Capitalize and Share Observation and Analysis Knowledge to Assist
Trainers in Professional Training with Simulation
Case of Training and Skills Maintain of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Staff
Olivier Champalle
, Karim Sehaba
and Alain Mille
Universite de Lyon, CNRS, Lyon, France
Universite de Lyon 1, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69622, Villeurbanne, France
Universite de Lyon 2, LIRIS, UMR5205, F-69676, Bron, France
Modelled Traces, Transformations, Exploration Trace-based Systems Framework, Full Scope Simulator,
Observation and Analysis Help, Training, Nuclear Power Plant, Share Knowledge.
The observation and analysis of the activity of learners in computerized environments training is a major is-
sue, particularly in the context of professional training on nuclear power plant full-scope simulator. In such
a context, the role of the trainers is critic and require constant alertness throughout the simulation especially
for the young trainers. The objective of our work is to propose an approach to facilitate the observation and
analysis of the trainees’ activities. This approach is based on interaction traces. It consists in representing the
operators’ actions and the simulation data in the form of modelled traces. These modelled traces are trans-
formed in order to extract higher informations levels on the behaviour of trainees. Trainers can visualize the
different levels to analyse the reasons, of successes or failure of trainees. This approach has been implemented
in a prototype, called D3KODE, allowing the representation, processing and visualization of traces. D3KODE
was evaluate according to a comparative protocol conducted with a team of trainers from EDF Group.
This work addresses the general question of observa-
tion and analysis of learners’ activities in a situation
of professional training. More specifically, we ad-
dresse the case of full scale simulators (FSS) designed
to maintain and enhance the knowledge and skills of
Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) control room staff (Cham-
palle et al., 2011) (Blanc et al., 2010). In this context,
the observation, analysis and debriefing of individual
and collective interactions of trainees is a dense activ-
ity that require attention and constant alertness of the
trainers throughout the simulation.
Indeed, during each simulation session, the in-
structor runs the simulation scenario, observes be-
haviour of trainees, drives the simulator based on the
actions performed by trainees and fills an observation
balance sheet to prepare and conduct the debriefing.
Observation balance sheet contains a set of expected
operations that trainees should be able to satisfy (see
for example the Annexe G of (Agency, 2004)). These
operations correspond to the knowledge and skills
that are necessary to insure safety of the plant.
To assist trainers in their tasks, the NPP FSS pos-
sesses several tools to follow, record and replay the
parameters of the simulator and the actions of the
trainees. These tools have however their limitations:
The data stored in the logs are very low level. In
such a context, understanding and following the
activity require a strong expertise that all trainers
don’t have;
The amount of data collected during a simulation
is so big that it is very difficult to analyse them
manually and extract high level information re-
flecting the behaviour of trainees;
The synchronization of these different types of
data (video, sound, logs,...), is difficult and expen-
sive. Indeed, the data are stored in different places
and files and do not share the same time line.
With the aim of going beyond these difficulties our
proposals are the following:
assist trainers in observation and analysis of activ-
ity by:
providing a visual synthesis of the activity with
the expected observations of the trainees (real-
ized or not realized);
Champalle O., Sehaba K. and Mille A..
Capitalize and Share Observation and Analysis Knowledge to Assist Trainers in Professional Training with Simulation - Case of Training and Skills
Maintain of Nuclear Power Plant Control Room Staff.
DOI: 10.5220/0004388806270632
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU-2013), pages 627-632
ISBN: 978-989-8565-53-2
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
allowing exploration of the abstraction levels to
facilitate the analysis of the activity;
allowing trainers to add their own observations
corresponding to their expertise to save time
during the phases of observation and analysis.
strengthen the debriefing by:
providing trainees a visual synthesis of their ac-
tivities in a self-reflexive way;
providing trainers factual information to ex-
change with the trainees.
favour sharing of observation and analysis knowl-
edge between trainers by:
allowing trainers to exchange on their practices;
allowing new trainers to reuse the knowledge of
the confirmed trainers.
To improve the actual tools for trainers and con-
cretize our proposals we base our reflections on a bet-
ter exploitation of simulation data.
