Exploratory Learning in the ViStA Immersive Environment
Ishbel Duncan
, Janie Brooks
and Alan Miller
School of Computer Science, University of St.Andrews, KY16 9SX, St.Andrews, Scotland
ELT, Kinnessburn House, Kennedy Gardens, KY16 8, St.Andrews, Scotland
Keywords: Virtual Worlds, E-Learning, Immersive Environments.
Abstract: Virtual Worlds have been used for teaching for several years but many issues of usage and evaluation still
exist. In our Virtual St Andrews (ViStA) world, we aim to embed students within a virtual environment
which is a duplicate of a real university to allow for an easier orientation to university life and a mechanism
for reducing acclimatisation stress for (overseas) students. By allowing a multiple of learning approaches,
including self-directed and constructive learning, our world grows organically as student groups develop
areas and scenarios for future students and educators use the world for developing student skills. A variety
of academic schools and English Language tutoring encourages student engagement and input. Further,
Administrative and Support units within the University have been encouraged to support students by
donating information or scenario scripts to be built by dissertation students. Effectively, VistA has become a
cross-university educational and support system for a variety of potential and current students.
The Virtual St Andrews University, ViStA, virtual
world project has been developed to encourage
prospective overseas students to learn and interact
with the University prior to their arrival. It has
engaged students and staff from several disciplines
and units across the University and is the focus of
student centred learning and development as well as
interactive enquiry from overseas students.
Initially constructed by researchers in the School
of Computer Science who have experience in other
immersive environments, the project was also
directed by a member of staff from the English
Language Teaching service. Therefore the project
considered non English native speakers as the
primary client or student within the virtual world.
Overseas postgraduate students coming to study in
the UK for one year only for a Masters degree are
faced with many urgent requirements; to be inducted
and oriented within a few days, to understand the
expectations of academic staff, the University’s rules
and regulations, to discover where buildings or staff
reside as well as settle into residences or other
accommodations and make contact with other
students. The rationale behind the decision to build a
virtual St Andrews was concluded from the
experiences of many staff, and students, that one
year postgraduate overseas students, especially, need
some help in understanding the University system
and embedding themselves within their new physical
The following paper outlines some of the
approaches we have taken to alleviate student stress
and to follow advice garnered from student
interviews and staff requirements for information to
be displayed in a more interactive and enjoyable
way. Part two discusses Virtual Worlds (VWs) and
considers how far the educational research into VWs
has come and Part three summarises the developing
Virtual St Andrews project. The paper concludes
with discoveries from our user trials.
Virtual Worlds (VWs) are an important tool in
modern teaching as well as the entertainment
industries. As immersive environments they can lead
the user, via an avatar with some projected identity,
through a series of escapist games and interactions,
or through a series of learning defined objectives. In
the last decade (Duncan et al., 2011) there has been
an explosion in interest in using VWs for
educational purposes, from primary and secondary
Duncan I., Brooks J. and Miller A..
Exploratory Learning in the ViStA Immersive Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0004387201280135
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 128-135
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
educational constructive learning through to Higher
Educational constructs in which the student self
learns and self directs.
Mennecke (2008) stated that VWs are part of the
domain of multiplayer online games but without the
organised gameplay. Consequently, the user can
meander through a VW or interact with scenarios in
a personally chosen path or meet with and work
together with other users. VW examples are the
Sims (http://thesims.ea.com/en_us/home), a game
with multiple environments such as towns, hospitals,
holiday islands to visit, or the online game worlds
Second Life (http://secondlife.com/) and Active
Worlds (www.activeworlds.com). In these online
worlds personally designed avatars can roam, build,
interact or quest. Both have educational islands
(servers) from a large list of Universities and
Colleges who have bought space to build an
environment for their students to interact and learn
in. Another system commonly used is OpenSim
(http://opensimulator.org/) which is an open source
VW simulator. The University of St Andrews
School of Computer Science uses OpenSim to build
multiple environments for students such as the
Laconia Acropolis Project, St Andrews Cathedral
and Castle, Linlithgow Palace, Brora Site and a
Virtual Humanitarian Disaster (VHD) Simulation
(http://openvirtualworlds.org/). Some of these have
been built in conjunction with Scottish Heritage or
with other academic schools in the University such
as Archaeology or Management. The simulated
worlds are rich in visual and cognitive
entertainment. Users can wander through the worlds,
or as in the VHD, interact with constantly changing
Immersive environments cover a range of
environments where the cognitive awareness of a
user is altered by an artificial environment. The user
effectively suspends partial or complete belief,
enabling them to interact and react to stimuli in the
artificial world. This is applicable to chess players
being mentally immersed in their game, or to players
within a virtual environment cave, where they have a
total immersion within the world and their actions,
through tactical or sensory motor accoutrements
allow a complete sensation of being in that
environment. Users of Active Worlds, Second Life
or OpenSim have a narrative immersion when they
feel emotionally invested in the experience. They
may even progress to a form of spatial immersion
when the game play is projected or they feel so
convinced by the reality of the simulation that their
awareness is totally embedded within the
experience. Consequently we use the terms Virtual
Worlds as well as immersion as the simulations are
growing increasingly real to afford the user a sense
of being in-world.
