Bridging the Gap between Multidimensional Business Problem
Formulation and the Implementation of Multidimensional
Data Models
Franca Piazza and Friedrich Röhrs
Chair of Management Information-Systems, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany
Keywords: Data Warehouse Development, Multidimensional Data Model, Knowledge Base, ADAPTed UML, Human
Resource Management.
Abstract: In data warehouse implementations the comprehensive identification of user requirements is a critical
success factor. The translation of business problems into conceptual data models is very challenging and
currently there are no information systems that assist in these tasks. In this research, we therefore elaborate
on the challenges in that specific area and develop an information system to gather information needs and
automatically transform them into conceptual multidimensional data models. We then demonstrate the use
of the information system within the domain of Human Resource Management.
One of the most critical success factors of data
warehouse (DW) implementation is the stringent
user involvement and complete definition and
consideration of user requirements (e.g., Olbrich, et
al., 2012); (Yeoh, 2011); (Yeoh and Koronios,
2010); (Xu and Hwang, 2008). DW store a huge
amount of business data from heterogeneous source
systems and provide users with relevant business
information. The decision whether a piece of
information is relevant or not has to be determined
by users according to the business problems to be
solved. Within the DW context, the business
problems addressed show certain characteristics
such as multidimensionality or the consideration of
hierarchies etc., which are specified in detail in
section 2. Nevertheless, the DW system has to be
business-driven in order to contribute to the solution
of business problems (Olbrich et al., 2012); (Yeoh
2011); (Kimball, 1996). Therefore, the user
requirements (in terms of their information needs)
regarding certain business problems have to be
comprehensively considered within DW projects.
They serve as a basis for the business and technical
concept of DW. One possibility to develop DW is to
use the Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
approach, which has been adapted for DW
development (Mazón and Trujillo, 2008). Following
this approach the user requirements have to be
transformed into a conceptual model understandable
by IT professionals but still independent from a
specific DW platform.
Once the user requirements are known and
designed as a conceptual model using for example
UML (Mazón and Trujillo, 2008) system support is
given in order to transform this model into
multidimensional platform specific models and even
into multidimensional code to implement DW
systems (Mazón and Trujillo, 2008); (Gluchowski et
al., 2009).
Concerning the user requirements methodical
support is available to ascertain the specific
information needs in the DW context (Winter and
Strauch, 2003).
System support to transform conceptual
multidimensional data models into multidimensional
coding and methodical support to analyze
information needs in the DW context are available.
However, an integrated solution to support the
ascertainment of information needs and to
automatically transform these user requirements into
a conceptual multidimensional model is still lacking.
Additionally there is a gap between the
information needs articulated by business
professionals using domain specific terms and the
conceptual multidimensional model modeled in a
language, such as UML for example, understandable
Piazza F. and Röhrs F..
Bridging the Gap between Multidimensional Business Problem Formulation and the Implementation of Multidimensional Data Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0004394700790087
In Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS-2013), pages 79-87
ISBN: 978-989-8565-59-4
2013 SCITEPRESS (Science and Technology Publications, Lda.)
by IT professionals. Given that the comprehensive
consideration of user requirements is still a critical
success factor, the support of these two phases, the
ascertainment of user requirements and the
derivation of a conceptual model, as well as bridging
the gap between business professionals and IT
professionals within the DW implementation is
Therefore, our aim is to develop an integrated
solution to ascertain information needs and to
automatically transform the user requirements
concerning multidimensional business problems into
multidimensional conceptual model so as to improve
and support this step of DW system implementation.
Following the process model for design science
research (Peffers et al., 2007) the paper is structured
as follows:
The research problem is elaborated by depicting
the state of the art concerning the MDA approach to
develop data warehouse systems and by deriving the
specific challenges to ascertain information needs
concerning multidimensional business problems. In
section three we derive the objectives for a solution
to solve the research problem. Afterwards, the
design and prototypical implementation of a
software artifact, that solves the problem, is
described. In section five the application of the
prototype is demonstrated within the Human
Resource Management (HRM) context and finally
conclusions are drawn.
