Contemporary e-Learning as Panacea for Large-scale Software
John van der Baaren and Iwan Wopereis
Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies, Open University of the Netherlands, Heerlen, The Netherlands
Keywords: e-Learning, Software Training, Instructional Design, Electronic Medical Records.
Abstract: Large organizations renew their core business software with some regularity, resulting in serious challenges
for in-company training officers. Especially when large numbers of employees need to be trained to use
updated software on short notice, traditional face-to-face training methods fall short. Contemporary e-
learning is regarded a solution for such short-term and large-scale training. This paper discusses the effect of
a didactically sound e-learning solution on learning to use a new version of an Electronic Medical Record
(EMR) software package. This solution not only features generally recognized e-learning characteristics like
any time, place, path, and pace, but also marks the element ‘just enough’ to emphasize that the e-learning
content only covers knowledge (concepts and procedures) necessary to perform the daily professional tasks.
Around 2000 healthcare workers of a mental healthcare institution were educated online to use a renewed
version of an EMR software package within two months. Results (i.e., time on task, test results, and
perceived effectiveness) indicate that contemporary online solutions can help large organizations to face
short-term and large-scale training problems.
Organizations largely depend on business software,
especially when this type of software supports core
processes of an organization (Pinn-Carlisle, 1999). It
is not uncommon that software companies renovate
business software packages with some regularity.
These new versions of core business software are a
serious challenge for in-company training officers.
Especially when large numbers of employees need
to be trained to use updated software versions on
short notice, traditional face-to-face training
methods fall short. For instance, when 2100
employees need to be trained to use renewed
software and a classroom-based setting is the
customary option to train software skills, an institute
would probably have to organize a minimum of 140
training sessions to train the total workforce (i.e.,
when a training session includes a four-hour training
for 15 employees, directed by one trainer). If an
institution has the disposal over one fully equipped
training classroom (i.e., a room with at least 15
computers), this means it would take at least 70 days
to instruct all employees of the institute, weather
permitting it is possible to schedule two training
session each day. In addition, such a training set-up
entails large organizational costs, since 2100
employees should get half a paid day off and receive
travelling expenses to attend a training session. In
situations like this e-learning is often considered a
panacea for learning and instruction (Clark and
Mayer, 2011; DeRouin et al., 2005; Driscoll, 2012;
Jochems et al., 2004). Since learners can proceed
through an e-learning course at their own place and
pace, and at any time, organizational costs related to
aforementioned organizational issues can be
minimized. Moreover, contemporary e-learning
offers opportunities for flexible instruction that is
tailored to the requirements of learners (Clark and
Mayer, 2011; Shute and Towle, 2003; Stoyanov and
Kirschner, 2004). However, until recently for many
organizations e-learning has proved long in lead
time to produce, inflexible to amend and
prohibitively expensive. Furthermore, the
development and implementation of e-learning has
been exclusively reserved to information technology
experts, rather than educational specialists.
Fortunately, due to a technology shift, new and
relatively easy to use tools have become available
for educationalists and trainers to facilitate e-
learning development and implementation (Driscoll,
2012; Weller et al., 2005).
van der Baaren J. and Wopereis I..
Contemporary e-Learning as Panacea for Large-scale Software Training.
DOI: 10.5220/0004384606120618
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 612-618
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
This paper describes a project that used user-friendly
tools to create didactically sound e-learning courses
for a variety of Electronic Medical Record (EMR)
software users of Mondriaan, a large Dutch
institution for mental healthcare. Around 2000
employees of Mondriaan had to be trained within
two months’ time to use an upgraded EMR software
package called Psygis Quarant. Since employees
needed to be trained on short notice and training
facilities (i.e., availability of classrooms and
trainers) were relatively scarce, it was decided to
look for an e-learning solution. In addition, the
intention to develop e-learning courses geared the
adoption of contemporary instructional design
guidelines for designing the courses. An example of
a state-of-the art principle for designing instruction
is the whole task approach as basis for creating
learning tasks (Merrill, 2002; Van Merriënboer and
Kirschner, 2013). According to Merrill (2002)
“learning is promoted when learners are engaged in
a task-centered instructional strategy. […]. A task-
centered instructional strategy is a form of direct
instruction but in the context of authentic, real-world
problems or tasks. […] The effect of this strategy is
enhanced when learners undertake a progression of
whole tasks.” The task-centered instructional
strategy and other effective design principles, like
the demonstration principle, the application
principle, and the activation principle were
employed to design the e-learning courses.
An important goal of the Mondriaan project was
to study the effect of the instruction (i.e., the e-
learning courses) on EMR skill learning. Therefore
we explored student behaviour within the e-learning
courses and analysed perceived effects of these
courses on EMR skill learning. Results of the study
were used to compare the e-learning approach to
skill learning with customary classroom and onsite
training methods.