Around the world, there are many users of
Second Life and Active World, latest estimates
suggest these are in the range of half a billion users.
The world online population, as of June 2012, is
2,405 million users with North America, Australia
and Europe with the highest online penetration of
over 60% each (http://internetworldstats.com). The
fastest growing regions are Asia, Africa, Middle
East and Latin America with online user growth
rates of circa 1000% over the last decade. Asia
currently has 27.5% of its population online but at
over 1,076 million people this demonstrates a vast
target for online educational support as well as
learning within games. It is therefore necessary to
summarise the types of use that researchers have
made of virtual worlds to enable an assessment of
the state of the art.
One of the driving forces of this work was the
knowledge that many students feel stressed when
arriving in a new University and a new country.
According to Smith & Khawaja (2011) acculturative
stressors include language barriers, educational
difficulties, loneliness and some basic practical
problems with finding themselves in a completely
new environment. The goals for students are to
achieve adaptation, socialisation and have an
awareness of the host country (Lord & Dawson,
2002). The OECD (2012) indicates that there are
now over 4 million international students worldwide
with over 52% from Asia. Since 2000 the number of
foreign tertiary students in OECD countries has
doubled. Consequently an attempt to reduce either
language or educational or socio-cultural stressors is
a valuable goal for any educational establishment.
2.1 A Virtual Educational Taxonomy
In a Virtual World Educational Taxonomy (Duncan
et al., 2012) the authors consider the primary level
differentiators to be the Who (Population), the What
(Educational Activity), the Why (Learning Theory),
the Where (Environment) and the How (Supporting
Technologies). A sixth category allows current and
active research to be noted.
The Population category demonstrates that
researchers have worked on VWs for a variety of
different age groups from primary school age
children up to Higher Education students. Also,
some worlds have been developed for physically
disabled users. Most of the published work to date
focuses on higher or further education.
The Educational Activities category is rich in
diversity from problem based learning, role playing,
enquiry based learning, collaborative work, virtual
filed work or even simply attending classes in-
world. Myller et al (2009) presented an Engagement
Taxonomy which included simple viewing (of
information), as well as responding, changing,
constructing or presenting. This effectively reduces
to no engagement, passive engagement and active
engagement. Most of the activities in this category
fall into the active engagement category with users
constructing artefacts in-world or discovering
information and forming solutions. Collaborative
simulation and constructional activities comprised
over 70% of the reviewed literature here.
Learning Theories refers to the philosophy
behind the educational activity. Here we have
constructivist, experiential learning, collaborative,
experimental, instructional or didactive approaches
used with the most common being constructivist and
collaborative. It is noted here that Jestice and Kahai
(2010) suggested that virtual worlds can offer unique
experiences consistent with situated learning theory
in which learning happens within the applied context
and learning is active and acquired through
experience. Jarmon et al. (2009) concluded that
Second Life is an effective environment for a
project-based experiential learning approach because
of the connection between the real world and the in-
world tangible experience. Not surprisingly,
collaboration and experimental constructivism were
the dominant categories in the reviewed literature.
The Learning Environment category include the
Web 2.0 based Virtual Learning Environments
(VLEs) and Learning Management Systems (LMSs)
as well as the 3D web based technologies which
include virtual worlds.
The Supporting Technology category lists the
variety of technologies that are optional or required
within environments. These include Chat and Instant
Messaging (IM), audio, streaming technologies,
infrastructural aspects such as virtualisation or
networking requirements such as bandwidth and port
dedication. As far as the user is concerned the
communication aspects and visualisation and
rendering speeds are vital in aiding immersion.