2.1 The Model Driven Architecture
Approach for Data Warehouse
The MDA serves as a standard framework for
software development and allows the development
of models by using a standard notation (OMG
Group, 2012). The MDA separates the specification
of functionality in a computer independent model
(CIM) and a platform independent model (PIM)
from the specification that is based on a certain
technology in a platform specific model (PSM).
Mazón and Trujillo (2008) and Mazón et al. (2005)
developed an MDA approach especially for the
development of data warehouses (see figure 1). In a
first step all the user requirements have to be
ascertained in a computer independent model (CIM).
These user requirements serve as a basis for the
modeling of every data warehouse layer by
corresponding platform independent models (PIM).
These models are specified using several UML
profiles. The PIM can be automatically transformed
into several platform specific models (PSM) which
depend on the required target technology. Finally,
from the PSM the necessary SQL code can be
derived to create the multidimensional data
structures for the Data Warehouse in a relational
platform (Mazón and Trujillo 2008); (Gluchowski et
al., 2009); (Kurze and Gluchowski 2008).
Figure 1: MDA approach for data warehouse modeling
(Mazón and Trujillo, 2008).
According to MDA, the ascertainment of the
information needs representing the multidimensional
business problems is an essential step. As soon as a
multidimensional platform independent model (MD
PIM) exists an automatic transformation into
multidimensional platform specific model (MD
PSM) and even the generation of code is possible
(Mazón and Trujillo 2008); (Gluchowski et al.,
2009). This automatic transformation ensures that
the specifications are comprehensively considered
and mistakes due to manual transformations are
eliminated. The automation therefore leads to time
savings concerning the data warehouse
implementation. Sophisticated methods to collect
information needs in DW projects with clearly
defined steps have been developed (Winter and
Strauch, 2003), but they lack the support to
transform CIM into MD PIM and require the manual
modeling of MD PIM.
2.2 Formulating Multidimensional
Business Problems
Data warehouses aim at providing OLAP
functionalities to users and allow the interactive
analysis of measures from multiple perspectives, the
so called dimensions. Multidimensional business
problems reflect the business need to analyze
measures interactively from different and combined
views, for example the analysis of the measure
“headcount” at a certain time for a specific
department detailed by qualification with the
possibility to additionally view the age distribution.
The main stakeholder in this context is the business
(CIM) user
professional who is responsible for formulating the
multidimensional business problems. Business
professionals comprise managers or controllers of
certain business domains such as Human Resource
Management (HRM), sales or financial management
for example. Their information needs, based on their
multidimensional business problems, reflect the user
requirements to be ascertained in a CIM and which
serve as a basis for the MD PIM.
First of all a clear definition and description of
the measure has to be found. In order to build a
homogeneous information basis with the data
warehouse that provides information from
heterogeneous source systems, the identification of
synonyms and homonyms and a clear and precise
definition of the relevant measure are indispensible
(Winter and Strauch, 2003). Furthermore, there are
not only simple measures, such as “headcount”, but
also derived measures which are calculated using
simple measures, such as “level of overtime” for
instance, which is calculated using the “actual
working time” and the “target working time”. A
clear definition and in the case of derived measures a
valid calculation rule ensures a common
understanding of the measures which is essential in
the data warehouse context since the data warehouse
should serve as a general information base for the
company. Multidimensional business problems aim
at the analysis of measures from different
dimensions. These dimensions (for example “time”
or “region”) reflect the analysis facilities of certain
measures. Beyond the multidimensional aspect there
is also a hierarchical aspect within multidimensional
business problems. It is important to perform
analyses interactively on different aggregation levels
along dimensions. This means for example, that the
measure “headcount” should be analyzed within the
dimension “time” on the level “day” as well as
“week”, “month” and “year” while an interactive
change between these different aggregation levels is
The formulation of multidimensional business
problems by defining measures or calculating
derived measures, specifying dimensions and their
hierarchical structure is very time intensive and
hence costly. Deep domain knowledge is necessary
to achieve a consistent multidimensional business
problem formulation. The information needs have to
be ascertained manually within a company. Usually,
the requirement analysis is done with the business
professionals by interviews and by analyzing
existing reports and documents (Winter and Strauch,
2003). It is obvious that the formulation of a
multidimensional business problem has to be based
on business concepts related to a specific business
domain such as sales, controlling or HRM. At the
same time it needs to be understood by IT
professionals in order to derive relevant
multidimensional data models. The manual
translation of the information needs into a MD PIM
understandable by IT professional includes media
breaks and hence bears the risk of
misunderstandings. To meet these challenges we
propose to develop an information system with
business content stored in a knowledge base which
supports the ascertainment of multidimensional
information needs as well as the derivation of
technically and conceptually understandable MD
PIM. Our solution thus focuses on the creation of the
CIM and the MD PIM as well as the respective
automatic transformation (see figure 1).