The main research question of this exploratory
study is:
- Is a contemporary e-learning method for
software training effective and more efficient than a
customary classroom training method?
In order to answer this question we formulated
sub-questions (measurement between brackets):
- Do participants of the course perceive the
course as effective / useful? (perceived effectiveness
of so called superusers);
- What do participants of the course do in order
to complete the course? (registration of time on task
and testing results of all participants);
- Did the e-learning work? (identification of
problems superusers faced within a four-week
period after the introduction of Psygis Quarant).
2.1 Participants
A total of 1973 employees of Mondriaan, a Dutch
mental healthcare institution based in the south of
the Netherlands, entered the e-learning courses.
Participants belonged to one of four groups: (a)
administrative staff (n=172; ADMIN), (b) nursing
staff (n=956; NURSE), (c)
psychotherapy/psychiatric staff (n=659; PSYCH),
and (d) occupational therapeutic staff (n=186;
THERA). For analysing perceived course
effectiveness, evaluations of so-called superusers
(n=100) were analysed. Superusers are
representatives of the aforementioned groups. They
function as contacts within departments and help
solve problems users of the EMR software have.
Further, they serve as intermediate between the
EMR software user and information technologists of
the Mondriaan institute. The superuser group
included 26 administrators, (ADMIN), 33 nurses
(NURSE), 32 psychotherapists/psychiatrists
(PSYCH), and 8 occupational therapists (THERA).
2.2 Materials
2.2.1 Courses
For each of the four groups of users an e-learning
course was designed. Each course consisted of two
modules and a test. The first module covered an
introduction to the EMR software and was the same
for all users. The second module aimed at
professional task learning and was different for the
four groups. Each of these modules included
between six and nine tasks. Instructional design
principles for complex learning were used to design
the learning tasks (cf. Van Merriënboer and
Kirschner, 2013). Authentic tasks formed the basis
for designing the learning tasks. Tasks were
scheduled from easy (more instructional support) to
difficult (less support). Table 1 shows an overview
of the tasks covered in the courses for the four
different groups.
For each task two or more exercises were
designed with increasing difficulty level. During the
first exercise learners were guided through the task.
Table 1: Overview learning tasks per user group.
Course ADMIN Course THERA Course PSYCH Course NURSE
Registration and creating
Appointments and dossier (4)
Appointments and
dossier (4)
Report (6)
Unplanned activity (1)
Adapt appointment (5)
Adapt appointment (5)
Outside authorization
Outside authorization (2) Unplanned activity (1) Report (6) Consult archive (3)
Consult archive (3) Outside authorization (2) Consult archive (3) Guidance plan
Add documents Consult archive (3) Anamnesis Dialogue model plan
Make an appointment Report (6) Unplanned activity (1) Gordon model plan
Outgoing correspondence
Create sub plan
Outside authorization
Register client Day care plan Medication
Activity plan
Note: Numbers indicate the same task is used for different groups. Tasks without number are unique.
In subsequent excercises guidance was faded and
learner control had been increased. In the latter case
feedback was only given after wrong user actions.
Each exercise starts with a realistic task
description. An example of such a task description
is: “You just received the referral letter for Ms Post
born 06-10-1951. You are going to register her and
make an application for care for her. After that you
will create her dossier. Ms Post has not been in care
before.“ A task decription is followed by a ‘guided
interaction’ with the EMR application. To develop
the interactive exercises detailed scripts were
written. In total about 100 of these exercises were
developed for the four courses. Figure 1 shows a
screenprint of an interactive exercise including
Ilias V4.2.3 ( was used as learning
management system. Ilias is an open source learning
system that also includes authoring facilities for
developing e-learning modules complying to the
SCORM standards and tests using a wide variety of
question types. Adobe Captivate 5.5 TM was used
for building the exercises. Ilias was linked to a
course/training management system called
Edumanager ( Based on the function
profile of the Mondriaan employee Edumanager
could ‘decide’ which of the four courses should be
offered. Ilias reported back to Edumanager when
somebody passed the test of the course.
2.2.2 Tests
For each course a test was constructed containing an
average of twelve multiple choice questions. Both
test items and test were made in Ilias V4.2.3. Test
items mainly focused on assessing (new) procedural
steps. Further, questions related to the updated
graphical user interface and questions aimed at
assessing conceptual understanding were added to
the test. Alternative answers of test items included
‘anticipated errors’, that is: possible errors identified
by Psygis Quarant experts.
The cut-of score for the test was set at 70%.
Because students were allowed to make the test
multiple times, alternative answers to questions were
randomized whenever possible. Ideally a question
pool would have been constructed but time and
resource constraints prohibited this. It was possible
to quit a test and continue it later on which was
practical because it could very well happen that a
test had to be interrupted for more urgent work.