Lastly, the Research Areas category
demonstrates that current researchers are not just
investigating appropriate educational strategies,
learning objectives and techniques, but are also
inquiring into how identity and embodiment and
even geo-spatial representation affects the user’s
immersion. Further challenges include
understanding social norms and interactions within
VWs and also how knowledge passing and co-
ordination of knowledge can be supportive. A
separate area of growing interest amongst linguists is
the use of virtual worlds to aid language learning in
a more contextual environment. However, a running
theme amongst most work is the problem of
evaluation and assessment. Most work reviewed was
descriptive from case studies and did not engage
with the assessment issues.
The Educational Taxonomy described above
informed the design and development of the virtual
world described in this paper. The original intent
was to build a VW useful for acculturation purposes,
an unusual learning or educational goal. Experiential
or exploratory learning was the key learning theory
considered at this stage. However, as the system was
developed and trialled, it was noted that the world
could be also be used for educational purposes such
as training within Masters level research methods
modules which cover a variety of topics taught at
repeated intervals to different groups of students
within the University. Consequently, the
Educational Activities, and the levels of
engagement, were passive learning through active
engagement with project based work, instructional
and collaborative scenario building. The Learning
Environment was the ViStA world, but the
Supporting Technologies were essentially basic
interaction and manipulation through a laptop or
personal computer. Our Population was primarily
postgraduate overseas students and our inital
Research Area was the investigation of what
overseas students would engage with for orientation
and induction, especially when those actual real-
world periods were time reduced in the university
calendar. Secondly we desired to investigate student
based learning and student directed learning, for
support purposes, around specific issues of concern
for overseas students.
2.2 Educational Issues in VWs
Whereas much current research is focussed on
experimental environments in which students have
tasks or activities to perform, several issues have
arisen from our experiences in the management of
these activities:
Educators find it hard to monitor students
in-world without having a constant
presence which may negate student
discussion or alter behaviour.
Without monitoring it is difficult to know
whether student work is truly collaborative
and whether all students are engaged and
have their comments taken into account by
their peer group.
Assessment and evaluation problems then
follow from the above. Formally written
student reports are often used to consider
their learning experiences but these are not
always a true reflection of what a student
has learned both academically and about
themselves from their experiences. More
reflection is required and appropriate
assessment and evaluation methods need to
be developed.
How much contextual information or
directive information should be given to
students is an important facet of teaching
in-world. Essentially how much do
educators lead the student or is this another
element that must be layered as students
develop their own skill sets.
Inclusion and accessibility is of importance
especially when dealing with non native
speakers or students new to VWs. If
instructions are in English or the use of
idioms is common, then again, we must be
aware of secondary problems posed by
working in an immersive, but essentially
foreign, environment for new students. We
should not add to their educational or social
stress factors.
These issues do not allow us to fully utilise the
power of immersive environments. Virtual Worlds
have great potential to reach a variety of students
and give them a self directed and essentially free
form mechanism to discover for themselves. If
educators can leverage the power of immersion
within VWs, students will gain benefit from doing
and understanding rather than listening. The current
work in virtual archaeological field work, visual
representations and interaction with algorithms,
biological models and the human body as well as
architectural models and police scene
reconstructions demonstrate the variety of uses of
VWs. However, if there are problems with
evaluation and assessment we run the risk of
allowing students to enjoy these worlds, without
correctly assessing their work. Feedback therefore
becomes problematical and grading is unlikely to be
accurate. A secondary issue here may be that the
types of (taught) modules which incorporate VWs
need to be peer assessed or report assessed, both of
which cause separate problems with accuracy or
peer transparency.
A further area that has not been well developed
so far are the use of these environments for either
language teaching such as TEFL or for learning
research methods. Both of these are important fields
for overseas students coming to study in the UK.
Apart from learning the language, students must
write reports and dissertations in (scientific) English,
and learn our systems of academic integrity,
laboratory practices, statistics etc. All of these are
stressful for the novice student.
2.3 Exploratory Learning in VWs
Overseas students, especially, must come to
understand the cultural and academic requirements
when studying abroad. No matter the country
overseas students decide to study in there will be
many stressful and acclimatisation situations ahead
of them in finding out travel information,
accommodation, matriculation, fees and visa
requirements let alone finding a suitable academic
school in which to study. These may not be directly
educational but orientation, and induction problems
affect a student’s ability to settle into academic
work. By developing a VW to allow a student to
engage with their prospective university in advance
of arrival, it is posited that the student is more
engaged, and more aware of important educational
and support information.