First of all, the system should serve to reduce time
and cost for DW development by supporting and
automating steps in the process of ascertaining
information needs and deriving MD PIM. It is
obvious, that the pure mechanism to automate
process steps holds the potential to save time and
costs, but it is not sufficient. In fact, the costly
process of formulating multidimensional business
problems (see section 2.2) should be supported by
predefined business content reflecting a
comprehensive collection of knowledge about
potential measures in a knowledge base. The
knowledge base stores the knowledge of diverse
business domains such as HRM, sales and financial
controlling. The measures should be defined clearly
and in case of derived measures also concise
calculation rules should be provided. Furthermore,
all potential dimensions and hierarchy levels to
analyze these measures should be stored in the
knowledge base. This means that the knowledge
base comprises all dimensions and hierarchy levels
that are reasonable from a business point of view.
This knowledge base then can serve to satisfy future
information needs. So beyond necessary technical
functionalities the predefined knowledge base is an
essential part of the system to be developed.
Therefore, the following first requirement for the
system can be derived.
(R1) The system must allow the collection and
management of knowledge about multidimensional
business problems.
Whereas the system should provide a
comprehensive and complete knowledge base about
multidimensional business problems within a
business domain, only a subset of this knowledge
base is relevant in specific DW projects. Therefore,
the system should support the user to ascertain the
information needs with the feature to identify and
select a relevant subset of the knowledge base. This
specified subset then is used to derive the respective
MD PIM. This objective leads to the following
system requirement.
(R2) The system must support the user in
selecting relevant measures and dimensions from the
provided knowledge base according to specific
information needs.
As elaborated before, the system should serve to
avoid misunderstandings between business and IT
professionals. Therefore, the usage of domain
specific business vocabulary is mandatory and
should be automatically transformed into a model
language, such as UML, which IT professionals can
easily understand and work with. This ensures a fail-
safe communication between business professionals
and IT professionals. Furthermore, media breaks are
diminished as the formulation of the
multidimensional information needs as well as the
generation of a MD PIM are integrated in one
system. According to the aforementioned objectives,
the system must meet the following requirements:
(R3) The system must represent the information
in ways understandable by IT professionals as well
as business professionals.
(R4) The system must automatically generate a
MD PIM based on the information needs of the
business professionals in a common
multidimensional model language.
The elaborated requirements are realized in a
software artifact which is introduced in the
4.1 Actors
As information systems are sociotechnical systems,
the definition of potential actors is necessary (De
Bruijn and Herder, 2009); (Bostrom et al., 2009).
According to the objectives of the system, it aims at
supporting business professionals and IT
professionals who are therefore two potential actors
of the system.
Business professionals represent the actual core
user of the system. They are employees of
organizations who want to execute multidimensional
analyses in their business domain. While they have
some idea of the information they want to generate
they are usually not experts of multidimensional
analysis or data warehouses. Their goal is to define
and formulate their multidimensional business
problem using domain specific concepts stored in
the system.
IT professionals are the persons tasked with
creating the DW. They usually have no or limited
specific domain knowledge and therefore depend on
the business professionals to provide them with their
information needs. The system provides the IT
professionals with understandable information by
generating a MD PIM.