2.2.3 Evaluation Form
The evaluation form consisted of 10 statements that
used a Likert-scale (1=completely disagree –
5=completely agree). Questions covered topics like
course login, the course modules (content, sequence,
readability), the test, and perceived effectiveness of
the e-learning course. Questions were selected from
the course evaluation database of the Open
University of the Netherlands (Westera et al., 2007).
Participants were able to add comments to each
2.2.4 Follow-up Questionnaire
Four weeks after the launch of the new EMR
software a follow-up questionnaire was sent to the
superusers. The questionnaire consisted of 14
questions, both multiple-choice and open questions.
The questions covered problems encountered with
the e-learning courses (how many, nature of
problems), problems users encountered with the
EMR (how many, nature of problems), and the
evaluation of the e-learning tool. Questions were
selected from Westera et al. (2007).
Figure 1: Sample screenshot from the e-learning course showing an interactive exercise including feedback.
2.3 Procedure
A project team was formed consisting of e-learning
specialists from the Open University of the
Netherlands and ICT-support and training specialists
from the Mondriaan institute. A tight project plan
was needed because there was only a six-month
period between the start of the project and the start
of the training of the employees. The project
included phases for analysis, design, development,
testing the course with 100 users, and
implementation. The project was further
complicated by the fact that it was the first time the
electronic learning environment was used in the
organisation. Moreover the project was used to train
the Mondriaan project members to design and
maintain e-learning courses themselves.
The first step for the project members was to get
acquainted with the learning management system
(Ilias) and to select the necessary authoring tools. It
was decided to use the Ilias Scorm editor to build the
modules for the course and use Adobe Captivate 5.5
TM for building the exercises. To construct the tests
the Ilias test editor was used which supports a wide
variety of question types.
During the design phase of the project examples
were presented to a focus group for feedback. After
the development phase the 100 superusers tested
both the e-learning courses and the tests. Testing
was done during ten workshops in August 2012. The
superusers evaluated course and test content, time on
task, and time on test, and filled in an evaluation
form and a follow up questionnaire after four weeks.
The superusers also provided the project team with
valuable feedback and several errors could still be
corrected before the e-learning courses and tests
were finally implemented.
On 15 August 2012 all employees of Mondriaan
received an email asking them to follow the course
and complete the test before October 1st 2012. In the
two months before the launch employees were
already informed during plenary sessions and the
company website. The progress during this six week
period was closely monitored, reminders were
mailed and in some cases department heads were
informed that employees were lacking behind.
In order to answer the main research question of this
exploratory study, three sub-questions were posed.
In this section we will present the results necessary
to answer the sub-questions.
3.1 Perceived Effectiveness
In order to measure perceived effectiveness, 100
superusers were asked to fill in a questionnaire after
the testing session (a two-hour workshop). Seventy-
two out of 100 returned the evaluation form. This
group was very positive about the e-learning. Sixty-
seven of 72 (93%) superusers indicated this form of
learning was well or very well suited for learning to
use an EMR. Also the specific course offered got
good marks:
- The structure of the course is logical: 98%
agreed or strongly agreed.
- Text was clear: 95% agreed or strongly agreed.
- Interactive exercises easy to understand: also
scored 95%.
Answers to the questions about the tests were also
positive, be it less outspoken:
- The questions were well formulated: 89%
agreed or strongly agreed.
- The questions were well connected to the course
content: 63% agreed or strongly agreed.
- Mastering the EMR software is tested well in
this way: 72% agreed or strongly agreed.
3.2 Course Progress
What did participants of the course do in order to
complete the course? Between 15 August and 1
October 2012, 1973 employees of Mondriaan
followed the e-learning course and completed the
test. During this six-week period, the e-learning ran
without any significant problems. A few people
complained they were offered the wrong course; this
was corrected manually. After six weeks almost
80% of all Mondriaan employees had successfully
completed the course. Table 2 presents the number
of employees that followed and completed the e-
learning courses and tests (successfully).
Table 2: Course completion rate.
No. users
ADMIN 172 132 77
PSYCH 659 483 73
THERA 186 151 81
NURSE 956 749 78
Total 1973 1515 77
Note: reference date 3 October 2012.
Table 3 presents the time participants spent on
the course and the test. Overall it took the students
about one and a half hour to complete the course of
which about 20 minutes was spent on the test.
Table 3: Time on course, time on test and score test for
each function group.
Time test Score test
ADMIN 1h46m 17m 88%
PSYCH 1h29m 15m 85%
THERA 1h41m 17m 84%
NURSE 1h22m 23m 80%
Note: reference date 3 October 2012
The average of one and a half hour for time on
course was well within the two hours that was
estimated for a classroom course on the topic.
The variation in study times suggests that the
freedom learners have compared to classroom
instruction is welcomed by many learners. Table 4
for instance shows a large variation in study times of
the administrators (ADMIN) course learners.