This article is organized as follow: section 2
presents a state of the art on related works. Section
3 presents our approach, models and tools for obser-
vation and analysis activities. Section 4 present the
evaluation of our approach and the results. The last
section is devoted to a conclusion and perspectives.
Exploitation of the trace of trainees’ activities is a
spread practice in the computerized dedicated envi-
ronments for training. With the term Digital Traces
we mean all numerical data produced by an activity
or set of activities. These activities result from hu-
man system interactions and/or between a system on
another system.
In order to find the most relevant approaches for
our proposals, we have conducted a state of the art
in two steps. At first we have compared approaches
close to our context and research proposals. In a sec-
ond step, we focused our study in the field of knowl-
edge engineering to determine the approaches best
suited to capitalize knowledge from observation and
analysis of the activity, whatever it is.
Approaches on Similar Research Context
In the domain of Nuclear Power Plant Full-Scope
Simulator, the SEPIA system (Dunand et al., 1989),
a computer training system by artificial intelligence,
was designed for operators training of EDF Group
on pre-defined scenarios. SEPIA is based on an ex-
pert system constructed from the knowledge of driv-
ing procedures and expert trainers. Once the simula-
tion over, SEPIA gives a feedback by analysing and
correcting the operators’ actions. During the debrief-
ing, SEPIA allows the operators to obtain explana-
tions concerning any registered parameters.
In Aircraft simulation (IIPDSS), (Bass, 1998) in-
troduces an intelligent trainer pilot decision support
system that use trace of trainee-pilot’ activities to help
trainer during the simulation, debriefing, and perfor-
mance evaluation. During the practice, the system
displays in real time to the trainer a list of message
to help him understand and guide the trainee. For the
evaluation, the system collects and displays the evalu-
ation criteria applicable to a particular simulated mis-
sion and instances when the trainee failed to meet the
criteria. At the end of the simulation, the system pro-
vides a complete trace of the divergent actions of the
trainee, associated with the corresponding data of the
aircraft simulation environment. The system provides
also a summary of the skills with which the trainee
has difficulty.
The PPTS project (Pedagogical Platoon Training
System) (Joab et al., 2002) assists trainers to observe
and analyse the tactical behaviour of a platoon net-
work of four LECLERC tank simulators. The PPTS
integrates an ITS which reproduces the expertise of
trainers in order to exploit and analyse the numerical
traces of the simulation to highlight the three skills
levels expected from each crews: technical, tactical
and strategic. Each level being constructed on the ba-
sis of lower level. At the end of the simulation, the
PPTS generates a summary document and comment
on the skills of the crews to assist trainers in the de-
briefing phase.
Works cited above use the digital traces of activity
to diagnose and analyse behaviour of trainees but miss
important properties. Indeed, the tools proposed in
these approaches are based on closed systems. Their
implementation is generally heavy (ITS, expert sys-
tem) and requires a long and close collaboration with
experts. Another limitation lies in the ”static” knowl-
edge used by these systems. Indeed, once these sys-
tems are built, it is not possible for the trainers to
create and share their own observation and analysis
knowledge. It is also not possible to define the levels
of expected skills.
To meet this specific need of creation and sharing
of observation and analysis knowledge based on dig-
ital traces, we studied other approaches from knowl-
edge engineering.
Knowledge Engineering
(Dyke, 2009) proposes the analysis tool Tatiana
(Trace Analysis Tool for Interaction Analysts) which
implements the concept of replayable in order to as-
sist the analysis of heterogeneous data (videos, logs,
..). A replayable is a generic analytic artefact that
models and capitalizes an analysis methodology built
from user trace. A replayable can be visualised, re-
played, enriched, transformed to produce a new re-
playable and synchronised with other like artefacts.
The system ABSTRACT (Analysis of Behaviour
and Situation for menTal Representation Assessment
and Cognitive acTivitiy modeling)(Georgeon et al.,
2011) is used to analyse human activity from succes-
sive transformations of low level trace. Transforma-
tions are based on SPARQL rules and can be reused
in different contexts. Abstract provided the possibil-
ity to visualize traces and their transformations.