Furthermore, the management of the
knowledgebase requires the definition of another
actor, the domain expert. Domain experts represent
persons who have a broad understanding of the
relevant business domains and hence of relevant
measures (their structure as well as their
dimensions). This actor type includes business
professionals as well as researchers and consultants
with wide experience in specific business domains.
The knowledge of the domain experts provides the
basis for the knowledge base integrated into the
system. Domain experts manage the knowledge
4.2 Components of the System
The underlying idea for the general design of the
system is to gather the knowledge of the domain
experts in a knowledge base which then can be
accessed and used by other business professionals in
order to generate a model the IT professional can
work with (Earl, 2001). For this the System must
provide three core functionalities: the management
of the knowledge base, the selection of measures and
dimensions (creating a MD requirements model) and
the model generation (creating a PIM). The overall
architecture of the system resulting from this design
choice is shown in figure 2. Each component is
further described in the following sections.
The repository comprises the knowledge base
and a collection of MD requirements models. The
knowledge base bases its models on the MD domain
meta model describing the structure of the concepts
in the domain and each MD requirements model is
based on the MD requirements meta model.
As such, a first step in the creation of a system
offering the required functionalities is the
representation of the problem domain in the system:
the MD domain meta model and the MD
Figure 2: Components of the system.
requirements meta model. There are three types of
primitives that make up the structure of these
models: concepts, properties and relations between
concepts. Concepts are central objects in the domain
(e.g. a dimension or a measure). Each concept can
have (one or more) properties. Each property has a
name and a value. Concepts can be related to each
other by relations. Relations are used for hierarchical
ordering of concepts as well as other semantic
meanings. For example the dimension “time” can be
viewed at the dimension level “day” and “month”
(hierarchical ordering), and the derived measure can
be derived from other measures.
The concepts of these meta models are shown in
figure 3. The main concept around which all other
concepts are centred is the measure. Measures
represent a numerical value uniquely determined by
the value of the dimensions that provide its context
(Chaudhuri and Dayal, 1997). Measures can be
differentiated into simple measures and derived
measures which are calculated using other measures.
Dimensions allow the representation of measures on
different aggregation levels.
The concept function can be used to categorize
measures into specific business functions. Each
function represents one business function and can be
associated to as many measures as are relevant for
that business function. Measures are not limited to
one specific function, but can be relevant to multiple
functions. The measures “actual working time” and
“target working time” are relevant in the business
function personnel retention as well as the business
function personnel planning for example. This
information is especially relevant for business
professionals as they search relevant measures for
the specific business problem they try to formulate.
The knowledge base stores the knowledge about
multidimensional business problems in entities that
are created based on the concepts defined in the MD
domain meta model. Known and useful measures,
calculation rules, dimensions and dimension levels
as well as the functional association relevant for a
business domain and relevant for multidimensional
business problems are specified and stored in the
system. For example, when the measure “actual
working time” is described in the knowledge base,
all potential dimensions such as time, region,
organization etc. with respective dimension levels
such as minute, hour, day, etc. are specified and
personnel functions are determined and associated.
Figure 3: Meta models used by the system.
These entities of the knowledge base also have their
properties assigned. While the properties used can
differ from concept to concept, generally they all
include a name and description property. Following
the previous example, the property “description” of
the measure contains a general description of this
measure allowing other actors to better understand
its meaning. Furthermore, the property “literature”
of a measure can contain bibliographic content
pointing to literature with comprising and detailed
definition of the measure. If a measure is derived
from other measures, the property calculation rule
contains the rule by which this measure is derived
from others. Beyond that, the source property of a
measure provides information about the source
systems from which a specific measure can be
The concepts cube and measure instance
depicted in the MD requirements meta model (figure
3) are relevant for representing specific information
needs contained in the MD requirements models.
The MD requirements models each link to a specific
part of the knowledge base according to the specific
information needs they represent. While the
knowledge base comprises the general knowledge
about multidimensional business problems within
different business domains, the specific information
needs of business professionals constitute a partition
of the whole knowledge base. By determining the
information needs, measures are instantiated with
specific dimensions and levels. As for example the
measure “actual working time” has the potential
dimension levels “minute”, “hour”, “day” up to
“year” stored in the knowledge base, a specific
information need comprises relevant dimension
levels on a more aggregated level from “day” up to
“year” neglecting the more granular levels. To allow
this the measure instance concept links between the
general measure and a specific dimension level at
which it is measured.
