention to security issues.
The results of our evaluation showed that our con-
cept is clear to the users, they like this way of learning,
storing and sharing of the presentations. However, we
need to improve the user interface, fix some minor
bugs and spend more effort on privacy and security
In this paper we presented the CrowdLearn con-
cept that applies collaborative authoring and crowd-
sourcing techniques to the creation of (semi-) struc-
tured e-learning content. The concept is based on the
SCORM concepts and uses the novel WikiApp data
model to organize the content closely aligned with
the standard. We implemented and evaluated the con-
cept with SlideWiki – a social web e-learning applica-
tion targeting slide presentations and e-assessments.
While the evaluation results were promising, we still
need to extend the concept in the future to address the
requirements requested by users.
Beside the usability improvements, our first di-
rection for future work is to implement a completely
SCORM-compliant LMS and authoring tool, based
on the SlideWiki. This will allow us to exchange the
content with other SCORM-compliant LMSs. Also,
in a real e-learning scenario, learners come from dif-
ferent environments, have different ages and educa-
tional backgrounds. These heterogeneities in user
profiles are crucial to be addressed when enhancing
the CrowdLearn concept. New approaches should
provide the possibility to personalize the learning pro-
cess. Thus, our second direction is providing the per-
sonalized content based on initial user assessments.
The third direction for the future work is to sup-
port the annotation of learning objects using standard
metadata schemes. We aim to implement the LRMI
metadata schemes to facilitate end-user search and
discovery of educational resources.
We would to thank the AKSW research group
members for their support during the evaluation of
Learning Resource Metadata Initiative:
SlideWiki. This work was supported by a grant from
the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme
provided for the project LOD2 (GA no. 257943) and
by a grant from the Saxon State Ministry for Higher
Education, Research and the Arts (SMWK) and the
Development Bank of Saxony (SAB) for the eScience
project (grant no. 080951807).
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