Table 4: Study times in minutes related to number of
learners that completed the ADMIN course.
Learners 15 12 28 33 11 11 26
3.3 Course Quality
Did the e-learning work? Four weeks after the
launch of the new EMR application an online
questionnaire was sent to the 100 superusers. After
one week 59 out of 100 had filled in the
questionnaire. The first two questions asked for
problems with the e-learning. The amount of
problems with the e-learning they received was
limited. 75% of them received 5 or less problems
during this period. Only a small amount of problems
were actually related to the content of the course.
Most problematic (19 times) was making the new
password needed to access the course. Second were
complaints about having the wrong course offered
(usually outdated or wrong information in the
personnel system). Several other problems were
mentioned some of which very useful in the context
of further development. But on a total of almost
2000 users the amount of problems was minimal
certainly taking into account this was the first time
e-learning was used. The question whether e-
learning was a good tool to use for this kind of
training was agreed with by 78% of the respondents.
Other questions looked into the problems users
had with using the new EMR application. In this
case more problems arose: 60% of the superusers
received 5 or less problems during this period. But
also in this case most problems were not related to
not being able to perform tasks but for instance to
wrong authorization leading to wrong clients in the
caseload. But some complaints clearly indicate
potential improvement in the design of the training.
For examples, several users complained some
actions did not work while they simply needed to
refresh the page they were working on. While this
information was provided in one of the course
modules it was clearly not practiced enough to be
remembered in the working context.
Large organizations regularly face new versions of
software applications. Especially when all
employees of an organization use a specific
application and both the old and new version of the
application cannot be supported concurrently, the
organisation is confronted with a major training
challenge. This study explored the effects of an e-
learning solution for large-scale software training
when large numbers of employees need to be trained
on short notice. Our research question was: Is a
contemporary (i.e., didactically and technologically
sound) e-learning method for software training
effective and more efficient than a customary
classroom training method?
A state-of-the art e-learning solution was
developed since the regular training approach (a two
hour classroom session for a maximum of 15
people) was not an option. The e-learning solution
was founded on contemporary instructional design
principles, like the whole task approach (cf. Van
Merriënboer and Kirschner, 2013). First, this study
explored the (perceived) effectiveness of the e-
learning solution in order to be able to conclude that
contemporary, didactically sound, e-learning courses
can be given preference to classroom training and
traditional e-learning solutions (i.e., the
‘computerized page-turners’; cf. Jochems et al.,
(2004)). Results of the questionnaires of the
superusers indicate that the e-learning courses and
tests were effective and a large majority of the
superusers stated that the courses are well suited for
learning to use (updated) EMR software.
Analyses of the time on task of participants who
finished their e-learning course showed that
participants managed to finish the course within an
hour and a half on average, which is less than the
expected two hours. In addition a high percentage of
the participants passed the concluding test, which
proved they gained the knowledge base necessary to
use the EMR software for daily professional tasks.
Also the effectiveness of the e-learning solution as
perceived by the group superusers turned out to be
positive. A total of 78% of the superusers concluded
that the e-learning courses were ideal for training an
upgraded version of the software.
The e-learning was designed using a “just
enough” principle and succeeded in training the
tasks users applied often in a time-efficient way.
Ideally the learning is continued on the job using
available online help facilities. However current
online help does not take a task perspective but
provides information on system commands and data
structures. A more intelligent solution based on task
recognition and active coaching (Breuker et al.,
1987) might be more effective but this is still a topic
for future research and development (Delisle and
Moulin, 2002).
The e-learning solution proved to be effective
and should be given preference to classical software
training methods. Contemporary (open source) tools
for developing the e-learning courses turned out to
be useful and effective (cf. Dewever, 2006; Godwin-
Jones, 2012). In addition, using present-day
instructional theories for guiding the instructional
design (Merrill, 2002; Van Merriënboer and
Kirschner, 2013) contributed to good quality e-
learning courses (as perceived by the participants).
For future research we propose two strands of
research. The first strand aims at optimizing the
quality of the e-learning courses. In order to improve
the instruction for coming Psygis Quarant software
updates, an educational design based research
approach (McKenney and Reeves, 2012) will be
used. The second research strand aims at
generalizing findings. Since the results of the present
study are based on a single case in one domain, it is
our intention to replicate the design based research
approach in other domains as well.
The development of the e-learning program
described is a team effort. We would like to thank
the team members for contributing to its success:
Natascha Smeets, Helma Huijnen, Maaike Bos,
Mirièl Troeman and Jan Meinster (Mondriaan
Zorggroep), Wendy Kicken, Marjo Rutjens, Marjo
Stalmeier, and Kees Pannekeet (Open University of
the Netherlands) and Chris Dorna (Chris Dorna E-
learning). We would also like to thank Ine
Verstappen for proof reading.
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