The TBS-IM (Trace Based System Indicators
Moodle) (Djouad et al., 2010) allows the creation of
individual and collective indicators for educational
activities on the learning platform Moodle. TBS-
IM supports the user in the elaboration of indicators
masking successive abstraction levels necessary for
their construction. These indicators calculations can
be capitalized for the purpose of reuse.
These approaches are similar to our research ob-
jective. Their advantage lies in the common use of
the concept of Modelled Trace (see Section 3) and the
principle of reuse of transformation for abstracting a
low level trace in order to highlight higher levels of
knowledge. There are however differences and limits.
In (Dyke, 2009), there is nothing to assist the trainers
in the creation of the transformations rules, TBS-IM
(Djouad et al., 2010) can not view the activity on dif-
ferent levels of abstraction and ABSTRACT (Geor-
geon et al., 2011) does not allow transformation with
several rules.
If these approaches do not fit all the searched
properties, the approach based on modelled trace and
transformation rule, enhanced in ABSTRACT and
TBS-IM, seems to be more flexible, facilitating the
analysis and knowledge sharing.
Our research is based on the concept of modelled
trace developed by the SILEX
team (Settouti et al.,
2009). A Modelled Trace, noted M-Trace, is a set
of observed elements associated to the trace model it-
self. We call observed element, noted obsel any struc-
tured information generated from the observation of
an activity (Georgeon et al., 2011). In our research
context, activity observed is a training simulation on
a NPP FSS of EDF. The obsels collected are the re-
sult of users interactions (trainees and trainers) with
the FSS, and the simulation of the NPP process it-
self. Formally, each observed element has a type, a
label and a time stamp in the M-Trace. According to
his type an obsel can have a set of attributes/values,
which characterizes it. An obsel can potentially be in
relation with other obsel of the same M-Trace through
relation type defined in the Trace Model. The Trace
Model defines the types of observed elements (i.e the
attributes that characterize them) and the types of re-
lationships they can have between them. A Modelled
Trace is then a structure of data (obsels and relations)
explicitly associated with its trace model. Modelled
Traces are managed with a Trace-Based Management
System (TBMS) (Settouti et al., 2009). The TBMS is
responsible for managing the storage of traces (rights
management, database...) and their transformations.
A Transformation process performs transformations
on M-Traces like applying filters, rewriting and ag-
gregating elements, etc. so as to interpret and abstract
Visual Synthesis of the Activity
For reasons we have explained above, the data col-
lected by the simulators are difficult to analyse. It’s
why we distinguish three levels of m-traces:
Primary M-Trace whose obsels arise from data
collected by the sources of the simulator;
M-Trace of Pedagogical Objectives, which repre-
sents the first level of expected obsels that trainees
have to realize and trainers to check;
M-Trace of Pedagogical Objectives Family. This
higher M-Trace shows obsels that describe ”peda-
gogical objectives family” (realized or not) as ex-
pressions of the expected trainees’ capacities.
These different levels of M-traces are obtained
by applying rule-based transformations. These rules
makes explicit the observation knowledge of expert.
As shown in figure 1, each obsel belonging to a trace
of level n is in relation with its origin obsel(s) from
the trace of level n 1. The obsels of the Primary
M-Trace are in relation with the data collected by the
simulator. Such structure allows trainers to explore,
analyse the trainees’ activities with a top-down inves-
tigation to understand the reasons, be they individ-
ual or collective, of failure. Consequently, trainers
would also be able to better prepare and conduct the
Figure 1: Principle of analysis by transformation and visu-
alization of trace.
session’s debriefing with trainees. On the other hand
it would be possible to help new trainers to improve
their skills by helping them in observing Trainees. For
example, if the trainers want to understand the reasons
why the obsel ”Professional Gestures” of the M-Trace
of Pedagogical Objectives Family is KO
, they have
just to navigate through their different origin obsels of
the M-Trace of Pedagogical Objectives. According to
the Rule 9, the obsel ”Professional Gestures” is OK
only if all of these four origin obsels are OK.