An aspect of this work is to investigate whether
students follow exploratory learning patterns of
asking questions (about relevant issues),
investigating further (URL usage, chat, email),
creating (scenarios or information for future student
usage), discussing (sharing ideas and knowledge)
and reflecting (through online histories of their time
in St Andrews). The initial user trials demonstrate
that students have followed the first four stages and
the latter two are under construction with current
projects. These have been driven by the students and
their own enquiries based on using the ViStA world
as an online orientation tool. The use of the world as
a TEFL environment or for supporting teaching will
now be a later phase of our continuing research and
we plan to monitor the learning patterns used.
The next section describes work in building the
virtual university with the primary aim of helping
overseas students through their orientation and
induction into a UK university. If only a few
students find that a virtual university delivers
appropriate contextual information and helps them,
and their families, understand the world in which
they are physically going to be part of, then the
virtual university has been a useful exercise.
To gain entry to the ViStA world go to the URL:
http://openvirtualworlds.org/ViStA/register/ and
following registration one can download a viewer
before entering the virtual medieval St Salvator’s
Quad at the centre of the University.
ViStA was originally created as a Virtual World
orientation site for overseas students and has been
used and evaluated by current MLitt and MSc
students from the Arts and Science faculties. The
original research plan was to develop a safe and
welcoming environment for students considering or
intending to come to St Andrews to study with us.
Students would be able to peruse and interact with
the simulation of the university correctly placed
within the city of St Andrews. Students would
therefore feel familiarity with the geographical
layout of university buildings as well as discover
where key resources are physically placed.
One year postgraduate students have very little
time to be inducted, oriented and then embedded
into their course. They also have to settle into
residences and the social side of university life
before producing work at Masters level, quite
commonly in English as a second language. As a
university St Andrews has over 2000 overseas
students a year, nearly 1/3
of the student
population. Helping students understand the
geography of St Andrews as well as University
procedures such as matriculation and registering for
modules should allow students to be more aware of
their situation. Recent changes in the University
calendar also reduced time spent on orientation and
put extra stress on academic and support staff to
publish information in a short time frame. Therefore
we considered it a useful exercise to discover what
essential information both new students require to
know and also, what University staff need to impart,
to help new students through orientation. We
decided that a simulated version of St Andrews
would be a useful tool to impart knowledge and to
guide students through their new physical
environment. The use of virtual worlds and
interactive technologies allows students to get to
know the University, and possibly key staff or each
other, before arrival. Although this does not directly
impact onto teaching and learning, we expected a
positive response from students and therefore a
positive effect on learning from prior engagement
and a welcoming attitude from the University.
The research plan allowed us to develop
structured activities to encourage friendships and
contacts to ease the transition into UK Higher
Education student life. Current students were also
encouraged to participate by both entering the world
to chat to visitors as well as develop their own
(virtual) areas and interests in-world.
3.1 Work Packages
The initial plan was to achieve key outcomes from
the initial build time of six months. There were four
main work packages, see Table 1, and the project
was managed by weekly meetings to determine short
term goals.
In Work Package One we concentrated on
building a virtual world geographically identical to
one of the oldest parts of the University; St
Salvator’s Quad and the Chapel and School
buildings that surround the quad today. The area was
extended to include the Student Accommodation
Office and the Advice and Support Centre, the ASC,
Table 1: ViStA Work Packages.
WP 1 ViStA Build: Generate the prototype world
in OpenSim concentrating on the oldest parts
of the University and key student services.
WP2 Orientation: Interview key staff and build
scenarios and interactive avatars to
demonstrate services.
WP3 Technical Storage & Virtualisation: ensure
that the system can take many visitors
WP4 Evaluation: Test the system using current
students and staff and feedback information
into the system.
which is frequently used by prospective and current
students and was therefore considered vital to the
virtual world.On arrival inside ViStA, a student’s
avatar is centred in the Quad. Currently the Schools
building and the College Halls that are sited on two
sides of the Quad (see Figure 1) have rooms in
which students can read posters with static and
dynamic information embedded in them, or view
short videos that are sited in picture frames of
University life in St Andrews. These videos are a
mix of official University videos and student made
ones from their Bubble TV student society. In a later
version of ViStA the lecture theatres and rooms will
be exact in details to reality but for this prototype
version we kept the physical facades of the buildings
accurate but kept the space inside as one large room
to enable multiple avatars to mingle.