4.3 Core Functions
The system offers three core functions providing the
interaction of the actors with the system: the
management of the knowledge base, the selection of
requirement specific measures and the generation of
a platform independent model from the knowledge
base and the specific requirements.
The management component allows domain
experts to access the knowledge base and to create,
edit and delete respective entities. The domain
experts are able to define functions, measures,
dimensions and dimension levels and to specify the
respective properties such as name, description,
calculation rule, literature source etc.
Based on the knowledge stored in the knowledge
base, business professionals can select measures,
dimensions and dimension levels to define and
formulate their multidimensional business problem,
resulting the specific MD requirements models The
process of formulating multidimensional business
problems is facilitated by selecting relevant
measures and determining the needed level and
hence the business professional creates the MD
requirements model, which can be seen as a CIM
according to the MDA introduced in chapter 2.1.
Based on the MD requirements model and
further information available in the knowledge base,
a multidimensional platform independent model
(MD PIM) based on ADAPTed UML (Priebe and
Pernul, 2001) is generated. This model can then be
used by IT professionals for further development of
the DW.
4.4 Implementation Detail
The system architecture described is realized as a
web application created using Java technologies. In
the prototype the raw data managed in the repository
is saved in a graph database Neo4j (Neo Technology
inc., www. since the interconnected
concepts in the domain and requirements model
suggest that form of storage. Furthermore Neo4j
offers a simple and clearly defined API, allowing the
wrapping of nodes directly to java objects. The
different components of the system can then work
on those objects without having any knowledge of
the underlying persistence layer. The inference
mechanisms needed by the selection and generation
components are achieved by extending the java
objects, i.e. adding new methods that will support
the inference based on the underlying graph nodes
and relations. For example the measure instance
“actual working time” gathered at the level “day” is
also available at all aggregated levels such as
“week”, “month” and “year” which are inferred by
the method. In the database the node representing
the measure instance “actual working time”
specified at the level “day” is only connected to the
node of the dimension level “day”. By traversing the
graph the system can then infer the other dimension
levels available for the measure.
The representation on the client side is achieved
by different dynamic pages. They allow users to
access the management functionality of the
knowledge base as well as the selection and
generation component.
The generation component furthermore allows a
visual representation of PIMs in the ADAPTed
UML notation on the dynamic page, as well as the
export of these models as an XML document, so that
they can be further edited with independent
modeling tools.
The prototype implemented so far contains a
comprehensive knowledge base for the business
domain Human Resource Management (HRM). A
comprehensive literature review in the domain of
HRM was performed. To identify relevant literature
a keyword search using a scholarly Internet search
engine (, several scholarly
online databases (ABI/Inform, Business Source
Premier, Scopus, and Science Direct) and online-
libraries was employed. Search terms such as “
HRM” and “controlling” in combination with
“metrics” or “measures” as well as “recruiting” or
“performance” were applied. The literature review
revealed 208 domain specific HR measures such as
“headcount”, “level of overtime” or “absence quote”
with nine dimensions such as “organization”, “time”
or “communication channel”. Within every
dimension detailed hierarchies are stored which
reflect the most granular and widest possible spread
of the respective dimension. Also heterarchies,
parallel hierarchies and different path lengths are
possible. The dimension “time” for example
contains “minutes” as the most granular level and
can be aggregated into “weeks”, “month” and
“years” also considering the specific aggregation of
“days” in “weeks” and in “months”. To give an
example considering the knowledge base: The
measure “actual working time” can be analyzed via
the dimensions “time”, “organization”, “employee”
and “region” where all of these dimensions contain
comprehensive hierarchies such as depicted for the
dimension “time”. Furthermore a clear definition of
the measure “actual working time” is provided. The
“actual working time” is a simple measure and has
no calculation rule. But the “level of overtime” for
example uses the “actual working time” and rates
this against the “target working time” which is
defined in the respective calculation rule. Beyond
that, it is also possible to enter the source system in
which the measure or part of the measures are
stored. If for example the “actual working time” is
so far stored in Excel files, this information can be
entered into the system so as to provide the IT
professionals with information for the ETL-process
in the DW project.