Generic Trace Model
Whatever the level of M-Trace, its model and the
simulator used, we believe that a simulation M-Trace
must ”pick-up” its own identity to be locatable and
usable over time. This ”identity card” of the M-Trace
would be particularly useful for large-scale statisti-
cal research and/or analysis on a set of M-Trace cor-
pus, and particularly to feed experience feedback, de-
scribed in the Trace-Based framework presented in
(Champalle et al., 2011). Through experience feed-
back, trainers try to understand good or bad practices
on several simulations in order to improve contents of
the future training courses.
So, as described in the class diagram of Figure
2, all the M-Traces of our model have an ID, a be-
ginning and end date, the level of M-Trace (Primary,
Pedagogical Objectives,...), type of simulator, type of
training (Initial or Retraining), category (Summative,
Formative), with the scenario of simulation and the
training program (Op Reactor, Op Turbine,...). In our
context, the obsels are the direct result of users’ in-
teractions (trainees and trainers) with the FSS, and
the message of the NPP simulation process (Primary
M-Trace) or result from execution of transformations
The operator did not validate this objective
(M-Trace of Pedagogical Objectives and M-Trace of
Family Pedagogical Objectives). Therefore each ob-
sel type has common attributes: an ID, a begin and
a end date, a label, the ID of the Generative subject
(Person, Group, Simulator), a SubjectNature (evalu-
ated or not), the RoleSubject (Op Reactor, Op Tur-
bine, Supervisor, etc.) and a realization attribute (OK
or KO). This model can be specify for each M-Trace
model and obsel as needed.
Figure 2: Generic Trace Model.
Transformation Model
Transformation allows generating a target trace of
level n from a source trace of level n-1. Each Trans-
formation is composed of a set of rules which have
a part Condition and a part Construction (Figure 3).
The condition part expresses constraints on the el-
ements (obsel type, relationship type, values of at-
tribute, etc.) of the M-Trace(s) source(s).
The construction part allows defining the obsel
and the relationships of the new target M-Trace if
all the constraints of the condition part are satisfied.
For each part of a rule (condition and construction),
it’s possible to use specific operators as arithmetic,
boolean and/or comparison in order to express con-
straints on the attribute values of sources obsels (con-
dition) or make calculations to initialize the values of
the attributes of the obsel target (construction).
D3KODE as ”Define, Discover, and Disseminate
Knowledge from Observation to Develop Expertise”
is a Web application, which stores and transforms
traces according to the organization and the models
presented in previous sections. D3KODE also allows
the user to interactively view the various trace levels.
So the trainers can explore the different abstraction
levels in purposes of investigation and/or education to
target gaps and difficulties of each trainee.
The storage of M-Trace and transformation mod-
els and rules is based on the kTBS (kernel for Trace
Figure 3: Transformation model.
Base System). The kTBS
is a Trace-Based Manage-
ment System architecture (Settouti et al., 2009) de-
veloped by the SILEX team. Data of the kTBS are
encoded in RDF
(Resource Description Framework).
The transformation rules, are written in SPARQL1.1
D3KODE is multi-user and multi-language.
In order to evaluate the properties of our approach we
have defined an evaluation protocol based on a qual-
itative comparative method (Per and Martin, 2009).
It consists in comparing the observation, analysis and
debriefing of the trainees’ activities with and without
D3KODE. This evaluation was driven on a summa-
tive scenario on a FSS of an NPP of EDF Group. It
mobilized 8 people: 2 confirmed trainers to drive the
simulation and observe trainees, 4 trainees to drive
the simulator (2 for each simulation) and 2 experts
to observe the simulations and to assess the support
provided by D3KODE. The trace models and trans-
formation rules of the scenario were modelled by an
expert trainer who did not attend the evaluation. In
this way, we ensure the correct evaluation of the shar-
ing of knowledge between trainers.
Simulation with D3KODE
The first simulation lasted 1 hour and 14mn and gen-
erated 3591 obsels which were collected and injected
into D3KODE. The trainers have observed 2 No Real-
izations (NR) tracked in the simulation logs and view-
able by D3KODE.