Work Package two was concerned with
interviewing key staff and current students to
discover the information they considered vital to any
new student arriving in the city. Although these are
only at an early stage of development, as befits a
prototype, we will be building more scenarios and
interactive displays and in-world content over the
coming months as our Honours and Masters students
develop more in-world content during their project
and dissertation phases.
Work Package Three was the technical support
for ViSta, and other worlds, ensuring that enough
computational resources were available to enable
multiple visitors to be in-world at the same time.
ViStA has worked well with up to 20 avatars active
in-world but a trial in early Spring 2013 is scheduled
to test the system with many more concurrent users.
Figure 1: Inside the Quad facing the College Halls (ahead)
and the Schools buildings (right).
Work Package Four has already taken place after
the initial, primary build. Students from both MLitt
(Arts) and MSc (Science) courses were asked to test
the system in its prototype state and to give
feedback. We were encouraged by the interest of
many students who wanted to build constructs and
scenarios as part of their research dissertations.
These work packages were designed to allow us
to grow the immersive environment and to allow
domain specialists to submit information for upload
to the environment. Information about University
facilities such as Accommodation, Library, ELT
services, IT services and academic school
information could be linked to via in-world posters
or leaflets with embedded links or static information.
Similarly avatars could “carry” information allowing
visitors to read information when close to an avatar.
For example, a student representative avatar wearing
the bright red undergraduate gown could hold
information on where a visiting student may wish to
find information.
3.2 Challenges
As with many projects scheduled to last a few
months, much time was lost in discovering who in
the University held information about particular
processes or who had the right to allow us access to
videos or film in accommodation blocks. However,
as the project is planned to grow organically over the
next few years, then the lateness of some
information was considered non essential to the
success of the initial project.
As we advertised the virtual world within the
University we discovered that several units were
keen to add to our environment; the Advice and
Support Centre were keen to advertise their facilities
and support and to offset their massive workload in
the early weeks of a new academic year and the
English Language support services were keen to
develop avatar scenarios and interaction for
language practice. Further, commercial
organisations in the city of St Andrews, a small city
of around 16,000 population, offered images of store
fronts and lists of available wares to add to the
information content of ViStA. We installed URLs to
commercial organisations in their shop fronts so that
the information was dynamic and devolved to the
commercial organisation.
The level of immersion offered in our prototype
version was low; students did not wear game wear
such as helmets or gloves. Only auditory queues
were available along with chat mechanisms. The
system was similar to Second Life wherein avatars
can move around by walking or flying and could
interact by chatting. One of the many research
questions that we hope to consider in future
experiments is the level of immersion required by
students before a benefit is measurable. Many
institutions will not wish to engage in expensive
interaction equipment when, or if, students are
willing to suspend belief or engage with learning at a
lower level of an immersive environment.
3.2.1 Information Management
Management of information was one of our major
concerns and it was important that we devolved the
information back to the original sources by
embedding URL links to web pages as much as
possible. Some information was static but we
decided that any frequently updateable information
was best updated by the original source so that
visitors were getting the latest updated information,
such as train times or cost of accommodation. Local
dissemination of information was therefore
important to gain buy-in from the University and
from city organisations that students would
frequently use such as transport companies.
3.2.2 Language Support
The original plan for ViStA was to aid overseas
students’ orientation so that they would engage
with University work earlier and with less stress.
Consequently multiple language information and
interaction was a major consideration of our work.
We originally planned to have in-world information
in multiple languages but decided that, as the
purpose was to help students orientate in a UK
university, it would be appropriate to keep the main
information in English. However, we also decided
that it would be appropriate for some information to
be offered in alternative languages, and what
information this is and how it is to displayed is to be
researched by students over their 2013 summer
dissertations. Effectively we would have a multi-
layered environment in which information could be
transformed into Mandarin or Hindi if current
students deem that to be necessary. Chat rooms for
specific languages have been planned in the next
3.2.3 Sustainability
Essentially we see ViStA as student centred
development for students and consequently the
project itself should be self sustaining. As students
enter the world and desire more interactivity or more
language dependent information, then they can
provide that functionality or resource for future
students. For example, using interactive avatars to
talk in a non English language was too complicated
to be developed in the first prototype but this has
been offered as a summer project for interested
students to develop.
As the prototype demonstrates successful
interaction as measured by structured interviews,
questionnaires or user logs then more interaction and
activities can be developed and the project should
improve via student led development, subject to our
analysis and evaluation. The project should have a
direct effect on student activities and stress levels in
the pre-sessional periods, staff- student relations and
student socialisation.