The screenshots provided in figure 4 represent
the functionality to select certain measure instances
(a) and to specify the needed dimension levels (b)
Figure 4: Screenshots of the prototype.
and the generated MD PIM using ADAPTed UML
In order to support the business professional with
the selection of relevant measures, the measures
within the domain model are structured based on HR
functions derived from the Michigan Approach
(Tichy et al., 1982). This is a well known and wide
spread approach to categorize HR functions and is
relevant for practice as well as for research. Hence,
this categorization supports the business professional
to select the relevant measures and diminishes the
costs of structuring specific multidimensional
business problems. The possibility to select relevant
measures and relevant dimensions supports the
ascertainment of user requirements. Furthermore,
domain experts can also expand the knowledge base
in case new requirements appear.
In the screenshot (figure 4, a), the two measures
“actual working time” and “target working time”
associated to the HR function personnel retention are
selected. As these measures are relevant for multiple
HR functions such as personnel retention, personnel
planning and cost planning for example, these
measures can be found within all of these HR
functions. The business professional selects these
two measures from one of the mentioned HR
functions and further determines the relevant
hierarchy levels by selecting the appropriate
dimension level (figure 4, b). The functionality of
the system is demonstrated for the case that the
“actual working time” and the “target working time”
should be analyzed from multiple perspectives such
as time and organizational unit (among others).
Depending on the information needs the aggregation
levels can be flexibly selected such as for example
the dimension level “day” (and higher levels) within
the dimension “time” and the dimension level
“position” (and higher levels) within the dimension
“organizational unit” (figure 4, b). In a last step the
IT professional can trigger the model generation and
receives a conceptual multidimensional data model
in ADAPTed UML (figure 4, c), the MD PIM. IT
professionals can use this model to further
implement the DW. The XML-export function also
allows the export of the specific requirements model
into a modeling tool.
It could be demonstrated that the developed
prototype supports the specification of user
requirements concerning the formulation of
multidimensional business problems. The business
professionals can work with the predefined
knowledge base and specify a requirements model
using their familiar business terms. This
requirements model then serves as a basis for the
generation of the MD PIM. Due to the knowledge
base, time intensive and hence costly processes of
ascertaining information needs and of formulating
the multidimensional business problems can be
avoided. Furthermore the communication with the
IT professional can be improved since the business
professional still works in his business domain using
domain specific vocabulary and the conceptual
model for the IT professional can be generated
automatically. The HR business professional works
only with concepts known in the HR domain and
does not have to think about e.g. parallel hierarchies
or the number of cubes to model. All the concepts
are provided within a predefined knowledge base
familiar to the HR business professional. Given the
generated MD PIM, the DW development process
can further take advantage of the transformation
steps demonstrated by Mazón and Trujillo (2008)
and Gluchowski, Kurze and Schieder (2009).
Nevertheless, there are some limitations and
further work to be done. First of all, the developed
system has to be evaluated by professionals within
DW projects. The evaluation could for example be
based on the Technology Acceptance Model (Davis,
1989) or the Information System Success Model
(DeLone and McLean, 2003) to research acceptance
and success of the system.
Furthermore, it is obvious that the knowledge
base, especially its completeness, is essential for the
applicability and success of the prototype. So far, the
prototype only contains HR measures, dimensions
and dimension levels found in literature. It is
planned to integrate the knowledge of domain
experts that are business professionals as well as
researchers or consultants in the specific business
domain into the knowledge base. For this purpose
the prototype will be provided via web so the
domain experts can access the system and
incorporate their knowledge and enter measures,
definitions, calculation rules, dimensions and
dimension levels. To ensure the consistency and
validity of the system, an authorization and releasing
concept for the changes made by the domain experts
has to be worked out and implemented. So far only
the HRM domain is implemented but other business
domains such as sales or financial controlling can be
integrated as well.
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