During the analysis, the obsels displayed by
D3KODE were faithful with the simulation. Never-
theless, their visualization, did not bring more infor-
mation to trainers. They have however considered
valuable and useful the quick access to information
such as begin and end date, obsel’s label, rule’s de-
scription, etc. This possibility has facilitated the anal-
ysis and exchanges between trainers. The presence,
in D3KODE, of the 2 NR was a significant contribu-
tion for the trainers. No Realization are indeed what
is traditionally harder to be confirmed.
During the debriefing, D3KODE was used by
trainers as a visual aid to re-trace the chronology of
observation and exchange with the trainees. During
this phase D3KODE has also helped to highlight a NR
which was ”forgotten” by the trainers.
Traditional Simulation
The second simulation lasted 1 hour and 13mn.
According with the evaluation protocol, D3KODE
wasn’t used for analysis and debriefing. During this
simulation, The trainer have observed 3 No Realiza-
tions (NR) tracked in the simulation logs. The analy-
sis and debriefing phase of the operators took place in
much the same way that the simulation 1.
Global Analysis of the Results
The analysis of the results allowed us to collect sev-
eral remarks on the contribution of D3KODE.
First of all, the trainers, showed themselves partic-
ularly interested in the visual synthesis of the activity
on several levels. It would allow them, in the phase
of analysis, to compare and verify the observations
noted during the session, in order to be sure that noth-
ing has been forgotten and so to raise all ambiguities.
In this way our proposal concerning the revealing of
observable KO was very relevant.
This evaluation also confirmed that the approach
of D3KODE, based on rules and transformations in
order to share knowledge of observation and of analy-
sis, was understood and validated by all trainers. They
have also validated the interest of our approach for
the creation of additional specific observation (out-
side of the balance sheet of the evaluation) to attend
their analysis and decision on the conduct of trainees.
D3KODE would be used for post-analysis and cal-
culations that trainers can not do in real time and/or
For the phase of debriefing, the essential contri-
bution of D3KODE lies in the factual data presented
through the visual synthesis of the activity. This func-
tionality is indeed considered by the trainers as a good
mean to encourage the reflexive self-analysis of the
trainees and highlight the axes of improvement.
Globally, the evaluation of D3KODE in real con-
dition demonstrated that the trainers considered the
contribution of D3KODE as relevant to enrich their
activity. In particular D3KODE could strengthen the
current tools of the follow-up and the analysis of the
trainees’ activities mainly a posteriori.
To wider scale, D3KODE would be even of a par-
ticular interest to analyse traces of simulation in quan-
tity to highlight the recurring errors of the trainees and
integrate them to the EXperience Feedback and build
new more adapted trainings.
It should be added that if the trainers perceive
D3KODE as potentially beneficial, they have pointed
out that the use of D3KODE would introduce a
change in their practices.
This article addresses the problem of observing and
analysing trainees’ behaviour on Nuclear Power Plant
Full-Scope Simulator. This work, conducted in part-
nership with the UFPI of EDF Group, is applied in
the context of training and maintaining the knowledge
and skills of NPP control room staff. The objective of
our work is to propose models and tools to help train-
ers capitalize and share their observation and analy-
sis knowledge in order to improve observation, analy-
sis and debriefing of trainees’ activities during forma-
tive/summative assessment.
The approach we proposed is to transform the raw
traces, based on data collected from the simulator, in
order to extract high level information on the activ-
ities of trainees. For this we have proposed a ded-
icated trace model and transformation. In order to
guarantee the exploration between various levels of
M-Trace, each obsel possesses a link on its origin.
We have also developed a prototype, called,
D3KODE which favour share of trainers’ observation
knowledge, and which stores, process and visualize
the traces. This prototype implements the various
models we have created. So as to validate our ap-
proach, we have conducted an evaluation based on a
comparative method. This experiment was conducted
with a team of trainers from UFPI of EDF Group in
a real context. The result of the evaluation demon-
strated that our approach was favourably welcomed
by the trainers and could be really relevant to enrich
their activity.
Our future work will aim to address the second
objective of the project: exploitation of traces for the
experience feedback to refine the needs and optimize
training programs for years to come.
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