3.3 Evaluation
Evaluation forms were given to two sets of students
(Arts & Sciences) after a one hour ViStA taster
session. Overall there were just over 30 students.
The questionnaire is available online.
Most students felt they would not use the system
very frequently after arrival at the University (with
the system as it currently is) but they found the
system easy to use and felt confident using it. They
felt they knew more about the University and
wanted to know more about St Andrews once they
had been in-world. They found information easily
and wanted to chat to more current students, but they
were not keen on attending virtual lectures and there
was a mix of responses for wishing to talk to staff
With the free form answers, students said they
were pleased to find out more about the history and
culture within the University and about Scotland and
were fascinated by the 3D effects of the virtual
world. They wanted to explore more of the town and
University than is currently available. Some
interesting points that were raised included the
desire for students to see accommodation and
transport systems. Whereas we had concentrated on
the University as an entity with physical buildings,
geographical correctness, history and basic facts,
students wanted to know more about how to get to
St Andrews, the cost of living and travel and what
accommodation was offered.
The student questionnaire results also
demonstrated an interesting facet about VWs. We
call this the “Marmite Effect”. Most students
appeared to be fully engaged and liked the idea of a
VW, wanting to be more involved as regards
content, scenarios and even managing the project. A
smaller but substantial group, about 1/3
of the
initial cohorts questioned, did not see any benefit of
the ViStA environment. They considered the
University’s own web pages to be sufficient along
with Google maps to discover the university’s
environs. The second group appeared to find no
benefit in perceiving the University in-world,
meeting staff and students and interacting. It was
posited that this may be due to immersion factors,
the lack of game wear, of the simplicity of
interactions currently available (until Summer 2013)
in-world. It may be that some students simply prefer
their own mechanisms for finding out information
and therefore, as with all educational support tools,
the usage should be an aid to those who want it and
not enforced in any way.
ViStA was set up initially for overseas students to
help them through a short orientation and induction
period. Essentially our virtual world became a cross-
university educational and support system. Students
were engaged with the world and wanted to develop
more activities, buildings and interactions whereas
staff wanted to deposit more links to information.
Furthermore, staff and students both wanted to use
the world for social activities, from advertising balls,
sports of musical events to simply dropping into a
room to have a chat with another member of staff.
Although it was originally posited that students
would be keen to find out about a University’s
traditions, life-style and ethos, as well as necessary
procedures such as matriculation and financial it was
discovered that, pre-arrival, overseas students were
mainly worried about accommodation and travel.
Overseas students tended to hear about ancient
universities through news reports or historical
programs about which famous people attended the
University. Online information tells the prospective
student in general terms about the University and its
research status, but students really want to know
about non-academic issues such as travel to the City,
accommodation and University social life.
Consequently, we realised that it is important to
listen to what students actually want, including the
perspectives of EU and overseas students as well as
UK national students.
The major recommendation that comes out of
this project, so far, is that more time be given to a
project of this nature; where there is a technical
build and information gathering phases followed by
evaluation. Although most of what was planned was
completed, the timescale of the project has not been
conducive to finessing our scenarios or extending
our information base. Neither have we achieved the
language aspects that will be the focus of the next
research phase of our work. However, as a
prototype, the project has most definitely been a
success in terms of interest from the University and
from students who wish to participate for the benefit
of future students.
As John Stuart Mill stated in his Inaugural
Address to St Andrews in 1865 when installed as
Rector, “What an utter failure a system of education
must be, if it has not given the pupil a sufficient taste
for reading to seek for himself those most attractive
and easily intelligible of all kinds of knowledge.
We have posited that by allowing students to self
learn in a restricted but organic immersive
environment, we have encouraged self learning and
awareness through social interaction and knowledge
exchange. This may not be Mill’s vision of reading
but it is a major form of knowledge gathering for
today’s students.
We thank the UK Higher Education Academy
(HEA) for granting us funds to start the development
of the ViStA project.
There are several people involved in the
development of ViStA including the two main
developers; Iain Oliver who worked on the
networking, system support and interactivity side
and Sarah Kennedy who was directly responsible for
building the content of the world. Carys Adamson of
ELT helped with support and content and Yaning
Du did interviews and constructed in-world content.
We also wish to thank the Masters students in ELT
and the School of Computer Science.
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